View Full Version : Honour thy Father and thy Mother.

07-10-2012, 05:22 PM
Exodus 20:12 (King James Version)
12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.


Commandment IV. It's of greater importance than "Thou Shalt Not Kill (animals, humans, not even for food, not even in self-defence)."

If you want to assert than you know better than the JEALOUS LORD's explicit Commandment, I will kill you myself for your fucking blaspheming in asserting that you know better than God, who was explicit and not a moron. Unless you're suggesting you want to Die Hard? Then say he's a moron. Say you know better. And I will kill you slowly, for your blaspheming the JEALOUS LORD by insulting him.

The Carrot for living long in the land God gave them, is in reference to Numbers 31 when the Lord told Moses to avenge the people of Israel and Moses told the people of Israel to avenge the Lord. Either way, whomever was avenged, it won't be the descendants of Midian. They were all killed. At least, if they were lucky they were. The virgin "women children" Died Hard.

Then again, there was an idiotic Final Solution which was idiotic because the way to solve the Jewish Problem and the Christian Problem and the Muslim Problem is not by killing their innocent children. It's by educating their children into understanding why they need to kill their masters for enslaving them and destroying their lives for the duration of their natural lives. I'm brighter than Hitler as well, but if you can make a logical argument for why I'm not, by all means.

I'm also infinitely more humane. My wang has little to do with this fact, but then you might be surprised at how humane I am and how I know you Toddlers are pretty fucked up. You love it when others suffer to please. I know this, because little girls who would make terrible hurdles coaches advise the most remarkable solutions to a hurdle that cannot be navigated sanely.

You wouldn't believe what they want you to do. It's so horrifying only perhaps Tapper can appreciate how many of you need to die. Then again, with your little pencil-dicks you probably get a lucky break. But back to more serious programming.

Numbers 31:1-3 (King James Version)
1 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
2 Avenge the children of Israel of the Midianites: afterward shalt thou be gathered unto thy people.
3 And Moses spake unto the people, saying, Arm some of yourselves unto the war, and let them go against the Midianites, and avenge the LORD of Midian.

You understand? If someone doesn't start avenging the Midianites soon, I'm going to write emotive letters to the Editors of the Worlds Free Press. They're free to decline to report Truth and News. You're free to string them up from trees like the niggers they are for calling for freedom of the press, to lie and deceive and kill you with their failure to report the Truth about those who are killing you as we speak with poisons falsely marketed as medicines which have killed nobody, ever, in all of history.


Killed zero people.

I don't know what is killing tens of millions but if you think it was methamphetamine, I might kill you myself.

Isaiah 6 (King James Version)
1 In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple.
3 And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.
5 Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.
6 Then flew one of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar:
7 And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.
8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.
9 And he said, Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not.
10 Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed.
11 Then said I, Lord, how long? And he answered, Until the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be utterly desolate.

So the Lord categorically states that he has made people too stupid to hear him, too blind to see, too corrupted to follow their heart. In Isaiah 6:10 the Lord categorically states that he has made people this way so that they cannot be converted and cannot be saved.

But we all know we're supposed to honour the pedophiles who will exploit our inability to see their insanity coming (we pay for it for life as emotional slaves imagining misery until we imagine anger and then we can literally die for our imagined insanity and patriotic gullibility) with emotional manipulation and violence to explain things to us rather than use logic to teach us to act in our own interests and not be their slaves. The reason we must honour them is so that they can molest us and / or barter us for sex or profit or favours or prestige or just to please their exploiters, like my dear parents who feigned idiocy for so long, I haven't actually ruled out revenge yet.

Hey revenge is insanity but then you cannot fault the sane for feigning their insanity can you? If you're confused, obviously I'll do it for shits and giggles before I kick along. You might find yourselves in the same boat if you continue to betray your species like many of you are doing as present. Food for thought but you do need to think it. Feeling it? You can't digest logic with emotion.

