View Full Version : "We're all praying for you over here as you battle through these trying times."

07-11-2012, 07:03 AM
"Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you battle through the tests and tribulations that you would not have if we didn't create them. So endure the slings and arrows of outrageous insults as we rub salt into your wounds after injuring you. We're praying for you."

That's possibly the most insulting shit in the world. Unsolicited prayer _for_ the victims of religion's crimes.

http://www.theage.com.au/national/we-dont-want-your-prayers (http://www.theage.com.au/national/we-dont-want-your-prayers-victims-tell-church-20120709-21r9l.html)

Abuse victims have derided prayers for them offered at a Mass in Sydney's Catholic cathedral yesterday as hypocritical and an empty gesture designed to keep donations coming.

"This is the ultimate hypocrisy," said Nicky Davis, a victim and spokeswoman for the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, about the prayers offered by Sydney Bishop Julian Porteous at St Mary's Cathedral.

"Victims do not see this as a genuine attempt to help us, nor that its intended audience is victims at all. We are being used to make those Catholics still attending Mass feel like something is being done to help victims so that they don't stop funding the church in protest," Ms Davis said.

At the Mass, Bishop Porteous said the sexual abuse of children was a “most heinous crime’’ because of the damage it did to victims and their families, and was worse if the abuser represented the Church and was in a unique position of trust.

Ms Davis said: "Senior Catholic figures are still lying to the media and anyone who'll believe them about their widespread and systematic cover-up of serious criminal offences against defenceless children."

Ms Davis said senior Catholics were still abandoning known victims of known predators to suffer in silence without assistance, and were still hiding evidence, obstructing police investigations and exploiting legal loopholes.

"Most victims would far prefer church leaders stop praying and start delivering the truth, justice and compassion they are so good at talking about," she said.

A spokeswoman for the Archdiocese of Sydney said Bishop Porteous had been sincere in offering the Mass for victims and asking for forgiveness.

"If Bishop Julian had not made any comment there would have been further criticism," she said.

Those who heard his homily ‘‘would have immediately recognised it was a sincere, compassionate and heartfelt message from a man who cares deeply about people especially those and their families who have been victims of abuse by a priest’’, she said.

One (1) green rep for whomever can spot the insulting lie. I am being sincere.

My parents would 'sincerely' pray for me along with entire communes, but I was more powerful than their god/s. True story.

I must have been exorcised 50 times or more before they gave up because I was owning their God's face. It was a whitewash. I destroyed. Perfect 50-0 record. All TKOs. Eventually they conceded I was more powerful than God, so I was prohibited from speaking (not even when spoken to) for months. I barely cared. I was sick of asking those imbeciles questions I had already been given violent answers for, anyway.

50/50 times, I was more powerful than all the forces of Heaven, God and Jesus Christ the Son of God who dies for man but did he really die for man or did he die for his Father's sins?

Why didn't God come to Earth to be crucified? Why did he send His child onto the battlefield? I know the answers to these questions. The question marks are for you.

Jesus insulted God so ridiculously, it was hilarious. Jesus' entire argument was that his Father was bi-polar and emotionally unstable and had changed His mind. This is LOL_Wut for a timeless being.

Moses insulted God by emotionally manipulating him into changing his mind all the time.

"Crazy bi-polar Toddler nigger changes his mind on a whim, watch. He just said he was going to kill you Israelites, but I'll intercede on your behalf. He and I are more tight than yall sfobv. Yo God, about these humans you were gonna kill, they're my Chosen peeps. Uh huh. Yeah I get that you can't change your mind because you're timeless. But this one time homes? Yeah I get that suggesting you are the equivalent of a mentally-disturbed emotionally-manipulatable Toddler who can be tricked into letting people live to impress other people who don't give a fuck about your JEALOUS nature and don't acknowledge you as their LORD, would probably be blaspheming worthy of killing every person who claims to speak for you or claims to speak to you or claims to have anything to do with you whatsoever. But still...homes? One time."

God did it all the time. Change his mind, I mean. No one actually is insane enough to believe this demented drivel. This is what I'm trying to tell you.

They all need to die.

Cute Freudian slip from The Age.


07-11-2012, 01:59 PM
scooter confirmed more powerful that god

Bobby Wong
07-11-2012, 02:06 PM
kid was too stupid to exorcise, his dad probably hecka tried to play it off like scoot was a jesus baby

07-11-2012, 02:32 PM
scooter was owning gods face bob its what he does

07-11-2012, 02:36 PM
also lol at the ape claiming he is finished with skatz but then coming back to rep his idol scooter. probably doing it in the hope that scooter will notice he is missing and go ham at all the catholic toddlers that upset poor mike.

mike really is an attention starved faggot.

07-11-2012, 06:42 PM
i'd like to thank god for getting through this battle with cancer

i'd also like to say fuck you god for giving it to me in first place

but i know everything happens for a reason, so thanks god

07-12-2012, 04:17 AM
One (1) green rep for whomever can spot the insulting lie. I am being sincere.

A spokeswoman for the Archdiocese of Sydney said Bishop Porteous had been sincere in offering the Mass for victims and asking for forgiveness.

"If Bishop Julian had not made any comment there would have been further criticism," she said.

So was it sincere or was it to avoid criticism?
