View Full Version : me and gambowl are smartest then all of you

01-24-2012, 10:03 PM
Gambowl and I, I meant to say, are smartest then all of you.

but me are smarter than Gambowl. Deal.

Awhile back, when I mistakenly believed I had acquired an immune deficiency syndrome (in it's earliest stage), I was furious because I was not being hysterical and I had every right to be hysterical. You see, the government gave me the AIDS - not, though you could be forgiven for forgiving the cute-as-fuck child prostitute who briefly interrupted my adventure to go out and purchase an item a few blocks away - I repeat, not - the child.

You see, it was nothing more than a mere dosing mishap. I had been addicted to the government's poison for some time, and the problem with being addicted to the government's poisons, is you get drunk and shit. But then I'm talking about a different, far more profitable (for the governments), brand of poison. Though it is, always, hilarious when imbeciles say things like "the only reason alcohol is legal is because they can tax it". Imbeciles.

The only reason alcohol is legal is because you wouldn't drink it if it wasn't Spammed in your stupid face every time you go to stuff your stupid face at a restaurant, petrol station, convenience store or supermarket. Morons who think they're smart will think something like "yeah? what about the Great Experiment dumbazz."

What about it. Alcohol had no competition, during Prohibition. But then of course, you're probably too dumb to understand how - organised - organised crime is. You're probably too dumb to understand how it managed to organise itself, in the first place. Or stay so organised.

The Wire is ethical is ways The Sopranos is stupid but then The Wire only hints at the truth about who owns the inner-city corners, of every city in the world. Where, funnily enough, the government's poisons are sold as easily as a junkie can stumble along and be hit up by government's Spam. For most of my life, I made lame jokes about how the government was so stupid they would fail to control Controlled Substances - but then I was a moron, of course.

You're the morons, of course. The government controls everything, and nothing. It would depend on your philosophical position, on whether middle management have power or not. They have power over you, but then you're pretty powerless. I know that's why you're so tough, of course. And so willing to prove it, when kids like me who aren't exactly as tough as you, run our filthy little motor mouths. So many tough morons, who get themselves into reverse free-rolls thinking they can prove how tough they are by beating up on someone they're expected to be able to 'handle' - without bursting into tears, or generating ridicule from spectators. I'm not tough. I've never thrown a punch in 30 years. But I have run my suicidal mouth my entire life. And it's funny, I've never been punched or forced to dodge one in 30 years.

Except for Aun's, of course. But then she hit like a girl. 38 kg of lol. I laughed, out loud. Which made her angrier, so she punched me 'harder'. And I laughed even harder. Which made her angrier. Recursion is a bitch. And usually ends in sex.

Unlike the other night, when Aun's new b/f (I swear to god, the coolest fucking guy I've ever met in my life - dashing, loaded, funny, charming, disarming [it was not Aun that twisted my arm - but then, I am so stupid when I do that] and an Australian) - who has now whisked her off to Sydney to live (poor little bitch, and I'm not talking about Aun) finally broke down my terrified rejections of endless invites to join their non-stop partying - which I understand didn't stop for a month - and, against all judgement, I risked coming face-to-face with Power one final time. At which point, I understand the party stopped. I stopped the party. But then I had no motive and never have had one, to stop a party. I was just afraid, and so I left. And the party stopped.

Let me tell you the god damn Truth about Power. This is Power. This is Aun. She has a b/f who is probably perfect - superior to me in every measurable way - with the possible exception of sheer brain torque. I say "possible", because it's very hard to know whether he was being brighter than I am capable of or not, when - for 6 straight hours - he insisted I sleep with his girl.

There were lots of girls there, and everyone was sleeping with everyone. But then I'd 'been' to one of Aun's parties before. I brushed off his early invitations with casual good humour; I understood, he was just being polite. No one who offers their girl to you actually wants you to sleep with them, but then maybe you think this guy is a douchebag who thinks he - owns - his g/f, and delegates who she sleeps with or doesn't. He isn't.

He was just the messenger.

I realised this somewhere in-between hour 4 and 5, when his insistence became desperation - and horrified, I started to make plans to escape. Pending ability to stand, walk in a straight line, etc. He asked me to sleep with Aun maybe 60-70 times, and that's a fact. And in terror, at realising what was going on there, I ran.

No one wants anyone to sleep with their girl - that - much. If at all. But then Aun wants what she cannot have. And she cannot have...sanity.

That's Power for you. And it's now in Sydney. Where she is going to kill some people, but hopefully not this guy - because this guy is one of the coolest guys in the world.

I think he's going to die.

I briefly considered warning him, but it's hard to explain to people who are victims of mind control, that they are puppets. He believed nothing was more important to him - in the world - than getting me to sleep with his g/f. Who he is completely in love with. But then that was where his life took a horrible turn for the worse.

You'd think it would be easy to make this argument (to insanity, that they are insane), but then I've been telling people they were victims of mind control my entire life. And I've never - once - been successful.

My parents ratted me out to their Middle Men of Religious Extremism. lolz. In the New Yorker, a reviewer of Mission Impossible 5(? - who gives a fuck) joked about the ridiculous 'plot'. A "nuclear extremist" is threatening the world, apparently. The reviewer quipped something like "as opposed to a nuclear moderate?" You can make the same point, about religion. The Children of God were an Apocalyptic Religious Sex cult, sure. But then only because they believed the Bible was the literal Word of God. Except for the parts, I brought to their 'attention' - with 'confused' questions. I got backhanded, when I did that. Barely hurt, but then I'm a wimp who cries when I'm backhanded - if only to sell the sell. I don't cry when whores backhand me, but then only because the backhands of whores make you bleed. Fact.

The irony of whores who sleep with everyone (Google "CoG Flirty Fishing" for a glimpse of my earliest childhood memories) still wearing their wedding rings, was not lost on me. Neither was the irony of morons who have 12 children per whore, whilst waiting for the fires of the Apocalypse (which were - literally - expected "this weekend", for my entire childhood).

Only whores can make me bleed, historically. Whores who wear wedding rings whilst forgetting they have a penchant for backhanding children who ask questions they can't answer; and nurses who have the nerve to ridicule my tears and shrieks, when they aim for a vein, and somehow miss. I'm not a heroin junkie, for christ's sake. Though I would be, if I wasn't so brilliant that I could run rings around Middle Men of Religion for near on a decade - playing brilliant emotional games that precluded their 'caring' for me, at least in that way. They cared a great deal about me, but not amorously. So I got exorcised routinely, because Jesus can't hold onto a W. But then I wasn't - actually - possessed; with anything except a desire not to be 'cared' for. I was a genius little freak creep. I wouldn't know how I know these things, but I knew - somehow - I needed to strike first, or I'd be toast.

01-24-2012, 10:04 PM
You'd be toast if you ran into Aun. Aun burns everyone. The trick with emotional games is - and always has been - to strike first. Strike first and you might not lose as badly. But then I'm not talking about games which can be won. Aun is the happiest person alive, you would think - idiotically. Aun is just like you, just like anyone, but just better - at everything. Which means she's more miserable, but better at faking the illusion of being so fabulously carefree.

But I wanted to talk about how Gambowl and I are brighter than you creeps, and we are.

Last year, as you may or may not recall, I caught the AIDS of government. I had tried to unhand their creepy hands off of me, because I hate dependency. But I was a being a moron, because I forgot why I'd become addicted to poisonous 'pain relief', in the first place. After 3 weeks of horrifying withdrawal, I had unhanded - successfully. And then I felt like a moron, because - would you believe - I was not taking pain relievers for 'fun'. You can't 'fix' a junkie addicted to pain relief, because they're not killing themselves with poison for fun. And the reason junkies go straight back to poison, is because they were not insane in the first place. You would be, if you thought their problem was the poisons, rather than their pain.

Pain came flooding back, with sobriety. And laughing at my idiocy, I placed an order with one of the government's criminal street-level dealers, for poison. The thing about poison, though - when it is 'illicit' - is that criminals make it and government individuals profit from it. I couldn't care less who profits from my pain, so long as they don't kill me in the process. Or give me the AIDS. I got the AIDS, because I overdosed - quite accidentally - but then these things are very hard and if I have to explain why, I'd rather just shoot you.

I ambled off to run an errand, and came to in an alley believing - quite rationally - that I had the AIDS. It's what happens, one assumes, when you have unprotected sex with a street prostitute - who one assumes, is a street prostitute because she cannot get a job with one of Bangkok's 60,000 (gut guess) brothels which employ the majority of Bangkok's 1.1 million (WHO, or NGO figure I read somewhere) exploited children or former exploited children in Bangkok's sex industry. At what point do exploited children stop being exploited by their pimps? Never, if they're profitable. Not even when they're 22 (but then there aren't many of those, for reasons which should be obvious). They'll be exploited as long as they still love their pimps, until the day they are no longer profitable as criminal prostitutes servicing the world's johns. I've yet to meet a child that doesn't adore their parents. Some really damaged children will try and kill you for saying a bad word about their mothers. Hitchcock tried to warn you, but then you're a moron who thought the psycho in Psycho was a psychopath. Wrong. He was a child with a mother who loved him, much like yours.

Psychopaths aren't dangerous, unless you threaten them. What possible motive could they have to hurt you, otherwise? They only care about themselves, they are immune to their mothers' sleaze. They're dangerous, of course, to the psychiatric industry. That's why they've been character assassinated. Hitchcock was likely being ironic, because there are no psychos in the movie "Psycho". No one in that movie is that lucky, and neither are you.

I have tried to - suggest - very gently, to the cuter of Bangkok's exploited children, that their parents haven't really done enough - for long enough - to warrant their absolute love and devotion and the entirety of their (somewhat dangerously, and painfully) earned earnings. I stopped doing that dumb shit, very quickly. Needless to say, it's not only demented retards on basketball courts who might kill you for suggesting the truth about their mothers. Exploited children who were pulled out of school by their able-bodied parents at 12 or 13, having been psychologically 'prepped' for years prior for their 'mission'; and sent to the goldmines of Bangkok and Pattaya in order to make money literally the only way a 12 or 13 year old girl can -- could very well kill you for saying a bad word about their mothers, as well. At best, they'll just be horrified. They'll tell you, why you're being horrifying!

After all, their mothers and fathers and extended relatives have done so much for them. It's the least they can do.

These grownups are often under 30 and able-bodied, of course (ignoring the inevitable 'sick' aunt - chronically, or terminally, one imagines because those bitches literally never get better no matter how much the children frantically send home - so I suggested "kill the sick bitches, put them out of their misery" on ThaiVisa forum one day - but then that's a pretty quick way to get banned, because it's pretty offensive of course. Everyone knows 12 year old girls being exploited by sick/'sick' aunts, is fine. Using offensive words like "bitches", is way out of line. Censor / hammer-ban time.) But for 12 or 13 years (take 5 years of prepping), they did "so much for their daughters", it truly is sweet. Don't you agree?

Isan's pimps simply strike first. And the skyscrapers that pay homage to the sex Mecca that is the red-light district of greater Bangkok (which no police officer has ever seen) lick their lips, and say "Thank you."

Christ, Bangkok's police are so corrupt - this is what everyone says, non-stop. It's funny, I've come into contact with maybe 50-60 police officers in Bangkok. I have been extorted 0 times. I have been treated with respect, dignity and cordiality (even when - quite dangerously, or it would be if they weren't champions - I believed undercover cops were Spammers, when they instructed me to come over to them in Thai and I told them to fuck off in a language and tone that anyone in the world would interpret correctly) only 100% of the time. I have been forced to pay 0 baht in fines, although when I was very stupid and drunk once, I attempted to pay 500 instead of a 2000 baht fine for littering (smoking butt) and for smoking (prior to the littering) in a subway station. I'm a moron, obviously. And moronically, because I believe I may have had something like 20 million baht at the time, I did something impossibly stupid and tried to save 1500 believing - idiotically - it would be in both of our mutual best interests. The police officer, who - quite justifiably - was insulted, didn't baton me, or arrest me or even raise his voice. He just gave me the sternest look that shamed me to my bones, and I quickly paid the 2000 fine for which he handed me the official receipt (i.e. he makes 0, and retains his dignity).

I lost mine the day I got confused enough to start exploiting disparities, just because I could. That's a terrible reason to do something, by the way. But then what reasons did your Mother use to get you to do things, when you were little? I'm serious, I want you to list them.

"Do it for Mommy, honey."

"Just because I said so, okay."

"Because your mother knows best, that's why."

"Make me proud, honey!" or "I'm so proud of you, my little Sailor Man."

At which point, if I know a thing or two about seamen (and I do), you beamed with satisfaction. One of your first highs, you little junkie. 4 years old and addicted to emotional validation already.

But then I'm getting distracted (but not really). I was talking about why Gamble-Bot and I are brighter than you. Because I am one of the biggest morons alive, especially when I'm drunk. And drunk, I have moronically had unprotected sex with whores in countries all over the world, but mostly I've had unprotected sex with whores in Australia - who were the most dangerous of all whores - because they are whores who don't make you pay. Which is stupid, on every level - but then entirely understandable, because they're in denial. They're addicted to emotional validation, which means they're addicted to sex because that's where pretty girls who are told by their fathers that they are the prettiest little princess in the world - all 3 billion of them - end up. But then this Society is very creepy and cheeky, so they feel bad about their addictions. And this gets truly horrifying, but then you'd have to sleep with a few of them to start being horrified by the fact that - all - of them, say the same thing:

"I literally never do this. I can't believe I'm doing this!" (as their clothes fly into walls, of bedrooms or alleys - minutes after meeting them, intriguing them or impressing them if only to slam the door shut - at which point, they will be compelled to prove they're 'good enough' for you - horrifying, but true).


6 words of perfect truth, but then the most important of the 6 (and the one which is usually overlooked) is the 4th. You cannot go around ignoring or insulting girls into sleeping with you, but it's funny when morons who read "The Game" or don't - get - Max Tucker, try and do exactly that. Try it sometime and let me know how you go.

01-24-2012, 10:05 PM
You need to make them keen. Then you slam the door in their face. Then they will fall over themselves trying to impress you. Or, if you are me (and no one is that unlucky, but me - and Aun), you might just fall in love.

Aun literally never does this. She can't believe she's doing this. Falling for you, I mean. As you fall for her, on Day 1, 2 or - if you're a freak - Day 3. And long before you realise your 'mistake', she'll have slammed the door in your face - and bang, that's all she wrote.

Literally, you'll never hear from her again. If you're lucky. But no one is lucky enough, to take the hint. Bumhurt, confused, bewildered, you'll try to make sense of it. There's no sense, you moron. This is humanity's corruption. We want what we can't have. The second Aun knows she can have you, she doesn't want you. She'll move on. And guys kill themselves, it's funny. If they're lucky. If they're unlucky, they have some tricks up their sleeves. Aun wants what she can't have, so if you want her - and by god you will - you've got to pull off a miracle. Easier said than done, but then you're not me. I don't say things. I just do them. Later, I talk about the stupidity. And morons think I'm 'bragging'.

I've slept with so many whores looking for a fairy tale, long after I no longer believed in fairy tales (but it doesn't hurt to hope, surely?) - that's exactly what it will do, when you're chasing Fantasy, in Reality. Someone like Aun (who is a freelancer, i.e. a glorified prostitute, but is so smart she's never invoiced anyone for sex) will make you think your dreams have come true. She's too good for you, you know this. Everyone fucking knows this. Morons try and pay her, decently. And Aun does a very indecent and impossibly brilliant thing, if you're decent enough to even contemplate - realistically - that she's not sleeping with you, for you. She'll be horrified, and you'll be mortified, she will storm out - leaving you holding your pathetic money hating yourself, and hating it, because you found your idiotic dream, and insulted her by assuming she was a whore.


You know what happens at that point, right? Guys literally throw money at her. She'll refuse it, but then she'll take presents - if you insist. And guys insist. They're in love. They know money is worthless, they just can't believe they've found their dream. In disbelief, they'll empty their bank balances in gratitude - whatever it takes, because humans who are deluded aren't really crazy. They just appear to be.

If they're bright, or intelligent, they will really try hard to be. It's crazy, I know. But then tell me something I don't know. I'll tell you something you don't know: Nobody likes feeling like a creep. And that's what you will feel like, non-stop; if you're intelligent, and trapped in a world of creeps who will not tolerate non-creeps telling Truth to them. By god, you will Lie to your friends, or else.

Or else, you won't have any.

And you will let pretty girls lie to themselves, idiotically; or you will not sleep with any.

They literally never sleep with anybody. They can't believe they're sleeping with somebody.

They believe it. No matter how many times they say it before sex. But you'd be stupid to believe it. Put on a condom, and something horrifying happens - which no one talks about. They will literally be so offended, they'll try and convince you not to wear one. After all, they know they're 'safe' (they've hardly slept with anyone) and the fact that you put one on when they didn't make you (and literally no girls make you - fact) means they know you're safe. So it's safe, for everyone. See?

They literally never sleep with anybody.

They're not saying that stupid shit for your 'benefit'. The only person dumb enough to believe shit that stupid, is them. And that's when things get horrifying, and I'm not talking about girls in denial who blush when they admit - 'shamefully' - that they've had sex with 7 or 17 guys (such hussies!) when the reality is they've had sex with 607 or 817. Fact.

It's horrifying - and it's always horrified me - because when I'm drunk, I'm too stupid to be plausible. I've slept with so many whores and whores-who-despise-whores-enough-to-sleep-with-you-for-free, without protection, it's simply horrifying. I've been horrified my entire life, to the point where - trying to save my life - I swore an oath to donate $1000 to charity, every time I fucked up. I fucked up so many times, roughly similar to how many times I had sex (you'd have gone for a terrible pun there, but then I tried and couldn't make it happen - fuck my life), that I had to break my oath. Or face going bankrupt.

I knew sooner or later, this shit was going to kill me. STD statistics aren't exactly...promising. Look up the % figures, for AIDS, HepC, herpes, etc. If you're too lazy, look up the numbers for herpes. Something like 80% of sexually active children and young adults have herpes or are transmitters.

The maths are so horrifying, it's implausible. And I have been vocal about how implausible the %s are, a dozen times before Gamble was the first person who'd ever confirmed my awkward theory.

Someone is lying.

Gamble told me, in an effort to chill me out when I - knew - I had the AIDS. As it turned out, I didn't. Aside from some Hong Kong dong, which takes an embarrassed visit to a doc who writes out a script for a single pill which clears up that shit in less than a day, I've never caught - anything. The statistics are implausible to the point of being impossible, but then you probably don't understand the numbers involved - or the unfathomable stupidity that is me, when I'm lost in romantic delusions (and I'll fall in love with a Russian prostitute, quite easily - this has literally happened a dozen times).

That script for gonorrhea (which is about as horrifying as a stomach bug, but then no stomach bug I've ever had could be cleared up with a single pill in a day - more's the pity), is a script I could literally just write myself after a Google search (but then that's the key, which turns the lock of your brain - if you have one - to the entire conspiracy / mystery).

Because this is a Society which is happy for you to get gonorrhea without seeing a doctor, but to clear it up, you better hope you're not stuck in a country which doesn't speak English or you could literally die from Society's 'caring'. And I almost did, in Macau - when I tried 3 times in a week to get this stupid script and almost died, in the end (or believed I was going to) when Society's creepy spun way out of control. I spent a day in an emergency room unable to communicate to a Triage Nurse, that I was almost dying. I didn't have a broken hip, or a nasty gash, did I? And old person after old person got shuttled through ahead of me, as the fever soared to dangerous levels. Oh it was dangerous, because I had become delusional with fever. At one point, I didn't know where I was. So I tried to find out, and in doing so, almost walked off a cliff near whatever Macau hospital I was 'escaping' from.

Only because Society 'cared' to insult me, mind! Because you're allowed to catch gonorrhea, but you're not allowed to go to a pharmacy and buy the cure. You have to see a doctor, for that. You could really hurt yourself, prescribing yourself antibiotics. Do you see? Sex is fine. Catch any STD you want. But then they'll stand in the way, between you and the cure.

Society creates pain. Then stands in the way, between pain and pain relief. Because they 'care'.

I don't know what the reality of the STI figures truly are. But I know statistics. And it's not 'possible' that they're lying about the true figures, I'm telling you - as fact - that they're lying. Gamble knew it. I knew it.

But we didn't have a motive. Or if Gamble knew why, he was playing coy. Without a motive, our conversation petered out, and I remained certain I had the AIDS - and remained depressed, terrified and wallowing in self-hatred - for only six months. During which time, I took a lot of pain relief. Ca-ching.

But that's not the motive. Or it's not - the - motive. I know what the motive is. Gamble and I are brighter than you are, and I'm brighter than Gamble (or anyone, if only after spending 15 years being one of the biggest morons alive).

But of course, even when moronic and in pain and confused to the point where I started exploiting disparities in intelligence I've been - painfully - aware of the existence of, since I was 5; for only the second of two times (lifetime - the first was when I started sleeping with girls, forgetting why I wasn't willing to play the games I've known about since I was playing them at 7 - I imagined myself to be too 'decent' or not 'sleazy' or something hilarious, but then sleeping alone for years can play tricks on you) - I could still do this to you:


01-24-2012, 10:05 PM
I'm not bragging, morons. I've never been in as much pain as when I forgot that you cannot be happy, creating misery - talk about logical fails. It's a real shame 7 billion people are doing it, on account of their inability to do logic, but then I know who's to 'blame' for your inability to do logic. What's your whore mother's name?

I'm not blaming her. There is no such thing as 'blame'. It's a stupid fallacy. Because everyone wants to be good and everyone loves their children. Stupid people fuck their children up because they're terrible parents. And if you haven't noticed, this is a world which rewards terrible parents, who breed.

Australia got really creepy once, giving out $5000 baby bonuses. Have a baby, get a $5000 cash prize! Fact.

I was so horrified, because if you're the sort of girl who has a baby for $5000, you shouldn't be allowed to breed. But then I was in denial, because I already knew (from the age of 10 or 11) that humans were bred - literally - to breed. Terrible mothers are created, and then given incentives to become mothers. The Australian government will give child mothers all the 'support' they need, I swear to god. They'll pay for 15 year old mothers pregnant with their 2nd child, all the cash they need for ciggies and booze for as long as their children live - or until they have children of their own. And they will, likely at a young age. Or maybe you're missing the entire point?

Which is, the government hasn't ever heard of food stamps. The Australian government literally pays terrible mothers to breed. I knew this, already; but I was in denial. I was 11 when I found out the government knew all about me. I was 11 when my world came crashing down, and I knew I had to kill myself because the state was not - as I'd believed - coming to save me, at all. They were complicit, partnered with the cult, in enslaving innocent children - who were not being sent to school. Which is against the 'law', in Australia, of course. But then you probably don't know the first thing about the Law. Maybe I'll explain the Law to you sometime; but it would require another essay. Suffice it to say, that without Law, there wouldn't be any crimes of passion - there wouldn't be any insanity.

Because the Law is as creepy as suggestively up-selling Spam has ever been. Magistrates (who will never have honour until they explain the 'peculiarity' that is their asserting that murder, rape, molestation, assault, violent crimes and exploitation etc - can be SANE and/or IN YOUR BEST INTERESTS).

That's exactly what they're asserting. It's the entire - point - of Law. Humans who act in their own best interests do not murder, rape, molest, assault or exploit other humans. Doing those things is never in your best interests. Fact. Which makes every "crime of passion" provably insane. But filthy judges will reject "insanity pleas" over 99% of the time.

Because they believe they have an interest in asserting that someone who kills their daughters for dishonoring their family name (as a Canadian judge is 'attempting' to adjudicate presently) by hanging out with boys...are completely sane. As if they could possibly be. You see?

That's the motive, for the conspiracy of ludicrously ridiculous falsified STD / STI % figures. Or don't you understand why little girls are so obsessed with making you not wear a condom? They're clean, at least, they believe they are. They're horrified at your suggestion (implied) that they would be diseased sluts, when you try and put on a condom.

Everyone is so obsessed with wearing condoms to protect against STDs, that everyone forgets the real reason why you should be wearing condoms.

And Society - in all it's brilliant creepy - create this terror purely because religion and the state believe it's in their best interests to create terrible mothers who give birth to children who grow up confused and in pain. It's not your mother's 'fault' she's a moron. Just like it's not your fault you're a moron. You probably weren't even planned.

But then you have to understand, your mother knew she wasn't diseased.


Unplanned preganancies. By their hundreds of millions. I'm a god damn genius, I swear to god - if I've failed to make the case, tell me and I'll clarify it. Because I could write 50x as much as this on this subject, in reality. But this is probably long enough, and that your motive for the conspiracy that my sheer confused stupidity - and Gamble's, I guess - made us realise something was bullshit about all this generated fear.

They generate the fear. To create the shame. To make girls live in denial about something that isn't remotely shameful, until the denial. In terror of STDs and STIs, embarrassed at being thought to be filthy and diseased, everyone forgets why you should wear condoms in the first place.

Having children, when you're too stupid to remember you're still a child, isn't in your best interests. That's why confused - if horrifyingly creepy - states and religions (always joined at the hip, because Power doesn't share with power, morons) literally create the fear that creates the shame that forces the confusion of otherwise decent children to forget that children having sex with children is fine - really. So long as they're not terrified into having children.

Means. Motive. Opportunity.

Society is GUILTY. Arrest the creeps and sentence them to education, without parole, for a term not less than the amount of time it takes someone to understand that they're junkies who are addicted to power. And in denial, they've forgotten the evidence of their confusion.

They're not happy. If they were, they wouldn't be frantically creating misery. Fact.

gay sex is a vagina
01-24-2012, 10:23 PM
if your the smartest then re-arrange these words into a sentence -

niggers hope A you cock on choking I huge die

you got 30 seconds, gogogo

01-24-2012, 11:41 PM
Am I smarter than anyone? I feel like I should be...

01-25-2012, 12:13 PM
Am I smarter than anyone? I feel like I should be...

Yeah you are.

Scooter I agree with your post. Ecept for me being smarter. If it wasn't for Jack daniels and Drk Str I'd be the dumbest person on this site.

01-25-2012, 12:17 PM
Jewdonk got it right, I am an ADHD pseudo-intellectual. Unwilling to laser focus my analysis on a specific topic like Scooter. Also I do a poor job of fact checking and sourcing. But really my analysis is just a shade below intellectual at times which actually allows me to be more understandable to cretons. Even though I may be wrong, I sound more intelligent to dumbasses then say Cobson. Sick burn, but I know Scooter doesnt really think I'm smart.

01-25-2012, 02:20 PM
I think you're a fucking moron.

01-25-2012, 04:22 PM
but I know Scooter doesnt really think I'm smart.

Actually, you can assist me with a directly related intrigue I have with criminal law and the insanity defence plea. I've read all the related Wikipedia pages and whatnot and been thoroughly unimpressed - obviously.

What I don't understand is why a criminal lawyer doesn't stand up in court and say something like:

"My client asserts killing his daughters cannot have been in his best interests. As such, he is pleading Not Guilty by reason of insanity. Unless the prosecution or Your Honour feels that killing his daughters could possibly have been made by a rational or sound mind, capable of adjudicating what is and isn't and isn't in my client's best interests; unless the Prosecution or Your Honour are suggesting that the killing of a man's daughters could possibly be SANE or in his best interests; then....

Is that what the Prosecution is suggesting? That he could have been sane and murder his daughters, simultaneously?"

I'd like to hear that case made. You know what I mean?

But then I'm pretty dumb because I'm not sure who even decides if the Insanity Plea is allowed. I think it's the judges but why? Who makes them the boss of sanity. When they're not even willing to show their working, most of the time.

01-25-2012, 04:34 PM
I think you're a fucking moron.


01-25-2012, 05:58 PM

pretty sure the OP was being referred to Sir.

gosh you just have to make everything about you.

it's one of your less endearing traits.

i wouldn't put it on your CV if I were you.

maybe if you were going for a job like getting shot out of a cannon.

01-25-2012, 07:14 PM
pretty sure the OP was being referred to Sir.

gosh you just have to make everything about you.

it's one of your less endearing traits.

i wouldn't put it on your CV if I were you.

maybe if you were going for a job like getting shot out of a cannon.

I know. You are right and I am kind of poking fun at myself. You are brilliant, but insane. Yet sane enough to where I could read your musings all day long. Please keep the content flowing.

01-25-2012, 07:42 PM
Actually, you can assist me with a directly related intrigue I have with criminal law and the insanity defence plea. I've read all the related Wikipedia pages and whatnot and been thoroughly unimpressed - obviously.

What I don't understand is why a criminal lawyer doesn't stand up in court and say something like:

"My client asserts killing his daughters cannot have been in his best interests. As such, he is pleading Not Guilty by reason of insanity. Unless the prosecution or Your Honour feels that killing his daughters could possibly have been made by a rational or sound mind, capable of adjudicating what is and isn't and isn't in my client's best interests; unless the Prosecution or Your Honour are suggesting that the killing of a man's daughters could possibly be SANE or in his best interests; then....

Is that what the Prosecution is suggesting? That he could have been sane and murder his daughters, simultaneously?"

I'd like to hear that case made. You know what I mean?

But then I'm pretty dumb because I'm not sure who even decides if the Insanity Plea is allowed. I think it's the judges but why? Who makes them the boss of sanity. When they're not even willing to show their working, most of the time.

My father, with a PhD in criminal justice, writes books on criminal justice and would give you a much better answer than a person who has zero experience in criminal law other than the experiences as an actual criminal. My dad would love to have this very conversation with you and yall are indeed on the same insane level of intelligence. One of you followed academic pursuits the other (you) followed more selfish desires. This is a slippery slope with immensely interesting implications. Basically nearly all crime is mental illness and poverty. We try to make it a judgement in character, but even for the scam artists out there....they are born that way. Overwhelming research shows that crime IS NOT a choice. But it is not absolute...it just often becomes more difficult to RESIST crime than to participate. At that point...who is the crazy person? Crazy is supposed to be the outlier. There are plenty of exceptions....but not enough. One day crime will be cured with pills. Free choice will be eliminated eventually.

There are several people documented to have begun suddenly molesting children, after developing a brain tumor. They could not control this urge. Who are we to judge without the urge? But we must protect our children. What is fair? I dont know but our criminal justice system cannot be worse if you designed it to be.

Ill leave you with the story of Charles Whitman. He famously shot 48 people from the University of Texas Tower. Before he did this he killed members of his family. He had begged for help and talked to people about violent thoughts he could not control. He asked for his brain to be looked at by scientists in his suicide note. They did. He had a tumor growing on a part of his brain that influenced those functions. How much more organic can you get? Not any more than if your brain already had those functions. We would like to exclude people with tumors...but what about people without them, with similar chemical issues. We will solve these problems one day but basically the criminal justice system wants to know if this will happen again. Or more importantly, is it politically a bad idea for a judge to find in the offender's favor. In the end, people comitting crimes that are clearly the result of mental illness are punished down the line almost entirely as a percentage by their social class, as well as the color of not the offender....but the victim.

01-25-2012, 07:53 PM
The problem with the insanity defense is it presumes Free will exists.

01-25-2012, 08:19 PM
I betcha Whitman woulda liked the pokerz.

01-25-2012, 11:02 PM
Actually, you can assist me with a directly related intrigue I have with criminal law and the insanity defence plea. I've read all the related Wikipedia pages and whatnot and been thoroughly unimpressed - obviously.

What I don't understand is why a criminal lawyer doesn't stand up in court and say something like:

"My client asserts killing his daughters cannot have been in his best interests. As such, he is pleading Not Guilty by reason of insanity. Unless the prosecution or Your Honour feels that killing his daughters could possibly have been made by a rational or sound mind, capable of adjudicating what is and isn't and isn't in my client's best interests; unless the Prosecution or Your Honour are suggesting that the killing of a man's daughters could possibly be SANE or in his best interests; then....

Is that what the Prosecution is suggesting? That he could have been sane and murder his daughters, simultaneously?"

I'd like to hear that case made. You know what I mean?

But then I'm pretty dumb because I'm not sure who even decides if the Insanity Plea is allowed. I think it's the judges but why? Who makes them the boss of sanity. When they're not even willing to show their working, most of the time.

but really it is about intent. any premeditation whatsoever virtual destroys an insanity defense.

there are two major guidelines of criminal law in the US statute and precedent. Legal precedent is basically just what other judges have ruled in cases. Statute is obviously the actual law written by the legislature but it is usually very weak and leaves lots of grey areas in everything except for punishment. I mean what is insanity defined? So they go to precedent. You can rebuke precedent but you usually have to poke some holes in their legal defense.

Anyway, precedent is about all you got concerning insanity cases and the closer your court is geographically(and Im not bullshitting as geography decides the districts both state and federal) the stronger the precedent will be in the eyes of the judge. A case in his district would could require him to rebuke a colleague, and that is not going to happen. Plus judges hate ruling they know will be appealed and scrutinized.

Therefore precedent is established on similar cases. Intent is the biggest issue. Was the person insane AT THE MOMENT OF THE MURDER. Was it because of rage? OK then it could be manslaughter to murder one. Was it because of jealousy? OK probably a strong manslaughter. Now if you can prove utter lack of responsibility such as an epileptic attack with a knife there may in fact be no crime committed. More than likely we are dealing with a schizophrenic off his medication or something similar. This is a person who would be insane enough to kill his daughters at the time of the murders but in fact would NOT be insane during a court appearance and could be tried. Each one of these cases would be decided in a huge grey area and arguments would almost entirely be on legal precedent assuming there was agreements in the facts of the case.

A white, upper-middle class woman who flipped out and killed her daughters would shown some leniency, but nowadays new recently diagnosed mental disorders fare poorly. Pre-existing schizophrenia that someone has lived with for years and tried to treat......they fare very well in establishing an insanity defense. If there is any belief that the insanity is manufactured to escape prison it is rejected. There is zero benefit of the doubt. Despite the fact that it is OVERWHELMING the logical reason. A middle class parent in a house does not kill uninsured children without being very very mentally ill. So why are they usually sent to prison? Because their kids are white and victims are important. Plus there is the implied blame for not getting help sooner.

Most interesting as far as economic situation of the "criminal" as opposed to the victim are the stats on accidents of all kinds. The most glaring is the leaving in your kid in a hot car death. A white engineer leaves his kid in the car seat he is almost never charged as it is assumed that the distraught parent has already been punished enough. He clearly did not want his child to die, but this is never voiced by the DA or the police. But when a poor black woman on welfare does it.....it is almost ALWAYS prosecuted as a felony. There is the doubt in the DA/police mind that hmmm maybe this woman wanted their kid dead. Maybe they are irresponsible people.

Yet the states show that poor and rich people, white and black leave their kid to die in hot carseats at the exact same frequency. In fact the law promoting driving safety for infants by turning them around facing backwards may be responsible for more deaths than the slight safety increase infants enjoyed being turned around due to the increase in number of deaths of people leaving them in a car. Why? Because they couldn't see them. They were asleep they could be forgotten about. Is leaving a child in a car by the letter of the law a felony? Yes. If they die is that call for additional penalties? Yes. Then why do the rich people not get punished? Its not in the law. Its not even in precedent because it isn't before a judge or jury. These things only come up in court which the white engineer doesn't ever see, although he will hire an attorney. Its because of the implied INTENT. And INTENT can usually only be guessed at....so society sets rules to guess at that intent and one of those rules is that if you are poor you MAY HAVE needed your children to die because you "cant care for them". As unlikely as it is....if its a possibility, they will assume the worse. Opposite of the guilty beyond reasonable doubt mantra in our laws.

Cliffs intent in mental illness cases is judged like many other serious homicide/manslaughter cases. The unwritten law appears to be if there is a microscopic speck of chance that your intent was to kill your children, you are guilty. Despite the fact that it can never be proven. People that are mentally ill, incapacitated (diabetic or epileptic seizure, asleep, )have no intent. Interestingly people who are incapacitated by drugs are alcohol are given no breaks on their intent and are in fact punished harsher for the same crimes committed by people that aren't on drugs alcohol even if that fact would only mean they probably aren't as "bad or dangerous" as a person committing a violent crime stone cold sober. Our system is just basically retarded, but that will remain that way until the political system changes.

01-25-2012, 11:06 PM
... ok so back on subject... If Marty shoots Bob in the face... insane ?

01-25-2012, 11:51 PM
... ok so back on subject... If Marty shoots Bob in the face... insane ?

i was on subject. i looped around to intent. marty may be insane but the premeditation would be the factor most important and supercede his mental illness because his thoughts at the time of the crime was premeditated and planned.

insanity defense is all about your intent at the moment or lack of any as you are insane. I could easily be wrong but I dont know a single person that got off on a premeditated murder by reason of insanity. IMO Jewdy's thread dooms him to highest form of punishment except capital crimes.

Now if he later engaged in a sexual relationship with Bob, his planning would be discounted and if he became enraged at Bob fucking another women (goddamn how could jewdy NOT kill someone he was dating if they were unfaithful. he gets enraged if u dont return AIM messages) then him killing bob could easily fall into a crime of passion, again seperate from his mental illness.

Bobby Wong
01-26-2012, 12:44 AM
what if he shoots me in the face and then engages in a sexual relationship with my corpse

01-26-2012, 12:53 AM
insanity defense is all about your intent at the moment or lack of any as you are insane. I could easily be wrong but I dont know a single person that got off on a premeditated murder by reason of insanity.

See this is the theory I'm toying with. My first job was at McDonalds. I was 14, got Crew Member of the Month and Rookie of the Month in my first month, Employee of the Year later - and purely because I was the sleaziest little creep in the world. My up-selling was out of control. The suggestive power of up-selling is unfathomable.

"You want fries with that."

You have to see it, to believe it. Humans are so easily led by suggestion. And this is the basis for my theory; that without Law, or Religion, there would be no crimes of passion. Because the first time I ever contemplated about killing my brother was when I read about Cain and Abel. And horrified, I shuddered and moved on.

But the suggestion had been planted there. So later, I killed my brother and raped his dead body. All premeditated. I had been fantasising about this since I read about Cain.

Now, the Law will have the fucking nerve to suggest that I am sane there? This is - sane - behaviour? I'm acting in my own best interests, am I? To rape his dead body? This is sane behaviour, according to the Law.

You see my point?

My hypothesis is that every "crime of passion" is a crime of confusion; i.e. a crime of emotional insanity. It's their passion. Their confusion. They give it to children when they're at their most impressionable, if only to plant the seed of the suggestive up-selling.

They're literally telling 4 year olds who'd never contemplated killing or raping:

"Would you like crimes with that?"

And then they follow it up by telling children, some nigger they've never met was tortured on behalf of their inevitable sins. It's human nature to sin, right? This is what they - suggest - assert - up-sell - to impressionable children.

It's not human nature. It's not natural. It's not humane. It's fucking insane.

And every single crime of passion is a crime of confusion; i.e. a crime of insanity. Premeditated insanity, isn't insane? This is fucking logical failing at insulting levels that demand their being dragged out from behind their benches and legislative bodies, stripped naked (I won't participate unless they're naked - it's not a homosexual thing, but they need to be naked - or count me out), dragged bleeding and screaming through public streets, bullwhipped until they bleed and beg for mercy, at which point you - mercifully - adjourn proceedings. To deliberate.

Then you execute them. For every crime. Because every crime of passion is their creation.

01-26-2012, 01:53 AM
I was referring to both of you.

01-26-2012, 02:25 AM
See this is the theory I'm toying with. My first job was at McDonalds. I was 14, got Crew Member of the Month and Rookie of the Month in my first month, Employee of the Year later - and purely because I was the sleaziest little creep in the world. My up-selling was out of control. The suggestive power of up-selling is unfathomable.

"You want fries with that."

You have to see it, to believe it. Humans are so easily led by suggestion. And this is the basis for my theory; that without Law, or Religion, there would be no crimes of passion. Because the first time I ever contemplated about killing my brother was when I read about Cain and Abel. And horrified, I shuddered and moved on.

But the suggestion had been planted there. So later, I killed my brother and raped his dead body. All premeditated. I had been fantasising about this since I read about Cain.

Now, the Law will have the fucking nerve to suggest that I am sane there? This is - sane - behaviour? I'm acting in my own best interests, am I? To rape his dead body? This is sane behaviour, according to the Law.

You see my point?

My hypothesis is that every "crime of passion" is a crime of confusion; i.e. a crime of emotional insanity. It's their passion. Their confusion. They give it to children when they're at their most impressionable, if only to plant the seed of the suggestive up-selling.

They're literally telling 4 year olds who'd never contemplated killing or raping:

"Would you like crimes with that?"

And then they follow it up by telling children, some nigger they've never met was tortured on behalf of their inevitable sins. It's human nature to sin, right? This is what they - suggest - assert - up-sell - to impressionable children.

It's not human nature. It's not natural. It's not humane. It's fucking insane.

And every single crime of passion is a crime of confusion; i.e. a crime of insanity. Premeditated insanity, isn't insane? This is fucking logical failing at insulting levels that demand their being dragged out from behind their benches and legislative bodies, stripped naked (I won't participate unless they're naked - it's not a homosexual thing, but they need to be naked - or count me out), dragged bleeding and screaming through public streets, bullwhipped until they bleed and beg for mercy, at which point you - mercifully - adjourn proceedings. To deliberate.

Then you execute them. For every crime. Because every crime of passion is their creation.

The punishment for breaking laws is created for prevention. If you were to set the bar for the insanity plea too low, there would be no prevention as no one would ever be found guilty. So really you are just arguing to get rid of the insanity plea or laws that you can plead insane to.

There are also semantic arguments. Legal insanity has a lot higher bar than regular ol insanity. Something can be sane and insane at the same time.

I think you probably know this.. but damn man you write a lot. For shock value i guess ?

Whats tapper up to .. you have crimes of passion with him ?

gay sex
01-26-2012, 03:04 AM

01-26-2012, 04:01 AM
If Tapper tweets whats his account.


gay sex
01-26-2012, 04:05 AM
realneverstop, but plz dont follow us

01-26-2012, 04:54 AM
realneverstop, but plz dont follow us

That is fucked up because I am following Tapper and didn't even realize it. Actually I only use twitter on the commode but if it honestly is tapper then that means there are 2 people on twitter worth reading. Shout out to setofks .

01-26-2012, 04:55 AM
People say speed/ritalin makes you all productive but I just find after a few hours of hard concentration my brain is all worn out and I cant think no more. What is scooters trick

gay sex
01-26-2012, 04:59 AM

01-26-2012, 05:01 AM
The punishment for breaking laws is created for prevention.

Really? And how's that been working out?

In total, 7,225,800 adults were under correctional supervision (probation, parole, jail, or prison) in 2009 — about 3.1% of adults in the U.S. resident population. In addition, there were 86,927 juveniles in juvenile detention in 2007.



If you were to set the bar for the insanity plea too low, there would be no prevention as no one would ever be found guilty.

Sorry. Again, I'm going to have to ask you what is 'prevention' is that you're referring to?

And again, can you connect the dots between being found guilty of a 'crime of passion' to preventing its reoccurrence?

So really you are just arguing to get rid of the insanity plea or laws that you can plead insane to.

Absolutely not.

On the contrary.

I'm making the irrefutable argument to get rid of Criminal Law.

Teach mothers to make the logical case to their children for why they should (or shouldn't) act - when it is (or isn't) in the child's best interests.

Arrest anyone and everyone suspected of creating junkies addicted to emotional validation; compliments, a desire to please their parents, or avoid their displeasure. Sentence them to education, without parole; until they realise the only thing they care about is their child's happiness. Triple offenders are neutered.

There are also semantic arguments. Legal insanity has a lot higher bar than regular ol insanity. Something can be sane and insane at the same time.

Please provide an example of something sane and insane at the same time?

Insanity is the incapacity to act in your own best interests. This includes confusion, ignorance, chemical imbalances, emotional corruption (wanting what you cannot have, until you have it; etc) and all loss of control. You cannot refer to "legal insanity" as if it actually has relevance. I'm arguing that the Law creates the confusion that creates the pain that creates the emotional angst that creates the crime.

I think you probably know this.. but damn man you write a lot. For shock value i guess ?

Brevity is the soul of shock rather than wit. It's why banners, headlines and punchlines have replaced logical arguments. A banner doesn't have to "show all working".

I write long essays because when I try to edit 5000 words it turns into 15000.

Whats tapper up to .. you have crimes of passion with him ?

As a matter of fact, yes. In my exuberance, and because his mate didn't realise he was already toasted, I gave tapper's god mate Lawso too much franky one day on holiday.

Hilarity ensued. Decorum precludes my outlining the details but they included - from memory:

* A Eurasian hooker with rubber gloves.
* tapper on the floor, wheezing and trying to juggle the laughter vs breathing dilemma
* my banging my head into the carpet, trying to slant a similar battle in favour of breath (I'm a survivor)
* Lawso calling us godless liars the next day, and all manner of slurs, for our 'fabricating' reality; before walking gingerly to the mini-bar

I was responsible for the crime. Lawso the passion. Tapper just pulled out his 14" schlong at which point everyone, including the Eurasian hooker - stopping laughing.

realneverstop, but plz dont follow us

I'd rather follow the real neverstop.


Bobby Wong
01-26-2012, 05:04 AM
scooters huffing ultra rare tibetan oxygen from a little tank bro three sherpas died to get it to him

gay sex
01-26-2012, 05:05 AM
daaaaaang yall wong stealing ideas from the waterboy starring adam sandler

01-26-2012, 05:07 AM
People say speed/ritalin makes you all productive but I just find after a few hours of hard concentration my brain is all worn out and I cant think no more. What is scooters trick


Ritalin v Meth is like a female 'comedian' v Anthony Jeselnik.

gay sex
01-26-2012, 05:08 AM
i take hecka procera to keep the noodle sharp

gay sex
01-26-2012, 05:17 AM
sky this site is running like aids stop siphoning our resources

01-26-2012, 05:24 AM
Scooter, although I was talking in general terms in regards to laws I suppose your discussion was only crimes of passion. It does seem true that crimes of this nature aren't as influenced by the punitive portion as other crimes. I didn't take that into account, but what I said still holds true.

Punishment is created as deterrent and not as a method of 'getting even'. Even crimes of passion will be influenced by this deterrence. You can argue all day about how effective it is and how parenting would be better, but government can not realistically enforce one's style of parenting. That leaves punishment as a deterrent.

As for examples of someone who is both sane/insane... (You asked..)

Most people are legally sane, yet both of us could agree 'damn that guy is insane' in some cases. I can't and won't give an example, because I'm not sure what it takes for you to refer to someone as insane.

I'm arguing that the Law creates the confusion that creates the pain that creates the emotional angst that creates the crime.

