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Percy The Perv
05-10-2011, 09:31 AM tranger_tides_premiere_anaheim_california_may_7_20 11_Pdj8ZrU.thumb.jpg ( e_Anaheim_California_May_7_2011_Pdj8ZrU?id=163623) tranger_tides_premiere_anaheim_california_may_7_20 11_RDnUGph.thumb.jpg ( e_Anaheim_California_May_7_2011_RDnUGph?id=163623) tranger_tides_premiere_anaheim_california_may_7_20 11_wBoLVlc.thumb.jpg ( e_Anaheim_California_May_7_2011_wBoLVlc?id=163623) tranger_tides_premiere_anaheim_california_may_7_20 11_z6fDMSa.thumb.jpg ( e_Anaheim_California_May_7_2011_z6fDMSa?id=163623) tranger_tides_premiere_anaheim_california_may_7_20 11_1lDyaE2.thumb.jpg ( e_Anaheim_California_May_7_2011_1lDyaE2?id=163623) tranger_tides_premiere_anaheim_california_may_7_20 11_iCDNGvp.thumb.jpg ( e_Anaheim_California_May_7_2011_iCDNGvp?id=163623) tranger_tides_premiere_anaheim_california_may_7_20 11_gEyw4Sv.thumb.jpg ( e_Anaheim_California_May_7_2011_gEyw4Sv?id=163623) tranger_tides_premiere_anaheim_california_may_7_20 11_thUQvKT.thumb.jpg ( e_Anaheim_California_May_7_2011_thUQvKT?id=163623) tranger_tides_premiere_anaheim_california_may_7_20 11_Tkisl7N.thumb.jpg ( e_Anaheim_California_May_7_2011_Tkisl7N?id=163623) tranger_tides_premiere_anaheim_california_may_7_20 11_4kI7S7S.thumb.jpg ( e_Anaheim_California_May_7_2011_4kI7S7S?id=163623) tranger_tides_premiere_anaheim_california_may_7_20 11_sV1vA1B.thumb.jpg ( e_Anaheim_California_May_7_2011_sV1vA1B?id=163623) tranger_tides_premiere_anaheim_california_may_7_20 11_Lw9jw4j.thumb.jpg ( e_Anaheim_California_May_7_2011_Lw9jw4j?id=163623)
Pirates The Caribbean Stranger Tides Premiere Anaheim California May ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
05-10-2011, 09:31 AM ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Leaving Prince Concert, Prince Concert, Leaving Prince Concert ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
05-10-2011, 09:31 AM ( Yyha9r.thumb.jpg ( 3623) EVgu7E.thumb.jpg ( 3623) R8csjH.thumb.jpg ( 3623) DdnWId.thumb.jpg ( 3623) LEIFfa.thumb.jpg ( 3623) XOyaLm.thumb.jpg ( 3623) lzbDQS.thumb.jpg ( 3623)
Twitter, Lollipop Theater Annual Game Day ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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05-10-2011, 03:17 PM
Blanca Games, operator of both Absolute Poker and UB, issued a statement over the weekend in an attempt to clarify the activities on Friday, during which agents of the Organismo de Investigaciones Judiciales (OIJ) (essentially, the Costa Rican FBI) raided the offices of the two poker rooms.
As could be seen in a Costa Rican news broadcast, and was confirmed by Blanca Games, the raid occurred at the offices of a company called Innovative Data Solutions (IDS), the customer service center for both Absolute Poker and UB.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS Rumors were flying that the raids were somehow related to the April 15th indictments of eleven people involved in online poker, including Absolute Poker principals Scott Tom and Brent Beckley, but Blanca claims this is not true.
The Blanca press release read, in part, “The Organismo de Investigaciones Judiciales (“OIJâ€) took action yesterday to further their investigation of Olman Rimola, the owner of IDS, Scott Tom, who was also recently named in the indictment list issued by the Department of Justice on April 15th, and a third lesser known party, Oldemar Vargas.”
A Blanca spokesperson went on to say:
“We want to correct the rumors being reported in poker circles and the wider community that yesterday’s events are related to the recent Department of Justice indictments. Our understanding is that this is not the case, and that they were driven by local investigations of a separate matter in Costa Rica that involves a concerted effort to locate and apprehend Rimola, Tom and Vargas for questioning in relation to a money laundering investigation.”
Other than what Blanca Games has said, it still is not 100 percent clear exactly what the OIJ raids were all about or if they were coordinated at all with the U.S. FBI.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS A.J. Green, a former Costa Rica law enforcement agent and Absolute Poker security staffer, said on the QuadJacks radio show that both the FBI and Interpol were stronger driving forces behind the raid than was the OIJ, but this may not be anything more than speculation, as there has been no other evidence presented to indicate any organization besides the OIJ was involved.
OIJ agents also reportedly visited both Tom’s and Rimola’s residences.
The PokerStars ( offices in Costa Rica were also raided, but as it turns out, it was a case of mistaken identity, as law enforcement officials had thought they were hitting Absolute and UB.
The past week has been rough for Absolute Poker and UB.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS On May 5th, Blanca Games announced that it was laying off almost its entire workforce in order to trim labor costs as much as possible as it re-focuses on its non-U.S. facing business.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS Then Friday brought the raids.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS The latest blow came yesterday, when Blanca released all of its U.S.-based sponsored pros from their contracts.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS These players include members of Team UB Prahlad Friedman (, Eric “Basebaldy (” Baldwin, Joe Sebok (, Maria Ho (–-poker-player-profile-13518/), Tiffany Michelle (, Brandon Cantu (, Scott Ian, Bryan Devonshire, “Hollywood” Dave Stann, and Adam “Roothlus (” Levy, as well as Absolute Poker’s Trishelle Cannatella (
Additionally, poker writer/investigative reporter extraordinaire, Haley Hintze, published on her blog last week communications between Rimola and UB COO Paul Leggett in which Rimola demanded $2.75 million owed to IDS by UB to pay IDS’ terminated employees their severance.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS Rimola threatened to disclose information about Absolute and UB (whatever that may be) to U.S. law enforcement officials if IDS did not receive the money by May 3rd.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS He also seemed to fear for his life, saying to Leggett, “Just a reminder, if anything happens to me, or people close to me, I have prepared 3 sets of this information which are in hands of 3 different lawyers, with instructions to proceed with US Embassy and Costa Rican authorities.”
The money was paid shortly thereafter, but that apparently wasn’t the end of the situation.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS According to the Blanca press release, some or all of those funds never made it to IDS employees.
“Blanca has terminated its supplier contract with IDS after discovering that Rimola has misappropriated millions in IDS severance payments,” the statement reads. “The company is currently exploring all legal options available to recover the lost funds. Furthermore, Blanca is cooperating fully with the local Ministerio de Trabajo (Department of Labor Officials) in Costa Rica in order to coordinate an alternative method to remit all severance payments to IDS employees, thereby bypassing the facilities of IDS and Rimola to ensure that all obligations to former employees are fulfilled.”
Stay tuned to Poker News Daily as events continue to unfold.
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05-10-2011, 03:17 PM
The Poker Players Alliance is planning a Fly-In to Washington, D.C., to discuss online poker legislation with Congressmen.
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05-10-2011, 03:17 PM
The World Series of Poker Europe schedule for 2011 has been announced with the Casino Barrière de Cannes Croisette in Southern France hosting seven bracelet events between October 7 and …
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Carl Culture
05-10-2011, 03:17 PM (
The Manhattan Project quickly began to design and build a practical atom bomb. It is interesting that during the conceptual design stage, Edward Teller was already thinking of how to make the much more powerful Hydrogen bombs. His ideas were set aside for the time being, to pursue the conceptually much simpler fission bombs. The first bomb to be built was a plutonium implosion device, and was referred to as the "Gadget". The gadget is pictured above, prior to testing. ( (
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Carl Culture
05-10-2011, 03:17 PM ( Winter Day ::: Orvill Aakra ::: Winter scene from outside Harstad, Northern Norway.
Carl Culture
05-10-2011, 03:17 PM
Israeli children playing at the local fountain in Tel Aviv city (This photo and caption were submitted to Your Shot.) ( ( 954,cat.MediaEnt.rss
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Khalid El-Amin
05-10-2011, 07:00 PM
EU names 13 Syrian officials on sanctions list, including a brother and influential cousin of president Bashar al-Assad.
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Big Gay Al
05-10-2011, 07:00 PM (
Hello! My name is LiLu and I am the fluffiest, cuddliest, fastest puppy in the neighborhood. So far I love to chew sticks, sleep by my mom's feet when she works at her computer, run as fast as I can, and oddly enough, join my family members in the shower. I get in trouble sometimes when I unravel my mom's yarn from her knitting basket or when I run around the house with the toilet paper, leaving a trail behind me, but they still love me...lots. I love to stick my head out the window when we drive in the car and while I love digging in the sand at the beach I'm a little scared of the water when the waves come too close to me. All in all, it's a pretty great life.
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Kel Mitchell
05-10-2011, 07:00 PM
Washington, D.C. - Fifty years ago, almost to the day, 13 black and white teens and 20-somethings boarded two buses and headed into the Deep South.
Some were veterans of the early lunch counter sit-ins in their towns or activists on their college campuses. They set out that morning in May of 1961 on what was planned to be a trip from D.C. to New Orleans, with stops at bus terminals and lunch counters along the way to challenge the segregation of interstate travelers and to test the resolve of Southern racists who clung viciously to their Jim Crow laws.
They came to be known as the Freedom Riders, and the course they charted over the months-long movement would inevitably change American history.
But their journey wouldn't be without pain and bloodshed. In fact, that first group never made it to New Orleans. They faced mob and Ku Klux Klan violence. Many were beaten, jailed and humiliated for little more than ordering a cup of coffee at the wrong counter or sitting in the wrong section of a waiting room in towns like Anniston and Birmingham in Alabama; Nashville, Tennessee; and Jackson, Mississippi.
The Freedom Riders braved the mobs, the unchecked hoodlums fueled by a hate that only God or the Devil could know. Metal rods crashed down like thunder claps on black and white skulls in equal measure.
"A lot of people will say that we went into the struggle unarmed," said Diane Nash, a Freedom Rider who organized students at Fisk University in Tennessee. "But that's not true. Just as there's that day in the military when a soldier is given a rifle, what we were given is power, energy generated by love."
Eventually more than 400 Freedom Riders descended upon the South, filling buses, trains and jail cells, forcing the nation and its leaders to take notice.
Those ghosts still linger along so much hallowed ground in the South, at boarded-up bus stations and one-time five and dimes in Mississippi and Alabama - towns that fought tooth and nail to keep blacks and whites separate and their ways of life intact.
While many people were seriously injured during the Freedom Rides, no one was killed, but many others would die in the years to come, struggling for equal rights.
"If you were to dredge the Mississippi River, you'd come up with the remains of many civil rights activists," said Nash.
So it was a few mornings ago that a handful of original Freedom Riders, their hair grayer and their steps just a bit slower, stood on a grassy knoll across the street from the now-shuttered Greyhound station, where part of the original group boarded the bus.
They set out on a journey through the South to revisit those days of tumult and give the group of 40 students who joined them a sense of the men and women behind the liner notes and the too-short school lessons on the Civil Rights Movement.
Robert Singleton and his wife, Helen, made the trip back from California to join the ride, still by each other's side as they were in the early days of the movement.
Joan Mulholland, a Virginian, is here too - her eyes are at once warm and steely. She has a head full of regal white hair that is pulled beneath a bandanna on most days. Ernest "Rip" Patton, a Tennessean with a deep, rumbling baritone voice, can be heard regaling students with stories of back when:
"If we had not continued the Freedom Rides then, I don't think there could have been another movement for a very long time," said Patton, a Tennessean with a deep, rumbling baritone voice. "We would have had to get too many people killed."
Over the last couple days, the group made its way through Virginia and North Carolina, retracing the original trip, city by city. They stopped at important sites along the way like Virginia Union University, where many civil rights activists and Freedom Riders like Rev. Reginald Green emerged to lead sit-ins and peaceful protests.
"When I saw that bus in flames, I knew I had to get involved," Green said, recalling the moment when he saw the Riders' bus fire bombed and decided to join the Freedom Riders. "It's really emotional to see that we have students who are interested in learning what this all meant. Does something for my old psyche."
Yesterday, the group rolled into Greensboro, North Carolina, and visited the International Civil Rights Center and Museum.
The museum is a converted Woolworth's department store and lunch counter, where a group of courageous North Carolina A&T students led a sit-in that sparked similar movements across the South. The original counter, seats and tiles are still intact from those days in 1961.
But deep inside the museum, there is the wall of shame, with illuminated photos set behind fractured glass of lynchings and lynch mobs and the bloated and disfigured body of 14-year-old Emmett Till, who was murdered and dumped in the Tallahatchie River in Mississippi after he allegedly whistled at a white woman.
And for the first time it all became real for these students, black and white, whose eyes were wet with emotion:
"The inhumanity of man," said Tania Smith, 20, a student at American University in Washington, D.C., as she dabbed tears from her cheeks. It was Smith's first time seeing the photo of Till, which became a grotesque symbol of Southern brutality:
"For men to have so much hate. It shows how entrenched the system was. It was full blown hatred."
Beyond the hate, evident in the hole in Till's head, and the marks around his neck, where his white attackers tied an industrial fan (the better to sink him in the river with), Smith said the image and the wall of shame also spoke to the strength of those like the Freedom Riders who fought back with nonviolence and peace.
"It shows the bravery of the Freedom Riders and those in the Civil Rights Movement. It wasn't just a fight against segregation, it was a fight against hate," she said. "They fought with weapons of love."
Watch the full episode ( See more American Experience. (
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Big Gay Al
05-10-2011, 07:00 PM
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Ashes was born to a mama cat that has lived as a stray in our apartment complex for over 12 years. Everyone in our building has just kind of adopted her and looks after her to make sure she’s healthy and happy. I love her dearly and was so proud to be able to take one of her kittens. The other three from the litter were taken in by other residents in our building. He is the sweetest little thing!
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Kenan Thompson
05-10-2011, 07:00 PM
Dr. Boyce Watkins President Obama has a problem, a very serious one. The president's problem is what I would call "The Great Black Disconnect." This divide is the place where black America's love and appreciation for the Obamas disconnects from the intense...(read more (
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Adolf Hitler
05-10-2011, 07:00 PM
Forum: Newslinks & Articles Posted By: scream_of_the_butterfly Post Time: 05-10-2011 at 02:46 PM
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Georgie Thompson
05-10-2011, 09:36 PM
Roberto Mancini is unsure if Carlos Tevez will be fit enough to play a full 90 minutes in the FA Cup final.
More... (,19528,12040_6926178,00.html)
Holden Crater is a 140-kilometer crater located in the Southern highlands of Mars.This observation of the wall of Holden Crater falls with other areas closest to the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) landing site ellipse and contiguous with existing imagery. There is a potential for the formation of hydrothermal deposits and impactites in the area that represent a possible target for direct investigation by MSL. (“Impactites†is an informal term describing a rock created or modified by the impact of a meteorite.)This material could also be transported into the fan making up the surface of the landing site ellipse by fluvial processes or as ejecta from small impacts on the crater rim. Hydrothermal deposits may represent evidence for a habitable environment on Mars.This caption is based on the original science rationale.Written by: HiRISE Science Team
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An artist’s impression showing a galaxy with a molecular outflow. Herschel has discovered that such outflows can travel at 1000 km/s, which could deplete the galaxy of the gas needed for further star formation within one million to 100 million years.
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05-11-2011, 03:20 AM
Kenny "Super Tuan" Nguyen topped a field of 269 players to take down the Main Event at WSOP-C Harrah's Chester on Tuesday.
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05-11-2011, 03:20 AM
Ramdin is trying for his third major final table of the yearThe European Poker Tour Grand Final in Madrid may be the premiere event of the European poker scene, but it is actually two South American players stealing the spotlight with just three tables remaining in the €10,000 buy-in Main Event.Team PokerStars Pros Victor [...]
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05-11-2011, 03:20 AM ( So long UB patch. Hello form-fitting WCP women's tee.
In a non-surprise move yesterday, Absolute Poker and UB let go all of their team pros.
Eliminated from the roster were recent signeeSUCKINGHOBBITDICKSPrahlad Friedman, spokespersonSUCKINGHOBBITDICKSJoe Sebok, as well as Trishelle Cannatella, Eric “Basebaldy” Baldwin, Maria Ho, Tiffany Michelle, Brandon Cantu, Scott Ian, “Hollywood” Dave Stann, Adam “Roothlus” Levy, and Bryan Devonshire.
Many of the pros were notified via email.
So the first die has been cast by UB. The next logical question is: who’s next?
The general consensus across the industry is there’s no way any U.S. Full Tilt Red Pro is keeping his/her deal. That one seems only a matter of time before it’s made official. There unfortunately just isn’t any real value for the average American grinder on Tilt any more if there’s no U.S. market.
Most expect the 14 Team Full Tilt members though to keep their sponsorship contracts.
Things get more interesting on the PokerStars side. With approximately 25% of their market share gone after leaving the U.S., the value of people like Dennis Phillips, Tom McEvoy, and Dennis Phillips, and Dennis Phillips, seems greatly diminished.
We figure there will be much more clarity around who is keeping their deals and who is not by the WSOP in a few weeks.
Read the full AP/UB statement here (
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05-11-2011, 03:20 AM
The Nevada State Poker Championship will begin on Friday, May 13 at the Peppermill Hotel Casino in Reno, Nevada. The tournament series will include a total of eight events and …
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Carl Culture
05-11-2011, 03:20 AM (
Many celebrities are doing their part to try and raise money to help Japan after the devastating natural disasters that happened there several weeks ago. SUCKINGHOBBITDICKSThis includes a few Trek celebs too. SUCKINGHOBBITDICKSPlease – donate what you can here: SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS
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Khalid El-Amin
05-11-2011, 07:13 AM
Kuwait agrees to stand for seat on UN human rights council, diplomats claim, amid condemnation of Syrian crackdown.
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Carl Culture
05-11-2011, 07:13 AM (
About Kirra:
Kirra’s painted surfaces freely employ a wide range of expressive techniques, combining found and decorative elements with individual gesture to produce seductively unsettling and unnatural fusions.
