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Big Gay Al
06-18-2011, 08:03 PM
Caption: Giant Kingfisher perched on a branch watching for potential prey, Ruaha National Park, Tanzania.
Camera: Canon EOS 1D Mk II; Lens: Canon EF 400mm f/5.6 L USM; Focal Length: 400mm; Shutter speed: 1/1250; Aperture: f/5.6; ISO: 400.
The Giant Kingfisher (Megaceryle maxima), the largest kingfisher in Africa, is found across most of the continent south of the Sahara Desert.
Like other kingfishers, the giant kingfisher is a fairly stocky bird with a short neck and straight, dagger-like bill. In size — about 45 cm long — it is not much smaller than a green-backed heron, with a similar shape and flight pattern.
Both male and female giant kingfishers sport a shaggy crest, while the male has a rufous breast band with black and white speckled underparts (as in photo above). In contrast, the female’s breast band is speckled and the belly rufous
The giant kingfisher feeds on fish, crabs and frogs, caught in the typical kingfisher way by a swift dive from a perch, from where it can usually be sighted scanning any nearby water for potential prey.
To find out more about this kingfisher and others found in the southern African region, see safari guide Roddy Smith’s article, Kingfishers of Southern Africa ( ( yIl2AUoC8zA) F7zBnMyn0Lo ( F7zBnMyn0Lo) V_sGLiPBpWU ( V_sGLiPBpWU) ( qj6IDK7rITs) ( l6gmwiTKsz0) gIN9vFwOqvQ ( gIN9vFwOqvQ) ( TzevzKxY174)
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Kenan Thompson
06-18-2011, 08:03 PM
Destiny Mathis is selling letter from President Obama to make ends meet. Yahoo News is reporting that Destiny Mathis, a struggling young mother from Indiana, is selling a letter sent to her from Barack Obama. Last November, Mathis wrote to the president...(read more (
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Adolf Hitler
06-18-2011, 08:03 PM
Forum: UK Newslinks Posted By: Jack Black Post Time: 06-18-2011 at 03:51 PM
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Georgie Thompson
06-19-2011, 01:12 AM
Rory McIlroy's complete domination of the 111th US Open at Congressional continued on Saturday.
More... (,19528,12040_6995957,00.html)
06-19-2011, 06:08 AM
This week on poker's biggest stage, Phil Hellmuth and Allen Kessler came up short of bracelets, Daniel Negreanu tilted big time, and a new tournament got people mixing it up.
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06-19-2011, 06:08 AM
Some players began their day by Buzios--nearly 1/4 of a mile from the Amazon RoomIt was another near-capacity day for the 2011 World Series of Poker as a big field No Limit Hold’em event caused delays for the other events. Here is a look at how the six tournaments running in the Rio are progressing [...]
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06-19-2011, 06:08 AM
This strategy column, and many like it, are featured in every issue of Card Player magazine. Subscribe today to get 26 issues delivered to your home each year! Just as …
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Carl Culture
06-19-2011, 06:08 AM (
Cool bit of fan art of the TOS crew. Found it HERE (
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Percy The Perv
06-19-2011, 06:08 AM g (
Side Boob Gettin Hair Washed 581x480 180kb ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Khalid El-Amin
06-19-2011, 08:10 AM
Iraq's parliament speaker tells Al Jazeera unaccounted reconstruction money is three times the reported $6.6bn.
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Carl Culture
06-19-2011, 08:10 AM (
About Krista:
Krista Huot spent her formative years in the forests of British Columbia, where she was trained in fine arts and classical animation. Her paintings explore the ongoing emotional relevance of archetypes in folklore, using inspiration from storybook illustration, folk art, animation and vintage kitsch. Krista’s work has been shown at galleries throughout the United States, including Gallery 1988, Corey Helford Gallery in Los Angeles, LA Municipal Art Gallery, and Compound Gallery in Portland. Krista used to work in acrylic, but now uses solvent-free walnut oil paints. ( ( ( Il2AUoC8zA) 7zBnMyn0Lo ( 7zBnMyn0Lo) _sGLiPBpWU ( _sGLiPBpWU) ( j6IDK7rITs) IN9vFwOqvQ ( IN9vFwOqvQ)
More... ( ( From fifty kilometers above asteroid
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Big Gay Al
06-19-2011, 08:10 AM (
This is Maya. She learns quite quickly and is very outgoing. For a puppy she is very tough, brave (so far, she's only afraid of flying plastic bags, steam iron, and baby ducklings), and has endless energy for walking and chewing. She enjoys playing with her best friend Gus, long walks, dog parks, and diving into water.
Click for more pictures and comments... (
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Big Gay Al
06-19-2011, 08:10 AM (
Angela says: Eevee is about ten months old now (at least that's what we assume). She was rescued from a box that someone left outside of a building nearby and so there is no way to be certain. The vet said upon first examining her that she was about five or six weeks old which is very young to be separated from her mother. She was very tiny but adorable, and so I couldn't say no to her despite the facts that I'm allergic to cats and my landlords said no pets. But she bowled them over after five minutes and I was allowed to keep her. Eevee has many strange behaviors. She is fascinated with water and believes she is entitled to drink from any source she chooses, which includes the glass of water that I (was) drinking from. On occasion she drinks out of the toilet, too. I have found her in the middle of the night sitting on my dresser, trying to figure out how to get the last sips of water out of a tall glass. My research shows that she has some of the trademark features of Maine Coons - loves water, medium to long hair, the "M" on her forehead, extremely long whiskers and ears, and a gigantic tail (it's over a foot long!). Currently she only weighs 5.5 pounds, but Maine Coons are known to continue growing for three to four years, so I have no idea how big she'll wind up being. She still gets a little bit of shrimp each day, a suggestion my mom had when she was underweight and we wanted something healthy to feed her to help her bulk up. It has become a routine each evening and she knows the word "shrimp" so she'll come running to the kitchen if she hears it.
She likes to sleep inside a fabric grocery bag that I have now equipped with blankets, and I walk Eevee outside on a harness because she loves to be outdoors. We go out and she eats grass, plays with bugs, and generally acts like a dog. She is very territorial… when she's by herself she is perfectly fine and affectionate, but when introduced to other cats -- friendly cats, may I add -- she growls, hisses, and generally causes havoc. The only cat she wants to befriend is my landlord's outdoor cat which always ends with Eevee being the one getting hissed at!
Courtesy of: Angela P.
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Adolf Hitler
06-19-2011, 08:10 AM
Forum: General Down Under DiscussionPosted By: Sanctuary1Post Time: 06-19-2011 at 02:54 AM
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gay sex
06-19-2011, 08:10 AM
La lucha de Máscara vs. Cabellera entre L.A. Park y El MesÃÂas en AAA TripleManÃÂa XIX, resultó ser grandiosa y el ganador del encuentro fue L.A. Park, quien dejó pelón a El MesÃÂas. La lucha, que contó con apróximadamente más de diez cuentas en dos, terminó cuando MesÃÂas golpeó al réferi, hecho que aprovechó L.A. [...]
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Percy The Perv
06-19-2011, 08:10 AM
Thanks to a number of our readers who awoke us from our weekend bender for this 'slip' alert, including the good folks at (, Germany's largest online news site, for the heads up, err, boobs up, err, boobs down, on the super MILFtastic Jennifer Lopez (, who appeared on our super favorite German variety show, Wetten dass...? (admittedly, we love it primarily for Swiss hottie co-hostess, Michelle Hunziker ( Jennifer Lopez made an impression on the German audience that won't soon be forgotten when her dress top blessedly pulled back for a full on reveal of her bare boobtastic.
Hot celebrity + no bra + loose dress + national television =Sehr gut!
(You with browser translators can read the original story on (
*Many thanks to 'Ben F.' of France for the updated higher-resolution slip-take.
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Georgie Thompson
06-19-2011, 01:14 PM
Sunderland boss Steve Bruce insists Cristian Riveros still has a future at the Stadium of Light.
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Darwin Crater is a 178 kilometer (110 miles) diameter impact crater located in the Southern Hemisphere of Mars southeast of Argyre Planitia.Originally targeted by MRO's lower-resolution imager, the CTX camera shows alternating light and dark toned bands in this region. However, the higher-resolution HiRISE camera reveals that these dark bands are actually troughs being infilled by dark-toned dunes and the light-toned bands are actually highly fractured and bouldery resistant layers that form the higher elevation regions.Dark streaks and dust devil tracks across much of the HiRISE image indicate active sediment transport by wind processes.Written by: Ginny Gulick
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From fifty kilometers above asteroid Eros, the surface inside one of its largest craters appears covered with an unusual substance: regolith. The thickness and composition of the surface dust that is regolith remains a topic of much research. Much of the regolith on 433 Eros was probably created by numerous small impacts during its long history. In this representative-color view taken by the robot spacecraft NEAR-SHOEMAKER that orbited Eros in 2000 and 2001, brown areas indicate regolith that has been chemically altered by exposure to the solar wind during micrometeorite impacts. White areas are thought to have undergone relatively less exposure. The boulders visible inside the crater appear brown, indicating either that they are old enough to have a surface itself tanned by the solar wind, or that they have somehow become covered with some dark surface dust. This July, NASA's Dawn spacecraft will orbit giant main belt asteroid Vesta.
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06-19-2011, 06:16 PM
The Weekly Turbo is bringing you the week's top poker news stories including news on the WPT's ratings, an RFID poker table, and more.
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06-19-2011, 06:16 PM
The 2011 World Series of Poker is full of facts, figures, stats and records. With so many numbers being crunched day in and day out, sometimes it is tough to see what they all add up to. That is why each day BLUFF brings you some of the more interesting numbers related to the news [...]
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06-19-2011, 06:16 PM ( The 2011 WSOP started off badly for Juanda after almost getting beat up by James Bord, but he's since gotten over it and has dominated.
We’re either “at,” “around,” “or about” the halfway point, so let’s take a look at 2011 WSOP Player of the Year ( standings.
Coming into the weekend, John Juanda leads everyone with 336 points. Juanda has one win ( ($10k 2-7 Lowball) and another final table (sixth in the $2,500 8-Game Mix). He’s closely followed by Amir Lehavot with 330 points. Lehavot has a win in the $10k PLH event and a 21st in the $1,500 WSOP Shoot-Out.
Not far behind them are Sean Getzwiller (325), Steven Landfish (317.70), Viacheslav Zhukov (315.00), Jake Cody (313.13), Daniel Idema (309.50), and Bertrand ‘ElkY’ Grospellier (299.25).
In all, there are 15 people within 100 points of the lead, so this is still up in the air. It feels like the clubhouse leader, Juanda, would have the edge given his ability to go deep in more than just hold’em events, but like Asia’s “Only Time Will Tell,” only time will tell (
Get full 2011 WSOP Player of the Year standings here ( (
Related Posts ( <div class="title"> 2011 WSOP: Jake Cody Captures Poker’s Non-Existent Triple Crown; Barbaro Wins Bracelet (</span> ( <div class="title"> 2011 WSOP: Durrrr, Hansen, Juanda Advance and Lots of Drama (</span> ( <div class="title"> 2008 Poker Player of the Year Updates (</span>
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Carl Culture
06-19-2011, 06:16 PM (
Today's picture was taken in 1898, and shows Teddy Roosevelt as a Rough Rider. The photograph was taken in Florida, so the group would have been getting ready to Cuba for the Spanish American War.
Roosevelt was one of the more interesting characters in our Nation's history. I always respected him as he appears larger than life, and he was not afraid to take on large corporations, his own political party, and the ruling elites. I always liked his mantra of "Walk Softly and Carry a Big Stick".
While I appreciate the magnitude of his character, I do think he was one of the first presidents to put us on the course of Big Government. In that sense he was a very early and very powerful "liberal" or "progressive" force.
OK, I have myself a summer project. Every gentleman farmer needs some classic automobiles, so I have taken delivery of these two fine specimens. (
The car on the left is a 1926 Model T touring car, and on the right is a 1924 roadster. Neither has been started in the last 30 years, but when they were put away, the fluids were drained, and they were stored indoors on blocks. So, the question is, will they start up now. The cars use six volt batteries, which I had to order. So, I need to put oil, water, and gas in them, and then get the batteries in, and we will see if they are still in running condition. ( (
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Carl Culture
06-19-2011, 06:16 PM ( Madame Shan ::: Dieter Waumans ::: An older woman smoking a typical Burmese cigarette.