This I don't begin to follow. The last 3 steps make sense. The jump from Law -> confusion (of the necessary type) does not.

I don't know if I recall the laugh time I laughed so hard I struggled to breath. Maybe several years ago while driving around with a few bottles of wine looking at christmas lights... something about the fat slutty girl on a porch in the middle of family special christmas lights block... and the commotion she was causing..

You're an interesting one Scooter. #1 ) I don't know how much of what you are saying is trolling #2 ) I don't know who exactly you are trolling, but I am bored so it might as well be me.

edit - god bless tapper and his 14 inch dick being the life of the party.

01-26-2012, 05:29 AM

Ritalin v Meth is like a female 'comedian' v Anthony Jeselnik.

I understand Ritalin and Adderrall are babies of meth... but I thought that was mainly for the lack of euphoria. Maybe longer half life. What I don't understand is how the fuck your brain doesn't become all tired out and not as functional. Maybe I am such a horrible writer that it takes extra energy when I write.. Fighting my fucked up syntax. Maybe thats what does it.

gay sex
01-26-2012, 05:30 AM

01-26-2012, 05:33 AM
I understand Ritalin and Adderrall are babies of meth... but I thought that was mainly for the lack of euphoria. Maybe longer half life. What I don't understand is how the fuck your brain doesn't become all tired out and not as functional. Maybe I am such a horrible writer that it takes extra energy when I write.. Fighting my fucked up syntax. Maybe thats what does it.

But boys I will have a mother fucking degree when it is all said and done. THEN I will BE someone.

01-26-2012, 05:38 AM
Speaking of scooters and day to day relevancy... I had a scooter given to me on Monday and got drunk and wrecked it within the first hour. I then proceeded to sleep 30 of the next 36 hours from sheer depression, unrelated to the scooter incident.

Today I woke up at 8am and after not being able to sleep anymore. I took some ritalin and did some work.

Now my brain is all tired and I can only converse on forums.d

Did you know there is a shortage of generic ritalin in the US ? DEA is being a bunch of useless cunts who needs a bullet in their heads. Luckily I get mine from WUing some sand nigger in pakistan who ships it to me from England. (And yes, I actually have worlds worst ADHD)

rum dick
01-26-2012, 06:38 AM
Dopamine daaaaaawwwwgggg

gay sex
01-26-2012, 06:39 AM
rum dick you invisible woman you

rum dick
01-26-2012, 06:41 AM
Plus a big Wang, a high IQ, and an irrepressible sense of righteous indignation

gay sex
01-26-2012, 06:42 AM
lets get real on the high iq you were tested when u were 15, its been all downhill from there

rum dick
01-26-2012, 06:44 AM
Sorry gare. Still trying to figure out the virtual keyboard on my kindle fiiiiiire

gay sex
01-26-2012, 06:45 AM
wow bro abandoning us with physical keyboard phones i thought we had something kid

rum dick
01-26-2012, 06:47 AM
I was talking about scoots. But the brain is like a rubber band. It stretches with use but snaps back into place if not used. Mine got eaten by a cat years ago

rum dick
01-26-2012, 06:49 AM
Christmas gift from the mother-in-law budroh. Still gonna rock the blackberry till rims bitter end.

rum dick
01-26-2012, 06:51 AM
True story auto correct is trying real hard to make rims bitter end into Tim's bitter end

gay sex
01-26-2012, 06:52 AM
i think rimm just replaced their ceo

gay sex
01-26-2012, 06:52 AM
or so i kinda observed while having cnbc on in the background

01-26-2012, 10:02 AM
How in the hell did this thread get to 50 replies?

I promise to read them all when I'm not in a post just-watched-Moneyball-for-the-first-time gloom. Even though Pike didn't specifically mean this, he did remind me. Don't read if you haven't watched. That little girl singing at the end was so haunting.

Bobby Wong
01-26-2012, 11:03 AM
hoser not on heron anymore but still hecka funding terrorism with his drug habit

01-26-2012, 12:03 PM
Scooter, although I was talking in general terms in regards to laws I suppose your discussion was only crimes of passion.

Crimes of passion = Law (effectively)

Constitutional law or contracts or torts etc - aren't really laws so much as they should be regulations or codes. I mean, a court only ever needs to get involved when legislation is butchered. And legislation is only ever butchered to facilitate corruption. I wish I could show you the copies of the UK Gaming Act 2005 and various ad hoc and overlapping legislative documents that ostensibly 'regulated' the UK-White-Listed Lotteries and Gaming Commission of Malta; where the majority of the world's 'legit' online gaming companies were licensed to offer their services to the world. This was legislation intentionally written to allow corruption to get out of any 'hole' (you know, that was the intention of incompetence). The legislation was written so horribly, by morons who could and really should have resulted in a scandal forcing the resignation of Cabinet ministers; that I was compelled to collate the evidence, proving every single online casino in the entire world was guilty of "serious offences" under multiple acts.

It was pretty serious stuff, and so after procrastinating for a substantially longer-than-acceptable few months; one day I got drunk and compiled all the laws being broken, and compelled (in some cases) to be considered "serious offences"....

['edit': Literally no idea what the fuck this post was because I never posted it, pretty sure I can prove it as well but then maybe when you're logged into a forum from multiple machines in a 'Sleeping' state weird shit can happen?

Below is the third draft of 80,000 word mess, but then I'm stubborn and in a hurry. The first two 'drafts' were 40k and brilliant but I had more good points to make over and over forgetting I had made them already. That's what editing is traditionally used for, as in; I understand that's it's function for existing. I think it's superfluous. I'm streamlining the process of writing. Trust me.

But you don't need to trust me about the creepy bullshit. I just lose shit to error messages you can't explain when I post them. You will want to focus on something insulting, like have I heard of a word processor? Have you heard of Auto-Save not working? Then you'd know word processors don't work either. When someone who made them doesn't want them to.

Wouldn't I prefer to believe something ridiculously plausible if ridiculous, rather than something Obvious and terrifyingly creepy - like the reality? Trust me. I would. I love plausible.

It's just that a year of denial much like that gets very old when nothing could be less plausible, than - not - posting gibberish, posting brilliance actually, and not - actually - managing to post anything because stuff like this keeps happening:


Oh you will say, why don't you type in Wordpad, TextEdit or AutoSave.

I would rather kill you than explain how moronically insulting you're being - to yourself - when you think you're 'patronising' me, but I will say this much: I am not 'tight' enough with Apple, to be buying "Clean Writer Pro" and "IA Writer" without furious rage at being coerced into extortion. One day you'll have to tell me how you do it so willingly, just jumping straight into sleaze and insults and a warm mother's embrace (as you do). Get your mouth off her boobies, you creep.

You cannot imagine how offensive you are when see a post of gibberish I write and imagine that a) I'm not capable of laughing at sleep deprivation's ability to write less eloquently, than the less eloquent than the recent eloquence which got me into this mess, or b) have gotten - that - bad at communication, that I'm completely wasting my time on redundancy; when I only believed it was a 99-1 % thing.

You filthy creeps.

There had better be references alerting me to my victimisation of sleep deprivation (a noble risk one runs, when one runs circles around sleep - a cost written into the bottom line, if there is one, and there doesn't need to be, with sleep) or my victimisation - as this was - of more creepy powers than Sleep's remarkable attachment to me. Forever weakening, but then it snatches at you when you least expect it with something of a demoralising - or even, humbling - intensity.

But you filthy creeps don't know who I am. I am not demoralised, not when I'm not shrieking motherfuckers. And I will never be humbled by your creepy attempts to transfer your mother onto me. You see shit you think is dementia? Retardation. A fucking spelling or a grammar error; you'd be advised to point it out to me. Publicly or privately, what the fuck do I care?

Only your filthy mother has creepy shit to hide. Sane people have no problem with living their lives in full transparency; but this does not mean they will tolerate those who refuse to reciprocate from creeping ever further onto an ever-shrinking liberty. If it ever even existed, in the first place. In a world of godless and mothered creeps, like yall. I could spit, if I wasn't dehydrated already.

The nausea of you, you vomit-inducing humans. Point out errors. Treat it as your duty. It's in your best interests, trust me!

(7 more of these are coming. Draft 1.)

gay sex
01-26-2012, 12:19 PM

gay sex
01-26-2012, 12:21 PM

01-26-2012, 12:33 PM
up at 4:30 in vegas gare?

gay sex
01-26-2012, 12:38 PM
got a big day ahead of me

gay sex
01-26-2012, 12:40 PM
ur nicknames will be in good hands regardless of the outcome

01-27-2012, 05:30 AM
And Society - in all it's brilliant creepy - create this terror purely because religion and the state believe it's in their best interests to create terrible mothers who give birth to children who grow up confused and in pain.

The number 1 'news' story in the world at this moment is:


Humanity needs to understand that I'm one of the brightest people alive presently; but my immortality is not assured beyond this afternoon. I'm not going to be around to point this shit out to you, is the point I'm trying to point out to you. Dumb shits.

You understand?

Or are you going to make me show the redundant working?

Oral sex doesn't make babies. Your whore mothers and your whore sisters were literally born and bred, purely to breed.

Oh don't feel so special there, you wannabe whore. You were born and bred, to die. Nobly, heroically and brave and courageous; of course. Like the true patriot you are. But then I risk sucking eggs. So hard to know, when dealing with 7 billion headless chickens.

gay sex
01-27-2012, 05:50 AM
i heard bombays jazz age is bananas

01-27-2012, 05:40 PM
You don't, I understand. Then trust me, and then trust you to take the gamble on whether you will need to trust.

Because trust me, before I die I'm going to kill some creeps. You're not likely to figure in the line of creeps that is - frankly - getting pretty long now, but you know what they say with those crazy tin-hat types. You know, about the craziness.

The insanity that isn't insane. The premeditated sanity of insanity that wouldn't be mediated upon, at all, until it was pre-suggested to children incapable of imagining a motive for the actions they'd never imagined either - and would be incapable of imagining - until Spam got involved.

Would you like some Cain with that? it asked me. I shrieked. I was 7, I thought about my brother, and paused. There were some obvious advantages, I suddenly realised which I'd never considered before. But then I could handle that brutal exploiter of physical size. I exploit my own disparities. I could get him whipped - literally - without touching him. All he had to do was stay on my good side, and there wouldn't be any trouble.

Well my good side is a little hard to stay on, isn't it. But then I was not insane, merely testing the boundaries of my power. Whoops. Who knew. Organised crime knows, when they extort beyond what their victims can pay, for protection they don't need.

But which they do need to pay for.

Until they are stress-tested to the point of Truth. Then you giggle, cause whoops. He was telling the truth that time. He couldn't afford to be extorted that much. Well, now we know.

Oh he still has to be taught a lesson of course. Somehow the organised crime in my mind was so organised, it was organised even when I only had a tiny handful of protected enlightened ones (who I'd finally managed to bring around to the light, my light - they were not to fuck with me - whoops, how quickly that turns into me fucking with them, and finding optimality in ways which confused them, but my punishing brutes with physical violence without touching them - MAGIC! - has always surprised them more than me. Probably because I have selected and prepared every variable. Including the manipulation of the magical arms of rage.

I had read Cain and Abel and whilst I taught those who forgot their place lessons, on occasion; the thought had never occurred to me to kill my golden geese. Who, in reality, would only become geese if they tried to goose me first. It was another 20 years before I went looking for victims. Victims would just come to me. Brothers, with advantages of physical size disparities. Sisters, literally the victims of being on the wrong side of every disparity in history, and incapable of 'leveling' the playing field with their one filthy power. "Try your father, you vile whore", I might have yelled had I known the first thing about creepy fathers' doting (eww) and knew words like 'vile' or 'whore'. In reality, she just didn't exist. And in not existing, she went off to get high on power. Stalkers aren't calling to talk to themselves, in shame. It might be just the ticket, to knock them back into 'sanity'. Until they're a lot smarter, they'll never be capable of being sane.

Until my Mother gets so smart she'd be incapable of living with the realities of what she'd done, she'll keep on being a filthy vile whore. Surely you can see the optimality any child can see but doesn't want to see, when they're bleeding, from the irony of being bitch-slapped by a bitch for asking a question about her vile faith. She's a vile whore and I chickened out of the right line. But then it wasn't easy. It never is when your mother is a vile whore. But then the Holy Bible taught both those words to me.

01-27-2012, 05:42 PM
3/8 draft 1


I already had the definitions locked away in my memory, for eternity. I knew what a whore was, I had a mentally deranged gypsy under the impression she was my mother, which forced endless uncomfortable awkwardness because sometimes it's just better to let a creepy psycho hug you than go through the effort of being horrified at their attempting to tug at emotional strings they are - imagining(?) - are there, when they do their bum-hurt thing? It's kind of horrifying really. And I'd rather not have to horrify my real parents with it, by going through it every time the creeps wanted to touch me, harmlessly. I can be pragmatic, is what I'm saying. Pragmatism is sane.

You're not being pragmatic if you're confused about pragmatism and evil. Pragmatically, you'd be insane if you thought you could apply your delusions about the definition of the word and what you imagine it's supposed to mean, onto what you wanted to do and were going to do anyway, whether you know about big fancy words like "pragmatism" or big fancy tricks of denial and moronic shooting of your feet like when you shoot your face (I didn't say you could shoot...accurately) with your moronic "rationalising" that - you're being pragmatic - to take Evil's $1,000,000,000 - win that electoral race - then apply yourself wholeheartedly in pursuing the best interests of the entire nation.

Hahah. You realise, for all his genius, what a bitch Obama truly is? Literally, he's done this. And he'd snort, cause he could kill me with a flick of his exasperation and shame at my being, at 30, the man he's been pretending he wants to be for his whole life - when the truth is neither of us is anything but creepy. Both brilliant, but I'm just a bit more on top of things than the President of the world's largest military superpower and the greatest military and economic power the globe has ever seen.

Trust me. If you're a moron, you wouldn't listen to the evidence that I always submit which precludes your 'need' to trust anything, but your own ability to do logic. Trust me, moron. I'm more on top of things than he is.

Oh I think I know when someone isn't happy. I'm happy. I was a lot happier 20 hours ago, before two of the finest pieces of literature written since late February in the year of our Vatican 2012, were taken from me in mysteriously creepy and not remotely mystical circumstances.

Don't feel sorry for me, creeps. But it's funny when you mistake my priceless intelligence, for Spam. And make demands of me. Just funny, I don't get emotional anymore.

But this doesn't mean you want to test me, in my opinion. I'm not as stable as I used to be, when I was in pain. Sometimes, I'm so in control I get quite uncontrollable. And this is why I'm able to laugh - this time - about your creepy.

Next time? Well, it's like me to make threats. So I won't make any. You best pray I'm as stable as I'm claiming, and not the loon you insult yourselves and patroness the globe of creepy with, when you think I wouldn't want to know when I've been fiddled.

You're okay with it. Don't get your fiddling confused with me. You could get a nasty bump, of reality. It could even look like Magic, to a mystical moronic child like my brother. Who could not afford to pay my ever increasing extortion demands, but then I had to find the breaking point, didn't I? He'd just lie to me and smirk, otherwise.

Once you've found it? Obviously you need to be as good as your word. And break it, when the breaking point has been reached. Morons and dumbazzes everywhere as far as the eye can see. My brother thought I believed him when I said, "It's okay. I do believe you." But then he should have been afraid, very afraid, when I smirked and said, "But I'm afraid I will have to teach you a lesson anyway. And trust me..." *smirk* (we both should have appreciated the joke I was making, but he was never good at comedy) "...this hurts me far more than it will hurt you."

He looked confused. He was telling the truth. And I did believe him. But sometimes you teach lessons to people, and sometimes the people are the lesson taught to others. Sometimes, they're the lesson you teach to the ether - not to get any fast ideas. You never know what creeps might be watching, and ready to get fast ideas if you get slow and sloppy. I know all about power, and I instinctively knew these things. I felt bad, which I knew was weak; after all, it was not fault that he was making me protect him, by protecting him from me until he couldn't afford to, at which point all deals were off the table. Obviously.

It wasn't obvious to him.

It was obvious to him, when it became obvious to a Middle Man of Exhaustion, who had recently been given relief from my endless harrying - and it's hilarious how quick these pedophiles would imagine they were making an impression on me - literally, they'd coerce me into cleaning like the entire house or something ludicrous - could take me a day or two. And I'd clean the bitch spotless. And they'd be in awe, because I'm fucking amazing. Basically.

And they'd come up, and be so impressed with me. They'd almost shine affection and emotional validation, in confused and demented waves beaming straight at me from their insanely puffed chests of pride. But their pride cometh before a fall, theirs? Sometimes. But when I had someone who needed to be taught a lesson, or be the lesson taught to someone; their pride cometh before my humility.

Internally, I'd be laughing at their insanity. I mean, they had but limited powers over me. They could make me clean house , or a kitchen, yes. But then they'd get all confused, and think my aversion to their belt and to what I'd seen come after their insanity when the violence turns into horror which morphs into regret which morphs into blame at everyone and then denial and then shame....

"This hurts me more than it's going to hurt you."

God I'd heard that one a lot. I'd gotten tired of being amused at how true it was. But then I wasn't trying to handicap myself to force an even playing field when I'd pop their bubble of pre-genuine caring with genuine authentic rage. And 'pay' the price. I could afford to pay for some roofing. Roofing that leaves no scars, or leaks; I can handle. Some roofing, the roofs of charity and love and caring, you don't want those roofs, trust me.

Just trust me. Sleep in the fucking rain or hail or snow. You do not want to be cared for, by holy people who are pure - they'll tell you - and so humble, don't embarrass them - they just want to be the vessel for God, who cannot effectively communicate with you. It's obvious why.

Look at your children. Asking these demonic questions about stuff everyone knows you need to have faith about. That's the only reason why he asks these questions. But do not feel bad. You have not failed as parents with your demon child. Remember, we have a pretty big guy on our side too. I'm pretty sure, he'll be able to frighten the demons that don't frighten of our beating their host body; who terrifies us all in ways we'll never talk about (thank Christ) when we're ashamed of being individually terrified of a tiny child.

01-27-2012, 05:48 PM

These creeps would celebrate the big W every time Jesus won the day. I never gave them the satisfaction, no demons ever left my body and there was no motive to encourage them to believe what they would believe anyway - but less exultantly as they believed when a kid like Shem, who probably figured he had better stuff to do, would just pander to them in ways I believed would be insane - and would have debated heatedly with him, if given the opportunity at the time. After the time, I have to say it seemed reading the newspaper one day he was handling it all a lot better than I was, emotionally. But then that might just be because I flunked High School 101. On Day 1. In Hour 1. I didn't even realise I had a reason to be afraid, but I was nervous about being thought to be dumb because I wasn't dumb but I didn't know how I'd convince them of the fact that I was actually not dumb at all, just in my first year of school so they had a 9 year head-start - or 90 year. Or a 90 year or 9 year handicap. Who knows, really; except me. I think they were handicapped. Who could have known. Not me. They then handicapped me. Everyone wins!

I literally can't imagine how else I could have turned out. I'm always going to end up where I was 29; miserable confused, frustrated, believed to be insane by people who wanted the money I was trying to give them but couldn't because when I did, they would instantly know I was trying to 'one-up' them - literally incapable of thinking like that until you make the suggestion, at which point I look around, and wonder "how could someone 30 steps below be thinking I have a motive to push them down to 31? When clearly I'm trying to pull them up, to my level, for selfish reasons alone?"

But then this idiotic world is really bad at charity. And selfishness. I have struggled with the first, I argue; quite understandably because I knew what Optimality was at 11 when I found the state was literally following my parents around as we 'fled' them (no doubt shoved along to a new commune, with me as someone else's problem - new Middle Men, to horrify into shoving us along - it was a crackup when the thieves who stole me as a baby would feel ashamed for blaming me.

Like I could fucking care less. Except, to be ludicrously proud of bonus side-pots? Then they'd feel all this shame, because they knew it wasn't my fault really. Was it? Devil was just beating Jesus badly. Jesus only knows what the plan was for me? These imbecilic morons would whisper and years later I spent a year learning how to listen to imbecilic morons whispering - it takes a year, because at first you can only make out every 30th word. The better and better you get at shutting out the world, and focusing; in time, you make out every 4th or 5th word. Pure incoherence, but I knew I was there when I got that good at listening. From that point, the dominoes would fall by themselves. Like learning a new language. I could hear the words, but could only make out every 4th or 5th. Which turned into 3rd or 4th. Which turned into 2nd or 3rd, where it hovered between 2.5 and every second word. And then I was listening to entire conversations, of whispered genius - it would be beneath me to disrespect the terrifying intelligence of the plots I was learning, the tactical maneuvers, the endless - the ENDLESS - tactical planning and strategic analysis, ever-changing because nothing is as fluid as advanced political games being played by petty tiny minds which could stun you into tears or perhaps laughter or perhaps love with their genuine stupidity and wonderment at things too generic to be pitied, rather than adored. But you wouldn't want to be - not - pretty and be as stupid as a pretty child of the most terrifying and brilliant machine I've ever seen.

I almost don't want to talk about it, and I'm so completely not a good person; by your idiotic definition. Like these girls are so pretty, I want to sleep with most, if not all of the (upper echelon, of working 'pretties'). No I cannot, motherfuckers. I could do that shit so easily if I spoke English, you have no idea how it's incomparable to Manila where they are mindless zombies. Here the mindless zombies are just as terrifying, but they're in massage parlors as high as - you couldn't miss them, or get terrified or confused into thinking you were walking into a very coy Entertainment Center or Palace, and come out thinking "well gosh didn't see that coming".

It's what I thought. I'm a moron, though. I wasn't being coy. I was being unfathomably literal. I'm literally the most non-moronic moron unfairly believed to be so much more moronic than I really appear - quite fairly - to be. Do you follow me? You have the nerve to misunderstand me and think that makes me moronic.

When I misunderstand your vile need for subtlety when the very idea that Thailand could be in denial about a red light district the size of - oh - greater Bangkok, had surreptitiously been craftily setup RIGHT WHERE GREATER BANGKOK USED TO BE! The last place anyone ever thought to look, for impropriety. What with Buddhism such a smashing success of Zen, they had to give democracy to the morons because the morons couldn't much get psyched enough to 'scare' the military into giving them the concessions morons in Egypt literally would have been stupid enough to believe they'd earned with their dead and their delusions and all that rationalisation so heavily smelling of the stench of...con.

I see it coming a mile away. I laugh every time.

I laugh first every time. It doesn't matter how many time they laugh, or make me laugh, I'll never forget the first time someone makes me laugh. And if it's the old "almost too good to be true, shouldn't even be telling you - what the heck, you seem cool enough, and I don't even have the cash to take advantage of this amazingly good fortune, but...(and I always let them tell me the Spam because the only Spam that got me was the Bible. I was 7 didn't see it coming. Well played, all is fair in creepy games for children, I licked my wounds for 22 years of confusion, laughed drew a line under it, moved on. Cannot be touched by Spam again, I'm almost certain of it. This doesn't mean I can't be brutally destroyed by Truth. When I learn things I've stopped thinking about, on account of their pain / lack of sense / and my curious - my eternally peculiar - out-of-character inability to do what I'd have done 100 times in 100, unless I'm dabbling in lying to myself.

My little siblings adored me. I came rushing into their lives, they were nervous for like mere seconds, I blew that silliness anyway as I'll blow the nervousness of anyone away who isn't making me nervous - too late, for us both then, and it really is hard not to get bitter at how I'm really incapable of acting in our best interests all the time. Sometimes, I just need your help, to be amazing. Without your help, I cannot even survive. I'll self-destruct, if you're gumming on me. Your mother's filthy gums. Have you no shame?

Tsk. Of course you do. That's all you got, her shame. Her awkwardness. It's the legacy of frightened mothers without social skills - so like every mother who ever existed and already you're apologising for her, you're saying it's hardly their fault, these mothers - if you're bright you'll have already connected the dots but you need to connect one more, let me do that for you - if you're bright, you'll know I'm right, mothers are to blame for the reasons I've tendered and other creepy ones I haven't gotten around to being creeped out by - and if you're bright, you'll think about motive and you'll realise they are disturbingly close to what you'd be forgiven for thinking was an applicable spot for a Not Guilty by reason of insanity defence plea, rejected. Because they know - they know - they're doing the wrong thing. Sometimes the look of guilt on their creepy faces as they outplay their babies horrifies them, and they slink away with worried looks on their faces. But they're insane. They're not guilty. Just because you know the right thing to do, only makes your insane actions more insane. If you're ignorant by virtue of being incapable of even contemplating your own best interests, then they're being really creepy because that's bullshit. Our species doesn't need help to nail optimality. It's coded into our DNA.

Watching National Geographic and shit horrifies morons in ways that I don't get. Like the 'callous' apathy of animal mothers to shit they can't be expected to prevent. But then they don't create a world of illusion, where their 'callousness' is really slamming of doors in the faces of those who try to impress them. And you know, I don't think animal pups do that, do they? Try to impress their mothers? Do they glow with pride? They might beam with learned knowledge, when taught something successfully; as I beamed when my Pop gave me the surprise of my 11 year old life one summer, when he had everyone - including me - fooled into thinking he was senile. Obviously his private little deception on my Nan, who wasn't the most interesting of conversationalists but a lot of this shit is neither party's fault and entirely the fault of creepy manipulative powers. Who sell this "living happily ever after" shit about life on Earth, when it won't be happy if they can help it, because happy people? Get awfully unhappy when you fuck with their happiness by hurting an innocent child who belongs to the human race. You hurt yourself in confusion and happy people will stop being happy because you've hurt them as well. We are one. This isn't BS hippy shit.

01-27-2012, 05:51 PM
5/8 but don't be alarmed when the next is 6/9. Don't scream. I'm just bad at estimating 10k blocks. I'm in control, of some things. Feel free to jump overboard at any moment though. You're a few decades late for optimality, I suspect.

Go create the illusion that you're suffering in pain in public and see how much suffering you create. Don't you get it? This is DNA proving humanity is one. We are united with empathy because our selfishness is there to protect us. If we don't protect ourselves, we're useless. But selfish people in control, assist others knowing it's in their best interests. Their selfish interests make them noble.

But religion fucked it all up. Intentionally. So people are ashamed and they will take out their pain on you. They don't realise their shame is unrelated to you. They think their pain is being created by you. So they blame you. Scream at you to take your pain away. Vile idiots. They were embarrassed once, at their inability to be humane. Then, they were inhumane so often, their embarrassment (positive emotion) turned into shame (game over). The shame is caused by their inability to realise they're cutting themselves. I swear to gods that are like no Evil gods in religious 'holy' books that this is not hippie shit. This is DNA. This is science. We are one humanity and I can prove it. Your DNA makes you react when you see someone suffering. You see their pain because it's your pain. We are ONE humanity, ONE species, ONE love.

y their inability to stop cutting themselves. When they didn't realise they should stop you from cutting us all. So they tried not to think about it, and each time it gets worse and worse. They don't realise the embarrassment has turned into shame and once that happens, you're screwed. Embarrassed people snap out of it. Ashamed people, create self-perpetual shame. And then there are winners like me, who fuck with everything. I imagine, someone like me fucked up the logic. And made it all illogical. He'd have been infinitely brighter than I am, but then he was in pain and confusion. Or he wouldn't have dreamed of hurting those who were somehow hurting him. I do - not - dream of changing the logic around, I cannot even get a single person to listen. I've lost the ability to write, and it's literally hard to even get emotional about the book I lost, which most certainly did have me thinking I'd written a game-changer. you read that book. so brilliant, that creepy book, I wonder if anyone creepy enough to write a book that deceptively life-saving could even come along again, and get happy enough to write it or something even more brilliant than it, again. But of course I'm being silly. In a world of insanity, it's very easy to forget how everyone is actually very brilliant, only I can ever know these things I say are true. Because no one else could possibly have my background, my creepy obsessions with high school popularity and the creep I became trying to solve the mystery I did solve - oh quite bitterly and then I got embarrassed. Because I was quite rationally feeling homicidal but then I'm nothing like those losers who spray bullets in pain aimlessly - in their victimisation creating victims. I was a winner, who wasn't allowed to be who I was destined to be, which was fine except when I was trying to just catch up, I was sold a lie that I almost want to quote Lil Wayne in referencing but literally would and can't remember the line. Basically he kept his side of the unspoken bargain, but everyone keeps fucking him over, changing the rules, changing the posts, breaking their vows, so his shelves are full of broken bottles of liquor, and his nightstands are covered in open Bibles.

I hated Lil Wayne but the little creep is growing on me. He says cute stuff that obviously I thought was moronic when I was 14 on my 3rd day of school lifetime - but then didn't think of again until reminded and it might be meaningless but it's not - it really isn't meaningless at all.

A v A+.

A++? What the fuck is this shit, I wanted to yell. Already fearing I'd just swapped one world of insanity for another.

I could haven't imagined how exactly I'd done - that - exact thing. I'd have killed myself had I known this world was 1/100th as creepy and insane and insulting, with all their filthy 'caring' to impose their filthy fiddling impositions all over you - their offence at your rejecting their unsolicited Spam, which is blasted at children to corrupt them before they even have a chance to go "No thanks. I'd prefer not to be thinking about insanity like killing my brother today. Or fighting a man's war with toys and killing man-slaughtering giants with throws too lucky to be implausible. Get it genius? David never beat Goliath because the two never 'dueled'. So it's a creepy made-up story like The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. Literally, one of the creepiest fucking - disturbing - movies I've ever seen, and I couldn't put my finger on it except to be quite certain that some dark shit was in play. That was not a kids movie. That was a movie for children, who needed to be convinced to do very stupid things. I was walking out of the movie, thinking how much like creepy propaganda it was when someone else said literally the thing I was thinking, albeit a few thousand words more succinctly.

"That's some creepy shit."

I would have never dared. When I used to say shit like that, everyone would go creepy and try and make me feel weird. So in trying to show them the point I was making - perfectly intelligently - and accurately and validly and not-remotely-creepily (on the contrary); people would go away doing the thing that has literally driven me to the point of being very creepy a couple times. lucky for them their idiotic analysis was wrong. Because you don't want to be backing away from creeps insulting them and rolling your eyes and laughing with each other about what a creep that creepy creep was - or is. Or not mentioning it, as you walk away awkwardly, too creepy to even express a fucking opinion out loud. Because you're too retarded to know what to say.

So you become a creep. I understand. Your problem. Not mine. Your stupidity. Your mothers. Your corruption. None of it is mine. All of it got dumped on me, because I am a winner. And I wanted to win - happiness. And I knew that needed people.

What I didn't know is that you are all the short-cut to misery. I'm not changing my theory because I believe it's still accurate. Happiness is not possible alone. I just couldn't' have imagined how good misery feels, when it stops. You could almost be forgiven for thinking I was happy. What with no longer being gummed over endlessly by Australian's - who, you understand, wouldn't even dream of doing such a thing, unless they cared for me. And boy, how they cared. They'd care to lecture me on the inappropriateness of my inconsideration in chipping in for breakfast they'd purchased the ingredients for without my asking or requesting or suggesting or even having a fucking clue. Then they'd go and cook it all up, as I'm working. So I'm hungry. Now, I'm not a man of limited means, I can order shit when I'm hungry. But call me crazy, I will think you're weird if you do all that shit and cook only yourself food and then say "oh sorry, I didn't buy enough ingredients but for one person".

Oh sorry I should have mentioned, this shit is always the behaviour of guests. Who are imposing themselves on me, yes. ON my hospitality. Because when someone says they're staying in a hotel, I'm never going to offer they stay at my place. Fuck that. Stay at your place, mobilised. They call them hotels. But I'm bad at being cruel to people who are tight-fisted. Pretty sure no one could ever be poor enough to justify their retardation like this, but if they were, they should just fuck off and away from me. I don't like poor people, I don't like their excuses, I don't like the fact that they think excuses matter for their own happiness, I don't like their entitled attitudes, I don't like the fact that they're kept alive by a government hoping - pretty much investing, in fact (in their confused state / church frame of mind) - paying good cash investing in useless moronic bums who impose, leech, creep everyone out with their awkwardness, their inability to fucking be sane enough to be real, their vile haughty tone they get when they lecture you on your preferences in your house, when I literally couldn't give a fuck except open curtains means glare on my screen which means I've just paid $1800 for your staying here, and counting. Because I had the curtains closed when you walked in and ignored my intense concentration which is exaggerated for effect to communicate "don't talk to, distract and/or bother me - I don't exist, because you don't exist - we're in reality now, be sane".

They cannot be.

DRK Star
01-27-2012, 05:52 PM
for reference:

Is the person who is typing all of these long comments, Scooter, or is this cut/paste from someone else?
Is that Scooter who is in the earlier video inside of the Apple store?

01-27-2012, 05:52 PM

They cannot be sane. Their mothers were too creepy for them to deal with sanity. They lose the plot. i start fuming already knowing what's coming. Because I need to throw them out now. But they haven't done anything yet, they'll shriek. So? I have to wait for them to do it? At which point, my throwing them out will be an over-reaction. They will literally tell anyone who'll listen, because they realise they've been in an altercation with a friend, who shares friends. The 'smart' play is to instantly Spam everyone with your boring unpleasant news. Apparently. Oh I'm literally incapable and it's too generic, anyway. But they will be frantic, so they'll tell everyone. And because it's uninteresting, they've obviously got to sex it up otherwise it will be too obviously creepy moronic 5 year old Mum v Dad Spam learned from creepy moronic parents who encourage it and then talk about a united front with each other. So vile. These morons. Everyone thinking they're outplaying everyone.All so crafty. All too stupid to be alive. No one winning. Everyone losing. Imagining they're playing one hell of a game though.

Literally only I and the guys that are playing the entire world are even capable of not being played. And I ADMIT I got played for 22 years like a moron. Literally couldn't have seen it coming. Felt like I should have though. I was 7. The OT of the Holy Bible was so full of horrifying stuff I'm not even going to degrade your vile 'innocence' and 'naivety' with detailing or listing, for you to insult yourself further by disputing it without being unwilling to verify it, as if it even could be disputable. You're too vile to live. And it's because you were creeped out by your creepy Mom. And when she tried that shit with me, I'd say "why". I thought it was a fun game or something, no idea why or how I got the idea but the idea that "Because" or "because it'll be fun" literally couldn't have occurred to me as the honest - insane - truth she was telling me. Insanely.

I was 5. It was raining. She hated fun. She just was a whore. A machine. Fun was not fun. She wanted to be degraded, insulted, ridiculed than get the buzz of providing pleasure and that creepy 'redemption' or something - it's literally too creepy to contemplate. I'm probably way off. But that's the trick with playing creeps. You can't win. Creeps win. They win they win, just by being creepy. Welcome to politics. Where those who dare to be creepier than plausible, win. They win nothing. They can't even fake happiness remotely plausibly. Not even when they're clearly buzzing on a high - a power rush. Time to flex those muscles, for strategic gain but that's secondary really. And psychopaths are confused. Cause they don't get the emotional bullshit. So they're like "why did you invade Libya there - you don't even have a vile, corrupt reason. You have - no reason! arghh"

Horror, terror, probably kill some kids in a nervous breakdown of fear.

Oh yes, psychopaths feel all natural emotions. Oh they're very easy to distinguish really. And you can get killed for making these distinctions. I'm serious. They're going to be furious at me. This is the most brilliant shit no one is talking about, and the only interesting shit is what NO ONE is talking about. Because if it was 'hot' or valuable or insightful or relevant to you at all - you wouldn't - be fucking talking about it. Fact. Your entire existence is an illusion of their Spam. Real events, utterly arbitrarily reported on to suit random 'aims' at any one time. Sometimes, horror gets created. Maybe you weren't afraid enough. Maybe you need to see some children running down a road with their skin and their clothes burned off by napalm before you'll get so any war, you'll allow us to terrify you of domestic terrors you've been avoiding - annoyingly - because it's very hard to profit from a fake war fought for very real bodies and very non-existent fabricated ideological stakes. You know how you know the entire thing was a sham?

Everything always ended with everyone's face being saved.

Well, lots of unimportant faces got burned off by napalm. The faces of the big players, ostensibly playing for all the marbles, everyone always putting it all on the line and ending up with a draw. You're so moronic, the Cuban Missile Crisis was the most terrifying complete non-event in history. And sure, you'll have guys making a staged event a little bit shaky cause they're not good at changing scripts and the script was written to terrify Americans into throwing more at the military, and live in more overall fear and terror, and JFK isn't going to risk your safety whilst dispatching the vile charades and telling you - but you morons wouldn't listen - the only thing you have to fear, is fear itself.

What kind of a President would say such a thing, if the world was really at risk of losing it's collective minds at once? It's the oldest political trick in the book. Dubya just perfected it. Obama is just horrifying everyone into silence. Pretend to be so stupid, people will forgive you for killing their sons, in a war fought on a pretext you'd have found yourself at war with a horrified and insulted global superpower with - in another world of genuine insanity. This is just fake insanity, where millions or tens of millions of marbles are lost but you don't understand they've become disassociated from the value of human life the way you cannot win at poker until you become disassociated with the value of money. Playing for $20,000 pots and swinging up or down $50,000 or $100,000 or more in a session is maniacal insanity. Not, arguably, to those who are brilliant enough to walk that tightrope. Show me one.

I couldn't do it. The truth was, I could have; but I no longer had any motive to do it. But then that's what I'd probably say if I was in denial. But I'm not. I know exactly what I did and I know exactly why I did it. I can name every name, very vile incident and after sharing with you the horror you probably just don't see - literally so much of my hatred of my intelligence was my correct analysis that it wouldn't hardly even seem creepy or insulting except when morons used to gumming on morons are gumming on someone with the mind of an Obama. Obama didn't achieve what I achieved. I out-gamed the entire world. To date, only sexually molested once, by a fat girl who spiked my drink by being friends with a friend I knew was insane, but was in denial about her "pretty" - pretty girls to me were not insane, because obviously almost all of them are batshit. But thinking like that is one quick way to sleeping alone or sleeping with all of them depending on what other variables are in play. I couldn't think like that. I don't have the requisite variables. Give me Benny Meerman's looks and my mind and creepy capacity to manipulate and this world...Christ, it's literally terrifying who I'd have become. Probably fucking butt-fucked, now that I think about it. Or you don't realise how girls lose their mind, Ben can say the dumbest shit too - we all can, around girls, good-looking guys are not immune, but aha you know who is immune, all of us. To the fact that we're effectively pedophiles. We are all sleeping with children and taking advantage of them with our manipulative deceit and making them scream in pain cause that's what insane children would do. We are awkward. Not our problem, that we lie well? Deceive well. Or I do it better. I do all the unethical and horrifying things you do, and I do them ethically. If you're confused, just hod and smile. That's what this idiotic world wants idiots to do, to stay exploitable. So terrified that if they don't they'll get exploited. No morons. Only terrified morons would even consider it. I was a creepy creep but then only because I was intelligent and terrified, too nervous even to speak. So my brain was on overdrive, non-stop. We're immune, we're in denial. We're crafty children, as crafty as any girl who tricks her father into doing something which is in neither of their best interests. And Fathers will be creeped out, as they should be, then they'll see the smirk which probably takes the form of "thank you daddy" (for ruining me, when I'm too young to know how vile you're being). And they'll think - in their idiocy - "awwh so cute".

01-27-2012, 06:00 PM

Then they'll tell themselves at least she'll be a winner, who'll exploit and break hearts rather than get their heart broken constantly. And I've been talking on YouTube, don't laugh. I can't make videos, I've been having conversations with a world where 99.99% of people just want to transmit. I couldn't believe it, I mean I could, but it's something you have to see to believe. Opinionated people, who will argue open-ended conspiracy theories for 30 years of back and forth debate because that's why they're conspiracy theories they belie the darker realities that are all terrifying and are all true, even the ones that might not be. Like alien life forms, coming into contact with Earth. I'm literally not interested if they have or haven't. Because if they have, they can't have been very intelligent or advanced, lolz. To get owned. Maybe in the hypotheses they crash landed and died, and we're toying with their technology. But that would be irony too hilarious for reality, and only ever the stuff of really B-grade but likely fun to write fiction. An alien crash lands on Earth, and he's so advanced, he has an IQ of like 800 and he damn near dies in this alternating between Orwellian and non -Orwellian world where people care enough to kill you one moment over what fantasy you believe in, then couldn't care less whether they die or not from speeding and drink driving all the way home. Guilty at how they were lucky to miss the RBTs, they start health binging, dieting aerobics, swinging from insanity to insane extreme endlessly in terror, getting so moronic their body has to start flushing their bodies of pain with natural highs, which they get addicted to and almost kill a second family. Before waking up and realising I had all these really dark problems obviously, and none of them were remotely as dangerous to anyone - not even me - as my dangerous denial on the roads which had almost killed me so many times whether I was driving or not - I literally never thought about, when I'd be able to break an 800-successive high addiction to the second creepiest of addictions I think, after addiction to power. Your mother is the third creepiest. She's on the bottom rung and just happy to be invited, if I know mothers. And I do. She's never won anything. Or done anything. how could she? She's hardly even a person. No character. No personality. A blow-up doll with cruelly contorted real feelings. Used her whole life by horrified morons who thought "oh a breathing blow up doll? This will be brilliant" and then run, screaming.

She'll never understand. She'll never amount to anything. She's a doll, who feels. Worthless, because she is - worth only what confused people are willing to lie to her about. It's her Daddy's fault, if you're looking for someone to blame. And they will, always, be looking for someone to blame. It's what Princesses do. That's why she feels worthless. It's why pretty girls addicted to emotional validation are starved into sleeping with everyone. It's not that they're getting their fix, but they think they are. They're starving because they're addicted to something that won't ever happen again. They're addicted to a horrifyingly creepy delusion, and if you put yourself in their shoes, you can almost see why. Little girls, basking in the love of their father who lies to them and makes them believe he can protect them from anything when he vows, and then breaks his vow during the making of the vow because he can't protect them from him. And he's the Number one threat they'll ever face. And they'll face many. Many more, if they have have a creepier father. It's horrifyingly exponential; or it was for me, because I was so lost in delusions of my assumed idiotic identity in order not to frighten girls into not sleeping with me, that I'd forgotten I was too brilliant to fear my fear rationally. I was insane, fearing insanely, rather than fearing fear itself, i.e. fearing insanity.

In my fear, I feared that the link was hereditary. I was millions of miles away from capacity to think logically or intelligently. I just felt like it had to be hereditary. I couldn't lie about the creepy factor. The creepier the fathers, the creepier the guys, and I would be gone thank you. No Ma'am, each of your boyfriends is a reflection of you; because each of them either complimented you or exploited you, with compliments. Don't get confused, you're not sane enough to get frustrated without becoming dangerous. Take your time, take deep breaths. Relax. There is literally everything to be be afraid of. That's why you need to relax. And chill. The way you were going, all you cared about in your fear was getting your ego stroked. Meanwhile, the entire world is going up in flames, and millions of children are being raped, and none of is is because anyone is Evil or cackling or maniacally trying to create suffering. They've merely lost touch with their humanity. And they're detached from their Command and Control inside their DNA. We have to get back in touch with ourselves. And we need to rewrite the idiotic idiocy out of popular 'consensus'. No more small talk. Feel awkward, swear, fart, swear, snicker do whatever you want and it will be smart than insulting a stranger you've first met. Because the think they don't tell you is about their own denial. They don't tell you that it's crazy to do all this shit, but maybe you see how it's crazy and maybe you don't. But you can't figure out why. Why would creeps get that creepy?

They were intelligent? And pretty little girls who didn't realise they'd been given so much power,except they had and they were totally loving it and just pretending not to be having fun when they hurt people who loved them cause that's what rushing on poisonous power is. Let's cut out the bullshit delicacy. Power is about application of it. you cannot sit on a nuclear warhead and feel powerful. You need to be the guy who knows he's the guy who pulled the imaginary trigger to make the real boom. And the guys all the way down the chain get imaginary highs equal to their 'guilt' when the Law gets so creepy, it starts saying "But the Law can be illegal."

When the Law spends all it's time saying "Whether the Law is right or wrong, you have to respect it. This is not the way to change the Laws. You have to go through the process."

What's the process? Rewrite the Constitution? Thailand does that every new government. Why not? It's optimal.

When they get power back, from those who have it but are unwilling to use it for whatever reasons they have or don't have, they rewrite the Laws to suit them. Exonerate them if they broke the laws, in the process. It's so nauseating you have to be careful or you will lose your existential soul to suicide, coming to grips with the horror that is their vile double-play on poor, decent, confused people who just cannot win no matter what they do. No one wins, though - it's so hilarious. This entire globe is so horrifying in all their vile denial and preferences for pleasantry - no matter how creepy or insulting - the vilest things happen right under your very noses. And after, you're all still in denial about the millions of Jews who were slaughtered by maniacal confused maniacs, instead of educated about their parents' evil vile.

01-27-2012, 06:07 PM
Millions of innocents were killed during the Holocaust. Millions of children. Who committed no vile crimes. A tiny section of single adult innocents who had no part in the evil, but who knows how proactively they were fighting it. A tiny section - of incredibly debatable / but arguably innocent married Jews without children. Who may have or may have not had intent to commit the Evil shortly. Who knows. They were probably innocent by letter of the 'law', and guilty by being party to the existence of Evil everyone is in denial about.

The Holocaust was not insane. It was confusion about how to deal with Evil that is insane. Jews are insane, you are insane for thinking a race of people could possibly be. They're kinda cool, despite their horrifying denial. You have to be in denial or you wouldn't be capable of functioning. I understand their denial perfectly. I've lived in it my entire life. It's only ever horrifying to others. Who only become creeps when they react to something and then "thinking better of offending you with helpful Truth" they run the other way unwilling to cause a 'scene' over your failure to understand, that you'd hear a lot better and stop making the creepiest fucks in the world creep you out over your ears by refusing to say what they'd already said with their horrified facial expressions. All they needed to say was "dude you gotta clean your ears, that shit doesn't wash out in the shower or surf."

And I would have said, "fuck I didn't know that". And I would have cleaned my ears the first time in my life when I was 14. As it happened, I cleaned my ears for the first time in my life when I was 16. You think this shit is silly, unimportant? People kill themselves over it. They spend entire lifetimes battling negative body image complexes. They kill each other. They kill themselves. SO much suffering, it makes me want to kill you. I mean, you. It's your vile suffering. You create it, with your fear of 'scenes'. You're so horrifying, in the Reality you won't credit because you won't use logic trying to work out if you're creating Evil. You're only thinking of things from a perspective of the dock, when if you thought of the big picture, you'd never be in the dock.