Jamison gained her Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Queensland College of Art, Griffith University, graduating with first class Honours. She is the recipient of the Anne and Gordon Samstag International Visual Arts Scholarship (2007), and several university awards for academic excellence. She exhibits regularly in solo and group exhibitions, and her work is represented in private and corporate collections, including that of the Mater Hospital in Brisbane. ( ( ( Il2AUoC8zA) 7zBnMyn0Lo ( 7zBnMyn0Lo) _sGLiPBpWU ( _sGLiPBpWU) ( j6IDK7rITs) IN9vFwOqvQ ( IN9vFwOqvQ)
More... ( ( Undulating bright ridges and dusty clouds cross
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Big Gay Al
05-11-2011, 07:13 AM (
Obi Wan Parker is an Irish Terrier from Missouri. He was born on March 3, and he has been successfully Jedi mind-tricking everyone he meets into petting him ever since. But his favorite thing to do would be fighting either his arch nemesis, Darth Squirrel the stuffed squirrel or his apprentice, Darth Quackers. He likes to make his master look silly when he fights with his bed instead of sleeping on it, and rearranging his puppy mat in his playpen.
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Kel Mitchell
05-11-2011, 07:13 AM
Filed under: Around the Web (
From The Huffington Post (
I'll be the first to admit that I'm a very fortunate guy. I've been steadily employed in the entertainment business since I was a teenager, having produced and appeared in a number of successful television series and films.
I'm currently chairman of MTV Networks Kids & Family Group, I host the hit show America's Got Talent and a popular New York morning radio show, and am about to release a comedy album. And my amazing wife and I just welcomed two beautiful babies on our third wedding anniversary. I don't say this to brag -- I'm extremely grateful that I've had so many great opportunities and blessings, especially for someone who's only 30 years old. I'm merely reflecting on my life as I'm preparing for what is undoubtedly going to be the most important and challenging job of my life -- parenthood.
Read more here (
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Big Gay Al
05-11-2011, 07:13 AM (
Mama's Girl Keira (aka Mia)
Jaime says: When Mama and her kittens ( came to us for foster care, this little girl was named Keira. Eventually, she became Mia. Like her brothers Nemo ( and Zero (, Mia found a forever home after foster care.
Courtesy of: Jaime Sundquist (
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Kenan Thompson
05-11-2011, 07:13 AM
Donald Trump's brief flirtation with the lead in Republican primary polls may be over, according to a new poll released Tuesday. The survey , conducted by the Democratic firm Public Policy Polling, found Trump garnering only 8 percent of potential Republican...(read more (
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Adolf Hitler
05-11-2011, 07:13 AM
Forum: Opposing Views ForumPosted By: Laughing at MayhemPost Time: 05-11-2011 at 02:40 AM
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Georgie Thompson
05-11-2011, 10:46 AM
Wladimir Klitschko told Sky Sports News he will make his fight with David Haye predictable - and end it with a 12th-round KO.
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Percy The Perv
05-11-2011, 10:46 AM stitute_gala_new_york_2_may_2011_tbywX4F.thumb.jpg ( Gala_New_York_2_May_2011_tbywX4F?id=163623)
Alexander Mcqueen Savage Beauty Costume Institute Gala New York May 1542x2555 953kb ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
05-11-2011, 10:46 AM umb.jpg (
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Percy The Perv
05-11-2011, 10:46 AM tranger_tides_premiere_anaheim_california_may_7_20 11_RvO1W9q.thumb.jpg ( e_Anaheim_California_May_7_2011_RvO1W9q?id=163623)
Pirates The Caribbean Stranger Tides Premiere Anaheim California May 1656x2556 854kb ( ( ( C8zA) OqvQ ( OqvQ) ( rITs) BpWU ( BpWU) n0Lo ( n0Lo)
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Percy The Perv
05-11-2011, 10:46 AM humb.jpg ( 623) humb.jpg ( 623) humb.jpg ( 623) humb.jpg ( 623) humb.jpg ( 623)
Prince Concert Inglewood May ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
05-11-2011, 10:46 AM ( ( ( ( (
Pregnant May ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
05-11-2011, 10:46 AM land_may_7_2011_oHqNTyw.thumb.jpg ( 2011_oHqNTyw?id=163623) land_may_7_2011_z73Jm19.thumb.jpg ( 2011_z73Jm19?id=163623) land_may_7_2011_boRYyoP.thumb.jpg ( 2011_boRYyoP?id=163623) land_may_7_2011_F5JOXee.thumb.jpg ( 2011_F5JOXee?id=163623) land_may_7_2011_Cb0Btps.thumb.jpg ( 2011_Cb0Btps?id=163623) land_may_7_2011_EsKSrub.thumb.jpg ( 2011_EsKSrub?id=163623) land_may_7_2011_QMHn8zU.thumb.jpg ( 2011_QMHn8zU?id=163623) land_may_7_2011_jinCQQa.thumb.jpg ( 2011_jinCQQa?id=163623) land_may_7_2011_9XGQqdf.thumb.jpg ( 2011_9XGQqdf?id=163623) land_may_7_2011_bffM9c4.thumb.jpg ( 2011_bffM9c4?id=163623) land_may_7_2011_V7f88Qb.thumb.jpg ( 2011_V7f88Qb?id=163623) land_may_7_2011_vYGQXnf.thumb.jpg ( 2011_vYGQXnf?id=163623)
California Dreams Tour Auckland New Zealand May ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
05-11-2011, 10:46 AM lls_may_5th_BUjpV0U.thumb.jpg ( pV0U?id=163623) lls_may_5th_TkdCVrV.thumb.jpg ( CVrV?id=163623) lls_may_5th_bj3Fuha.thumb.jpg ( Fuha?id=163623) lls_may_5th_MbwAFoT.thumb.jpg ( AFoT?id=163623) lls_may_5th_5PFc9Uj.thumb.jpg ( c9Uj?id=163623) lls_may_5th_nQAYoH9.thumb.jpg ( YoH9?id=163623) lls_may_5th_H3HIJPd.thumb.jpg ( IJPd?id=163623) lls_may_5th_qk9mNht.thumb.jpg ( mNht?id=163623) lls_may_5th_GWfKB8K.thumb.jpg ( KB8K?id=163623) lls_may_5th_851mwWF.thumb.jpg ( mwWF?id=163623) lls_may_5th_TBkI9Ve.thumb.jpg ( I9Ve?id=163623) lls_may_5th_VEvArl8.thumb.jpg ( Arl8?id=163623)
Shopping Hermes Paris Beverly Hills May ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
05-11-2011, 10:46 AM may2011__ZHlpo4J.thumb.jpg ( id=163623) may2011_1_jnV0OQW.thumb.jpg ( ?id=163623) may2011_2_Yea1zsc.thumb.jpg ( ?id=163623) may2011_3_oVA4r7b.thumb.jpg ( ?id=163623) may2011_4_kxaKk7Q.thumb.jpg ( ?id=163623) may2011_5_TL6bI8t.thumb.jpg ( ?id=163623) may2011_6_rp3TZhd.thumb.jpg ( ?id=163623) may2011_7_2zjDehy.thumb.jpg ( ?id=163623) may2011_8_G1FgScG.thumb.jpg ( ?id=163623) may2011_9_rEpPlIY.thumb.jpg ( ?id=163623) may2011_10_pGpTcuv.thumb.jpg ( v?id=163623) may2011_11_7QCu7Op.thumb.jpg ( p?id=163623)
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Percy The Perv
05-11-2011, 10:46 AM b.jpg ( mb.jpg ( mb.jpg ( mb.jpg ( mb.jpg ( mb.jpg (
Out Venice May ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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05-11-2011, 03:32 PM
The active week for Absolute Poker continues.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS On Tuesday, the member of the CEREUS Network announced that it, along with sister site UB, has come to an agreement with the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, a preliminary step in hopefully getting frozen funds back into U.S. players’ bank accounts.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS Absolute and UB were two of the sites hit hard, along with PokerStars ( and Full Tilt Poker (, in the April 15th U.S. Department of Justice indictments of eleven people involved in online poker, including Absolute principals Scott Tom and Brent Beckley.
As a result of the indictments, the DOJ seized the domain names, (, and UltimateBet (, and froze player funds.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS The poker rooms stopped accepting U.S. customers, though both Absolute and UB still allow Americans who were already customers to play, unlike PokerStarsand Full Tilt (, both of which immediately and completely cut off U.S. players.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS Existing U.S. customers of Absolute and UB are not concerned with whether or not they can still play on the sites, as most will eventually leave or be banned, but rather are worried about getting their funds back.
While certainly not the only reason for the agreement, getting funds back into the players’ hands was a major impetus.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS Tuesday’s press release reads, in part:
“Absolute Poker has reached an agreement with the United States Attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York (“SDNYâ€).SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS Under the agreement, the US Attorney’s Office has agreed to provide all necessary assurances that third parties may work with Absolute Poker to facilitate the return of funds, currently held by third party processors, to players located in the US. This provision is an important step to returning US player funds.”
While this is good news for players, there is still work to be done.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS Absolute Poker says that there are still “several legal issues” with which to deal before funds can be released.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS Thus, no money will be flowing back to the States just yet.
In the press release, a spokesperson added:
“Today’s signing of the agreement with the DOJ is an important step towards the safe and efficient return of funds to our US players.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS We can now move as expeditiously as possible to collect player monies from third party processors as a prelude to establishing proper mechanisms for the return of funds to our US players.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS As previously announced, we have already taken specific actions to exit the US market by closing our US-facing operations.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS Blank Rome LLP will continue to engage in discussions with the SDNY in order to complete the necessary agreements for the final transfer of frozen fund balances to our US players.”
Unlike in the PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker agreements with the DOJ, Absolute Poker’s agreement does not include the reinstatement of its .com domain names.
The past week has been hectic for Absolute Poker, UB, and their parent company, Blanca Games.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS On May 5th, Blanca Games announced that it was releasing almost its entire workforce, retaining just a few employees to focus on its ongoing non-U.S. Operations.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS The very next day, Costa Rican law enforcement agents raided the offices of Innovative Data Solutions, the customer service center for both Absolute Poker and UB, apparently looking for three executives involved with the companies.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKSSUCKINGHOBBITDICKSSUCK INGHOBBITDICKS Then on Monday, all U.S.-based sponsored pros of UB and Absolute, including Joe Sebok (, Tiffany Michelle (, and Eric “basebaldy (” Baldwin, were let go.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS Tuesday’s news was the first for Absolute Poker since “Black Friday” that involved anything remotely positive.
PokerStars, which still ranks as the largest online poker room in the world despite losing its U.S. players, began processing cashouts to Americans during the final week of April.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS Full Tilt Poker has yet to begin.
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05-11-2011, 03:32 PM
There has been a flurry of spring activity in the gaming sector this week. Slot machine king IGT purchased the Entraction network, the Las Vegas Sands hired a new executive, and more.
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05-11-2011, 03:32 PM
Kenny Nguyen punched his ticket to Vegas after winning the WSOP-C Main Event in Chester (photo courtesy WSOP/IMPDI) The World Series of Poker Circuit visited Pennsylvania for the first time this week as the 14th stop of their season, at Harrah’s in Chester, Pennsylvania. The $1,600 Main Event drew a field of 269 players to [...]
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05-11-2011, 03:32 PM ( Scottish hottie Tiffany Mulheron didn't make the top 24 of the 2011 EPT Grand Final, or play in it, or was aware of its existence.
With 24 remaining,SUCKINGHOBBITDICKSEugene Yanayt ended Day 3 play as chip leader at the 2011 EPT Grand Final.
Yanayt, who is also a chess master, or dare we say…a master at chess?, is stacked at 2,374,000. He’s followed bySUCKINGHOBBITDICKSTorsten Brinkmann with 1,959,000.
Of the quote unquote notables remaining, Alex Gomes has 655,000, Victor Ramdin has 489,000, andSUCKINGHOBBITDICKSOle Ole Ole Ole Kristian Nergard is short-stacked with 105,000.
Shiraz Soltaninassab has 475,000.
Get full chip counts here (
More Tiffany Mulheron in the thumbs. ( ( ( (
Related Posts ( <div class="title"> Ole Kristian Nergard Leads EPT Grand Final (</span> ( <div class="title"> 2011 EPT Grand Final Main Event Sees Big Decline in Numbers (</span> ( <div class="title"> isildur1 (Viktor Blom) Leads EPT Grand Final High Roller Event (</span>
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05-11-2011, 03:32 PM
Just outside the top 10 on the chip leader board going into day 4, the penultimate day, of the PokerStars European Poker Tour Grand Final main event is Raemon Sleuter. …
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Carl Culture
05-11-2011, 03:32 PM (
I guess they had all the wires in the correct place yesterday on the "Gadget", and on July 16, 1945 the device was detonated. The picture above was taken 3 one-hundredths of a second after detonation. With this successful, and super secretive test, the world entered the Nuclear Age. ( (
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Carl Culture
05-11-2011, 03:32 PM ( ::: Arnab Sarkar ::: Retting is a process employing the action of micro-organisms and moisture on plants to dissolve or rot away much of the cellular tissues and pectins surrounding bast-fibre bundles.
Carl Culture
05-11-2011, 03:32 PM
This picture was taken in Zayed Mosque in Abu Dhabi (This photo and caption were submitted to My Shot.) ( ( 954,cat.MediaEnt.rss
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The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers detonated explosives at the Birds Point levee near Wyatt, Missouri, at 10:02 p.m. on May 2, 2011. Water from the intentional breach flooded a 130,000-acre stretch of land. Two more breaches were detonated on May 3 and 5. This image from the Advanced Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) instrument on NASA's Terra spacecraft shows the resultant flooding of farmland west of the Mississippi 20 miles (32 kilometers) south of the levee breach. On the image, vegetation is displayed in red, bare fields in gray and water in blue. The image covers an area of 30.7 by 39 miles (49.5 by 63 kilometers), and is located near 36.5 degrees north latitude, 89.4 degrees west longitude. With its 14 spectral bands from the visible to the thermal infrared wavelength region and its high spatial resolution of about 50 to 300 feet, or about 15 to 90 meters, ASTER images Earth to map and monitor the changing surface of our planet. ASTER is one of five Earth-observing instruments launched Dec. 18, 1999, on Terra. The instrument was built by Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. A joint U.S./Japan science team is responsible for validation and calibration of the instrument and data products. The broad spectral coverage and high spectral resolution of ASTER provides scientists in numerous disciplines with critical information for surface mapping and monitoring of dynamic conditions and temporal change. Example applications are monitoring glacial advances and retreats; monitoring potentially active volcanoes; identifying crop stress; determining cloud morphology and physical properties; wetlands evaluation; thermal pollution monitoring; coral reef degradation; surface temperature mapping of soils and geology; and, measuring surface heat balance. Image Credit: NASA/GSFC/METI/ERSDAC/JAROS, and U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team
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Khalid El-Amin
05-11-2011, 07:22 PM
At least five reported killed in shelling of Homs despite calls from UN chief for end to crackdown on protests.
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Big Gay Al
05-11-2011, 07:22 PM
The Spreading Wattle (Acacia genistifolia) is currently flowering in the forests around Bendigo. This photo was taken last week in the Bendigo Regional Forest near Ascot.
EXIF: Canon EOS 50D: 1/60 sec : f/13 : 100 mm : ISO 160 : Flash fired
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Kel Mitchell
05-11-2011, 07:22 PM
Filed under: News (, Entertainment (
Hip-hop artist Common's invite to participate in the White House poetry series created quite a stir yesterday. Some conservative media outlets questioned how appropriate it was for the First Lady to invite a rap artist who curses and talks trash about the political establishment in his music. Shocking.
Lost in the madness, however, were the names of the other participating poets. Rita Dove, the second African American to win a Pulitzer for poetry will be there. Elizabeth Alexander who recited her original poem 'Praise Song For The Day' at President Obama's inauguration, has been invited for the series as well. Jill Scott, the renowned R&B singer, is also attending. Scott began her career as a spoken-word artist in Philadelphia and published a compilation of her poems in 2005 called 'The Moments, The Minutes, The Hours.'
But surprisingly, of all the participants invited, Common was the only one to drum up controversy. Fox News called attention to his lyrical content on their website yesterday with this headline: 'Michelle Obama Hosting Vile Rapper At White House.'
The news outlet posted a video of Common's appearance on HBO's 'Def Poetry Jam' performing a poem titled 'A Letter To The Law,' ( and noted that his work is "quite controversial, in part because his poetry includes threats to shoot police."
The lines in question include: "Tell the law, my uzi weighs a ton/ I walk like a warrior from them I won't run..." And later he adds, "I got the black strap to make the cops run/ they watching me, I'm watching them..."
Though Common takes a black militant stance in the poem, it's just not accurate to characterize him as a dangerous, gangsta rapper. The guy has appeared in various rom-coms like 'Just Wright' and TV shows such as 'Girlfriends,' and typically raps about black empowerment, community, family, love and his share of good-natured sex. In fact, as the Nation ( points out, if the neo-cons really wanted to get picky, a closer examination of Common's lyrics reveals that he could just as easily be a poster boy for pro-lifers. On his song 'Retrospect for Life' ( with Lauryn Hill, Common questions abortion. He raps: "Knowing you the best part of life, do I have the right to take yours?"
White House press secretary Jay Carney added some much needed clarity to the debate when he told ABC News ( critics would be better served to look at the rapper's entire body of work and how he's generally regarded in his public life.
"While the president doesn't support the kind of lyrics that have been raised here," Carney said, "some of these reports distort what Mr. Lynn stands for more broadly," referring to Common by his given name, Lonnie Rashid Lynn, Jr. "Within that genre of hip hop and rap he is known as...a conscious rapper."
Carney cited a 2010 interview with Common ( in which the reporter told the hip hop performer, "your music is very positive and you are known as the conscious rapper - how important is that to you and how important do you think that is to our kids?"
But while the president opposes those lyrics, Carney said, "he does not think that that is the sum total of this particular artist's work which has been recognized by a lot of mainstream organizations and 'fair and balanced' organizations like Fox News, which described his music as positive.
The White House has not rescinded their invitation to Common, and the rapper made no statements on the matter. We just have to wonder what all the fuss is about.