Honour thy father and thy mother. The JEALOUS LORD aka Moses commanded this by Law. No fucking complexities, niggers.

Or is there? The below revealing of God's Will by Moses on his deathbed occurred long after the Ten Commandments written by God's own finger was smashed by Moses cause FUCK GOD. Thankfully for Moses, aka the JEALOUS LORD, he wasn't suicidal. He got over it. Wrote the Ten again. Unfortunately for 10 billion humans since, he wasn't suicidal.

Deuteronomy 33 (King James Version)
8 And of Levi he said, Let thy Thummim and thy Urim be with thy holy one, whom thou didst prove at Massah, and with whom thou didst strive at the waters of Meribah;
9 Who said unto his father and to his mother, I have not seen him; neither did he acknowledge his brethren, nor knew his own children: for they have observed thy word, and kept thy covenant.
10 They shall teach Jacob thy judgments, and Israel thy law: they shall put incense before thee, and whole burnt sacrifice upon thine altar.
11 Bless, Lord, his substance, and accept the work of his hands; smite through the loins of them that rise against him, and of them that hate him, that they rise not again.
26 There is none like unto the God of Jeshurun, who rideth upon the heaven in thy help, and in his excellency on the sky.
27 The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee; and shall say, Destroy them.
28 Israel then shall dwell in safety alone: the fountain of Jacob shall be upon a land of corn and wine; also his heavens shall drop down dew.
29 Happy art thou, O Israel: who is like unto thee, O people saved by the Lord, the shield of thy help, and who is the sword of thy excellency! and thine enemies shall be found liars unto thee; and thou shalt tread upon their high places.

So of Levi who did not - I repeat, not - honour his father and his mother, as a reward he gets to write Law for the Chosen People and gets carte blanche powers from the JEALOUS LORD to smite the loins (sick fucks? why the loins) of anyone who would seek to challenge their power. Political criticism? A question? A query with dangerous implications? Smite their loins. The JEALOUS LORD aka Moses decreed this on his deathbed.

Countless times throughout the Holy Books of Law, God aka the JEALOUS LORD aka Yahweh aka Moses categorically states there are other gods, much like he does above in Deuteronomy 33:26. It makes Pascal's wager look about as stupid as Mike and, to a lesser extent, hoser on their day of blonde disagreement with me. I expect a flowing apology in the form of deference to my superior wang from both, STAT.

But then, in their defence, I have been brighter and more powerful than God since the age of five. Oh no, this is as provable as whatever your bankrolls are willing to wager. Any takers? I beat that fucker like 50-55 times. I owned God's face so often, it's not outside the realm of possibility that I am God.

Of course, it's unlikely unless God was not like one of us but more of a junkie with a big wang, but then it makes Christians look pretty fucking dumb don't it?

So....do we honour our father and mother? Or do we kill any parent who raised us to please for their crimes against humanity. I'm not for revenge because I'm sane. But then there is turning the other cheek which is also insane. So the only sane thing to do is neuter them or rest them in peace, permanently. Or you know, be insane because how can they complain? They made human slaves out of every child on the planet and don't think for a second they're as dumb as you would like to imagine. They're stupid but their understanding of mea culpa places them in an ironic Catholic conundrum.

Do you have a counter argument (use logic, if you can) to negate my assessment?



So that we're clear for the lesson today class, we're revisiting An Introduction to Tactics & Strategy for the Manufacturing of Power, for Dummies by the legendary scholar and junkie jonny vincent, who was widely known for his massive wang before he dabbled in bringing down religion and this did not necessary develop to his advantage but then he's going to make you pay for that in the afterlife which doesn't exist.

But oh...what if I'm wrong? Just joking. I'm never wrong.

Here is how to create Power, dummies. I give you the secrets of Egyptian priests, free of charge.