But the 'honorable' men who refuse to be drawn into a discussion about whether it can ever be sane or in anyone's best interests to kill their children, whether they planned it months in advance, or whether their insanity was spontaneous. Fucking nauseating vile evil ignorance. I'll adjudicate on them. If the world cannot understand my logic, I'll offer up my own life to be noosed. This is literally a literal offer, for whatever it's worth in your insanity. Oh, because you think I'm not important because I wasn't stupid enough to stretch out my denial to 10mil, 100mil, 1bil and where does it end?

You think, if we let him ask the President questions like that, then it's chaos. No no only important questions and stupid questions must be asked and insulted with lies, in response. Nothing about traitors or treason. Nothing about lying to Americans in order to kill them. Nothing about Freedom Fries. French Axises of Evils. It's Evil to try and save US lives with Truth? Only 50,000?

hahah. Millions of you are walking dead and you don't even realise it yet. You think Bush killed 50,000? hah. He killed 1 million Iraqis that literally couldn't matter less to me. I'm honest. deal. Except...they happen to have been the parents of children who they had made addicted to them?

Uh oh.

Evil whore mothers, come full circle. Welcome to the world of ironic pain. If only people in pain could appreciate irony. I have lied so many times about that fact. The only thing you - appreciate - in pain, is the pain. Confusion if you've no clue about why anything is happening or why you did or didn't 'deserve. Hatred and horror and the burning of a very dark kind of insanity, if your attempt to act in yours and others' best interests was betrayed by their insanity in thinking it was in their best interests to stab everyone in the foot and you in the face hahah.

If you are the sort of person who is the definition of polite evil; like all of you mostly are - except for the rare few that don't do what all of my mates did to me, until an actual mate Matty T shrieked and handed me a bunch of cotton buds and I solved the mystery of the insanity of my horrifying ears with that innocuous non-event. Two years and maybe a dozen different people after it should have occurred, and it should have occurred a dozen times. Filthy vile world of suffering. You think it's silly but then I'm pretty bright. When things don't occur to me and you think "Well that's retarded cause they occurred to me" - you know how I feel about everything, else - in the world. About everyone. Except I feel adoration for anyone decent enough to be a friend.

And not be vile like a mother who thinks her children are just trying to impress her. and she's not impressed. She is too stupid to understand anything that is said. She just feels, you feel bad. She's fishing, idiotically. She'll just go ahead and tell you not to feel bad, whatever it takes. When you're in denial. And you were a horrifying parent, your adult children are either going to be perfectly horrifying or perfectly horrified of you. My mother's children are perfectly horrifying like my sister who competes with my baby sister for attention. Like I asked Mandy how her gymnastics was going so brilliantly, but not game-play. Just brilliance because she wasn't fully corrupted. She was just on the brink and I was losing her. And losing her, I wasn't stupid enough to compel her to have conversations she didn't want to have - obviously - but I did get stupidly intense and focused. Maybe I said something. Maybe it was my apathy in being the most amazing older brother in the world?

I swear to God, I probably was. I couldn't live there. But then it's hard to explain to children that the reason you can't be there often is that their mother will likely die. I think I knew I had to take the evil lumps with the tea and I was trying to deny the bitterness, with idiocy.

I had zero agenda, except making them the happiness kids I could possibly manage. And I have not completely inconsiderate powers at my disposal. Most of my power, is in my sanity in not being demented twisted creepy and vile. I couldn't care less about public displays of deception because I have no private shame to hide. No noses to powder, and creep a world out with. No horrifying coy or whore paint. I couldn't care if their shirt was supposed to be white, but black in reality. If it's unhygienic, I'll explain to them why they might want to be hygienic. Little bit of effort. But being sick all the time? Diseases? bah. No one wants them. If it looks stupid, I'll take them shopping and show them how much better they look taking care of themselves. No need to go overboard with image, of course. I'd explain to them. Unless you had perfect special hair like mine. I have to take 30 min to fix my hair but only because I have amazing hair. You are super cool, don't get the wrong idea, but your hair isn't special like mine. You don't need to take 30 minutes. And they'd go. But your hair is stupid, hahah. And I'd go "OMG how could you say such a thing!" - in mock horror.

And then they'd be horrified, for only a second, until they get the joke. And they got these jokes, I tell really good jokes that tell children really important things about what to care about and why. i was so dangerous, I didn't even realise a vile Evil was frantically watching me - steal - her property away. With happiness and fun. Her twin pet hates. They always lead to effort, don't they?

Less time for fucking. The Rapture is coming any day now. "No, you cannot have fun."

Why? "Because I said so."

Kill them. Kill anyone who is so vile, they'd refuse to show their working to their children.

I showed lots of fake working, for jokes with my siblings. And they'd realise it's more than a joke. Kids are so smart. Well mine were.

01-27-2012, 06:15 PM
9/11. fml. I went to edit a misspelled word. Blew out the 'estimates'.

They weren't MINE though, were they. Christ I was incapable of being competitive around evil as vile as her. For years, in denial, I cried as they just drifted away. Back to their vile master who was killing them. She made an executive decision. Jonny was dangerous. Children need their mother. The need their mother, not to be corrupted. If their mothers are corrupted, there is nothing a child needs more than not to have a mother. I knew this. But I was not emotionally sound enough to ever be that brutally cold. And I needed to be that brutally detached and confident enough in non-countered logic, tested against endless logical sounding boards, to even proceed with the thought. And I would have, proceeded with the thought. If I was sound of mind, and at peace. You can do amazing things. Maybe you can even show corruption how corruption isn't in their best interests.

But then I'm not calling them vile because they're ignorant. I'm calling them Evil Whores because they know the Truth. They don't want to be free. They're terrified of the 'reality' that is so much more horrifying than their worst fears. They're irrelevant beyond their capacity to fathom. Children make them feel relevant. I tried not to vomit, as a mother of a friend of mine explained their insanity to me, proudly. Children fill the gap in your soul that everyone feels until they have them. Hah.

You don't have children unless you have holes you need to fill. You'd adopt or raise a human instead. You wouldn't have or possess or own anything. Unless you're too stupid to own anything. Let alone be given the power to end the world. Mothers have that power. They're drunk with it, collectively. But not really. They're just vile and they need to be put down when they're like my mother. The greatest brother a kid could ever dream of having storms back into their lives after you - his mother - very nearly killed him, for 14 years. Four years later, healed enough to cope with your horrifying vile again, he outplays you and saves his siblings. She admitted - this vile woman - that it was for the best. I sighed, idiotically relieved. I didn't realise she was doing her fake denial. She missed her sex cult, she missed her exploitation, she missed her chains.

Vile filthy nigger. I should have put her down and dealt with the aftermath intelligently somehow. What I did....wasn't going to save them. I needed to save us all from her. The cult didn't fiddle my brothers and sisters because they were evil. My vile mother was the evil who took her gifts and handed us over to them to please her manipulators. She is insane of course. But evil is insanity, when it gets so ugly it wants to be in pain. And cause pain.

She needed them. Mothers take them back when Good threatens, accidentally. They were hers. She burned those buns, didn't she; not Jonny. Not her Son. Children need their mother. She knows this. What she doesn't know is that she'll never win. She just makes the world lose. And then, when in confusion and stupidity and agony I went crying to her, she played dumb, and claimed to be concerned about the undeniable Obvious horror I was referring to. She said she was concerned too. I need to kill her. This is just.... I said, almost in tears, "what's happening? The light in their eyes is flickering out or gone. It's too horrifying to think about."

And she'd go "I know exactly what you mean. I've been thinking much the same thing. I just don't know why they're not interested in anything. I try and get them to be interested, but they just pull away from me too."

Sigh. She admitted her guilt, in all her stupid vile. And in trauma that had nothing to do with my siblings and everything to do with me, I collapsed, horrified, and in denial. I knew what she was doing on some level. She had done it before with me. And I'd literally gotten so serious about it whispered it to her, in a hiss. "STOP YOUR FILTHY FORCING THEM TO DO THINGS THEY DON'T WANT TO DO. THAT'S HOW YOU TRAUMATISE PERFECTLY SANE CHILDREN INTO NOT EATING GREENS FOR TWO DECADES. When they merely didn't like the taste of them only because you forced them to eat them when they weren't hungry."

Parents are the worst. How could I have known, all her vile evil wasn't entirely ignorance. Her application of it was insane. But this is where horrified judges who might be innocent get confused about insanity. When it's so vile, it's just implausible.

She will think, and I know for a fact because has the vile idiocy to be arrogant, in spite of her mind-numbing incapacity to be sane - or do logic - so she think and says stuff like: "Honey, I raised children before? (giggle) I think I know what I'm doing."

If you knew what to respond to that except <scream>, quickly followed by <denial>, you're a genius. And you should be writing. Cause now I'm 50 min over time. Fuck.

She would say shit like: "You'll understand one day, when you have your children."



I asked her why I needed to screw kids up to be so sure of my child raising skills, but she was busy by this stage, getting outplayed by a 3 year old or something. In a mind game. So she doesn't know.

She just sighs when she doesn't know. And walks away. Solution.

01-27-2012, 06:18 PM
10/11 - totally going to make all of this coherent later. I swear on your life. Inshallah.

Hey it's an improvement on "talking in tongues". Not in terms of comedy but then comedy isn't hilarious when it's too creepy to be funny.

Now she signs. No one laughs. But I run away screaming. My baby sister small talked me, two Xmas's ago. Maybe that isn't as horrifying as it truly is.

5 years ago, you couldn't have poisoned our relationship if you were the most corrupted person alive. This is how idiotically confident I was, in the tenuous nature of sanity. We're not in trouble over something my incoherent rambling could fix, if it was coherent. But then DELL and - well - almost every power bar the Vatican, has proactively suggested otherwise. It all might be a brilliant level. To get me off the scent of lizards, or something. Who knows, with genius.

Not really that smart though, are they? I don't think so. They're not really happy, in my logical opinion. Logic suggests happy people wouldn't find fulfillment in creating confusion. Logic suggests, something very different is swirling around their emotional root-kit infested cores.

You couldn't have corrupted us, I'd have laughed at the suggestion. My sister and I were tight. We'd have laughed you off. She was so bright, and pure and keen to learn and think; we would just laugh at silliness of the world, and then have 20 min debates about important things like whether orange poppers were better than apple. And then she'd always laugh to make sure I knew she was joking. And amazingly, it was appropriate somehow. Her ability to do irony would alarm me for a fraction of a second and I'd think "oh no she thinks I'm serious omg" and then I'd see the smile saying "chill you worry too much". And I did, really. Couldn't have worried enough, in the end. Don't think anything can compete with a corrupted biological link. That link saves the species from corruption. But if mothers are unable to protect their young? If mothers corrupt their young and leave them exploitable instead of emotionally stable? How about we change the logic to illogical and have some fun? I can see the geniuses chatting about it now. It's literally something I'd hypothesise about. I'm doing it now, aren't I. They're not going to be happy about it, if I'm hypothesising correctly. If I'm wrong, rest assured. I'll be a crackpot for decades.

She'll ask you why you feel bad and then be too dumb to understand the answer which isn't complex. Maybe you're about to die, and you've given her more evidence of it in embarrassment at your 'failing' to deliver your normal financial assistance to your siblings as efficiently or as "on time" as in the past. A week late. A fortnight late. Embarrassed, unable to get online but that's only the honest reason. Morons think "but you can get to an internet cafe" without understanding I can come up with a better fake excuse if I wanted to ? So maybe stop fucking insulting me when I tell the truth. Yes, I could. But the reason I didn't is because I forgot. Not because there is no internet cafes in Bangkok. And the reason I forgot is because I cannot get online. Motherfuckers. Whoa man, I didn't ask for War and Peace.

I know. You just wanted me to Lie to You. It's why I'm being killed. I got very smart, very quickly. And scared a lot of confused people into wondering whether I was JFK until they laughed and saw I was too stupid to empty a recycle bin. say "You are using Law, at Nuremberg to convict people of crimes because they respected the Law. And you talk about legal paradoxes and shit like you're confused about what message is being sent. Ironically, it's an honest one. A bit like a slap-hand to your face from a whore in denial and outraged you would shame her with a questions hse'd rather you didn't ask. That's almost always the reason why you should ask, anything. IT makes her feel creepy. She lashes out, when non-creeps make her feel creepy.

Every non-creep knows that. And they'll sleep alone. Or they will become dark and creepy. Where they will stay, unless they're anything like me - and it's funny, how many people are just like me. But impossibly less willing to openly discuss their shame. I'm not ashamed by it. I am worried about their creepy shame, though. Preventing them from thinking their way through what they're in denial about feeling their way through, instead. I know shame. Shame kills. Embarrassment is a precautionary emotion working for your benefit. Shame is the corrupted inserted root-kit. Root shame out. Try not to kill your mother in the process.

That's a joke. They're too vile to die from your emotional reversed games. I was too smart to believe that for so long. What happened. Oh that's right. I was terrified of my intelligence. lolz. Next.

What a curious world. I'm sure I'm the only one, as well. What a curious world that makes little bright kids ashamed, of being little and bright and not - remotely - creepy at all. They will become creeps and quickly. Or they'll make so many vile future mothers shriek they might be concerning enough for some electric caring. God I love society.

It's the easiest shit in the world to get rid of. When you undertand everything, you feel zero shame. Only confusion is shameful. IOnly confused people can even - feel - shame. eople get that shit instantly. That's bullshit is what it is. Fucked up shit where people were making shit up as they went along, made some rules, then - as Lil Wayne reminded me of when I last thought about it 15 years ago, simply ADDED a new bar on top of the pinnacle. It's sloppy, filthy, and unacceptable bullshit that isn't remotely as unintentional or as ad-hoc as it seems spotted the obvious culprit, hardly his fault for loving his daughter too much right? Right , so much thinking on the fly and I started to pick up on who the good players were, who were in power and doomed, if there was a betting line with the volume capable of supporting a line of credit I had to the tune of a million or so, I'd have won very close to the rustling, of the meaningless static, . Who I don't think I'd ever heard of but only he would know if we'd met. I don't remember him, but I was wearing a $140 Shem shirt one day when I was briefly toying with fashion (such a drag really, because it's never solved, there are no answers; it's just endless...working, and showing your working, to be passed or failed or both, simultaneously - it's retarded; but I don't think Shem was, because his shirts were pretty cool. But mostly, because if he didn't price them at insanity, fashionable people like me wouldn't have ever dreamed of wearing them. I knew this, and I respected the play long before I tired of the endless self-extortion.

My whore mother, who once complained when I made a point of calling her Linda instead of mother, when I was bemused at myself because I literally couldn't care enough about whether she lives or dies to even make the point - you follow? I was busy running game on her, I think; that's always the reason whenever I do something that surprises me but this one really shocked me. Cause I was acting like I cared, and being Avril and calling her Linda when the truth is I hold zero emotion because she died when I was 5? So like 25 years ago. I literally don't know this weirdo who's senile and thinks she's my Mother, but then she is - or I lied to myself because I had no options and wanted to believe that she was - doing an okay job (with my cash, of course - but this was also a lie because I knew what kids need and it's not money; I mean, it's ideal if you don't give the fortunes of cash the governments and charities throw at slaves in chains, but if you think that cash would be thrown if the slaves didn't buy poison with it, and built schools with it, bought books - from libraries they didn't own, and publishing houses they didn't dictate to - you'd be a moron.

01-27-2012, 06:24 PM
so real talk, am i on your list?

01-27-2012, 06:39 PM
11/11. I swear to god if I don't make all this coherent prose, you will be forced to be sacrificed for my failure / inability. Here's to a surprise abscense of apathy and a refreshing return of good old ability.

You maybe have a 5% chance of living here. But then stop blubbering. You weren't really - living - before, were you? Huh. Answer me, BOY. I'll answer for you, more accurately.

You weren't.

Children don't - need - money. They need Maslow, but that costs next to nothing for parents who are sane. When insane, all the money in the world couldn't get you Maslow. Because some creep will just stand in the middle and take it all away. If for no other reason than to generate the guilt, that generates the pain, that generates the doubt in the faith they know they have to have during trials and testing troubles and tribulations like these - they recognise them when they see them, trust me - hungry children are fucking noisy.

Hungry, powerful children; so cold and get disturbingly silence and indignant. And you would be advised to be frightened of it. It frightens me, often. Makes people think I've gone insane but I'm not entirely sure about decency, and dignity. I know what you think they mean, but I'm unsure on their definitions. Trust me, you couldn't be more wrong. This doesn't mean the corollary is right. I know what decency is not; and that is what I've been my entire life, in my dealings with Evils and Creeps. I don't think I can be faulted, but then if you are comfortable with losing like that, you'll never win a thing. I've lost, and badly, impossibly surprisingly - but then my denial has been running it's loose lips without my cracking down on it, for 4-5 years of horror now. I saved my little brothers and sisters lives.

I mean, I thought I had. I really did that shit, or believed it. I was being a moron, and didn't want to face the truth. I was never going to be decent enough to kill the objects of their affection, even if I knew their parents would kill them. And I convinced myself that was the truth if they stayed in the cult, but then I lied to myself there with a cheeky little trick of implied logical assertion, which is always going to be a fail. Logic is brutal. Which is beautiful. You cannot trick logic, or game it. It has no hidden agenda, no complexity. No offence, or feigned offence, or anything but ridicule for the ridiculous idea of cultural insensitivity. Be sensitive to the fact that insane people think you could have a motive to hurt them. Don't make people think that, because whether they're sane or not will be tested by whether or not they strike first, in self-defence. You character assassinate psychopaths, and make them - arguably - dangerous by virtue of your vile inability to correctly appreciate their position as one of humanity's last genuine hopes to drag us out of this ludicrous emotional mess of corruption and idiocy and mean words, and long words, and confronting walls of words for guys who spend entire days reading but then only in helpful bite-sized blocks.

Do you need your Mommy to cut up my run-on sentences for you? She can't read, buddy. Why do you think she never reads? To confuse you? She's confused, about everything. Because why would a Princess, not to mention the most beautiful one in the world, ever need to learn how to read - when they can just do what they're good at, and be cute?

It's tragic when they're actually cute.

When they're...something other than that, there is horror and then there is the horror of watching horrified smirks on the faces of vile, but very pretty and elitist retail staff (the irony, of them being elitist - is somehow pure amazing or something, it gets me every time) rapidly transform from their default coping mechanism to something much like the non-default horror on my face, initially at their smirks and then we were all left powerless to do or say anything but be horrified at power, as she giggled with her Mother - so sweet, this Mother - lying to her for 17 years, it was her big night, what she'd clearly been convinced she was being kept "wrapped up" for, and she wanted to let it all out.

Sex. Her sex appeal. This is a young proud, virginal and pure sexual tiger. Who weighed so much, I literally am afraid of making a guess for reasons of being thought to be exaggerating; when you just couldn't. You couldn't. She'd be dead if she was any heavier. That's what I told my mate when I said I thought she must weigh...what she probably weighed at the time. She was 17, but I thought she was 35 or older when I first saw her. And everyone saw her. She might not see you, you'd wanna see her coming, if you were a small child or girl or woman or boy. She might roll over the top of you and steam up in tears at never knowing how much she didn't want that piece of cake she was crying for, when she'd just killed an innocent, slowly. Mangled body distributed out behind her, or lost - one assumes, eternally - in various rolls, which had rolls of their own, and more rolls. An entire colony of ants, could lose their way in her rolls and die - somewhat ironically - so close to Utopia or Mecca, but lost in the moving maze.

Which couldn't move very often, and when it did - as it clearly did today because we were standing inside a store which wasn't in her bedroom (where she would have eaten, 100%); she was fading fast. I knew what she needed, her idiotic mother seemed to think it was the sun on an overcast, chilly day. Well, she might have been partly right, but then everyone was right - or would be, wouldn't they? She was dying. I was the only one who knew what she needed and I swear to God the hero in me or the horror but then pretty sure that's the same thing, almost delivered it to her. Merciful death, if she took it badly. Not sure how she could take her Reality, well. But that's no reason to pout when your Mother rejects the 'revealing' dress she couldn't try on of course so she was admiring these size 8 dresses cut to tease, on her size ?? earthquake body, which will need to be cut into pieces to bury. When she dies. And this is what we're talking about here. Parents killing their children with their idiocy.

It's not nice to save their lives. Which wouldn't be in danger were it not for the horror-show excuses they have for parents. I am a creep, and I said nothing in the end. I knew it was probably against the Law, on some level - to fuck with another person's property. She'd have died, I'd be up for manslaughter. And those perfectly horrid little rakes I no longer wanted to fuck because no one looks pretty when they're too horrified to speak. And maybe, too horrified to breathe? I was hopeful, but then that's the quickest way to disappointment.

The longest way? Tell your daughter boys will go crazy and you're putting your foot down on the "revealing". Accuse her of likely enjoying the commotion, making boys lose their minds; wouldn't she, her mother signed. Sex tigress daughter on her hands, trying to hold back the flood of Reality this girl clearly fantasised about. She smirked, she knew herself.

She would have, too. God she was incorrigible. Such a hussy! Nothing but a tease! She was blushing, at how naughty she would be capable of being. Thank heavens her Mother was there, or she might kill young boys with desire for her. Or horror. As long as she drives them crazy. Pretty sure this is what the insanity was all about. I couldn't take it anymore. I pitied the retail snobs, for being prisoners to that horror but then I'm not entirely certain they were capable of moving, anyway.

I was. I ran. I'm pretty good at that. Didn't think about that story for a year or two. Pretty 'good' at doing that, as well. You shouldn't do that. You could remember, and almost kill someone whilst driving. Not me. Two families killed is where I draw the line, in reality. And no one takes my indignation well. Or the first of the doubts, that she'll brush away but then doubts are like suggestive up-selling of Law. You can use them for Good and for Evil. Just make sure you don't get played, or play yourself.

01-27-2012, 06:41 PM

I sowed the doubts in my parents when I squeezed them where it hurt and I remembered why I couldn't even manipulate them when I was a child, into saving me. I had made everyone - including them - terrified of me. I couldn't afford to take the risk. I'd seen them say exactly the same thing as the pedophiles said, before they didn't even know they were going to get a hard-on. I'd hear the warning, caring coming - not quite genuine yet, more routine when they say "this is going to hurt me more than it's going to hurt you" but then that's the warning sign that their insanity is especially dangerous. Insanity is unpredictable. It bubbles and spurts and I was never so stupid as to think it could be predictable; merely recognisable. When they said something like that, it was because they were more 'sane' than usual rage, which can be dangerous when it's the first explosion of horror which obfuscates the line between insanity and the edge of insanity. you don't want to go over, trust me. No one wants that, trust me. Only some very confused people think they want to create it. In order to create the children of the victims who will be their children and so on - always their children, the children of this world, and I'm talking about being owned by the Vatican. Created is probably a better word, because owned implies purchase and this world was not bought. it was lovingly paid, painstakingly built up, brick after brick. With love and delusion only possible in Vatican slaves who believed they would be happy once it was built. Ah, the irony.

Sometimes I wonder if it wasn't the creepiest villains alive who made the Vatican, Christianity, Buddhism and Islam (all religions, really; it's amazing girls even join them - ahhah, the only morons stupid enough to join a religion they're not born into are whores no one would fuck for free). I once understood the whore gypsy who believed she was my mother when she may not have even given birth to me; but regardless, was never my mother because my mother would be motherly. Not a whore, who killed everything she touches with her unspeakable vile and horror and insanity and arrogance in spite of it all, and at the core - at the core of all her filthy creepy and caring for public images of purity - is a desire to be beaten and spat upon and kicked like the filthy dog she is. Oh she doesn't realise this. But then she thought she was bad-mouthing my Nan, probably in much the way she creeped out my siblings from talking to me because the thing about Spam, is that it doesn't even need to make sense. Once it makes you feel, everything is corrupted. Everything is uncomfortable. Everything is creepy. My mother just needed to open her vile mouth about me to my siblings and game over; my faux victory was 'rudely' revealed to be the Reality I think I knew it always had to be, on some level. Because I was way too - quick - to 'celebrate' my Win. I'm always a lot more cautious when I win easily - and I win easily enough, when I've been brilliant enough, to analyse every angle for Optimality.

I'm not going to bullshit here so close to death and claim I achieved Optimality. I knew what Optimality was because I knew I loved my little siblings who were - alive - likely untouched but only by force of luck and a little bit (completely unintentionally, but welcomed whenever I'd notice it) my parents would get handled very badly by a frightened cult who were terrified at how miserably they were failing to handle me.

But Jesus cannot hold onto a W overnight. Jesus is a bitch, like that. When it comes to demonic possession.


I wrote the finest posts I'd ever written here. The first one. And the one I just lost when the page refreshed for no reason. This is the third I rambled out quickly because I need to go do something and I went half hour over time. There are endless tangents I begin then just forget about until I edit, where tangents become tangentially fucked up. But I need to find my ability to write back. Because I can write. I think. Evidence to the polar opposite can be ignored. I'll concede it when it's valid. I'd point out creepy corruption and verify it when the bullshit affords me the capacity to be functional.

I'm sure it's all coincidence, of course. Just my internet browser. Firefox, if you must know. Chrome and Canary refuse to install. No reasons given, but lots of helpful information sent to Google. Who DO NO EVIL, except they sure do let a lot of EVIL happen to me - without feeling it even warrants a comment, or a helpful suggestion or a fucking response not written, activated and mailed - by automated scripts representing communication. As if I needed to be pre-insulted before insulted, for real?


Like, I'm logged in to my SSL Gmail account. And then I see I'm not actually jonny vincent. I'm this other person. And I think, through the horror, is there any point even going to the effort of getting screenshots of shit like this? Are they even worth the bother or will they idiotically think I'm trying to - convince - them of something, like Spam?

Time will tell. So far, I've taken a great deal of evidence of evidence. But none of you are impressed. It's funny, I wasn't trying to impress you. I thought I was being dumb or something, being noble in warning the morons who'd killed me with their apathy. Before I kicked the bucket.

Spoiler: They were too apathetic. To care one way or another. Hhaha. You can't make them care. Who do you think you are, their mother? You're not the boss of them.

Their mother urinated all over them. They know who's property they are. They don't care. They didn't ask you to care. hahah. LOL@YOU. They win.

They always win, those victims. In their victimisation. Rats.

(insert rest of Google DOING NOTHING, ABOUT EVIL here.)

01-27-2012, 07:50 PM
11/11. I swear to god if I don't make all this coherent prose, you will be forced to be sacrificed for my failure / inability.

Well.. it was a good run.

Hillbilly Jim
01-27-2012, 10:37 PM
dental dams niggas

01-27-2012, 11:11 PM
I knew Suicide King was involved somehow. His real name is Othello.

Who is the one keeping JV aka scooter from going to the doctor and getting the correct medication.


Repeat. Forces are coming together preventing JV from the medical help he deserves. I would believe Suicide King would have something to do with this if he knew as much about computers as say...Sonatine does.

Hillbilly Jim
01-27-2012, 11:41 PM
get real suicide king was last seen in a wheelchair(due to his gout) living vicariously through his son
in a few years the poor kid is gonna get tired of his dad forcing him to box and knock him the fuck out

of his wheel chair

01-28-2012, 01:03 AM
The problem with the insanity defense is it presumes Free will exists.

Well yes I see your point now but then you could have made it more visible so that I could see it's visibility.

But if you don't have my capacity to say what I say in 100,000 characters effectively - if you're limited to asserting much the same thing (which, it seems only now that you might be surreptitiously doing something exactly like that - but then I understand how lilies wilt under the bright lights of my volume) - that doesn't mean you haven't done a perfectly acceptable job, all the same.

In communicating the same thing, in 1/1000th the excellence.

Is this indeed, what you were trying to do here? Could I safely substitute "asserts" or "suggests" or "implies"...for "presumes"?

You seem to have all the answers, but where are the questions. I skipped past your - all-too-brief - 'contribution', and couldn't have imagined it to be worth my reading. Is this your idea of communicating? Sounds an awful lot like transmitting, to me. I'm not a busy man, or a VIP; headlines aren't my thing. I'm a paper man, I sell newspapers.

How could you sell something like this above? Who would pay for it.

Belay that.

I just realised how they sold it, to humanity. Yes, much as I figured - you were wrong and I was right - about the value of volume. You couldn't print 4 billion copies of this, without it appearing to be the Obvious subversive propaganda it is. You see, if the Bible was as long as the above, no one would get Middle Men to read it for them. I'm but a product of my excellence, and upbringing, and I was raised by the world's finest creeps - who learned from the best.

I'm not trying to assert my superiority over you personally; merely clarifying that your style, whilst appearing at second glance, to be something like a fool's idea of wit - wouldn't make you very rich, at all.

You cannot sell Truth when it is succinct. How would you obfuscate the Lies, huh?

01-28-2012, 01:30 AM
you could substitute assumes, if you'd prefer. Or you could substitute the entire text of Beyond Freedom and Dignity, that's probably more your style.

01-28-2012, 01:48 AM
Who is the one keeping JV aka scooter from going to the doctor and getting the correct medication.


Repeat. Forces are coming together preventing JV from the medical help he deserves.

This is literally what I've been saying - quite audibly - for a substantive period of time now.

I know exactly who's getting in the way of me and my medication. They're not physicians. I know this, because I make a point of not calling them "Doctor" and they bristle, every time.

You see, a physician couldn't care less what you call him. So long as you call him when you're sick. He won't be impressed if you want him to make you sick, when you're well. That's not how the Hippocrats did things.

For that, just so you don't bother a physician next time, I can tell you who you need to see for that problem you have with health. The one where you're healthy and not happy. And need to be exploited, for it.


For $1150 / hr I would hire a secretary who could use a phone and perform basic secretarial functions, as well.

Heck, I might even hire one who could perform superfluous functions; if you know what I mean. wink wink. Short skirts. And some rudimentary proficiency in grammatical things. You could be forgiven for thinking this is a level, and not even a very good one.

But if it is a level, it's too subtle not to be brilliant. Or you don't know the first fucking thing about the entire guild of criminal shysters.

But I'm just a tin-hat wearing crackpot, quoting unreliable sources like the American Medical Association (http://pubs.ama-assn.org/media/2010j/0105.dtl) (the journal of which finally relented to mounting evidence of their corruption in denying the charges leveled at them and refuted by Big Pharma for 25 years; the AMA conceded irrefutable proof of criminal culpability & active involvement of any and all psychiatrists - who are provably guilty of routine fraud and even murder (ongoing - their fraud & exploitation of you, is ongoing). But how could you care about your best interests. Yawn.

These crooks are not physicians. They couldn't clear up an STD with penicillin and broad-spectrum antibiotics. Not with the SSRIs they'll shove at you when you go in there curious as to why they'd place themselves between you and restful sleep - and come out too horrified to breathe. But if you're stupid enough to elicit their medical 'expertise' you could die.

"True drug effects (an advantage of ADM over placebo) were nonexistent to negligible among depressed patients with mild, moderate, and even severe baseline symptoms..."
"Prescribers, policy makers, and consumers may not be aware that the efficacy of medications largely has been established on the basis of studies that have included only those individuals with more severe forms of depression <<excluded 99% of the data relevant to 99% of the market which was shown the fraudulent data>>.

This important feature of the evidence base is not reflected in the implicit messages present in the marketing of these medications to clinicians and the public. There is little mention of the fact that efficacy data often come from studies that exclude precisely those MDD patients who derive little specific pharmacological benefit from taking medications.

Pending findings contrary to those reported here and those obtained [in previous studies] by Kirsch et al and Khan et al, efforts should be made to clarify to clinicians and prospective patients that...there is little evidence to suggest that they produce specific pharmacological benefit for the majority of patients," the authors conclude.

Literally, they kill people - they murdered people who brought this scandal to the attention of the news media; who - having been shown the reality of what they already knew (Kirsch, Khan and the dead physicians et al) - all start asking the most peculiar in their articles covering the JAMA admission of guilt.

"New questions have been raised..."

"The interesting debate over SSRIs efficacy has swung to the side of those who argue they're less effective than previously believed..."

"Are SSRIs more placebo than previously thought?"

They raise the question, partly answered by the study they're referencing. The only part that isn't entirely clear is whether it's manslaughter or first degree for the deaths of anyone who's been killed by their 'placebo'. And why the police aren't arresting them all on serious criminal charges? We need to clean house. Across the globe.

If you cannot understand the time-frames involved here, you're too stupid to live.

It's why you'll be kept alive for a very long time.

You're being exploited by everyone. Literally everyone you listen to, read, watch or think about - is exploiting you.

Except...the guy who has zero interest in you, really. No, really. I'm not Avril. I could care whether you lived or died, but then not if you don't - I won't. I have no motive, to exploit you; but then that doesn't mean I couldn't exploit you in ways they can only dream about. I really could do that shit. It sure seems to me that you should listen to what I'm saying:

I'm saying, that you need to start thinking again.

Their business is in pain. They have a motive to generate pain, because you gave them the power to control the pain relief. Too stupid to realise once the junkies you stupidly don't realise represent you, are dead; they're not going to - retire.

Are they? How could they, in good conscience. They're the only guys with the ability to prescribe pain relievers, responsibly.

This should be an unfortunate position to take, when they're simultaneously claiming that you cannot be 'entrusted' with your own welfare. It's so insulting you should kill them. I'm serious. They insult you like this, then they blockade / ban a FDA-approved medication, which physicians in the US have been giving to children for a very long time now. By all accounts, something of a 'wonder' drug, for the treatment of ADHD in children. No addiction, remarkably. No dependency, beyond standard tapering advised when discontinuing or alternating between meds etc.

As in, you won't - die - from sudden withdrawal from limited access to the vaults of Middle Men who are 'protecting' you from accessing your meds, prescribed by them to you - even when you could die from an incident out of your control, which you provide irrefutable evidence of. He said "No." I couldn't believe it. I've been shaking my head in shock for years. After the horror of a Xanax shock withdrawal which I'd rather just forget. Dependent on 6mg / day, prescribed by registered psychiatrists. If I died, it would not have been from dependency to a poison; this would have been murder. He said "No". Motive? Fuck knows. He suggested he didn't like my disrespectful tone. He demanded a degree of deference, which I afforded him through the pain of clenched teeth that was my feeling death incoming whilst my would-be murderer demanded a better curtsey. This legitimately happened, in a 1st-world country (NZ). I'm not sure why I haven't killed him yet, but then I could say the same thing about so many things which breathe and really - shouldn't - be ethically afforded the luxury of continuing to do that, should they? Should you?

Does the doctor know ALL?

I'm yet to see any evidence of their knowing best, excluding some Desoxyn-prescribing physicians in an obscure 3rd world nation bordering Mexico's northern border - I forget the name.

They're legit, though. Legitimately too creepy to be plausible. You think this is a game? Ask them why they know 100% of knowledge. Ask them why they're confused by what you mean, and bring a dictionary to show them what "monopoly" means. Ask them why they would be frightened of your ability to adjudicate between them and a random off the street? Suggest to them that they are being insulting, unless they have something to hide - knowing the random off the street is a better option? Suggest to them that they're insulting you by being terrified of competition. Demand to know why they are frightened of their - capacity, or incapacity - to compete for your custom? Demand to know why you shouldn't respond, proportionately - if they refuse to respond to cordiality.

I will come visit you in your hospital of caring. I promise. If I forget, I will send an apology card every time. I swear to God.

You better do something about your own interests soon, or I might go 'crazy' or something. You think you can game your own best interests on this one, whilst 'sacrificing' humanity's? You cannot possibly be that stupid. You need to either counter, refute or get appropriately angry / active. There are no other (sane) options. Get angry, or run & go get your Mommy.

Yes, the bad guys are scary. They're mildly afraid of me. Ignore the bad guys. You don't want to be mildly afraid of me. They are power you cannot comprehend, and they're not impressed. They don't realise I'm on their side. But they'll kill me if I push them into a corner. You, I imagine - you might struggle to match their capacity to apply power from the corners you hide your denial in.

If you're confused, Google "Desoxyn FDA" and then Google "meth deaths".

And then, kindly tell me why I should leave you alive. I'm a reasonable human, but then only with humans who have reasonable fears. I'm not very good with apathy, it can make me homicidal. I really should see someone about that, actually.

What's your schedule looking like?

01-28-2012, 04:32 AM
you could substitute assumes, if you'd prefer. Or you could substitute the entire text of Beyond Freedom and Dignity, that's probably more your style.

But "assumes" and "presumes" have nothing to do with my hypothesis. I'm arguing it's a provable conspiracy. Not a curious error of judgement borne out of Biblical 'confusion' relating to basic logic.

I'm afraid I cannot accept 'assumes' or 'presumes'. It's far more serious and creepy than a mere 'confused' misconception or something silly. It's a species-wide conspiracy.

I been chatting on YouTube with people lately. Don't laugh. I get censored everywhere else. Also, people are smarter than I thought. But christ, suggest something like "Dubya lied to Americans in order to kill 50,000 of them. (Ref: the CIA, 10 yrs after being complicit in denying French assertions that Dubya was lying to Americans to kill them - Dubya put his interest ahead of the national interest of 50,000 - dead - Americans, who would not have died had he not lied brazenly after taking an oath saying other stuff. What are the definitions of TREASON and TRAITOR? Is there something I'm missing here?"

And people just freeze up. YouTube did this, but in YouTube's defence, I was being unforgivably insightful that day, on all kinds of things. And I was bringing people around. I couldn't believe it either. People were understanding logic, which they'd never considered before in their lives.


They'd never heard logic before. Have you? It's pretty powerful. It speaks to you. You cannot refute it. It's impossibly unambiguous. It's the enemy of Lies and Darkness. it is the Light of Truth and Understanding.

On YouTube I found out the most fascinating thing. Literally the entire world doesn't understand that they can't remember their impressionable years. They all seem to think they know human nature and stuff. That's funny. They don't realise they don't know the first thing about humans or what is in our nature. We are a product of nature of course, so they - know - a great deal more about everything, instantly.

It comes flooding back, when they're face-to-face with logic.

It's a beautiful thing.

01-28-2012, 04:48 AM
But "assumes" and "presumes" have nothing to do with my hypothesis.

Well, I wasn't talking about your hypothesis really, just the legal definition of insanity to begin with. You have an axe to grind and are looking to assign some blame. I think blame assignment is rather Mu, and I think the root assumption that one has to have in order to play the insanity defense card, IE the free will exists, is the important thing (Well, the assumption that Right and Wrong exist in an objectively knowable way is also important, but that's a different tangent)

But if you question the free will assertation, you're threatening a great many things in Western culture, the insanity defense being merely the tip of that particular snow nigger.

I wasn't trying to attack your hypothesis, or even really address it. I was just nutshelling gamble bot's post.

01-28-2012, 02:23 PM
You have an axe to grind and are looking to assign some blame. I think blame assignment is rather Mu, and I think the root assumption that one has to have in order to play the insanity defense card, IE the free will exists, is the important thing

But if you question the free will assertation, you're threatening a great many things in Western culture, the insanity defense being merely the tip of that particular snow nigger.

I am not in the dock. Law is in the dock. I am saying it should be found Guilty. Blame is for niggers, who want to remain niggers.

I'm saying the "insanity defence card" is being played by those who write Laws to assert that you can be simultaneously sane and murder, assault, rape, exploit, get 'revenge' (not to be confused with protection), molest etc. They want you to believe that all these things could possibly be in your best interests; when the provable obvious fact is they will never - ever - be. ergo, they are the definition of "insanity".

But children are not taught this. They're 'taught' not to do these things, because they're 'naughty' (like sex). And like sex, everyone is surprised - gosh! - when children try to be grown up before they've...grown up.

I can't possibly imagine a motive, though. To make little boys want to fight and kill. And little girls want to fuck. If only I could solve this last piece of the puzzle...

01-28-2012, 04:12 PM
speak for your self about raping not being in your best interest, plz.

gay sex
01-28-2012, 04:15 PM

01-28-2012, 04:44 PM
While I don't believe in original sin, in any kind of religious sense, I don't think it's the natural state of man to be a kind, loving, selfless, gentle creature, and that we some how need to be manipulated into being sex crazed, cruel, petty, violent and murderous. I think in it's natural state, the greatest of apes is a violent, revenge seeking, rapey creature. That we've put on airs in this eye blink of modern life, and most of us have learned to suppress those urges for the sake of higher pursuits, doesn't mean those urges have been bred out of us. And it shouldn't be any surprise that some of the apes ability to suppress is faultier than others.

So, it comes back to the insanity defense, and free will. I am not some sort of hard determinist, but I do believe much of human behavior is not the product of rational decision making, but rather based on urges and compulsions that are beyond a person's conscious control. And much of it is predictable product of environmental conditioning beyond an individual's control. But, if we acknowledge that human behavior is governed by things out of their control, by their environment, their dna, the chemical balances and imbalances, that puts in to question our entire legal system, educational system, and most importantly, a religious system. America is going to have to throw the monkey of Christianity off it's back before it can deal with crime in any sensible way. At the heart of most of america's kooky protestantim, is they idea that you accept JC as your personal lord and savior, and by that choice you are saved (and other people choice to reject him and are damned). This myth requires completely unfettered free will, and if you question free will, you question the most basic of these people's beliefs.

So, if you accept unfettered free will, you can have a punishment based legal system, and you are forced into doing semantical dances about what "insanity" is. And while people who are actually in the legal game like Gamble have come to realize how little free will has to do with criminality, they are light years ahead of the average american, who just wants scary niggers off their streets ( and who can blame them?).

Northern Europe, who has come a lot further in their casting off of Protestantism's baggage, has a much more realistic outlook on human behavior and the causes of crime and is much closer to gamble's model of treating crime with drugs and therapy.

As a great writer, I think you give too much power to narrative in shaping human behavior. I think most of human behavior is shaped at a much lower brain level than the frontal lobe, which is narrative's domain.

rum dick
01-28-2012, 04:53 PM
I like to read skynigs posts aloud with an aussie accent

01-28-2012, 05:23 PM
I like to read skynigs posts aloud with an aussie accent

I wonder if there is software to do this. Scooter make a podcast.

01-29-2012, 07:34 PM

I finally found my MBA, or remembered I had one when I was thinking "Why the fuck am I using Windows." We're operating on a fairly advanced plane over here.

Punishment is created as deterrent and not as a method of 'getting even'.

You cannot simply state nonsense and then repeat it once the assertion has been disproved. What's this one-horse-town school of yours teaching children these days. I even used shitty graphs in full colour. Gosh.

Punishment as a deterrent will never be effective for the simple reason that crime is the result of confusion, emotional turmoil and ignorance. Punishment would not be required in a Pavlovian world where humans salivated at a bell announcing happiness was incoming. There would be no crime to punish But we do not live in such a world. They corrupted parents who corrupt children when they're at their most impressionable. The result?

Punishment does not work as a deterrent for crime, and it never will because crime is the result of confusion, emotional turmoil and ignorance. You think stalkers (by my definition, "anyone attempting to establish a link between themselves and a romantic interest" - of which there are billions in this world, and no one wants to talk about it) are capable of thinking about the consequences of their actions?

They've lost their minds. Temporarily; which is another way of saying they're insane "but only when requisite variables are involved". Or they're sane, but fingers crossed they don't get stressed in their lifetimes.

When you are incapable of weighing up the pros and cons of your actions; when you are "living in the moment" and incapable of objective rationalisation and pragmatic realistic analysis; when you are incapable of acting in your own best interests - you are, by definition, insane.

This does not mean you aren't capable of appearing sane. But we descend into paradox quickly because all the fucking definitions are bullshit except mine. "But who decides what's in the best interests of each person?"

The judge! As he is presently asserting now; when he rejects insanity pleas using the logic that it can be in your best interests to kill, rape*, slice open a stranger's face with a glass in a nightclub, molest and so on. "All very naughty, naughty! Okay bad boys, don't do these macho things unless you like your chances of evading donut-eating police!"

There are some other reasons not to do those things. They're fucking insane. It's all con and no pro.

But Society keeps on with this punishment strategy to preclude crime. It's a logical fail which has failed in practice for a thousand years but it's due to come good any day now?

Don't be frightened of paradox, I'm here to guide you. Stay sharp, you dimwit. You will never appear sane to a sane person, if you cannot act in your own best interests. You will appear to be insane to an insane person, if you don't submit to their attempt to control or manipulate you - insane people want to bend the entire world to their will, starting with their family and friends.

And when they run into resistance, they're incapable of understanding why. Why can't their children understand that they only want what's best for them. Why can't their children just listen to them. Knuckle down. Work hard. Live in pain. Acquire valuable skills at the expense of torturous pain. Learn to play the violin. Learn four languages. Play dangerous contact sports. These are the important things for happiness down the line!

How far down the line? Children are 23-24(?) when they finish their run - please remember, we're talking about controlling parents here who make their kids into desperately miserable winners, i.e. not you. 12 years of school, with various lessons, homework every night. Chores and errands and helping with the family weed-eradication business. Then 3 years undergrad, 4 with honour. Another 2-3 postgrad. Let's make it a clean 20 years of INVESTING PAIN, for the return of HAPPINESS. Oh the numbers add up!

You know how miserable this world is? You have no idea. Yes, you do. Stop lying to yourself.



01-29-2012, 07:48 PM
I think you give too much power to narrative in shaping human behavior. I think most of human behavior is shaped at a much lower brain level than the frontal lobe, which is narrative's domain.

I'm a terrible writer but then I believe I have mitigation. Writing ain't easy on the junkie streets.

But I suck at dialogue or am I missing the point? I've never actually done a writing course or learned anything at school cause I just looked at our 49 yr old spinster who never smiled and started writing dark romantic tragedies where everyone dies at the end, but first hearts are crushed or betrayed....and it was A sailing home.

What I mean to say is that I can't talk technical. Like I know narrative, dialogue. But if there's a third one...well. We're not acquainted. We haven't been formally introduced or if we were, I was sneaking sighs at Amanda. For 3 years. Never said a word. Same classes mostly. Worked together. Same bus route. 0 words to her < me.

You're not going to impress a pretty girl like that, I don't think.

01-29-2012, 07:50 PM

Parents know the formula for happiness! They know you need to invest pain. Everyone knows that. They sigh. If only their parents had 'pushed' them harder. Whore mothers know they wouldn't have started fucking their way through the greater metropolitan area at 14. They want to be violinist or a ballerina now; and they really could have been! Their $9/hr instructor who once claimed to have watched the New York Philharmonic once, told them they had REAL talent.

Yeah they had no motive, to lie there. To every retarded moron child's parents. Which is why they told every moronic child's parents their kid was showing some REAL talent. One day, improvement might be expected. Sigh. Happiness gone in a flash. Whore mothers know their mothers should have FORCED them (not to sleep with 200 guys / annum) and FORCED them to be concert violinists instead. They won't make the same mistake with their children!