Elizabeth Alexander Performs 'Praise Song For The Day' At the 2008 Presidential Inauguration'
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Big Gay Al
05-11-2011, 07:22 PM
Location: Windhoek, Namibia
Gogga was a feral kitten from a colony living in a dry riverbed. She’s grown up now and still beautiful but still a bit feral too, she doesn’t like being touched.
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Kenan Thompson
05-11-2011, 07:22 PM
Media Credit: A 16-year old male has been arrested for the stabbing that occurred at the zoo. The Easter bunny was no match for out of control young people hell-bent on trashing in one day what took a century to build up-the National Zoo's African American...(read more (
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Adolf Hitler
05-11-2011, 07:22 PM
Forum: Newslinks & Articles Posted By: revision Post Time: 05-11-2011 at 02:24 PM
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gay sex
05-11-2011, 07:31 PM
Georgie Thompson
05-11-2011, 11:03 PM
Valencia missed the chance to confirm third place in La Liga as they were held to a 2-2 draw at Espanyol.
More... (,19528,12040_6927910,00.html) this flyby, at its closest point to Titan, the Cassini spacecraft peered closely at Belet and its limits with the surrounding dune fields.
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Fingerprint Terrain with Sawtooth Pattern as imaged by HiRISE.
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A total eclipse of the Moon is an impressive spectacle. But it also provides another viewing opportunity: a dark, moonlight-free starry sky. At Cerro Paranal in the Chilean Atacama Desert, one of the most remote places in the world, the distance from sources of light pollution makes the night sky all the more remarkable during a total lunar eclipse. This panoramic photo, taken by ESO Photo Ambassador Yuri Beletsky, shows the view of the starry sky from the site of ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) at Cerro Paranal during the total lunar eclipse of 21 December 2010. The reddish disc of the Moon is seen on the right of the image, while the Milky Way arches across the heavens in all its beauty. Another faint glow of light is also visible, surrounding the brilliant planet Venus in the bottom left corner of the picture. This phenomenon, known as zodiacal light, is produced by sunlight reflecting off dust in the plane of the planets. It is so faint that it’s normally obscured by moonlight or light pollution. During a total lunar eclipse, the Earth’s shadow blocks direct sunlight from the Moon. The Moon is still visible, red in color because only light rays at the red end of the spectrum are able to reach the Moon after being redirected through the Earth’s atmosphere (the blue and green light rays are scattered much more strongly).Interestingly the Moon, which appears above one of VLT’s Unit Telescopes (UT2), was being observed by UT1 that night. UT1 and UT2 are also known as Antu (meaning The Sun in Mapudungun, one of Chile’s native languages) and Kueyen (The Moon), respectively.
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05-12-2011, 03:40 AM
The PokerStars European Poker Tour Grand Final final table was set Wednesday and Ivan Freitez leads the way.
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05-12-2011, 03:40 AM
Gomes won a WSOP bracelet in 2008 and a WPT title in 2009It has been a couple of months since the poker world had a good sweat on who would be the latest Triple Crown winner. We’ve got a new one on our hands though, thanks to the European Poker Tour Grand Final. [...]
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05-12-2011, 03:40 AM oshoot-4.jpg ( oshoot-4.jpg) We look forward to the annual WSOP Media call like we do to Joanna Krupa lingerie pics. Always welcome, never gets old.
We only live blog one event each year: the World Series of Poker media conference call.
However, this makes two years in a row were previously scheduled meetings prohibited being able to at least live blog it (although we were able to listen in for bits and pieces).
However however, that doesn’t stop us from retroactively live blogging the call. With the help of some media members and the WSOP team, here are key points that were really said (and a few that weren’t) on today’s WSOP media call. To make things easy, everything that is REAL will get an * after it.
Special advance thanks for Poker News for providing us an accurate timeline of events (…
10:29am – Dialing in to the conference line. What would be the most awkward hold music for a call like this? We’ll say this ( would be most unexpected, and this ( would be most awkward.
10:32am – Putting pants back on. Don’t ask.
10:36am – Ok great! Let’s start the call! Seth Palansky starts the call off by saying, SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS”Let’s talk about the elephant in the room right now. Now I know you guys in the so-called poker media are calling what happened on 4/15 ‘Black Friday’ –but we’re with the Indians–FEATHER Indians not dot–on this one. Internally here we’re not it Black Friday, but instead we’re calling it Golden Friday. Woohooo!” Ok he didn’t say that. Or anything close to it.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKSInstead, he said something more like, “Joining us today will be Jack Effel and Ty Stewart. We’ll take some Q&A at the end.”
10:38am – Amazing nobody has brought up Osama bin Laden yet. Or Pia Toscano‘s early Idol elimination. Two biggest stories outside of the Events of 4/15TM this past month don’t even get a word. Step up your game, poker media.
10:42am – Tournament Director Jack Effel is going over the new events, structures, and payouts (same as 2010).* Or as we like to call it, this (
10:43am – Effel talking about satellites and says something like, “It’s something to kind of give the Grinder a little opportunity to build his bankroll at a cheap price.”* Sounds like he’s talking specifically about The Grinder but he’s not.
10:44am – Shuffle Master will provide automatic shufflers for every final table!!!* Good news for any dealer that would’ve had Men the Master at their final table. One less thing for him to treat you rudely about!
10:47am – Ty Stewart discusses the ESPN deal signed through 2017.* Sometimes timing is everything. Good thing that contract wasn’t set to renew negotiations in May 2011.
10:48am – Ok this is legit. The WSOP is live streaming 55 final tables and expanding their overall ESPN coverage.* The new TV platform may be the biggest WSOP coverage news since 2003. Every event gets streamed. The WSOP is and will likely always be the premier event in the industry, and they’re firing bullets right now to corner the market, provide a fans additional access to coverage, and (theoretically) box out future competitors.
10:49am – This quote from Ty is key: “We think people love this game ofSUCKINGHOBBITDICKSpoker and that they are starved to play. We expect this summer is goingSUCKINGHOBBITDICKSto give this industry its swagger back.” Good stuff. Hope so.
10:50am – Some old sponsors, some new. Fortunately for our photographers, Jack Links Beef Jerky is sticking around (they are the juiciest (* Miller Lite replaces Milwaukee’s Best Light and will have a branded bar with the “ManSUCKINGHOBBITDICKSUp Girls.”*SUCKINGHOBBITDICKSNew sponsor is Dearfoam Slippers.* Every person who enters the Main Event will get Dearform Slippers.* Greg Raymer is already planning on wearing his with socks and shorts.*
10:53am – The Chip Reese Rule is now official. You must be at least 40 years old to make the Poker Hall of Fame.* So who gets in this year? Are there any locks? Not sure if he’s deserving yet, but feels like the community will rally around Barry Greenstein.
10:55am – Woo-hoo! Q&A session. Best part. Annual +/- on Gary Wise questions? Line set at 2.5.
11:10am – Ok, well, lots of questions about Golden FridayTM. Apparently that was a big deal or something.*
11:20am – Just receivedSUCKINGHOBBITDICKSthis link ( and shocked that Jerry Buss didn’t make it or this guy (
11:25am – Trying to find just the right hot girl image to go with this post. Hardest part of the job, really.
11:32am -Found her ( erie/)! Joanna Krupa bails us out again.
11:39am – Matt Waldron asked whether or not Caesars views otherSUCKINGHOBBITDICKS summer tournaments as competition.* Ty responds with: “You mean those tournaments that don’t have a name yet (”* Maybe they’re combing Aristotle quotes to just the right name.
11:40am – Looks like we’re going under on the Gary Wise +/-.
11:45am -SUCKINGHOBBITDICKSThe question is about if there are any media access changes. And there is not. Whew. Dodging bullets like Phil Hellmuth there, because that means one thing: More Girls on the Rail (!*
And on that note, we’ll end the fake live blog. Looking forward to the WSOP and we’ll start rolling out some of our own announcements about our coverage in the coming week(s).
Read more (real) live blogging coverage here ( more:
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05-12-2011, 03:40 AM
The live feed of the PokerStars European Poker Tour Grand Final main event final table begins tomorrow at 2 p.m. (CET) and you can check it out right here at …
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Carl Culture
05-12-2011, 03:40 AM (
An Oregon boy who suffers from Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, has dreamed of going to a big Trek con and now he will get his wish! SUCKINGHOBBITDICKSRead more on this cool story HERE (
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Khalid El-Amin
05-12-2011, 07:31 AM
At least nine people dead as fresh protests against the president are held in several cities across the country.
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Carl Culture
05-12-2011, 07:31 AM (
Ali on her work:
My fascination with the complexity and originality of our subconscious minds began in my childhood. I have always had a tendency toward overly analytical thinking, a strong desire for perfection, and a meticulous need for detail and closure.
My earlier works allowed me to travel to other realms by creating secret hideouts existing in both idealized landscapes and empty atmospheres. These hideouts, which appear in the form of fort-like structures and ornate dresses, are constructed out of symbolic images. The images represent fragmented ideas and the elaborate process that thoughts undergo in one’s subconscious mind. Although my hideouts might appear idealized, whimsical and light hearted, they still contain the lingering remnants of my anxiety. ( ( ( Il2AUoC8zA) 7zBnMyn0Lo ( 7zBnMyn0Lo) _sGLiPBpWU ( _sGLiPBpWU) ( j6IDK7rITs) IN9vFwOqvQ ( IN9vFwOqvQ)
More... ( ( A sunlit crescent of
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Big Gay Al
05-12-2011, 07:31 AM (
Little Riot is only 10 weeks old and is already living up to his name. Underneath that crazy little front is an adorable and loving puppy. He goes crazy for his jerky treats and loves to play soccer during the weekend.
Click for more pictures and comments... (
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Shanita Balke
05-12-2011, 07:31 AM
For me, writing about myself is hard. Writing about my hair is even harder. It seriously might feel less revealing to publish my bank balance.
So when my editor suggested that my coverage of the Atlanta Natural Hair Health and Beauty Show include a personal blog, naturally I cringed.
I'm a black woman. My hair has been the source of both joy and pain, frustration and fascination, for much of my life. It has preoccupied my thoughts, eaten away at my time and that aforementioned bank balance in ways that I am ashamed to admit.
How did I get here?
Let's see, I've had long, pin-straight, blow-in-the-wind, no-it's-not-a-weave hair. And I've had huge, afro-black, I'm-trying-to-embrace-the-African-in-me hair.
I've had boyfriends who made it quite clear that they were dating me and my hair. And, I have a father who read Kenneth and Mamie Clark's famous black doll study and understood the depths of black self-loathing it revealed. He decreed that my sisters and I should only own and play with black dolls.
I had a grandmother who sat with her sisters and mixed up hair tonics made from lard and lavender around the time that Madam C.J. Walker and Madam Poro started mass marketing black hair products. And, I had a mother who rocked a shoulder-grazing Afro though the 70s and early 80s. She forbade the use of terms like "good" and "bad" hair in our home.
I've listened to a dear friend's struggles with alopecia. And I've sat with my best friend during a 14-hour sew-in weave appointment. In the end, it cost somewhere between the per capita GDP of Niger and Sierra Leone. But, she seemed happy. Even with that knowledge, I've reached judgmental conclusions about the self-esteem and finances of women who live every moment of their lives shrouded in weaves.
I've read 'The Autobiography of Malcom X,' and knew all about the poetry and pain of colored girls long before anyone heard the names Tyler Perry or Talib Kweli. I also have a personal collection of hair products that would make both Sally and Ricky jealous. And, I know that just two weeks ago a haircut brought me to tears.
I know where I am supposed to be when it comes to my feelings about my hair and where I really am.
But as I walked around the hair and beauty show at the Georgia International Convention Center about a week or so back, I was struck by the fact that there were women like me everywhere.
The place was, quite literally, packed to capacity with women who might secretly hate or love their hair, and those who likely vacillate between the two. And there were women seeking congress around their struggles. There was even as one women told me, a "money changer in the temple" trying to sell something her company calls an "organic weave."
I couldn't help but wonder how many women were there to, as one woman said, "finally put hair in its proper and somewhat unimportant place."
There's really no way to know. But there was one moment that gave me a little hope that it might be possible.
I met a 5-year-old girl named Tylar Nunally Williams in a kids play area. Tylar's mother brought her to the show to check out products and see the growing world of black women who have opted to embrace and wear their natural hair.
Tylar and I have something in common. Like me when I was Tylar's age, she is one of very few black kids at her school. She gets lots of uncomfortable questions about her hair. And, last year, when Tylar started asking her mother when she was going to get hair that hangs (instead of puffing up), Tylar's mother and grandmother decided to stop relaxing their hair.
Back at the show, a young black woman had been stationed near the kids play area. To capture attention, she was wearing a big, sparkly white dress, a tiara and a collection of short dreads in an updo. Her employer, she told me, really wanted her to wear what they considered a more princess-like wig, but Tylar and the other kids who stood in line for a photo with her didn't seem to have any problem determining who and what this woman was about.
There, in the middle of a two-day event devoted to hair, hair products and black women's obsession with both, Tylar got her turn. And it turned out her personal preoccupation wasn't about hair at all.
"Since you are a princess, did you ever have to kiss a frog?" Tylar asked.
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Big Gay Al
05-12-2011, 07:31 AM (
Marianne says: This is Annie. She is another one like Zoey ( that was rescued the day she was scheduled to die. She was one of the 16 two-week-old kittens rounded up, the same group that Zoey was in. She and Zoey just got adopted, Annie last weekend and Zoey this weekend!
Courtesy of: Marianne (
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Adolf Hitler
05-12-2011, 07:31 AM
Forum: Down Under Newslinks Posted By: WRL Post Time: 05-12-2011 at 03:16 AM
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Georgie Thompson
05-12-2011, 11:39 AM
Fernando Alonso is "convinced" Ferrari can challenge for this year's Formula One World Championship.
More... (,19528,12040_6928491,00.html)
Percy The Perv
05-12-2011, 11:39 AM (
1024x768 154kb ( ( ( C8zA) OqvQ ( OqvQ) ( rITs) BpWU ( BpWU) n0Lo ( n0Lo)
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Percy The Perv
05-12-2011, 11:39 AM (
Rihanna 444x800 79kb ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
05-12-2011, 11:39 AM _vghGNxE.thumb.jpg ( 163623) _gZNyYtM.thumb.jpg ( 163623) _x7C2Miy.thumb.jpg ( 163623) _NZYiOcn.thumb.jpg ( 163623) _EDhsHtS.thumb.jpg ( 163623) _hpAxJhj.thumb.jpg ( 163623) _YgwfmZW.thumb.jpg ( 163623) _IwEiZFy.thumb.jpg ( 163623) _8h2gCxc.thumb.jpg ( 163623) _InPYByB.thumb.jpg ( 163623)
The Ritz Hotel Paris May ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
05-12-2011, 11:39 AM verly_hills_may_9_2011__1f5zuyc.thumb.jpg ( 2011__1f5zuyc?id=163623) verly_hills_may_9_2011__g4OOgCh.thumb.jpg ( 2011__g4OOgCh?id=163623) verly_hills_may_9_2011__okceZCg.thumb.jpg ( 2011__okceZCg?id=163623) verly_hills_may_9_2011__Ecp2FUG.thumb.jpg ( 2011__Ecp2FUG?id=163623) verly_hills_may_9_2011__NgPztd2.thumb.jpg ( 2011__NgPztd2?id=163623)
Hayden Panettiere Shopping Beverly Hills May ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
05-12-2011, 11:39 AM ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
California King Bed Caps ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
05-12-2011, 11:39 AM IOXc3vU.thumb.jpg ( ttp:// 9mpdx4H.thumb.jpg ( ttp:// 4H1Tzj6.thumb.jpg ( ttp:// iSxevMd.thumb.jpg ( ttp:// nbz044U.thumb.jpg ( ttp:// wpOv47G.thumb.jpg ( ttp:// fHQtclA.thumb.jpg ( ttp:// MEZD5r2.thumb.jpg ( ttp:// 8BZgF6N.thumb.jpg (
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05-12-2011, 03:43 PM
The World Series of Poker ( (WSOP ( hosted its annual conference call Wednesday to announce the changes being made to the upcoming series in Las Vegas. On the call were WSOP Communications Director Seth Palansky, WSOP Tournament Director Jack Effel and WSOP Executive Director Ty Stewart, who were eager to announce that the final table action of 55 gold bracelet events will be aired live via the Internet throughout the series, which kicks off on Tuesday, May 31.
The coverage, which will be on a five-minute delay due to gaming regulations, will be aired on and sponsored by Jack Link’s Beef Jerky. A wide overhead shot of the entire final table and its participants along with a flop camera will provide the visual sightlines, while audio from the event’s tournament announcer will describe the betting action as it occurs.
This marks the first time in the history of the WSOP that all 58 gold bracelet events will receive some sort of video coverage. ESPN3 will be streaming segments of the $25K Heads Up event, the $50K Poker Players Championship and the Main Event.
While the delayed coverage won’t provide any hole cards or live commentary, it will offer viewers a real-time experience much like on-site spectators would experience. Poker enthusiasts will be able to catch all of the biggest moments from the year’s most prestigious series that they may have missed in past years — one example being Tom “durrrr (” Dwan’s run at a bracelet last year that created a huge buzz in the community.
“We are proud to provide video of the culminating action to a worldwide audience in real time,†said WSOP Executive Director Ty Stewart. “This online initiative will complement our spectacular television package on ESPN and deliver even more of this year’s WSOP to fans who want the most immediate coverage possible.â€
The WSOP announced Wednesday that it renewed its sponsorship agreements with Jack’s Links and Miller Brewing Company, and added a slew of new sponsors, including On Tilt, Blue Shark Optics, audio company Klipsch, and Dearform Slippers. Miller will shift its branding focus from Milwaukee’s Best to the more popular Miller Lite, and all players participating in the Main Event and Ladies Event will receive a pair of slippers as part of the Dearform sponsorship.
The conference call also brought news regarding changes to the Hall of Fame voting. The WSOP has implemented the “Chip Reese ( Rule,” which will prevent players under the age of 40 from reaching the Hall of Fame (Reese was the youngest inductee at the age of 40 in 1991). The voting process has also been modified; nominations will still be open to the public but a panel of industry experts will serve as a selection committee to help determine the finalists that will be handed to the current Hall of Famers for a final vote.