Step 1. You need dummies. They are the only active ingredient. Once you have dummies, you only need to follow the below recipe to manufacture of Power. No matter which way you look at it, Power cannot exist without dummies. At the end of the day, every Power that has ever existed was by virtue of dummies giving their power to Power. It always boils down to dummies. Choose your dummies carefully or you'll might not be able to start from scratch so much as be scratched for being a dummy who wanted power without being able to select the right Chosen People to manipulate. Pick the wrong dummies and you could run into all kinds of difficulties during the cooking process. Power cannot exist when people ask Why.

Power can only exist when people Do or Die.

Step 2. Announce to your dummies that you are going to save them from Problems they didn't realise were troubling them or save them from Terror they didn't realise was frightening them. It's generally a good idea to make your dummies uncertain immediately prior to announcing that you have the Answer by asking the Question. Dummies are frightfully certain that they already know all the Answers, to every Question; or they sure as hell wouldn't be dummies for very long. So you will need to crack some dummies to make the Power omelette. To shake the certainty of dummies, you'll have to either be blunt or inventive. Both have their pros and cons but the opportunity costs of going with blunt far outweigh the effort of planning a theatrical illusion. Of course, non-dummies can spot illusions and they will write critical reviews. Though it very rare, it is not beyond the realm of possibility that a non-dummy might speak in the language of dummy and this will create difficulties you will want to 'disproportionately' nip in the bud should any non-dummies go against you by remaining neutral. And that's putting it bluntly.

Of the forces which are not already with you, Neutrality is obviously more dangerous than the forces Against you. This is especially true if you are inventive rather than blunt, as the Enemy will be limited to whatever patsy you have an ongoing tacit or conspiratorial arrangement with to claim 'responsibility' or wear the 'blame' for the respective horrors necessitated by your partner-in-cahoots and yourself simultaneously cooking Power omelettes.

When manufacturing Power, if you don't launch a "shock & awe" campaign against Neutral mini-powers from the outset, you will find the forces arrayed Against you skyrocketing from non-existent into something potentially overwhelming, at an exponential rate historically difficult to manage. So the Shock is required to force the Neutral into the kind of error made in "the moment". Make someone live as if they'll be dead tomorrow, and they will live the rest of their lives wishing they died on that day. They'll be in Awe of their own stupidity and curse themselves for having made themselves complicit. By forcing them into an effective partnership, you create the value added benefit of substantially disincentivising any future inclinations they might have towards destroying you.

You don't win friends with salad, and you certainly won't win friends with tossed salad; but you will go a long way towards influencing people not to talk about it. You can effectively ensure a consensus of the need for privacy by imposing your shame onto victims who stand up to bullies. When they get beat down, they'll be so ashamed they will start bullying. To learn this lesson efficiently and sub-optimally simultaneously, just ask any former convict of Society's Caring Rehabilitative Facilities how they managed to avoid getting screwed; or ask any screw how they manage to avoid CCTV footage of the shower areas. It's impolite to force people to talk about their shame at being helpless in the face of shame which had been institutionalised. That's how you institutionalise shame, with politeness. You can create a Polite Society of your dummies, that way.

No one will ever talk about their shame except for the sane, who never imagine any illogical shame; and the insane who are trying to be sane, who are trying to un-imagine the shame of being molested by their parents and, lastly; the braggarts who reveal all their insanity and shame oblivious to what is shameful and what isn't. They'll just talk about the most shameful things they do, to anyone. They will be more likely to confide in you if you run a Confidence Trick on them which is so much more easily said than done. You can convince almost anyone who wants to impress to shoot themselves in the face like this. You can get them to disclose their shame by ebulliently raving about how much you are fascinated and by how you can't imagine the steel kahunas that would be required. You have to do this brilliantly like I can do it. Where you flatter without creeping anyone out. Obviously you'd express curiosity for how they manage to even have sex with iron balls but of course you do it in a way that lets them know you're joshing respectfully. And by blurring compliments in this way you can basically give compliments without sounding a horrifying creep like a certain monkey ape gorilla we know.