Why can't their children listen to them, when they assert facts like these to their children who are too - stupid - to understand how miserable their parents are. Why can't their children just trust them. Xmas and Santa Claus wasn't a lie. It's tradition, and it makes perfect sense for parents to swear black and blue to their suspicious kids who are thinking "Why would they lie?"

Why, indeed.

Because they know what's best for them! They know what will make their children happy.

They know fucking nothing. They only had children because they're unhappy. And in their insanity, they think they know where their parents went wrong. It's too late for them to be happy. But they know how to make their children happy, if only their children would LISTEN to them, TRUST their judgement, UNDERSTAND they only want what's best for their children.

"This hurts me more than it hurts you."

This is hilarious, how true it is. I was laughing when I was seven, because they didn't believe it, but I did. I was laughing because my parents were insane. They would parrot this line every time and I would smirk.

And then - suggest - they stop hurting themselves. Why would they do something like that? Why bring me into it?

They needed me to do something, they knew I was - making - them hurt us. They'd ask me why I was forcing them to beat me. Before they beat me. They pleaded with me to listen, would I just listen, to what they were saying! Stop asking questions, and have some faith. Just try it, they suggested.


I'd seen children being molested in front of my eyes. But unlike homosexual sex with homosexuals, I didn't need to see the pedo action, to know it wasn't for me. I would thank them for the offer, and politely decline their 'offer' of faith. I'd be smirking the entire way, of course. Because faith is a gift which is unsolicited and cannot be refused. I love those gifts. I'd refuse. They would insist. I would resist. They would coerce. I would smirk. No one coerces me but me. Okay I'll clean. But only because I want to. White devils.

They would get angry. Furious. Exasperated. Without any options left, they would - force - me to have faith. They believed, and faith worked for them. It would work for me, once they beat it into me. They would not spare the rod. I was a spoiled child who once got a pencil for Christmas. The following year, a KJV Bible (with my own money from Nan; not good enough Nan - 10 francs. This is what happens when you send 50 francs to cults. Faith won't help you there. That money is gone, for infinity.

I wasn't - always - smirking. But then I never once lost my mind, until I came up against a power which had...advanced. God she was so pretty. Owners of men no longer beat slaves with whips. But slavery never ended. It went viral, actually. Owners of men now beat their slaves, with dreams.

I became a slave, when they sold me a dream I couldn't - possibly - have been expected to turn down. Her name was Amanda Reynierse. But she is not important, because there are millions of her. She's a clone. Who might actually not have been, as it turns out, but it's hardly important because she might as well have been. I never spoke a word to her in my life, but I got really angry when she spoke to me. She was bemused. At first she thought I was a queer.

"Maybe I was. This would explain why I'm ashamed of talking to a girl I spend 20 hrs a day thinking about. OMG I am a gay. It makes perfect sense. Fucking faggots!"

Homophobia is logical, and sane. Afraid of being gay, you hate faggots. Afraid of being a filthy fucking faggot, because no one - ever - tells you what gay men are. I knew, of course. I wish I could draw, I'd draw the faggots in my mind when I was 15 and wanted to kill them because I might have been one. This is the world, in an effeminate nutshell.

But Amanda wasn't actually real. She wore whore paint, every day. I think. I didn't dare look at her. Not even when she crept up on me. Goddammit how did that happen. Normally I could run away, in time. Phew. That pedestal can really move.

They think guys put them up on pedestals? I merely bought into their Spam. It was the illusion of "pretty purity"; and she was complicit in selling it, just like every pretty girl in the world. They're so desperate to sell deceit, no one even realises how horrifying it is when children 'play' with whore paint. Learning to sashay their 9 year old hips, as if anyone but a streetwalker even walks like that. Pushup bras, padded bras, they casually flick them aside as my brain implodes. I'm not that psyched either way, but christ the deception? And so nonchalant, once the catch had been caught? eww. Girls are vile creatures, you cannot imagine their dark secrets. The thousands of hours spent practicing the expressions they know will serve them in good stead down the line. A camera flashing. A boy looking.

What's the deal with photographs, anyway? Still images taken for reasons other than historical record / evidence are disturbing, on so many levels. Their mere existence is disturbing, on some level. Why would you need to remember what you are not confident of remembering on the strength of it's importance. We're talking about reminiscing here. Maybe it's not important enough? Maybe you want to prove something to someone? Why are you trying to prove your vacations, to anyone?

People show me photo albums and I cannot be the only person so creeped out by them, I almost scream. "Oh oh let me show you the Empire State Building."

I've seen it.

"No I mean a photo of me in front of it, doing nothing interesting."

No, I believe you. You don't need to prove you're insane.

Why are you pretending to be happy, whenever you're not.

01-29-2012, 07:55 PM

There are 7 billion humans in the world who are insane, but capable of appearing sane. They're made insane by insane parents, and then taught how to appear sane by the same insane parents. When they are unable to continue to manufacture the facade of sanity, it's a vile world that then penalises them for their inability to reject the poisons given to them when they were a toddler by their mothers and fathers. But parents have no interest in poisoning their children; they just - think - that they do because they're too stupid to do logic. And this is a dangerous world for children who don't understand they need to eat their god damn greens or they...?

I might not have eaten salad in a quarter of a century. You should see my body. I don't work out, but I am sexy and I know it. No one believes I'm 30. "It's because I am a junkie", I explain. They laugh. Clearly I'm a athlete. Then they come in and realise, no one can fake an authentic Junkie A-bomb.

I don't like Housekeeping. So much mess to hide. I bet they see some dark shit.


Kids need to eat their greens. Mothers know what's best. I'm not anti-salad. I'm merely explaining why I haven't eaten any in a quarter of a century. Clearly I was not traumatised often enough. Maybe she should have hit me into eaten my greens. More fear, to associate with salad. Hit them until they learn, vegetables = pain. Genius Pavlovian morons. Hitting children who don't understand people who are too stupid to explain anything. Too stupid to make the logical case, too stupid to get their point across, too stupid to even understand they're too stupid to have children in the first place.

So they hit them. Because they love them. And they don't want their children to be hurt. A little investment in pain, in order to produce happiness. Morons. Humans are too moronic to live. That's why they live in pain. And in pain, they breed. Having children is considered by everyone to be the antidote to existential misery. I spent two years asking bright people what the "point" was. I had the money to do just about anything I wanted to do, or I had the capacity to get more if I needed more than a million to do something I wanted to do. But there was nothing I wanted to do. I'd done it all, effectively. I'd done so much, and rarely doing it the first time. And less, the second. And even less, the third. There was nothing in the world I believed could be done, indefinitely; without it becoming boring to the point of pain. And everyone intelligent always said the same thing:




And I thought, this world is noosed. Because I didn't need to ask the question I asked them, so I asked them the question for that reason. Why?

Make the logical case for why I should have a child. Make the logical case for why you had yours. People aren't very good at logic. But then I knew that, already.

http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv39/Scooter_Boris/NOT%20SUITABLE%20FOR%20WORK%20OR%20CHILDREN%20ADUL TS%20ONLY/20000nlsitouts.jpg

But intelligent people get very ugly when you're asking them questions they have never asked themselves. But then they only get - really - ugly when you refuse to accept their denial, as a logical answer.

It almost always came down to "just trust me, okay - you'll understand when you have kids of your own".

Morons. I understood, at seven. Parents have children because they're too stupid to realise they shouldn't be breeding, if for no other reason than the fact they're breeding because they're unhappy. It's the arrogance of insanity. The denial of moronic whores. But I have no interest in denigrating them, for redundancy's sake. I denigrate them, because they've become the Evil burning up the world in creepy confusion and sleazy disturbing cliches. But parents don't want to hurt their children. They're just too stupid to realise they don't want to control them.

They're just too stupid to realise they could have bought something which had no free will. And when the human they created doesn't bend to their will, they get frustrated because this stupid child won't listen. They think children should just listen to them, after all, children should listen to their parents!

That's their logic. That's the - extent - of their logic. I just kept saying "Why?"

"Why should I listen to you?"

"Because I'm your mother."

"Go on...?"

"So I know what's best for you."

"Is that a fact?"


"Why can't I eat Cheeseburgers, or sweets, or chocolate?"

"Junk food rots your teeth."

"What's the reason I can't go to school, again?"

"The Rapture is imminent. The System runs the schools, and they just want to brainwash you with their chains. You are learning everything you need for the afterlife."

"So I need to keep my teeth healthy, for the afterlife?"

"No, you need to keep your teeth healthy for this life."

"That's right, because I'll get new teeth in the afterlife."


"So I need teeth for this life only? Which won't be for long. Prophet Moses said 1993, right? One year. I need to keep my teeth healthy for one year? After which, I'll never have use for them again.?"


"Why bother? Sweets take longer than a year to rot your teeth?"


"Healthy teeth, but no education?"


"I'll be able to eat, but unable to get the food to eat. Hey, I'll be just like you! I'll have to remember, not to have any kids though. Speaking of which, why are you pregnant again?"


01-29-2012, 08:04 PM

One of a number of things can happen at this point, but nothing other than one of these things can happen.

* Talking in tongues
* A backhand (with or without wedding ring - it matters, blood is terrifying)
* Earnest praying for my immortal soul (that sweet caring again)
* Exasperation (she's gonna rat me out)
* Lame insult / denial. ("You're just trying to be difficult." - what does that even mean?....)

Nothing but one of those. I know this, because I brought my parents to this point so often I was eventually banned from speaking. Period. Speak, and be beaten with weapons. This new Middle Man of God wasn't playing. He took us through his pushup training regime for 4 months. He got from 14 to 30 - it wasn't so bad. Except almost too creepy to be plausible. We had to count them all.

He was just trying to impress the ladies. Like my Mom. vomit. God how his face would blush with pride when he looked down at artificially inflated biceps, and then thank the lord for making him a brave and strong soldier.

I didn't speak for months. This is my childhood. Maybe you're not afraid, but I was. Jesus. This guy slammed an indefinite ban on speaking. Until the Rapture, I guess. If spoken to, I was to write with pen or pencil my response if I couldn't simply acknowledge I had heard their order.

Whatever. I was over talking to them anyway. Seriously. I was considering just zipping it after the pushups on Day 1.

The ban was never lifted. Several months after it had come into effect, the government did something very peculiar.

Every commune in Australia bar one, was raided by DoCS. I knew most of these kids. 120 or so. Some of them fucking wouldn't listen to me, and I got trapped in compromise half-escape positions. Jesus turned his head away. So did I.

I stared into soulless eyes so many times. It's funny, cause you stare into them and it's like they're dead. No, it's pretty funny. I wouldn't laugh though, out of respect. You could have cut a finger off and I don't think they'd move or feel it. I knew there was nothing to say. And I had nothing to say. But running away, which is what I wanted to do; what every kid did every time one of them had a really bad day...god, I was frozen to the spot. I should have run, in hindsight. Like I said, you could cut a finger off and they'd just stare into the Void. I would sit here for hours, staring with them in nothingness. It felt like the noble thing to do. Eventually you have to leave though. Cause it's pretty boring, and no way to live.

DoCS had every commune under surveillance for months. In 1992, I was almost 12. I woke up to chaos. The world had ended. Holy shit, I owe my Dad a $ Trillion dollars! Aha money is useless in Heaven. He's going to Hell, though. Fuck I'll have to sell some pearls or manna or something.

We weren't being raptured. Probably like a day after the raids, and whilst we were still under surveillance, my parents ran around like chickens with their heads screwed on, after being cut off for decades. There was no nerves and stuff, you can't screw your head back on 3 decades later. I cursed myself for falling for the oldest trick in the book a decade later.

I've been trying to screw heads back onto severed bodies my entire life. Its thankless, unrewarding work. But what else am I going to do. Play $500 BJ hands for 40 hrs straight? I don't think I'll get that 100k back. Time to convert some Christians, to sanity.

That's never actually happened, in all of history. Fact. I imagine so, in any case.

DoCS raided every commune in the country, but QLD Police pulled out - I'm unreliably informed - on the morning of the raids. Peculiar, after 5 months surveillance. I know that every child who grows up in an obscure religious sex cult says this: "But WTF. Am i supposed to believe this isn't somehow about me?"

I was - banned - from speaking. 24/7/365 indefinite ban from ever talking again. This went for months. Whilst they were surveilling. One imagines they're not using binoculars to peep into my whore mother's shower. God. They would know what "powder her nose" means. Shiver. I was not allowed to speak, but they spoke to me often. Taunting me. These morons. I had no idea I was being prepped for high-school, terribly. Cause I didn't care about these morons. The state was coming to get me. Maybe.

How could I have imagined Amanda Reynierse? I'd never watched TV. Movies. Magazines. We'd go out begging (saving souls, seemed like emotional hijacking of stunned normal people to me - I knew what those horrified faces meant, then the blushing, a $1 - I would look at them. Really? More blushing. I'd sigh. Maybe I'll just starve, if it's this much effort. $5 note. They don't want to break it. Hesitation. They're screwed. They know it. They hand it over. They've done a good thing. They're chuffed. I'd shrug. Next.

As if I was even going to eat today. I remember the figures. Hundreds of $ every time. Per kid. This is a world with a lot of guilt. Paying to make their fears come back. Paying terrorists not to ruin the economy whilst they're killing their own supporters and choking the city - and the country - into starvation. I wasn't going to starve during the Bangkok riots. I was loaded. But then I don't think I have an interest in the people who live week to week, starving. Do you? Care.

Send me $5? Cunt.

Don't give money to children beggars EVER. Wake up, you moron world. You think they're out there being ingenious? Entrepreneurial? They're being exploited.

You - can - fight City Hall, if you're CNN. If you're the media, you can fucking do anything. Except be rude to the Pope, sharing his opinion with Africa. We all gotta right to our own opinion, even Medicines sans Frontiers. CNN broadcasts news. They don't want to confuse people. The Pope's voice sailed through the airwaves, with Christian compassion. Multiple Popes. Which gave me an idea...


BBC in 2005: Pope Benedict XVI tells Africa "no condoms; abstinence and fidelity instead" (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/4081276.stm)

“You know what, that just might work!

"Alright everyone. No more sex! Sigh. Fine. If you must, be impure, you can have sex. Just remember, condom during sex = Hell's fires for all eternity. Just abstain.

"Okay good luck and we’ll check back in a bit."


Reuters in 2009: Pope insists "no Condoms; deficit of ethics the cause of crisis" (http://www.reuters.com/article/2009/03/17/idUSLH936617._CH_.2400)

“You know what, that just might work!"

It's worked for 1500 years.


50 million deaths, was the estimate of doctors working in Africa - when pressed for their opinion on the Pope’s brilliant strategy. 50 million, they said, would die as a result of the Pope telling a continent ravaged by AIDS that sex was okay, but condoms were a fast track to Hell.

He means well?



I created some of my own graphs using coloured bars and painstakingly compiled WHO and UN global data figures (they love to keep figures on their marbles) to show what the Catholics were doing to Africa. No assertions. Just dates, numbers, and millions of Whoa.

This was a long time ago, like the start of 2010. Flickr won't let me login. How peculiar. All my Flickr links were dead? This makes no sense. Have you tried contacting Yahoo? I had thousands of images in there. A month later, I got an template email. Wiped for copyright infringement. Interesting.

I didn't appeal. So who knows, really? I asked for more info. Who had complained? Perhaps I could reimburse them, take them down from whatever forum post I'd used their copyrighted material for - buy the picture of them. Can you give me more info, I asked.

They wouldn't be drawn into a discussion over it.


So in Canada (as everywhere else), you can be perfectly sane to kill your teenage daughters for embarrassing you with their propensity to be interested in boys. Because they want people confused about things like that. It's their passion.

They gave it to the parents of your parents of your parents, who gave it to you. So when there is a war that needs some marbles to die, they jerk on one of your insane strings. It's 100% about control because they fear their capacity to compete in a world where everyone is functional and in control and acting in their own best interests.

The beautiful irony, which is the tragedy of humanity, is that "they" don't realise their mothers and fathers were morons who flushed "them" with the identical emotional poisons. Show me where, in the animal kingdom, offspring are made to be addicted to their mother's approval or disapproval. When you cannot, you need to understand what this means, in reality:

There are food chain implications. Really serious ones.

01-29-2012, 08:19 PM

Humans are literally eating their young, because they are confused. They were made to be confused, by confused people. And if you haven't noticed, this world isn't in the control of anyone. There are some confused people who are trying - frantically - to get into the Control Room. But there are no inmates in there. No one is in that control room.

This asylum is not that lucky.

I know the password, or I think I do but they're not interested because they're trying to brute force their way into the Control Room. I know the password, but they won't listen. They don't listen to anyone, including themselves. They're too smart to listen to anyone, they won't fall for that old trick. 7 billion morons are trying to get into the Control Room.

I have no idea if I'm the only person alive who isn't remotely interested in controlling anyone, except myself. This world is out of control, because everyone is scrabbling to control everyone.

That's the password, to happiness. Not controlling. It's counter-intuitive yes. Like the idea that the government would invest 6 figures in a confused baby and be unwilling to pay high school teachers more than peanuts (they're afraid they'll attract better monkeys - that would defeat the purpose of the investing in pain).

But they're never going to buy this "hippie shit". They think I am 'dangerous'. I wish they'd make the logical case to me. But then I wish that about everyone. And have been wishing it for 3 decades now. They think they're going to brute force the locks. They've been trying to bust the locks open for awhile now, with the Law. They need to think outside the box.

Even crimes of passion will be influenced by this deterrence.

No. That's an idiotic logical fail. "Passion" precludes rational thought.

You can argue all day about how effective it is and how parenting would be better, but government can not realistically enforce one's style of parenting. That leaves punishment as a deterrent.

You gotta get this moronic idea of enforcement out of your consciousness. You cannot control insanity. You cannot deter someone who is living in the moment, by making them afraid of future moments. They're living in the moment. Deterrence is a logical fail, when it exists outside of their 'moment'.

Stop asserting logical fails as 'proofs'. They've already been disproved, in this thread; and by the last few thousand years of known history (for that matter). Humans are not capable of being deterred from acting on their emotions - it's because humans incapable of acting in their own best interests believe they need millions of marbles to fight the millions of marbles of other humans.

It all comes down to fear. Idiotic fears of everything except fear.

As for examples of someone who is both sane/insane... (You asked..)

Most people are legally sane, yet both of us could agree 'damn that guy is insane' in some cases. I can't and won't give an example, because I'm not sure what it takes for you to refer to someone as insane.

I ask questions that I already know the answer to, in order to get those who don't ask the right questions to start thinking intelligently. It is impossible to be sane/insane, simultaneously. Sanity is acting in your own best interests. But 7 billion people think it's in their best interests to control everyone and everything they can.

I find this interesting, because I have controlled a human mind. Actually, I've controlled quite a few. Nothing is more horrifying, than a human you have made into a robotic automated...thing. You think I'm talking out of my hat? Come to Thailand. I swear to God, I will show you the future of the Globe.

Thailand is so far ahead of everyone, and they're racist because they know it. They're not superior, but they have a 'better' excuse for believing they are than every race which believes they are superior to other races. There are no races which are superior. Every race is inferior. That's the definition of insight.

Come to Thailand and I will show you the future of Humanity. It's here. Thailand has already brute forced the locks to the Control Room. They're geniuses, I swear to God. I've been all over the world and only one culture fooled my brilliant face into thinking they were moronic when they were genius, in disguise. Almost every other culture fools you into thinking they're not moronic, by wearing various disguises. Except Pinoys. They're not fooling anybody, they're not wearing any disguises. But then they're not humans so much as really stupid livestock. It's not their 'fault'. They've been 98% Catholic for a very long time now.

Come to Thailand and I will show you 'optimality'. Pretty little 'girls', who desperately want to please...everybody. They're the definition of 'selfless', they just want to give and give and give. They want to please their parents, of course. And their parents control their strings, without realising someone is controlling their strings. And those geniuses don't realise...no one is controlling their strings.

It's tragic, because the geniuses don't realise their strings are just flying around in the air behind them. They don't realise they have strings because no one jerks them around. It's been awhile, since their mothers passed away. May they Rest In Peace.

It's tragic, because the pretty girls don't realise they couldn't possibly please anyone with that creepy robotic shit.

How did the world get so confused about "free will" v "robots" v "controlling the later".

No one wants that. They're going to drop the world, horrified.

This world is exhausted. I don't think I'm imagining it, but who knows.

I think this world is exhausted.

Which means, it's about to explode.

This I don't begin to follow. The last 3 steps make sense. The jump from Law -> confusion (of the necessary type) does not.

Law is the McDonalds up-selling.

Crime is the fries.

Children come into the store of life and say "I'll take some of that fatty food for the taste and I'll accept the tradeoffs on health appearance. I'll take some of that romance but reserve the right to "play the field" [creepy]; I'll take my chances there. I'll take the education kk. And the uni degree, an easy one; um....what else...oh I'll take that football and hope I'm not one of the 60,000 children getting full knew reconstructions every year."

Law: "Would you like crime with that?"

You're an interesting one Scooter. #1 ) I don't know how much of what you are saying is trolling

I have limited time to live. I am not sure I have ever trolled in my life. Actually that's a lie. I trolled RGP back in the day. God I made those shills shrill.

I understand Ritalin and Adderrall are babies of meth... but I thought that was mainly for the lack of euphoria.

Wut. What does "babies of meth" mean? They're all stimulants but then so is caffeine.

What I don't understand is how the fuck your brain doesn't become all tired out and not as functional. Maybe I am such a horrible writer that it takes extra energy when I write.

My brain won't stop. But getting sleeping tablets means being forced to hide my sneer at a filthy creep who insults me by suggesting I lack the capacity to buy Ambien at a pharmacy without 'hurting' myself. Fuck off creeps. If I wanted to kill myself with Ambien, I could do that shit - it's so insulting. Especially when I then bribe them for scripts.

So if I have benzos and Ambien I sleep routinely. When I don't, my brain doesn't stop. Which is good, when you're driving tired and you need to catnap but can't be bothered pulling over near the Milat clan.

My writing has gotten so terrible, sometimes I forget that I'm one of the finest novelists alive. No, I cannot prove it. They only let me post my spastic.

Well it is convenient isn't it? But then I'd rather just try my luck and never get censored at all by creeps.

Fucking Facebook. They went to SO much effort after I discovered their filthy crime; actually I might only have noticed because of their butchered wash job...then they freaked out and got really creepy butchering the washing of the butchered wash. But it's....shiver.

PRO-AMERICA ESSAY NIGGERS. Basically just correcting a friend (Rant Ntwk) who was ranting about Americans on tilt. I'm like "Don't confuse Americans with the American government. That's what the US government wants you to do."

But obviously I said it like Fitzgerald and also it was longer and basically glorious. No I don't have it. Facebook deleted it - it was too amazing. I'd forgotten about it. I write everywhere.


But boys I will have a mother fucking degree when it is all said and done. THEN I will BE someone.

This is true. I was the first in my family to get an undergraduate degree and it was big deal. I was also the first in my family to graduate school. Pass a subject at school. Go to school.

What's your degree? God if you're doing Criminal Justice or something...

01-29-2012, 08:30 PM

Crimes of passion = Law (effectively)

Constitutional law or contracts or torts etc - aren't really laws so much as they should be regulations or codes. I mean, a court only ever needs to get involved when legislation is butchered. And legislation is only ever butchered to facilitate corruption. I wish I could show you the copies of the UK Gaming Act 2005 and various ad hoc and overlapping legislative documents that ostensibly 'regulated' the UK-White-Listed Lotteries and Gaming Commission of Malta; where the majority of the world's 'legit' online gaming companies were licensed to offer their services to the world. This was legislation intentionally written to allow corruption to get out of any 'hole' (you know, that was the intention of incompetence). The legislation was written so horribly, by morons who could and really should have resulted in a scandal forcing the resignation of Cabinet ministers; that I was compelled to collate the evidence, proving every single online casino in the entire world was guilty of "serious offences" under multiple acts.

It was pretty serious stuff, and so after procrastinating for a substantially longer-than-acceptable few months; one day I got drunk and compiled all the laws being broken, and compelled (in some cases) to be considered "serious offences"....

...and I packaged it all up and first asked this journalist working for the Malta Times if she'd be interested in taking a look at the corruption of Malta LGC, the UK Gambling Commission, and some related breaches by into the Financial Services Authority and of course the stacks of anti-corruption legislation which mostly seem to be double jeopardy(?) but whatever.

And she fired back an email saying Yes, so I posted what I'd compiled which was basically evidence PROVING that every online casino - in the ENTIRE planet - was in breach of a "serious offence" as detailed by the relevant pieces of gaming legislation. The "serious offence"? Protection of underage gamblers and persons-at-risk (or something like that).

But it was all very straight-forward. No online casino in the world (that I was aware of, and I was aware of any that weren't lol and most of the lols) will prevent you from wagering whilst you fumble around finding scans of ID, utility bills, etc and so forth. This is because they're so corrupt it's ridiculous. They couldn't care less about an underage person or person-at-risk; I mean that's not the reason they simply NEVER establish ID prior to wagering. The reason they NEVER establish ID prior to wagering is so they can keep all the lost funds of randoms (i.e. 'clean' dirty revenue, terrorism funding [lolz - hey if they can use it I can use it back], drugs, prostitution why am I listing this shit sigh) - they keep all the money that's - lost - and then anytime you cashout, they do these filthy sleazy tricks which got over half a million off me if I'm being honest. But then I wasn't playing House Advantage to make money. I was trying to burn it but not like that. Bah. Don't try and make sense of it, if you can't...but basically they're the creepiest fucks alive.

Suddenly, they care about your ID - it's for your 'safety' they tell you. lolz. They can't show their working because there isn't any. They're the only danger. They're hoping you fuck up and give them an excuse to steal your funds. They're hoping you breach one of the 58 page T&Cs which APs have to get so good at reading because they're like insane complex trapezes literally designed to trap with the most outrageous ambiguous vile...bah I'll get too angry. But basically the instant you try and withdraw, they'll blast so much creep at you - it's unfathomable, and your IDs will be the wrong resolution when they're at such high resolution you can't make them any more distinct, they'll 'lose' the paperwork (no paper, yes), the Security Manager is on Leave till Tues, blah blah - they have all their bullshit moronic excuses because they know you're a moron with a gambling problem.

And so they try and tilt you so that you get furious at them. Because furious and gamble = lolz. $$ They really got me a lot. But then I'm not sure I was - that - fazed about it, cause I was on my way to checking out, I mostly just wanted to show sleazy friends that I was trying to give them the money selfishly - but you can't do that in this world. People will think you're "establishing superiority", trying to "one-up" them, trying to make them feel shitty that they can't afford to "keep up with you", you enjoy all these moronic idiocies in their minds. These are my friends.

Who wouldn't listen when I'd say "How the fuck, am I supposed to have fun alone? Please. Do not mention it."

They mentioned it a lot. It got really ugly. Like I probably should not think about it. I corrupted them all basically; or money did. And life wasn't worth living so I ran overseas. And I wasn't like making formal plans and stuff but I wanted to blow the worthless cash and then they'd see I couldn't fucking care less and they're the corrupted ones who lose their minds over sticks; and then I'd go to sleep with a Shiraz, 100mg Alprazolam watching Casablanca.

A few problems, of mice. They weren't watching. They couldn't care less. I'd left the country. They'd stay in touch, in case I came back but I didn't really think through the whole "how do I show them the bonfires" concept. Dammit, I thought. I've been burning in vain. Maybe I should have written a formal plan. But then I laughed, cause you can't burn worthlessness in vain. So I had to be gay and talk to them about my "gambling problem and the bonfires" - they didn't care. I laughed.

eh. It was just a point I was trying to make on the way out, it changed nothing.

Then something changed. I watched CNN lie to my face every day, in ways...like I can tell you, I can even show you, but people are just weird. I'd love to write about the Thai riots because Thai politics is SO fucking far ahead of any other political system. They're all Machiavellian geniuses, or they would be; if they weren't 10x as brilliant and 10x as cold/cruel.

Which means, they're 10x as insulting / patronising; but then all Thais do that to me. It's only to me. I understand the people they do it to normally don't even notice. Stuff like these girls here the other day:
- all speak both English / Thai; they'd speak English when they wanted me to hear (even if it was nothing about me) and Thai when they didn't (chances are it was about me or something they thought I could possibly care about) - and they're so patronising morons just have let them get sloppy, so I'll be hearing the Thai and sigh and look up and one of them is always snickering at me. So I'll go "what" through the motions and they'll go "nothing" and I go....sigh.
- a common variation on this moronic idiocy is when people lower their voices which makes my ears snap up instinctively; even if I couldn't have heard a word they were saying had they not alerted me; they were doing that a lot as well.
- when they're in the wrong, they suddenly get so insulting with all their caring, it was hilarious at first but I'm really getting over it fast. These girls knew they had to get in and out in quick fashion, and I'm waiting downstairs and they just park themselves and I call up asking what's their problem, they have a problem with my safe which is where they supposedly left something, and I have stuff in there but I hesitate thinking "they wouldn't dare" - and I give them the code. 20 min later I'm about to get violent (i.e. yell, but when you yell at a Thai who's in the wrong, they'll get very frightened cause omg culture dude are you going to hurt me? What. Sometimes I'm not even angry, just excited - and I go "oh fuck, what have you done?" - they do...lots. But then they think exploiting you is in their best interests. Maybe it is. But I'm not in the business of making exploitation of me a good business anymore. So they donk out. But I try to explain to them like these girls "christ I just need to you appreciate you're not making the smart play here - you can't lie your way to zero, surely you see?"

They're not morons. They think I am going to let them lie and renege and give them the + anyway. But no. I'm not you And they lie and 'save' their face to zero. No Goodbyes. Just zero. I came walking in my hotel room, they were supposed to be 5 min, and took 40 and I'm so furious instantly. They've done this 3 min "clean-up" job, I know what that's all about. It's a little bum-hurt feint "emotional insurance" cause they think I'll find it hard to be angry at them after they've tried to clean. I'm ANGRIER. I have housekeeping. I don't need hi-so girls without their maids 'cleaning' because it's insulting. It's unsolicited. They're terrible. They move stuff around pointlessly (I spent 5-10 min looking for the remote, etc) nothing is really 'cleaned' they just 'straighten' and rearrange and put dirty classes under the sink and it's all a whore paint job. And I don't need to go to my safe to know it's going to be empty, of fun. It won't.

I can predict these things that well, now. I laughed because I already knew in my safe there would be a pathetic token remainder...just so they can say "we didn't finish the bag!" - idiotic plausible deniability for a judge / jury that doesn't exist. They finished the bag. And then insulted me, effectively.

It's all creepy bullshit. I spent some time trying to talk sense into them but got bored after 1 text and I'm looking down at them on the sidewalk from my room and they're all discussing what to say and the right wording and they're all still snickering and being incredibly crafty and I've seen it all before...

No one wins.

But gosh we all play a great game!

01-29-2012, 08:38 PM

Wow is this all boring? I like this shit. Also I have nothing else to do. Skip the boring bits.

But these girls have outplayed themselves into 0. And I told them and they snickered and outplayed themselves whilst at 0, so that was that. I mean, it's a bad 'play' for them. They're just such good players, they don't trade, they only exploit. They won't communicate, they only transmit. They won't win, so they lose. Game over.

Then they get worried. They shouldn't be. The game is over. But they'll suddenly understand everything perfectly once they're concerned "shit girls I think he was srs? - better play nice!"

I don't respond. Game over.

Then the caring starts. Oh.my.god the caring of morons who are in the wrong. They'll start telling me how it's not their place blah blah and I'm smirking cause this isn't a Thai trait, this is all over this moronic world. But the Thais are the best at it, and the most insulting - at least in terms of timing. They're worried about me. they were just talking, they think I'm partying too hard (that would be hard, with my empty safe), maybe I should take a break?

They suggest this sweetly. Morons.

They check up on me, they're worried. They hope I understand they were just being silly the other night, they didn't mean anything, they want to make it up to me, we're cool right?

The game is over when it's over. They ring and ring and all 3 of them texting (with all 3 of them writing each text, heads together). They know they've lost now. They're just desperate.

But it's not like I have...won?

Trust me, I have some more losing to do yet. A new number? Every fortnight. Maybe. I'll just take the hits when I forget to turn my phone off and it wake me up with these players suddenly playing very very badly - but then i have a theory that the 'better' the player, the more tragic the player - when losing. Or lost. I hope you don't make me show my working there. I was just very tragic at one point when I had lost.

It sucks really. These girls were kinda fun. And I wanted to sleep with one. Who was playing games, obv. Unfortunately our 'romance' was cut short, by their playing to 0. Never - never - restart a game when it's over. New game.

No one ever listens to me though. They think I'm talking theoretically.



So yeah I email her all this shocking stuff - evidence of "serious offences" or maybe it was "grave offence" - it was like prison time and big fines for EACH count. And every casino in the world does this for every single customer. In a retarded world hypothetical. I bankrupt the entire casino industry and put them and the entire UK political system behind bars. With that email. Which means. ....

I don't hear from her, so I ask her if it's okay to send to a journalist at the Guardian and I completely understand if she'd prefer I not email her blah blah. And she fires back a quick reply asking me to hold just a bit, she has a connection and she's verifying and stuff - and I'm like "connection? What? NO ONE INVOLVED is going to be clean..."

And then I realise what I'm saying. The whole of Malta is corrupted, and The Malta Times wouldn't exist if it has an interest in 'exposing scandals' lolz. It would be the Malta Sun suddenly. Of course I never hear from her again.


Earlier I'd tagged this Guardian reporter who'd written this scathing piece on the UK Gambling Commission which is so corrupted, his article basically all but accuses them of it. He accuses them of it, if you're bright. To a moron. They're not literate, so...what do they care if the UK GC has never prosecuted a casino for anything, never found match-fixing, never done a thing in 5-6 years. Just sat there and took the payoffs.

So I send him a rambling email drunk because I'm having second thoughts and the screenshots of my trying to give the evidence of - other - LGA corruption to them (they White-listed the White-List, they're responsible for UK gamblers online) they're flatly refusing to accept it. They're just saying "Give it to Malta". I'm like "It's Malta LGA corruption!" They just keep saying "Talk to Malta". I ask them if they're responsible for the UK players who play online, they are, I ask them who polices Malta when they rip of UK players online and then he had to go and the screenshot just exposes the ludicrous corruption everywhere. So I send this email. Pass out. Forget all about it. A week later I remember, he didn't even respond. This is the guy that attacked the UK GC for being corrupt, effectively. I've just handed him evidence to bring down the entire industry. But no response. I shrug, relieved. At least I tried.

Laughing at how insane they're being being this exploitable just - sheer apathy - seems somehow terrible to me, even if I don't know how to broadcast anything, I log on to get more complete screenshot of some of the other offences. Which are many and short between. And I almost fell off my chair. I literally have the screenshots somewhere - unless they're corruption, but what do you morons care about verification. I verify everything, or could? ....? bah. Worth a shot.

But I didn't even realise you could fiddle with an Act of Parliament without a session or a hearing or some kind of process. We're talking Law right? They'd just reworded the entire "serious offence" so brilliantly I kind of got a little freaked out. I couldn't have reworded it that brilliantly. it was perfect. To allow the corruption to continue and still pretend to care about underage gamblers and players-at-risk.

Just...logged onto the server, rewrote law. No fuss. No trace. No note, caveat, clarification, footnote or ANYTHING at all. Just rewrote a piece of legislation. Next.

True story.

The number 1 'news' story in the world at this moment is:


Oral sex doesn't make babies. Your whore mothers and your whore sisters were literally born and bred, purely to breed.

1st and 3rd and I didn't even notice they were hammering it.

I read that story in-between in number 2. oh.my.god. You should read it. It's just....

How low has the lowest common denominator gotten these days? Aren't yall afraid that we're gonna wake up one day as....


lolz. It's okay. They're Catholic. They're fair game. They do - not - play fair. But then they aren't capable of doing much at all. It's not delightful. It's just boring.

Even the prettiest girls cannot please you; no matter how badly they want to...please their parents.

You should read that UN cocaine article. I'm frankly too stunned to be insulted that ridiculously again. Not right now. I need to recover between insults.


gay sex
01-29-2012, 09:11 PM
wow so this is still happening

01-29-2012, 10:34 PM

I finally found my MBA, or remembered I had one when I was thinking "Why the fuck am I using Windows." We're operating on a fairly advanced plane over here.

You cannot simply state nonsense and then repeat it once the assertion has been disproved. What's this one-horse-town school of yours teaching children these days. I even used shitty graphs in full colour. Gosh.

Punishment as a deterrent will never be effective for the simple reason that crime is the result of confusion, emotional turmoil and ignorance. Punishment would not be required in a Pavlovian world where humans salivated at a bell announcing happiness was incoming. There would be no crime to punish But we do not live in such a world. They corrupted parents who corrupt children when they're at their most impressionable. The result?

Punishment does not work as a deterrent for crime, and it never will because crime is the result of confusion, emotional turmoil and ignorance. You think stalkers (by my definition, "anyone attempting to establish a link between themselves and a romantic interest" - of which there are billions in this world, and no one wants to talk about it) are capable of thinking about the consequences of their actions?

Crimes arise from simple needs. Hunger. For drugs or maybe just a hotdog. Simple impulses can be controlled by simple punishments.

Yea podcast it up. You basically talk into a mic. You can use something like blogtalkradio and actually take CALLERS, then it becomes more of a "radio show". skatzpoker radio would be worth a listen. I'd probably have to take ritalin to follow it though.

01-29-2012, 10:40 PM
This is true. I was the first in my family to get an undergraduate degree and it was big deal. I was also the first in my family to graduate school. Pass a subject at school. Go to school.

What's your degree? God if you're doing Criminal Justice or something...

My degree is in CS. I'm too old for it to be a big deal, but I had already done like 80%+ and that 80% was all of the hard stuff. I lucked into it, because the CS degree comes from utexas, which has top 10 CS program. (although thats mainly graduate programs.) regardless... I now have to write a fictional short story in a workshop. I hope there are a lot of badass chicks who like older redneck types. Stories need a hook.. something clever to wrap it up at the end in.. the middle is just filler... like the center of a twinky. See, thats how you are creative. Shit like that. Bob knows.

02-02-2012, 12:00 PM
Crimes arise from simple needs. Hunger. For drugs or maybe just a hotdog. Simple impulses can be controlled by simple punishments

No. Christ. What schools are teaching students this kind of thing, aside from my suspicions (all of them).

You cannot keep making assertions that are pure fallacy. Where's your logic? There isn't any. It's outrageous. Where is your supporting evidence? You cannot find any because there's no sense to this assertion you keep making and I keep disproving.

It's pure non-sense. You cannot control impulses by Pavlovian idiocy. Pavlov didn't tell you about the hundreds of dogs he had to put down first. Or the hundreds of humans he'd have to put down because we live in a world that Pavlov's ideas - could - make sense but then we have mothers? Who know kids need to eat their greens, right? So they do Pavlov on a kid like me, to force me to eat my greens and pumpkin soup and fucking retarded endless bullshit - and the logical result?

I haven't eaten salad really, in a quarter of a century. That's this world for you in a fucking whore nutshell.


Crimes are caused by simple needs? I swear to god that must be one of the dumbest statements I've ever seen. You been watching Les Miserables or something?

Did you even - think - before writing that? Get off Ritalin. Go with God. 20 second video. You should slap yourself once per second.


Dubya lied to Americans. Fabricated a filthy pretext to invade a sovereign state, a full member of the UN, and signatory to various non-aggression pacts and shit.

So Dubya is an irrefutable War Criminal because he's guilty of War Crimes, and Crimes Against Humanity (but of course I've always been amused by little nation-states who sign up to international rules of war, or rules of war in general. lol Guantanamo.

Against a UN resolution, the US invaded on the pretext of WMD which 10 years after France said "BULLSHIT" (Dubya called a top 5 world power part of the Axis of Evil - "if you're not with us you're against us" - France is no friend of ours. FREEDOM FRIES? Any of this ring a bell? In another century you could find yourself in a big dumb ass WORLD WAR for that kind of thing.

I couldn't care less about any of the above. But what's the definition of treason? What constitutes a traitor? Lying to the country in order to break international law and kill Americans? Damning US interests for multiple generations? Dictionary definition? Remove the question mark.

You know what's funny? Americans have two massive problems they're ignoring. I think if you niggers don’t get smart very quickly, you’re all going to die.

Domestically, you’ve sent a strong warning to everyone who wants to lie to you to kill you and your children that you’re completely cool with that. You didn’t even make Obama sign a pardon. He would have, because he works for the same guys. The greatest trick ever pulled on morons was convincing them they had options. You have option, the same filthy underwear. You can wear them inside out, outside in, flip them back and forward as much as you like - but you need to wash your single option of underwear or just free-ball it for awhile. Because you’re creeping the world out.

Dubya’s laughing out loud at you isn’t your biggest problem. At this very moment, there are 3,000,000 (3 million) orphans in Iraq aged 0 to (some are almost men now) who have the craziest of ideas. It’s literally crazy. They think you killed their parents. I’m embarrassed to ask, I mean it’s ludicrous - what motive could you possibly have. Please don't get offended, this is just routine paperwork, but may I ask?


If yes, are you going to sit there and pretend you don’t realise what children who lose their parents do, when they become teenage boys?




So many of you are going to die. Islam is licking his filthy lips, saying “Thanks guys!”

And you’re sitting there stressing over whether or not it’s ‘naughty’ to put the iPhone4S on your 18% interest CC - gosh you’re so naughty, just do it cause it’s naughty.

Like 'sex'. Not until you're old enough! Don't even think about having fun until WE GIVE YOU PERMISSION, young lady.

Hey man, she wasn't old enough. But thanks for ruining her 5 years before I can even want to get a look-in. Bravo Pop. Keep death staring guys like me though. She's slept with 500 guys. I'm sure I'm the dangerous one.

And if I was? What's your death stare gonna accomplish Pop? You think you can compete? All your passive-aggressive v her thinking she has to prove herself to me because I took your dumb shit and corrupted myself with it. I intrigue girls then slam the door in their faces.

And lingerie flies against the wall.

"I literally can't believe I'm doing this..! I've literally never done this before..!"

Vomit. Trust me, I'm not fucking Jedi. Or as dashing as Darth. Filthy sluts and their denial.




And morons will say why is this happening to us?

And your exploiters will say,

"My fellow Americans.

These Iraqi jihadists hate how free you are. They just hate your freedom. I know it's terrible. It sure does validate President George W Bush's gut instinct, in retrospect.

Just like the drug problem, which is getting really creepy now, but then that Jonny needs to remember to write a post about the DEA being so STUPID it's hilarious. Satire is fun. But then not if you understand the reality of what's going on. We should probably kill that kid no? Someone get on that already, gosh.

Remember, tomorrow is Religious Tolerance Day. Now play nice. If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all."



Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play! No sense have they of ills to come nor care beyond today.

02-02-2012, 07:02 PM
i take hecka procera to keep the noodle sharp

You motherfucker I embarrassed myself for this. Bought Procera and then halfway down the street it's for HAIR LOSS?

It was really expensive so I took it back and blamed you. But it's okay he was disappointed but he probably won't chase you down for $60.

In related news, I'm like 100% serious that I'm going to Taiwan. Watch this video and book tickets. This is for all of you obviously.


02-09-2012, 07:34 PM
Nextlevelshit, has the DEA's little turf war in Mexico killed you yet?

Because I want you to investigate something for us both. Ask your psychiatrist for Desoxyn.

Report back with your findings.


In related news, the fact that none of you have covered my heroism in reference to sharing the above video with you leads me to believe none of you are actually even real. Or you're all gay. And there is something wrong with that. I wish I was gay. But then I'm okay now, thanks to girls like in that video above. And their blushing at me. And my blushing back. And then we both go home alone (well hah, I do - they seem to manage okay) cause I don't speak the language of exploitation.

02-10-2012, 03:20 AM

gay sex
02-10-2012, 03:21 AM
bro procera is not for hair loss you ribald goon

gay sex
02-10-2012, 03:22 AM
real talk that took zero effort hair loss bald ribald effortless on my part #itsagift

gay sex
02-10-2012, 03:26 AM
probably the procera

02-10-2012, 07:24 AM
Nextlevelshit, has the DEA's little turf war in Mexico killed you yet?

Because I want you to investigate something for us both. Ask your psychiatrist for Desoxyn.

Report back with your findings.


In related news, the fact that none of you have covered my heroism in reference to sharing the above video with you leads me to believe none of you are actually even real. Or you're all gay. And there is something wrong with that. I wish I was gay. But then I'm okay now, thanks to girls like in that video above. And their blushing at me. And my blushing back. And then we both go home alone (well hah, I do - they seem to manage okay) cause I don't speak the language of exploitation.

Been off the grid, finishing up the 7 months of procrastination.

I liked your rant on iraq and all that. Just like the comment said... obv, but worth reading. Most of my stuff isn't even worth reading. I can accept that.

I don't go to a shrink so I can't ask for desoxyn. I was once prescribed by a GP or whatever. Family doctor, but I basically told him what I wanted. He only agreed because I had just re-enrolled in college. Even then he made me feel like a criminal asking for medication. Then I didn't take it every day like I am supposed to and he gets annoyed. Then you go get the script filled at the pharmacy and the cunt with her pharmacy degree has to look you over and repeat the process. Jesus fucking christ. I can't stand dealing with people. I understand why the doc thinks the way he does, but if you're severe ADHD like me you don't need some monkey looking MD sporting mother fucker passing judgement on you because he spent 8 years of his life to get a degree to write the fucking script that he now has to worry about signing for you.

So I buy ritalin from some sand nigger through the internets. Shipped via Britain, I pay a Paki via Western Union. Funny, huh ? I find that preferable over dealing with a doctor. Definitely cheaper. The power of forums and a brain and you can get a lot of things over the internet pretty easily. Just not good narcotics.

02-10-2012, 07:29 AM
You motherfucker I embarrassed myself for this. Bought Procera and then halfway down the street it's for HAIR LOSS?

It was really expensive so I took it back and blamed you. But it's okay he was disappointed but he probably won't chase you down for $60.

In related news, I'm like 100% serious that I'm going to Taiwan. Watch this video and book tickets. This is for all of you obviously.


There is apparently bucks in bootleg hair straightener on E-bay.

(Just a little life tip... I don't know more details .. i think it is the AAs buying it)

02-10-2012, 06:30 PM
Been off the grid, finishing up the 7 months of procrastination.

I liked your rant on iraq and all that. Just like the comment said... obv, but worth reading. Most of my stuff isn't even worth reading. I can accept that.