Changes have also been made to the WSOP Player of the Year structure. The point system, which was harshly criticized by many in the past, will be adjusted to be based on the number of players and size of the buy-in. The WSOP will unveil the new system before the series kicks off. The conference call panel also stated that each of the seven bracelet events at the WSOP Europe will count toward the Player of the Year race.
Among the several other changes made to the 2011 WSOP include automatic shufflers added to every final table, new phone charging stations and free wireless internet in the hallways of the Rio Convention Center, and more satellites for players to qualify for WSOP events starting as low as $75 on site. Qualifiers will also be available at the Caesars system of cardrooms across the country.
Stay tuned to Poker News Daily for continuous coverage of the World Series of Poker this summer.
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05-12-2011, 03:43 PM
EPT Live will be broadcasting the European Poker Tour Grand Final, on PokerStars.TV and a number of international networks live with hole cards.
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05-12-2011, 03:43 PM
Eugene Kanayt is many things; a high stakes regular, a triple-draw hero, a computer science major, and a FIDE ranked chess master. Another title he can now add to that …
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Carl Culture
05-12-2011, 03:43 PM (
Good Thursday Morning to you all. Today's picture shows Robert Oppenheimer and Leslie Groves. Oppenheimer was one of the main physicists on the Manhattan Project, and Leslie Groves was the military man in charge. In the picture above, they have returned to ground zero after the successful test of the gadget.
The location of the test was the Trinity Sight in southern New Mexico. After the blast, the sand in the area was turned to glass. The glass ground had a greenish hue, and the little pieces of green glass were given a new name . . . Trinitite. The glass is still slightly radioactive to this day. While the material can no longer be picked up at the Trinity sight, it is collected and traded by rock hounds and mineral collectors. ( (
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Carl Culture
05-12-2011, 03:43 PM ( Bridge ::: Mark Keelan ::: Late afternoon walk across the Brooklyn Bridge.
Carl Culture
05-12-2011, 03:43 PM
A group of traveling Chinese Opera singers came to town. They set up a temporary theatre under a bridge with bamboo sticks. They slept under the stage and put on their makeup and costume in a tiny area behind the stage. This group performs all over China, traveling from town to town, staying perhaps a week in each place. Providing traditional entertainment that would otherwise be lost to television and the Internet. (This photo and caption were submitted to My Shot.) ( ( 954,cat.MediaEnt.rss
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The dwarf galaxy NGC 4214 is ablaze with young stars and gas clouds. Located around 10 million light-years away in the constellation of Canes Venatici (The Hunting Dogs), the galaxy's close proximity, combined with the wide variety of evolutionary stages among the stars, make it an ideal laboratory to research the triggers of star formation and evolution. This color image was taken using the Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field Camera 3 in December 2009. Image Credit: NASA/ESA/Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration
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Khalid El-Amin
05-12-2011, 07:40 PM
Part two of our exclusive report on Bahrain looks at the abuse of medical workers as part of the government's crackdown.
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Kel Mitchell
05-12-2011, 07:40 PM
From the LA Times (
Will Tiger Woods ever be the same?
For years he dominated golf in such a way that most players figured they were continually playing for second place. Now after Thursday's development at the Players Championship in Pontre Vedra Beach, Fla., the question becomes even louder: Will the new Tiger Woods ever become the old Tiger Woods again?
Woods, after shooting a six-over-par 42 on the front nine of his opening round, withdrew from the tournament because of a lingering knee injury that has become such an issue since his dramatic win in the 2008 U.S. Open at Torrey Pines that questions of his return to the top can't be brushed aside.
Woods told reporters after he made the decision, "The knee acted up and then the Achilles followed after that and then the calf started cramping up. Everything started getting tight, so it's just a whole chain reaction."
Woods has not won a major championship since the Open at Torrey Pines in 2008 and has not won a tour event since September 2009. He has played in five PGA Tour events this year, but not since finishing tied for fourth at the Masters.
Woods didn't indicate Thursday when he might play again, saying he'd have to confer with his doctors, but this development certainly doesn't bode well for his chances to play at the second major of the year, the U.S. Open at Congressional just outside Washington, D.C., June 16-19. That's a course -- compounded by always-challenging Open conditions -- that will not be kind to any player who hasn't gotten his game in shape beforehand.
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Big Gay Al
05-12-2011, 07:40 PM
Location: San Diego, California, USA
My cat gave birth to six kittens, but she sadly passed away the next day. I raised all six kittens, and gave them to loving homes, but kept Julius for myself. Because she was raised by me, Jules is my little buddy, and she follows me around the house all day and cries when I am gone. Thankfully, I kept one of her brothers too, so they have each other for company. Jules loves to have her belly rubbed, to lay in the sun and to chase lizards. I am so glad she is my friend.
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Kenan Thompson
05-12-2011, 07:40 PM
Instead of focusing on redeeming himself in his rematch bout against Jean Pascal in Montreal for the WBC and The Ring magazine light heavyweight championship on May 21, legendary boxer Bernard Hopkins chose to talk trash about Donovan McNabb during press...(read more (
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Adolf Hitler
05-12-2011, 07:40 PM
Forum: Newslinks & Articles Posted By: putnamvt Post Time: 05-12-2011 at 02:59 PM
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Georgie Thompson
05-12-2011, 11:47 PM
Wales rising star George North has his fingers crossed he has done enough to earn a place at the World Cup.
More... (,19528,12040_6929474,00.html)
This site, near Mawrth Vallis is intriguing for several reasons. First of all, there are lots of little knobs and plateaus that may expose layers of sedimentary rock. As on Earth, sedimentary rock on Mars is expected to hold clues to the conditions under which it formed - clues to the past environment and climate. Second, many of the larger, darker plateaus appear fairly round. Typically Mars' surface is pock-marked with round depressions of impact craters. However, these round areas are raised up relative to the surroundings. This may be an example of inverted topography, in which an impact depression may have become filled with material which was, or became, harder than the surrounding terrain, and thus was more resistant to later erosion. Example materials may be solidified molten rock created during the impact event, or sediments that hardened due to alteration by water ponding within the crater. Third, clay minerals, called phyllosilicates, have been detected here by other spacecraft instruments. Clays are exciting because they indicate there was most likely water around here long ago. Determining which layers and knobs contain the clays, and how widespread they are, will help scientists determine how much water existed here and for how long. This site has been deemed so interesting that it is under consideration for a visit by a future landed rover. Written by: Patrick Russell
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The Cassini spacecraft looks toward the dark side of Saturn's largest moon and captures the halo-like ring produced by sunlight scattering through the periphery of Titan's atmosphere. A detached, high-altitude global haze layer encircles Titan. See Titan's Halo to learn more. This view looks toward the trailing hemisphere of Titan (5,150 kilometers, or 3,200 miles across). North on Titan is up. The image was taken with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on Nov. 26, 2010 using a spectral filter sensitive to wavelengths of ultraviolet light centered at 338 nanometers. The view was obtained at a distance of approximately 1.9 million kilometers (1.2 million miles) from Titan and at a Sun-Titan-spacecraft, or phase, angle of 154 degrees. Image scale is 12 kilometers (7 miles) per pixel. The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The imaging team is based at the Space Science Institute, Boulder, Colo.
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05-13-2011, 03:51 AM
The PokerStars European Poker Tour Grand Final is in the books and Ivan Freitez bested the field to take home the title. Read on for a recap of the action.
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05-13-2011, 03:51 AM
Your EPT Grand Final Champ (Photo courtesy of PokerStars Blog/Neil Stoddart) When the final table of the European Poker Tour Grand Final in Madrid began, it was South American Team PokerStars Pro Alex Gomes in the spotlight, as he made his push to take poker’s Triple Crown. SUCKINGHOBBITDICKSBy the time the final table ended, a [...]
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05-13-2011, 03:51 AM
The winner of the PokerStars European Poker Tour Grand Final main event came after much anticipation. The event got down to four before there was a break for the season …
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Carl Culture
05-13-2011, 03:51 AM (
A new site is now up selling some high end and very cool “Star Trek” artwork – some even on canvas. SUCKINGHOBBITDICKSThere are some lower priced items too. SUCKINGHOBBITDICKSSee it all HERE (
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Khalid El-Amin
05-13-2011, 07:46 AM
Early morning bomb blasts kill at least 73 people, mostly paramilitary recruits, in northwest of country.
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Carl Culture
05-13-2011, 07:46 AM (
Virginia on her work:
The ponds, rock fields and tangled forests in my paintings are my internal wilderness projected onto the external world. The glass walls, grids and concrete bunkers are my attempt to erect something permanent and keep the wild at bay. The clashes that occur at this juncture illuminate the conflict between progress and nature inherent in my state of mind as well as in our contemporary state.
As an artist, I seek the intersection of myth and reality. My paintings stem from real life events that I manipulate and distort through lenses of fantasy, dream and theater. In this way, I aim at the emotional rather than the historical truth. I feel that it is important to give voice to metaphor in a culture dominated by fast fact sharing and faith in the scientific method.
I look to myths because they are the foundational structures on which generations of storytellers have crafted tales to address the concerns of their age. I believe that if the stories that shaped our society are not continually reborn in contemporary form they will become unintelligible. Much of human experience is unexplainable and it is vital to look to the tales of our ancestors to learn how they made peace with the unknown.
“Outpost,†my newest series of work, is inspired by my travels in Iceland and research on Icelandic lore. The sketches catalogue the places, temperatures, colors and textures that I encountered up north. The paintings begin to construct a longer narrative about what it means to build something to withstand the elements. ( ( ( ( ( ( (
More... ( ( The beautiful
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Big Gay Al
05-13-2011, 07:46 AM (
Hi, my name is CoCo and I just got rescued. I have a mommy, daddy and big brother now. They were told I'm a Chow / German Shepherd mix. I am so happy to be here that I cannot wait to get up each morning!
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Kel Mitchell
05-13-2011, 07:46 AM
Filed under: News (, Media (
With at least two new television networks set to launch this year, it looks there will be loads of must-see programming for multicultural audiences. Bounce TV, a channel aimed at African Americans, has announced its entry into niche-network television ( and now comes Karmaloop TV, an off-shoot of the popular online urban fashion retailer. Earlier this week, reported that Pharrell Williams, the poly-hyphenate musician and entrepreneur, has been named creative director of the new television channel which is set to premiere in the latter part of 2011.
Karmaloop TV, which is partly funded by Insight Venture Partners and has an equity and representation deal with United Talent Agency, is headed by Katie McEnroe, former president of AMC network. Karmaloop entered the online fray with its Web video site KarmaloopTV in 2008. The company's channel is the 18th most viewed on YouTube. The forthcoming Karmaloop TV network, much like its website, will focus on the 18-34 demographic, specifically those who are into the latest technology, and urban culture trends, thus making Williams' appointment to creative director a natural choice.
In a press statement, Karmaloop CEO Greg Selkoe said, "Pharrell is, without a doubt, one of the most influential cultural creative and business minds in America today." Selkoe also said with Williams' position, Karmaloop is in a prime position to "excite cutting-edge youth culture about TV, just as MTV once did in the 1980s."
Williams, who has equity stake in the venture, added to Selkoe's sentiments on in a video announcement of his new position. "These kids tell us that we've changed their lives," said Williams. "And we want to continue to do it, by bringing programming that's effective...not only changing their mentality, but lifts their mentality. "
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Big Gay Al
05-13-2011, 07:46 AM (
Kittens in a Park
Thean says: The kittens were found at a canteen in a public park, Taman Jaya, Petaling Jaya. I was just looking for subjects to photograph! :) I wonder where they are now… Greetings from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Courtesy of: Yeoh Thean Kheng (
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Adolf Hitler
05-13-2011, 07:46 AM
Forum: UK NewslinksPosted By: disheartened patriotPost Time: 05-13-2011 at 02:53 AM
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Georgie Thompson
05-13-2011, 11:49 AM
Genius Beast could come under consideration for the Investec Derby if he performs well at Longchamp on Sunday.
More... (,19528,12040_6930245,00.html) Cassini spacecraft surveys the surface of Saturn's moon Enceladus in this image, which shows newly created terrain in the upper right meeting older, cratered terrain in the lower left.
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SOHO watched as a fairly bright comet dove towards the Sun in a white streak and was not seen again after its close encounter
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This observation shows large mounds that may represent hydrothermal diapirism in a lacustrine (lake) setting, possibly involving fluid movement from great depth. "Diapirism" is a process where a more mobile (and deformable) material is forced up onto overlying material, hence the mounds. An easy point of reference for this process is something most people have seen: a lava lamp. One of the justifications for this observation is to assess landing/roving hazards and morphology. This observation also underscores how landing sites are chosen: a safe place to land and explore that is also scientifically compelling. This caption is based on the original science rationale. Written by: HiRISE Science Team
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Percy The Perv
05-13-2011, 11:49 AM auckland_harbour_bridge_8_may_2011_W9SpQvT.thumb.j pg ( rbour_Bridge_8_May_2011_W9SpQvT?id=163623) auckland_harbour_bridge_8_may_2011_eydM4LS.thumb.j pg ( rbour_Bridge_8_May_2011_eydM4LS?id=163623) auckland_harbour_bridge_8_may_2011_rYv7c5g.thumb.j pg ( rbour_Bridge_8_May_2011_rYv7c5g?id=163623) auckland_harbour_bridge_8_may_2011_XxzRjkn.thumb.j pg ( rbour_Bridge_8_May_2011_XxzRjkn?id=163623) auckland_harbour_bridge_8_may_2011_cdrhdNx.thumb.j pg ( rbour_Bridge_8_May_2011_cdrhdNx?id=163623) auckland_harbour_bridge_8_may_2011_0nQ8eVi.thumb.j pg ( rbour_Bridge_8_May_2011_0nQ8eVi?id=163623) auckland_harbour_bridge_8_may_2011_5SnoIrW.thumb.j pg ( rbour_Bridge_8_May_2011_5SnoIrW?id=163623)
Katy Perry Makes Bungy Jump From The Auckland Harbour Bridge May ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
05-13-2011, 11:49 AM rly_hills_may_10_2011__C1ehaRi.thumb.jpg ( ills_May_10_2011__C1ehaRi?id=163623) rly_hills_may_10_2011__6T7547b.thumb.jpg ( ills_May_10_2011__6T7547b?id=163623) rly_hills_may_10_2011__UGUhdni.thumb.jpg ( ills_May_10_2011__UGUhdni?id=163623) rly_hills_may_10_2011__gXbro0i.thumb.jpg ( ills_May_10_2011__gXbro0i?id=163623) rly_hills_may_10_2011__mA1of9I.thumb.jpg ( ills_May_10_2011__mA1of9I?id=163623) rly_hills_may_10_2011__tY0tojN.thumb.jpg ( ills_May_10_2011__tY0tojN?id=163623) rly_hills_may_10_2011__Jg5xRoZ.thumb.jpg ( ills_May_10_2011__Jg5xRoZ?id=163623) rly_hills_may_10_2011__CliGvPP.thumb.jpg ( ills_May_10_2011__CliGvPP?id=163623)
The Dancing With The Stars Studios Beverly Hills May ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
05-13-2011, 11:49 AM _may_2011_Q3fBsil.thumb.jpg ( fBsil?id=163623) _may_2011_sJoB4Zx.thumb.jpg ( oB4Zx?id=163623) _may_2011_AzmeFaJ.thumb.jpg ( meFaJ?id=163623) _may_2011_TxFBvNQ.thumb.jpg ( FBvNQ?id=163623) _may_2011_WmfzjMp.thumb.jpg ( fzjMp?id=163623) _may_2011_hNkbeOU.thumb.jpg ( kbeOU?id=163623) _may_2011_0raes7O.thumb.jpg ( aes7O?id=163623) _may_2011_VQSxuRG.thumb.jpg ( SxuRG?id=163623) _may_2011_A1mkB56.thumb.jpg ( mkB56?id=163623) _may_2011_QbASaqU.thumb.jpg ( ASaqU?id=163623) _may_2011_VPOud0R.thumb.jpg ( Oud0R?id=163623) _may_2011_g1oWott.thumb.jpg ( oWott?id=163623)
Miley Cyrus Shopping Buenos Aires May ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
05-13-2011, 11:49 AM geles_4may2011__3M4Q4wg.thumb.jpg ( M4Q4wg?id=163623) geles_4may2011_1_odb6pjg.thumb.jpg ( odb6pjg?id=163623) geles_4may2011_2_9N1jj0E.thumb.jpg ( 9N1jj0E?id=163623) geles_4may2011_4_1ONLUDU.thumb.jpg ( 1ONLUDU?id=163623) geles_4may2011_5_H4eytiC.thumb.jpg ( H4eytiC?id=163623) geles_4may2011_6_jkcLLEt.thumb.jpg ( jkcLLEt?id=163623) geles_4may2011_7_KbaJL0V.thumb.jpg ( KbaJL0V?id=163623) geles_4may2011_8_19iSp5j.thumb.jpg ( 19iSp5j?id=163623) geles_4may2011_9_OBakWt3.thumb.jpg ( OBakWt3?id=163623) geles_4may2011_10_palklxR.thumb.jpg ( _palklxR?id=163623) geles_4may2011_11_dBebZNu.thumb.jpg ( _dBebZNu?id=163623) geles_4may2011_12_KxcWB6n.thumb.jpg ( _KxcWB6n?id=163623)
Jumping The Broom Premiere Los Angeles May ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
05-13-2011, 11:49 AM 64th_cannes_ff_11may2011__Vqsb1EF.thumb.jpg ( Ff_11may2011__Vqsb1EF?id=163623) 64th_cannes_ff_11may2011_1_Vig5XVM.thumb.jpg ( Ff_11may2011_1_Vig5XVM?id=163623) 64th_cannes_ff_11may2011_2_Ka43evd.thumb.jpg ( Ff_11may2011_2_Ka43evd?id=163623) 64th_cannes_ff_11may2011_3_QyK9Z17.thumb.jpg ( Ff_11may2011_3_QyK9Z17?id=163623) 64th_cannes_ff_11may2011_4_GyS8dk1.thumb.jpg ( Ff_11may2011_4_GyS8dk1?id=163623) 64th_cannes_ff_11may2011_5_vJwifAp.thumb.jpg ( Ff_11may2011_5_vJwifAp?id=163623) 64th_cannes_ff_11may2011_6_vCGWvCQ.thumb.jpg ( Ff_11may2011_6_vCGWvCQ?id=163623) 64th_cannes_ff_11may2011_7_45LBJmv.thumb.jpg ( Ff_11may2011_7_45LBJmv?id=163623) 64th_cannes_ff_11may2011_8_HiIOAUC.thumb.jpg ( Ff_11may2011_8_HiIOAUC?id=163623) 64th_cannes_ff_11may2011_9_egj5Au5.thumb.jpg ( Ff_11may2011_9_egj5Au5?id=163623)
Puss Boots Photocall Hotel Carlton Cannes May ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
05-13-2011, 11:49 AM cion_paraguay_may_10_2011_I8jOhcI.thumb.jpg ( y_May_10_2011_I8jOhcI?id=163623) cion_paraguay_may_10_2011_J2vFLtP.thumb.jpg ( y_May_10_2011_J2vFLtP?id=163623) adium_in_asuncion_paraguay_may_10_2011_w1QJArh.thu mb.jpg ( ncion_Paraguay_May_10_2011_w1QJArh?id=163623) adium_in_asuncion_paraguay_may_10_2011_1JRrkTA.thu mb.jpg ( ncion_Paraguay_May_10_2011_1JRrkTA?id=163623)
Gypsy Heart Tour Press Conference Asuncion Paraguay May, Performing Jockey Club Paraguayo Stadium Asuncion Paraguay May ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
05-13-2011, 11:49 AM _10__LtkGHDz.thumb.jpg ( =163623) _10__iXDvdBg.thumb.jpg ( =163623) _10__2OvlRDo.thumb.jpg ( =163623) _10__y6KqUCz.thumb.jpg ( =163623) _10__MHvKZDB.thumb.jpg ( =163623) _10__AorKC7z.thumb.jpg ( =163623) _10__VVuBgJS.thumb.jpg ( =163623) _10__ZEX0act.thumb.jpg ( =163623) _10__IwXcEr2.thumb.jpg ( =163623) _10__KAbA0Xi.thumb.jpg ( =163623) _10__6Eo2dHu.thumb.jpg ( =163623) _10__EcIDZmC.thumb.jpg ( =163623)
Midori Melon Liqueur Trunk Show May ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
05-13-2011, 11:49 AM ( ( ( ( (
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05-13-2011, 04:02 PM
The final table of the 2011 European Poker Tour (EPT) Grand Final in Madrid was made up of an eclectic group of eight players, with seven different countries being represented and contrasting personalities making for a unique live broadcast on PokerStars ( on Thursday. Venezuela’s Ivan Freitez entered the day with the chip lead and put on a masterful display of big-stack poker to earn the first place prize of €1,500,000 and become the first Latin American player to win an EPT title.
