View Full Version : Hey Ape

06-28-2012, 11:31 PM
How did you get on with your visit to see the priest ?

Are you back to being a catholic again ?

DRK Star
06-28-2012, 11:43 PM
How did you get on with your visit to see the priest ?


06-29-2012, 02:25 AM
Well the ape love in with scooter is well and truly over and jesus has won the battle for mikes soul.

Scooter played a good game but he missed a glorious chance early in the match when he declined apes offer to come and sleep on his couch.

Then he made a big mistake when he couldnt send ape one of his old laptops.

This left mike open to a counter attack from Jesus who pounced on the error and sealed a memorable win.

Final score

Jesus 1 Scooter 0

Bobby Wong
06-29-2012, 02:34 AM
jesus gave me a laptop but it was an old acer running vista

06-29-2012, 03:20 AM
the lord works in mysterious ways

06-29-2012, 03:50 AM
Jesus sold me a lengua quesadilla last week that gave me the shits.

Statutory Ape
06-29-2012, 03:53 AM

but no, I haven't gone to one side or the other

let's just say, it's in my best interest to do my homework

been swayed to one side, and then the opposing side came clutch with a grand slam

so now I need to weight facts/evidence/personal feelings and go with my guts.

and fwiw, at least the whore for jesus tried to give me a car. scuter laughed while I lost my mind and hawked my laptop thinking it was evil and out to get me.

pretty shitty way to treat a person scuter, but whatever. it's your decision.

07-01-2012, 06:07 PM
Well the ape love in with scooter is well and truly over and jesus has won the battle for mikes soul.

Wut? I'm not competing with illusions for souls.

I write sanity. You do whatever the fuck you want to do. What the fuck do I want souls for? Can I impress girls with them?

Scooter played a good game but he missed a glorious chance early in the match when he declined apes offer to come and sleep on his couch.

Mike is not going to get invited to stay on people's couches until he becomes sane.

Then he made a big mistake when he couldnt send ape one of his old laptops.

I'm not going to buy one to send him, am I?

I did the next best thing. I gave him TradeTang.com

This left mike open to a counter attack from Jesus who pounced on the error and sealed a memorable win.

Jesus never wins. Everyone simply loses.

Final score

Jesus 1 Scooter 0

Insanity ~7,300,000,000 Sanity 1


but no, I haven't gone to one side or the other

Moron. This isn't an issue of 'sides'. You're either sane or insane. Make up your vassal mind.

let's just say, it's in my best interest to do my homework

If you were capable of doing homework, you'd never have been victimised by creeps in the first place.

so now I need to weight facts/evidence/personal feelings and go with my guts.

They've always served you well.

Sane people go with their mind.

and fwiw, at least the whore for jesus tried to give me a car. scuter laughed while I lost my mind and hawked my laptop thinking it was evil and out to get me.

pretty shitty way to treat a person scuter, but whatever. it's your decision.

I will literally laugh at insanity until the day I die. You need to snap out of your imbecilic stupidity. People are nice to you when they want to molest you. People are 'mean' to you when they don't give a fuck about whether or not you live or die.

If you can't rassle out which of the two you should listen to, you should go with God. And inherit that Earth he promised the meek would be theirs.

After Armageddon, ROFL. What a nigger.

Meanwhile it's midnight here so I'm going to go fuck a girl that looks like this. I make this point because you think this crybaby emotional shit is in your best interests. But the only thing in your best interests is sanity. Work nigger. When you work, you get paid. When you do favours for people, you creep them out.

No one likes who they can control. Their self-loathing will be projected onto you.


Statutory Ape
07-03-2012, 02:33 AM
Wut? I'm not competing with illusions for souls.

I write sanity. You do whatever the fuck you want to do. What the fuck do I want souls for? Can I impress girls with them?

Mike is not going to get invited to stay on people's couches until he becomes sane.

I'm not going to buy one to send him, am I?

I did the next best thing. I gave him TradeTang.com

Jesus never wins. Everyone simply loses.

Insanity ~7,300,000,000 Sanity 1

Moron. This isn't an issue of 'sides'. You're either sane or insane. Make up your vassal mind.

If you were capable of doing homework, you'd never have been victimised by creeps in the first place.

They've always served you well.

Sane people go with their mind.

I will literally laugh at insanity until the day I die. You need to snap out of your imbecilic stupidity. People are nice to you when they want to molest you. People are 'mean' to you when they don't give a fuck about whether or not you live or die.

If you can't rassle out which of the two you should listen to, you should go with God. And inherit that Earth he promised the meek would be theirs.

After Armageddon, ROFL. What a nigger.

Meanwhile it's midnight here so I'm going to go fuck a girl that looks like this. I make this point because you think this crybaby emotional shit is in your best interests. But the only thing in your best interests is sanity. Work nigger. When you work, you get paid. When you do favours for people, you creep them out.

No one likes who they can control. Their self-loathing will be projected onto you.



oh and I am working (freelance for the moment) amazingly despite just being a google rat who can type fast I seem to be getting a fair amount of interest, and people want to pay cash up front. It's not bad! And I feel useful.

+1 on the "nice people want to use you" bit, I do realize that now. I was at a low point or something when I saw your response to my PM. No worries.