I don't go to a shrink so I can't ask for desoxyn. I was once prescribed by a GP or whatever. Family doctor, but I basically told him what I wanted. He only agreed because I had just re-enrolled in college. Even then he made me feel like a criminal asking for medication. Then I didn't take it every day like I am supposed to and he gets annoyed. Then you go get the script filled at the pharmacy and the cunt with her pharmacy degree has to look you over and repeat the process. Jesus fucking christ. I can't stand dealing with people. I understand why the doc thinks the way he does, but if you're severe ADHD like me you don't need some monkey looking MD sporting mother fucker passing judgement on you because he spent 8 years of his life to get a degree to write the fucking script that he now has to worry about signing for you.

So I buy ritalin from some sand nigger through the internets. Shipped via Britain, I pay a Paki via Western Union. Funny, huh ? I find that preferable over dealing with a doctor. Definitely cheaper. The power of forums and a brain and you can get a lot of things over the internet pretty easily. Just not good narcotics.

Look, I don't really know how to tell you this without patronising your stupid face.

But go to a shrink. Get Desoxyn. Name your first born son in my honour. Sky. Or if it's a girl, SkyeNigger.

Bobby Wong
02-10-2012, 06:43 PM
its skynegress bro

02-10-2012, 07:14 PM

02-10-2012, 08:58 PM
Look, I don't really know how to tell you this without patronising your stupid face.

But go to a shrink. Get Desoxyn. Name your first born son in my honour. Sky. Or if it's a girl, SkyeNigger.

How many shrinks would I have to go through and how much time would I have to spend to get a script for this ? Quite a bit. Do you know anyone with a desoxyn prescription in the U.S. ? I know meth is more euphoric... but.. does it actually treat ADD symptoms better? What angle would I use to even get desoxyn... get prescriptions for ritalin/adderrall, then say "hey doc this doesn't work, have anything else?" Then they whip out the script for meth? Honestly I didn't even know they still prescribed meth. They did bring back oxymorphone .. which I'd like to try before I die..infamous stuff.

I need to move to thailand ?

02-11-2012, 09:01 PM
How many shrinks would I have to go through and how much time would I have to spend to get a script for this ?

As many as it takes and as much time as your life is worth.

Do you know anyone with a desoxyn prescription in the U.S. ?

Yes. You have ADHD and you don't read ADHD forums? What kind of fake Ritalin junkie are you hmm?

ADDforums.com - Desoxyn threads (http://addforums.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=317)

I know meth is more euphoric

What? No. You clearly don't know anything about meth. When you overdose on a drug, you will get 'high'. Overdose on Ambien and you'll see hallucinations (my mate stole 3 from my room cause he didn't want to wake me - he woke me an hour later running around the apartment screaming; he was seeing some horrifying things - I didn't know what to do, whether Xanax would make it worse and my Internet wasn't working and he wouldn't come to the hospital so I just took a shot and gave him a Xanax and lied to him by telling him 100% it works if he closes his eyes and holds on for 5 min. I was going for Placebo effect obviously. I don't know if it worked. He was asleep 10 min later though, probably the Ambien knocked him out once he chilled down.

You can overdose literally on any drug. Paracetemol / Codeine. Take 4-8 of those at once and you'll have a fun day. Or you won't be able to stand up straight.

Meth is not euphoric, for christ's sake. It is if you overdose, sure. Just like cough medicine.

... but.. does it actually treat ADD symptoms better?

I have tried almost everything. All the stimulants crash and burn because I can't drink a coffee without getting anxiety / jitters / panicked. So Ritalin / Adderal / Concerta can - almost - work if I take so many beta-blockers, Diazepam, Alprozolam etc to counteract the anxiety. Like, I can be...functional. But not productive. If that makes sense...

Adderall and Adderall XR (tried and impressed, but couldn't get the dosing right)
Concerta (basically Ritalin - long release / tried, wasn't impressed)
Dexedrine (massive failure - made me quite sick actually - Dexxies are used 'recreationally')
Focalin and Focalin XR (not sure about this one - I can't remember if we tried it, or if it was out of stock or something - it sounds interesting though, I'll need to investigate it further)
Metadate CD and Metadate ER (basically sustained release Ritalin)
Methylin (basically Ritalin)
Ritalin, Ritalin LA (a lame-ass drug that morons rave about; I firmly believe is in the same class as SSRIs in terms of 'effectiveness' but SSRIs are pure placebo whereas Ritalin actually will make your teeth chatter and your eyes burn if you take it with meth - my eyes were fucked for a month, after I was dared by a guy on BB forums to snort a couple crushed Ritalin tabs - I got more work done in 3 days than I had in months - but then I'm not sure I blinked in 3 days, and it took a month or two for my eyes to stop burning)
Vyvanse (this one isn't available in Thailand but is interesting in the sense that it's the only stimulant which has zero dependancy issues - it's tied to a protein and won't activate until it's absorbed by the liver)

Vyvanse is the first stimulant medicine made available with zero potential for abuse. When it comes to the other medications with low abuse potential these include the long acting stimulants including: Concerta, Adderall XR, Biphentin, Metadate CD, Ritalin LA, Focalin XR, etc.

When it comes to the only other medication with zero potential for abuse, that is the non-stimulant for ADD/ADHD, Strattera. This is also a good option, however if someone needs a stimulant medicine with no potential for abuse, Vyvanse is the medication to choose.

Stattera (I was so excited about Stattera because it was the first non-stimulant ADHD med. I tried this dumb bullshit for 4-5 months. It takes 8 weeks to 'work' [ostensibly] - I'm always suspicious of the logic behind drugs that take 8 weeks to work. Because it's bullshit? You should feel the improvement. At week 5 I was telling the doc it's bullshit, I felt nothing and he's like "you gotta give it 8 weeks" - well I gave it 20 weeks and all I got was heartburn and headaches and indigestion - stupid drug imo)

Desoxyn (miracle drug invented by the Japanese and quickly banned across the Westphalian illusionary 'nation-state' globe - Literally everything you read about it is a lie because everyone pretends they're too stupid to distinguish between a chemical substance and a chemical claimed to be a substance, by a criminal who 'cooks' in a basement rather than a lab, never studied chemistry, using substitute ingredients because the DEA's of the world have to control the market, blah blah blah - no regulation, and poisonous and addictive as all hell obviously, because that's optimal Commerce 101 - so it's all moronic bullshit. Methamphetamine has never killed a single person, that I'm aware of. I'm - aware - that tens of millions have been killed taking what they were told was meth. But then you just can't trust criminals, can you. I'm talking about your governments.

This is the opening line from Wikipedia. "also known as..." I mean seriously?

Cognac, also known as light beer, Bacardi Breezers, dry white wine, and Jagermeister...insulting bullshit.

Methamphetamine also known as methamfetamine, N-methylamphetamine, methylamphetamine, and desoxyephedrine is a psychostimulant of the phenethylamine and amphetamine class of psychoactive drugs. Methamphetamine increases alertness, concentration, energy, and in high doses, can induce euphoria, enhance self-esteem and increase libido.

Methamphetamine has high potential for abuse and addiction, activating the psychological reward system by triggering a cascading release of dopamine in the brain.

Methamphetamine is FDA approved for the treatment of ADHD and exogenous obesity. It is dispensed in the USA under the trademark name Desoxyn.

There is literally zero evidence that Dexoxyn triggers a cascade release of dopamine in the brains of ADHD sufferers, unless the overdose. Fill up a bathtup with logic, and you'll have a cascading overflow onto the bathroom floor.

What angle would I use to even get desoxyn...

Angle? Are you a junkie? You tell your doc to do his job. If he won't, you find a doctor that will. These guys are criminals but like 1% rounded up are only half-corrupted. Like they still want to help people or they imagine they do. You find one that isn't 100% vile and you tell him to give you the meds you need to live, a normal life.

02-11-2012, 09:02 PM
Honestly I didn't even know they still prescribed meth.

Because if you go to a psychologist or a psychiatrist and they made you better, they'd go bankrupt wouldn't they? It's ridiculous that people have to have this idiotic stuff explained to them. But welcome to the reality of the dark side of medicine. Stay away from surgeons as well. They have a lot of 'complications' during surgery but that's not the real issue. The real issue is that once they've cut you open, they cannot be shown to have been 'wrong'. This is basic logic.

I had RSI in my wrists so bad, just when I started getting okay at poker, I was trying to play a couple hours through the pain gritting my teeth and wincing. My friends were the worst...like, I'm not the sort of person who's going to be complaining about chronic pain - period. Definitely not at a dinner or night out or social gathering where people are trying to have fun. But my mates who I only realised were dependant on me, years later; fucking junkies, would get so ugly when they'd try to twist my arm to come out. I'd say No. They'd insult me thinking I'm doing that creepy thing humans do when they mean Yes but say No? No. I don't do that shit, I'm not a girl who wants to be raped or not. She's uncertain. Yes? No. NO! Okay yes. Fucking freaks. I'm just talking about my friends, who would try and drag me into situations where I wouldn't be able not to share pain.

And I'd tell them to fuck off and leave me alone. My wrists were killing me, I'd explain. "God would you just stop going on and on about your wrists all the time - you're becoming intolerable."

This is what they'd say. This is humanity. I then made some of them realise they didn't know anything about intolerability.

But I was in a LOT of pain. Both wrists. I couldn't sleep at night until the physio gave me straps to freeze my wrists still. Which I adored her for, but the bitch...the moron....just made it worse, obviously. The muscles atrophied. And soon even her braces and straps weren't working. Things were very bad, like I was in pain 24/7 which is no way to live. Every day more doctors, physios, chiros, specialists, then finally surgeons. Who instantly scheduled me into theatre with a 100% diagnosis of "carpal tunnel syndrome". I was horrified. 6 months without use of my wrists, with < 50% success rate. I missed the theatre appointment, agonising about whether to go or not.

I saw a second surgeon. Identical assessment. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. He'd seen it a thousand times, he'd recognise it anywhere, he said. He booked me into theatre but apologised as his theatre was booked out for 5 weeks. I resigned myself to my fate.

About 3 weeks later, I was walking down Brunswick St (just where I lived in the middle of the Valley) and a new store had opened, a little humble office where a cute as hell blonde and what I - think - was her boyfriend had opened up a physio/chiro/holistic kind of "hippie-sounding" practice. Mostly cause she was hot, I shrugged and walked in and told her about my wrists and shit and the 8 months of nightmarish treatment that always seemed to relieve pain then make it worse. I told her I was scheduled for surgery but wasn't thrilled about it.

I saw her grit her teeth for a moment when I mentioned surgery. Her face brightened and she said "so we have two weeks then?" God she was cute. Swedish girl. I had 3 sessions with her at a cost of $45 each so $135 total.

In one week, 90% of the pain was gone. It would have been 100% in 4 weeks if I followed her instructions, but every once in awhile I'd have to do the wrist exercises again for a couple weeks. The RSI is 100% gone now. It's been years since I felt the slightest pain in my wrists. $135 and she saved my life. My stabilising muscles had atrophied. They just needed to be built back up. Strapping my wrists was literally the worst treatment for my RSI. Apart from, perhaps, cutting my wrists open to slice the carpals apart. I was so furious, I wanted these criminals arrested. I spoke to laywers, they shrugged. Happens all the time, they said. If the laws were there, did I think they'd be so cocky in their crime, the lawyers asked me. I guess not, I sighed. This world is so fucked up.

I moved to Manila only a couple months later and kept meaning to go back and I dunno, throw money at this miracle physician who saved me from (probably saved my life, really - cause I wasn't going to live indefinitely in chronic pain). I basically just wanted to express gratitude, or whatever. A couple years later, I was in Brisbane on holiday, with a million dollars I wasn't really thrilled about having but living without the pain of RSI is pretty fucking cool, just quietly. And I thought maybe I should pop in and give her 10k or something and refuse to take no for an answer. I raced over to the Valley but there was a clothing store where her practice used to be.

Maybe she just moved back to Sweden.

Maybe there is no money in treating people.

$135...my criminal physio made my wrists worse and worse and she made thousands of thousands of $ out of me. And no recourse, you're allowed to be incompetent as long as you pay your guild fees. All these professions regulate themselves, claiming no one else has the 'expertise'. It's so insulting. Am I supposed to just - believe - that the 'conveniently' profitable strapping of my wrists tighter and tighter as the pain got worse and worse, was an innocent 'mistake'? The surgeons would have made thousands of $ for being filthy criminals. Zero % chance they were making a 'mistake'. Filthy butchers.

They did bring back oxymorphone .. which I'd like to try before I die..infamous stuff.

What the fuck does this have to do with ADHD? Are you a junkie? Go to Manila. You can buy morphine from any plastic surgeon.

I need to move to thailand ?

No. You should move to Taiwan for the girls. But for ADHD treatment, you're in the only country aside from Chile on the planet where Desoxyn isn't blockaded completely. It is IMPOSSIBLE to buy Desoxyn illegally, not from the Internet - not on the street. This tells you all you need to know about the blockade and 'confusion' of governments who manage to blockade the medicine ("fears of abuse potential" - vomit) with 100% success and enough Supply of the poison to satisfy the Demand of 4 million addicts in Thailand (pop. 80 mil) floods into the country and can be bought literally on any street in broad daylight.

Do you - understand - the realities?

If you want to talk about being a junkie, we can talk about that. But if you're talking about quality of life living with ADHD, don't get the two confused or you'll piss me off. Mildly. I hardly ever get even annoyed anymore, but then I've already explained why and how I became sane.

02-11-2012, 09:39 PM
It is IMPOSSIBLE to buy Desoxyn illegally, not from the Internet - not on the street. This tells you all you need to know about the blockade and 'confusion' of governments who manage to blockade the medicine ("fears of abuse potential" - vomit) with 100% success and enough Supply of the poison to satisfy the Demand of 4 million addicts in Thailand (pop. 80 mil) floods into the country and can be bought literally on any street in broad daylight.

Do you - understand - the realities?

I literally am going to die for doing this sort of thing, because I made a conscious decision that I couldn't live with myself by remaining silent - apparently yall don't have that problem, which is great for yall. Like, if you genuinely didn't care, I'd be cool with that. But people who imagine themselves to be good, or sell the perception of decency to the public-at-large or on Facebook / Twitter / Google+ etc. If they're not talking about shit like this routinely, they're the worst people alive.


Because I've been telling so many people this shit on forums and there is just zero interest. In countering my arguments, answering my questions, or even just engaging or participating in the subject. And I was frustrated and confused for awhile; until I realised, everyone is pretending.

On both sides. I'm literally serious. This phenomenon is everywhere. Everyone who disagrees has a vested interest in one side of the problem, which is never the answer. The answers to the problems are all literally so simple and obvious. The Pareto optimal solution to every point of conflict in this world is not being proposed by any side fiercely debating the 'issues'. That's because they have an interest in profitting from the continuance of the problem. Everyone's arguing over how to split the pot basically.

And there's like a tiny handful of people who are arguing that there shouldn't be any pot, to split.


Usually I'm just censored. Sometimes when I make it gentle like this one below, they let it stand. And it just brings discussions to a close every time. Because no one ever goes "interesting, hang on, tell me more" or "what the fuck, I'm Googling this shit" or "omg! that's outrageous"....they just stop the fake 'fighting'. It took me ages to figure out this phenomenon cause I've been doing it for years.


They're all fighting over the pot. They're not interested in Solutions. They're all arguing for their invested "work-arounds". It's nauseating. And I'll come back to this page at some point and my comment will just be gone. This happens literally all the time.


Desoxyn - basically methamphetamine, not used often because it is essentialy the same as the street drug "meth", which has very bad associations

This is the logic used by criminal doctors to - NOT - prescribe life-saving treatment. It's unfathomable and it's almost terrifying that people would just read past it and not have a conniption. And it took me a long time to work out how they could even get away with such insulting idiotic 'justifications'. Then it hit me: You're all too stupid to live. It's no wonder, really; that they're going to coddle you and keep you 'alive'.


02-12-2012, 12:02 AM
As many as it takes and as much time as your life is worth.

Yes. You have ADHD and you don't read ADHD forums? What kind of fake Ritalin junkie are you hmm?

ADDforums.com - Desoxyn threads (http://addforums.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=317)

What? No. You clearly don't know anything about meth. When you overdose on a drug, you will get 'high'. Overdose on Ambien and you'll see hallucinations (my mate stole 3 from my room cause he didn't want to wake me - he woke me an hour later running around the apartment screaming; he was seeing some horrifying things - I didn't know what to do, whether Xanax would make it worse and my Internet wasn't working and he wouldn't come to the hospital so I just took a shot and gave him a Xanax and lied to him by telling him 100% it works if he closes his eyes and holds on for 5 min. I was going for Placebo effect obviously. I don't know if it worked. He was asleep 10 min later though, probably the Ambien knocked him out once he chilled down.

You can overdose literally on any drug. Paracetemol / Codeine. Take 4-8 of those at once and you'll have a fun day. Or you won't be able to stand up straight.

Meth is not euphoric, for christ's sake. It is if you overdose, sure. Just like cough medicine.

I have tried almost everything. All the stimulants crash and burn because I can't drink a coffee without getting anxiety / jitters / panicked. So Ritalin / Adderal / Concerta can - almost - work if I take so many beta-blockers, Diazepam, Alprozolam etc to counteract the anxiety. Like, I can be...functional. But not productive. If that makes sense...

Adderall and Adderall XR (tried and impressed, but couldn't get the dosing right)
Concerta (basically Ritalin - long release / tried, wasn't impressed)
Dexedrine (massive failure - made me quite sick actually - Dexxies are used 'recreationally')
Focalin and Focalin XR (not sure about this one - I can't remember if we tried it, or if it was out of stock or something - it sounds interesting though, I'll need to investigate it further)
Metadate CD and Metadate ER (basically sustained release Ritalin)
Methylin (basically Ritalin)
Ritalin, Ritalin LA (a lame-ass drug that morons rave about; I firmly believe is in the same class as SSRIs in terms of 'effectiveness' but SSRIs are pure placebo whereas Ritalin actually will make your teeth chatter and your eyes burn if you take it with meth - my eyes were fucked for a month, after I was dared by a guy on BB forums to snort a couple crushed Ritalin tabs - I got more work done in 3 days than I had in months - but then I'm not sure I blinked in 3 days, and it took a month or two for my eyes to stop burning)
Vyvanse (this one isn't available in Thailand but is interesting in the sense that it's the only stimulant which has zero dependancy issues - it's tied to a protein and won't activate until it's absorbed by the liver)

Stattera (I was so excited about Stattera because it was the first non-stimulant ADHD med. I tried this dumb bullshit for 4-5 months. It takes 8 weeks to 'work' [ostensibly] - I'm always suspicious of the logic behind drugs that take 8 weeks to work. Because it's bullshit? You should feel the improvement. At week 5 I was telling the doc it's bullshit, I felt nothing and he's like "you gotta give it 8 weeks" - well I gave it 20 weeks and all I got was heartburn and headaches and indigestion - stupid drug imo)

Desoxyn (miracle drug invented by the Japanese and quickly banned across the Westphalian illusionary 'nation-state' globe - Literally everything you read about it is a lie because everyone pretends they're too stupid to distinguish between a chemical substance and a chemical claimed to be a substance, by a criminal who 'cooks' in a basement rather than a lab, never studied chemistry, using substitute ingredients because the DEA's of the world have to control the market, blah blah blah - no regulation, and poisonous and addictive as all hell obviously, because that's optimal Commerce 101 - so it's all moronic bullshit. Methamphetamine has never killed a single person, that I'm aware of. I'm - aware - that tens of millions have been killed taking what they were told was meth. But then you just can't trust criminals, can you. I'm talking about your governments.

This is the opening line from Wikipedia. "also known as..." I mean seriously?

Cognac, also known as light beer, Bacardi Breezers, dry white wine, and Jagermeister...insulting bullshit.

There is literally zero evidence that Dexoxyn triggers a cascade release of dopamine in the brains of ADHD sufferers, unless the overdose. Fill up a bathtup with logic, and you'll have a cascading overflow onto the bathroom floor.

Angle? Are you a junkie? You tell your doc to do his job. If he won't, you find a doctor that will. These guys are criminals but like 1% rounded up are only half-corrupted. Like they still want to help people or they imagine they do. You find one that isn't 100% vile and you tell him to give you the meds you need to live, a normal life.

I tried adderrall and ritalin and never noticed too much of a difference. The doc did both but I never liked either due to the anxiety at the end of the day when i wished they would stop. This is why I never took either of them to medicate. I now take Ritalin because thats the only thing I can get without having to deal with a doc and plan to cease it once I am done with these online courses that require reading that doesn't immediately interest me. I actually have some adderrall sitting around I should take and see. Yep, i don't know much about meth, but I also didn't know what dosages you take or what your reasoning for preferring meth is. I do know meth is more euphoric than simple amphetamines. I also take xanax after I'm done with the days work. Only way I can reasonably stand this crap. Caffeine just makes me neurotic.

I am pretty much broke until I get a job or move somewhere to play poker again. Tired of that. Online poker is a miserable affair, live poker is full of likeable scumbags but less $$. Not sure which is better. Don't have luxury to doctor shop.

And yes, "angle." I'd still have to work through all the ADD meds to get to desoxyn. I did mistake you for a tweaker. Your writing seems to suggest as much, but thats not because it is bad. If I go to a shrink and say give me desoxyn ... at best they start me down the route working up to meth. At worst they show me the door for being a 'drug seeker'.

On the anxiety route, I did suspect my liver is deficient in the enzymes requires to excrete ritalin and adderrall. I'm not so sure about that anymore, but it is an area of medicine thats only recently been explored. Apparently ritalin/adderrall use the same enzyme a lot of anti-depressants do.

I did read your post and will probably reread it again. Maybe even visit ADD forums. I've always wished it was something they could easily quantify, because I suspect my ADD is considerably worse than most others who claim the same brain disfunction.

02-12-2012, 12:22 AM
What the fuck does this have to do with ADHD? Are you a junkie? Go to Manila. You can buy morphine from any plastic surgeon.

No. You should move to Taiwan for the girls. But for ADHD treatment, you're in the only country aside from Chile on the planet where Desoxyn isn't blockaded completely. It is IMPOSSIBLE to buy Desoxyn illegally, not from the Internet - not on the street. This tells you all you need to know about the blockade and 'confusion' of governments who manage to blockade the medicine ("fears of abuse potential" - vomit) with 100% success and enough Supply of the poison to satisfy the Demand of 4 million addicts in Thailand (pop. 80 mil) floods into the country and can be bought literally on any street in broad daylight.

Do you - understand - the realities?

If you want to talk about being a junkie, we can talk about that. But if you're talking about quality of life living with ADHD, don't get the two confused or you'll piss me off. Mildly. I hardly ever get even annoyed anymore, but then I've already explained why and how I became sane.

I had no clue you took your ADHD so seriously or that meth actually helped significantly more with ADHD.

I know methamphetamines > amphetamines to any tweaker. I didn't know it was the same for ADHD. I like pain killers, but I don't seek them out. Haven't had even the most minor ones in years. I've had habits in the past. Not sure if that makes me a junkie. Man's own heaven and hell. Morphine is shit, but we won't have this discussion as it isn't material.

I respect your scooter. Maybe I'll try to get a desoxyn prescription at some point. I've quit drinking. Glad your RSI was fixed. I once wrote a program that let me multitable without the use of a mouse. I found the tracking of the mouse/etc inefficient and hard on the wrists. But I became bored with playing poker and pretty much stopped advancing while friends became rich. oh well. Meant to sell the program but likely ADD kept me from packaging it up well enough to sell it. Once it was functional enough for me, my interest faded. I have had a lot of projects like that in my life. ahh well

02-12-2012, 12:31 AM
I literally am going to die for doing this sort of thing, because I made a conscious decision that I couldn't live with myself by remaining silent - apparently yall don't have that problem, which is great for yall. Like, if you genuinely didn't care, I'd be cool with that. But people who imagine themselves to be good, or sell the perception of decency to the public-at-large or on Facebook / Twitter / Google+ etc. If they're not talking about shit like this routinely, they're the worst people alive.


Because I've been telling so many people this shit on forums and there is just zero interest. In countering my arguments, answering my questions, or even just engaging or participating in the subject. And I was frustrated and confused for awhile; until I realised, everyone is pretending.

On both sides. I'm literally serious. This phenomenon is everywhere. Everyone who disagrees has a vested interest in one side of the problem, which is never the answer. The answers to the problems are all literally so simple and obvious. The Pareto optimal solution to every point of conflict in this world is not being proposed by any side fiercely debating the 'issues'. That's because they have an interest in profitting from the continuance of the problem. Everyone's arguing over how to split the pot basically.

And there's like a tiny handful of people who are arguing that there shouldn't be any pot, to split.


Usually I'm just censored. Sometimes when I make it gentle like this one below, they let it stand. And it just brings discussions to a close every time. Because no one ever goes "interesting, hang on, tell me more" or "what the fuck, I'm Googling this shit" or "omg! that's outrageous"....they just stop the fake 'fighting'. It took me ages to figure out this phenomenon cause I've been doing it for years.


They're all fighting over the pot. They're not interested in Solutions. They're all arguing for their invested "work-arounds". It's nauseating. And I'll come back to this page at some point and my comment will just be gone. This happens literally all the time.


This is the logic used by criminal doctors to - NOT - prescribe life-saving treatment. It's unfathomable and it's almost terrifying that people would just read past it and not have a conniption. And it took me a long time to work out how they could even get away with such insulting idiotic 'justifications'. Then it hit me: You're all too stupid to live. It's no wonder, really; that they're going to coddle you and keep you 'alive'.


So much of the stupidity in the world is due to people having an innate desire to believe in a system. The poorer or more stupid you are, the more this is the case. This desire has been bred into us, so that we can functionally live in a society. The idea that everyone has their factions and own motivations doesn't explain a lot of behavior. People choose against self-interest all the time.

If I remember or you express interest, I'll dig up a paper I read last semester about 'system justification theory'. Kinda explained a lot of things to me. It really is tied into the ol cognitive dissonance. Guys like us, I would like to think, are either 1) smart enough that we can understand the grand picture and avoid cognitive dissonance or 2) have brains wired specifically to seek out the truth and the dissonance does not disturb us because we find more comfort in knowing the absolute truth no matter how ugly. Maybe these are both the same thing. I don't know, I just realize there is no changing it.

02-12-2012, 10:36 PM
I never liked either due to the anxiety at the end of the day when i wished they would stop. This is why I never took either of them to medicate.

That's basically what I just said was the reason I don't take them. They're not effective medication.

Yep, i don't know much about meth, but I also didn't know what dosages you take or what your reasoning for preferring meth is.

Normally I'd do a www.google.com here but the only accurate information about Desoxyn you'll get from ADHD sufferers on ADHD forums. Literally, it's a miracle drug. Like, I'm taking the poison and I'm only ever loose when I can't manage the dosage. But then that's only one of the problems solved with this:


...as opposed to this...


You understand? How vile these fucking criminals are?

Desoxyn - basically methamphetamine, not used often because it is essentialy the same as the street drug "meth", which has very bad associations

Do you get it? or are you just daft? They pretend the two are the same, in order to not medicate with the micracle drug methamphetamine, whilst profiting gratuituously from the addictive poisonous substitute (which may or may not be remotely associated to meth, it really depends on whether you trust these guys - the government trusts their chemistry - the government says they make Desoxyn.

Call me crazy, but I have my doubts.




I do know meth is more euphoric than simple amphetamines.

Do you even read what I write? Am I wasting my time?

What the fuck are you even talking about. You had it right the first time:

Yep, i don't know much about meth

You can learn if you learn how to read. And stop referring back to your ignorance and misinformation propaganda 'learned'. Amphetamines are speed. Speed is euphoric. Speed makes your blood race. Methamphetamine is not euphoric unless you overdose.

I live and function medicated (albeit with poison substitutes) every day. I am in public and shit. You think I'm "rushing"? I'm not even "high". I'm functional.

I also take xanax after I'm done with the days work. Only way I can reasonably stand this crap. Caffeine just makes me neurotic.

Yeah I pretty much stated the same thing. And you're still confused about why I medicate my ADHD with meth? You think Xanax is safer than meth?

Xanax isn't even safer than the generic poisonous substitutes branded as 'meth' by criminals. I literally almost died from Xanax withdrawal in Christchurch, NZ; when my mates snorted EVERYTHING on day 1 of a 3 day wedding thing. I spent the day (a Sunday) looking for a doctor, finally found one and showed him all the evidence, all the scripts from certified doctors, all my plane tickets, passport stamps, hotel paperwork, wedding invitation - everything basically to show that I couldn't possibly be anything but legit, and I said I needed like 6 pills till I could get home to my doctors (I'm showing him scripts for hundreds). I'm asking for 6 to save my life, and he says "No."


"No. I don't approve of Xanax."

"That's not really relevant, is it? You're bound by ethics and the Hippocratic Oath and your government's legislation to write out a script for me, so write out the script because I sat in your waiting room for hours and I'm not in the mood for games."

He said he didn't like my tone.

"My tone? Write the script you dog or you're going to have police in here tomorrow arresting you, if something happens to me tonight. Google "sudden Alprazolam withdrawal" and educate your stupid face. Google the NZ legislation if you're that incompetent. Now give me the fucking scripts or you'll be running your luck on my making it through the night. If I don't, you'll lose your license and spend a decade in prison, getting butt-fucked by guys who don't much like your type of criminal. You don't like my tone? You're not going to be able to handle their tone. Write the script, dog."

He refused. Ordered me to leave. I asked his nurse and a waiting patient to come in and witness the evidence and his refusal to abide by the fucking law. Standing between me and safety. They both witnessed it and he was starting to lose his control by this point, his left arm was shaking and he was trying to calm his voice demanding I leave.

I'm like "You're a fucking moron. I'm going off to ER now and if they're out of stock or something hilarious, your life is over. Because you don't approve of Xanax? Enjoy sweating the night out."

I never made it to ER. My friends had gone to a bar and I couldn't operate my phone, the taxi driver wasn't understanding me or maybe I wasn't making any sense - I was really losing the plot by this point. But he understood my hotel name and I spent a horrible night in withdrawal from a 6 x 1mg pill /day dependancy. I swore to kill that fuck so many times that night but I woke in the morning alive. And went to the wedding rehearsal instead.

This is a fucking insane world, yo. You would be well-advised to ditch that Xanax. I haven't taken Xanax in a very long time. If you must take a relaxant, get beta-blockers. Beta-blockers are god. Benzos are....filthy.

Don't have luxury to doctor shop.

I just assumed you would have medical insurance? How ironic.

Well it's moot if you don't have insurance or cash. Because they make it so fucking expensive, it's just...they're going to ban it soon. They'll figure out an excuse. Kinda hard with so many ADHD sufferers raving about it. Also the FDA might not actually be the enemy people assume them to be. They do some stuff occasionally that suggests they're fighting a war they cannot win, exceptionally heroically. Or that's my read, in any case.


This guys is not a borderline genius. This guy is a genius. He has autism and ADHD and on Desoxyn he's got a finer brain than I can manage. I spent a day reading his articles around the internet. God damn genius, for real.

And yes, "angle." I'd still have to work through all the ADD meds to get to desoxyn.

No. You'd do your research on ADHD forums, print off so many raving reviews from ADHD sufferers and you tell the fucking criminals to do their fucking job if they give you trouble, you demand your consultation fee back or threaten to take them to court because they're compelled by law to provide you with the best medical care available to them. Refusal to provide you with a medicine on the basis of their associating it with a criminal replica is an argument I'd like to force them to make in a public setting.

Of course, they are the law in reality. And of course, you couldn't begin to imagine how sick and twisted this corrupted world is. I am literally serious about all this vile shit. No one refutes it because it's irrefutable. They just won't be drawn into a discussion on it.

I did mistake you for a tweaker.

I tweak because I'm the victim of criminals. If you're wondering whether I enjoy being forced to be addicted to poison when I shouldn't be addicted at all, to medication; if you're asking if I enjoy being ripped off by fucking dirtbags and lowlifes and morons who can't think more than 1 moment in advance (or they'd never lose the most reliable customer on the planet for a cheap score; if you're asking if I enjoy embarrassing myself when I can't get the dosing right or enjoy the pain when I can't get my meds (you don't know the first thing about excruciating); if you're asking whether I thought it was fun to get AIDS which logic said I should have gotten and I lost 6 months to obsessing over it, then my answer would have to be....No.

No, I don't enjoy being the victim of corruption. And that's what they're expressly going for. Creating victims. They create pain, then sell the fake pain relief, which creates more pain. OH it's really complex. No I mean they're geniuses!

Pity they're not happy. But I bet they're all in agonising denial. I spent a couple years doing something similar playing poker.

02-13-2012, 02:02 AM
Lol. I read your postings more than you read mine. At one point I specifically say to tweakers, meth > amphetamine and is more euphoric. You don't say I'm wrong directly. Pretty sure adding the methyl to drugs makes them more potent/euphoric. You made a clever suggestion about going to Philliphines for fucking morphine. Morphine is crap. You know what methmorphine will be ? Have a guess. You know what your liver turns methmorphine into before it is excreted? morphine.

Having medical insurance is not the same as being able to just going to random shrinks with greenies. I actually do have health insurance, but I don't think it is as simple as you make it out to be. It isn't health insurance = you pay for nothing. Referrals from GP, etc, etc. You get marked down in your health file as drug seeking and it fucks you over later on. Life isn't so black/white. I would need to figure out what is covered as far as mental health. The rather large deductable figures in somewhere. etc.

It is something you have made me decide to read more upon and I am taking it all into serious consideration but I have some ritalin and adderrall to kill for now.

02-13-2012, 02:05 AM
That's basically what I just said was the reason I don't take them. They're not effective medication.

Normally I'd do a www.google.com here but the only accurate information about Desoxyn you'll get from ADHD sufferers on ADHD forums. Literally, it's a miracle drug. Like, I'm taking the poison and I'm only ever loose when I can't manage the dosage. But then that's only one of the problems solved with this:


...as opposed to this...


You understand? How vile these fucking criminals are?

Do you get it? or are you just daft? They pretend the two are the same, in order to not medicate with the micracle drug methamphetamine, whilst profiting gratuituously from the addictive poisonous substitute (which may or may not be remotely associated to meth, it really depends on whether you trust these guys - the government trusts their chemistry - the government says they make Desoxyn.

Call me crazy, but I have my doubts.




Do you even read what I write? Am I wasting my time?

What the fuck are you even talking about. You had it right the first time:

You can learn if you learn how to read. And stop referring back to your ignorance and misinformation propaganda 'learned'. Amphetamines are speed. Speed is euphoric. Speed makes your blood race. Methamphetamine is not euphoric unless you overdose.

I live and function medicated (albeit with poison substitutes) every day. I am in public and shit. You think I'm "rushing"? I'm not even "high". I'm functional.

Yeah I pretty much stated the same thing. And you're still confused about why I medicate my ADHD with meth? You think Xanax is safer than meth?

Xanax isn't even safer than the generic poisonous substitutes branded as 'meth' by criminals. I literally almost died from Xanax withdrawal in Christchurch, NZ; when my mates snorted EVERYTHING on day 1 of a 3 day wedding thing. I spent the day (a Sunday) looking for a doctor, finally found one and showed him all the evidence, all the scripts from certified doctors, all my plane tickets, passport stamps, hotel paperwork, wedding invitation - everything basically to show that I couldn't possibly be anything but legit, and I said I needed like 6 pills till I could get home to my doctors (I'm showing him scripts for hundreds). I'm asking for 6 to save my life, and he says "No."


"No. I don't approve of Xanax."

"That's not really relevant, is it? You're bound by ethics and the Hippocratic Oath and your government's legislation to write out a script for me, so write out the script because I sat in your waiting room for hours and I'm not in the mood for games."

He said he didn't like my tone.

"My tone? Write the script you dog or you're going to have police in here tomorrow arresting you, if something happens to me tonight. Google "sudden Alprazolam withdrawal" and educate your stupid face. Google the NZ legislation if you're that incompetent. Now give me the fucking scripts or you'll be running your luck on my making it through the night. If I don't, you'll lose your license and spend a decade in prison, getting butt-fucked by guys who don't much like your type of criminal. You don't like my tone? You're not going to be able to handle their tone. Write the script, dog."

He refused. Ordered me to leave. I asked his nurse and a waiting patient to come in and witness the evidence and his refusal to abide by the fucking law. Standing between me and safety. They both witnessed it and he was starting to lose his control by this point, his left arm was shaking and he was trying to calm his voice demanding I leave.

I'm like "You're a fucking moron. I'm going off to ER now and if they're out of stock or something hilarious, your life is over. Because you don't approve of Xanax? Enjoy sweating the night out."

I never made it to ER. My friends had gone to a bar and I couldn't operate my phone, the taxi driver wasn't understanding me or maybe I wasn't making any sense - I was really losing the plot by this point. But he understood my hotel name and I spent a horrible night in withdrawal from a 6 x 1mg pill /day dependancy. I swore to kill that fuck so many times that night but I woke in the morning alive. And went to the wedding rehearsal instead.

This is a fucking insane world, yo. You would be well-advised to ditch that Xanax. I haven't taken Xanax in a very long time. If you must take a relaxant, get beta-blockers. Beta-blockers are god. Benzos are....filthy.

I just assumed you would have medical insurance? How ironic.

Well it's moot if you don't have insurance or cash. Because they make it so fucking expensive, it's just...they're going to ban it soon. They'll figure out an excuse. Kinda hard with so many ADHD sufferers raving about it. Also the FDA might not actually be the enemy people assume them to be. They do some stuff occasionally that suggests they're fighting a war they cannot win, exceptionally heroically. Or that's my read, in any case.


This guys is not a borderline genius. This guy is a genius. He has autism and ADHD and on Desoxyn he's got a finer brain than I can manage. I spent a day reading his articles around the internet. God damn genius, for real.

No. You'd do your research on ADHD forums, print off so many raving reviews from ADHD sufferers and you tell the fucking criminals to do their fucking job if they give you trouble, you demand your consultation fee back or threaten to take them to court because they're compelled by law to provide you with the best medical care available to them. Refusal to provide you with a medicine on the basis of their associating it with a criminal replica is an argument I'd like to force them to make in a public setting.

Of course, they are the law in reality. And of course, you couldn't begin to imagine how sick and twisted this corrupted world is. I am literally serious about all this vile shit. No one refutes it because it's irrefutable. They just won't be drawn into a discussion on it.

I tweak because I'm the victim of criminals. If you're wondering whether I enjoy being forced to be addicted to poison when I shouldn't be addicted at all, to medication; if you're asking if I enjoy being ripped off by fucking dirtbags and lowlifes and morons who can't think more than 1 moment in advance (or they'd never lose the most reliable customer on the planet for a cheap score; if you're asking if I enjoy embarrassing myself when I can't get the dosing right or enjoy the pain when I can't get my meds (you don't know the first thing about excruciating); if you're asking whether I thought it was fun to get AIDS which logic said I should have gotten and I lost 6 months to obsessing over it, then my answer would have to be....No.

No, I don't enjoy being the victim of corruption. And that's what they're expressly going for. Creating victims. They create pain, then sell the fake pain relief, which creates more pain. OH it's really complex. No I mean they're geniuses!

Pity they're not happy. But I bet they're all in agonising denial. I spent a couple years doing something similar playing poker.

I have to go eat and can't get to all this now but I only take 1 mg of xanax a day. half a generic bar. it is questionable whether this amount is really longterm addictive. I almost never take more than that... btu I haven't tried abstaining for more than a few days but think i'd be ok. Need to finish up studying 3 finals and not need the fucking ADD meds.

02-13-2012, 05:45 AM
Your writing seems to suggest as much, but thats not because it is bad.

I'm a terrible writer but then I've only written whilst happy, a single time in my life. What I wrote was not good, it wasn't great. It was brilliance that horrified me because I was thinking "they're going to give me a bullet for this". I was considering just being happy and fucking the world off with their problems but I'd never have been able to do that; but I was just stalling when this happened.


1. My Bitlocker-encrypted hard drive with security managed by the Broadcom TPM in my Dell Latitude E6500 claimed it was missing the webcam driver when I was trying to Skype cyber for the first time in my life, lolz. If you know anything about DELL computers, you'd know you get all your drivers from DELL.com by typing in your unique service code - I downloaded the webcam driver from DELL.com and my DELL Latitude E6500 laptop crashed during installation. Upon restarting the computer, the TPM demanded the Bitlocker key. Which is ridiculous, because that's the TPM's only function. Literally.

I had all available backup codes saved to retrieve the key from DELL Support. They said my harddrive was corrupted. I said, I don't think so, why would a DELL webcam driver corrupt a hard drive. Just give me the key, here's the authentication.

They refused. They said it was corrupted. They said it needed to be replaced. Disgusted, I slammed the phone down and went to do something. In the next 2-3 days, they called me like 5 times to touch base on replacing this hard drive. I had something on that hard drive which I'd backed up so I wasn't overly concerned but this whole tilt was pissing me off. I kept abusing tech after tech who called me, until this really cool tech called and together we went through this 3 hour process which concluded with a message flashing "Disk failure - hard drive corrupt" etc. He was sympathetic, I felt embarassed; none of it made sense but it seemed as if they were right all along. The next day, as per my Next-Business-Day On-Site Warranty (I also had expensive Extras comprehensive insurance that literally covered my dropping it on the ground, and getting a new one).


2. Something peculiar happened. The DELL technician that arrived was so cool, I just handed him my Genuine Windows disks, the laptop and he replaced the hard drive with a new one, installed Windows - AND - went to all the trouble to install the 20 driver and firmware packages (which saved me 20 min of downloading and a few clicks at Dell.com so I was impressed and gave him a 1000 bt tip. I tip fairly prodigiously when I'm exuberant but I swear his reaction to it, was the strangest hesitance I've ever seen. There was this awkward moment, where I'm holding out a note and he didn't want to take it, and I'm thinking "WTF is wrong with this guy" and he took it eventually and left. I shook my head. Strange guy.

3. I was computer illiterate of course, and hadn't reinstalled the OS in like a year. The system was running so beautiful and so much faster, I researched how to do the same thing to my Desktop and my ASUS laptop; bought a pack of Windows license keys, and downloaded the ISO images from Microsoft.com and installed Windows 7 on both. Took me like 4 hours with all the drivers and shit but when I finally crashed, I was pretty chuffed with myself. I had no idea computers slowed down; I knew mine were slower but I believed it was because code was written larger or some shit. Honestly who could be interested in such things.

4. The next day, I was out all day. The following day, I woke up to all 3 computers displaying BSODs. This was creepy, I thought. I didn't even have them switched on. I restarted the DELL in safe mode from the DELL recovery partition, and ran some diagnostics and would you believe - you better believe it - this fucking DELL nigger had never heard of DELL.com.

I just thought he was a moron and wasn't actually frightened until I'm on the phone furious with DELL support and they've got me on hold and I Google the firmware version of the ControlVault firmware he placed on my machine. And I dropped the phone.


All 20 driver / firmware packages were not current. They were from 2005-2009 (the newest). This is February, 2011. At that point, I mean, it was a wild thought but at that point I remember thinking I might be dead. If you don't understand why, you're a moron.

5. In denial over DELL (my denial is a terrifying thing, but will keep me alive in situations in which you'd die), I started attacking Microsoft. I was getting 10,000 error messages during a clean installation, and I've got all the chats saved somewhere but rest assured, I knew I was going to die at that point and I became very very afraid. This helpful Microsoft tech was rollicking along and finally - I'd gotten someone competent - then he asked me to hold, no problem, except he didn't give a reason, and when he came back 20 min later he was like a different person. He's calling me insane, claiming he didn't receive the screenshots we'd just been discussing, and which I then sent him the evidence of Microsoft receiving. He's telling me to call the "Cyber Police" and I'm just horrified. I'm like "I can send you the evidence again. wtf is going on?" And he's like "well send it then". So I emailed it successfully. He's like "nup. not getting it. why you wasting my time." I'm sending him links to Imgur screenshots of the evidence, hard files, I'm panicking and he's just ignoring everything and then he kills the chat.

And I knew I was going to die. But I'm a crafty fucker so, knowing I had a backup on my USB stick, I pretend like I've lost everything and freaking out etc on anti-virus forums which are just horrifying and full of criminals - who want to help you for free! Just trust them! Welcome to reality. And Linux distributions are the creepiest shit you can imagine, until you come across the best Linux distribution, Mac OS X.

6. After a couple months of horror, running rootkit hunters which are arguably legit like Gmer, and others which are ridiculous rootkit installers like OldTimer, through my systems which are coming up with ROOTKIT ALERTS everywhere (who knows whether they put them there), I decide I've had enough of this bullshit and get ready to publish - and get that bullet I knew would be incoming. But when I plugged in my USB stick, it said, "You need to format." Fuck that, I tried it in another computer and it said the same thing. I tried it with Linux and it said "this drive is unformatted." And my stomach churned cause wtf.

7. The next 10 months i regret but then only because I knew already what was happening I just didn't want to accept it. Expecting to die almost every day, I harassed DELL non-stop - christ I had fucking active NBD on-site warranties and extras CompleteCover insurance and they were screening my calls and refusing to respond to email support demands.

Furious, unanswered emails begging DELL to provide support / i.e. honour their warranties. (http://d.pr/Life)

Never responded to, by DELL. I sent many, obviously. Never got a response.

02-13-2012, 05:49 AM
I bought new simcards and called from a new phone and would you believe it, no more 5 hours on hold, I would just get straight through! Like magic. And so furious, idiotically indignant, I would coldly threaten them with legal action and all this silliness because I didn't know the first thing about the law; i.e. that they are the law, for example. How they must have laughed. They would pass me to a "specialist" who could handle my case, and I have no doubt they could have, if they spoke English. They'd hand me off to Indonesians, Thais, a fucking German guy. None of whom spoke English. My fury was getting to dangerous levels. For me.

This was a big mistake, in hindsight. And led to one of the most terrifying nights of my life. I'm not even sure I care to relive it but needless to say, it's sheer implausibility after implausibility - but every word, which I'm not going to relive, I posted on PokerCrack with supporting evidence. Just insanity. I was about 80% sure I was going to die when the lights exploded in the hotel room I escaped to after DELL technician tried to brute force his way into my apartment.

Actually, I might tell the story cause it's fucking insane and 100% legit. I'd gotten so angry at DELL because of my warranties and because of their employee and basically because of everything; I walked past a DELL Store one day and couldn't cope with the filthy massive posters saying Guaranteed Next Business Day On-Site Service cause I'd been waiting four months? After their employee corrupted my shit? I stormed inside and told the manager that they had a lot of nerve to be putting up those posters, and I showed her a bit of evidence that DELL were ignoring my Latitude (which had been lying on the floor for a few months by this point, refusing to even power on).