PokerStars Supernova Elite member Andrew Li and Team PokerStars Pro Alex Gomes were sent home within the first 90 minutes at the final table, the latter coming up short on his bid to become only the third player ever to win a WSOP ( bracelet, a World Poker Tour ( event and an EPT event (Roland DeWolfe and Gavin Griffin are the only players to win all three). Gomes began the day short-stacked and moved all in preflop with 8s-7s from the small blind. Eugene Yanayt called with pocket tens in the big blind and the board ran out Kc-5c-3c-8h-5s to end Gomes’ spirited run.
Yanayt, who also sent Li packing early on, didn’t hang onto his newfound chips for long. After losing much of his stack to Andrey Danilyuk, Yanayt three-bet shoved over a Freitez preflop raise with pocket fives and found himself up against the nines of Freitez, whose overpair held up on a non-threatening board of Qc-Ts-6d-Ac-6h. Yanayt exited in 6th place for €250,000.
Spain’s Juan Maceiras, another Team PokerStars Pro, was the next to go at the hands of Germany’s Torsten Brinkmann. Maceiras moved his short stack in preflop with Jh-10h and was called by Brinkmann’s As-Kd. The best hand held again, sending Maceiras out in fifth place with €315,000.
After a three-hour break, Freitez completely took control of the four-handed final table. Danilyuk, who had been quiet for most of the day, moved all in preflop with pocket threes and Freitez called with Ad-9c. The Venezuelan’s chip lead would grow even larger as the board ran out Jc-7h-Td-Kh-Ah, giving him a pair of aces on the river and eliminating Danilyuk in fourth place for €400,000.
The Freitez buzzsaw continued as he knocked out Tamas Lendvai in third place with another timely ace. This time, he cold-called a three-bet shove by Lendvai and was in bad shape with Ah-9h against Lendvai’s picked nines, but Freitez found an ace on the flop and held on to pick up even more chips and leave Lendvai hitting the rail in third place.
Freitez began heads-up play against Brinkmann with roughly a 4 to 1 chip advantage. After he doubled up with Ac-5c against Freitez’s Qc-Qh, his dream of an EPT title was brought to a halt by the constant pressure of the aggressive Venezuelan. On the final hand of the tournament, Freitez opened the button with 10d-9d and Brinkmann moved all in with Ah-Kd. Freitez made a bold insta-call and again came from behind to win on a 9s-2s-5h-6d-8c board, prompting his South American rail to erupt in cheers.
Freitez won €1,500,000, a Shamballa bracelet and a ticket into Friday’s Champion of Champions freeroll tournament, which will see almost all of the EPT Main Event winners from all seven seasons battle it out for a €100,000 prize pool.
Here’s a look at the final results from the 2011 EPT Grand Final:
1. Ivan Freitez (Venezuela) — €1,500,000
2. Torsten Brinkmann (Germany) — €900,000
3. Tamas Lendvai (Hungary) — €550,000
4. Andrey Danilyuk (Russia) — €400,000
5. Juan Maceiras (Spain) — €315,000
6. Eugene Yanayt (United States) — €250,000
7. Alex Gomes (Brazil) — €185,000
8. Andrew Li (United States) — €130,000
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05-13-2011, 04:02 PM
PokerNews talks to Michael Ellen of the Alderney Gambling Control Commission, which licenses Full Tilt Poker, in addition to Murray Marshall of the Kahnawake Gaming Commission.
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05-13-2011, 04:02 PM ( The only thing that 2011 EPT Grand Final winner Ivan Freitez has in common with Electra and Elise Avellan is that they're from Venezuela.
If you love friends and family final tablesTM with a bunch of Euros you’ve never heard of, then the 2011 EPT Grand Final was just for you!
Ok ok ok. It wasn’t all bad. Or all Euro. Ultimately, VenezuelanSUCKINGHOBBITDICKSIvan Freitez took the title, banking $1,500,000 (EUR). He defeatedSUCKINGHOBBITDICKSTorsten Brinkmann ($900,000 EUR) heads-up for the title.
The “notable” final table-ists were Juan Maceiras, who finished fifth ($315,000 EUR) and Alex Gomes, who was seventh ($185,000 EUR).
The two U.S. Americans (and not to get all Bill the Butcher, but barely) to make the final table, Eugene Nanayt and Andrew Li, finished sixth andSUCKINGHOBBITDICKSeighth, respectively.
Get full final table results and payouts here (
Related Posts ( <div class="title"> Eugene Yanayt Leads 2011 EPT Grand Final (</span> ( <div class="title"> 2011 EPT Grand Final Main Event Sees Big Decline in Numbers (</span> ( <div class="title"> Glen Chorny Wins EPT Grand Final (</span>
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Carl Culture
05-13-2011, 04:02 PM ( Baltic Sea ::: Kani Polat ::: I have made this photo during my trip to Poland. Unusual weather conditions formed this kind of ice formations over the rocks...
Carl Culture
05-13-2011, 04:02 PM
A busy Friday night traffic made a rainbow on the road. (This photo and caption were submitted to Your Shot.) ( ( 954,cat.MediaEnt.rss
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Khalid El-Amin
05-13-2011, 07:54 PM
The Libyan leader responds to claims by the Italian foreign minister in an audio statement aired on state television.
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Kel Mitchell
05-13-2011, 07:54 PM
Filed under: Celebrity Style (, Red Carpet (
This week's best dressed celebrities dolled up for promotional events, theater debuts and film screenings. See if any of your favorite celebs made the cut.,feedConfig,localizationConfi g,entry&id=999734&pid=999733&uts=1305316212
Best Celeb Style: Week of May 8, 2011
Sanaa Lathan attends The Opening Night After Party for "By the Way, Meet Vera Stark" Off-Broadway at Trattoria Dopo Teatro in New York City in her t-strap black dress and classic red lips.
Bruce Glikas, FilmMagic
Best Celeb Style: Week of May 8, 2011
Sanaa Lathan attends The Opening Night After Party for "By the Way, Meet Vera Stark" Off-Broadway at Trattoria Dopo Teatro in New York City in her t-strap black dress and classic red lips.
Best Celeb Style: Week of May 8, 2011 (
Keri Hilson arrives at Maxim's Hot 100 Party at Eden in a cut-out olive green mini dress and yellow platform heels. Her sleek bob and bright pink lipstick brighten up her face.
Best Celeb Style: Week of May 8, 2011 (
Will Smith looks dapper in his signature "Men in Black" look as he walks to his trailer at the "Men In Black 3" movie set in New York City.
Best Celeb Style: Week of May 8, 2011 (
Kerry Washington poses for a photo during the Sundance Institute "Film Forward: Advancing Cultural Dialogue" Press Breakfast at the Canadian Embassy on in Washington, DC in a cute black and white spring dress.
Best Celeb Style: Week of May 8, 2011 (
Actress LaLa Vazquez, arrives at the Kim Kardashian & Midori Melon Liqueur launches The Midori Trunk Shows at Trousdale on May 10, 2011 in West Hollywood, California.
Best Celeb Style: Week of May 8, 2011 (
Kelly Rowland attends the Samsung Infuse 4G launch event featuring Nicki Minaj at Milk Studios in a bright white blazer with skinny jeans.
Best Celeb Style: Week of May 8, 2011 (
Actress Claudia Jordan arrives at Maxim's Hot 100 Party at Eden on May 11, 2011 in Hollywood, California.
Best Celeb Style: Week of May 8, 2011 (
Ciara attends the Samsung Infuse 4G launch event featuring Nicki Minaj in a skin tight one shoulder beige dress.
Best Celeb Style: Week of May 8, 2011 (
Savannah Brinson, Gabrielle Union, Adrienne Bosh and Deborah Cox look beautiful in their spring colors at the Haute Living and Dom Perignon kick off of the Haute 100 celebrations with an intimate dinner in honor of Adrienne Williams' birthday at the home of her and fiance, Miami Heat star, Chris Bosh in Miami Beach, Florida.
Best Celeb Style: Week of May 8, 2011 (
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Big Gay Al
05-13-2011, 07:54 PM
Location: Sarasota, Florida, USA
Wallie was rescued from inside a wall of my house at a mere three weeks old! We heard a kitten crying off and on for almost two days before we finally figured out she was stuck in between the wall dividing my closet and bathroom… we had to saw a hole out of the wall to get her out! Hence the name, “Wallie.”
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Kenan Thompson
05-13-2011, 07:54 PM
Use key words and not colored paper -- plus other resume tips from potential employers. 1. "Once you're unemployed more than six months, you're considered pretty much unemployable. We assume that other people have already passed you over, so we don't...(read more (
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Adolf Hitler
05-13-2011, 07:54 PM
Forum: Newslinks & Articles Posted By: Thunderbird Post Time: 05-13-2011 at 03:06 PM
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Georgie Thompson
05-13-2011, 11:50 PM
Prince Arron won the British light-middleweight title with a 12th-round stoppage of champion Sam Webb.
More... (,19528,12040_6931493,00.html)
Galaxy NGC 4214, pictured here in an image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope’s newest camera, is an ideal location to study star formation and evolution. Dominating much of the galaxy is a huge glowing cloud of hydrogen gas in which new stars are being born. A heart-shaped hollow  possibly galaxy NGC 4214’s most eye-catching feature  can be seen at the centre of this. Inside this cavity lies a large cluster of massive, young stars ranging in temperature from 10 000 to 50 000 degrees Celsius. Their strong stellar winds are responsible for the creation of this bubble. These features have the effect of stemming any further star formation due to the subsequent lack of gas.
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05-14-2011, 04:17 AM
The Quick Summary
ChiliPoker was established in 2004 and resides on the iPoker Network. ChiliPoker’s objective is to offer entertainment with their gaming products, whilst ensuring stability, safety and service to their players. The company’s founder, Alexandre Dreyfus, said he intends to make ChiliPoker “the most innovative and the favorite alternative online room for every poker player.â€
Popularity: 7.5 of 10 — Good
As a member of the iPoker Network, ChiliPoker players have access to one of the largest networks in the online poker universe. As of May 2011, the iPoker Network was ranked fourth in the world in cash game traffic by The network is not available to U.S. players, but has still maintained an average of nearly 4,000 real money players at a time. Other sites residing on the iPoker Network include Titan Poker (, Sun Poker (, and Paddy Power Poker.
Security: 9 of 10 — Excellent
ChiliPoker uses two different sources to create a flawless Random Number Generator (RNG). One source is based on mouse movements and successive actions. The other source creates a number based on the systems thermal noises. The two numbers are then combined in order to determine the deal.
The site uses 128-bit encryption for its financial transactions and all players’ personal information. No information related to the credit cards used by players is saved, either. The iPoker Network is very serious about keeping its players safe from theft and its poker software is licensed, regulated and tested to ensure the games are not only fun but also honest and secure.
Player Competition: 8 of 10 — Very Good
Many novice players shy away from the major online poker rooms to avoid the sharks, so ChiliPoker is filled with inexperienced newcomers at the lower stakes. And, since the iPoker Network doesn’t allow rakeback (, a lot of the serious players don’t bring their game to ChiliPoker. If you’re looking for juicy cash games, ChiliPoker is your place to find fishy competition 24 hours a day.
ChiliPoker offers a variety of games such as Limit/No Limit Hold’em, Limit/Pot Limit Omaha Hi/Lo, 7 Card Stud, and 5 Card Stud.
Site Software: 9 of 10 — Excellent
The ChiliPoker software runs fast and smooth and the graphics are eye-catching as ChiliPoker runs a purple and gold theme on the standard iPoker table. The latest version of the ChiliPoker software supports play at eight tables simultaneously with re-sizable tables.
ChiliPoker became the first online poker room to integrate social media into its poker client in April 2011. The platform, called ChiliConnect, allows players to interact with one another by linking their poker accounts with Facebook and Twitter to share their results and set up challenges with friends.
Using the new ChiliConnect toolbar located within the client, ChiliPoker members can challenge opponents to games, make last-longer bets, and sell percentages of their action. In the past, players looking for side action would have had to set it up on their own. Using ChiliConnect, it can all be accomplished within the client, making the process easy and clean.
Customer Support: 9 of 10 — Excellent
ChiliPoker support is offered through phone, email and live chat functions in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Hungarian. Players can expect to receive a timely and helpful response via e-mail, but the quickest method is through the live chat option found on the website or in the client lobby. ChiliPoker also lists a free phone number listed by country on the site in case players need immediate help.
Company Ethics: 8 of 10 — Very Good
ChiliPoker offers a nice range of bonuses for players. The standard deposit bonus gives players a bonus worth up to $600, but they can now earn a massive $1,000 deposit bonus as part of the “Purple Day” promotion. On top of this players can have their loyalty rewarded by gifts such as iPods, laptops or even cash prizes. Players become a VIP Club member as soon as they earn their first Frequent Player Point.
Site Promotions: 6.5 of 10 — Good
ChiliPoker offers plenty of promotions: bad beat jackpot, Hot Shop, world class tournaments, deposit and reload bonuses, daily freerolls, refer a friend, and even play against top level poker pro Liz Lieu (
ChiliPoker offers a special Sit’N Go Jackpot where you can win up to $50,000 for placing 1st or 2nd in a set number of SNG tournaments. You can also qualify for the biggest live tournaments in the world through satellite tournaments, such as the EPT, APT and several country-specific events like the Grosvenor U.K. Poker Tour or Belgium Cup.
Overall Review: 8.5 of 10 — Very Good
Players are raving about the ChiliConnect feature that had never been seen before in online poker. It adds a new, fun and exciting dynamic to your poker experience and makes the game more enjoyable. If you’re looking for a fresh start on an up-and-coming poker room, we highly recommend giving ChiliPoker a try.
Final Result: We give Carbon Poker ( a final overall score of 8.3 out of 10.
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05-14-2011, 04:17 AM
Tony G was recently on ESPN's podcast, the Poker Edge. Find out what he had to say, how much PokerStars has returned to U.S. players, and more in this edition of the Nightly Turbo.
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05-14-2011, 04:17 AM
This is Mercier's 11th live victoryThe European Poker Tour decided it was about time they did something with seven seasons worth of EPT Champs this year and put together the first EPT Champion of Champions event. The freeroll tournament pitted all the past EPT winners against each other as they duked it out for [...]
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05-14-2011, 04:17 AM
The American Gaming Association (AGA) is currently working towards an online poker bill, which will likely be drafted and introduced to Congress in the next month or so, as lawmakers …
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Carl Culture
05-14-2011, 04:17 AM (
Good Thursday Morning to you all. Today's picture shows Robert Oppenheimer and Leslie Groves. Oppenheimer was one of the main physicists on the Manhattan Project, and Leslie Groves was the military man in charge. In the picture above, they have returned to ground zero after the successful test of the gadget.
The location of the test was the Trinity Sight in southern New Mexico. After the blast, the sand in the area was turned to glass. The glass ground had a greenish hue, and the little pieces of green glass were given a new name . . . Trinitite. The glass is still slightly radioactive to this day. While the material can no longer be picked up at the Trinity sight, it is collected and traded by rock hounds and mineral collectors. ( (
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Carl Culture
05-14-2011, 04:17 AM (
A picture of the Klingon home world from the TNG episode, “Redemption.”