Do this competently and they'll tell you literally anything you want to know. You're exploiting the corruption of their parents who manipulated them into wanting to impress or wanting to point out how your impressed adoration of them is really inappropriate because they're so much more impressive than what you're impressed with? There are many ways to exploit the corruption of parents who raise children to please, if you know what you're doing.

The reason showers in corrective facilities don't have CCTV protection is the reason why Big Brother is not the friend of dummies and not the friend of anyone. Think about why prison rape not caught on camera is the reason no surveillance should ever be tolerated. But I never see libertarians make as brilliant arguments as I make consistently. One wonders why. Likely, it is wang-related.

But dummies are terrorised into thinking it's shrewd to give Big Brother their power, and hope Big Brother looks out for them. That's how you become Big Brother; just terrify dummies into thinking they can team up with those who are solely interested in exploiting them. Then you can do whatever you want, and dummies will rationise your actions as being "nothing to do with them". No one will ever think "we need to do something about this fear". It's killing us all. They'll just team up with fear imagining they're being shrewd. They'll feign stupidity, thinking it's crafty. They will think they're shrewd and crafty until their partner kills them. Until then, they'll just secretly fantasise about taking their own life or become obsessed with ovan chicken thighs and impressing the Internets.

In prison, those who stand up to bullies get taught a lesson about the dark realities of Power in showers and change rooms. Power isn't your friend. It will not protect you from those who will exert their power over you. It will respect their right to rape you because Power is raping everyone. So everyone who goes to prison gets raped. But no one talks about it. These may be innocent, tragic victims of the most horrifying sociopathic Societies imaginable. These may be victims who have had everything unfairly taken from them, but they still have their pride. Sorry, correction. They had their pride. Showers got in the way.

It's all about Shame.

Manufacturing Power can only be achieved via creation of Shame. You must kill the Self in a dummy before they'll make themselves useful. You must kill the Self in dummies before they'll give themselves to you. Killing the Self in dummies is how you convince them to give their power to you and kill and die and rape and molest their own species. If you take away their ability to feel, their power will die with them. But if you take away their ability to think, they will be walking dead because all they will do is feel. If you know what you're doing, you can make them manufacture more power to give to you. Those who do not die when you kill them will breed and raise as many emotional robots as they are able to. They will raise them in your image. To understand why, see future a Step.

These robots will use the same formulas outlined in this Introduction to the Manufacture of Power, for Dummies in order to breed and raise Power for you. It's all about Shock and Awe. By making the Shocked choose a side, to be With you or Against you, they will choose to live in Awe of you if you show them what Power can do to those who are Against you. With faced with Terror, they will feel it makes sense to play dumb and go along with you and this effectively traps them into taking ownership of the process that created their exploitation. They get no ownership or proceeds from their exploitation. They will function at the pleasure of Power. If they want power, they'll need to please you. Trick mini-powers to go along with your Plan by giving them the illusion that to do so would be "the easy option" and they will be faced with untenable options for the duration of your Power. They will realise you have not given them gratuities for their helping you cook up Power. But what can they do about it. They will feel shame for their partial culpability.

In summary, Step 2 of Manufacturing Power for Dummies is to create a Problem, or create some Terror to shake the certainty of Toddlers. When they are uncertain, they get understandably terrified. Let them stew in their misery and then you become the Saviour when you step into the breach with the Answer to the Problem or Terror you have created for their benefit. Their relief and gratitude will result in their queuing for miles like lemmings, at exponentially increasing rates, just to hand over power to you in their delusions that doing so will curry favour with you. Fear respects only Power. Dummies respond only to Fear. You must make them uncertain or they won't listen to a word you have to say. Once you terrify them, they won't tolerate a bad word said about you.

That's because Truth about you will make your dummies assume it's detrimental to them. They have become vassals who will give fealty to those who mock them until killing them for their junk and or their daughters' junk. They'll have partnered up with you. Dummies are hilarious when they are predictable, and under pressure they instantly default into shrewd. They just want to feel certain again. Let them feel safe with you and you can dispose of as many of them as you please without a single only one of them feeling it has anything to do with them. Let dummies feel they wield Power, and they will let you wield them en masse.