She was a bit taken back, I think; or she didn't know what to think cause she wrote down a number of someone for me to call. it turned out this someone was like insanely high up in DELL Thailand's executive flowchart or whatever, but I didn't know that. I just called her up one evening and calmly told her the story - it's funny, she didn't seem at all surprised or shocked. I got the distinct impression she knew all about it. Literally at 9am the next morning I get called by DELL Support (this is after months of them screening my calls) saying they have a technician coming around this afternoon if I was free. I'm (moronically) thinking, "About fucking time."

The night before, the executive asked, almost as an afterthought, what was wrong with the machine (they all ask me this about their computers which don't turn on) and I said, "IT WON'T POWER ON. AND WHEN IT WILL, THERE WILL BE A LOT MORE WRONG WITH IT. BUT LET'S GET MY $3500 LAPTOP POWERED ON, YEAH?"


The technician arrived. I let him in, gruffly. I plonked the laptop in front of him, the power adapter, the CDs and I sat opposite him staring. I'd made a fatal mistake once leaving a DELL technician alone with my system. This time I wanted to watch him. I swear to God, he sat there for 20 minutes without even touching the machine, or plugging it in. He literally didn't move for 20 minutes. He asks to call his boss, I give him permission, then I demand my phone off him when they start speaking panicked Thai at a million wpm. I demand an explanation for this insanity, and his boss is asking to be put back on with his employee. I refuse, until someone explains the madness. He refuses to explain the madness. I put the phone on the table and say "Let's sit and wait. I've got all year." The boss hangs up.

He tries ringing back about 4 times but I grab the phone each time and demand to know what's going on. He eventually gets through to his employee who heard an instruction and was getting ready to leave I think when I threw hm out in disgust. In like 40 min, he didn't touch the laptop a single time. It was surreal.

I'm thinking I'm about to die, and deciding whether there's any point in running, when I hear furious knocking at the door. It's the technician babbling about something keyboard-related. I unlatch it to hear him better and he almost runs over the top of me in panic to get inside. Infuriated, I shove him out the door cause he wasn't a big guy and I double latch and double lock and try to make sense of what that was all about. And I notice, he's left a bag. Inside the bag is a single Latitude keypad, my keypad. This is the only thing he brought with him, and now he wanted it back and he's literally smashing on my door.

Thinking I'm being crafty, I offer to trade him the keypad for an explanation. He laughed, bitterly. And keeps trying to brute force the bolts. The way he laughed terrified me and I called down for Security. I lived in this building, which was kind of fucking amazing. On the 33rd of 34 floors.


Security and I were fucking tight because security was so tight, they wouldn't let FoodbyPhone or ChefsXP riders up so my life was miserable meeting them in the lobby until one day a Security guard brought one up as he had nothing better to do. I tipped him 200 bt and that became the beginning of a beautiful friendship where eventually I noticed they had all worked out a rotational system. It was kind of cool, really. I moronically thought we were tight, but then later I realised I had no right to be angry at them.

I called down to the lobby to the receptionist to send Security up ASAP. This fucking bitch goes "Security have left". I'm like "Are you fucking demented. Send Security up NOW!" She's like "I'm sorry Sir, Security have all departed." She was babbling nonsense obviously, my building was a fortress with two entrances protected by minimum of 4 guards 24/7. I look out my windows and the guard towers are empty. And then I got really scared cause it's a long way down from 33 floors to concrete.

I realised obviously there was something important about this keypad but I wanted nothing to do with it. I'd have given it to him if I thought I could manage it safely but I wasn't sure my latches would hold if I hoped the door a crack - I was kind of flipping out abut the whole security guards suddenly missing for the first time in history. I try to get ingenious and start calling friends (that didn't exist) on my phone hoping he could hear me, telling them to bring guns and shit. He just laughed, maniacally. He heard me. He was afraid of nothing. I mean, nothing made him more afraid that whatever the fuck he was terrified of.

I decide I have to call the Police but I don't really want to bring Police into things unless my life is in danger - so I tell him I've got to call them, if he doesn't fuck off. And I give him my word I'll throw the keypad over the balcony if he just leaves. He just laughed and keeps hammering into the door. I don't know much about doors or whether it's a Thai construction thing, but he's winning his battle with my front door, on the opposite side to the locks, the hinges were loosening and I'm getting pretty fucking angry / terrified now.

I ponder the ethics of bringing a poor cop into that position, as Thai police have been nothing but cordial, decent, ethical to a fault (even when I once idiotically tried to bribe one), unreasonably fair to me when I mistook plainsclothes cops for Spammers and when they called me over I told them to fuck off in a manner anyone in the world would interpret accurately - they didn't get angry, they just explained they were cops and I apologised explaining I was recently in Silom and I was blushing and stammering cause in some places in the world, you can get fucked up for what I said and gestured to them when they ordered me to come over in a language I didn't speak - you know? They're like "It's fine, sorry not much English" and I'm like "You're the coolest police in the world." (and I'm 100% certain I'm about to get a shakedown for 20,000 baht or something as they've got random guys pissing into testing bottles because Team Thaksin is super anti-drugs. lol. You can tell whomever controls the drug market in each country by determining which politician is ANTI-drug - anyone cracking down, is the kingpin or taking directions from the kingpin because they're taking back control of the market. As I'm not a dealer, I wasn't afraid of getting shot - although that could start happening again soon. I didn't even mind being shaken down by these guys, they were just cool - like if a Thai kid did that to an Australian cop who called him over saying "We're police come this way" and the Thai kid didn't understand him and said and did what I did...I don't think that Thai kid would remember that day, fondly. Anyway I was okay with being shook down and was just relaxed with them as they flipped through my cards, they asked for my passport which you're supposed to carry by law, and I said "I know I should, but I'm a drunk and I pass out, see my cards are all new, that's because I lost all the rest of them last month trying to impress a girl or something" (which was actually true, kinda; but really I was just too high to function). They laughed and said not to stress it, they understood; and I'm thinking "this is gonna be really expensive, 40,000 bt maybe sigh" they were just being too friendly. And they asked me where I was going and I said I was on my way to impress a girl into being very unimpressed with herself for coming home with me - they chuckled and wished me luck and handed me my cards and license back. And I stood there, stupidly; in shock. Before I realised this wasn't a shakedown. This was just cool policemen doing their job.

02-13-2012, 05:53 AM
I've met maybe 50-60 cops in Thailand. Never once been treated with anything but dignity, cordiality and shocking decency even when I (arguably) didn't deserve it. But then cops who beat up on drunk guys or take out their frustrations on people confused or emotional...are real cunts. I've never once been asked for a bribe, and never even detected the slightest hint of suggestion. The only incident where I wasn't sure about was with this girl when they pulled over our car and they searched me down completely then told her to empty her purse and shit and one of them patted her waist quite professionally and she said something in Thai angrily and bang, she was just brusquely shoved to the ground like a rag doll and they were very angry and told me to leave. So I left. I cannot possibly imagine a reason to hang around there.

I was pretty high and for some reason thought I was going to hear a gunshot in the distance but instead, 10 min later I get a phonecall from her asking me where I've gotten to. She wasn't interested in discussing it, and I imagine they just lectured the fear of Buddha into her or something for her cheek as I saw no bruises or cuts or anything and there wasn't enough time for any funny business, so I guess just more cool cops.

Anyway, regretting that I'd have to bring some into this mess with DELL, I call up Reception and order the girl to call the Police. I couldn't fucking believe my ears, when she said "No."

I'm like "Do you want a job tomorrow? Call the police for christ's sake. And where are Security?!" And she just hung up on me. 5 min later she's at my door, telling me to open the door. I'm staring at the door, just horrified. She's explaining he just wants his keypad and I said "it's my keypad and I'm happy to give it to him but he's batshit insane so I don't know how. She says to give it to her, and I say that's fine but he has to go down to the lobby before I open the door. She agrees and I'm waiting for footsteps that aren't happening, when she says "he's gone." And through the peephole there's only her. But I drop to the tiles and I can see four feet under the crack of the door and I'm just...losing it.

I yell obscenities at her, I'm cursing her children or her unborn children with curses I know will hurt - for all their brilliance, Thais are very mystical and superstitious. And then I get the idea to start cursing his children and unborn children with curses I'd read monks curse Thaksin with and stuff. And just like that...they leave. I'd packed a bag whilst all this was going on. Like a 2 hour ordeal. After 10 min I don't know if I'm stupid to stay or stupid to go but I decide I'd rather go than stay. So I go. No security guards. All receptionists gone. It's like the creepiest shit ever. it's a big building. This is like impossible, basically. I just leave and jump into a cab and call the senior manager who sends me to her voicemail to thank her for her prompt attention to my concerns.

She never responds, of course. I leave for Bayokie Sky stopping at an internet cafe to book on Agoda. I had a deactivated computer and deactivated phone in my bag but I don't know about this technical bullshit. I'm pretty sure they just know where everyone is, so when I get to Baiyoke and I'm trying to think whether I should run for the Burmese border or shit like this...get fake IDs...it's all fucked up and I just decide if they want to kill me they'll kill me. If they don't, they won't.

They didn't. And they haven't. So far. But my crazy weekend was just beginning!

When I've calmed down, it takes me about 20 hrs to get one of my laptops online with an OS. And I start typing out a forum post for DELL Global forum.

Censored Post on DELL Global Community forum asking for an explanation (http://files.droplr.com/files_production/acc_16373/d5gu?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJSVQN3Z4K7MT5U2A&Expires=1329112066&Signature=Man3fXcY3aAANeQhPpvOjxMobyE%3D&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DA+DELL+Thailand+t echnician+effectively+tried+to+break+into+my+apart ment+last+night+++I+deserve+some+answers+DELL+Glob al.+++Laptop+General+Hardware+Forum+++Laptop+++Del l+Community.png)

It had been online for less than an hour when I get a message from DELL forum moderation team that they had to remove it to protect my privacy. I'd already redacted my last name so I guess they mean the unique Service code and the case number. I tell them they already have that information so they can just go ahead and put it back up. They apologise, regretfully; my privacy is too important to them to allow the post to stand.

I tell them I understand - which I do - and asked the guy how much he was making. "What are you earning, you must be making a pretty penny to sell your dignity like this. I'd ask you to put in a good word for me if I was willing to become the creepiest sleaze alive, they must be paying you a lot huh?"

No response. The thread was up, then down. End of story.

Not quite. After I posted that thread my Internet died at Baiyoke Sky.Internet goes down all the time in hotels, but Baiyoke was strange because each floor has like 4-5 Wireless Access points,but I got dumped and my nearest Access point was dead but the rest were showing full bars whilst rejecting my laptop's connection attempts. I call up and they're claiming they've lost internet in the whole building.

I ask when it will be 'working' again. They're not sure. They inform me that they have no reason to believe the Internet is not working in a nearby hotel, the name of which escapes me. I'm almost vomiting. They're literally asking me to leave. It's unfathomable.

I sneak out whilst leaving my computer and phone turned on in my room, but I feel so stupid doing those things; and I move into a nondescript Nana hotel where you don't have to present ID and you could basically just get lost in and not bothered for the rest of your life I imagine. I imagine that's what the pedos do. I'm kinda at the other end of the dignity scale but if they're not taking ID, that's all I cared about. I even extended my hotel room thinking I was being especially crafty but looking back, it feels retarded.


I then book a room in the Silom Furama, as you can see. Furama is a big chain. I arrive at Silom Furama and there's a problem. I'm so exhausted, I just want to sleep. They ask me to wait, apparently there's some confusion. They figure out the problem, apparently I've booked at Furama Sathorn not Silom. Easy mistake to make, except I didn't make it. I sigh and say, "oh I must be retarded" and proceed to Furama Sathorn. In hindsight, something of a mistake.

I arrive at Furama Sathorn and there is a small committee of management in the lobby literally expecting me. Like this shit is just generic. I try to pretend I don't notice and check in with a laugh saying apparently I got hotels confused. They are cordial but tense. There's a problem, they say. They're terribly sorry, would I mind waiting.

I would, actually. I tell them. What's the problem. The manager gets ludicrously defensive and angry, saying "Well housekeeping have to clean your room don't they?" I ask what time it is. 4pm. I ask what the checkin time is, she sees where I'm going with my cunning line of questioning and she said one of the most ludicrous things ever, I'll remember it for the rest of my life, poor thing - she says "2pm is just the suggested time for checkin - there's no guarantee". I laugh and tell her that's a relief. I've had a bad experience with guarantees. I go next door and eat, fully expecting police or plainclothes 'police' to arrive but I'm just exhausted.

After an hour I go back in and ask if my room is ready. Apparently not. I ask how messy this room was. Could I give housekeeping a hand? I really need to sleep. I understand they just really want me to leave. In hindsight, when the proprietor wants you to go, you should just go. No matter how tired you are. I was too tired to be thinking clearly. I lie down on the lobby couch and drift off to sleep, and I'm quickly woken to inform me my room is ready. I walk in, gingerly, feeling like an idiot. I plonk my computer down, grab a drink, I'm about to lie down when I realise I should charge up my laptop's battery and my HTC Desire is flat as well. I plug both in and I'm answering an email from my landlord who I'd called demanding he ensure this receptionist is fired over the incident, which I outlined in full.

He's a really cool guy, that guy. But he knew more than he was telling me. At least this is what I've always felt. I was reading his email where he was expressing his outrage and assuring me he would be getting to the bottom of this fiasco - I quickly fire back asking him not to make security angry at me, as I couldn't hardly blame them, my only beef was with this whore receptionist...and thanking him for his understanding when...


02-13-2012, 06:00 AM
I swear to god. It sounded like a small bomb or maybe a large firecracker. It was terrifying but I think it was just the fuse being blown. Every light went out and I'm staring at my glowing laptop screen waiting for the door to burst open and the bullet to hit. I couldn't possibly imagine anything else at this point, in my opinion. The insanity was just, too insane for me.

I stared at my laptop expecting a bullet for about an hour and then typed out this quickly as my battery laptop died.


Then I sat in silence, in pitch black darkness. For a couple hours. I didn't know what I'm supposed to do. This explosion was so loud, you'd hear it from the street. And no one has rung or even knocked on my door. Eventually I get bored and call down, am told an electrician will come straight up. I've got photos somewhere of him climbing up into the room ludicrously for like 1 second and then coming down and announcing his lines. I had to move rooms apparently. I understood.

I was on the internet in this room. I had a pretty good idea why I was being moved. I was cool with it. I just wanted to sleep.

Oh my. I get to my new room, and just more out of petulance than anything sane, I confirm my suspicion. The Internet doesn't work. How surprising. Then in really idiotic petulance, I call them to come fix it, imagining it will be entertaining to watch them pretend to do nothing. I order a club sandwich and an iced latte to eat whilst I watched them pretend to do nothing. They did a good job. It was laughable. They just clicked buttons, looking at each other, hoping I didn't realise or maybe they were hoping I was watching wtf do I know. i passed out.

And woke up an hour later, thinking I was going to die. I was sick, food poisoning - I've had it enough times in my life to know immediately that my near future isn't going to be worth living. I'm dry-retching into the toilet and coughing some blood. But it might have just been my imagination, about the blood. I was in a pretty bad way.

Things stayed that way, for a day and a half of misery intertwined with merciful if fitful sleep. As soon as I was able to stand, I walked out of Furama Sathon and got on the BTS back to my apartment. I felt pretty fucking stupid about the whole 'running away' thing. If they're going to kill me I decided I wanted to die in the greatest apartment I've ever lived in, lifetime.

Those motherfuckers.
They didn't kill me. If you were wondering.

But perhaps you can take a guess about why I was not living at my awesome apartment?



I assure you, it wasn't by choice. After months of no Internet from the largest ISP in Thailand, and insanity from TrueCorp that is just...an entirely different novel of wtf (a standout being when they were confused about IP4 and IP6 - this is the technical department of the largest ISP in the country) - I apologised to Renato and told him I had to move. I was just living in hotels. He was clearly relieved, which sucked a little. He's the finest landlord I've ever had. I officially moved out in November. Just after I lost all my credit cards, and the banks were being remarkable obtuse about sending a pretty big spender (6 figures on IT alone in 2011) replacement cards, and I was out of money and getting pretty hungry. Obviously, I had emergency options, but I don't like to ask favours of creeps.

Suddenly it hit me, Renato had all my bond money! I rejoiced and called him, he met me an hour later and handed me the 80,000 and said he had to run; fucking champion. As he was leaving, he said something strange - maybe. He said, "If you ever end up writing something, you'll make sure you'll send a copy to me won't you?"

And then he left. It was to be the last time we met.

I can't be certain. But I'm not sure I ever mentioned writing - ever - to him, at all. I told him I was a poker player, I'm certain of it. Strange. But unimportant I guess.

I've spent large portions of this year attempting to reproduce portions of what I wrote in Jan/Feb. I just write gibberish now. it's almost embarrassing but then you have to understand, I've only been happy once in my life. Nov '10 > Feb '11. And I wrote maybe the finest piece of literature I've ever read.

I think maybe it might have been in the top 10,000 finest pieces of literature ever written. So hard to know these things, isn't it. When you can work out who owns the printing presses of the world.


8. I kept on hiring experts to lie to me. I kept on buying new computers, which were corrupted instantly. Literally instantly. I watched technicians put Intel components together and thought "that's easy I could have done that". I was right. They put corrupted brand new components together, which would flash CMOS CHECKSUM ERROR the instant we turned them on. And the ones I put together in random hotel rooms alone did exactly the same thing.

I just kept trying stuff. Burning through money. I'm not going to penny-pinch when my life is on the line, money is worthless anyway. But I'd fly to Singapore. Malaysia. Australia (Limes Hotel there). Hong Kong. Always shuffling, trying to get a system online. I actually moved to Hong Kong during a scary period where 3 of my Intel motherboards blew in the space of 24 hrs. These were brand new boards, two desktop boards and an Atom mini-board. I lasted a few days in Hong Kong, bought a computer, entirely brand new specs. Paid in cash. Back to the hotel and plugged it all up, planning on looking for an apartment. It didn't have an Intel motherboard, it had a Minix board - let me show you what that means.


INTEL powers the world. If you think AMD are - competing - you are on crack. AMD is what companies do when morons want competition but don't realise that someone has to win. It's moronic to expect a healthy competitive market because the entities involved have a vested interest in working together rather than competing and driving each other into the dirt.

Oh hey. You could say the same thing about humanity. How about that.

I've bought 18 or 19 computers. Including a Chromebook that's been corrupted. Now with a smashed LCD display cause I'd had enough of the bullshit. I probably could reflash it I can't be fucked. This whole world is so god damn insulting. ASUS has had my new ASUS laptop for 11 months now. I went in like a month ago just for a laugh, and they'd fixed it all obviously. Ridiculous. I would just open a command prompt and type in C:> dir /a:h /s

...and tens of thousands of hidden files would pour across the screen for minutes. I'd just look at them in disgust. They'd look sheepish. One guy says "oh they're nothing to worry about." I said "Is that why you hide them then? That makes perfect sense. But this hidden file here, winmail.exe - explain why you've put that on my system HIDDEN. How can I benefit from the wonderful functionality of an executable program which is not part of Windows 7 when you've hidden it?"

They'd just look sheepish.

I just have moronic emails with them after they just insult me by saying the things they're trying to hide are "totally normal".


9. By this point, I was collecting and posting so much irrefutable evidence of corruption, I literally expected to die any day. This thread is fucking amazing stuff from me. And it's the most 'helpful' anyone has ever been of the hundreds of threads I've started - many of which have been censored but this one remains.


The evidence I post in it - well you're doing CS, are you any good? You literally wouldn't need to be. I didn't realise at the time what all the results were saying, I would just run some quick tests before another BSOD had me installing Windows again. Look at the ComboFix log - this is the shit I've been posting all over the Internet for a year.

Irrefutable corruption. It's unfathomable. And....zero - like ZERO - assistance. Just time-wasting. People asking me to explain what a child can understand. This is IT professionals, pretending to be moronic. This Edwin guy is the most intelligent guy I ran into in one year of posting. Zero help. Just hundreds of lies.

I knew I was going to die, but I just kept going and going furiously because what other options did I have. I understand everything now. It's not even complex. You're at the mercy of your firmware; i.e. you're at the mercy of INTEL. Because INTEL has 100% of the market.

02-13-2012, 06:04 AM
The evidence I post in that thread is just...every moment I spent after those days was just pure futility. I burned 6 figures in denial. I know I'm going to die. But I don't - need - to anymore. I can't - write - anymore. They're not morons. THey're probably geniuses, they kinda shocked me really. They knew me better than I knew me, in some spots - when I'd walk into traps at HP Service HQ where they came very close to baiting me into a furious rant that I swear they setup. It was too brilliant. I can't even explain it to morons, you wouldn't understand how brilliant it was.

These guys are pros (at HP, anyway).

The Apple guys are just fucking creepy, so fucking moronic and sleazy it's....bah I'm over talking about it. This is 4 of maybe 120 images of chaos in my EFI firmware - write-protected by Apple. "UNKNOWN" values everywhere, and I show all this to these creeps live and they say "Sorry what's the problem again?"

Then they are worried about voiding my warranty doing what Apple told me to tell them to do to my brand new Apple machine. At an Apple iServe store. This is what I have to put up with.





10. I wrote some brilliance in Jan/Feb '11 that was some of the finest literature I'd ever read. It was the first time in my life that I'd been happy. I wonder if it was even the top 10,000 pieces of literature ever written. Do you understand?

It's not about me.

But then who even cares about their own interests anymore. Oh gosh, how peculiar.


If I go to a shrink and say give me desoxyn ... at best they start me down the route working up to meth. At worst they show me the door for being a 'drug seeker'.

I didn't realise you worked for them. My shrinks are my employees and I treat them like filthy criminals because that's what they are. We have an understanding, they don't push their luck and I don't bare my teeth. It's a tumultuous relationship but then I am the one paying for their extortion. I will show them my teeth if they start getting snippety. They're not as dumb as they pretend to be.

On the anxiety route, I did suspect my liver is deficient in the enzymes requires to excrete ritalin and adderrall. I'm not so sure about that anymore, but it is an area of medicine thats only recently been explored. Apparently ritalin/adderrall use the same enzyme a lot of anti-depressants do.

I'm literally not interested in discussing idiotic lame substitutes but if you think I'm happy about whatever fucking health problems are - not - going to be my problem because I'm - not - going to make it to 32...well I'm not. Livers, kidneys, intestines, stomach lining, heart, christ knows what criminals' poison is doing.

That's why it's Prohibited and 'uncontrolled'. And available on every street corner in Bangkok. But the police are arresting people for possession of 0.32 grams. So it's a battle that could go either way.

I did read your post and will probably reread it again. Maybe even visit ADD forums. I've always wished it was something they could easily quantify, because I suspect my ADD is considerably worse than most others who claim the same brain disfunction.

I suspect you're either telling the truth and in desperate need of meds or you're retarded. I'm assuming the former. Because you sound like I would sound when I'm unmedicated.

Yes, if you have ADHD you should probably read ADHD forums. I'm reliably informed by logic that this would be a suitable path to investigate and/or pursue.

02-13-2012, 06:25 AM
I only take 1 mg of xanax a day. half a generic bar. it is questionable whether this amount is really longterm addictive.

In a double-blind clinical trial, Alprazolam resulted in 100% dependancy for all non-placebo patients within two weeks.

Just saying. Xanax ain't playing.

02-14-2012, 05:56 PM
In a double-blind clinical trial, Alprazolam resulted in 100% dependancy for all non-placebo patients within two weeks.

Just saying. Xanax ain't playing.

Yea well there is psychological dependency and then the legit rebound anxiety... I think the former is more of a problem with my dosage amounts. Docs are scared to prescribe the stuff, might turn me into a bit of as zombie but honestly i could get used to being a bit stupid. A friend of mine as a kid randomly answered his scantron aptitude test and they moved him to a retard class. He said he never knew a more happy bunch. We'll see whenever I get around to going 6 days without taking one. I've went 2-3 and it is a bit bothersome but nothing. Long as I don't have seizures we'll be ok... but yea benzos can be some serious shit. It is actually legitimate dangerous, like withdrawing from alcohol. I read the internets a lot too, scootz.

As far as your life being in danger.. did you ever consider calling Sonatine ? That dude is legit on multiple levels.. Computers, personal defense, and ponies. You laugh at ponies but taht shit fucks with some peoples mind severely.

02-14-2012, 06:02 PM
I'm literally not interested in discussing idiotic lame substitutes but if you think I'm happy about whatever fucking health problems are - not - going to be my problem because I'm - not - going to make it to 32...well I'm not. Livers, kidneys, intestines, stomach lining, heart, christ knows what criminals' poison is doing.

Yes, if you have ADHD you should probably read ADHD forums. I'm reliably informed by logic that this would be a suitable path to investigate and/or pursue.

Not really a health problem. People's livers can vastly differ on the rate at which they metabolize certain drugs. This can cause severe issues with dosing. If you are an ultra-metabolizer, you need higher doses or to take smaller doses more often. A really slow metabolizer will have opposite issues. Ritalin etc might hang around longer than you wish. (and cause anxiety for example..)

I have nothing against taking meth for ADHD. I read some back in the day, but everytime I see a new drug being created for ADD it is either that take it for 8 weeks shit (which I am hesistant to fuck with...) or it is the same old drug in a time-release formula so they can repatent and overcharge for it. My problem was with the drugs lasting too long = anxiety. Extended release is last thing I need.

02-17-2012, 04:27 PM
I have nothing against taking meth for ADHD. I read some back in the day, but everytime I see a new drug being created for ADD it is either that take it for 8 weeks shit (which I am hesistant to fuck with...) or it is the same old drug in a time-release formula so they can repatent and overcharge for it. My problem was with the drugs lasting too long = anxiety. Extended release is last thing I need.

This post would have triggered the realization 100% but it already clicked in my mind when I posted this hof post on ThaiVisa and faggots complained about its length. Always complaining about length and then spending more time it would take to scroll past something you're not interested in, to insult the person for their offensive verbosity. This is classic morons, in a nutshell.

And it hit me.

This is pure genius, by the way.

100% of humans have ADHD.

Long holy books.
Tiny pathetic attention spans.

Ca-ching. Confusion > Frustration > Anger > Pain. $$

04-28-2012, 07:19 AM
It's weird how you can be with so many random women, but yet, a simple "Hey you :)" from a girl you've only met a few times on your Facebook wall is in some strange way worth more than all of those experiences. I don't understand it.

gay sex
04-28-2012, 07:24 AM
vaughn u ugly persian retard it takes a man life to understand such things

04-28-2012, 10:08 AM
real talk

Statutory Ape
04-28-2012, 11:03 AM
It's weird how you can be with so many random women, but yet, a simple "Hey you :)" from a girl you've only met a few times on your Facebook wall is in some strange way worth more than all of those experiences. I don't understand it.

Oh the tingle in your testes at the thought of the unknown....

Someday you'll be like 25 and know what's up

and that tingle neeeeeeeever goes away

Think careful when your intelligence fails you enough to put a ring on some woman's finger. If your brain won't save you, pray the tingle will!

Statutory Ape
04-28-2012, 11:11 AM
This post would have triggered the realization 100% but it already clicked in my mind when I posted this hof post on ThaiVisa and faggots complained about its length. Always complaining about length and then spending more time it would take to scroll past something you're not interested in, to insult the person for their offensive verbosity. This is classic morons, in a nutshell.

And it hit me.

This is pure genius, by the way.

100% of humans have ADHD.

Long holy books.
Tiny pathetic attention spans.

Ca-ching. Confusion > Frustration > Anger > Pain. $$

Sorry Scuter, if 100% of humans suffered ADHD, companies like starbucks wouldn't exist.

If you are like me and REALLY have ADHD you know what I'm talking about. The paradoxical nature of ADHD renders caffeine essentially a sleep aid. If I want to get UP I smoke pot, DOWN I smoke meth or drink coffee. In fact my easiest test for purity is whether smoking puts me to sleep or not. 2-3 hits, eyes get numb feeling, brain goes numb, ZONK=good shiat.

Waking up an hour later is great, 2-3 people STARING AT ME eyes big as dinner plates saying 'YOU FELL THE FUCK ASLEEP???? WHAT THE FUCK???? THIS GUYS A COP FOR SURE rofl yes thats exactly what I am. Stupid people make great sex partners though.

Another thing- you're a jerk to most people. I am curious, as a Scuter fan, why do you talk down to people so much? It seems like an offensive strategy you employ to discourage the conversation completely, but everyone is not your enemy. Don't you want further conversations? Otherwise the goal seems to be eliminating anyone with an opposing opinion, at least thats how I see it.

METHAMPHETAMINE IS MORE EUPHORIC THAN OTHER AMPHETAMINES. This was explained for you already, and I would break it down, but that leaves me open to your personal style of disagreement, so let's try a different merry go round this time- I have made an assertion, that d-methamphetamine is more euphoric than other amphetamines (including racemic desoxyn and a variety of others) you must counter this point, and I will counter your arguments.

I will offer a second assertion equally related: D-methamp is euphoric primarily because of the speed it hits your brain and CNS.

Take care

04-28-2012, 11:18 AM
there is no such thing as ADHD, it's a marketing tool

04-28-2012, 11:22 AM
also mike, stop smoking meth

Statutory Ape
04-28-2012, 11:27 AM
Oh, and the toxicity of methamphetamine is meh. Don't believe the gullible here, they don't know any better. Your liver only has to deal with a single pass on the way out, assuming you don't eat it. Hepatoxicity is negligible. As it is metabolized by your liver on excretion, your kidneys hardly notice it. Not sure what other systems you are worried about, the real health risks from meth are

*Receptor burnout
*Adrenal fatigue
*Impaired thyroid function
*Generally falling apart in life because you do fuck all but smoke meth and think weird shit

So all the horrid "LOOOOOK WAT METH DID TO MY BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER!!!!!" fucking anti-drug posters you see, feel free to light them on fire. Meth is NOT ANY WORSE than moderate drinking or cocaine usage etc.

Whats yours cut with though and was your cook later for work during some of the last steps hmmm those are much more relevant.

Also relevant is whether you are retarded enough to not eat or drink for days at a time, that's pretty important. Oh oh, and sleep, sleeping tends to be important.

Bout sums up the health effects.

04-28-2012, 11:28 AM

Statutory Ape
04-28-2012, 11:31 AM
there is no such thing as ADHD, it's a marketing tool

I have a clinical diagnosis of ADD at the very least, it's my understanding ADHD is more an adult version essentially.

If you think both are fake, you feel free to give me some ephedrine meth coffee whatever and watch me calm down and get focused. The paradoxical nature of ADD/ADHD is well documented. We aren't talking ufo's here, there is real medical justification to substantiate the existence of both.

Also never smoke meth, snorting has a bio of around 70% and twice the duration. Hell EATING it has nearly 100% bio and a ridic long duration-something like a 14hour half life if I remember.

04-28-2012, 11:35 AM
americans are a herd of twitchy spastic cow-people addicts, pharmaceutical companies have entire marketing divisions to dream up new things for y'all to call yourselves

Bobby Wong
04-28-2012, 11:35 AM
ape, you've been warned about this badmouthing of scooter. you need to shut your fucking mouth when grownups are talking. you literally have no fucking idea what the phrase "whet your palate" means, and you think you're going to engage someone like scooter in debate. the man has important work to do and i will not have him bothered by insolent children.

04-28-2012, 11:36 AM
in other news james harden's beard has to go

04-28-2012, 11:37 AM

Statutory Ape
04-28-2012, 11:37 AM

True or false Pike- acetaminophen poses a much greater risk to public health than d-methamp and on top of that, tends to induce liver failure in patients ranging from small children to the elderly (translation- it's nasty shit!)

04-28-2012, 11:41 AM
like i give a fuck about the public

Statutory Ape
04-28-2012, 11:45 AM
deleted from net

04-28-2012, 11:48 AM

Statutory Ape
04-28-2012, 11:52 AM
like i give a fuck about the public

Bro, let me put it this way-if people ate food drank water and slept on meth, you wouldn't see or hear 90% of the negative side effects. Make sense?

04-28-2012, 11:56 AM
mike stop talking to me about your meth habit, it's your choice bro and i'm not judging you, also i'm walking my dog right now it's official

Statutory Ape
04-28-2012, 12:05 PM
Toned down posts, also my computer thinks palette is pallet pallat and plate equally depending on who knows what criteria, I gave up and just deleted it all.

Pike, I don't have a "meth habit", not sure where you're getting that from. You mistake my arguments here as some type of personal justification why it's ok to abuse myself, and that's incorrect.

I simply dislike misinformation, that's all. Obviously meth is a very hardcore drug that literally destroys lives, but not because it's anymore toxic than tylenol, because it's not. it's the end user fucking up that creates the problems, and a large reason for this is (as I eluded to) the euphoria the drug produces (as opposed to other amphetamines). I wanted Scuter to see this important distinction because there is a reason it should be avoided yet other amphetamines have medical uses.

That's all I wanted to say really.

04-28-2012, 12:15 PM

literally leaving the house now, feel free to describe your hangover cure and we'll compare it with what i actually bought when i get back

Statutory Ape
04-28-2012, 12:21 PM

literally leaving the house now, feel free to describe your hangover cure and we'll compare it with what i actually bought when i get back

aspirin and pedia-lite

04-28-2012, 12:50 PM
sounds awful, here's what we got:

1x6 packets of crisps, ready salted
1x6 packets of crisps, roast chicken
smoked turkey and emmental bagel
bottle of cloudy lemonade
bottle of rubicon fizzy mango drink
bottle of rubicon fizzy passion fruit drink
2x4 belgian waffles
2 pork and bramley apple sausage rolls
chinese style chicken wings
4 boxes of matches
bottle of glenfiddich 12yr old

04-28-2012, 12:52 PM
fucking owned that supermarket sfo sfo


1x6 bread rolls, got some ham in the fridge that i will literally be going ham with shortly

Statutory Ape
04-28-2012, 06:08 PM
Apparently I'm so used to seeing the world from behind less than $100 in my wallet I kind of attach a dollar amount to everything and hangover relief is worth less than $10.

dinners always sub $20 (unless impressing a girl worthy of $25)
shoes must be less than $50
cars under $2000
you get the idea
Now I don't glue and tape my shoes together, so I'm not cheap if thats what you mean,
but I could literally live off that bag of goods for a week.

gay sex
04-28-2012, 06:13 PM

gay sex
04-28-2012, 06:14 PM
and real talk you glue ur shoes together

Suicide King
04-28-2012, 06:26 PM
just chug an alka seltzer and you'll be fine Stoney

04-29-2012, 03:58 AM

Statutory Ape
04-29-2012, 04:46 AM
and real talk you glue ur shoes together

No, I borrowed the idea from a buddy who did for years tho.

Being a WOW junkie he could only tolerate maybe 4hours daily away from his computer, so you can guess that he wasn't wealthy. That $40 he saved glueing and taping an old pair of new balances literally bought cheetos microwave burritos and ramen noodles to last weeks. He was quite happy, so I was happy, and 5 straight years he wore THE SAME pair of tennis shoes, every single fucking day.

Obviously these shoes were beyond needing to die, they were infact undead, so to combat the smell he (brace yourself) SHOWERED with the damn things on at least three times a week.

Dedication if ever there was any.

04-29-2012, 02:29 PM
Sorry Scuter, if 100% of humans suffered ADHD, companies like starbucks wouldn't exist.

Though I'm torn between mental health illnesses more or less being fabricated vs conspiratorial exacerbating of targeted 'weak' spots in the human psyche on a mass scale; the reality is I'm mostly talking out of my ass.

Much like the doctors to whom you entrusted the monopoly rights to the fucking goldmine that would be the harvesting / commercialisation of your....'brain'.

But if anyone has provided a logical counter argument to this argument, I'm yet to see it.

100% of humans have Attention Deficit HyperActivity Disorder; or do you know someone who can concentrate whilst sitting still indefinitely?

Meditation doesn't qualify I don't think (?) because they're not concentrating but rather the opposite. They're switching off.

I'd like to hear logical counters to the above.

If they medicated the entire world with Desoxyn, there would be no more fighting. No more organised religion. No more hatred and killing and frustrated crimes of passion. People would be able to read, again. Imagine.



No more corruption.

If you are like me and REALLY have ADHD you know what I'm talking about.

If you were like a sane child you would know that the world does not revolve around your tiny vassal imagined centrifugal universe. You do not have a monopoly on the 'correctness' of symptoms or imagined symptoms or even a monopoly on your own fucking mind. You have three masters. And none of them is you.

The paradoxical nature of ADHD renders caffeine essentially a sleep aid. If I want to get UP I smoke pot, DOWN I smoke meth or drink coffee. In fact my easiest test for purity is whether smoking puts me to sleep or not. 2-3 hits, eyes get numb feeling, brain goes numb, ZONK=good shiat.

Thank you for sharing.

Are you going to make a fucking point, at any point?

Stupid people make great sex partners though.


That's not a good reason to fuck children.

Another thing- you're a jerk to most people.

I will not respond to you if you continue to be so Catholicly stupid. You are not "most people". You aren't even really "you".

There should be a law against making Christian-level intellectual allegations. Like this one.

No evidence needed. Just an imbecilic whiny slur that degrades everything and everyone who has to read it.

There is no such thing as 'jerks'. There are only imbeciles who imagine other people are jerks to them. You're an inferior form of vassal. To vassals, I mean. I'm not trying to 'one-up' you from 187 steps above you. I'm trying to pull you up.

Superior forms of vassals don't hand others the power to make them feel emotional pain.

Call me a jerk, and I process it unemotionally looking for validity and if it has validity I file it for actioning. If it does not, it just sluiced through to the huge pile of ROFL that this world throws at morons imagining they're in a position to compete with morons in self-defeating games of emotional bumhurt. No one is in a position to compete in such stupidity. But it's cute that the effects of your demented inferiorities and emotional handicaps and insane baggage have to be worn by sanity, of course.

Thanks for sharing.

but everyone is not your enemy.

Did you play high school with this strategy? Dude they would have kicked the shit out of you. What is this demented delusional obsession you have with imposing your vile on others who don't share your insane 'views'.

You bring this Catholic shit to life and people are going to kill you over it.

If they don't, then you'll just kill you. Joy.

Stop imagining you speak for the world. You're a demented vassal and you don't speak for one voice. You just wail moronic Catholic exploitation out into the airwaves. Imagining you're being crafty doing the thing I keep telling you not to do. It's not in your best interests. Your best interests would be in answering the questions that have been posed to you.

METHAMPHETAMINE IS MORE EUPHORIC THAN OTHER AMPHETAMINES. This was explained for you already, and I would break it down, but that leaves me open to your personal style of disagreement, so let's try a different merry go round this time- I have made an assertion, that d-methamphetamine is more euphoric than other amphetamines (including racemic desoxyn and a variety of others) you must counter this point, and I will counter your arguments.

Stop yelling as if you can make something right by the sheer force of your imbecilic certainty. All you know is the idiotic shit you read or someone told you. Now, because you cannot read (you're too stupid to even be able to read your Bible) it's pretty obvious that you're not going to be a reliable source of information. On top of that, you have a major problem where you think something you believe is true because someone told you it and it made sense to you.

You're full of nonsense. But like an imbecile always does, you have missed the point of the discussion about euphoria. You're wrong, but it's not important. What's important is that you are too stupid to understand the point of discussing things. The gentleman was concerned about euphoria in the medication (Desoxyn) I was 'suggesting' (rofl) would be better than the Ritalin he was using to treat ADHD.

There is no euphoria in meth unless it's mixed with speed or if you OD. We're talking about medical applications for a synthetic chemical and you're not even able to talk intelligently about issue because you think everything circles around you. This is not remotely intelligent because it blinds you stupid to the point where you become a raving loon.

I don't know the chemistry because I read a great deal. What I KNOW for a FACT from reading a great deal is that there are SO MANY MORONS who talk out of their idiotic faces about things they know 1% about (and believe they are experts); that it is an exercise in SCREAMING just to find something intelligible.

Are you a chemist? Do you have some qualifications you have withheld from us? Some skill sets you've been coy about?

If you do not, then SHUT THE FUCK UP with your OPINIONS. What are you, an OLD WIFE? Handing down a secret family recipe for the curation of genital warts? Where are your references? You think you're in a position to be the authority?

You're not even in control of your own emotions. Stop imagining delusions. Get sane.

I don't know the chemistry but I do logic better than anyone I've ever met (bar a couple). I have seen thousands of people RUSHING on speed. I have seen zero people rushing on meth. It's why you don't get meth junkies at raves. Lots of sweaty base and speed users there but.

It doesn't fucking matter because we're talking about Desoxyn which you have not had; know nothing about; have said nothing intelligent about and cannot fucking even make a lick of "old wives" sense. Desoxyn is not euphoric unless you take too much of it, or there's a random contraindication or whatever in play.

No meth is euphoric. You're just a filthy junkie. And your dealers (the government) aren't giving you meth. You're too stupid to understand this because you believe everything that people who are polite to you tell you. That's the dumbest fucking thing you can do. PERIOD. I couldn't give a fuck what you did, but if you weren't demented you'd understand the OBVIOUS validity of what I'm saying and you'd start listening to people that were - in your retarded imagination - 'rude'.

Shut the fuck up, when you're a moron. Whomever is telling you that your opinions are valuable is doing you a disservice. You think I'm a jerk to you, but you're too stupid to understand that the only people who are jerks to you are those who tell you the fluffy sweet lies that allow you to run yourself into the miserable ground. They're the ones that created your exploitable emotions. They're the ones that give you the pain 'relief' you don't realise is poisonous feel-good VILE.

Oh, and the toxicity of methamphetamine is meh. Don't believe the gullible here, they don't know any better.

You're almost too stupid to converse with.

I didn't realise you oversaw the cooking process of ALL the street meth and followed it en route from cook to victimised user?

Methamphetamine has ZERO toxicity. What's your fucking point? You're too stupid to realise that methamphetamine and "this is meth dude" aren't the same fucking thing. Imbecile.

Whats yours cut with though and was your cook later for work during some of the last steps hmmm those are much more relevant.

Also relevant is whether you are retarded enough to not eat or drink for days at a time, that's pretty important. Oh oh, and sleep, sleeping tends to be important.

Bout sums up the health effects.

Yes. Thank you for adding some afterthoughts to qualify your idiocy. So basically you just dribble a lot of shit here and have nothing of value to offer because...how are we going to know anything about the additives it's cut with and the habits of the fucking amateur cook?

Sleeping and drinking is important yes. Thank you. It's very Christian of you, but what would be more Christian is if you FORSOOK ALL THAT YE HATH. Starting now. Forsake this idea that you know something about things because you're dribbling wives tales with authority and I really don't like that.

That kind of stupid shit doesn't get people killed because no one reads it. It gets people killed because it drowns out anything sane. And people die. Because of you. Please stop.

You have not summed up the health effects. You've just embarrassed yourself. And that's bout it.



I simply dislike misinformation, that's all.

This is what Do Unto Others is 'good' for. Every imbecile with an opinion gets to make everyone stupid and want to die. My mother knows EVERYTHING too, dude. She's as bright as you.

Obviously meth is a very hardcore drug that literally destroys lives

No fuckwit. Stop. You're an idiot who knows very little.

Methamphetamine is not "hardcore". I could literally terminate your life for using that word. In a sentence. I don't care what you're 'describing'. Methamphetamine is not "hardcore". It's indicated for children with ADHD, obesity and narcolepsy; by the FDA.

it's the end user fucking up that creates the problems, and a large reason for this is (as I eluded to) the euphoria the drug produces (as opposed to other amphetamines).

You dumb maggot. STOP. You're too stupid to contribute. You have not cooked meth. You know no users who have taken meth. You have never fucking had meth in your entire fucking life. You know no end users who have fucked up taking meth. You know no one who has ever been euphoric taking meth. You're a moron, who believes criminals when they scratch their groin because they have VD and then they shake your hand because dude - they wouldn't lie to you.

Stop. You know nothing about methamphetamine. You keep skipping back and forth between and chemical and poison and you're too fucking stupid to distinguish between them.

I wanted Scuter to see this important distinction because there is a reason it should be avoided yet other amphetamines have medical uses.

That's all I wanted to say really.

Shut up. Until you stop being a demented fool shut up or I will be forced to ridicule you and I haven't done that yet. And if I do, you will not FEEL GOOD.

This is a warning because you do not respond to sane requests to cease and desist your unfathomably stupid opinionated vile.

No, I borrowed the idea from a buddy who did for years tho.

Being a WOW junkie he could only tolerate maybe 4hours daily away from his computer, so you can guess that he wasn't wealthy. That $40 he saved glueing and taping an old pair of new balances literally bought cheetos microwave burritos and ramen noodles to last weeks. He was quite happy, so I was happy, and 5 straight years he wore THE SAME pair of tennis shoes, every single fucking day.

Obviously these shoes were beyond needing to die, they were infact undead, so to combat the smell he (brace yourself) SHOWERED with the damn things on at least three times a week.

Dedication if ever there was any.

One question: Why is he staying alive?

Actually no. Second question: Why are you friends?

nb. Ignore the second question if you cannot answer the first.

Bobby Wong
04-29-2012, 03:20 PM
you keep using the word vile as a noun and i can't figure out whether you mean bile or you've decided to create a new usage of vile by repeating it until it catches on

04-29-2012, 07:19 PM

behemoth old
05-01-2012, 12:13 AM
I disagree with the topic of this thread.

07-27-2012, 02:01 PM
So much of the stupidity in the world is due to people having an innate desire to believe in a system. The poorer or more stupid you are, the more this is the case. This desire has been bred into us, so that we can functionally live in a society. The idea that everyone has their factions and own motivations doesn't explain a lot of behavior. People choose against self-interest all the time.

Yep I believe it's called the "patron system". It's very...patronising.

They dole out crumbs from the pot, less and less crumbs the further the concentric 'circle of trust' is from the patron / sociopath / sovereign in the centre of the system.


But factions and unique motivations are - by definition - not in an individual's best interests. Caring about the welfare of the herd (Humanity) at the expense of the individual is in the best interests of every individual. That's why they constantly devise ways to divide us up; tricking us to fighting amongst ourselves.

(Intelligent) Selfishness is in the individual's best interests. But parents raise their children to please others instead of themselves, to be patriotic instead of humane, to sacrifice themselves for "King, God & Country" when logical and Selfish self-sacrifice can only ever be for Humanity (which, if we're going to be carnivorous, requires us to be humane about slaughtering of animals for food). I'm not sure about this whole carnivorous thing; I'm not entirely convinced it's necessary. Vegetarians seem physically healthy enough to me, but their haughty preaching illuminates the Truth about their motives. They're using vegetarianism as a coping mechanism. I'm not denigrating them. I'm merely asserting that they're confused about what it means to be humane. Our species must comes first. The future of our species has to take precedence.