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The European Space Agency's Paolo Nespoli took this image of lightning over Brazil as seen from the International Space Station in January 2011. Nespoli, a member of the Expedition 27 crew, first visited the station in 2007 as a member of the STS-120 crew aboard space shuttle Discovery to deliver the Italian-built Harmony node. Image Credit: ESA/NASA
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Khalid El-Amin
05-14-2011, 08:03 AM
White House calls Benghazi-based opposition "legitimate and credible", but fails to grant full diplomatic recognition.
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Carl Culture
05-14-2011, 08:03 AM (
About Hannah:
Hannah Kidd is an established sculptor with a popular following for her inventive and irreverent work. Her sculptures are usually constructed from sections of steel and corrugated iron, welded together to create structures of varying scale from butterflies to bulls. The materials are readily available, very workable and require minimal equipment; Kidd’s main tools are bolt cutters, tin snips and a mig welder which she learned to use through a period of employment at a Methven engineering firm. Her subjects and thematic material are drawn from her observations of life and her immediate environment.
Kidd has developed a signature style incorporating humour into her sculpture as a vehicle for discussion on the human condition. Animals are often cast as substitutes for their human counterparts in tableaux of familiar social situations and behaviors. Kidd has experimented with working in many different mediums, from steel to taxidermy. She believes her sculptures have benefited from this as each process informs another. ( ( ( Il2AUoC8zA) 7zBnMyn0Lo ( 7zBnMyn0Lo) _sGLiPBpWU ( _sGLiPBpWU) ( j6IDK7rITs) IN9vFwOqvQ ( IN9vFwOqvQ)
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Big Gay Al
05-14-2011, 08:03 AM (
Hi, I'm Thatcher. My big sad eyes are deceiving because I'm one of the happiest boys around. I love doggie daycare and I can even keep up with the big dogs there. I can't wait for my dad to open his pool because I'm never going to get out. But right now I get to play in my water bowl.
Click for more pictures and comments... (
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Kel Mitchell
05-14-2011, 08:03 AM
Filed under: News ( The LA Times: Blues legend Etta James was hospitalized in Riverside earlier this week with infections of the blood and the urinary tract, one of her sons said Friday."It was a really bad infection," Sametto James said. "Right now she's doing a lot better."
The 73-year-old singer, who is also battling dementia and leukemia, was also hospitalized in January 2010 for sepsis and a UTI. She's expected to stay hospitalized until her infections are cleared, Sametto told ( the Riverside Press-Enterprise.
Read More at The LA Times (
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Big Gay Al
05-14-2011, 08:03 AM (
Encore: Debbie and Sylvester
The Kitten Krew says: It's a little early for an encore of Debbie and Sylvester as they were both just featured ( last week, but come on… look at them! Together! In the hammock!!
Courtesy of: Michelle Peters Spivack
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Adolf Hitler
05-14-2011, 08:03 AM
Forum: Newslinks & ArticlesPosted By: Madman MarzPost Time: 05-14-2011 at 03:12 AM
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Georgie Thompson
05-14-2011, 11:51 AM
The Lions claimed only their second win of the Super 15 season with a shock victory over the Brumbies.
More... (,19528,12040_6931828,00.html)
Percy The Perv
05-14-2011, 11:51 AM 11_lXi267e.thumb.jpg ( d=163623)
Ass Bikini Rio Janeiro May 536x741 268kb ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
05-14-2011, 11:51 AM thumb.jpg (
Katy Enhanced Pic Cleavage Pic 1200x1800 303kb ( ( ( C8zA) OqvQ ( OqvQ) ( rITs) BpWU ( BpWU) n0Lo ( n0Lo)
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Percy The Perv
05-14-2011, 11:51 AM (
Jessica Alba 760x1140 65kb ( ( ( C8zA) OqvQ ( OqvQ) ( rITs) BpWU ( BpWU) n0Lo ( n0Lo)
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Percy The Perv
05-14-2011, 11:51 AM _rCguEKP.thumb.jpg ( 163623)
Emmawatsonthomasi 920x1445 131kb ( ( ( C8zA) OqvQ ( OqvQ) ( rITs) BpWU ( BpWU) n0Lo ( n0Lo)
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Percy The Perv
05-14-2011, 11:51 AM Cwbzny.thumb.jpg ( )
Shakira Crazy Big Sexy Juicy Ass 4320x3226 2mb ( ( ( C8zA) OqvQ ( OqvQ) ( rITs) BpWU ( BpWU) n0Lo ( n0Lo)
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Percy The Perv
05-14-2011, 11:51 AM pg ( pg ( pg ( pg ( pg ( mb.jpg ( mb.jpg ( mb.jpg ( mb.jpg (
Nicole Sexy Ass, Nicole Sexy Upskirt ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
05-14-2011, 11:51 AM U.thumb.jpg ( IA.thumb.jpg ( J8.thumb.jpg ( 0A.thumb.jpg ( 1t.thumb.jpg (
Los Angeles May ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
05-14-2011, 11:51 AM rnard_project_event_in_beverly_hills_may_11_2011_j 9MtgUp.thumb.jpg ( vent_In_Beverly_Hills_May_11_2011_j9MtgUp?id=16362 3) rnard_project_event_in_beverly_hills_may_11_2011_z KzUOjb.thumb.jpg ( vent_In_Beverly_Hills_May_11_2011_zKzUOjb?id=16362 3) rnard_project_event_in_beverly_hills_may_11_2011_7 00OLxd.thumb.jpg ( vent_In_Beverly_Hills_May_11_2011_700OLxd?id=16362 3) rnard_project_event_in_beverly_hills_may_11_2011_y wfKctm.thumb.jpg ( vent_In_Beverly_Hills_May_11_2011_ywfKctm?id=16362 3) rnard_project_event_in_beverly_hills_may_11_2011_4 G2Ws8Z.thumb.jpg ( vent_In_Beverly_Hills_May_11_2011_4G2Ws8Z?id=16362 3) rnard_project_event_in_beverly_hills_may_11_2011_3 c5PJyP.thumb.jpg ( vent_In_Beverly_Hills_May_11_2011_3c5PJyP?id=16362 3) rnard_project_event_in_beverly_hills_may_11_2011_P GKvAJO.thumb.jpg ( vent_In_Beverly_Hills_May_11_2011_PGKvAJO?id=16362 3) rnard_project_event_in_beverly_hills_may_11_2011_c v7w1Dw.thumb.jpg ( vent_In_Beverly_Hills_May_11_2011_cv7w1Dw?id=16362 3) rnard_project_event_in_beverly_hills_may_11_2011_3 aZgreW.thumb.jpg ( vent_In_Beverly_Hills_May_11_2011_3aZgreW?id=16362 3) st_bernard_project_event_in_beverly_hills_may_11_2 011_gd0jvmS.thumb.jpg ( ect_Event_In_Beverly_Hills_May_11_2011_gd0jvmS?id= 163623)
Britney Spears Southern Style Bernard Project Event Beverly Hills May, Britney Spears Arse Southern Style Bernard Project Event Beverly Hills May ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
05-14-2011, 11:51 AM nnes_ff_11may2011__SBtKOv9.thumb.jpg ( y2011__SBtKOv9?id=163623) nnes_ff_11may2011_1_6q7AB1G.thumb.jpg ( y2011_1_6q7AB1G?id=163623) nnes_ff_11may2011_2_DAK1A2Q.thumb.jpg ( y2011_2_DAK1A2Q?id=163623) nnes_ff_11may2011_3_eQby5I0.thumb.jpg ( y2011_3_eQby5I0?id=163623) nnes_ff_11may2011_4_unwOplm.thumb.jpg ( y2011_4_unwOplm?id=163623) nnes_ff_11may2011_5_LG70zKK.thumb.jpg ( y2011_5_LG70zKK?id=163623) nnes_ff_11may2011_6_Zk1G9Tn.thumb.jpg ( y2011_6_Zk1G9Tn?id=163623) nnes_ff_11may2011_7_UftvImi.thumb.jpg ( y2011_7_UftvImi?id=163623) nnes_ff_11may2011_8_XgIrH9c.thumb.jpg ( y2011_8_XgIrH9c?id=163623) nnes_ff_11may2011_9_HRPRtYv.thumb.jpg ( y2011_9_HRPRtYv?id=163623) nnes_ff_11may2011_10_DoPS81i.thumb.jpg ( y2011_10_DoPS81i?id=163623) nnes_ff_11may2011_11_VSqAQLO.thumb.jpg ( y2011_11_VSqAQLO?id=163623)
Midnight Paris Screening Cannes May ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
05-14-2011, 11:51 AM ( ( ( ( (
Jessica Alba ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
05-14-2011, 11:51 AM _los_angeles_may_10_2011_JanZZeD.thumb.jpg ( ay_10_2011_JanZZeD?id=163623) _los_angeles_may_10_2011_Cf8wFAD.thumb.jpg ( ay_10_2011_Cf8wFAD?id=163623) _los_angeles_may_10_2011_43IcGyW.thumb.jpg ( ay_10_2011_43IcGyW?id=163623) _los_angeles_may_10_2011_Tx5okzb.thumb.jpg ( ay_10_2011_Tx5okzb?id=163623) _los_angeles_may_10_2011_4Cjhq0W.thumb.jpg ( ay_10_2011_4Cjhq0W?id=163623) _los_angeles_may_10_2011_wVW7IWU.thumb.jpg ( ay_10_2011_wVW7IWU?id=163623)
Leaving The Downtown Woman Centre Los Angeles May ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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05-14-2011, 04:24 PM
The final stop of Season IX on the World Poker Tour ( will kick off on Saturday with the $25,000 WPT ( World Poker Championship at Bellagio in Las Vegas. The tour’s flagship event begins at noon local time today and runs through Friday, May 20, where a final table of six players will commence at 4 p.m. Last year, Team PokerStars ( Pro David Williams ( outlasted a field of 195 players to earn $1,530,537 and his first WPT title.
Players will start with 100,000 chips with blinds starting at 100-200 on Saturday, with antes kicking in at the start of Level 2 (100-200-25). Levels will last 90 minutes throughout the tournament. Players can buy in through the first eight levels of the event; registration will close once the blinds reach 600-1200-200.
Williams defeated Eric “basebaldy (” Baldwin heads up last year, in what was the smallest turnout for a WPT Championship since Season I in 2003. Baldwin, who was recently let go as part of Team UB, recently told Bernard Lee ( and ESPN’s Inside Deal panel that he expects more than 295 players to participate in this year’s WPT Championship. That would be a pleasant surprise considering the amount of money some players still have frozen in some online poker accounts.
Other former winners of the prestigious WPT Championship include Yevgeniy Timoshenko ( (2009), David Chiu (2008), Carlos Mortensen ( (2007), Joe Bartholdi (2006), Tuan Le (2005), Martin De Knijff (2004), and Alan Goehring (2003). Mortensen won the biggest payout ever in 2007, collecting $3,970,415 after besting 639 players. The score remains the largest in the history of the World Poker Tour.
The WPT and Bellagio this week agreed on a contract extension to keep the WPT World Championship and Doyle Brunson ( Five Diamond World Poker Classic at the Bellagio through the end of Season XI. The deal ensures Bellagio will continue to be the exclusive home of the $25,000 buy-in WPT World Championship until at least 2013.
“WPT and Bellagio have been together since day one,†said WPT president Adam Pliska. “In 2002, Gus Hansen ( won the very first WPT title at the Five Diamond and we’ve been making poker history at Bellagio ever since. We are proud to continue our association with one of the most elite gaming resorts in the world.â€
“Bellagio and WPT have always had a strong alliance in the poker industry,†added Doug Dalton, Director of Poker Operations for Bellagio. “We anticipate a competitive field for the 2011 WPT World Championship and look forward to a successful future.â€
The WPT also announced the addition of a $100,000 Super High Roller Event that will take place following the WPT Championship this month. The event, which will run on May 18 and 19, will be the largest buy-in televised tournament in U.S. history. High-Roller extraordinaire Erik Seidel ( has already announced his intentions to play in the tournament, as have Sam Trickett, Justin Smith, Dan Shak, and Tony G (–-poker-player-profile-15268/). Many more of the world’s top players are also expected to participate.
Stay tuned to Poker News Daily for updates from the WPT Championship and the Super High Roller from Bellagio.
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05-14-2011, 04:24 PM
The final $400 freeroll on Mansion Poker is Friday. Don't miss it.
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Carl Culture
05-14-2011, 04:24 PM (
Ready, Set, Go!
OK, you probably noticed that there was no post yesterday. The blog site was down for most of the day, so I could not post the picture. Things are back working today. I plan on continuing atomic week for another week. ( (
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Carl Culture
05-14-2011, 04:24 PM ( Trader ::: Atish Sen ::: Camel traders bring their camels for selling and buying to Pushkar Camel fair every year in November. This is a much looked for event to the locals. Here a camel trader is bringing his camels and moving towards the fair ground for display.
Carl Culture
05-14-2011, 04:24 PM
This shot shows the color, excitment, and movement of the Tenjin Matsuri in Osaka, Japan. (This photo and caption were submitted to My Shot.) ( ( 954,cat.MediaEnt.rss
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Khalid El-Amin
05-14-2011, 08:11 PM
At least four people killed after troops open fire near Lebanese border, as thousands attend funeral of shot protester.
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Kel Mitchell
05-14-2011, 08:11 PM
Filed under: Interviews (
Comedian Wyatt Cenac is black. People who watch him on 'The Daily Show' know this. Those who have seen him in the movie 'Medicine For Melancholy' know this. And anyone who tunes in to watch his one-hour stand-up special 'Wyatt Cenac: Comedy Person' on Comedy Central tonight at 11 p.m. EST will certainly notice as well. But when he presents his work, whether as a stand-up or an on-air correspondent, Cenac tries to be simultaneously conscious and transcendent about race.
We talked with him about his views on the segregated world of stand-up comedy, 'The Daily Show' sketch that almost didn't air, and why he won't watch his stand-up special with friends.Jozen Cummings: Do you get a lot of people who come up to you and say, "Hey, you're the black guy on 'The Daily Show'"?
Wyatt Cenac: It's always a little weird for me, because when they hired me they said, "Oh, we're not hiring you to play that role. We just want you to be a correspondent, so you can do stories that don't necessarily have anything to do with race." So when people say I'm the black correspondent, there's a part of me that's like, 'Nah, I'm just a regular correspondent. Open your minds, people! This is Dr. King's dream! He talked about 'The Daily Show' -- how one day there would be black correspondents and Muslim correspondents and white correspondents, all living together.'
JC: Is there any obligation to be that "black voice" -- as with your 2009 'Daily Show' bit about rappers who have been affected by the recession with real-life rapper Slim Thug (see below)? What's the voice you try to have among the other correspondents?
WC: That is part of my voice -- that's the stuff I find interesting. I don't know if I feel any pressure to pitch that [sort of material] as much as it just reflects my sense of humor. The way I see things is through that prism. I think the mistake a lot of people make is that they put it through a race prism, when it's not about that at all. I grew up as a kid in Dallas, Texas, where my friends listened to a lot of hip-hop, and I listened to a lot of hip-hop. That's as much my generation as it is a racial thing.
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JC: In your stand-up and in the things you write, are you conscious of when your work is being put through that race prism or do you try to present work that transcends race?
WC: It definitely crosses my mind, because my race is a part of who I am. In one sense, it's very easy to get mired in that. At the same time, the reality is if you look at me, you see a black person, so in that way race will always be there no matter what. It's like, "Oh it's the black correspondent." Well, no, I'm just a correspondent, but regardless of how I present it, people will always attach a racial element to it. But this is my story: A kid who's black, who grew up in Texas, who is of West Indian descent. There are very specific aspects of my experience that are not the "black experience" and to me, that's what transcendent is.
JC: Anything behind the straight-to-the-point title of your stand-up special, "Wyatt Cenac: Comedy Person"?
WC: Yeah, I'm not great at titles -- they tend to be the most basic thing I can think of. Also, in stand-up it's really easy to categorize people. I remember going to clubs in L.A. where there might be a woman comedian doing the show, and a lot of times the host would introduce her like this: "Who's ready for a lady?" And, you know, to put that qualifier there, there's something very strange about that. Also, at that time, if you wanted diversity at the club level, it was Monday nights at the Improv -- that was black night. At the Laugh Factory it was 'Chocolate Sunday' and 'Refried Fridays' and 'Stir Fried Thursdays.' So I think [my decision surrounding the title] might have played into that a little bit.
JC: So you understand race is always going to be a part of the way people describe you, but you hate when people use it to describe you?
WC: I'm just somebody doing comedy like the next person. If you think it's funny, great. That was the point. But putting a qualifier on it -- that this is a black person doing comedy or this is a lady doing comedy, that always used to skiv me out. For a while, when I would do a club, a lot of times I would have the host intro me with "Who's ready for a lady?" just to call out how stupid it was.
JC: But in the 1990's black comedians kind of embraced that whole black comedian/comedy thing. There was BET's 'Comic View' and 'Def Comedy Jam.' Do you see having those stages as an advantage?
WC: I think it's great that those platforms were there, but there's an aspect that seems like Hollywood either doesn't look at a show like 'Comic View' or if they just think, "They're over there, they're taken care of." I don't know what that mindset is, but it seems [they think] they don't need to worry about booking black comedians on 'The Tonight Show' or whatever bigger shows there might be, because [we're] taken care of. That's a question worth asking Hollywood at large.
JC: How did you avoid being put in that 'black comedy' category? You're more associated with 'The Daily Show' and your stand-up televised debut is on Comedy Central, not BET.
WC: Well, there's also the alternative [comedy] world, and I very quickly got put into that world. There aren't a lot of minorities who get put in that world. Me, Craig Robinson, W. Kamau Bell -- there are comedians who got placed on that track, and it's a weird thing, because I remember in L.A. there were black shows that were like The Big Black show and it was always a struggle for me to get into that world, because I'd already been put on this other track. And on this other track I'm at X level, but then if I wanted to do the 'Mo Betta' Mondays" at the Improv, it didn't matter what level I was at in the alternative world. I had to start from ground zero and earn their trust and pay dues in that world.
JC: What has being on 'The Daily Show' done for you personally and professionally?
