View Full Version : sonatine

01-18-2012, 12:45 PM
I will laugh my ass off the day you die of a massive heart attack

you are a demented, morbidly obese pedophile

I see no redeeming qualities in your 'personality'

you aren't funny or clever

you are a cancer

enjoy your shitty life surfing disgusting images

looking forward to reading about your death choking on your own vomit

fat piece of shit

01-18-2012, 12:51 PM
hey does everyone remember when sonatine posted that pic of a deformed kid sucking off some senior citizen ?


that was fucking hilarious

01-18-2012, 01:43 PM
oh and say whatever you want about me but...

fact of the matter is that you pollute the pages of these sites with filth.

you don't inspire anybody with your demented crap

shame you are so into warped sexual imagery. I consider you a smart person, most certainly more brains and saavy than 99% of the fucking idiots that post on these terrible sites

very depressing to see you define yourself as 'that guy' who is the sexual deviant who adds no good karma or fire to any discussions

you assume such a prominent role on like 4 fag sites, and offer nothing.

My humble opinion is that you aren't a good person at all, you are basically a disgusting pedophile wannabee

Nice sig on DD you are all proud that I gave you props for being semi-intelligent. Shame you direct all your creative energies toward dark and unsettling imagery

yea I know you didn't read any of that

say something clever motherfucker

01-18-2012, 02:14 PM
like I said previously

say whatever you want about me..

but I really despise individuals that think promoting filth is somehow 'funny'

sonatine may be this 'laid back' pseudo-intellectual, thats all fine and dandy

point is, that his only contributions on these fucked up fragmented forums are all defined by weird and perverted homo erotic trash

I see ZERO good karma from you on these boards Sonatine

Go sodomize your cat asshole

01-18-2012, 02:53 PM
I will predict his response>>

pony pic and some dismissive one liner redirect

not acknowledging that his entire repertoire' is defined by filth and non-cerebral nonsense

God it must suck to be obese AND intellectually inferior

01-18-2012, 04:45 PM
bump this bitch

01-18-2012, 04:50 PM
bump this bitch


01-18-2012, 06:06 PM
I will predict his response>>

pony pic and some dismissive one liner redirect

not acknowledging that his entire repertoire' is defined by filth and non-cerebral nonsense

God it must suck to be obese AND intellectually inferior


<Ripptyde64> anyway I just wanted to give you some props for your posts....you really have a unique way with words and as a fellow writer I am humbled
<Ripptyde64> lol I just like your style. there are so many useless and moronic poster on these forums and you are vastly superior in quality, form and content.

Question.. do you feel your fetal alcohol syndrome lessened the impact from having your father's biological brother use you as a sex toy, or did it amplify your disassociation disorder?

01-18-2012, 06:26 PM
yea pretty much the response I expected from you

I already conceded that you are a skilled writer. Yes I know you are so proud of yourself that I gave you kudos for it.

Not sure what point you are trying to prove by bolding quotes from old quotes. I am not denying you are one of the smarter posters on these shitholes, so your little copy and paste job doesn't really mean anything

I think despite your verbal prowess, you are also a sexual deviant, and a bored, fat , middle aged creep who masturbates frequently to God knows what

You have been infecting all of these sites with your homo-erotic imagery to the point now where they are all unreadable. No I am not assigning you all the blame for widespread forum collapse, but you leave a huge shit stain of filth and unpleasantness wherever you post.

You are not inspiring or thought provoking. Your juvenile and glib contributions are so very forgettable.

So in a feeble attempt to solidify your rep as a marquis contributor, you define it with gay porn and condescending one liner brain dead bullshit.

I am literally starving for some brain food, and you offer zero. There is nothing compelling or memorable or unique about you whatsoever, other than your obvious sexual insecurities and peculiar fetishes.

In other words, I pity you for being such a shallow and juvenile non contributor.

Post some more gay porn in response you fucking peasant

01-18-2012, 06:29 PM
JJJJJAYMES.. do you like your life?

01-18-2012, 06:37 PM
Oh and I am not quite done yet

sorry but I don't think posting disgusting shit is 'funny'

Sonatine you and I go back farther than these geeks realize. I didn't like you over 3 years ago when I outted your retarded dupe, and I don't like you now.

In fact I have never liked you. I think you are a diseased tub of shit who has some SERIOUS repressed sexual fetishes.

You don't even make positive contributions on these sites.

You're entire M.O. is posting shock porn and offering nothing in return

like I said

hurry the fuck up and drop dead of a heart attack and get it over with

01-18-2012, 06:39 PM

01-18-2012, 06:44 PM
how i keep my teeth so shiny and new is my secret formula toothpaste, that I'll share with you now. I use a 5:2 mixture of Uncle semen and jim beam, mixed with love.

01-18-2012, 06:49 PM

<Ripptyde64> anyway I just wanted to give you some props for your posts....you really have a unique way with words and as a fellow writer I am humbled
<Ripptyde64> lol I just like your style. there are so many useless and moronic poster on these forums and you are vastly superior in quality, form and content.

Question.. do you feel your fetal alcohol syndrome lessened the impact from having your father's biological brother use you as a sex toy, or did it amplify your disassociation disorder?

you obviously do give a fuck.

you have spent thousands of hours on these (3) fragmented sites letting the world know that you are a closet child molester via your unique brand of 'tongue in cheek' humor

you and your 2 fans can grab each others cocks and blow hot loads into your respective mouths for all I care

01-18-2012, 06:52 PM
LOL @ "Sonatine'

this is one of the 'marquis' posters now on these ghost towns

that is what you fucking retards have been reduced to

think about it

so sad

01-18-2012, 08:38 PM
Some compelling arguments here and I'd like to get Blake's thoughts on the matter.

01-18-2012, 09:38 PM
Awesome, can't compete with this but I fully endorse

tony bagadonuts
01-18-2012, 09:45 PM
Your juvenile and glib contributions are so very forgettable.

Tyde is on fire, but there is nothing wrong with juvenile and glib contributions IMO.

DRK Star
01-18-2012, 11:37 PM
you obviously do give a fuck.

you have spent thousands of hours on these (3) fragmented sites letting the world know that you are a closet child molester via your unique brand of 'tongue in cheek' humor

you and your 2 fans can grab each others cocks and blow hot loads into your respective mouths for all I care


You have completely missed the point of Sonatine's post. His creativity in finding the perfect Pony video, combined with quotes that YOU YOURSELF posted, took probably under 1 minute to compile, but combined, he completely and thoroughly clowned you. He DOESNT care. He just knows he can own you any time he feels, and do so with very little effort.

God Bless

01-19-2012, 01:53 AM
Some compelling arguments here and I'd like to get Blake's thoughts on the matter.


Suicide King
01-19-2012, 01:57 AM
Real talk Marty. Sonatine rolled me for an Ipod nano. truer words have never been spoken

01-19-2012, 02:49 AM
Said the guy who refuses to cohost my radio show

01-19-2012, 02:57 AM
Sonatine/SK/Razor Radio?

Right now?

Lets bring some shits

01-19-2012, 07:09 AM
Sonatine/SK/Razor Radio?

Right now?

Lets bring some shits

There is literally no way in this reality or any other that this is not an amazing idea.

Joel Gertner
01-20-2012, 12:55 AM

"She once tried to call me a deviant

But she's always been quick to give consent

Cause when she sees I'm harder than cement

She uncontrollably begins her descent

To get on her knees to repent

And proceeds to get spread and bent

Because that's how she pays her son's rent"


01-20-2012, 04:19 AM
There was a man called Dave

Who kept a dead whore in a cave

He said "I admit

I am a bit of a shit

But think of the money I save".