Carl Culture
06-19-2011, 06:16 PM
Was photographing one of the arches in Arches NP when this tree caught my eye. It was an overcast evening, and I set up and waited for a break in the clouds for a few rays of sun. (This photo and caption were submitted to the 2011 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest.) ( ( 954,cat.MediaEnt.rss
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Percy The Perv
06-19-2011, 06:16 PM 11__APrAkTO.thumb.jpg ( d=163623) 11_1_vuGZqBL.thumb.jpg ( id=163623) 11_2_JHZvMVK.thumb.jpg ( id=163623) 11_3_sIk5Lrk.thumb.jpg ( id=163623) 11_4_SIXLcH4.thumb.jpg ( id=163623) 11_5_TA3UhZz.thumb.jpg ( id=163623) 11_6_pS5DxEJ.thumb.jpg ( id=163623) 11_7_Wzbx6PC.thumb.jpg ( id=163623) 11_8_9jg31Ty.thumb.jpg ( id=163623) 11_9_plUIu7g.thumb.jpg ( id=163623)
Bad Teacher Photocall London June ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
06-19-2011, 06:16 PM 1_in_beverly_hills_june_16_2011_ajtkBuP.thumb.jpg ( Hills_June_16_2011_ajtkBuP?id=163623) 1_in_beverly_hills_june_16_2011_i9yOD2S.thumb.jpg ( Hills_June_16_2011_i9yOD2S?id=163623) 1_in_beverly_hills_june_16_2011_RZ4gung.thumb.jpg ( Hills_June_16_2011_RZ4gung?id=163623) 1_in_beverly_hills_june_16_2011_LGL5zaX.thumb.jpg ( Hills_June_16_2011_LGL5zaX?id=163623) 1_in_beverly_hills_june_16_2011_VtUrJ5Q.thumb.jpg ( Hills_June_16_2011_VtUrJ5Q?id=163623) 1_in_beverly_hills_june_16_2011_7c3pglG.thumb.jpg ( Hills_June_16_2011_7c3pglG?id=163623) 1_in_beverly_hills_june_16_2011_XpEDrAX.thumb.jpg ( Hills_June_16_2011_XpEDrAX?id=163623) 1_in_beverly_hills_june_16_2011_e8rqqVJ.thumb.jpg ( Hills_June_16_2011_e8rqqVJ?id=163623) 1_in_beverly_hills_june_16_2011_EEUuNFm.thumb.jpg ( Hills_June_16_2011_EEUuNFm?id=163623) 1_in_beverly_hills_june_16_2011_8RuIIr1.thumb.jpg ( Hills_June_16_2011_8RuIIr1?id=163623) 1_in_beverly_hills_june_16_2011_eLCT0gX.thumb.jpg ( Hills_June_16_2011_eLCT0gX?id=163623) 1_in_beverly_hills_june_16_2011_RxQ5Y28.thumb.jpg ( Hills_June_16_2011_RxQ5Y28?id=163623)
Women Film Crystal Lucy Awards Beverly Hills June ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
06-19-2011, 06:16 PM g ( ippines_June_17_2011__2EuRx7y?id=163623) g ( ippines_June_17_2011__s3h7VXv?id=163623) g ( ippines_June_17_2011__BZuxfTt?id=163623) g ( ippines_June_17_2011__m852WPv?id=163623) g ( ippines_June_17_2011__xSy5Fvk?id=163623) g ( ippines_June_17_2011__VRJ7yDl?id=163623) g ( ippines_June_17_2011__8Jvu2WB?id=163623) g ( ippines_June_17_2011__XDexTGF?id=163623) g ( ippines_June_17_2011__tMlJdIT?id=163623) g ( ippines_June_17_2011__EvvVVJr?id=163623)
Performing During Concert Pasay City The Philippines June ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
06-19-2011, 06:16 PM ur_in_atlanta_june_16_2011_6XiyBL6.thumb.jpg ( _June_16_2011_6XiyBL6?id=163623) ur_in_atlanta_june_16_2011_KYfMM8N.thumb.jpg ( _June_16_2011_KYfMM8N?id=163623) ur_in_atlanta_june_16_2011_JVpcL2S.thumb.jpg ( _June_16_2011_JVpcL2S?id=163623) ur_in_atlanta_june_16_2011_nmfmdhn.thumb.jpg ( _June_16_2011_nmfmdhn?id=163623) ur_in_atlanta_june_16_2011_mYKzzzG.thumb.jpg ( _June_16_2011_mYKzzzG?id=163623) ur_in_atlanta_june_16_2011_QP7X6N4.thumb.jpg ( _June_16_2011_QP7X6N4?id=163623) ur_in_atlanta_june_16_2011_gYboLPd.thumb.jpg ( _June_16_2011_gYboLPd?id=163623) ur_in_atlanta_june_16_2011_XbphFcX.thumb.jpg ( _June_16_2011_XbphFcX?id=163623) thumb.jpg ( p:// n_atlanta_georgia_june_16_2011_fyF4PBY.thumb.jpg ( rgia_June_16_2011_fyF4PBY?id=163623) n_atlanta_georgia_june_16_2011_KYOolWH.thumb.jpg ( rgia_June_16_2011_KYOolWH?id=163623) n_atlanta_georgia_june_16_2011_f8HOyBA.thumb.jpg ( rgia_June_16_2011_f8HOyBA?id=163623)
Performing Her Monte Carlo Mall Tour Atlanta June, Twitter Picture June, Promoting Her New Movie Monte Carlo Atlanta Georgia June ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
06-19-2011, 06:16 PM XkF.thumb.jpg ( S5Z.thumb.jpg ( IO0.thumb.jpg ( 1P9.thumb.jpg (
The Voice Screencaps ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Big Gay Al
06-19-2011, 08:13 PM .jpg
A Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo (Chrysococcyx basalis), photographed in the Binya State Forest, NSW.
EXIF: Canon EOS 50D : 1/800 sec : f/5.6 : 400 mm : ISO 160
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Kel Mitchell
06-19-2011, 08:13 PM
From the New York Times (
Clarence Clemons, the saxophonist in Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band, whose jovial onstage manner, soul-rooted style and brotherly relationship with Mr. Springsteen made him one of rock's most beloved sidemen, died on Saturday at a hospital in Palm Beach, Fla. He was 69. The cause was complications of a stroke he suffered last Sunday at his home in Singer Island, Fla., a spokeswoman for Mr. Springsteen said.
Read more here (
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Big Gay Al
06-19-2011, 08:13 PM
Location: Auburn, Alabama, USA
This is Hedges, my seven-week-old baby Calico. He got tired leaving the Vet’s office and went to sleep on my shoulder.
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Kenan Thompson
06-19-2011, 08:13 PM
The Root's Father's Day survey finds African-American dads are positive about their kids, but blame media -- and themselves -- for how they're perceived. When it comes to their children's future success, African-American men tend to be optimists. This...(read more (
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Adolf Hitler
06-19-2011, 08:13 PM
Forum: Homemaking Posted By: Dragonmaidenqueen Post Time: 06-19-2011 at 03:11 PM
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gay sex
06-19-2011, 08:13 PM
Estás son las imágenes culminantes del segundo en enfrentamiento de AAA Triplemania XIX, donde el equipo integrado por Joe Lider, Electroshock y Heavy Metal derrotan a La ManiarquÃÂa conformada por Silver King, Cheesman y Ultimo Gladiador. El triunfo lo consiguen el ex Megacampeón AAA y el ex Canelo Casas, tras estrellar a Chessman sobreuna mesay [...]
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06-20-2011, 01:15 AM
this is correct
Georgie Thompson
06-20-2011, 01:21 AM
Paul Higham was at Congressional this week for one of those 'I was there' moments from Rory McIlroy.
More... (,19528,12040_6996980,00.html)
06-20-2011, 06:39 AM
Day 19 is complete. Andy Frankenberger takes the Event #28 bracelet and the $2,500 10-Game Mix reaches the final table.
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06-20-2011, 06:39 AM
Melanie Weisner has cashed in four of eight WSOP events this year. Father’s Day at the World Series of Poker features another $1,000 No Limit Hold’em event as well as a gold bracelet awarded in the $2,500 10-Game as play ran into overtime. We may see more bracelet winners before the day is through, as the [...]
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06-20-2011, 06:39 AM
A lot of big names remain in the 2011 WSOP $3,000 Pot-Limit Omaha event, including chip leader with 13 left Christian Harder, who spoke to Card Player TV on a break.
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Carl Culture
06-20-2011, 06:39 AM (
I never get tired of seeing this gorgeous, film version of the big E. See this great wallpaper in hires HERE (
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Carl Culture
06-20-2011, 06:39 AM
Rising before the sun, a lone camel trader sits near his fire to keep warm while he waits for the day of trading to begin at the Nagaur Cattle Fair in Nagaur, India. (This photo and caption were submitted to the 2011 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest.) ( ( 954,cat.MediaEnt.rss
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Percy The Perv
06-20-2011, 06:39 AM (
1062x1515 254kb ( ( ( C8zA) OqvQ ( OqvQ) ( rITs) BpWU ( BpWU) n0Lo ( n0Lo)
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Percy The Perv
06-20-2011, 06:39 AM (
Squeeze 682x968 97kb ( ( ( C8zA) OqvQ ( OqvQ) ( rITs) BpWU ( BpWU) n0Lo ( n0Lo)
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Percy The Perv
06-20-2011, 06:39 AM nt_over_0nOogck.thumb.jpg ( ?id=163623)
Britney Big Crazy Sexy Juicy Ass Bent Over 344x500 48kb ( ( ( C8zA) OqvQ ( OqvQ) ( rITs) BpWU ( BpWU) n0Lo ( n0Lo)
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Khalid El-Amin
06-20-2011, 08:20 AM
State news agency says Bashar al-Assad to make third speech since protests began, as army seeks to stop refugee exodus.
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Big Gay Al
06-20-2011, 08:20 AM Pygmy planigale (Planigale maculate) is a small marsupial which can be found in parts of Australia, as well as the islands of Groote Eylandt and Great Keppel. This creature's appearance resembles a cross between a mouse and a shrew.
When looking at this critter, it appears small, measuring 180 millimeters (18 centimeters) in length. The males of this species weigh 15 grams (0.53 ounces) and the females average around 11 grams (0.39 ounces). The resemblance is remarkably similar to that of the house mouse, with the exception of their pointy head and large round ears.
This small creature, whose scientific name translates as "spotted flat-weasel", is covered in coat of reddish or grey fur. Their underside is lighter in color and appears to be a mix between light grey and yellow. Their fur extends around the entire body, stopping at the tail which is almost completely naked. Their marsupial pouch is located on the bellies of the females opening towards the back. Females give birth to between five and eleven young at a time, who crawl into the pouch to suckle, and then emerge twenty-eight days later. These young go out on their own at seventy days old.
The pygmy planigale can be found in a variety of locations including rainforests, heathland, grasslands, forests, and marshlands. Generally, they prefer to live near water in places that have thick cover under which they can hide from their predators. Additionally, community nests built by the pygmy planigale have been found in the wild.
This nocturnal marsupial is a carnivore whose diet mainly consists of insects and arthropods. They are known to bite the bellies of insects in order to kill their prey where they are most vulnerable. This little creature has also been known to take down prey larger than itself, including small birds and lizards. The pygmy planigale needs to keep a lookout for their predators which include foxes, cats, and cane toads.
Although the pygmy planigale is not on the endangered species list, their numbers are not precisely known. Some members of the scientific community believe that they are being threatened as their natural habitat is being developed and destroyed.
Steps can be taken to ensure the pygmy planigale continues to thrive in Australia. Reduction in burning of forests and control of cattle's access to grazing land near the pygmy planigale's territory may help this species thrive. (
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Carl Culture
06-20-2011, 08:20 AM (
About Angelina:
Family life, relationships, motherhood and emotions. These are the central topics I am dealing with in my current personal work. Photography allows me to go beyond observation, it makes me look twice, trying to capture the special something that makes the difference. In the end it’s all about truth and simplicity. Since I am working on a long term project, portraying my own family, photography has become part of my everyday life.
My projects have been published and exhibited in Germany and Italy. In the past years I have been internationally awarded with several IPA honorable mentions, mentions at Fotoleggendo (Rome) and Orvieto Festival, and TAU creative quality price. ( ( ( Il2AUoC8zA) 7zBnMyn0Lo ( 7zBnMyn0Lo) _sGLiPBpWU ( _sGLiPBpWU) ( j6IDK7rITs) IN9vFwOqvQ ( IN9vFwOqvQ)
More... ( ( Last Roll Out of a NASA Space Shuttle
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Big Gay Al
06-20-2011, 08:20 AM (
Hi! My name is Brie. I love lying on my back and having my tummy scratched. I especially like following my family around the house and nibbling on their fingers. My mom says I'm the best and sweetest puppy in the world. I think so too! I love making new friends!
Click for more pictures and comments... (
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Big Gay Al
06-20-2011, 08:20 AM (
Encore: India's Kittens: Ocean
The Kitten Krew says: Who wants to see more of India's little boy named Ocean (
Courtesy of: Irina Shvayakova (
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Kenan Thompson
06-20-2011, 08:20 AM
Kenneth Mathis is the kind of man who values stability. More than three decades ago, when he was 19, Mathis was hired by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, a government position that seemed to confer assurance of middle class comforts. As an African...(read more (
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Adolf Hitler
06-20-2011, 08:20 AM
Forum: For Stormfront Ladies OnlyPosted By: moonflower994Post Time: 06-20-2011 at 03:36 AM
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gay sex
06-20-2011, 08:20 AM
La ex-Diva y actual knockoutMickie James, quién contó con un inesperado apoyo popular en el Palacio de los Deportes, a pesar de que condujo al triunfo al equipo invasor, se tomó unos segundos para enviar un saludo a los lectores de Súper Luchas, antes de su partida durante la madrugada del domingo, al concluir la [...]
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Percy The Perv
06-20-2011, 08:20 AM
-Guess the booty? -Sexy ring girls -Lara Logan is pretty -Spring break bikini party -Hilary Duff is super cute -The best porn star tweet ever -Funny prank! -Kate Upton is a sexy beach bunny More Tuna: Kendra Wilkinson Is A Menstruating Hot Chick Kim Kardashian Is Wonder “Ass†Woman Aubrey O’Day Is A Hippie With [...]