Once we manage to arrest the inhumanity in the world, than we can focus on the horrifically inhumane treatment of animals who suffer for no other reason than commercial advantage. Vomit. Pain is very lucrative. It's just not profitable. Inhumanity is very lucrative.

It's just not sustainable, so it cannot be profitable.

You think Walmart, McDonalds, Apple, KFC and every 'successful' Fortune 500 corporation cannot afford to be humane?

You'd be 100% correct.

If they were humane, they would not be able to compete in this world of 'limited' (no) liability corporations. It's insane. The entire system has been structured to guarantee whomever is the most sociopathic and inhumane, will win. But you cannot win that way. You will never be happy creating suffering. At best, you will be temporarily pleased.

No one who creates misery is happy. The irrefutable proof of this fact can be seen if you think instead of feel, and open your blind eyes to the Reality you're misperceiving. If they were happy, what motive would they have to work so hard, creating misery, looking for edge, fighting for compete, pressuring their 'advantage', rationalising their suffering and avoiding their responsibilities to be liable for the damage and misery they create in their frantic racing to bring you cheaper products?

You pay less for your products. You pay in ways you cannot comprehend for that stupidity. Your hands have blood on them, and you disavow knowledge of anything 'uncomfortable'. That's insane. The corporations you support are the 'winners' of (un)natural selection. They are competitive because they force someone else to pay the invoices incurred by competitive failure to accept liability for their irresponsible and irreversible damage they're inflicting on this world of non-renewable resources.

I'm not as crafty as they are. I'm not as shrewd. I'm not that smart. I'm not that intelligent. In many ways, I'm an absolute retard. I cannot write to convince a single person of the Reality that I can see only because I can do a few things very well. I can do logic. I can do game theory. I can draw lines between dots. That's about it. That's all I can do. I say nothing remotely insightful but almost no one is saying it.

All I'm saying is that when it rains, you're going to get wet. That's it.

I'll draw the lines between dots as best I can, for our benefit. My greatest hope is that someone with the ability to write like Walter Isaacson can see the logic in what my inept writing cannot communicate effectively. Isaacson is a brilliant writer. I can only think of one better, David Cornwell (who writes as John le Carre). John le Carre is basically saying something similar to what I'm trying to say; or more accurately, I'm relating what le Carre's brilliance afforded me the capacity to understand. But this world needs 1000 le Carres, or 1,000,000.

In this world of fools who cannot value humans intelligently (the only thing imbeciles value is 'success'; they don't care how that success was attained which is why they'll never be successful [happy]), brilliant men like Isaacson are stuck writing biographies about imbecilic and wretched sociopaths like Steve Jobs; a pure leech whose only 'ability' was his capacity to identify genuine talent and then latch onto them / leech off them / bully them / take advantage of them / manipulate them into allowing him to claim the credit for their genius, creativity and innovation.

Jobs' secret to 'success' was his capacity to be a sociopath. He would simply abuse and betray anyone who Trusted him. He just ruined lives and made people miserable which is why he was miserable. He abandoned and destroyed the life of the innocent girl he took advantage of; disowning his child and smearing his child's mother with vile insinuations until Apple's commercial success (and a DNA test) forced him to accept his liabilities as a father. At which point, his obsession with control manipulated his (previously abandoned) daughter into rebelling against her mother; causing her mother to have an understandable breakdown. He then basically abandoned his daughter again, because he was batshit insane. All he cared about was possession, ownership, and 'winning'.

But he never won. He just made everyone around him lose.

If someone with writing ability could see the Truth and the logic that I can see but cannot communicate effectively, that would be my dream. I want no credit. I want nothing but people to stop being insane and start valuing humans intelligently. I want people to act in their own Selfish best interests and start saving faces of children instead of being obsessed with Saving Face. I want people to stop being so moronic they would be afraid of admitting something as unembarrassing as "I have no idea. Sorry I can't help."

But their shame at being thought a fool will make anyone sane disgusted with them. They shouldn't be worrying about Saving Face. They should be Saving Faces of children. I'm not preaching. I'm talking about their Selfish best interests.

The only way to play the Game of Life intelligently is to realise that no one can win when we all can play Prisoner's dilemma optimally.

So it's stupid to continue with the insane obsession so many of you have with taking advantage of children and decent people who cannot see your insanity coming. It's time to end this stupid obsession we have with seeking 'optimality' in Prisoner's dilemma spots. If the world could do that, something amazing would happen.

We'd all get out of Prison.

07-27-2012, 04:24 PM
nb. I'm trying to do something here, if you're wondering why I keep on repeating what I've said before. I'm trying to put it all together (obviously). But then I doubt many of you read it so this is just to explain what I'm trying to do, if anyone does read it all. I'm not a retard. I'm just retarded at writing and hoping to fluke something readable.

There are 31,102 verses in the King James Version of the Holy Bible. I read it three times cover-to-cover by the time I was 12. It was the only book I was allowed to read until I was 14 when I emancipated myself; but I didn't run into freedom. I merely ran into a slicker cult with better marketing.

I ran into Society. I ran into nationalism. I ran into pretty girls. I ran into the military, wanting to fly jets and I’d very nearly run into the Coalition of the Willing. Unwilling to kill but mostly unwilling to be killed for Queen, God and Westphalia, I ran away. I’d been running from something or another, ever since.

I was tired, exhausted and wrecked when I found myself in Bangkok en route to Tokyo when I realised I didn’t want to run anymore. In the years to come, whenever people asked me why I lived in Bangkok or why I’d moved to Bangkok, I never really knew how to respond. The Truth is that I didn’t move to Bangkok to live and despite the best efforts of some decent fellows who tried and failed to drag me down from my hermit treehouse, I've never really lived in Bangkok.

I was happened to be in Bangkok when I stopped running. Though it's not technically true, it would fair to say I 'moved' to Bangkok to die.

This is a very religious world being choked to death by the emotional corruption of the Abrahamic religions. I did not think I'd last six months but I have survived a few years by virtue of Thai decency that you cannot find elsewhere (and I think I've been just about everywhere).

The evil of Christianity is so irrefutably vile, the only way they can counteract a logical argument revealing their filthy two-faced Confidence Trick is to censor you on grounds that you've offended them. Truth is very offensive to the malicious; has anyone noticed that?

BBC in 2005: Pope Benedict tells Africa "no condoms; practice abstinence and fidelity instead". (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/4081276.stm)


Reuters in 2009: Pope Benedict insists "no Condoms; deficit of ethics & morality is the cause of crisis". (http://www.reuters.com/article/2009/03/17/idUSLH936617._CH_.2400)



50 million deaths, was the estimate of Medicine sans Frontiers when pressed for their opinion on the Pope’s 'opinions'. 50 million dead as a result of the Pope telling a continent ravaged by AIDS that sex was okay, but condoms were a fast track to Hell.

Hey we're all entitled to our opinions, right?

That's pure idiocy. Why would I be entitled to an opinion if my opinion was that you should die? Christians call for tolerance of their faith. This is their faith (don't get sucked in like the indigenous populations of every nation they've done this to):

Numbers 31:17-18 (King James Version)
17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

That's a little bit offensive.

And speaking of offensive, Catholicism (the inventors of both Original Sin and mea culpa; yes, that's as insane as it appears at first [and every subsequent] blush) tell their victims (also known as Catholics) that the Child of God died to erase God's sin (the one where he forgot to make Catholics humane) but that they'll burn in Hell for using birth control.

You can rape, murder and molest and be forgiven but if you wear a condom, you burn in Hell? For eternity?

I guess Jesus didn't die for that sin.

We need to end this insulting bullshit now. Or this insulting bullshit will end us. If that offends you, 50 million deaths offend me. So not only are you the first offender, you're pure evil so...


You think the Catholic Popes mean well?

I could be wrong about the following assertion (but if I am, it would only be negligible), but in the King James Version of the Holy Bible there are 31,101 verses of evil, idiocy or redundancy. There is one (1) verse of pure logic.

John 8:32 (King James Version)
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Of course, I quote it out of context. Jesus was a sociopathic, compulsive liar. But taken out of context, that verse is the only one of 31,102 that is logical and True. Taken in context, it's inscribed on the wall as you walk inside the CIA HQ, officially the George Bush Center for Intelligence (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Bush_Center_for_Intelligence) (you might be more familiar with its nickname; Langley), in Virginia.


We need to stop lying like imbeciles imagining we're being crafty. Or not. Whatever you're into. But living in this world of lying, snivelling, censoring, deceitful, manipulative, imbecilic Toddlers who imagine they're crafty when they gum all over you with their imagined teeth...

You all hang onto life but when you scream suffering and pain and lies and deceit, you're not living. You're merely surviving. You're not winning. You're just making everyone lose.

I'm sick of losing and I'm sick of living in a world that kills 21,000 children a day whilst having the nerve to pretend that 3000 tragic deaths a decade ago can possibly be worth getting emotional about. 40,000 Americans die on the road every year. 2.5 million Americans are injured in motor vehicle accidents. Do you know how many people alcohol kills?

Jesus turned (drinkable) water into wine (a toxic, sleazy, creepy, addictive poisonous drug) and you want to assert that he's anything but evil? I know your caper. I know your filthy agenda. I'm not a good person. I have failed to act in my own best interests and I have exploited humans and caused suffering which amounts to shooting myself in the foot. So I don't do that anymore.

I'm 100 x the person Jesus was. I'm not good. I'm 100 x better. I'm Selfish. I'm humane. I'm decent. Jesus was a sociopathic creep who was pure evil; leeching rather than contributing, asserting he was God. You want to worship somebody? Worship Louis Pasteur. Jesus turned water into wine whilst children died from bacteria-infected milk for 1800 years. Jesus turned water into wine because he didn't know how to turn it into fruit juice. Fuck your filthy sociopathic 'Messiah'. No offence. If you get offended, fuck you too. How do I whether your offence is imagined or pretended?

Trick question. Neither reason is valid. Your offence is pretty offensive. So shove it. 21,000 children are dying every day and you want to force people to care about your imagined or pretended feelings?


No. I do not credit the feelings of sociopaths.

Your Messiah turned perfectly drinkable water into a toxic poison that kills children and then he suffered the little children to come unto him. At which point, he laid his hands on them.


What a filthy creep.


I understand Christian creeps will be offended by the Truth. That's how they've been beating decency for centuries. I do not lie. They do. Their offence is not valid; they should be silenced for being so offensive.

Counter my logic if you disagree or prove yourself to be the Confidence Trickster sociopath all Christians are, in reality. They're fake Christians. The joke is on them as much as it is on their victims.

But if you're 'offended', why don't you point out where I've lied? I do not lie. I am not insane.

Explain why your 'sweet' Christ (dying for the sins of children who haven't sinned? How rude!) would turn water into a poisonous, addictive drug instead of doing what Louis Pasteur did ~1800 years later.

Give one single example of a tangible contribution your preacher actually gave to Humanity. All he did was tell other people what to do, and what he told them was to be exploitable.

Explain why you're so insane that you think I would be your enemy. If you're human, I'm on your side.

If you're not human, start being one. Someone will see the Truth in what I am trying to write at some point or they'll figure it out themselves; my point being, the Tipping Point has been reached and someone is going to sic Humanity onto Christian Confidence Trickers who lied to the American indigenous population and whoops.

150,000,000 learned the Truth about Christians and their filthy Confidence Tricks.

If you're Christian, Humanity is going to come for you because your screaming for others to be humane whilst you practice your inhumane exploitation has gone on long enough. I just hope for your sake they're humane doing what they need to do, when they come for you.

If someone doesn't silence the screamers of lies and hatred soon, I can tell you what is going to happen. Dot to dot to dot. The resources will dwindle. Wars will be fought over the resources that remain. With less and less remaining, the wars will be rationalised more clinically. You don't have to be capable of understanding game theory to realise the recursion of the wars over resources, which have already started. We live in a world of nuclear weapons. When the options are limited to Dying or Using Nuclear Weapons AGAIN, what do you think is going to happen?


You think you're crafty taking advantage of humans, lying to those you ostensibly care about, playing Confidence Tricks on your children whom you raise to be your slaves, forcing others to suffer for your entertainment or suffer in order to impress you or suffer to make you feel good?

If you want others to suffer to please you, it's irrefutable proof that you are a sociopath. A human would feel their pain and a human would not be pleased with anyone who suffers to please them. If you're someone who emotionally manipulates their child into thinking they should suffer to please, then one of the following things will happen:

your child will suffer so much, they could get a chance to suffer for the world's entertainment (it's a big honour just to make it to the Olympics, you know); or
your child will suffer so much, they could become a doctor (who prescribes expensive medication their patients don't need because it's all about the money, money, money); or
your child will suffer so much, they could become a psychiatrist who continues to prescribe the most popular medication in history (not because it works, but because it doesn't - who says SSRIs are no better than placebo? Only the AMA and every psychiatrist with ethics for 25 years, many of whom lost their careers or their lives for being so humane); or
your child will suffer so much, they could become a lawyer (who helps corporations avoid paying taxes or avoid taking responsibility for their crimes; or perhaps they'll be an ambulance-chasing litigator; or perhaps they'll get the rich and powerful off the hook because it's all about the money, money, money); or
your child will marry one of the above (wouldn't that make you proud!); or
your child will die trying to reach their full potential (which is only discovered the moment before they die); or, more likely than any of the above
your child will become just another ME ME ME narcissist who had to learn to block out your emotional manipulation; because sociopaths who make their children suffer to please them often kill their children trying to exploit them.


They literally have to become narcissists (who cannot feel empathy) to survive. But narcissists cannot convince anyone to be as interested in them as they are. They just scream ME ME ME; which isn't really a compelling argument. They're very inconsiderate of the feelings of others.

Do you know how sociopaths are made?

Clues: They are forced to learn to be considerate of the feelings of others. It's called etiquette. Politeness. Compassion. Diplomacy. White lies. Laws which legislate against insanity..

What makes you think you can deter the insane with Law? They don't have control over their actions. The Law is not written to deter crimes of passion. The Law is written to ensure humans are confused about their own best interests.

Kill your three teenage daughters for 'embarrassing' you by talking to boys and you won't be insane. Oh no. The insanity plea will be rejected. The Honourable Judge presiding (who will be perfectly contemptible if you do not call him "Your Honour" - because he doesn't have any) will assert that it is not insane to kill your daughters for causing you to imagine you have "lost face" or "lost the respect of creeps". He will understand. They were "Honor Killings". He will reject the insanity plea and simultaneously assert killing your three daughters was a perfectly sane act. But he has to send you to prison to be gang-raped and punished, of course. Why?

To teach you a lesson, obviously. That's how they teach lessons in this world to humans, and dogs, and slaves. What's the lesson supposed to be?

Don't do it again. But then the only reason they did it in the first place was because they're insane. Punishing the insane doesn't make them sane. So what's the real lesson being taught?

Don't get caught being so naughty.

But they're not really being naughty, are they? Adultery is naughty. Killing your daughters?

That's batshit insane. Except in Canada, Australia, Europe, the USA and everywhere else where the Rule of Law prevails. It's a Protection Racket designed to confuse humans into failing to act in their own best interests. They commit crimes of passion, instead.

The greatest injustice ever inflicted on this world was the Abrahamic religions' construct of justice.

"Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth."

If you can't add 2 + 2 together and come up with 4 (four) instances of insanity, you'd be emotionally insane (and really bad at maths).

And that's why no one is happy. Everyone is narcissists (who cannot feel empathy) and sociopaths (who feel selective empathy). Makes it kinda hard to have fun, by the way; if you're human. Do you know how sociopaths trade with humans?

They have no need for money, money, money. When it is time to pay the bill, they'll have left their wallet at home. If you ever meet a sociopath, you'll find out how they feel about things when the bill arrives. You will pay. Hey, you're friends right? Sure, they'll pay you back but some other time.

They're paying with love tonight.

I feel empathy, like every human. So thanks, by the way.

Thank you for creating this world of pain. I've had a lot of fun. Oh you're 'offended'?

Allow me to retort.


Bobby Wong
07-27-2012, 04:32 PM
you got a real bad attitude pal

07-27-2012, 06:00 PM
if only ape was here he would but mr wince-ent in his place for spouting all this vile

07-27-2012, 06:48 PM
Suffer to please.

The motives of parents who raise their children in this idiotic way (>99% of parents) range from the horrifying end of the scale (my CoG-cult parents, who literally breed children to be slaves and raise them to serve that purpose) to the tragic (parents in denial about their motives for having children [they were unhappy] who want their children to be happy so they raise them to believe it makes sense to suffer to please).

This is how human children become narcissists (they'd die or live as a miserable, tortured slave otherwise).

This is how narcissists become sociopaths (once they learn how to 'feel' without being exploitable).

This is how the human species has been enslaved (in it's entirety). The sociopaths who created Religion are long since dead. Their victims carry forward the Scam, continually adjusting it to suit their perceived purposes. But they don't understand they are victims. They don't know how to have fun. For them, fun is limited to power & control and sex. So they condition the entire race to feel the same way; believing that they are being crafty because they write the Rules of the Game (so they'll always have the upper hand, the edge, the advantage).

They're winning and they'll probably always win but they're playing the wrong Game. It's just not cricket.

The greatest threat to Religion (which is entirely about Power & Control) is Selfishness. So they hijacked the word and made their imbeciles believe that Selfishness = Taking Advantage of Those Who Can Deliver Happiness or Pain. This is moronic 'selfishness'. Intelligent Selfishness involves protecting yourself from emotional manipulation; you're no good to anyone if your emotions are manipulatable. You'll be vastly more likely to be tricked into fighting for Evil rather than Sanity. But if you're Intelligently Selfish, the only way to be truly happy is to care about the best interests of anyone who can deliver happiness or pain. I think there are ~7,300,000,000 but I haven't counted them all, myself.

But first you have to protect your Self. You need to listen to your DNA.

Religion drills their vassals to feel confused and 'guilty' when they listen to their DNA. Being human is 'sinful'. But deep down (for some, so deep they can never come back) every human wants to be Selfish; i.e. 'good'. They've just been confused by confused imbeciles like priests, mothers, and the sociopaths of the world.

Leech, leech and leech. The Abrahamic religions are, at their core, entirely about leeching rather than contributing. They steal and destroy rather than give and create. They'll tell you to give, but they will take. They'll tell you to forgive, but they will not. They'll you not to judge, they will judge you. They'll tell you to turn the other cheek so that they can keep slapping you. They'll tell you to sacrifice yourself for them.

The Dalai Lama does this too, by the way.


Manipulative? Yes. Creepy? Undoubtedly. Exploitation? Of course. Based on lies? Obviously. It's just like Christians but with one tiny difference. The victims of the Dalai Lama are not following the Golden Rule. They're doing unto themselves. Christians do unto you.

But for Power to exist, the Self has to be broken down to the point where the victims can be exploited. So religions & the State (always joined at the hip) run smear campaigns against Selfishness, twisting it around so that it's misunderstood until they've corrupted the perception of what it means to be Selfish. They've actually done this to every human emotion (and added a bunch of their own inventions, like justice, revenge and love. Their efforts were (admittedly, undeniably) brilliant. And it's why the 'negated' "Old Covenant" remains in the Holy Bibles of the world.

They've printed between 4 and 8 billion copies of that book. I wrote a dumb story once (the first and only time in my life I was happy and able to write, simultaneously). It was a pretty good story but it was printed zero times because Power controls the printing presses of the world; and the entertainment pathways to human minds. They use entertainment to teach you how to feel instead of think.

Picture published in TIME magazine of Chinese learning how to feel. The movie was a classic love story, with all the usual sappy trademarks; specifically James Cameron's [I]Titanic (in 3D)

My story was anti-love, anti-fear, anti-pain and anti-suffering. It was the most Selfish story I've ever seen. I'm immensely proud of it. It's gone forever but I was a moron for imagining any other result than the inevitable (which occurred, as inevitable things tend to do).

This is a world of exploitation and we are all slaves, in one way or another. We've been conditioned to be insane. You can only be exploited when you've been KISS'ed.

Keep It Stupid. Simple.

Love makes anyone a fucking moron. Literally everyone knows that.

Putrid poison, every single word. The most putrid is the line about makeup. It's a bit like saying, "Someone would have to love you to think you're beautiful when you don't have makeup on." It's pure propaganda.

3500 years of this bullshit, and we're all fucking retards.

And I do mean, everyone is a fucking retard compared to the geniuses we would all be if the human race was sane. It's very nearly too horrifying to contemplate.

I can't tell you what I don't know. No one tells me anything, so I have to speculate. I put puzzles together. I have a history that suggests I'm pretty good at it. But all I can tell you is what I can ascertain from drawing lines between dots. You're probably not interested. Apologies for making you scroll or press the Page Down key.

If you are interested in the dots I have drawn lines between, my theories all really boil down to this:

If you disagree with all my rhetoric about Enlightened Selfishness, you should probably get really close to the Bush family.

If you don't, something (call it a gut feeling) tells me you're going to be really thirsty in the not-too-distant future. That's a special kind of pain. But don't worry! I'm pretty sure they control the Supply of pain 'relief', for that suffering of yours.

This is what FDR and Eisenhower were warning us to look out for. It's literally happening right in front of you. I have no sympathy for you. The children though...

For kids and poor people, this world has sucked for 3500 years.

It's about to suck for everyone.

No one wants to know the Truth. John le Carre fans don't even understand that he's not motivated to write what he writes about, for their entertainment. No one wants to think, everyone wants to feel. So enjoy your thirsty slavery and your pain 'relief'. Fingers crossed you can afford to pay for fresh drinking water. This is a coercive monopoly I'm talking about (you know, that paradox capitalism creates but has never been forced to solve). You're not interested in economics. I understand.

Economics is interested in you. The joke is on you. I'm kicking along soon. Yall hang onto your lives of suffering and rationalisation and chasing your dreams of fallacy. You stick with imagining you're shrewd, crafty, brilliantly manipulative and a master (or mistress) of deception. Yall can keep feeling you're 'winning' by making those you ostensibly care about lose.

I'm sick of losing. You're afraid of death. I understand how religion made you frightened of the Unknown. But merely surviving this Toddler world of snivelling fools?

I'm pretty sure I can find something better to do.

07-27-2012, 06:52 PM
Putrid poison, every single word. The most putrid is the line about makeup. It's a bit like saying, "Someone would have to love you to think you're beautiful when you don't have makeup on." It's pure propaganda.

That poem forgot "Then cheat on him with the biggest BLACKEST man you can find!". Because that, my friends, is a woman looking for a cuckold. AMIRITE, BLAKE?

07-27-2012, 06:54 PM
water comes out the tap bro are the bush family going to buy all the taps or something ?

Hillbilly Jim
07-27-2012, 07:23 PM
haters gonna hate


07-28-2012, 12:38 AM
you keep using the word vile as a noun and i can't figure out whether you mean bile or you've decided to create a new usage of vile by repeating it until it catches on

First and third times = intended to be used as a noun
Second time = mistyped, I meant bile

water comes out the tap bro are the bush family going to buy all the taps or something ?


"Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink"
- Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner, by Coleridge.

The Water Resources of Earth

97.5% of all water on Earth is salt water, leaving only 2.5% as fresh water.
Nearly 70% of that fresh water is frozen in the icecaps of Antarctica and Greenland; most of the remainder is present as soil moisture, or lies in deep underground aquifers as groundwater not accessible to human use.

< 1% of the world's fresh water (~0.007% of all water on earth) is accessible for direct human uses. This is the water found in lakes, rivers, reservoirs and those underground sources that are shallow enough to be tapped at an affordable cost. Only this amount is regularly renewed by rain and snowfall, and is therefore available on a sustainable basis.

Consumptive and Non-Consumptive Water Use

Consumptive water use refers to water that is not returned to streams after use.

Agriculture is responsible for 87 % of the total water used globally. In Asia it accounts for 86% of total annual water withdrawal, compared with 49% in North and Central America and 38% in Europe. Rice growing, in particular, is a heavy consumer of water.

A great deal of water use is non-consumptive, which means that the water is returned to surface runoff. Usually that water is contaminated however, whether used for agriculture, domestic consumption, or industry. The WHO estimates that more than 5 million people die each year from diseases caused by unsafe drinking water, and lack of sanitation and water for hygiene.

Some believe that fresh water will be a critical limiting resource for many regions in the near future. About one-third of the world's population lives in countries that are experiencing water stress. In Asia, where water has always been regarded as an abundant resource, per capita availability declined by 40-60% between 1955 and 1990. Projections suggest that most Asian countries will have severe water problems by the year 2025. Most of Africa historically has been water-poor.

What's the problem?:

The population is growing rapidly, putting more pressure on our water supply (demand is increasing)
The amount of water is effectively reduced by pollution and contamination (supply is decreasing)

What does the future hold? We can best explore this question by looking carefully at the world's water resources.

The water cycle on Earth is essentially a closed system – we always have the same amount of water. The only parts of this cycle appropriated by humans is water held as surface water or shallow aquifers.

Worldwide, new dams (> 15 m ht) were constructed at rate of 885 per year during 1950-80, present rate is 500/yr, and future rate is estimated at 350/yr. Over next 30 years, assuming size of reservoirs is unchanged, new construction adds 1200 km3 to accessible supply, and raises total AR in 2025 to 13,700 km3/hr. Assuming average per capita water demand stays unchanged, but adjusting the pollution dilution for additional population, the total human appropriation in 2025 would be 9830 km3/yr, or 70% of estimated AR (compared to current 54%). Clearly we are approaching the limit of available fresh water supply.

Water Sustainability, Water Security

The six billion people of Planet Earth use nearly 30% of the world’s total accessible renewal supply of water. By 2025, that value may reach 70%. Yet billions of people lack basic water services, and millions die each year from water-related diseases. Water is a basis of international conflict. What is involved in achieving water sustainability and water security? The following lists some of the criteria that should help us chart our direction.

Basic human needs for water should be fully acknowledged as a top international priority.
Water-related diseases, including Guinea worm, diarrhea, onchocerciasis, malaria and typhoid should be brought under control.
Agricultural water should be efficiently used and allocated.
Basic ecosystem water needs should be identified and met.
Serious water-related conflicts should be resolved through formal negotiations.

But of course, none of the above matters. The Bush family has started buying up Supply. You need to understand what that means.


The Bush family controls the illicit drug market for the USA and some other nations (like Thailand, via Thaksin). There's a pretty good chance that 9/11 was entirely about the Drug War. What you need to understand, and would if you had a brain, is that they can blockade anything. Try and buy Desoxyn in this world. I had a lot of money and I didn't want to take their bullshit poison anymore. I spent months trying to buy Desoxyn. Impossible.

In any major city on the planet, I could buy street meth for you within an hour. They're the government's corners. The Afghanistan war has been entirely about drug control. The Taliban, because they're evil, hate pain relief and so they were eradicating the country of its poppy fields. The US military, working for evil, went in and now production is back to normal.

This guy is brilliant. Look at his predictions made in 2001. They've come true.


by Michael C. Ruppert

[© Copyright 2001, Michael C. Ruppert and From The Wilderness Publications, www.copvcia.com. May be reproduced or distributed for non-profit purposes only]

FTW, October 10, 2001 - The governments of the United States and Britain - along with a lap-dog mainstream media all too willing to regurgitate falsehoods - are feeding us a line of demonstrably inaccurate lies about the Taliban and opium. We are being warned of a "new flood" of al-Q'aeda opium as the war expands. As British Prime Minister Tony Blair boasts, "We will bomb their poppy fields," he neglects to mention that there aren't any poppy fields in Taliban controlled areas to bomb. This outrageous deception of the public, in an effort to stir up support for the war effort, is further evidence that most of the rest of the government's line following the attacks of September 11, is simply not credible.

A simple side-by-side comparison of reports from the UN and the U.S. government, along with major media stories from before and after the Sept. 11 attacks exposes the lie.

Even the U.S. State Department (www.state.gov/www/regions/sa/facts_taliban_drugs.html) acknowledges that in July 2000, Mullah Omar of the Taliban ordered a ban on poppy cultivation in all Taliban controlled regions of Afghanistan. That State Department Fact Sheet, published after Jan 1, 2000, however, expresses U.S. disbelief in the ban's effectiveness. This position is, however, flatly contradicted by some very credible sources, including Secretary of State Colin Powell. He gave the Taliban $43 million this May to replace the income lost to Afghani farmers as a result of the ban. Their wheat crops had failed due to the drought and they had no money from opium harvests to buy food. The middlemen who had stockpiled the opium had income. But the farmers, who had harvested in the summer of 2000, had already been paid.

In February 2000 citing reports from Agence France-Presse, the AP, and UPI, FTW published a story describing the Taliban's successful destruction of their poppy crop. We viewed this at the time - possibly incorrectly - as a move by the Taliban to take $90 billion in drug cash out of the western banking system. That sales remained stable, however, is reflected in the fact that heroin prices fell only slightly in 2000. Had Afghanistan stopped selling altogether, then Western Europe, which gets its opium from Afghanistan, would have seen a steep increase in prices. It did not. So why then did Powell give Afghanistan the $43 million? I wish I knew.

Now, based upon new evidence, we know that in 1999 Afghanistan produced a bumper crop of 4,600 metric tons of opium and that this has been verified by a number of sources including the United Nations Drug Control Program (UNDCP) as well as in a multitude of press stories. The 2000 harvest was close to 3,300 metric tons. The result, as Colombia expanded poppy cultivation in the late 1990s, and as the Golden Triangle in Southeast Asia showed only a minor drop in output, was a glut. Therefore the Taliban's ban on production would have had the impact of creating a price support by reducing supplies. How successful was the ban and destruction of crops? Well, aside from the above reports, which all indicated that inspections confirming the ban had taken place, consider the following:

- On January 3, 2001 an ABC News story, posted on their web site stated, "Pakistan's Foreign Secretary Inam ul-Haq's claim to have eliminated all opium plantations in Taliban controlled territories - reported by Agence France-Presse -- seems to have been confirmed by a UN survey.

"This development could have several important ramifications for both the geopolitical situation in the region and the world drug trade...

"The center of world drug production will shift from Afghanistan, which accounted for 75 percent of world opium production last year, to Colombia and the Golden Triangle on the border between Myanmar (Burma) and Thailand.

You know what's been happening in Myanmar of late? Suddenly the Burmese junta is pro-US. They released DASSK and tourists are flooding into the country. How about that, huh? I have the vaguest of ideas what might have spurned their change of heart. Power always respects Power.

A February 16, 2001 AP story by Kathy Gannon was headlined, "Taliban virtually wipes out opium production in Afghanistan." It opened with these lines:
"U.N. drug control officers said the Taliban religious militia has virtually wiped out opium production in Afghanistan - once the world's largest producer - since banning poppy cultivation in July.
"A 12-member team from the U.N. Drug Control Program spent two weeks searching most of the nation's largest opium-producing areas and found so few poppies that they do not expect any opium to come out of Afghanistan this year.

"'We are not just guessing. We have seen the proof in the fields,' said Bernard Frahi, regional director for the U.N. program in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He laid out photographs of vast tracts of land cultivated with wheat alongside pictures of the same fields taken a year earlier - a sea of blood red poppies.

On May 24, 2001 Barry Berak of the New York Times wrote a story entitled, "Taliban Ban on Drug Crops Is Working, U.S. Concludes." Here are the lead paragraphs:

"ELMAND PROVINCE, Afghanistan, May 20 - This has been heroin's great heartland, where the narcotic came to life as an opium resin taken from fragile buds of red and white poppies. Last year, 75 per cent of the world's opium crop was grown in Afghanistan, with the biggest yield sprouting from here in the fertile plains of the country's south, sustained by the meander of the Helmand River.

"But something astonishing has become evident with this spring's harvest. Behind the narrow dikes of packed earth, the fields are empty of their most profitable plant. Poor farmers, scythes in hand, stoop among brown stems.

"Mile after mile, there is only a dry stubble of wheat to cut from the lumpy soil...

"But American narcotics officials who visited the country confirmed earlier United Nations reports that the Taliban had, in one growing season, managed a rare triumph in the long and losing war on drugs..."

Only belatedly have major outlets like the Wall Street Journal (Oct. 2), The Associated Press (Oct. 5), and the Washington Post (Oct. 5) begun to acknowledge, in stories placed well back in the paper, and with much less emphasis, that the Northern Alliance - our allies against the Taliban - are now in real control of the heroin trade. Smuggling routes have shifted from south through Pakistan northward through Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan. They acknowledge the obvious - that the Taliban is no longer the primary supplier of heroin. How could they be?

The Real Story

In March 2001 FTW reported from Moscow that Uzbekistan was "awash" in a sea of poppies. Since September 11 we have seen Uzbekistan not surprisingly become the hub for all U.S. military operations going into Afghanistan. It was, in fact, the very first place that U.S. military and "special operations" forces deployed - within days of the attacks. Unmentioned in press stories is the fact that firms like Southern Air, Evergreen and other CIA proprietary or contract operations have been establishing a presence in the Uzbek capital of Tashkent for more than a year. And Tashkent is a surprisingly modern city. It even has an Intercontinental Hotel. This is undoubtedly due in part to increased oil exploration, but it hauntingly parallels our experience from another era - Vietnam.

Now, as we are hearing the first reports that the Uzbeki government, fighting its own battle against a Muslim insurgency, will permit offensive operations from its military bases, FTW has had two reports that CIA operative Richard Secord has recently traveled to Tashkent. Secord's documented history of involvement in heroin smuggling, from Vietnam, Laos and Thailand in the 1960's and his criminal involvement in illegal operations, including drug smuggling during the Iran-Contra years, tells us exactly what is happening. These same intelligence sources have also reported that many other CIA veterans of Iran-Contra and Vietnam - despite their age - are converging on Tashkent like bees to a field of flowers - poppy flowers.

In the 1960's and 70's, as the Vietnam War raged, the CIA fostered and maintained a series of covert wars in Laos and Cambodia. They did this by funding their operations with heroin, refined from opium grown by indigenous tribesmen including the Hmong in Laos. The Hmong, in turn became surrogate U.S. armies and the money from the trade supported the CIA and its allies as the region became totally unstable. In the years since, the only difference is that drug money has become a $500-600 billion a year cash flow that is now an essential part of the world banking and financial system because it provides the liquid cash necessary to make the "minimum monthly payments" on huge stock and derivative and investment bubbles in the U.S. and Britain. These bubbles were already bursting in the weeks prior to the September 11 attacks.

Here are his predictions made in 2001.

Now, as the CIA moves to control the drug trade in the region you can be sure of several things.

First, when the world sees an explosion of heroin from the region it won't be the Taliban's doing.


3 March, 2003

Afghanistan retook its place as the world's leading producer of heroin last year, after US-led forces overthrew the Taleban which had banned cultivation of opium poppies.

The finding was made in a key drug report, distributed in Kabul on Sunday by the US State Department, which supports almost identical findings by the United Nations last week.

"The size of the opium harvest in 2002 makes Afghanistan the world's leading opium producer," the report said.

Second, the cash flows from the smuggling will now be directed through U.S. banks and stocks. That is what the CIA does.

Third, those cash flows - as direct air operations from Tashkent to the U.S. become commonplace - will be taken away from Russia, the Balkans, Turkey and Eastern Europe.

Fourth, the result of that will be de-stabilization of the entire region.

Fifth, destabilization in the region will Balkanize Russia.

Sixth, the increasing U.S. military and economic presence will consolidate U.S. control over the vast oil and gas reserves in the region. A revived Unocal-Saudi pipeline project, which will begin construction soon after the U.S. establishes control, will take the oil and gas from Central Asia, through Afghanistan, and down to the Pakistani coast where it will then be sold to China and Japan. The profits from those sales will come back into Wall Street. This will be a further drain on Russian influence in the region and greatly increase global instability.

Throughout the 1990s the United States - under an exclusive arrangement coordinated by the Harvard Endowment, Goldman Sachs and the U.S Treasury - looted some $300 billion from Russia. During the period from 1989-2001 the population of that country shrank from 165 to 145 million people. As infrastructure collapsed, as services disappeared, as unemployment skyrocketed, as the Ruble collapsed, the life expectancy for a Russian male dropped from 68 to 48 years.

Have you seen what I've written about what happens to homeless people during Russia's beautiful winters?

Make no mistake. Russia is the target here just as much as is the propping up of a feeble U.S. economy with drug money. And remember that Russia still has most of its nuclear arsenal intact.

It's all going to go BOOM because Nixon tricked imbeciles into being afraid of marijuana frying your brain like an egg (sunny side up). That's Nixon, the Scientist. You know what the correct term from Prohibition is?

Refusal to Regulate.

Now why would a government not want to regulate (control) Supply of such a profitable product in so much Demand?

Trick question. It does. It just wants to control all the governments. All the governments in America. All the governments in the world. $1 trillion ($1,000,000,000,000) slush fund for whomever control what Nixon (and no government since) has been interested in regulating (taking Control of). You know how Power makes money?

Very easily. They control all the information.

The $1 trillion is only the base of the trillions they make controlling the Tills of various sovereign nation-states (like Thailand, via Thaksin).

In Thailand, Desoxyn is banned for the official reason that is "fear of potential for abuse". That means, psychiatrists don't trust themselves to prescribe it but then if that's the case, why are they trusted with drugs that can kill you or more rapid / more intense drugs of dependancy (like Alprazolam [Xanax])?

Of course, the answer is obvious. There are 5 million methamphetamine addicts in Thailand (pop ~70 mil). They protect those 5 million from the Desoxyn regulated by the FDA and given to children (non-habit forming). But then that's the problem. It's non-habit forming. It's terrible business. Addicts are much better customers when they're addicted.

And the Drug Laws are the definition of Power. Do you understand that people 'caught' with xx grams or x kilograms of a drug have to face a court where it's their word v Police? Who is the judge going to 'believe'. It's all a rigg.

And now the DEA are interested in 'protecting' Europe from African trade routes, as I posted about the other day.

You need to understand how they took over Supply and how they keep their coercive monopoly. They're winners. They don't fuck around. Some snotty nosed cartels were giving their Sinaloa cartel hassles; in went the DEA to take care of business (literally) in Mexico.

First, a FOX News story - look at the date.


March 03, 2009

Two of Mexico's deadliest drug cartels have reached a combined force of 100,000 foot soldiers, wreaking havoc across the country and threatening U.S. border states, the U.S. Defense Department told The Washington Times.

The cartels rival the Mexican army in size and have both Mexico and the U.S. in crisis mode as they deal with what they fear is a coming insurgency along the border.
"It's moving to crisis proportions," an unidentified defense official told The Times. The official also said the cartels have reached a size where they are on par with Mexico's army of 130,000.

The two most dangerous cartels are the Sinaloa cartel, nicknamed the "Federation" or "Golden Triangle" by law enforcement agencies, and "Los Zetas" (the Gulf Cartel). They have been growing and are reportedly discussing a truce or merger to better withstand government forces, The Times reported.

The country's attorney general, Eduardo Medina Mora, called last week for more U.S. prosecutions of people who sell weapons illegally to the cartels, as well as more efforts to stop drug profits from flowing south.

So Sinaloa is the big threat apparently, along with Los Zetas. This is 2009 when the US Defense Department is getting worried and calling for 'action'.

Here is what they did with they got the go-ahead to take out these two big threats.


Why, you could almost wonder what they were doing down there; that is, if you don't want to read what they were doing down there.

Just quickly, the final paragraph in that article; I take it you know about Fast and Furious?


In total, U.S. officials allowed the sale of more than 2,000 guns to the Sinaloa cartel, worth $1.25million.

But the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives lost track of about 1,400 of the 2,000 guns. Some of those weapons have been recovered at crime scenes in Mexico.

And do you understand what executive privilege means?



President Barack Obama has asserted executive privilege in response to requests made by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, who has embarked on a controversial investigation into the Department of Justice's Operation Fast and Furious gun-running program.

The invocation of executive privilege allows the president to defy requests and subpoenas by members of the legislative and judicial branches for information the White House deems sensitive. Obama's decision will allow him to refuse to provide certain documents pertaining to the Fast and Furious program.

The gun-walking technique, which had roots in previous operations carried out by federal agents in Arizona during the administration of President George W. Bush, eventually led to a number of weapons being lost in the flow. Some of the guns were recovered at crime scenes on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border.

Again, look at the date.


January 29, 2012

Chapo—who acquired his nickname, which is Spanish for Shorty, because of his 5-foot-6 stature—is a 54-year-old fugitive who has made it to the Forbes billionaires’ list for three years running. He’s an antihero whose feats of criminality are as astonishing as they are brutal. Ten years after his escape from a Mexican prison, it’s widely believed by both Mexican and American law enforcement that he lives in Sinaloa, not far from where he was born. Each year, Guzmán has grown increasingly rich, and the cartel he runs has tightened its grip on the worldwide narcotics trade. A month ago the U.S. Treasury Department labeled him the “world’s most powerful drug trafficker.”

Guzmán’s broad strategy has been to knock off rivals and build his own cartel into the dominant criminal force south of the border. One of his tactics for achieving that has been to place his drug-dealing lieutenants as informants for the DEA and ICE.

According to sources and court records, he has been carefully feeding intelligence to the Americans. Now, Newsweek has learned, there is a federal investigation into how ICE agents handled some Sinaloa informants near the border.

The implications are sobering: the Sinoloa cartel “is duping U.S. agencies into fighting its enemies,” says Prof. Tony Payan of the University of Texas at El Paso, who studies the cartel wars in Juárez. “Typical counterintelligence stuff. It’s smart. It’s so smart.” [Seriously? I was smarter than the DEA when I was seven years old. The only other alternative is...]

Humberto Loya- Castro, a charming and erudite Mexican lawyer who served as Guzmán’s adviser, may have been his most intriguing agent. He became a key informant for the Drug Enforcement Administration during the last decade. A former DEA official describes Loya-Castro as “astute, witty. He was extremely charismatic.” His tips led to arrests, seizures, and headlines. Many of those law-enforcement victories, though, were also triumphs for the Sinaloa cartel.

Chapo Guzmán ran his Sinaloa operation from a Mexican prison. Being behind bars didn’t hamper the drug lord, who treated the jail as a private castle where prison guards scurried around like servants.

After Guzmán escaped from prison in 2001, Loya-Castro continued to feed U.S. agents information. In 2005 he made it formal, signing paperwork that made him an official confidential informant for the DEA. Because he was a fugitive from justice, facing an outstanding warrant, a special DEA committee had to sign off on the whole operation.

He was a productive spy, handing over what seemed like ever more vital information, mostly about the Sinaloa cartel’s enemies. The DEA agent assigned to handle him was a relatively new investigator named Manuel Castanon. He had spent five years working for the Border Patrol, then joined the DEA in 1999. He was assigned to a special task force based out of San Diego—a unit that wasn’t focused on the Sinaloa cartel.

The Tijuana cartel was small, but it was important because it controlled the vital smuggling routes through Baja California and San Diego. Both the DEA and Chapo Guzmán had an interest in its demise.

The intention was almost surely to focus the DEA on Guzmán’s rivals. It apparently worked: the Tijuana cartel has been mostly dismantled, and Chapo Guzmán has taken over lucrative territory.

All along, Loya-Castro apparently insisted to his handlers that he had Guzmán wrapped around his finger. Guzmán, he said, was gulled into thinking that Loya-Castro was loyal to him. “His point to us,” says David Gaddis, a former top DEA official who oversaw operations in Mexico, Central America, and Canada, “was that ‘because of my position, Chapo has absolute, unfettered confidence in who I am and what I’m doing.’”

“I do think he was telling Chapo, ‘Hey, I’m meeting these guys,’” Gaddis tells Newsweek, “and Chapo allowed him to do it.”

Loya-Castro’s material was so rich—so helpful in various cases—that in 2008 the U.S. attorney’s office in San Diego had the indictment against him thrown out. And the intelligence kept coming. In December 2009, in an operation trumpeted around the world, Mexican Marines encircled and killed Arturo Beltrán Leyva, a leading drug lord who had splintered away from the Sinaloa group. In Chapo territory in Nogales, Sonora, residents fired pistols in the air to celebrate, according to Malcolm Beith’s book on Guzmán, The Last Narco.

It’s been reported that the Americans provided intelligence that led to Beltrán’s death. They even coordinated the signal intercepts that allowed the Mexican Marines to move in, according to a source who was involved. A source close to the cartel leadership says intelligence for the operation also came from Loya-Castro. In essence, it seems he had helped the Americans put a feather in their cap, while killing off one of his master’s worst enemies.

By this time, some people in DEA management were beginning to ask questions. The top target for the DEA was supposed to be Chapo Guzmán, and Loya-Castro wasn’t doing anything at all on that front.

COLOR="red"]Loya-Castro did occasionally provide intelligence about the Sinaloa cartel, but not about its top rungs. And at least one internal DEA exchange cited in court documents indicates he was chiefly providing intelligence about the Sinaloa’s opposition.[/COLOR]

Chapo Guzmán made his move to wrest control of Ciudad Juárez from the local cartel roughly six years ago, and he did so with help. He eventually hired local police captain Manuel Fierro Méndez, who has since been sentenced to 27 years in a U.S. prison.

Fierro Méndez was also one of the informants Guzmán planted in U.S. law enforcement. We know this because Fierro Méndez would later testify in U.S. federal court, as a prosecution witness, that he was sent by the cartel to the ICE office in El Paso to give up specific intelligence about the men Guzmán was trying to eliminate.

“You were on a mission from Chapo to come provide information, correct?” he was asked in court in 2010. “Yes,” he replied. Fierro Méndez said he was like a “spokesperson,” passing information to ICE from Chapo, “information we would, obviously, get from the levels high up.”

“Was the Sinaloa cartel trying to use ICE to eliminate its rivals in La Linea?” a prosecutor asked. “That’s right,” Fierro Méndez replied. “And was Chapo Guzmán aware?” came the question. “That’s right,” said the former police officer.

He made it plain that that the cartel strictly forbade him to give up anything about the Sinaloa cartel, however. “Were you allowed to give information about Chapo?” “It wasn’t allowed,” the dirty cop said, “and it wasn’t asked of me.” In other words, he testified, the ICE agents he spoke to never required him to provide intelligence about the boss of his own criminal organization.

The University of Texas’s Payan says, “They are using you, and in the end that particular cartel is going to come out of it strong. The Sinaloa cartel is not only virtually untouched but it is magnified ... They don’t have any Mexican competition. At home, they are king.”

