View Full Version : Swoopo

11-30-2009, 10:28 PM
So I have spent 80% of my work day checking out and reading about this Swoopo website. It seems somewhat of a good deal if you have any sense whatsoever.

The quick run down.

It cost $.60/bid and the bid cost increases either .01, .06, or .12 per bid. The items are all sold by the company so there are only buyers. It seems super easy to be scammed, but from what I have read they have been around since 2005.

I'm looking more into, but with the "buy it now" feature, it seems like you can't get screwed too bad. It gives you a discount from the amount you spent on bidding so if you really want the item, it is a gamble to get it at a reduced price.

11-30-2009, 10:31 PM
No idea what this site is but it's a very obvious scam, probably something like ChipMeUp.

The Scoot will be along shortly to firmly stuff this pillowcase of theory with the downy feathers of fact.

11-30-2009, 10:41 PM
CMU sent me into Life Tilt.

I cannot risk another soirée with Terrible that powerful. The morons just keep throwing money into the auctions "ending in 8 seconds..." for...70 hours.

I was jealous.

And horrified.

At the same time.

Hillbilly Jim
12-02-2009, 06:39 AM
i dont get it so in this auction, some guy basically paid $105 and won the wii?


Hillbilly Jim
12-02-2009, 06:43 AM
wtf so this guy won a ps3 and all that shit for $11?


i think they have hooked me, i will spend my lifes money on this

scooter can i get a swoopo steak?

Hillbilly Jim
02-10-2010, 03:52 AM
god damn it someone explain this to me