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Georgie Thompson
06-20-2011, 01:38 PM
Alan Pardew is staying positive Newcastle can still persuade Jose Enrique to stay at the club.
More... (,19528,12040_6997837,00.html) Cassini spacecraft observes three of Saturn's moons set against the darkened night side of the planet.
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This image was suggested by Dennis Mitchell's seventh grade Mars student team at Evergreen Middle School in Cottonwood, California as part of the HiRISE Quest Student Imaging Challenge. The students discovered this dark pit feature in a THEMIS image and submitted a HiRISE image suggestion to see a close-up of this feature and determine whether it might be a possible skylight cave. This image is located on the southeastern flank of Pavonis Mons, a large volcano located in the Tharsis Region of Mars. The dark, circular pit feature roughly in the middle of the image is about 180 meters at its widest diameter. The pit appears to be surrounded by small sand dunes. Although the western half of the pit is in shadow, the large dynamic range of the HiRISE camera allows one to see in the shadows. The interior of the pit consists of sediment-covered boulders that range in size from approximately 5 meters (approximately 16 ft) to less than 1 meter (approximately 3 feet) in diameter. The interior region of the pit appears to slope towards the northwest. Such pits may form from collapse of a surface "roof" below which lava may long ago have flowed, or as a result of removal of subsurface material due to erosion or extension. Written by: Evergreen Middle School and Ginny Gulick
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In this NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image of NGC 7479  created from observations at visible and near-infrared wavelengths  the tightly wound arms of the spiral galaxy create an inverted ‘S’, as they spin in an anticlockwise direction. However, at radio wavelengths, this galaxy, sometimes nicknamed the Propeller Galaxy, spins the other way, with a jet of radiation that bends in the opposite direction to the stars and dust in the arms of the galaxy. Astronomers think that the radio jet in NGC 7479 was put into its bizarre backwards spin following a merger with another galaxy. Star formation is reignited by galactic collisions, and indeed NGC 7479 is undergoing starburst activity, with many bright, young stars visible in the spiral arms and disc. The three brightest stars in this image, however, are foreground stars  caught on camera because they lie between the galaxy and Hubble. This striking galaxy is easily visible in moderate telescopes as an elongated fuzzy patch of light. The spiral arms can be seen with more difficulty in larger telescopes under dark conditions. This picture was created from images taken with the Wide Field Channel of Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys. Images through a yellow filter (F555W, colored blue) were combined with images taken in the near-infrared (F814W, colored red). The total exposure times were 520 s per filter and the field of view is 2.7 arcminutes across.
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06-20-2011, 06:40 PM
According to the Washington, D.C. Insider website, Rep. Joe Barton (R – Texas) could introduce his new online poker bill as early as this week.
The bill will start in the House Energy and Commerce Committee, of which Barton is the chariman emeritus and senior ranking Republican. It is thought that it will be easier for the bill to pass through that committee than it would the House Financial Services Committee, where Rep. Barney Frank (D – Mass.) had previously introduced bills, as Rep. Spencer Bachus (R – Ala.), a noted online gaming opponent, is head of the class there. Last year, Frank’s bill, HR 2267, did pass through that committee by a 41-22 margin when he was Chairman, it stalled with the November elections and the GOP takeover of the House. Rep. Fred Upton (R – Mich.), the current Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee has received a “B” rating from the Poker Players Alliance ( (PPA) for his past support of poker players in his voting record.
A spokesman for Barton revealed a few details of the bill to The proposed legislation would require online poker sites to be registered by the gaming commission of a state where gambling is already permitted. The article uses New Jersey and Nevada as examples, so for now, it is probably safe to assume that “gambling” means casino gambling, not all forms of gambling such as lotteries, otherwise online poker rooms could be registered in almost every state. In addition, a new federal gaming commission would be created to oversee regulations.
As has been the case with past online gambling bills, individual states would have the ability to opt out of the legislation if they so choose, but of course, in doing so, they would not receive any monetary benefits that would inevitably result from legalization. At this time, it is not known whether the opt out would be determined by the state legislature or by a statewide vote.
Barton and his staff have collaborated with the PPA on the bill since last month’s PPA Washington, D.C. “fly-in.” He gave a hint of what was to come at a rally, saying, “We’re hoping we’ll have some good legislative news for you folks later this session of Congress.”
Said PPA executive director John Pappas, “He’s respected, not only with the more socially conservative, but the more fiscally conservative caucus within the House, and brings a really credible voice to this issue … because he understands why regulation makes sense, not only from the perspective of a lawmaker, but also that of a poker player.”
Barton does enjoy playing poker, though not online.
Both Barney Frank and Rep. John Campbell (R – Calif.), who introduced their own online gambling bill in March, have come out in support of Barton and his upcoming attempt at legislation. Campbell said, “I’m co-sponsoring his (bill), I believe he’s going to co-sponsor mine. If his moves first, I’ll support him.”
Frank wants all online gambling legalized (though his bills have outlawed online sports betting in order to appease the professional sports leagues), but he is at least content with a poker-only bill. “I’ll go for the broadest bill possible. We have an extraordinary restriction on people’s freedom right now, so I would support the broadest bill possible…but I would take something over nothing.”
In a recent article in the Las Vegas Sun, Barton provided a bit of hope for poker players in the United States, indicating that legalization and regulation aren’t pipe dreams. “This is not a Republican leadership initiative, but they’re aware of it,” he told the Sun. “It’s a sensitive issue, but an issue where there’s a majority consensus in the House and Senate to make this change.”
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06-20-2011, 06:40 PM
Day 20 is complete. Sam Stein, James Hess, and Chris Lee were all awarded bracelets on Sunday. Also, Phil Hellmuth is in strong contention for Event #33.
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06-20-2011, 06:40 PM
Chris Lee has no reason to doubt his live game now that he has his first WSOP bracelet. Starting the 2011 World Series of Poker by going without a cash in his firs ten events, Chris Lee was beginning to question his abilities as a live tournament player. Having crushed the online game, in particular heads-up [...]
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06-20-2011, 06:40 PM
The bracelet and title for WSOP event no. 31 now belongs to Sam Stein, winner of the $3,000 pot-limit Omaha tournament. Stein defeated a field of 685 and was rewarded …
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Carl Culture
06-20-2011, 06:40 PM (
Today we feature a photograph of Colonel Theodore Roosevelt of the Rough Riders, just back from Cuba. Prior to his stint as a Rough Rider, Roosevelt served as Assistant Secretary of the Navy. The real Secretary of the Navy was pretty much absent from his job, so Roosevelt pretty much wielded the full power of the Navy. Some have speculated that Roosevelt actually started the Spanish American War so he would have a war to fight in and show the metal he was made of. ( (
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Carl Culture
06-20-2011, 06:40 PM ( Untitled ::: Orvill Aakra ::: Spring in Harstad, northern Norway.
Percy The Perv
06-20-2011, 06:40 PM sao_paulo_fashion_week_15june2011_7_WP9KgJn.thumb. jpg ( ek_15june2011_7_WP9KgJn?id=163623) sao_paulo_fashion_week_15june2011_8_f4OQab9.thumb. jpg ( ek_15june2011_8_f4OQab9?id=163623) sao_paulo_fashion_week_15june2011_9_UUQyepF.thumb. jpg ( ek_15june2011_9_UUQyepF?id=163623) sao_paulo_fashion_week_15june2011_10_xB4KAD7.thumb .jpg ( ek_15june2011_10_xB4KAD7?id=163623) sao_paulo_fashion_week_15june2011_11_YAiXdFU.thumb .jpg ( ek_15june2011_11_YAiXdFU?id=163623)
Colcci Summer Collection Sao Paulo Fashion Week June ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
06-20-2011, 06:40 PM ( ( ( (
Loud Tour ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
06-20-2011, 06:40 PM n_june_16_2011_los_angeles_oXZUruH.thumb.jpg ( Los_Angeles_oXZUruH?id=163623) n_june_16_2011_los_angeles_9lik2G5.thumb.jpg ( Los_Angeles_9lik2G5?id=163623) n_june_16_2011_los_angeles_BDA9D1p.thumb.jpg ( Los_Angeles_BDA9D1p?id=163623) n_june_16_2011_los_angeles_JUHZozs.thumb.jpg ( Los_Angeles_JUHZozs?id=163623) n_june_16_2011_los_angeles_QJkysvO.thumb.jpg ( Los_Angeles_QJkysvO?id=163623) n_june_16_2011_los_angeles_hP2m3pk.thumb.jpg ( Los_Angeles_hP2m3pk?id=163623) n_june_16_2011_los_angeles_gyw3k2T.thumb.jpg ( Los_Angeles_gyw3k2T?id=163623) n_june_16_2011_los_angeles_h95EiOT.thumb.jpg ( Los_Angeles_h95EiOT?id=163623) n_june_16_2011_los_angeles_bKoxNqP.thumb.jpg ( Los_Angeles_bKoxNqP?id=163623) n_june_16_2011_los_angeles_z5IwBwh.thumb.jpg ( Los_Angeles_z5IwBwh?id=163623) _in_west_hollywood_june_16_2011_n6iJODn.thumb.jpg ( ood_June_16_2011_n6iJODn?id=163623) _in_west_hollywood_june_16_2011_3mpnw85.thumb.jpg ( ood_June_16_2011_3mpnw85?id=163623)
And Pastries Street June Los Angeles, Leaving The Street Dance Studio West Hollywood June ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
06-20-2011, 06:40 PM ( thumb.jpg ( thumb.jpg ( vK4xAx.thumb.jpg ( 3) (
, Britney Spears Fat Belly, Britney Spears Womanizer Webcastr, Britney Spears ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
06-20-2011, 06:40 PM es_press_photos_FMtzaFS.thumb.jpg ( os_FMtzaFS?id=163623) es_press_photos_c6PIgUj.thumb.jpg ( os_c6PIgUj?id=163623) es_press_photos_I4YxK1f.thumb.jpg ( os_I4YxK1f?id=163623) es_press_photos_rmEQF9a.thumb.jpg ( os_rmEQF9a?id=163623) es_press_photos_x4iwkeN.thumb.jpg ( os_x4iwkeN?id=163623)
The Art Getting Behind The Scenes Press Photos ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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NASA's Cassini spacecraft successfully completed its second-closest encounter with Saturn's icy moon Helene on June 18, 2011, beaming down raw images of the small moon. At closest approach, Cassini flew within 4,330 miles (6,968 kilometers) of Helene's surface. It was the second closest approach to Helene of the entire mission. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute
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Khalid El-Amin
06-20-2011, 08:24 PM
Rallies held across the country as activists say reforms pledged by Bashar al-Assad are not enough.
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Big Gay Al
06-20-2011, 08:24 PM .jpg
I photographed this Garden Orb Weaving Spider in the Bendigo Regional Forest.
EXIF: Canon EOS 50D : 1/125 sec : f/5.6 : 400 mm : ISO 160
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Kel Mitchell
06-20-2011, 08:24 PM
Filed under: News (
From The Loop21 (
Republican Presidential Candidate Herman Cain has announced that he doesn't appreciate the idea of being labeled an "African American." During an interview with Bloomberg, Cain said that he prefers to be called an "American," stating that the word "African" on the front of his racial identity limits him and inaccurately describes who he is. Perhaps Mr. Cain can explain to us why there is something wrong with being connected with Africans, even when your ancestors are....well...African.
Get the Full Story at The Loop21 (
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Do you agree with Herman Cain? Is the "African" in African American too limiting and inaccurate?
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Big Gay Al
06-20-2011, 08:24 PM
Location: Malmö, Sweden
Little Chebu is a Nebelung cat. He was born on the 15th of April and spend his first weeks in a small hut in the middle of the Swedish woods. He had two mothers. Two cats got their kittens on the same day and the kittens got mixed up. So their mommies decided to take care of the whole bunch together, so little Chebu had twice as much love. Chebu has a true Nordic temperament and quite reserved, b
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Adolf Hitler
06-20-2011, 08:24 PM
Forum: RevisionismPosted By: RoloPost Time: 06-20-2011 at 04:07 PM
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gay sex
06-20-2011, 08:24 PM
Esta tarde hable con el amigo Oscar Juarez dueño de la empresa LLII (Lucha Libre Internacional Independiente), el cual me confirmó la participación de el legendario japones Ultimo Dragón en su evento del 25 de Junio del 2005 en la ciudad de San Diego California Estará además participando un viejo rival de Dragón en Japón, [...]
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Percy The Perv
06-20-2011, 08:24 PM
Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise enjoyed some beach time in Miami over the weekend, and Bauer Griffin ( has the photos. On Sunday they were snapped ( with Tom celebrating Father's Day on a boat.
The family is in Miami while Tom films 'Rock of Ages.'