WC: Well, the first thing it did was allow me to pay my rent [laughs]. I wasn't really doing that before I got the gig. Right before I got the job, I had to move out of my apartment because I couldn't pay for it and my car got repossessed. But beyond that, it's definitely helped me with opportunities to do stand-up around the country.
JC: What about opportunities from your role in 'Medicine For Melancholy,' in which you played the male lead in a story about two people who hang out the day after a one night stand?
WC: There are people who know me solely from that movie who have no idea I work for 'The Daily Show,' and there are people who know me from 'The Daily Show' who have no idea about that movie. It's been very interesting trying to bridge those worlds a little bit more.
JC: Is having both projects on your resume an advantage?
WC: Right now, I use it to my advantage to meet ladies [laughs].
JC: That's what most men would do.
WC: No, sadly it doesn't help me. It helps producers and writers on 'The Daily Show' -- they're able to get dates, but being on-air talent on 'The Daily Show' seems to have the opposite effect.
JC: What's your relationship like with Jon Stewart, host of 'The Daily Show'?
WC: Pretty professional. Our job is one where we're constantly on the move, working on the next thing and outside of work he's a father of two and he's hanging out with his kids. I've avoided hanging out with my children [Ed note: Cenac doesn't have children.] I don't acknowledge their existence [laughs]. Outside of work, we don't hang out that often because if we did he'd say, "Shouldn't you be more responsible with your kids?" And I'd be like, 'Shut up, old man! You don't know me!'
JC: Has there ever been a bit you had trouble selling the 'Daily Show' team?
WC: The Slim Thug thing actually, that was something I had to push. It was a world where I felt there were a lot of jokes, but I remember we pitched it a couple of times and there were three different producers that had been on it at some point. I think around the third time, there was more to the story but it was one of those things initially they thought, 'Do people really want to see something about rappers dealing with the recession?' But eventually, it got through.
JC: Tomorrow night, when your special airs and you're on television as a stand-up comedian for the first time ever, where are you watching the show? Party at Wyatt's?
WC: I think I'm going to crawl under my bed. I've watched it so many times because I've been editing of it and honestly, what I think I'm going to wind up doing is going to see Donald Glover, who is a very funny comedian, he's on the show 'Community,' and he's taping his special tomorrow night at the Music Hall of Williamsburg. I don't know if I could do a party. If I did a party, I'd just be sitting there watching people watching me and saying, "You didn't laugh as loud as I thought you should!"
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“Reluctantly, I have decided to terminate my endorsement contract It pains me to leave at this time. I have aspirations of reentering the online poker business when the United States Government passes legislation, that officially legalize online poker sites. Doylesroom management has decided to continue to serve U.S. customers. Although they believe they have the right to market the name Doylesroom and to use my name and likeness for a period of time, I have asked them not to.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS Good luck-Shuffle up and deal.â€
In a thread on 2+2 (, user stripedcomic posted:
They should at least rename it
Good one.
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05-15-2011, 04:43 PM
Day 1 of the $25,000 World Poker Tour ( (WPT ( World Poker Championship got underway on Saturday with 188 players taking to the tables at Bellagio in Las Vegas. Christian “charder30″ Harder sat atop the leaderboard at the end of five levels of play, with Ali Eslami, Kyle “KJulius10″ Julius, Justin Young and Doyle Brunson ( all close on his heels. Registration will remain open for three levels on Sunday, which should easily boost the entrant total above last year’s number of 195.
Harder, who finished fourth in the 2009 WPT Championship for $571,965, bagged 249,975 chips Saturday evening after claiming the chip lead late in the day. Eslami is making a run at his second victory of 2011 after winning the World Series of Poker ( (WSOP ( Circuit Regional Championship at Harrah’s Rincon for $282,242 in March. He’ll enter Day 2 with 240,475. Julius (237,675), Young (234,575) and Alan Sternberg (233,675) rounded out the top five stacks, with Brunson lurking in sixth (230,000). Players began the tournament with 100,000 chips.
Kevin “BeL0WaB0Ve” Saul won the biggest pot of the day and enters Day 2 seventh in chips. According to the WPT Live Updates ( team, Saul called a six-bet preflop shove by Justin Bonomo ( to create a pot worth more than 270,000. Saul’s kings were in rough shape against Bonomo’s aces, but the board ran out Jd-5s-4d-3c-Ks to give Saul a set on the river and leave Bonomo with just 73,000. Saul finished the day with 229,975.
Also surviving the day was Todd Terry, who made a royal flush late on Day 1. Terry posted via Twitter that he had Ac-Jc on a board of Ax-Qc-Tc-Kc to win the pot and increase his stack to 141,000. He finished play with 140,275.
Other notables advancing to Day 2 with healthy stacks were John Juanda (, Michael Mizrachi (–-poker-player-profile-488/), Jonathan Little, Phil Laak (, Barry Greenstein (, Shannon Shorr, Erik Seidel (, Sam Trickett, and Eric Baldwin (, who finished second in last year’s event. Defending champion David Williams ( did not play on Saturday but is expected to register on Sunday. He registered late last year and went on to take title and $1,530,537.
Former WPT Championship winners Martin de Kniff, Carlos Mortensen (, David Chiu and Yevgeniy Timoshenko ( were also in the field on Day 1. All but Mortensen advanced, as “El Matador” was eliminated by the flopped full house of Jason Somerville. Others eliminated on Day 1 were Antonio Esfandiari (, David Benyamine (, Jennifer Tilly (, Eric Froelich, Frank Kassela, and Somerville, who was taken out at the hands of Shannon Shorr in the final level.
Play resumes at Noon local time on Sunday and the remaining 170 players are likely to be joined by the defending champ Williams, along with a few more of the game’s biggest names before registration closes at around 5 p.m. Here’s a look at the top 10 stacks heading into the day:
1. Christian Harder — 249,975
2. Ali Eslami — 240,475
3. Kyle Julius — 237,675
4. Justin Young — 234,575
5. Alan Sternberg — 233,675
6. Doyle Brunson — 230,000
7. Kevin Saul — 229,975
8. Masa Kagawa — 229,500
9. Robert Mercer — 222,850
10. Curt Kohlberg — 216,925
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05-15-2011, 04:43 PM
If you missed any of the Nightly Turbos this week, then you missed Tony G's appearance on the Poker Edge, the 2011 WSOP Europe schedule, and more.
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05-15-2011, 04:43 PM
Harder is used to thriving in the WPT Championship field The price tag for the World Poker Tour Championship event has always been steep one, but in the wake of Black Friday, that $25,000 price tag looks even steeper. With such a high price tag, many predicted a drop in field size from the 195 [...]
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05-15-2011, 04:43 PM ( Continuing his jubilant press rounds of the past two weeks, President Barack Obama stopped by the Fontana Room to discuss how we killed Osama bin Laden.
While there was plenty of speculation, but nobody really knew how The Events of 4/15TM would impact domestic tournaments in the New World Poker Order (
So far, so good.
The World Poker Tour has held two events in the States since Black FridayTM. Both have, in our opinion, exceeded participant expectation.
With registration still open, the 2011 WPT Championship has brought in a field of 188. Last year brought in 195, which was the lowest total starting field since Season 1 (in the WPT’s defense, it was running against the EPT San Remo). So, with satellites still running and a few pros who always register late for the event, it looks like this year’s Championship may actually exceed last year’s total. Impressive if so.
For those wondering if Team Full Tilt would show up at the event, some did. We set the line at 6.5 of the 14 team members to play. So far, 4 have entered (Juanda, Lindgren, Matusow, and Seidel). If Howard Lederer does play, Change100 has offered to eat her flip flops, a promise we’re going to hold her to and film.
And now on to the actual tournament. Christian Harder ended Day 1 as big stack withSUCKINGHOBBITDICKS249,975. He’s followed by the still tournament-hot Ali Eslami withSUCKINGHOBBITDICKS240,475.
In sixth overall is the newly-minted-free-agent ( Doyle Brunson with 230,000.
A total of 182 of the starting 188 still remain. Get full chip counts here (
Related Posts ( <div class="title"> WPT Seminole Hard Rock Showdown Exceeds Expectations (</span> ( <div class="title"> November Nine(TM) Hostage Darus Suharto Among WPT North American Poker Championship Chip Leaders (</span> ( <div class="title"> A Couple of November Niners Among 2011 WPT LAPC Chip Leaders (</span>
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Carl Culture
05-15-2011, 04:43 PM (
Good Sunday Morning to you all. Atomic Week is being extended for another week. It is a topic I am really interested in, and one with a lot of good pictures.
Last week we looked at pictures from the Manhattan project, and pictures through the explosion of the "Gadget" at the trinity site. With the successful test of the first atomic bomb, they were ready to use one for real, in an attempt to end the war in the pacific, and avoid an invasion of the Japanese Mainland.
A crew was chosen to drop the first bomb on Hiroshima. The crew is pictured above in front of the mission plane . . . the Enola Gay, which was named after the pilot's mom.
In the late 90's, I had a chance to meet Paul Tibbets and the other living members of the crew. It was a great experience. They appeared to have all come to grips with their unique role in history. In talking to them, none appeared to doubt the importance or necessity of the job they had done. They did not appear to be haunted by the lives lost in that expedition. At the same time, they did appear to be tired. I got the impression that they were tired of being known for that one event in their lives.
OK, I know I have been delinquent in posting Domestic Updates, and don't even know if Roger still reads the blog, out of frustration over lack of updates. The truth is that I have been really busy over the last three months. This will be the last full week of school, then finals, and then I will be out for the summer. I promise to do a better job keeping you informed on events in Chickie Town with school letting out.
For today, I have an update on the Lovely EAM. (
I am pleased to announce that EAM has just completed her Nursing degree, and has been pinned as an RN. She was at the top of her class, and will make an excellent nurse. While most of her classmates are out landing lucrative jobs, EAM wants to work for a year or so on the Mission Field. Her primary interest right now is either Nepal or East Africa.
I am learning that when you are a missionary you do not get paid, and at best get your nominal living expenses covered. I had sort of hoped that she would go out and get a high paying job, and perhaps purchase a fine Breitling Limited Edition SR71 Blackbird Chronograph Watch for her father as a token of her appreciation for the countless tuition checks, books, gas, food, insurance, and various other fees paid during her education. I am watching my dreams of the Blackbird crumble, as she apparently places a higher priority on caring for dying orphans in Africa. So, my dreams of the Breitling Blackbird must be put on hold for now. ( (
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Carl Culture
05-15-2011, 04:43 PM ( Fortress ::: Paulo Penicheiro ::: Picture of Almourol Castle, Portugal.
Carl Culture
05-15-2011, 04:43 PM
Sunset view from Mount Rocciamelone summit (3,538 m - 11,603 ft) On the left you can easily see the huge shadow of the mountain's conical shape projected to the infinite. (This photo and caption were submitted to Your Shot.) ( ( 954,cat.MediaEnt.rss
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Khalid El-Amin
05-15-2011, 08:15 PM
Several killed and scores wounded in Gaza, Golan Heights, Ras Maroun and West Bank, as Palestinians mark Nakba Day.
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Adolf Hitler
05-15-2011, 08:15 PM
Forum: Ideology and Philosophy Posted By: elroy21 Post Time: 05-15-2011 at 03:19 PM
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Georgie Thompson
05-16-2011, 12:21 AM
Korean KJ Choi edged out David Toms in a play-off to win the richest event in golf - the Players Championship in Florida.
More... (,19528,12040_6934958,00.html)
Aureum Chaos, located in the eastern part of Valles Marineris, is a complex area with light-toned material. Pits in this region are visible in MOC (Mars Orbital Camera) data. Does layering in the pits relate to the light-toned material at all?This region is southwest of Aram Chaos, and like the name "chaos" suggests, the terrain is characterized by randomly oriented, large-scale mesas and knobs that are heavily eroded and dominate the area. (You might also see the phrase "chaotic terrain" used to describe such areas.)The OMEGA experiment on Mars Express discovered clay minerals (phyllosilicates) in a variety places in Aureum Chaos. Since these minerals require water to form, it's possible large amounts were once here. The removal of that water is one of the ways the terrain was formed.This caption is based on the original science rationale.Written by: HiRISE Science Team
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Pancake-like mound in Stevinus crater cavity (33.03°S, 54.07°N). Image number M104162457R, incidence angle 62°, image width is about 870 meters.
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05-16-2011, 04:53 AM
The results to Days 5, 6, & 7 of the PokerStars Spring Championship of Online Poker (SCOOP) with Alex "joiso" Kostritsyn making final tables galore.
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05-16-2011, 04:53 AM ( The ONYX Cup had us almost as excited as newly discovered Keeley Hazell pics.
One major casualty from The Events of 4/15TM that has already quickly been forgotten about is Full Tilt Poker’s ONYX Cup.
The first Cup event would’ve wrapped this weekend.
We were unabashed fans of the Cup. A series of super-high buy-in events pitting most of the best-of-the-best against each other, well, it would’ve generated interest and buzz.
In some alternate universe, Erik Seidel is probably celebrating his first ONYX Cup victory right now by doing blow off of Johnny Chan‘s back, whom he paid $10,000 to use as a human table for the weekend.
Related Posts ( <div class="title"> BREAKING: Full Tilt Poker Announces ONYX Cup (</span> ( <div class="title"> Wicked Chops Podcast: ONYX Cup, PokerCon, and Idol (</span> ( <div class="title"> Tour Turf Wars: PokerStars Announces EPT Tournament of Champions (</span>
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05-16-2011, 04:53 AM
Defending $25k WPT Championship winner David Williams discusses his big win last year, what it meant to him, and the incredible fact that the field in this high prestige, high stakes buy-in grew by roughly 25 players this year.
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Carl Culture
05-16-2011, 04:53 AM (
George Takei and Kate Mulgrew at the con I attended yesterday.
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Khalid El-Amin
05-16-2011, 08:26 AM
Dozens injured as army and police use live ammunition, witnesses say, to disperse demonstration at Israeli embassy.
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Carl Culture
05-16-2011, 08:26 AM (
About Rafa:
Born in Mexico City, Rafa Torre studied painting, graphics design and photography in order to accomplish his childhood dream of creating surreal atmospheres. He lives in Madrid and is still working out the “alchemical process†of mixing different media to achieve the particular look in his work. Pop Surrealism Photography. ( ( ( Il2AUoC8zA) 7zBnMyn0Lo ( 7zBnMyn0Lo) _sGLiPBpWU ( _sGLiPBpWU) ( j6IDK7rITs) IN9vFwOqvQ ( IN9vFwOqvQ)
More... ( ( If you could sit back and watch clouds and the sky move all night and day, what might you see?
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Big Gay Al
05-16-2011, 08:26 AM (
Charlie is very smart and very fun. He is also the biggest trouble maker I have ever had the honor of calling my puppy. He loves to rip open stuffed toys to get the stuffing out, find ways to get on the kitchen table, and hit the buttons on the TV to turn it on/off. Most of the time, when we command "sit" or "down" he will follow-up by rolling over once he is done. He is apparently quite proud of that particular trick. We got him at the Humane Society when we went to look for a cat. Thank goodness we changed our minds. I can't imagine not having him in my life.
Click for more pictures and comments... (
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Kel Mitchell
05-16-2011, 08:26 AM
Filed under: News (, Race and Civil Rights (
BIRMINGHAM - In a church where four little girls lost their lives, angels still seem to be singing. Their songs are not of the pain left behind, but of freedom.
The choir rose to its feet and sang:
Before I'll be a slave
I'll be buried in my grave
I'll go home to my Lord
And I'll be free
As if a wave swept through the pews nearly everyone in the audience rose, swayed and clapped. The energy was palpable, the way Sunday at a Southern Baptist church can be. But this wasn't Sunday service, it was a special performance at the 16th Street Baptist Church (pictured below) by the Carlton Reese Memorial Choir for an audience of very special guests - the Freedom Riders.
In a city synonymous with the strife of segregation and the forces that fought so fiercely to end it, this church is a sacred place in the Civil Rights Movement legacy. Birmingham is also a place where the Freedom Riders suffered a particularly brutal beating by the Ku Klux Klan as they challenged the segregation of interstate buses there.
The violence in Birmingham became so bloody then, that the city became known as "Bombingham."
It was the latest stop along the 2011 Freedom Ride, which brought together a handful of original Freedom Riders and 40 college students from across the country and from different backgrounds to retrace the original journey through the Deep South. Each stop up until then had been wrought with emotions: guilt, sorrow, anger and hope.
I sat about a dozen rows back from where those little girls lost their lives in 1963 when a klansmen's bomb was detonated outside the church, and couldn't help but glance over at the stained glass window that once rained down in shards on the congregation.
To be in that room, in that city, was breathtaking.
And then the choir sang - so sweet a sound.
Ain't gonna let nobody turn me around
I'm gonna keep on walking, keep on walking
Again a wave of energy swept through the church. The Freedom Riders in attendance, now in their late 60s or 70s, swayed and a surge of difficult joy coursed through the students.
Even I was starting to feel possessed by whatever it was the choir or that place was doing to us.
I felt, for lack of a better word, empowered, and it became immediately clear how much this music meant to the movement.
There were influential ministers who preached power from the pulpits, but it was the church choirs of the Civil Rights era that gave the people a soundtrack that stirred them into the streets to stand up for their rights. The movement was filled with music, freedom songs and old gospel standbys born from the souls and spirits of black folks and our struggles.
So many of these songs also became the life-blood of the Freedom Riders, who braved heaps of brutality along interstate highways throughout the Deep South during the Freedom Rides of 1961.
"Music was just as important as learning about nonviolence," said Ernest "Rip" Patton, one of the original Freedom Riders. "Music brought us together -- we can't all talk at the same time, but we can all sing at the same time. It gives you that spiritual feeling. It was like our glue."
A couple days earlier, about five of the original Freedom Riders and the 40 students accompanying them were in Atlanta, sitting in the pews of the Ebenezer Baptist Church (pictured below), where Martin Luther King Sr. and his son, Martin Luther King Jr., once preached.
We sat and listened to a sermon by the younger King that played over the speakers. And then a woman's voice, a beautiful voice, rose and unfurled from the speakers and filled every recess in the place. It was a haunting song called 'How Great Thou Art' - powerful and subdued.