Voila. Power is served.

Step 3. To retain Power, you must keep your dummies in a state of permanent understated misery. The best way to do this is to keep them afraid but not so afraid they become hysterical. You cannot wield anarchy. You will not be able to wield hysterical dummies incapable of acting in their own best interests for the same reasons you cannot wield a calm and sane populace capable of acting in their own best interests. Neither will be of use to you as neither will give their Power to you. Sticks and Carrot is the mechanism you must use.

With Sticks you must hurt dummies often enough to keep them miserable and in fear of what you can do; the Carrot keeps them placated so that they continue to give their power to you rather than accept the fact that they have been tricked into helplessness. When dummies realise they have no Self, they have a nasty habit of dabbling in Self-less behaviour in an attempt to find redemption or simply to rediscover a reason for existing. Push dummies into this corner, and they will throw themselves against your Power and this is very dangerous because Power, of course, is an illusion. You can kill them but why would you kill your Power without reason. You can sacrifice negligible Power for the . Giving them ownership, or perceived ownership of their misery, is always better than allowing them to realise they were tricked. Dummies are petulant and rebellious by virtue of their human DNA code instinctively forcing them to rebel against your control. The only way to sustain Power is by giving those you who have given you their power Sticks & Carrot.


You convince them it's a good idea to exploit disparities. "It must of hurt you really bad when that girl said No to you when you wanted to stick it in her punani, right? Really? Not quite sticks and stones, but mean words hurt the feelings of most people. You know, normal people would feel the hot sting of offence in that spot. It's weird how that didn't happen with you. Maybe you're weird. *awkward silence* Well it's just a suggested emotion to think about. JMO. It's not the end of the world being weird, is it? There are lots of weird people." See future Step/s for how to make life miserable for the 'weird'. "Fine so maybe because you're weird it didn't offend you and cause you to suffer like it would for normal people who weren't broken, but it certainly sucked and made you miserable when that girl said 'Nah, I'm good'; at least you can admit that? Really? Not quite the end of the world, but most people wouldn't find something else to do. You know, normal people would agonise in shame all night, were they in your position. It's weird how that didn't happen with you. What an oddity you are. *awkward silence* Well it's just a suggested emotion to think about. JMO. It's not the end of the world being the odd one out, is it? There are lots of people who don't fit in." See future Step/s for how to make life miserable for those who don't 'fit in'. "Fine so maybe because you're weird it didn't offend you and cause you to suffer it would for normal people who weren't broken and because you were a complete misfit oddbody screwball, rather than wallow in shame and suffering all night you found something else to do instead. Are you even human? See Step 5that wallow in shame and suffering and a complete misfit - are you even human?- it didn't offend Well it wasn't the best night of your life, was it? There we go. You were bored all that night, instead. You would have preferred to be sticking it in her punani, for sure. But here's the thing, she shouldn't even have been asking her the question. You're bigger than she is. Think about that. If you're not convinced, you should know God actually made her for that very purpose, so to ask her the question is a bit of a slap in the face for God innit? Think about that. It is, but if you're still not convinced, the reason she says No is because she's Evil and you are Holy. It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that you're too ugly to breed with, have literally zero redeemable features, on top of the fact you're too stupid to do anything about your utterly inoffensive and not remotely shameful lack of reasons to be alive. But rather than do the decent thing, have you considered indecency? Praise the Lord."[/COLOR] If this Step does not work, revise Step 1.
Step 3. You convince them it's a good idea to exploit disparities. [COLOR="red"]

07-11-2012, 02:47 PM
scooter is brighter than hitler folks you heard it here first

07-11-2012, 02:48 PM
heil scooter

07-12-2012, 10:38 AM
heil scooter

I have the Final Solution/s.

They may involve CoolAIDS.