Here's one pic of Katie and Suri in the ocean, see the rest here (
PHOTO: Read more: Katie Holmes Bikini (, Celebrity Skin (, Katie Holmes (, Celebrity Kids (, Suri Cruise (, Entertainment News (
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Percy The Perv
06-20-2011, 08:24 PM (
I guess the mothership hasn’t come down to save the elightened humans who know the truth and worship their alien power, cuz Katie Holmes had the time to hit the beach to show off her skinny titless body in a bikini…I liked her better before she was weird, you know a slutty young actor…naked and murdered in her one movie roll she had before being knocked up by some experimental space sperm, leading to no acting work, cuz the bitch is too busy prepping for salvation or whatever it is Scientologist closet case homosexuals and their stage wives do….but she’s still in a bikini, she’s not fat and apparently that’s good enough for me…it’s one of those “You had me at Vagina” situations…if you know what I mean… ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
06-20-2011, 08:24 PM
I don’t know what the fuck he deal is with this video…but I figured I’d post it since it is the latest work she’s done on film….you know since she’s been blacklisted in Hollywood….possibly cuz she’s married and teenage boys don’t like married bitches, since marriage is for moms and not for girls they put posters on their wall of….or maybe cuz she’s a cunt who would never get naked…and who really cares…cuz she’s doing hte paparazzi hustle to get notcied….and I’m noticing….even though everything about her is irritating as fuck…..except maybe her body….which I guess makes everything about her acceptable cuz it’s not like we have to listen to her talk and shit…even though I’d want to see her shit…I’d even use her asshole as a feeding tube….but that’s just cuz I’m weird and would do that with anyone…It’s not an honor or award to be the asshole I eat from….
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Percy The Perv
06-20-2011, 08:24 PM (
I heard about J.Lo’s nipple slip on some German show called Wetten, Dass..? this past saturday night….someone emailed it into me…and I figured I’d get to it Monday, cuz unlike you seeing the shit stain on some 45 year old hispanic mom’s tit, doesn’t really do it for me…at least not enough to get on a fucking computer when I’m busy passed out on a park bench hard drinking while asking bitches for nude twitpics pics cuz I don’t know how to make conversation when not on a computer as I’ve lost all my social skills in my alocholism and relationship with the internet and such….nipples that are far more interesting to look at then this bitch’s….next time I’m hoping for a clit slip, they’re the next level nipple slip for the person who wants to one-up the nipple slippers and stand out as a pioneer behind the likes of Kardashian, Hilton, Lohan and Spears…and they far more fun to jerk off to…cuz everyone has nipples…vagina are reserved to those people I like to fuck…or don’t like to fuck but do it anyway cuz she pays my rent….if you know what I mean… (
Here’s the video…
Wonder why she didn’t wear a bra….all hispanics wear bras cuz they have shitty tits….unless they have implants..which I can assume she doesn’t thanks to the nipple ratio….plastic surgereons would never let that saucer sized nipple fly…
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Percy The Perv
06-20-2011, 08:24 PM
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Percy The Perv
06-20-2011, 08:24 PM
I’m not sure if any of you are up to date with your German TV shows, but Jennifer lopez’s nipple made an appearance on something called Wetten Dass? over the weekend. Dammit! If I had known I would have Tivoed it. Anyhow, being the good guy that I am, I thought I’d share the moment [...]
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Percy The Perv
06-20-2011, 08:24 PM
I don’t know why, but I really felt like posting some Selena Gomez pictures today. Maybe it’s the teenage girl in me. Here she is at the MuchMusic awards last night looking sexy in her short little outfits. Well done. For a chick who’s been in and out of hospital over the last few days, [...]
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Percy The Perv
06-20-2011, 08:24 PM
I wouldn’t have thought that pictures of Katie Holmes in a bikini would be all that exciting… I would be right. Here’s the boring mom out on the beach the other day with her blurry faced kid for some family fun. I guess she looks good, she’s got a pretty good body on her, but [...]
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Percy The Perv
06-20-2011, 08:24 PM
I’m not all that into bike riding, the only people I know who are into biking are super fit and super annoying, but when it involves a hottie like Sara Jean Underwood I’m all over it. Especially if she decides to do it naked. Here she is on her sweet ten speed for a World [...]
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Percy The Perv
06-20-2011, 08:24 PM
I wouldn’t say that mustard yellow jeans are my favorite thing I’ve ever seen a hottie wear, but wrap them around Hilary Duff’s sexy legs and I’m alright with it. Here’s the soon to be chubby again newlywed hanging out the other day in what can only be described as baby diarrhea yellow jeans. I’m [...]
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Percy The Perv
06-20-2011, 08:24 PM
I've missed Kate Bosworth. Between her disappearing acts from the public eye, and her nearly actual disappearing act from lack of eating, it's been sort of a wilderness without this blonde hottie actres for too long now. We were very pleasantly pleased to see the sexy still thin blonde hottie make an appearance at the Life Happens premiere at the L.A. film festival, where she was a sexy vision in pink, looking a little ruddier than usual, though we would still most definitely love to buy her a sandwich, I mean, after three to seven minutes dedicated to the making of the sexy. Enjoy.
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Percy The Perv
06-20-2011, 08:24 PM
After shaking the Minders on her tail, Katie Holmes ( was able to get herself with daughter for a few hours of beach time in Miami where the MILF hottie went super risque in just a bikini top and shorts as she frolicked through the surf and sand, providing us with some reminiscing type shots of the sweet brunette. Now, some may comment on how Katie Holmes ain't what she used to be, but what she used to be was amazing, and the sextastic never truly fades, it's power is strong. I still see it in Katie, especially when she violates four of the seven doctrines of Xenu with the baring of the flesh and a glimpse of the boobtastic. Enjoy.
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Percy The Perv
06-20-2011, 08:24 PM
Yep, Canadians love craptastic pop music just as much as in the Lower 48. And, thank god for that. MuchMusic is like the Cannuckian MTV, only being from the Greater Whiter North, there's more drinking, and less sex. Every year the MuchMusic Video Awards manage to draw in some of the biggest names in pop music, including over the weekend the sextastic young Selena Gomez ( who stole the show at the awards, from rehearsals to red carpet to co-hosting to performance. She did it all, and she looked sweetly hot doing so. We took great pains to omit the image of the Devil's Midget from all of her pictures, the one small but mighty flaw on her hotness resume (we shall never hold it against Selena, though, admittedly, we have thought of being held against Selena). Enjoy.
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Percy The Perv
06-20-2011, 08:24 PM
With the solstice nearly upon us, the uber-hottie Megan Fox ( decided to give us a little taste of sexy summer by way of a multi-bikini vacation in Hawaii over the weekend with husband Brian Austin Green Self-Employed (B.A.G.S.). While all the world's ogle-light is shining brightly upon Rosie Huntington-Whiteley ( for her upcoming debut in Transformers 3, it's important that we remember our roots, and, specifically, how rooted we were to our theater seats when we first spotted Megan Fox leaning over that car engine in the original Transformers. It's been a lust affair like almost no other since that day, and these sweet bikini candids do little to slake that passionate thirst. Enjoy.
(We do wish Megan would stop writing stuff in non-erase tattoo marker on her delicious body, I mean, unless it's something naughty about things she'd like to do with us and a pair of living sponges, we wished she'd stop this body-lit transformation into Queequeg.)
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Percy The Perv
06-20-2011, 08:24 PM
Katie Holmes bikini pics! (Miami Beach - 6/18) Katie Holmes is currently with Tom Cruise in South Florida as he films Rock of Ages, and on Saturday she went to the beach. That's her and her nipples above frolicking... full story ( Holmes Miami Bikini Pics/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-katie-holmes-bikini-nipples-01.jpg ( Holmes Miami Bikini Pics/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-katie-holmes-bikini-nipples-02.jpg ( Holmes Miami Bikini Pics/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-katie-holmes-bikini-nipples-03.jpg ( Holmes Miami Bikini Pics/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-katie-holmes-bikini-nipples-04.jpg ( Holmes Miami Bikini Pics/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-katie-holmes-bikini-nipples-05.jpg ( Holmes Miami Bikini Pics/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-katie-holmes-bikini-nipples-06.jpg ( Holmes Miami Bikini Pics/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-katie-holmes-bikini-nipples-07.jpg ( Holmes Miami Bikini Pics/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-katie-holmes-bikini-nipples-08.jpg ( Holmes Miami Bikini Pics/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-katie-holmes-bikini-nipples-09.jpg ( Holmes Miami Bikini Pics/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-katie-holmes-bikini-nipples-10.jpg ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
06-20-2011, 08:24 PM
Jennifer Lopez nip slip! Jennifer Lopez appeared on the German TV show Wetten, dass..? on Saturday night, and apparently "Wetten, dass" means "show me your nipple" because that's what she did all show. But hey, she was in Europe... full story ( Lopez Wetten Dass/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-jlo-german-nip-01.jpg ( Lopez Wetten Dass/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-jlo-german-nip-02.jpg ( Lopez Wetten Dass/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-jlo-german-nip-03.jpg ( Lopez Wetten Dass/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-jlo-german-nip-04.jpg ( Lopez Wetten Dass/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-jlo-german-nip-05.jpg ( Lopez Wetten Dass/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-jlo-german-nip-06.jpg ( Lopez Wetten Dass/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-jlo-german-nip-07.jpg ( Lopez Wetten Dass/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-jlo-german-nip-08.jpg ( Lopez Wetten Dass/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-jlo-german-nip-09.jpg ( Lopez Wetten Dass/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-jlo-german-nip-10.jpg ( ( (
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Georgie Thompson
06-21-2011, 01:42 AM
Fidel Edwards took 4-56 on his first Test appearance for two years as West Indies bowled out India for 246 on day one in Jamaica.
More... (,19528,12040_6998455,00.html) has successfully completed its second-closest encounter with Saturn’s icy moon Helene, beaming down raw images of the small moon.
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06-21-2011, 06:44 AM
This marks the final week of a no-reserve eBay auction for the PokerNewsDaily domain, content, associated accounts and more ( Originally posted on Wednesday June 15th, the auction has attracted significant attention in the poker world. Several thousand people have viewed the auction on eBay and it has also attracted 15 bids in the first five days.
The auction itself includes the following (stats as of 6/14):
The domain name.
The PokerNewsDaily brand name (there are no registered trademarks)
All of the content (articles, site reviews, player profiles, videos, etc) on the site. There are over 5,300 posts, over 3200 comments and over 3100 registered users.
The PokerNewsDaily facebook page ( with 236 likes.
The PokerNewsDaily twitter account ( with 6174 followers and 283 listed.
Any other data contained in the PND database such as registered users, external click tracking data, etc. Nothing of substance or potential usefulness will be deleted prior to transfer.
The full customized WordPress install including the custom theme and the configured plugins.
The original PSD for the theme (which was purchased in a contest on 99designs) and the .AI file for the logo (which was purchased in a separate contest on 99designs).
The PokerNewsDaily Google Apps account which includes our email address and several years of emails. This account also includes our Feedburner feed with 1552 subscribers (813 of those are email subscribers via FeedBurner).
The PokerNewsDaily Google Analytics account which has data going back to July 24th, 2009. This account has the Google Apps account as an administrator so you can simply delete our access to it once the deal has closed.
However, the auction does not include existing affiliate accounts, writer contracts or a non-compete from PND’s parent company, Protos Marketing. The full auction listing includes additional information and the full terms.
In addition to PokerNewsDaily, Protos has also put up for auction ( PokerTerms is a leading online poker dictionary with over 1200 term definitions and some very high Google rankings for highly-search poker terms. PokerTerms has also attracted an additional 13 bids and significant attention.
You can view the auctions here: PokerNewsDaily Auction on eBay ( and PokerTerms Auction on eBay ( If you sign into your eBay account you can add the auctions to your watchlist for easy retrieval on Friday and Saturday.
Both auctions will end on Saturday afternoon (in the US) or Saturday evening (in Europe). Even if you aren’t a potential bidder, it will certainly be interesting to see how the auctions play out this weekend. Stay tuned!
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06-21-2011, 06:44 AM
The Nightly Turbo is bringing you the day's top poker news stories of the day including the results from the PokerStars SuperStar Showdown, WSOP stats, and more.
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06-21-2011, 06:44 AM
Peter Jetten dreams of more short-handed tournaments at the WSOP The third week of the World Series of Poker concludes Monday on a quieter note with only one tournament starting for the second straight day. Most of the attention however is on the $10,000 Seven-Card Stud Hi-Lo final table where Phil Hellmuth is trying once [...]
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06-21-2011, 06:44 AM ( Phill Hellmuth is deep again in another non-NLH event. Can he claim number 12 this time around?