In all, at least five important figures in the Sinaloa car-tel traipsed into the ICE offices in El Paso to relay infor-mation about the Juárez cartel. And now, as Payan says, “the Juárez cartel is practically down to ashes, and to a large extent it was done with intelligence passed on by the Sinaloa cartel.”

In a case ongoing in federal court in Chicago, lawyers for a top Sinaloa-cartel figure maintain that the DEA’s relationship with Guzmán’s lawyer was a virtual conspiracy to allow the Sinaloa cartel free rein. Arguing in front of the judge, one lawyer insisted that “this fellow Loya is not a normal informant. He’s an agent. He’s an agent for the Sinaloa cartel.”

Reached by phone, DEA agent Castanon declined to discuss the Loya-Castro case. DEA headquarters also said it could not comment. David Gaddis, the DEA official who oversaw Mexico operations, doesn’t dispute that the Sinaloa cartel may have been playing the DEA, but he says there was never any deal to cooperate: “I will categorically deny that at any point DEA was protecting the behavior of Chapo Guzmán.”

Though unfathomable violence still flares up in much of Mexico, Ciudad Juárez is somewhat calm. So did a brutal Sinaloa victory over its rivals—achieved, it seems, with the unwitting help of U.S. agents—bring about a lull in the violence in this terrorized border town? If so, few believe it will last.

Do you think the DEA are that stupid? If they are that stupid, why do they have guns?


America's Third War: The U.S. Cut a Deal With the Sinaloa Cartel, Say Court Documents
Published August 05, 2011

U.S. federal agents allegedly cut a deal with the Sinaloa drug cartel that allowed it to traffic tons of narcotics across the border, in exchange for information about rival cartels, according to documents filed in federal court.

Click here to view the Sinaloa Cartel case document. (http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/08/05/sinaloa-cartel-case/)

The allegations are made by Vicente Zambada-Niebla, a top ranking cartel boss extradited to the U.S. last year on drug charges. He is a close associate of Mexico's most wanted man, Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman and the son of Ismael "Mayo" Zambada-Garcia.

Both remain fugitives, in part, because of the deal Zambada- Niebla made with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, according to a defense motion filed last Friday in the case.

The deal allegedly began with Humberto Loya-Castro, a Sinaloa cartel lawyer who became an informant for the D.E.A. after a drug case against him was dismissed in 2008.

According to the motion, the deal was part of a 'divide and conquer' strategy, where the U.S. helped finance and arm the Sinaloa cartel, through Operation Fast and Furious, in exchange for information that allowed the D.E.A. and FBI to destroy and dismantle rival Mexican cartels.

"Under that agreement, the Sinaloa Cartel, through Loya, was to provide information accumulated by Mayo, Chapo, and others, against rival Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations to the United States government. In return, the United States government agreed to dismiss the prosecution of the pending case against Loya, not to interfere with his drug trafficking activities and those of the Sinaloa Cartel, to not actively prosecute him, Chapo, Mayo, and the leadership of the Sinaloa Cartel, and to not apprehend them.”

Zambada- Niebla was arrested in Mexico City in March 2009 and extradited to the U.S. in February to stand trial on narco-trafficking-related charges. Zambada-Niebla is now being held in solitary confinement in a Chicago jail cell.

The motion claims Mayo, Chapo and Zambada- Niebla routinely passed information through Loya to the D.E.A. that allowed it to make drug busts. In return, the U.S. helped the leaders evade Mexican police.

It says: "In addition, the defense has evidence that from time to time, the leadership of the Sinaloa Cartel was informed by agents of the DEA through Loya that United States government agents and/or Mexican authorities were conducting investigations near the home territories of cartel leaders so that the cartel leaders could take appropriate actions to evade investigators- even though the United States government had indictments, extradition requests, and rewards for the apprehension of Mayo, Chapo, and other alleged leaders, as well as Mr. Zambada-Niebla.”

In response in court, the U.S. doesn't dispute that Zambada-Niebla may have acted as an informant - only that he did not act with D.E.A. consent.

The D.E.A. and the federal prosecutors in Chicago had no comment.

Former D.E.A. director Karen Tandy told Fox News "I do not have any knowledge of this and it doesn't sound right from my experience.”

Doesn't sound right.

FTW:Considering that during the 1980s, under the pretext of fighting a Sandinista regime in Nicaragua that never once launched an attack on the U.S., these same people oversaw an explosion in U.S. cocaine consumption that went from 80 metric tons in 1979 to 600 metric tons in 1989...
Considering that the CIA trained and equipped death squads that tortured and murdered hundreds of thousands of people from Guatemala to Panama...
Considering that these same people have brutalized Iraq, leaving portions of it radioactively contaminated by depleted uranium for the next 4 billion years and causing a fivefold increase in the number of childhood leukemia cases amidst a starving population...
One can only wonder what they will produce for the world now given the context of the World Trade Center attacks.


My predictions: Some water is going to get ruined or destroyed. It will not be the Bush family's recently-acquired land in Colombia.

You understand how economics works? Supply v Demand. 2025? Hah. That guy didn't understand how Supply v Demand works. He was working on the assumption the Supply could be protected from the US military industrial complex. Nothing can be protected from the CIA.

The Bush family is going to control the world within a few years. It's going to be a...thirsty world.

07-28-2012, 01:27 AM
Guys like us, I would like to think, are either 1) smart enough that we can understand the grand picture and avoid cognitive dissonance or 2) have brains wired specifically to seek out the truth and the dissonance does not disturb us because we find more comfort in knowing the absolute truth no matter how ugly. Maybe these are both the same thing. I don't know, I just realize there is no changing it.

I can only speak with any certainty for myself, but I'm no different to the imbeciles. I would assert / argue you would be the same.

I wanted to believe in "the system" more than any child in the world. The difference between us and a patriot who dies for a flag in a slave war is that something, at some point, happened which caused us to question our conditioned 'instincts'. I joined the military and I was embarrassingly brave and courageous. I would have happily died for Queen, Ideology and Country fighting the "Red / Yellow Peril" if and when they attacked.


But something happened which made absolutely no sense. A terrorist act I had no reason to believe was not the work of Islamic jihadists but something about it didn't add up. My logic was fighting my emotions, and just like every retard, 'my' emotions won on the day. It took me almost a decade to realise the emotions I felt were not mine. They'd been root-kitted into me. It's called conditioning. That was a crazy day. A mad grab for power and the entire world went insane.

Amazingly, I remember the date. It was 11/09/01 or, if you're American, it was 09/11/01. September 9, 2001. No idea why I remember such an innocuous and unimportant date. I'm not being trite. I have no motive to offend anyone who isn't offensive but 3000 people died that day. So?

I'm serious, why should I care?

You're offended? That's pretty offensive. How dare you take the moral high ground and assert that 3000 innocent victims of their own gullibility are more important than the 21,000 human children who die every single day (http://www.globalissues.org/article/715/today-21000-children-died-around-the-world). If you want to assert that the tragic victims of their own failure to understand how a Protection Racket works are more important than the 21,000 human children that are dying every single day, then you're not only insane. You're inhumane.

The victims of 9/11 were murdered. We killed them.

You (and I) and everyone who was made to fear have blood on our hands. They were killed to make us afraid. We murdered those innocent humans with our fear. We didn't listen to FDR who warned us about about the only thing we had to fear; fear, itself. We didn't listen to Eisenhower warn us about the danger of permitting the rise of the Military Industrial Complex. Our ignorance and our apathy and our fear killed the victims of the 9/11 Terrorist attack, but it's curious that you don't get 7 x as emotional every day about the human children dying. Every. Single. Day. So, with all due respect, fuck 9/11. It's in the past. What about the 4000 days since? What about today? 21,000 human children will die today. Another 21,000 tomorrow. Come on! If you didn't lose a family member or a close friend during 9/11, your mourning of it is an outrageous insult to the 100,000,000 children that have died since then.

How dare you! Are you even human?

I like Americans but I am a potential Traitor to every government on this planet because my loyalty is to my Species; I do not kill humans who have done nothing to warrant killing. I don't kill humans that warrant killing, but I'm working on that problem I have with being humane.

All governments are Traitors to Humanity and Guilty of Treason. They are the reason why humans kill humans.

I care about Thais a lot more than I care about the vassals in the nations which assert that they own me. No Protection Racket owns me. I am a citizen of Humanity. There are 'sovereign' nation-states that have the nerve to claim me as their citizen but they've never done anything for me. They just exploit and lie and, in Australia, they just play populist tricks of distraction whilst their buddies cart off the last of the finite resources that made Australians buy into the moronic "lucky country" propaganda. They're not lucky. They're just not as unlucky as most.

How dare countries claim ownership of humans? Borders and immigration creep the shit out of me; and they should creep you out as well. I should not require their permission to travel around the world and meet other humans. I care about Thais more than any other exploited peoples but that does not mean the elitist and borderline racist Thai culture is superior to every or any other elitist and racist culture. Other cultures are merely inferior. If that seems counter-intuitive, your intuition has been corrupted. Culture is a control mechanism. No culture is superior to another culture; cultures are measured by degrees of inferiority.

The (secular) American culture is probably the next 'best' (least worst) and I have a lot of time for Americans. But isn't it strange that Islamic jihadists chose a date so intrinsically American (911)? Logic dictates they would choose a date that has relevance to them. But nothing about the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks made a lick of sense and deep down, you know it as well.

But just like most retards, I was a retard on the day.

Emotion beat logic on the day. But emotion took some hits. Some damage was done, both the good kind and the bad kind. I was afraid but then the seeds of doubt had been sown. It's telling that Religion has managed to spin Doubt as a negative trait. I cannot imagine what motive they have to spin Trust and Unconditional Love as Unquestioning Loyalty as positive.

You need to stop falling for one of the oldest Tricks in the book. Evil vs Evil, telling you that "the other guy" is bad so they must be good. CNN v FOX. GOP v Dem. USA v USSR. Labor v Liberal. Conservative v Socialist. Christian v Muslim. Microsoft v Apple. INTEL v AMD. It's all bullshit. This is not a black and white world but some things are, like motive. Wake up, you fools.

Mac v Android. Hah.


Apple is one of the creepiest companies on the planet. You should see the reaction to when I took my almost brand-new MBA in for repairs. It lasted one (1) day before it crashed with the equivalent of a Windows BSOD. "Call Applecare", it said. So because of that, and because I paid $400 extra for Applecare to care, I called Applecare.

They didn't care.

They set me up to make poor Thai iService shops miserable but then I have no motive to cause suffering, I was just trying to get my brand new system operational but they would shut down in ways I was considering filming (but I'm pretty sure it's illegal in Thailand). Of course, they have cameras filming everything but when I asked for the tapes, they would lose their minds. Long story short, I stopped calling AppleCare to set me up (it's not the local Apple stores' fault, but they could have had a bit more decency than automatically assuming I was their enemy when I was softly spoken, polite, exhausted and kinda broken).

But when I showed them what I believed was causing Lion to crash, their reaction was a little insulting. I showed them things like this; you tell me why I'm being unreasonable or - better yet - send me pictures of your Mac's firmware with similar Unknowns. The entire selling point of Apple's creepy Secretive is to protect from stuff like this, is it not? I thought Apple were all about Controlled Protection?


I didn't know if this Unknown nonsense in my firmware was causing Lion to crash but these brilliant Thai geniuses (and Singaporean geniuses) would suddenly become the most computer illiterate people alive. Suddenly, they didn't know what firmware was. They kept offering to reinstall Lion (I could do that myself but if the firmware is corrupted, what's the point?) Are these unreasonable questions?

I told one guy that I didn't think there should be any Unknowns in my firmware. If Apple didn't know what it was, I didn't want it in there. Seems like simple logic to me. Applecare had sent me to his specific store, as it happened, with the instructions to get him to flash the firmware (which I've done hundreds of times on INTEL systems; which Macs are as well but coercive monopolies are a distraction - Apple simply do not permit Mac owners to flash the firmware). I have a feeling I know their motive. I told him what Applecare told me to tell him, "Please flash my firmware."

He was unsure. He didn't want to void my warranty. I laughed. This is a brand new MBA in a iService store. I told him I'd sign a waiver. He didn't think it was a good idea.

So I waited for three hours patiently, as they got in touch with and spoke privately with Apple in the US, after which the guy came out and said, "No."

I said, "Sorry?"

He said, "No. Can't do it."

And then he asked me to leave. Stunned, I ask him for something in writing to state that I was there for three hours but that he was unable to flash my firmware. He called Security.

Apple are a creepy company.

Wanna see what Android is like?


At 1.57 it calls my friend for 40 seconds. I didn't even notice. She just heard me breathing into my phone. It sends SMS messages of gibberish to my friends which, if I'm not watching it, I'm not going to know about. I don't know about you, but that's not the kind of behaviour I want to be 'known' for doing. So I took this phone into HTC Service where I saw signs like this about 5 feet high:



I showed them my possessed phone, they had it a few months, gave it back. Nothing changed.

I guess they didn't really understand me.

gay sex
07-28-2012, 01:31 AM
mine will flip out like that when its super hot sometimes and the touch screen will go nuts i just press the screen off button and wait like 3 seconds and it fixes it

gay sex
07-28-2012, 01:32 AM
also ur phone probably hates you

07-28-2012, 01:38 AM
Orwell & Fitzgerald understood what I'm trying to get you to understand, but I don't think either had any answers. Neither did I, until late Oct 2010 when I saw what I perceived to be Reality change drastically into another 'reality' in seconds (the crash from the high of Love to the low of Betrayal).

The dominoes started falling. They've been falling ever since. But the seeds of doubt were sown on 9/11. It just took me almost a decade to finally accept the Truth I had seen (or I should say, heard).

It sounded like dull thuds. Irregular but consistent. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.

I turned to someone and asked what that sound was. My brain couldn't process it. I was too horrified to think. I was feeling. Emotion makes you stupid. Fact.

That's your clue to why they've printed 4 to 8 billion copies of the most emotional book ever written.

No one answered my question for a minute or so before an Arab cadet answered. I forget which Middle Eastern 'sovereign' nation-state he was attending ADFA from on one of the many diplomatic 'exchanges' (of the sort that only goes one way).

On a tangent, I could literally kill myself in fury (if I was emotionally-inclined) for my stupidity in not reaching out to the 3 or 4 Thai cadets. I wasn't bright enough, but I thought I was crafty. I valued humans like a sociopath. The Thais mostly kept to themselves but only because we didn't make an effort to include them. I remember one, in particular, was dying to be included. He was a bit like Mike but at the other end of the Scale. He was so desperate to please; but he was never valued by anyone except during PT; where his sheer determination and willpower earned him a (begrudging) respect. Not because we wanted to respect him, but because you would have to be insane to deny his determination. He was one of the fittest athletes I've ever seen. I had no idea he was doing it for me. And for everyone. He was suffering pain only athletes can understand; pain so excruciating and dangerous the human body responds in a very peculiar way.

Our capacity to endure pain without going insane is only limited. Lose a limb on a battlefield and you'll go into shock. Do the same thing on a treadmill and you'll be flooded with endorphins. It's a feeling of euphoria as intense as any drug (pain killer) I've ever tried (and I've tried them all because I suffer from what only humans can understand; it's called empathy). They call my Heroism a crime. They write laws to ensure Suffering. Euthanasia is illegal? Interesting.


Stress and pain are the two most common factors leading to the release of endorphins. Endorphins interact with the opiate receptors in the brain to reduce our perception of pain and act similarly to drugs such as morphine and codeine. In contrast to the opiate drugs, however, activation of the opiate receptors by the body's endorphins does not lead to addiction or dependence.

This is a bold-faced, brazen lie. I was miserable because I was human and my friends were miserable. I went to the gym because my friends said I was fat. I wasn't, hah. But I was lazy. I don't like unnecessary pain. When I believe it is necessary, I suffer at Olympic levels of capacity. Believing my friends (what reason would they have to lie to me?), I endured two weeks of unthinkable aerobic torture when I felt the rush I hadn't felt in many years; a rush I'd forgotten about in the hectic first year of ADFA following the 10-week brutal Induction period. It took one "hit", and I was hooked. I became a junkie. I'm human, therefore I'm addicted to pain relief.

If you're not addicted to pain relief, you are not human. Period. Anyone who asserts otherwise needs to be silenced.

Our suffering brings us closer to God. This is fact.

But who is God?

The Answer: Whomever imagines in their mind that they are a god by virtue of their 'capacity' to be handicapped. They have no empathy. They're handicapped sociopaths, they aren't God. They're humans,interrupted.



I was so addicted to 'running', it almost killed me (and a soccer Mom and her son). I was racing to get home in time before my gym closed. I was probably doing 140kph when I went through a Stop sign and the Soccer Mom's instincts saved three lives, I imagine (she was speeding as well, probably to get home to other kids or to something important - we're all Very Important People in our imaginations).

I'll tell that story later.

I wasn't bright enough to be a sociopath (no one is, of course). I didn't realise how the Thai system worked (or the Australian system, for that matter - the two are more alike than anyone would like to believe). The Thai military is pure patronage. I could probably find out their names but I have the vaguest of ideas I know the answers already.

They could literally be generals by now. They would have been the sons of some of the most powerful families in the country (some other sons would go to the British military academies but Australia's would be the plum). But I only make the point because I perceived them as having no value. I'm not a hippie. I'm not even a good person.

I'm so much better than good. I'm Selfish. I do optimality better than 99.999% of our species; and because of this, I value ~7,300,000,000 humans now (a slight increase on the number I used to value, ~1). All of this rhetoric is pure, cold logic. There isn't a charitable bone in my body. I'm ruthless, in fact. If I was in the position to do so, I would unemotionally give the order to have 10 million screamers of imagined pain and religious liars silenced to protect a single human newborn. I'm not quite a cold-blooded killer yet, but that is the goal. I'm not quite sane yet, but I'm striving to be. When I reattain the ferocious capacity to slaughter intelligently, as befits an animal species atop the most important chain on the planet, I will be once again be worthy of calling myself a "human".

Our humanity has been bred out of us. We have lost the capacity to act in our own (and in the suffering screamers') best interests. It's inhumane to allow religion to scream lies, in their pain. They need to be put out of their misery. It's the only decent thing to do.

Humans have lost the capacity to be humane.

This is what Saving Face (my terribly-written story about Mai, a child prostitute) was all about. Intelligent Selfishness. I saved her face for Humanity because people are imbeciles who cannot act in their own best interests. She was 14 with a face so pretty, within mere years she would have the world at her feet. Men would die for her. Men would kill each other, fighting over her. But 99% of men are not pedophiles or into having sex with "women children". She was 14 and so pretty, she'd turn heads. She turned mine. But when guys would see she was a child, they'd kick along. Only the victims of the Abrahamic religions' fucking of children fuck children. I was about to kick along, as well. She had no value to me.

It was not charity but rather pure, unadulterated Selfishness that made me reach out my arm and take a risk saving her. I was disgusted by the depravity of the leeches who were exploiting her. Bangkok's 'sisters' are terrifying humans who have no reason to live but they don't have the decency to die; so they prey on pretty faces like Mai. It's all a Protection Racket. She had no value to me but she had value. I saved her pretty face for Humanity. But of course, Christian Compassion / Emotional Rage / Narcissistic Sociopathic Insanity urinated into the otherwise decent stew.

Just horror shows screaming their pain into the world of beauty; much like the terrorists who terrorised the city of New York on 9/11.

At the time, I was in Campbell, Canberra attending ADFA. I was 16,000 miles away. I don't know who flew the planes into the towers but I know who the terrorists were because I was 16,000 miles from Ground Zero and I heard the thuds.

Thud.Thud.Thud. Thud.

The reserved Arab 'exchange' student (a Pilot, no less) was as horrified as everyone was. But he was the only one who wasn't in denial so he was able to answer the question I genuinely couldn't answer for myself. He whispered in horror, "They're jumping."

And I said "Who?"

Emotion literally prevents you from thinking. I was genuinely confused. He was silent so I asked again, in earnest. "Who is jumping?"

And he looked me straight in the eye and said, "Humans."

And my world went white (for a few moments). Then dark, for almost a decade. The dominoes of horror had started to fall but I intercepted them. And lived in denial (insanity, misery and pain) for a decade.

I don't know who terrorised New York City. But I know who terrorised the World. Logic dictates their motives for doing do were perceived by them to be shared.

I heard the thuds and I understood the implications but I intercepted the horror. I created my own reality just like the Three Christs in the story Rum Dick posted. I thought I had to do this, to cope.

I was 16,000 miles from where bodies were almost silently hitting the ground, as humans were forced to choose between Untenable and Untenable options. They chose brilliantly. They chose to die, as heroes. It's heroic to do anything to avoid net Suffering. They died painlessly. They made the right choice, and that was being exploited by Terrorists who were terrorising the World.

We were watching CNN and BBC. But it doesn't matter who brought the terror to you; it's important to be informed. What matters is how they inform you and what they choose to exclude.

CNN are Terrorists. They bring you ludicrously emotional distortions of selected events. They do not bring you the News.

I was too terrified of the implications of having the curtain drawn back on the horror, that I defaulted into denial (insanity). Within a few weeks, I fell in love for the first time in my life. I'd be going out with my g/f for months. 9/11 turns the world insane but then it wasn't the guys who flew the planes into the buildings. It was the Terrorists who work non-stop to make anyone who Trusts them, insane.

I can tell you this for a fact with a certainty I'm willing to die for. The media are the Terrorists. I was 16,000 miles away and I heard the thuds of bodies hitting the New York City's pavement. CNN had helicopters with microphones that pick up sounds to amplify the thuds of human heroes hitting the ground after jumping to avoid needless suffering.

Humanity's incapacity to accurately identify motive is a very big problem for us. Humans have no reason to be terrified of Humanity.

Anyone telling you otherwise needs to be silenced for Disturbing the Peace.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ab/'Destroy_this_mad_brute'_WWI_propaganda_poster_(US _version).jpg

07-28-2012, 01:44 AM
mine will flip out like that when its super hot sometimes and the touch screen will go nuts i just press the screen off button and wait like 3 seconds and it fixes it

Your phone calls people and sends text messages whilst you're sleeping or across the other side of the room?

Film it or hush it.

gay sex
07-28-2012, 02:03 AM
listen chink i didnt watch ur whole video i saw it just random switching screens my htc will do that

07-28-2012, 02:10 AM

07-28-2012, 02:30 AM
I think it's important to think about why 5-seater cars have one airbag. Do you think it's the same reason why there aren't any seat-belts in a 44-seat bus? Of course it is. It's the same reason why your van can be certified as Roadworthy when not all seats have seat-belts and when it's structurally-designed to be a deathtrap on impact with an SUV. Or a hatchback.


Lucky girl. She reminded me, when I was not much older and in an 'identical' situation. Of course, 1.5 million Australians weren't screaming for my death like 1.5 million Thais screamed for her death, after seeing this picture. The cops didn't want anything to do with me. I was ordered to stop wasting their time when I turned myself in, wallowing in existential misery and grief. They didn't want the paperwork. The car I sent off the road and into a ravine had no casualties. The van this girl sent off the road...

Pratya's uncle and guardian Chaipat Jantrasuriyarat, 50, said that his nephew had asked for permission to return home late on the fateful day because he needed tutoring for his exam on Friday."

Chaipat revealed that at the time of the accident, Pratya was talking to his girlfriend on the phone because she heard him yell in pain before the line went dead. They later learned about the fatal accident.

Chaipat said he wanted passenger vans and taxis to have safety belts for all seats because only those who were flung out of the vehicle from the impact died.

11 passengers. 8 dead. 1,500,000 Thais screamed for blood upon seeing this picture. I understand why, but I didn't understand at the time because no one was interested in telling me, they just wanted to scream and they believed they were justified but no one in this world understands why opinions should not be asserted without justification. It's just how they feel.

I thought I understood the reason but it was not the true reason. I thought it was because of her last name. That was only part of the reason. The real reason was because she had been texting on Facebook, seeming to be almost 'bragging' about how many people she'd killed. She was clearly in shock, and posting in the way you'd post on your Facebook if you fucked up something badly.

"Emotional Toddler A has changed their Relationship Status from Married to Single."

Emotional Toddler B: "Shit mate. Sorry to hear that."

Emotional Toddler A: "Nah it's all good. It's a relief, actually. Got rid of the old ball 'n chain. Looking forward to being a free man again."

That's a lie. It's a "coping mechanism". It's called "positive thinking" (when thinking accurately is too painful).

The 'privileged' girl in the pic above had no motive to kill those people. If she wanted to kill people, she could kill a great many people. Her family is literally one of the most powerful and influential families in the country. No one understands motive so they cannot understand a damn thing.

4 Malaysian’s killed in Chonburi to Bangkok Motorway crash.
Monday 20th November 2006

A terrible accident now from the Chonburi to Bangkok Motorway which claimed the lives of four Malaysian Tourists. The crash occurred on Sunday afternoon and involved a Coach and a Petrol Tanker.

The coach which stopped between the 62nd and 63rd Kilometer markers, experienced a mechanical problem and some of the passengers disembarked and remained on the side of the road. Suddenly a Petrol Tanker approaching at speed ploughed into the rear of the coach as the Malaysian Tourists standing on the side of the road looked on in horror.

The coach slammed into a fence on the side of the road and four of the passengers all of Malaysian Origin were killed. The driver of the tanker decided not to remain at the scene. Highway Police attended the crash site and have full details of the tanker driver who is now being sought by Police.

The Malaysian Embassy in Bangkok has been informed of the crash and they are conducting their own investigation.

There is only two motives for the Malaysian Embassy would do that. One is that they don't trust the Police. The other is that they couldn't care less but wish to give the perception to Malaysians that they're looking out for Malaysian interests.

There were Malaysian tourists watching in horror. The passengers were dead. Why did they not prevent the driver from leaving the scene? Not enough information has been provided. Either the reporter is incompetent or the reporter is lying. There is no third option.

Nine killed, 65 injured in Thai highway accident
Apr 4, 2011

Bangkok - A 10-wheel truck smashed into a bus for factory workers near Bangkok Monday, killing seven and injuring 65, police said.

Two more people were killed when a pickup truck that had stopped to get a better look at the accident was hit from behind by a speeding vehicle.

'This is a good warning against stopping to look at accidents,' Samut Sakorn Police Lieutenant Colonel Chaiyaphat Charoenwai told Thai TV.

The driver fled the scene, police said.

Their motive for stopping was to get a better look? How can that be asserted when they are dead? Could not their motive for stopping be something more humane?

"Pity the guy responsible for the deaths escaped. Here's hoping the Police bring the responsible parties to justice! He should pay for killing those people! Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. It's only fair!"

It would seem that way, if you're emotionally insane and unable to add 2 + 2 together and come up with 4 (four) instances of insanity. Two wrongs do not make a right and writing legislation to prohibit accidents of ignorance / stupidity / confusion is a Crime Against Humanity. The entire judicial system is a Crime Against Humanity. The Abrahamic Holy Books that invented these insane constructs like justice (which is another word for revenge) are a Crime Against Humanity.

revenge (verb): Hurting yourself in order to hurt someone who hurt you in the past but has no motive or capacity to hurt you again. Not to be confused with protect.

protect (verb): Preventing someone who has the capacity and intent to hurt you.

The best defence is offence. We must offend the offended. We must traumatise the traumatised. We must inoculate humanity against the Abrahamic religious constructs that have corrupted the entire world. We must go on the attack against those who are confused about their best interests. We must show them why they'd be better off educating us instead of killing us for profit. We must make the logical case to them so that they value humans instead of valuing the worthless illusions of money, power, prestige, status, respect and all the other Abrahamic religious emotional constructs.

I have value. You have value. Every human will have as much value as Humanity is intelligent enough to invest in them. Humans can bring happiness or pain. It is Selfish to ensure they are more likely to bring us happiness than pain. It is Selfish to humanely and decently silence those who insist on dividing humans against humans, exploiting women, exploiting children, exploiting immigrant workers, exploiting ourselves.

Every religious advocate must be given the opportunity to redact the hatred and anti-human evil in their Holy Books. it's not sufficient to say "I don't believe in that part." Either you redact the evil or you must be humanely placed out of your misery so that you stop screaming your insanity and validating hatred of other humans. Humanity is interconnected. We rise or fall together and World, we have fallen pretty low.

No species on the planet is as inhumane as ours.

Police used the opportunity to warn humans not to be humane. Why would you let them insult you like that? They can't tell me not to help a human in trouble. Why would you allow them to trick you or frighten you into being inhumane? You know what happens when you allow yourself to be confused by the Law? Afraid of litigation (the Chinese judicial system recently awarded damages to a sociopath who took legal action against a human for being humane, penalising the human and rewarding the sociopath), 18 humans,interrupted by fear and confused (the evidence of which is obvious when some pause to help only to "think better" of helping), they just pass by a toddler wriggling in pain and haemorrhaging blood until a human who doesn't give a fuck about what the Law says, acted in her own best interests without hesitation.

I'm not going to insult Humanity and Decency by patronising you. I'm not going to do what YouTube has done and 'protect' children from the reality that is only as traumatic as traumatised imbeciles manufacture when they prepare their children for Reality by prepping them with Disney Fantasy. They are responsible for the horror. If you believe the world is Disney, you're going to go insane in this world of horror and you will create the horror that is our surreal and insane reality. It's always been too real, to put it bluntly. Way too real to be a sane Reality.

I'm inadvertently warning you but then that is not my intention. You need to snap out of your trauma and stop infecting your children with your fears. You are afraid of Reality? Don't have children. What is wrong with parents who have children whilst living in Fantasy because Reality is too traumatising for them to cope with? I know what's wrong with them; they live in Fantasy. They're insane.

I'm sick of parents transferring their emotional degradation onto their children; infecting their children with their racial hatred, their anti-Semitism, their fears and their insanity and their stupidity. If you have an aversion to Reality, you are the reason this world is horrifying. If you are traumatised by this video, you are as confused as the people who didn't know what to do so they horrified the entire world. Your emotional aversion what you perceive to be traumatic is the evidence of your insanity. Insanity creates the confusion which presents in horrifying ways. The Chinese are not inhumane. They're just confused. 5 million comments on Twitter to this video, misery from humans who suffered like any human would suffer from watching another human (of any 'nationality' or 'culture') suffer in pain.

Watch this video and you will suffer because you are a human and you need to understand what your DNA is screaming at you.

We are an interconnected species. We have empathy because we suffer when humans suffer; it's supposed to unite us a species. We are One Race. One Humanity. United we could stand; but divided as we are, we will always be slaves.


These are humans who have been confused into being inhumane. You know how this was achieved?

Following the incident:
- Yue Yue was in a coma for 2 days, but died. [Where were her parents who were responsible? If you're the sort to look for scapegoats, why not witch-hunt those who are responsible? Of course they have no motive to kill their Toddler, but no human ever has motive to kill humans. They're just confused. Incompetence caused the accident, fear caused her death.]
- Two drivers arrested for running her over claim not to have seen Yue Yue. [They're telling the Truth. What motive do they have to kill a toddler? They fled the scene in panic, in shock and horror at what they accidentally did. Their fear prevented them from potentially saving the child's life. You cannot think when you're emotional. All you can do is feel. That's the proof they are humans,interrupted by fear. Where is the sense in punishing them? What motive could they have had to accidentally kill a toddler who was wandering on a high traffic road because her parents were incapable of being parental.]
- Over 5 million comments on Chinese Twitter (Sina Weibo): "please end cold heartedness" [They're humans who are confused. The Twitter should have said "please end confusion about our best interests"]
- Authorities gave a reward to the rubbish collector who helped Yue Yue

The Law rewarded a human for acting in her own best interests; she was rewarded for being humane. This is evil so vile I do not have the words... This is how they shift the goalposts to make humans insane and fail to act in their own (and Humanity's) best interests. They reward you for acting in your own best interests. They recently penalised humans for doing the same thing. That's how they make you insane. When you're insane, you're unable to think intelligently. You cannot control your actions. You become controllable.

it's all about Power (an illusionary emotion felt by those who mistake it for fun).

8 killed in van crash; driver goes on the run
Supachai Phetchthewee
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Highways Police Division chief Pol Maj-General Noraboon Naenna vowed to enforce strictly the laws limiting transport vans' speed to 120km/h, after a van transporting foreign labourers crashed into the rear of a parked six-wheel truck yesterday morning, killing eight people and injuring five others.

The impact killed two Thais and six Cambodians. Two injured Burmese women and three Cambodian women were taken to Piyamin Hospital.

Police suspected the driver, who fled the accident scene, dozed off behind the wheel and lost control of the van, causing it to crash into the truck, which was parked on the roadside.

He said speeding and overloading made it very difficult for drivers to control the vans. Police would strictly enforce the laws, including limiting transport vans to 120km/h on highways, Noraboon said.

Highway Police 8 superintendent Pol Colonel Thanawat Wattanaku said the accident followed a crash on January 6 in which a Bangkok-Chachoengsao transport van crashed into a stationary 18-wheel trailer, killing six passengers, on the Bangkok motorway.

Pointing out that the January 6 accident resulted from the driver dozing off, he said the latest accident might have occurred for the same reason.

Police will bring the driver to justice soon, he said.

Thanawat aims to call in van operators and drivers to talk about safe highway driving. He said a law should be drafted making van operators or companies liable for negligence when drivers cause accidents, because passengers put their lives in drivers' hands.

I could post as many stories like this as you need to get you to understand that Thais are the most brilliant of all exploited races. I have very few skills and I'm not nearly as bright as I used to think; all I'm really any good at is logic and pattern detection. I spot patterns, instinctively. The drivers of these accidents always seem to miraculously survive, only to flee the scene.

Who says? Those who uphold the Law claim this. They also claim more laws are needed. They need more Power. But don't worry, whilst they wait for more Laws and more Power, they'll bring the villain responsible for the killings, to justice.

Do they ever? I wouldn't honestly know. I have been given no reason to believe and every reason not to believe the drivers miraculously survive these crashes that kill so many. And miraculously without injury that prevents them running away. It doesn't make sense.

A speed-limited vehicle would have the same performance as an unlimited vehicle up to the preset speed. However, the engine power would drop off above that speed. A consequence is that the driver would no longer take the risk of trying to overtake at grossly excessive speeds (Plowden & Hillman, 1984 - Plowden also discusses alternatives to an instant drop off in power. For example TNO in the Netherlands is currently evaluating an actuator which increases the accelerator pedal stiffnes when a set speed is exceeded).

Speed limiting would be a strong deterrent to theft and joyriding. And there is the issue of teenagers borrowing the family car! In the latter case this could be an additional application for smart keys, which adjust the seating position according to the programmed key which opened the door. The speed limiter could be set to the Australian provisional driver speed limit of 80km/h.

Optional speed limiting could attract significant insurance discounts.

Voluntary speed-limiting need not carry a stigma. After all, Formula 1 racing drivers have resorted to speed limiters to avoid the severe penalties of speeding in the pit lane.

Compliance with speed limits

Recommended scenarios
Based on th e assumptions set out in th is report, th e scenarios sh owing th e most
promise are, in order of merit (benefit cost ratio in brackets):

All new vehicles fitted with a top speed limiter set at 120km/h at a cost of 50 cents per vehicle (90:1)
All new vehicles require a speedometer scale no more than 120km/h at a cost of $1 per vehicle (23:1)
Deviant motorists (worse 3%) required to only drive speed limited or, preferably, VMD equipped vehicles (1.5:1 if the $1000 cost of retro-fitting device is included, although this is more of a penalty for the driver than a cost to the community)
Roadways are fitted with simple speed limit transmitters (eg coded magnetic strips or nails) at a statewide cost of about $10 million and about 20% of vehicles are voluntarily equipped with sensors and speed control devices or alarms at a cost of $300 per vehicle (0.9:1 - the incentive in this case is avoiding speeding penalties. If only the roadway components are costed the ratio is 13:1)
Roadways are fitted with speed limit transmitters and new vehicles plus 20% of existing vehicles are fitted with automatic speed limiters (0.6:1)
It is recommended that consideration be given to an ADR which requires cars to be speed limited to 120km/h.
It is recommended that ADR 18 be revised to require a maximum speedometer reading of 120km/h and, in the case of analogue displays, that the pointer be vertical at 60km/h.

Shucks. If only the government had known about this cost-benefit ratio when I was driving in 2002!

This report was commissioned by the Vehicle and Equipment Safety Section, Road
Safety and Traffic Management Directorate, Roads and Traffic Authority of New
South Wales, Australia.
Several organisations provided assistance for th is project and th eir contribution is
gratefully acknowledged: Road Safety and Traffic Resource Library, Director of
Staysafe, Road Safety and Traffic Management Directorate (Road Environment and
Information Services), Mr Doug Quail (RTA ITS Coordinator), VDO Instruments and
vehicle manufacturers' representatives. Mr Ray Gigg provided technical assistance.
Paine, M. (1996) Speed Control Devices for Cars.
For the Road Safety & Traffic Management Directorate
Roads and Traffic Authority, NSW
Research Report RR 5/95, June 1996.


That second one is Green is the smoking gun. Well, one of quite a few.


They give you the license to drive at 16.

They give you a car with the capacity to do 240km/hr.

They give you decades of conditioning which associates speed with "fun", "cool", "positive", "sex".

They give you a speedometer that only makes sense when you understand it's about the power of suggestion.

"Would you like [120km/hr+] with that?"

Of course you do.

They give you everything to set you up and then they say "Don't do it."


We need to end this lying. We need to put liars out of their misery. It's not decent to let them scream their inhumanity and their hatred at children.

It's not humane.

07-28-2012, 02:34 AM
Guys like us...

I could be wrong but I think the only thing that separates guys that see the Truth v guys that Buy Into The Lie for life is that when the system proves it's a fallacy or a scam over and over, we can't keep convincing ourselves we're in a close enough circle to "be safe".

The retards do.

Or the retards never work out it's a scam, in the first place. So many Red Shirts still believe 80 of them were killed in the Bangkok riots by Abhisit. They're too stupid to understand motive. They cannot fathom the idea that bullets fly in every direction, and sometimes - actually, almost always - when you die, it will be from a bullet that catches you in the back.

One minute video showing how Thai snipers fired 'indiscriminately' into crowds of peaceful prosteters (as was reported by the Soros-funded Prachatai 'news' portal (http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2011/08/exposed-indy-newspaper-funded-by-us.html)). This is the Reality of how Thai Government snipers were firing.


This is the Reality of how Thaksin's snipers were firing, the lie sold to Red Shirts by Thaksin.




Wall Street-backed former-Thai Prime Minsiter Thaksin Shinawatra, a close associate of the Bush family with connections ranging from before, during, and after his term in office, was ousted from power in 2006 by nationalist forces for abuses of power. Thaksin had worked as a Carlyle Group adviser, sent Thai troops to aid in Bush's invasion of Iraq, attempted to implement a free trade agreement with Wall Street's Fortune 500 without parliamentary approval, hosted CIA torture facilities, and prosecuted a "war on drugs" that saw some 2,500 Thais extra-legally executed in the streets, most of whom were later determined to have nothing to do with the drug trade.

Since his ousting in 2006, he has received support from a myriad of prominent US lobbying firms including fellow Carlyle member James Baker and Baker Botts, Bush administration warmonger Robert Blackwill of Barbour Griffith & Rogers, and Neo-Conservative PNAC signatory Kenneth Adelman of Edelman.

With this backing, Thaksin has led an increasingly violent bid to return to power through a "red" color revolution constituting of a large political machine operating in Thailand's northeast provinces and a personality cult called the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD).

In April of 2010, Thaksin mobilized thousands of UDD members to paralyze Thailand's capital of Bangkok in retaliation to a court seizure of billions of his ill-gotten assets. On the night of April 10, 2010, when riot troops moved in to disperse the protesters, militants clad in black opened fire on Thai troops.

Page 62 of Human Rights Watch's "Descent into Chaos (.pdf)" report stated:
"As the army attempted to move on the camp, they were confronted by well-armed men who fired M16 and AK-47 assault rifles at them, particularly at the Khok Wua intersection on Rajdamnoen Road. They also fired grenades from M79s and threw M67 hand grenades at the soldiers. News footage and videos taken by protesters and tourists show several soldiers lying unconscious and bleeding on the ground, as well as armed men operating with a high degree of coordination and military skills."

HRW, an otherwise dubious organization, only conceded to this a full year after the events unfolded and only in the face of irrefutable photographic and video evidence captured and broadcasted by both professional and amateurs local and foreign journalists. This included videos and photos of militants armed with both AK-47's and M-16's. Previously, Thaksin's Western backers and his opposition leaders had tried to blame all deaths resulting from the M-16's 5.56mm rounds squarely on the Thai military, including the high-profile death of Reuters cameraman Hiro Muramoto. With proof that opposition militants were also firing 5.56mm rounds, this political leverage was negated.

However, the most chilling aspect of the April 10, 2010 violence was an incident involving the premeditated murder of a pro-Thaksin protester by Thaksin's own mercenaries - recorded on tape and extensively photographed, then shamelessly and relentlessly used as propaganda to this very day. The incident took place on April 10, 2010, the same night Reuters cameraman Hiro Muramoto was killed, and gives us immense insight into how Western-backed unrest will take advantage of chaos it itself creates to then purposefully kill both protesters and government troops to escalate tensions and violence while undermining the legitimacy of a targeted government.

In a YouTube video recorded by Thaksin propagandists, protesters can be seen facing off against troops to the left of the screen with other protesters seeking cover as fire is exchanged between militants and troops. In the center of the frame, a very conspicuous man is seen carrying a tall red flag with his attention fixated on men directing him into position. He moves in steps, almost as if posing for a picture with his attention focused on the men directing him. Behind him, with his hat turned backwards, appears to be a spotter shadowing the flagman's moves and flashing a series of hand signals to the men on the left directing the flagman.

Men in the upper left of the screen can be seen waving the flagman into position as they tell other protesters to "get down" before a shot is fired taking off the top of the man's skull. As protesters panic and run off camera, the spotter moving with the flagman calmly stands above the dead man and waves in a photographer who takes the infamous pictures that would soon be featured on the cover of Thaksin's propaganda publication, the "Voice of Taksin." It must be remembered that the video camera was fixated on this otherwise insignificant flagman the entire time leading up to the gruesome event, to specifically capture the entire, premeditated murder.

The editor of "Voice of Taksin" has since been arrested and imprisoned for his role in the 2010 violence - however Western "human rights" fronts including US-funded Prachatai maintain that he is a "political prisoner" and a "human rights activist."

This horrific, cold-blooded demonstration of the callous, murderous nature of these so-called "pro-democracy" movements sowing chaos from Tunisia to Thailand, and certainly including Syria, illustrates the full depths of depravity from which the global elite and their proxies operate. Behind the thin veneer of revolutionary "singing tomorrows" is a heartless, craven killing machine as eager to dispose of its most adamant supporters as it is inclined to eliminate its most reviled opponents. What was just described has played out not only repeatedly in Thailand, but all across North Africa and the Middle East as well as during previous attempts by the West to oust Hugo Chavez in Venezuela.

You can show a Red Shirt this irrefutable evidence and they just become a terrifying spastic-in-denial. Their brain shuts down. The idea that they were betrayed is too horrifying, so they regress into denial.

I'm no different from the imbeciles.

I once lay on a filthy carpet in a recovery club because I'd looked at my phone wondering why Aun was taking so long (she had called to tell me to meet her there at 3am). Thinking it had to be 4am - at least - I checked the time and it was 10am. Not only was she not coming, I'd been doing what I imagine everyone who is patriotic or fiercely partisan or afraid does.

We just lie to ourselves. The human mind is so powerful. I'm not sure anyone should be fucking with it; at least, not with drugs that aren't painkillers.

But they're just gonna keep on prescribing those SSRI 'placebos'. I don't think their motive is as benign as "profit". I think something more sinister is going on with SSRIs.

But what do I know. I'm just a moron speculator.

No one ever tells me anything. And you just never know who's lying and who's legit.

I didn't even know Abhisit was Hitler!


NED-funded Freedom House nominates NED-funded Prachatai for a media Award. This is the Reality of all Awards. David Cornwell (John le Carre) rejects nominations for the Man Booker prize-awarding creeps because what gives them the right to assert they are the Judges of Literature?

11-30-2012, 08:08 AM

This is the reality of history being rewritten. If you Toddlers are being 'mischievious' because you don't know what you can possibly do to help your species, all you have to do is look around and there is a lot to be done. You could start saving the videos and posts I make, for example. Cause I don't have that luxury or capacity.


If I remove it, Windows cannot repair my system. Not even with Microsoft Genuine Windows 8 discs pressed by Microsoft or hash-verified ISOs downloaded from microsoft.com; but that's not surprising. Those are the discs and hash-verified ISOs I install rootkits onto my systems with. Funny that.



Even a braindead Toddler can understand what this means, surely? Do you know who's primarily responsible for DoS?

The service providers.


Toddlers would tell the victims of their murders (because that is how you Profit, by killing your own best interests) that they are just being paranoid. 30,000 under the age of 5 die every single day - murdered by you - but they're just being paranoid. The whole world is out to get them and Toddlers snicker cause, *teehee*. The whole world is out to get you? *teehee*.

I think it's mostly just Catholics really. If you imagine the Vatican runs the world, then...okay. Whatever you SAY.


This is you.

I don't mean this is you one day, though it may well be (quite literally). I mean this is you now. This is your best interests and what you're doing to your Self. Well played Toddlers. You play a mean game!


But your snickering is completely hilarious. I laugh at how funny you are urinating on your Self. This kid doesn't have a choice, thanks to you. What's your excuse?


The funny thing is, she's a better mother than yours. How about that.


This species needs to go extinct soon. I mean fuck. Would you just look at you? What are we waiting for?

11-30-2012, 08:11 AM

No one cares about why. They just wring their hands at the what.

11-30-2012, 08:16 AM
You catch that little comment there from Alex?

He's not sure he believes this 'opinion'. He wants a second opinion.

Cause to Google the facts for himself? Come on. Don't be ridiculous. He's a VIP with important ignorance to pursue.

"What is Truth?"

Hillbilly Jim
11-30-2012, 08:42 AM
if you cant feed'em dont breed'em

02-08-2013, 11:26 PM
if you cant feed'em dont breed'em

It works the other way around.

If you can't feed yourself, breed them to feed you.


gay sex
02-08-2013, 11:33 PM
and tim now makes 4 million a year selling ecstasy jokes on u nerdbert

rum dick
02-08-2013, 11:39 PM
must scroll faster...

gay sex
02-08-2013, 11:42 PM

gay sex
02-08-2013, 11:44 PM
how god damn great is vanessa carlton though

02-09-2013, 11:02 AM