It was a change of pace for the students, who had by then passed the long bus rides by singing 'We Shall Overcome,' 'This Little Light of Mine' and 'The Buses Are A-Coming' over and over, even remixing some of the songs or making up raps with names of the Freedom Riders on the bus worked into their lyrics. But this was different. It had a bit more weight.
"We sang that in church every Sunday," said Samantha Williams, 23, a student at the University of Arkansas, of the song that played inside the church. "To hear it sung in that context, you almost feel guilty for singing it."
In Birmingham the choir sang, 'I Don't Feel No Way Tired' -- the kind of song that could keep you keeping on no matter what.
"The music was the inspiration. It gave the people a lot of courage that they didn't think they had," said Eloise Gaffney, the choir director who joined the choir in 1962 and quickly "found a place in the movement."
"When we were talking about we ain't gonna let nobody turn me around, it kind of just fired them up. And it was Martin King that was the one that said this choir can sing them out of their seats and into the streets."
Annie B. Levison, another longtime choir member, said that people came to the church to hear the preaching and the teaching, but also the singing.
"You know how when you start singing in your church, and you know how it just catch on fire, well everybody would catch on fire, and when they get on fire and the Lord is just dwelling inside of them -- they're ready," she said. "That's what you had to do. Get them on fire. And when the fire starts burning all over, they're going to run. So, where' you going to run to? You're going to run out to the people and say lets get free. Lets get free!"
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Big Gay Al
05-16-2011, 08:26 AM (
AnYoggie says: Otis is the wondeful cub of Lisa ( He was born on 4 May 2011 and he is veyy playful, loves his mom and Missy ( too. He is very spoiled and since he was a cub he got used with my family, so he knows us very well. I just love when he's playing with Missy and Lisa but I love when he comes and goes to sleep on my lap, together with Missy. He s is very cute and when he's left alone he meows without stopping until we take him with us. We decided to keep him because he was Lisa's only cub and we love him so much.
Courtesy of: AnYoggie (
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Kenan Thompson
05-16-2011, 08:26 AM
The world needs more black billionaires. Out of 1,210 billionaires , only 6 of them are people of color. These are the lucky, privileged few: By MFONOBONG NSEHE Aliko Dangote Country: Nigeria Source: sugar, flour, cement Net worth: $13.8 billion Africa’s...(read more (
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Adolf Hitler
05-16-2011, 08:26 AM
Forum: Youth Posted By: LoveYouLouscef Post Time: 05-16-2011 at 04:06 AM
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Georgie Thompson
05-16-2011, 12:43 PM
Mark Allott, Drew Talbot and Dean Morgan have signed new contracts at League Two champions Chesterfield.
More... (,19528,12040_6935765,00.html)
Nili Fossae is a graben system on Mars, northeast of the Syrtis Major volcanic province, on the northwestern edge of the giant Isidis impact basin. Some of these incisions into the martian crust are up to 500 m deep and probably formed at the same time as the basin. The High-Resolution Stereo Camera on ESA’s Mars Express took this image. These perspective views have been calculated from the Digital Terrain Model derived from the stereo channels.
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Like a Dali masterpiece, this image of Messier 8 from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope is both intensely colorful and distinctly surreal. Located in the constellation of Sagittarius (The Archer), this giant cloud of glowing interstellar gas is a stellar nursery that is also known as the Lagoon Nebula.Although the name definitely suits the beauty of this object, “lagoon†does suggest tranquility and there is nothing placid about the high-energy radiation causing these intricate clouds to glow. The massive stars hiding within the heart of the nebula give off enormous amounts of ultraviolet radiation, ionizing the gas and causing it to shine colorfully, as well as sculpting the surrounding nebula into strange shapes. The result is an object around four to five thousand light-years away which, on a clear night, is faintly visible to the naked eye.Since it was first recorded back in the 1747 this object has been photographed and analyzed at many different wavelengths. By using infrared detectors it is possible to delve into the center of these dusty regions to study the objects within. However, while this optical image, taken with the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on the Hubble Space Telescope, cannot pierce the obscuring matter it is undoubtedly one of the most visually impressive.Messier 8 is an enormous structure  around 140 by 60 light-years in extent  to put this in perspective the orbit of Neptune stretches only about four light-hours from our own Sun. This image depicts a small region in the center of the nebula.This picture was created from exposures taken with the Wide Field Channel of the Advanced Camera for Surveys on Hubble. Light from glowing hydrogen (through the F658N filter) is colored red. Light from ionized nitrogen (through the F660N filter) is colored green and light through a yellow filter (F550M) is colored blue. The exposure times through each filter are 1560 s, 1600 s and 400 s respectively. The blue-white flare at the lower left of the image is scattered light from a bright star just outside the field of view. The field of view is about 3.3 by 1.7 arcminutes.
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 12:43 PM jpg (
Vanessa Bikini 500x684 137kb ( ( ( C8zA) OqvQ ( OqvQ) ( rITs) BpWU ( BpWU) n0Lo ( n0Lo)
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 12:43 PM b.jpg (
Monte Carlo Movie Stills 1176x761 298kb ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 12:43 PM ( ( ( ( (
Going Get Sushi ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 12:43 PM ( ( ( (
Out And About ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 12:43 PM ( ( ( ( ( (
Bikini Butts ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 12:43 PM ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Leggy ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 12:43 PM _13_2011_WSAanI7.thumb.jpg ( 63623) _13_2011_rOMrdF8.thumb.jpg ( 63623) _13_2011_taylrxZ.thumb.jpg ( 63623) _13_2011_5v7wXvc.thumb.jpg ( 63623) _13_2011_t4hLUXn.thumb.jpg ( 63623) _13_2011_YmxQVcF.thumb.jpg ( 63623) _13_2011_x73gved.thumb.jpg ( 63623) _13_2011_7WPwHJT.thumb.jpg ( 63623) _13_2011_ZZFMI9N.thumb.jpg ( 63623) _13_2011_0ZTWD8I.thumb.jpg ( 63623) _13_2011_4tXMmA3.thumb.jpg ( 63623) _13_2011_e5NzH9x.thumb.jpg ( 63623)
Festival Cannes France May ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 12:43 PM mbshell_summer_edition_launch_party_held_at_the_be verly_on_may_12_2011_in_west_hollywood_BKFn9Oz.thu mb.jpg ( r_Edition_Launch_Party_Held_At_The_Beverly_On_May_ 12_2011_In_West_Hollywood_BKFn9Oz?id=163623) mbshell_summer_edition_launch_party_held_at_the_be verly_on_may_12_2011_in_west_hollywood_aZk1uVm.thu mb.jpg ( r_Edition_Launch_Party_Held_At_The_Beverly_On_May_ 12_2011_In_West_Hollywood_aZk1uVm?id=163623) mbshell_summer_edition_launch_party_held_at_the_be verly_on_may_12_2011_in_west_hollywood_jsTAJfg.thu mb.jpg ( r_Edition_Launch_Party_Held_At_The_Beverly_On_May_ 12_2011_In_West_Hollywood_jsTAJfg?id=163623) mbshell_summer_edition_launch_party_held_at_the_be verly_on_may_12_2011_in_west_hollywood_10u7dtK.thu mb.jpg ( r_Edition_Launch_Party_Held_At_The_Beverly_On_May_ 12_2011_In_West_Hollywood_10u7dtK?id=163623) mbshell_summer_edition_launch_party_held_at_the_be verly_on_may_12_2011_in_west_hollywood_7QDbsMq.thu mb.jpg ( r_Edition_Launch_Party_Held_At_The_Beverly_On_May_ 12_2011_In_West_Hollywood_7QDbsMq?id=163623) mbshell_summer_edition_launch_party_held_at_the_be verly_on_may_12_2011_in_west_hollywood_Y50V9Hc.thu mb.jpg ( r_Edition_Launch_Party_Held_At_The_Beverly_On_May_ 12_2011_In_West_Hollywood_Y50V9Hc?id=163623) mbshell_summer_edition_launch_party_held_at_the_be verly_on_may_12_2011_in_west_hollywood_6A5jltm.thu mb.jpg ( r_Edition_Launch_Party_Held_At_The_Beverly_On_May_ 12_2011_In_West_Hollywood_6A5jltm?id=163623) mbshell_summer_edition_launch_party_held_at_the_be verly_on_may_12_2011_in_west_hollywood_GiojHcT.thu mb.jpg ( r_Edition_Launch_Party_Held_At_The_Beverly_On_May_ 12_2011_In_West_Hollywood_GiojHcT?id=163623) mbshell_summer_edition_launch_party_held_at_the_be verly_on_may_12_2011_in_west_hollywood_PdTh1OT.thu mb.jpg ( r_Edition_Launch_Party_Held_At_The_Beverly_On_May_ 12_2011_In_West_Hollywood_PdTh1OT?id=163623) mbshell_summer_edition_launch_party_held_at_the_be verly_on_may_12_2011_in_west_hollywood_RrGz2yO.thu mb.jpg ( r_Edition_Launch_Party_Held_At_The_Beverly_On_May_ 12_2011_In_West_Hollywood_RrGz2yO?id=163623) mbshell_summer_edition_launch_party_held_at_the_be verly_on_may_12_2011_in_west_hollywood_ja5vqmn.thu mb.jpg ( r_Edition_Launch_Party_Held_At_The_Beverly_On_May_ 12_2011_In_West_Hollywood_ja5vqmn?id=163623) mbshell_summer_edition_launch_party_held_at_the_be verly_on_may_12_2011_in_west_hollywood_xZpAjim.thu mb.jpg ( r_Edition_Launch_Party_Held_At_The_Beverly_On_May_ 12_2011_In_West_Hollywood_xZpAjim?id=163623)
Victorias Secret What Sexy List Bombshell Summer Edition Launch Party Held The Beverly May West Hollywood ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 12:43 PM lwa9.thumb.jpg ( 572j.thumb.jpg ( BGkz.thumb.jpg ( WKmv.thumb.jpg ( O6tS.thumb.jpg ( RhlT.thumb.jpg ( VDZg.thumb.jpg ( c1Hq.thumb.jpg ( bIPg.thumb.jpg ( NOqb.thumb.jpg ( GLWB.thumb.jpg ( vvQR.thumb.jpg (
Out For Dinner Miami May ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Hillbilly Jim
05-16-2011, 02:24 PM
calm down kenan
Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 02:37 PM
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 02:37 PM
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 02:37 PM
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 02:37 PM
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 02:37 PM
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 02:37 PM
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 02:37 PM
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 02:37 PM
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 02:37 PM
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 02:37 PM
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 02:37 PM
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 02:37 PM
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 02:57 PM
Miley Cyrus had fun in the sun with her female friends at Barra da Tijuca beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Relaxing on the beach, the pop star flaunted her curves in a silver two-piece bikini. Read more: Miley Cyrus Bikini (, Miley Cyrus (, Celebrity Skin (, Entertainment News (
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 02:57 PM
Jessica Alba was spotted soaking up the sun in a skimpy bandeau bikini while vacationing in Mexico with daughter Honor Marie Warren and a few close friends for a belated birthday trip. Read more: Celebrity Skin (, Jessica Alba Pregnant (, Jessica Alba (, Jessica Alba Pregnant Bikini (, Jessica Alba Bikini (, Entertainment News (
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 02:57 PM
Vanessa Hudgens showed off a lot of leg - and back and chest - at the premiere of 'Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides' Saturday night. Also at the premiere was Vanessa's friend, costar and bikini vacation partner ( Tisdale.
The movie opens May 20.
PHOTOS: Read more: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (, Celebrity Skin (, Film (, Movies (, Vanessa Hudgens (, Entertainment News (
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 02:57 PM
Nicole Scherzinger had her name making the rounds of top hotties from the men's magazines this past week; and rightfully so. Read more: Nicole Scherzinger (, Nicole Scherzinger Topless (, Celebrity Skin (, Nicole Scherzinger GQ India (, Entertainment News (
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 02:57 PM
Kim Kardashian knows how to flaunt her assets. She recently sent tongues wagging when she was spotted flaunting her roller coaster curves in a number of teeny-tiny string bikinis while on vacation with her NBA player boyfriend Kris Humphries. Read more: Celebrity Skin (, Kim Kardashian (, Kim Kardashian Bikini (, Entertainment News (
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 02:57 PM
Having declared that being braless is just who she is, Miley Cyrus showed up at a craft fair in Chile where a fan captured her side boob in all its glory, then posted it to Twitter. Read more: Miley Cyrus (, Celebrity Skin (, Entertainment News (
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 02:57 PM
Jennifer Lopez clearly is taking care of her body. Read more: Celebrity Skin (, Jennifer Lopez (, Entertainment News (
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 02:57 PM
Kim Kardashian's romance with Kris Humphries reached new heights on a beach getaway in Mexico.
The 30-year-old reality TV star was quite literally swept off her feet as she frolicked in the sea with the NBA player, 26, in Puerto Mita, Mexico.
Read more: Celebrity Skin (, Kim Kardashian (, Kim Kardashian Bikini (, Entertainment News (
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 02:57 PM
The OC actress strutted her stuff in a bright bikini on the beaches of Hawaii on Monday. Some might find it a little surprising that she's vacationing right now since it has been rumored that she's run into a little money trouble. Read more: Mischa Barton Bikini (, Celebrity Skin (, Mischa Barton (, Entertainment News (
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 02:57 PM
In light of the serious, yet celebratory news of Osama Bin Laden's death, I chose to start things off with the above photos of Maria Menounos featuring not one, but TWO different bikini sets. Read more: Maria Menounos Bikini (, Celebrity Skin (, Maria Menounos (, Entertainment News (
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 02:57 PM
Click through for photos of Vanessa and Ashley enjoying a Mexican beach getaway... Read more: Vanessa Hudgens Bikini (, Ashley Tisdale (, High School Musical (, Celebrity Skin (, Vanessa Hudgens (, Entertainment News (
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Percy The Perv
05-16-2011, 02:57 PM
For now, we can ogle these rather stunning recent Mike Rosenthal photos of still sextastic Lindsay Lohan. These covered topless pictures just remind us that if Lindsay Lohan really wants to make up for her sins of the past, the very best way would be some sins of the future. Enjoy. Read more: Lindsay Lohan Topless (, Celebrity Skin (, Lindsay Lohan (, Mike Rosenthal (, Entertainment News (
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05-16-2011, 04:58 PM
More than tripling his chip stack from the start of the day, Abe Mosseri ended Day 2 of the 2011 World Poker Tour ( (WPT ( World Championship as the chip leader with 685,200 chips, as the field was slowly whittled away.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS With 116 of the original 220 players remaining, there is still a long way to go until the money bubble is even approached, as just 27 will walk away with a profit to show for their efforts.
Mosseri began Sunday in excellent shape, sitting at table 49, seat 4, with 200,525 chips, good for 14th place overall.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS He was the last of the players who had eclipsed the 200,000 chip mark, just 49,000 behind the chip leader, Christian “charder30″ Harder (while 49,000 was a lot compared to the blinds, it was really nothing in the grand scheme of the tournament).SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS He made his move to the top of the leaderboard early, within the first hour of play.
With blinds at 400/800 and a 100 chip ante in Level 6, Mosseri and 2007 WPT Bellagio Cup III champ Kevin “BeL0WaB0Ve” Saul got all their chips into the middle after a flop of T-9-8.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS Saul was in great shape when the cards were flipped over, showing Q-J for the nut straight, while Mosseri held T-9 for top two pair.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS Mosseri had just four outs available to make his full house and a very slim chance at a runner-runner straight for a chop.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS But as you already know, Mosseri is the chip leader, so of course, one of his outs – a nine – did land on the river, giving him a pot worth about 400,000 chips.
Abe Mosseri does not have boat loads of documented live tournament cashes in his career, but when he does cash, he does it on the biggest stages.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS Of his thirteen live cashes, according to database, all but one of them are in World Series of Poker ( (WSOP ( or WPT events.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS Not only that, but only two of those twelve are in events with buy-ins lower than $10,000: the 2007 WPT Borgata Poker Open Championship Event and the 2009 WSOP $2,500 Deuce to Seven Triple Draw Event.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS We can probably let those slide, though, as the WPT event featured a $9,700 buy-in and he won his first and only bracelet in the WSOP event.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS All told, the Manhattan resident has won almost $900,000 on the live tournament circuit, with seven WSOP cashes (including two final tables and that one bracelet) and five WPT cashes (one final table).
Our former chip leader Harder finished Day 2 with a smaller chip stack than he had when he started the day, but he’s still in solid shape in 33rd place with 232,100 chips.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS Other notables in the top 30 include Scott Seiver (5th place), Erik Seidel ( (11th), Yevgeniy Timoshenko ( (17th), Andrew Lichtenberger (18th), Kenny Tran ( (24th), Shannon Shorr (27th), and Doyle Brunson ( (29th).
Arguably the roughest beat of the day belonged to Andrew “good2cu” Robl, who, along with 32 other players, waited until Day 2 to register for the WPT World Championship.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS One of the last four people to register, Robl didn’t even last an orbit before running into another late entry, Joe Cassidy.SUCKINGHOBBITDICKS We’ll let Robl’s tweet speak for itself:
“I buy into WPT late sane [sic] time as Joe Cassidy. 2nd hand he opens CO I 3 bet button he 4 bet I shove QQ he calls KK. GG 25k”
True, it wasn’t really a “bad” beat, per se, but it’s rough to plunk down $25,000 only to get coolered for all your chips in just a few minutes.
Play will resume at the Bellagio on Monday at noon Pacific time as the remaining 116 players try to position themselves for the $1,618,344 first prize.
End of Day 2 Chip Leaders
1. Abe Mosseri – 685,200
2. Alan Sternberg – 606,400
3. Steven Kelly – 566,500
4. Roger Teska – 534,900
5. Scott Seiver – 461,300
6. Joshua Bergman – 415,600
7. Justin Young – 414,100
8. Robert Mercer – 408,600
9. David Peters – 401,400
10. Darren Elias – 342,900
2011 WPT Championship Prize Structure (Place/Prize)
$5,309,500 prize pool
1. $1,618,344
2. $1,061,900
3. $589,355
4. $371,665
5. $278,749
6. $225,654
7. $172,559
8. $119,464
9. $84,952
10-12. $63,714
13-15. $53,095
16-18. $42,476
19-27. $37,167
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