:: Event #29 ($2,500 10-Game Mix 6-Handed) - An extra day was added on after Shaun Deeb busted out in fourth late on Day 3. The players came back three-handed yesterday and Chris Lee won, taking home $254,955. The end. Full payouts here (
:: Event #30 ($1,000 Seniors NLH) – The biggest Senior’s event in WSOP history crowned a winner last night in the form of long-time FOWCP and Hollywood comedy agent Jim Hess. The huge field netted Hess a $557,435 payday. Not much else to say about this one except congrats to Jim. Full payouts here (
:: Event #31 ($3,000 PLO) – Sam Stein emerged victorious from a tough final table to win his first WSOP bracelet and the $420,802 that went along with it. He started the day as chip leader and rode it all the way to the win in a dominating performance. Poker VT Pro Adam Junglen ( was unable to capitalize on his second final table this week and was ushered out in fifth (again) for $$96,737. Full payouts here (
:: Event #32 ($1,500 NLH) – 35 remain out of the starting 2,828. Pretty friends and family field with Dror Michaelo leading the way. Winner takes home $668,276. Play resumes later today. Full chip counts here (
:: Event #33 ($10,000 7 Card Stud Hi-Low Split-8oB) – Play will resume again later today just 2 players shy of the money bubble. Pretty stacked field left in this event with Phil Hellmuth looking at another deep run sitting seventh in chips right now. Other notables include David Benyamine, John Racener, Erik Seidel, Bill Chen, Cyndy Violette, a woman, and Jon ‘PearlJammer’ Turner, a ginger. To the winner will eventually go $442,183. See full chip counts here (
:: Event #34 ($1,000 NLH) – Another donkfest, another big field. This time around 3,144 ponied up their hard-earned $1k to generate a prizepool of more than $2.8 million with the eventual winner receiving $488,283. Not much to see name-wise, which is to be expected in these events. If someone you know is playing, you’ll be able to find their chip count here (
Related Posts ( <div class="title"> 2011 WSOP: Zhukov, Diaz Win Bracelets; Lunkin, Kassela In Contention (</span> ( <div class="title"> 2011 WSOP: Oleksii Kovalchuk, Daniel Idema Win Bracelets (</span> ( <div class="title"> 2011 WSOP: Badecker, Bonkowski Bank Bracelets; Hellmuth Goes for 12 (</span>
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06-21-2011, 06:44 AM
The most illustrious wrist in poker could get a bit more decorative Monday evening in the $10,000 seven-card stud eight-or-better championship, as 46-year-old Phil Hellmuth is in contention for his …
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Carl Culture
06-21-2011, 06:44 AM (
A new “Star Trek” comic book is coming this September set in the new universe setup by the 2009 JJ Abrams film. Learn more about this cool project HERE (
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Carl Culture
06-21-2011, 06:44 AM ( Bangladeshi Character ::: David Lazar ::: I met this man in an alley of shops, and he had a charismatic face and personality.
Carl Culture
06-21-2011, 06:44 AM
While hiking in Scotland we encountered an ancient breed of highland cattle known as "kyloe". They are stout and have adapted to grazing on plants which many other cattle avoid. Their long shaggy hair protects them from the cold winters and rainy weather. They curiously approached us because to them, I'm sure we were the unusual looking visitors!(This photo and caption were submitted to the 2011 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest.) ( ( 954,cat.MediaEnt.rss
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Percy The Perv
06-21-2011, 06:44 AM or_vogue_magazine_s_july_2011_issue_naOlzSj.thumb. jpg ( azine_S_July_2011_Issue_naOlzSj?id=163623)
Behind The Scenes Her Photo Shoot For Vogue Magazine July Issue 911x498 59kb ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
06-21-2011, 06:44 AM une_19_2011__TBZ5ywl.thumb.jpg ( 1__TBZ5ywl?id=163623)
Pink Bikini The Beach Hawaii June 760x1140 204kb ( ( ( C8zA) OqvQ ( OqvQ) ( rITs) BpWU ( BpWU) n0Lo ( n0Lo)
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Khalid El-Amin
06-21-2011, 08:33 AM
Officials say attack targeted key Gaddafi aide, a day after alliance admitted an air strike killed civilians in Tripoli.
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Carl Culture
06-21-2011, 08:33 AM (
About Eric:
ric Fischl is an internationally acclaimed American painter and sculptor. His artwork is represented in many distinguished museums throughout the world and has been featured in over one thousand publications. His extraordinary achievements throughout his career have made him one of the most influential figurative painters of the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Fischl was born in 1948 in New York City and grew up in the suburbs of Long Island. He began his art education in Phoenix, Arizona where his parents had moved in 1967. He attended Phoenix College and earned his B.F.A. from the California Institute for the Arts in 1972.
Fischl’s paintings, sculptures, drawings and prints have been the subject of numerous solo and major group exhibitions and his work is represented in many museums, as well as prestigious private and corporate collections, including The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Whitney Museum of American Art, The Museum of Modem Art in New York City, The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, St. Louis Art Museum, Louisiana Museum of Art in Denmark, Musee Beaubourg in Paris, The Paine Weber Collection, and many others. Fischl has collaborated with other artists and authors, including E.L. Doctorow, Allen Ginsberg, Jamaica Kincaid, Jerry Saltz and Frederic Tuten. ( ( ( ( ( ( (
More... ( ( A celestial prelude to
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Big Gay Al
06-21-2011, 08:33 AM (
Meet Zoe! We brought Zoe home this June, and she has brought lots of joy and energy into our home! She is still new to her older sister Kema, who isn't quite sure what Zoe is yet. But we think they will be the best of friends in no time! Zoe is a little butterball that loves nothing more than to play in the water and nap on the cool tile floor. We feel very blessed to have her as a part of our family!
Click for more pictures and comments... (
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Kel Mitchell
06-21-2011, 08:33 AM
From The Huffington Post: (
NEWARK, N.J. -- J. Wesley Tann spent much of his life traveling the world, gallivanting among the most fashionable sets and cavorting with the elite. He was one of the first black fashion designers to open a shop on New York City's Fashion Avenue, and he designed clothing for Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and Leontyne Price, the famed black opera singer.
But on a misty Saturday afternoon recently, Tann, 83, was deep in the belly of the Boyland Recreation Center in Newark's tough West Ward teaching the finer points of dining and social etiquette to the children of this hardscrabble city.
"Good living is easy," Tann proclaimed. "All it takes is practice."
Tann's students were mothers, fathers and children all taking part in a city-sponsored program that Mayor Cory A. Booker hopes will take politeness and manners from "abstract concepts" to daily essentials. The city hopes that by improving the niceties shared among Newark's residents the quality of their lives and their futures will be markedly improved -- one fine meal and one properly executed place setting at a time.
"I just feel that black and Hispanic children need to have an even playing field when it comes to the social kinds of programming that they get," said Catherine J. Lenix-Hooker, manager of the city's department of recreation and cultural affairs, "so that they are able to have the kinds of social skills that make them very productive and at ease in different kinds of social situations."
Youth from Newark often bear the heavy burden of being poor or working class, she said, or the bad reputation that can hang over even this city's most promising young people. Thus the importance of "learning the language of the silver."
"Our youth need to know how to conduct themselves in a public setting -- some of the dos and don'ts," Lenix-Hooker said. "If everything else is equal, it will help them break through these barriers."
To read more click here (
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Big Gay Al
06-21-2011, 08:33 AM (
Debi says: Bobby was born on August 5, 2010. His mother's name is Bella. She is a longhaired silver tabby stray who showed up on my doorstep one day and made herself at home. Bobby is a very affectionate boy. He loves everybody. I have a total of nine cats, both inside and out. There is only one other cat he does not get along with; they fight. Bobby gives head rubs to all the other cats, including me. He does not like to be held, however he will lie next to me and sleep at the foot of my bed. He truly loves everybody. He will literally walk up to anyone and just give them head rubs. Sometimes he gets swatted away, so he goes to the next until the affection is returned.
Bobby is not a finicky cat. He will eat just about anything I give him, espicially his treats. His favorite toys are a mouse lazer light and feathers. He loves to play with his sister and he has a very special bond with another orange tabby I have named is Jo-ee. His favorite place is either at my feet or sitting in the window. Bobby is my precious boy, I am so in love with him.
Courtesy of: Debi L. (
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Adolf Hitler
06-21-2011, 08:33 AM
Forum: Newslinks & Articles Posted By: whitepunx Post Time: 06-21-2011 at 03:26 AM
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gay sex
06-21-2011, 08:33 AM
Como sabemos, en México hay un exageradÃÂsimo cuidado de los SÃÂmbolos Patrios, en paÃÂses como Inglaterra o los Estados Unidos, sus respectivas banderas pueden ser usadas en todo momento y para todo propósito, pero en México, la lista de usos es muy limitada, y hacer algo fuera de su alcance produce multas y sanciones diversas [...]
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Percy The Perv
06-21-2011, 08:33 AM (
Carrie Underwood’s slutty sister Sara Jean Underwood was in Portland for World Naked Bike Ride and she hit twitter with the pics…
I figure her implants are more like an expensive shirt than they are naked tits….because shit’s all plastic and purchased and by definition wearing a thong is also not being naked… but it is good enough for me….
Sure I generally like my bitches riding their bikes actually naked…or even just pantyless and in a skirt…ideally seatless, or even just demonstrating how they ride using my face, pretending it’s a bike….
At the bare minimum, I like being able to sniff the sweaty pussy off the seat…but I always get weird looks whenever the bitch gets back to her bike from picking up some groceries…cuz I have bad timing…
But since this Underwood is not my bitch, and she’s out hustling her career as a TV host while keeping true to her roots, rockin’ some serious whore behavior from Playboy, the shit that got her where she is today….unlike other Playboy bitches who feel that whoring themselves is a thing of the past and not something they do now that they are all legit….and as far as I’m concerned that’s a good hustle…
Publicity stunts like this are alright but I prefer staring a pics of Sara Jean Underwood’s nicely shaved cunt (….someone she should stick to exposing… ( (
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Percy The Perv
06-21-2011, 08:33 AM
Here’s a behind the scenes video of busty British hottie Lucy Pinder doing some very sexy things in silly little outfits. I don’t know what it’s for, she explains it at the beginning, but I was too busy staring at her breasts that I couldn’t really pay attention. It doesn’t really matter, she’s hosing herself [...]
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Percy The Perv
06-21-2011, 08:33 AM
-Kardashian bikini showdown -Keri Hilson is damn sexy -Looks that kill -Mmm… Hello sexy girl! -Wonder boobs! -Arrest me! -Eva Green‘s sweet tight body -Lily Aldridge in a little bikini More Tuna: Victoria Justice’s Sweet Leather Booty Kylie Minogue Is Still Pretty Damn Sexy Holly Madison Brings Her Cleavage To A Party Hilary Duff Ruins [...]
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Georgie Thompson
06-21-2011, 01:51 PM
Derby have completed the signing of Barnsley skipper Jason Shackell for an undisclosed fee.
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Well-Preserved Crater in Terra Cimmeria
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NASA's Cassini spacecraft successfully completed its second-closest encounter with Saturn's icy moon Helene on June 18, 2011, beaming down raw images of the small moon. At closest approach, Cassini flew within 4,330 miles (6,968 kilometers) of Helene's surface. It was the second closest approach to Helene of the entire mission.
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06-21-2011, 06:52 PM
Considering he has a record eleven World Series of Poker ( (WSOP ( gold bracelets, the old saying “always the bridesmaid, never the bride” wouldn’t quite be appropriate, but it must feel like that for Phil Hellmuth ( this summer. Early Tuesday morning, Hellmuth fell just shy of his twelfth bracelet for the second time at the 2011 WSOP, finishing runner-up to Arlington, Virginia’s Eric Rodawig in Event #33, the $10,000 Seven Card Stud Hi-Low Split-8 or Better Championship. It was Rodawig’s first ever bracelet and third WSOP cash of his career, earning him $442,183.
In addition to Hellmuth, it was a star-studded final table, including the likes of John Racener (, David Benyamine ( and Ted Forrest (, not to mention strong players such as Joe Tehan and Ali Eslami. It was a long day for this group, as unlike many events, the final day did not start with the final table. For this event, Day 3 began with 18 of the 168 players remaining (just 16 got paid) and played all the way down to a champion. The first hand was dealt at about 3:00pm local time and half a day later, at around 3:30am, Rodawig took out Hellmuth.
Going into final table play, Rodawig had a huge chip lead. With 1,855,000 chips, he had more than the next two players – Benyamine with 918,000 and Forrest with 794,000 – combined. Hellmuth sat in the middle of the pack with 444,000, though he lost almost half of that on the first hand. The short stack, Eslami, was the first one to bow out, getting all of his chips in the pot before fourth street was dealt. He had a decent starting hand with split fours, but so did Forrest. Forrest took a big lead right away when he was dealt an Ace, giving him two pair. After Eslami pulled a 7 and a 3 before the river, he had a chance to split the pot with the low, but his 7 paired, giving him no qualifying low hand.
Tehan was the next to be shown the rail. With nothing but a check-call for the action through sixth street, Rodawig put Tehan all in on seventh street with Tehan showing 4-8-4-Q. Rodawig was showing just 9-8-A-7, but he had a J-T in the hole for a straight, while Tehan only had pocket Aces (one was dealt on seventh street) for Aces up.
In the meantime, Ted Forrest was on a roller coaster ride, pushing his stack above a million, falling all the way down to just over 100,000, and then climbing back up to over 800,000, while Hellmuth was languishing near or at the bottom of the ladder. Just around 11:00pm, though, Hellmuth doubled through Rodawig, beginning his ascent.
At about midnight, Mikhail Savinov found himself all-in on fourth street against Benyamine. Savinov had a solid enough hand at that point – 7-7-6-4, giving him chances at the high and low, while Benyamine held A-Q-3-A. Savinov took the lead with another 6 on sixth street, but Benyamine spiked a Queen on seventh street, giving him a better two pair. Savinov couldn’t improve either his high or low hands, so he was out in sixth place.
Just after that, Benyamine was surprisingly eliminated. After losing more than half his chips to Forrest, he got involved in a big hand with Hellmuth, as he pondered making an all-in call on the river. Hellmuth was showing A-9-K-7, nothing too threatening, so Benyamine made the call with T-6-J-K out for everyone to see. Hellmuth turned over his other three cards: 8-A-8, giving him Aces up. To this, Benyamine simply mucked and went off to collect his $96,836 in winnings.
A half hour later, Hellmuth and Racener teamed up to knock out Forrest. Hellmuth had a relatively weak high hand for stud, just Kings, but that wasn’t what concerned Forrest, as he was going for the low half of the pot. His low hand wasn’t bad – 3-4-6-7-8 – but Racener hit a 5 on seventh street, giving him A-2-4-5-7 and a better low hand. That was all she wrote for Forrest, as he was eliminated in fourth place. That put Racener and Hellmuth on about equal terms with one and a quarter million chips each, while Rodawig had them each doubled.
Racener was up and down for the next couple hours, finally having to get his last few chips in the pot after the initial deal. Hellmuth and Rodawig checked it down until seventh street, when Hellmuth threw out a bet, chasing Rodawig from the pot. Neither Racener nor Hellmuth had improved since their hole cards were dealt, but Hellmuth’s Queens bested Raceners Sevens, so Racener was out in third place.
Going into heads-up play, Rodawig had an almost 3-to-1 advantage on Hellmuth, leading 3,700,000 to 1,300,000. Hellmuth got hit hard early, but fought valiantly for the better part of an hour before finally falling to Rodawig. On the final hand, Hellmuth got all of his chips in with J-T-9 and was called by Rodawig, who held A-8-3. Fourth street was a 2 for Rodawig and a 5 for Hellmuth, so nothing exciting, but on fifth street, Rodawig paired that 2 to take the lead. He then made another pair on sixth street while Hellmuth continued to brick. On the final card, Hellmuth had just three outs to make a gutshot straight, but none of them appeared, giving Rodawig the title, $442,183 in prize money, and his first WSOP bracelet.
WSOP Event #33: $10,000 Seven Card Stud Hi-Low Split-8 or Better Championship
Eric Rotawig – $442,183
Phil Hellmuth – $273,233
John Racener – $171,122
Ted Forrest – $123,904
David Benyamine – $96,836
Mikhail Savinov – $77,222
Joe Tehan – $62,710
Ali Eslami – $51,750
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06-21-2011, 06:52 PM
We will be following Jordan "Jymaster11" Young around for a whole day during the 2011 World Series of Poker.
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06-21-2011, 06:52 PM
Eric Rodawig chose to specialize in Stud Hi-Lo and now calls himself World Champion. It’s not uncommon in the poker world to find players who play one game particularly better than they play others. Eric Radowig, a 26-year-old banker from Virginia, is in that boat but he’s not a No Limit Hold’em or Pot Limit Omaha [...]
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06-21-2011, 06:52 PM ( Not all eyes were on Phil Hellmuth yesterday.
While the focus on Monday again was on Phil Hellmuth‘s pursuit of bracelet #12, a few more events were winding down, and another bracelet was awarded. Here’s the latest.
:: Event #32 ($1,500 NLH) - CanuckKirk Caldwell waded through a field of 2,828 players to capture his first bracelet and $668,276. This is the fourth bracelet for Canada this year. That’s four more bracelets just this year than Stanley Cups Canada was won in the past 17 years. Caldwell defeated U.S. American Corbin White (why’s he gotta be white?) heads-up for the title. Get full results and payouts here (
:: Event #34 ($1,000 NLH) -We’re looking at a mostly friends and familyTM final 27. Michael Souza enters Day 3 as the big stack with 650,000. He’s followed by Event #13 ($1,500 NLH Shootout) runner-upRobbie Verspui with 602,000.We were hoping for a run by the man, the myth, the legend, Black Phil Ivey, Big Sldick, the one and only Dwyte Pilgrim, but he bowed out in 70th. Get full remaining chip counts and payouts here (
:: Event #35 ($5,000 PLO Six-Handed) – A total of 507 entered the last event of the day, with 110 surviving. Reigning Wicked Chops Player of the YearVanessa Selbst, a woman who likes women,ended play as big stack with 250,300. She’s followed byErick Lindgren with 208,700. Get full chip counts here ( (
Related Posts ( <div class="title"> 2011 WSOP: Eugene Katchalov Wins First Bracelet; Maria Ho In Contention (</span> ( <div class="title"> 2011 WSOP: Jake Cody Captures Poker’s Non-Existent Triple Crown; Barbaro Wins Bracelet (</span> ( <div class="title"> Sam Barnhart Wins WSOP Circuit National Championship and First 2011 Bracelet (</span>
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06-21-2011, 06:52 PM
The 2011 World Series of Poker almost saw Phil Hellmuth win his 12th gold bracelet and first non-hold’em gold once again last night, but in the wee hours of the …
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Carl Culture
06-21-2011, 06:52 PM (
This is a picture of Teddy Roosevelt on a Wolf Hunt in 1905 in the Indian Territory (Oklahoma). Pictured beside him is John Abernathy. Roosevelt had heard rumors that Abernathy could catch and kill a wolf with his bare hands. Roosevelt believed that to be an exaggeration, and so he scheduled a hunting trip with Abernathy. During the trip, Abernathy did catch a wolf by hand, and Roosevelt saw it. ( (
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Percy The Perv
06-21-2011, 06:52 PM tre_hollywood_18june2011__UuOpOHd.thumb.jpg ( e2011__UuOpOHd?id=163623) tre_hollywood_18june2011_1_Hj3Otan.thumb.jpg ( e2011_1_Hj3Otan?id=163623) tre_hollywood_18june2011_2_yLkvSSM.thumb.jpg ( e2011_2_yLkvSSM?id=163623) tre_hollywood_18june2011_3_cDGuwGr.thumb.jpg ( e2011_3_cDGuwGr?id=163623) tre_hollywood_18june2011_4_6n7A27P.thumb.jpg ( e2011_4_6n7A27P?id=163623) tre_hollywood_18june2011_5_ebop0I3.thumb.jpg ( e2011_5_ebop0I3?id=163623) tre_hollywood_18june2011_6_SLEkSnZ.thumb.jpg ( e2011_6_SLEkSnZ?id=163623) tre_hollywood_18june2011_7_6WWxAwi.thumb.jpg ( e2011_7_6WWxAwi?id=163623)
Cars Premiere Capitan Theatre Hollywood June ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
06-21-2011, 06:52 PM lmfest_18june2011__QO5cT8z.thumb.jpg ( 011__QO5cT8z?id=163623) lmfest_18june2011_1_7mHkNff.thumb.jpg ( 011_1_7mHkNff?id=163623) lmfest_18june2011_2_fILs2M7.thumb.jpg ( 011_2_fILs2M7?id=163623) lmfest_18june2011_3_PfSEwbf.thumb.jpg ( 011_3_PfSEwbf?id=163623) lmfest_18june2011_4_o3aWjAe.thumb.jpg ( 011_4_o3aWjAe?id=163623) lmfest_18june2011_5_IuOY9HH.thumb.jpg ( 011_5_IuOY9HH?id=163623) lmfest_18june2011_7_fozBd1V.thumb.jpg ( 011_7_fozBd1V?id=163623) lmfest_18june2011_8_eghpGbR.thumb.jpg ( 011_8_eghpGbR?id=163623) lmfest_18june2011_9_vxndHhf.thumb.jpg ( 011_9_vxndHhf?id=163623) lmfest_18june2011_11_x6bv85t.thumb.jpg ( 011_11_x6bv85t?id=163623) lmfest_18june2011_12_tscEm8Q.thumb.jpg ( 011_12_tscEm8Q?id=163623) lmfest_18june2011_13_JsQE0vf.thumb.jpg ( 011_13_JsQE0vf?id=163623)
Happens Premiere Los Angeles Filmfest June ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
06-21-2011, 06:52 PM e_18_2011_FmspY2D.thumb.jpg ( pY2D?id=163623) e_18_2011_9pvKeKH.thumb.jpg ( KeKH?id=163623) e_18_2011_wOMAWSn.thumb.jpg ( AWSn?id=163623) e_18_2011_5259Lun.thumb.jpg ( 9Lun?id=163623) e_18_2011_gtSPDJD.thumb.jpg ( PDJD?id=163623) e_18_2011_a1EJsQ7.thumb.jpg ( JsQ7?id=163623) e_18_2011_hH6i6ku.thumb.jpg ( i6ku?id=163623) e_18_2011_mY6IwB2.thumb.jpg ( IwB2?id=163623)
Muchmusic Video Awards Rehearsals June ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
06-21-2011, 06:52 PM b.jpg ( b.jpg ( b.jpg ( b.jpg ( b.jpg ( b.jpg ( b.jpg ( b.jpg ( b.jpg ( b.jpg (
Maui Hawaii June ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
06-21-2011, 06:52 PM Ta.thumb.jpg ( tp:// DC.thumb.jpg ( tp:// lt.thumb.jpg ( tp:// Pv.thumb.jpg ( tp:// iz.thumb.jpg ( tp:// vK.thumb.jpg ( tp:// wx.thumb.jpg (
San Jose Concert June ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
06-21-2011, 06:52 PM c0.thumb.jpg ( ) iL.thumb.jpg ( ) RK.thumb.jpg ( ) Oz.thumb.jpg ( ) Nr.thumb.jpg ( ) G8.thumb.jpg ( ) 3M.thumb.jpg ( ) 7F.thumb.jpg ( ) nI.thumb.jpg ( ) FJ.thumb.jpg ( )
Shopping Sydney June ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
06-21-2011, 06:52 PM ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Miami June ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
06-21-2011, 06:52 PM ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Jennifer Lopez ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Astronauts John Young and Gus Grissom are pictured during water egress training in a large indoor pool at Ellington Air Force Base, Texas, in this image from 1965. Young is seated on top of the Gemini capsule while Grissom is in the water with a life raft. Image Credit: NASA
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Khalid El-Amin
06-21-2011, 08:37 PM
Activists say seven people killed as government supporters and opponents clash in three cities.
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Kel Mitchell
06-21-2011, 08:37 PM
From the Huffington Post (
A healthy-looking Nelson Mandela met with Michelle Obama and her daughters on Tuesday, an unexpected encounter between the first lady and the former South African president and anti-apartheid icon who has largely retired from public life. A photo provided by the Nelson Mandela Foundation showed the 92-year-old Mandela sitting on a couch next to Mrs. Obama, pen in hand to sign an advance copy of his new book, "Nelson Mandela By Himself: The Authorized Quotations Book." Mandela was wearing one of his trademark shirts, richly patterned and buttoned at the neck.
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Big Gay Al
06-21-2011, 08:37 PM
Location: London, UK
This is my bad boy when still a kitten. He’s now a big two year old cat, but still very cute and cuddly.
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Big Gay Al
06-21-2011, 08:37 PM 576&size=450&stamp=1308656186&bg=ffffff&cid=67610 (
Clipped from: ( (share this clip (
Canon’s entry-level digital single lens reflex camera, the Canon Rebel T3 (or Canon EOS 1100 outside North America), is now available in three non-black colors — red, brown, and metallic gray.
Although not quite as revolutionary as Henry Ford offering his Model T in colors other than black, it is the first time that Canon has offered a digital SLR in these colors.
My first digital SLR was a Canon Digital Rebel (Canon EOS 300D), a 6MP camera with CMOS sensor that led the way in bringing digital SLRs to the masses. Mine was silver (below right), so not very different from metallic gray. However, in more recent years Canon’s digital SLRs seem only to have been available in black. Canon Rebel T3 in red, compared to original Canon Rebel (EOS 300D) in silver
The new colors are not overly bright or garish and will certainly appeal to some folk. So if you’re a Canon shooter and want to be a bit different, now’s your chance to own a Canon SLR that’ll make you stand out from the crowd.
In the US, the new colors of red, brown, and metallic gray are available through Canon’s online store ( for the retail price of $599.99. But from now till July 30th, 2011, there is an instant rebate of $50 on Rebel T3 purchases, dropping the price to $549.99 (Canon EF-S 18-55mm IS II zoom lens included).
(Please Note: If you're not reading this post on Wildlife Photography Blog ( from Wildlife Pictures Online, then you're not seeing the original version. Please go to Nifty New Colors for Canon Rebels ( to read the original.) ( yIl2AUoC8zA) F7zBnMyn0Lo ( F7zBnMyn0Lo) V_sGLiPBpWU ( V_sGLiPBpWU) ( qj6IDK7rITs) ( l6gmwiTKsz0) gIN9vFwOqvQ ( gIN9vFwOqvQ) ( TzevzKxY174)
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Kenan Thompson
06-21-2011, 08:37 PM
An upcoming book instructs black women to marry outside of their race to solve their relationship woes. When titles for this book were being considered, perhaps Why Middle Class Black Women Can't Find a Man and How the Whole Problem Could Be Solved if...(read more (
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Adolf Hitler
06-21-2011, 08:37 PM
Forum: Newslinks & ArticlesPosted By: sevenpointsixtwoPost Time: 06-21-2011 at 04:01 PM
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gay sex
06-21-2011, 08:37 PM
Nuestro amigo Cassandro “El Exótico†nos envÃÂa esta información de una pelÃÂcula que se está preparando para dar a conocer un poco mas de los exóticos en la lucha libre, quienes a los largo del tiempo han sido parte importante de la lucha libre y que poco a poco han ganando el respeto de [...]
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Percy The Perv
06-21-2011, 08:37 PM (
Thanks to hormones in the food and genetics that have plagued so many teenagers before her, 18 year old Kate Upton has great full titties….that aren’t gonna always be great…cuz great full titties lose their appeal when the rest of the bitches body catches up as she hits 25…..which I guess isn’t the end of the world, cuz she’s still got 7 more years of exciting you, and it could be longer if she stays focused and keeps on a strict diet and exercise regime….but it was the end of the world for the many bust teens I’ve come across in my life, but more importantly their husbands, when the bitch became Gilbert Grapes mom…if you know what I mean…
So, on that note, here she is in Esquire, try to forget the downer I put on these pics, cuz really who cares where she is or how fat she is at 25, it’s not like we’re friends with her, we’re just looking at her tits today, cuz that’s all that matters….
I’m so philisophical… ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
06-21-2011, 08:37 PM (
The only guy at a Britney Spears concert would be a gay guy who probably never thought he’d cum himself to a chick giving him a ridiculous lap dance on stage, because he probably never thought he’d brush shoulders with his gay icon, Queen of Queen’s Britney Spears…someone who makes groupie bitches, both gay man and straight girl turning 30, go fucking nuts…
Unless he’s just a hired actor and part of her show, cuz I can’t imagine her legally being allowed to interract with untrained professionals, it is one of those crazy person rules and regulations as she continues to be used to make a lot of people money like the empire she is the figure head of….
If he’s neither gay, or hired, he’s got some serious explaining to do…this is the kinda shit that follows you everywhere you go, cuz as cool as a lap dance from Britney is in theory, admitting you went to her concert takes away from that…cuz we all know you’re a pussy whipped bitch accommodating some girl…and becoming a national joke….
If dude had any vision, ambition or drive, he would have slipped a condom full of semen inside her when he had the chance…she’s fertile, she pays the bills…..Either way, he’ll remember this for life, and so will his coworkers…
To See The Rest of the Pics
Follow This Link (
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Percy The Perv
06-21-2011, 08:37 PM (
Cameron Diaz is tall and amazing. Long legs and a see through top.
Sure she’s older, more haggard….Botoxed face, maybe even scary looking, like some kind of muppet or treasure troll coming to steal my soul…. rocking a body built to fucking last in a wrestling match, all muscular and broad shouldered, pretending her hourglass figured isn’t boxing out, and her menopause isn’t turning her half man, unable to reproduce and all out of estrogen….
But amazing as she promotes her movie Bad Teacher….nevertheless… ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
06-21-2011, 08:37 PM
“Lindsay Lohan? The name sounds familiar, but I can’t seem to place it….wasn’t she on The Hills or something?”….that’s what people will be sayin about Lohan in the next 10 years….cuz she just doesn’t fucking matter…
Beezid, a penny auction site that has an office here in Montreal, hired the bitch while on house arrest to do some webcam shout out for them. Funny concept, wish I had a couple hundred thousand dollars to throw at a drowning celebrity while bored at home, but I hope they didn’t pay her too much, because when I pulled this off youtube an hour ago, only 300 people had seen it….however, I’m not a marketing genius and assume every site and their mother will post this cuz Lohan’s the talk of the town even though she doesn’t do shit in the town and it pretty fucking uninteresting now that all stunts have been pulled…
But it is funny to see what a struggling failure will do to keep in the acting mix….holding on as hard as she can…which will make her ultimate demise much funnier to point and laugh at..
A much more interesting story about BEEZID (, is that I took a bath with one of the girls who works there….
That said, I’d like to get in touch with Lohan and pay her in publicity to do the same kind of video for drunkenstepfather….but she neglects me…cuz that’s what using cunts with egos and issues do as they slowly but surely fade into obscurity…
Good times.
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Percy The Perv
06-21-2011, 08:37 PM
Here’s Cameron Diaz at some Bad Teacher premiere or event last night, I can’t keep these things straight, but she’s wearing a nice see through dress so I’m alright with whatever it is. Obviously she’s getting pretty old, but she still knows how to look hot. She looks like a cougar who won’t even let [...]
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Percy The Perv
06-21-2011, 08:37 PM
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Percy The Perv
06-21-2011, 08:37 PM
Hilary Duff must think she’s hilarious posting this picture of herself in the bathtub. I don’t find this funny at all. If I hear there’s a picture of Hilary Duff in the bathtub floating around, I want to see Hilary Duff naked in the bathtub either alone or splashing around with an asian chick. Not [...]
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Percy The Perv
06-21-2011, 08:37 PM
I couldn’t resist posting these shots of busty supermodel Kate Upton for Esquire, she’s just too hot to be ignore. I love that a supermodel with big breasts has finally hit the big time, I’m sick of hot skinny flat chested women. Hopefully this will open the doors for all those gorgeous big breasts supermodel [...]
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Percy The Perv
06-21-2011, 08:37 PM
Here’s supermodel Gisele Bundchen showing off her supermodel body as she leaves the gym the other day. I’m not all that impressed, I thought her hotness was all natural, I didn’t think she had to go to the gym like the rest of us slobs. At least she looks better than most in those sweet [...]
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Percy The Perv
06-21-2011, 08:37 PM
Well, Esquire ( magazine picked Kate Upton ( as their 'Woman of Summer' to highlight, and, well this being the first official day of Summer in the northern hemisphere, and Kate Upton having been so ridiculously hot already this past Winter and Spring, we are fully ready to agree and to see much more of sexy blonde Kate during the sweltering summer months.
These sexy Kate Upton lingerie pictures seem to be an extension of the April Hubal photoshoot ( we brought you back in April, when our lust tank for Kate Upton was still at pre-burst levels. I'm afraid now we're running well past the red warning line. So hawt.Enjoy.
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Percy The Perv
06-21-2011, 08:37 PM
Had uber-sexy Lucy Pinder ( simply done a sweet hot topless photoshoot for our friends at Nuts (, that would've been plenty enough to fill our lust tanks. But the hot British glamour model went and got hired by Lynx to pimp the shizz out of their anti-perspirant in just about one of the hottest non-nekkid photoshoots (and behind the scenes videos) I've ever seen since dedicating my life to the service of the celebrity sextastic. It's a must see. Everything Lucy Pinder is must see, and when it's shown, it's must feint from excitement. I lust that Britty betty but hard. Enjoy.
lucy-pinder-behind-the-scenes-lynx-commercial ( by EgotasticMedia (
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Percy The Perv
06-21-2011, 08:37 PM
Cameron Diaz ( has been on some whirlwind kind of tour pimping Bad Teacher this week on all seventeen continents, seemingly in five cities a day around the globe, teeing off her starring film role debuting this Friday. The road has taken its weary toll on Cameron, but we did think she looked particularly nice, her long muscular legs most especially in this short skirt, at her New York City film premiere last night. There's no doubt she's getting the benefits of working out with A-Rod (no, not that kind of workout, though he is clearly knocking the stuffing out of her). Enjoy.
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Percy The Perv
06-21-2011, 08:37 PM
There are so many women competing this year for title of MILF of the year, but Alessandra Ambrosio ( will certainly have her name in contention. So effin' hawt. Certainly her resume will include this scuba diving sextastic set from Jack magazine in Italy (which looks to be a continuation of a similarly wet and sexy set from GQ Brazil ( posted back in March. Alessandra Ambrosio in a rubber bikini? The fish don't stand a chance. Enjoy.
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Percy The Perv
06-21-2011, 08:37 PM
House arrest is fun and profitable! Fresh off that photoshoot she did for Blu cigarettes, Lindsay Lohan filmed a commercial for yesterday at her Venice Beach condo. For those of you unfamiliar with it, Beezid is basically like eBay's... full story ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
06-21-2011, 08:37 PM
Paparazzi photos from Monday, June 20 Olivia Wilde on the balcony of her hotel in Maui (pics start here) Harvey Keitel on the set of Moonrise Kingdom in Newport, Rhode Island (pics start here) Sophia Bush at the West... full story ( Wilde Balcony/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-olivia-wilde-balcony-001.jpg ( Wilde Balcony/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-olivia-wilde-balcony-002.jpg ( Wilde Balcony/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-olivia-wilde-balcony-003.jpg ( Wilde Balcony/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-olivia-wilde-balcony-004.jpg ( Wilde Balcony/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-olivia-wilde-balcony-005.jpg ( Wilde Balcony/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-olivia-wilde-balcony-006.jpg ( Wilde Balcony/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-olivia-wilde-balcony-007.jpg ( Wilde Balcony/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-olivia-wilde-balcony-008.jpg ( Wilde Balcony/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-olivia-wilde-balcony-009.jpg ( Wilde Balcony/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-olivia-wilde-balcony-010.jpg ( ( (
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Georgie Thompson
06-22-2011, 01:52 AM
A total of 12 wickets went down on day two in Jamaica and it was India who emerged in a strong position.
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06-22-2011, 06:55 AM
The Nightly Turbo is bringing you the day's top poker news stories including a look at the recent online poker traffic report, how Playtech has positioned itself, and more.
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06-22-2011, 06:55 AM
Mike McDonald is looking for his first cash in a US tournament. ]Tuesday at the World Series of Poker brought another $10,000 Championship event to the attention of interested observers with the HORSE event highlighting the schedule. But first, another No Limit Hold’em tournament kicked off with a $2,500 buy-in. Meanwhile, a bracelet is expected to [...]
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06-22-2011, 06:55 AM
The third week of tournaments is in the books at the 2011 World Series of Poker at the Rio Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas and attendance continues to increase …
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Carl Culture
06-22-2011, 06:55 AM (
Jonathan Frakes directing an episode of TNG. Michael Dorn looks a bit bored (or maybe just tired).
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Carl Culture
06-22-2011, 06:55 AM ( Mormon Barn from Mormon Row ::: Gloria Matyszyk ::: Very early sunrise shot of this over 100 year old barn.
Carl Culture
06-22-2011, 06:55 AM
Calm and serene view of misty fishing place around dawn located at Hwacheon, Korea. (This photo and caption were submitted to the 2011 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest.) ( ( 954,cat.MediaEnt.rss
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Percy The Perv
06-22-2011, 06:55 AM (
Nice Butt Shot 1732x3041 465kb ( ( ( C8zA) OqvQ ( OqvQ) ( rITs) BpWU ( BpWU) n0Lo ( n0Lo)
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Percy The Perv
06-22-2011, 06:55 AM jpg (
Rehearsal Music Awards 1200x1800 293kb ( ( ( C8zA) OqvQ ( OqvQ) ( rITs) BpWU ( BpWU) n0Lo ( n0Lo)
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Khalid El-Amin
06-22-2011, 08:40 AM
Special security court issues life sentences for 10 prominent activists for allegedly plotting a coup during protests.
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Big Gay Al
06-22-2011, 08:40 AM Dall's Porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli) is an incredible swimmer with turquoise eyes and the ability to breathe air while rushing through the water at top speeds. These amazing porpoises love bow-riding, yet are shy around humans, and are some of the fastest mammals riding the waves in the North Pacific.
The Dall's porpoise is robust and muscular, particularly through the middle. The head is small and rounded, which makes it look smaller than it really is. The beak is small and poorly defined. The small mouth has a bit of an under bite, and their teeth are ideal for helping them hold on to the slippery prey. This animal looks a bit out of proportion because of an additional hump located on the bottom of the body. One of the amazing features of the Dall's porpoise is their colored eyes. The iris is black or dark blue with a deep, iridescent turquoise colored pupil.
Their coloring is typically black on the top with white bellies and white sides. One of the smaller porpoises, males are typically 7.5 feet (2.29 meter) long while females are typically 6 feet (2.1 meters) long. Weights for both males and females are typically about 270 pounds (123 kg). They can get larger, however. The largest recorded to date weighed in at 480 pounds, or 220 kg.
This amazing swimmer can only be seen in the wild in the North Pacific. Their territory ranges from Baja, California all the way to Alaska, through the Bering Sea and into the waters of Japan. They prefer the cooler temperatures of the water and typically stay where the water temperature is below 60 degrees F (15 C).
The Dall's porpoise can go as fast as 30 knots. It loves bow-riding with fast vessels, but will avoid contact with the people on board. When dashing through the water its head and back move in unison to create a unique spray of water known as a "rooster tail". This movement actually creates a hollow cone in the water that will allow the porpoise to breathe without surfacing.
They are not currently endangered, although they are in need of protection due to the growing fishing industry. Thousands of Dall's porpoises are caught in Japanese nets set out for salmon and squid. Other threats to this impressive swimmer include pollutants and other contaminants in the water. Steps are currently underway to protect this species and preserve it for the future.
They dine on small fish; specifically squid, capelin, herring, and sardines. They also enjoy hake, smelts, and lantern fish. A largely nocturnal animal, it mainly feeds at night and will consume between 28 and 30 pounds (12.7 - 13.6 kg) per day. Natural predators of these porpoises include killer whales and sharks. However, they are able to use their small size and quick movements to their advantage as they escape these predators. (
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Carl Culture
06-22-2011, 08:40 AM (
About Cima:
Cima Rahmankhah was born and grew up in Iran. In 2000 she came to the US. She now lives in L.A. and will soon graduate with an M.F.A. from Art Center College of Design. Her work deals with the cultural, societal, and political stigmas assigned to individuals. Engaging the aesthetics of power structures, she analyzes, synthesizes, and compares how power shifts and mutates from culture to culture, from words to words, or from medium to medium. She is also very keen on integrating the conceptual with the narrative aspects of artâ€â€telling tales by means of ideal representations. Her work is itself a visual structure that she presents to the spectators so that they decipher the code and continue the story… She works in different mediaâ€â€painting, installation, video, etc. Her work has been shown in the U.S. and in other countries; and it has also been featured in the latest edition of New American Paintings. ( ( ( Il2AUoC8zA) 7zBnMyn0Lo ( 7zBnMyn0Lo) _sGLiPBpWU ( _sGLiPBpWU) ( j6IDK7rITs) IN9vFwOqvQ ( IN9vFwOqvQ)
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Big Gay Al
06-22-2011, 08:40 AM (
Mason has a personality twice his size. He enjoys chasing bicycles, chewing on pant legs, eating ice, and lying down spread-eagle for belly rubs. He is the happiest puppy I have ever met. He even sleeps with a smile on his face.
Click for more pictures and comments... (
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Kel Mitchell
06-22-2011, 08:40 AM
Filed under: Beautiful Home (
Selecting the right coffee table is essential to tying together your whole living room design. Look for a table that appeals to your tastes, comes across as inviting and goes with the rest of your design scheme.
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If you have simple taste, a basic black coffee table is a safe bet. This double tiered table is available for $199 at Ikea (
A multilevel glass table is great for those seeking a sharp, sleek look, and at $74.99 from Target (|1287991011&searchSize=30&searchPage=1&searchNodeID=1038576|1287991011&searchBinNameList=subjectbin%2Cprice%2Ctarget_com_ primary_color-bin%2Ctarget_com_size-bin%2Ctarget_com_brand-bin&frombrowse=0) it's certainly worth a try.
A craftsman table works well for someone who appreciates practical design. Get this one for about $155.00 at Walmart (
This walnut table is $214.99 at Target (|1287991011&searchSize=30&searchPage=3&searchNodeID=1038576|1287991011&searchBinNameList=subjectbin%2Cprice%2Ctarget_com_ primary_color-bin%2Ctarget_com_size-bin%2Ctarget_com_brand-bin&frombrowse=0). It's wheels and small dimensions make it easy wheel to different spots in the room, which suddenly gives you several options in one!
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Big Gay Al
06-22-2011, 08:40 AM (
Debi says: Bella's other kitten -- Bobby's ( sister -- is Bonny. The only thing I can really say about Bonny is that she doesn't like any of the other cats except for her brother. She too does not like to be held at all. She is somewhat affectionate, but only to Bobby and myself. She keeps to herself most the time. She loves the outdoors, and prefers it. She loves FOOD!!! But she is a small cat. She loves bread, crackers, chips, tuna salad, ice cream, cereal and not just the milk in it, LOL. She gets into anything that she thinks she can get away with, especially if it contains food. Her favorite place to lie is on the back of the couch, behind me, or in the window.
Courtesy of: Debi L. (
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Adolf Hitler
06-22-2011, 08:40 AM
Forum: Newslinks & ArticlesPosted By: ULVERPost Time: 06-22-2011 at 03:38 AM
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gay sex
06-22-2011, 08:40 AM
WWE, Inc. Y Kmart presentan: WWE NXT Redemption, desde la Arena GIANT Center en Hershey, Pennsylvania; show transmitido a través de la página web oficial de la compañÃÂa: RESULTADOS: Inicia el show. Presentación de WWE. Presentación de WWE NXT Redemption. Se muestra el video de la eliminación de Lucky Cannon la semana pasada. Además, [...]
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Percy The Perv
06-22-2011, 08:40 AM
I keep posting pictures of Selena Gomez doing pretty much the exact same thing in every post. Singing and dancing around on stage. I’ve never heard her sing, I have no idea if she’s any good or not, but I know she’s popular with the kids today and that’s about it. Not to mention she’s [...]
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Percy The Perv
06-22-2011, 08:40 AM
-Serious skill of the day! -Kate Upton‘s hotness is blowing up! -Holly Weber is smokin’ -Celeb lesbian fantasy -Hot chick in a tight t-shirt -3 pop stars 1 song -I can’t choose -Niki is damn cute More Tuna: Irina Shayk For New Years LeAnn Rimes Bikini Pictures Victoria Justice’s Tongue Looks Healthy Mariah Carey Is [...]
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Percy The Perv
06-22-2011, 08:40 AM (
Amy got a Great Ass and Great Tits – Boobie Blog (
Read this story, It will change your freaking life! – Caveman Circus (
Star Wars Origami Is Pretty Awesome (24 Pictures) – Ned Hardy (
Pug + Yoda = Pagoda? (PIC) – We Rule The Internet (
Your sexy celebrity pictures of the day – Celebrity Odor (
Kaley Cuoco 34C Side Boob. More Side Boobs? – Taxi Driver (
Josh Hartnett’s Girlfriend Sophia in a Bikini – Drunken Stepfather (
Hilary Duff Takes It To Another Level – NS4W (
Jordan Carver stuffs her massive breast in a wet bikini – Girls Of Desire (
Linda Song is an incredibly hot Asian babe – Morazzia (
Brittany Daniel nude threesome video – Celeb Punani (
Hillary Scott and Leah Luv share a hot load – Peeperz (
I want to do a lot of bad things to her (PIC) – Ehowa (
Hot Amateur girl gets naughty in her bedroom – Coomgirls (
Round Titted Brunette Riding Cock – Babes And Bitches (
Petite Wife Showing Off in the Nude – Exgirlfriend Pics (
The Hottest Pale Teen You Will See – Flabber (
Kim And Kourtney Bikini Pics: Here We Go – Speed Monkey (
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Georgie Thompson
06-22-2011, 01:57 PM
Pedro de la Rosa is again on standby to replace Sergio Perez for the European Grand Prix in Valencia
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Central Structure of an Impact Crater as imaged by HiRISE.
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The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) Wide Angle Camera (WAC) provides the most complete look at the size and shape of the surface features on the farside of the moon to date. This global mosaic is comprised of over 15,000 WAC images acquired between November 2009 and February 2011, centered at 180° longitude, 0° latitude.
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06-22-2011, 07:00 PM
So who predicted that the 2011 World Series of Poker ( (WSOP ( would be on a record-breaking pace at its halfway point? You did? Liar.
After the United States online poker market imploded as the result of the U.S. Department of Justice indictments of eleven principals at Full Tilt ( Poker, PokerStars (, and Absolute Poker, the WSOP became something of an afterthought in the poker community. Once the dust from Black Friday began to settle, attention started to turn back to the world’s largest poker festival. But people came to the realization that with Americans banished from the biggest poker sites, there would be fewer online qualifiers into the Main and preliminary events. On top of that, many players wouldn’t be able to swing the buy-ins, as their poker bankrolls are still in limbo.
But surprise, surprise, the Amazon Room at the Rio in Las Vegas is hopping. According to WSOP officials, both the total attendance midway through the Series and the total prize pool have eclipsed previous highs. Tournament organizers count the first 30 events as the first half of the WSOP (even though there are 58 events overall) and through that point, 33,173 people have taken their seats at the tables, an 8.6 percent increase over last year’s 30,552. A total of $55.9 million has been awarded, which the WSOP is the highest ever, but while this about $2.3 million more than last year, it is still below the $56.3 million doled out in 2009. Also a bit confusing, as noted above, is the math that is used. WSOP officials use 30 events out of 58 to mark the halfway point, but they are comparing the figures to 29 total events in 2010, during which 57 bracelets were awarded. Regardless of the methodology, the fact remains that attendance is looking good so far.
A number of individual event records have also been broken:
Event #2 – $25,000 Heads-Up No-Limit Hold’em Championship – Largest heads-up tournament prize pool in history – $3,040,000
Event #3 – $1,500 Omaha Hi-Low Split-8 or Better – Largest live Omaha high-low split tournament – 925 players
Event #10 – $1,500 No-Limit Hold’em Six Handed – Largest six-handed tournament in history – 1,920 players
Event #16 – $10,000 No-Limit 2-7 Draw Lowball Championship – Largest Deuce-Seven prize pool in history – $1,184,400
Event #18 – $1,500 No-Limit Hold’em – Largest single day start for a $1,500 No-Limit Hold’em tournament – 3,157 players
Event #20 – $1,000 No-Limit Hold’em – Largest single day start for a $1,000 No-Limit Hold’em tournament – 3,175 players
Event #22 – $1,500 Pot-Limit Omaha – Largest live Pot-Limit Omaha tournament in history – 1,071 players
Event #23 – $2,500 Eight Game Mix – Largest mixed game tournament in history – 489 players
Event #30 – $1,000 Seniors No-Limit Hold’em Championship – Largest Seniors tournament in history AND Largest single day start for a $1,000 No-Limit Hold’em tournament – 3,752 players
For those paying attention, that’s correct: Event #30 broke the record set by Event #20 earlier in the WSOP.
Last year, the WSOP held nine of the seventeen largest live tournaments in poker history, contributing to an attendance jump of 20 percent over 2009.
The 2010 Main Event was the second largest in WSOP history, fielding 7,319 players. The largest was the 2006 Main Event, coming in at an astounding 8,773 runners, over 3,000 more than the previous year’s record.
“We are humbled once again by the incredible turnout from players all over the world,” said WSOP Executive Director Ty Stewart in a press release. “It has been a record-setting summer thus far in 2011 and we are confident it will continue through the duration of the tournament.”
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06-22-2011, 07:00 PM
Day 22 is complete. Mark Schmid became the latest bracelet winner after taking down Event #34.
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06-22-2011, 07:00 PM
The 2011 World Series of Poker is full of facts, figures, stats and records. With so many numbers being crunched day in and day out, sometimes it is tough to see what they all add up to. That is why each day BLUFF brings you some of the more interesting numbers related to the news [...]
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06-22-2011, 07:00 PM ( Tobey Maguire is staring at what seems like a fairly baseless lawsuit in relation to the Brad Ruderman hedge fund scandal.
Back in May 2009, hedge fund managerBrad Ruderman wasaccused of stealing $44M from investors (, of which $5.2M allegedly was used to cover losses in a high-stakes Beverly Hills home games.
Turns out he lost more like $25M. And he lost it to the likes of Tobey Maguire in Hollywood home games attended by the likes ofLeonardo DiCaprio, Ben Affleck, and Matt Damon.
Now, the Chapter 7 Trustee of Ruderman’s ponzi co./”hedge fund” is suing to get some of that money back.
According to the suit, Ruderman went to invite-only poker games from the Summer of 2006 through March of 2009. The games were allegedly arranged by Molly Bloom (anassistantto one of the poker players)through her Molly Bloom Inc ( company and took place at venues like The Four Seasons Hotel in LA, and The Beverly Hills Hotel.
The lawsuit claims that the organized poker games were illegal by California law as Molly Bloom Inc. is not a licensing gaming operator.
Apparently Tobey Maguire put a hurting on Ruderman, as there are over 30 wire transfers from Ruderman to Spidey to cover losses. Many of those losses were covered directly from money that Ruderman schemed off investors.
All in all, this also seems like a pretty bullshit lawsuit against Maguire. There is no indication he knew that he was getting dirty money. Feels more like a shakedown cash grab by the Trustee.
Read the court docs in full here (
For a little more aboutTobey Maguire and poker: Maguire played the Main Event in 2005 & 2007. Both years, he acted like a major douche, covering his face every time he saw a photog ( he made a deep run in the 2007 Main Event, he went even more out of his way to cover his face and told ESPN that they couldn’t put him at a featured table unless he went really, really deep (robbing viewers of a major storyline and taking a lot of interest out of the tournament–something the 2007 WSOP ME desperately needed post-UIGEA). However, almost everyone we’ve spoken with in Hollywood circles agrees that Maguire is the best poker player among them. He’s known to kill it in the Hollywood home game circuit. But he’s dropped out of the WSOP scene since his ’07 run.
Read one of our all-time favorite WCP posts (it was about Tobey Maguire playing poker) here (
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06-22-2011, 07:00 PM
Radar Online is reporting that Spider-Man star and poker aficionado Tobey Maguire has been named in a lawsuit for connections to an illegal underground poker game featuring numerous Hollywood stars …
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Carl Culture
06-22-2011, 07:00 PM (
This is a slightly different version of Yesterday's picture. In researching John Abernathy, and his amazing wolf catching abilities, I learned that famed Indian Chief Quanah Parker had also been on the wolf hunt with Roosevelt and Abernathy. I then found this picture. If you look at the right part of the picture, you see half the face of a Native American. I believe that is Quanah Parker, but would welcome your speculation. Also on the wolf hunt was legendary oil man Burke Burnett. Burnett might be the man in the dark suit and hat.
I also found the following photograph of the same wolf hunt. (
You can click on the image to get a closer look. Roosevelt is in the right of the picture. Quanah Parker might be in the dark suit and hat on the left side of the picture. Again, I welcome your speculations. ( (
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Percy The Perv
06-22-2011, 07:00 PM 2t8K.thumb.jpg ( 3) A7dJ.thumb.jpg ( 3) Z814.thumb.jpg ( 3) VaA4.thumb.jpg ( 3) fHAN.thumb.jpg ( 3) sQXy.thumb.jpg ( 3) Desn.thumb.jpg ( 3) ZTbu.thumb.jpg ( 3) u0D7.thumb.jpg ( 3) yAJz.thumb.jpg ( 3) lXXn.thumb.jpg ( 3) 6zQb.thumb.jpg ( 3)
Much Music Video Awards Caps ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
06-22-2011, 07:00 PM ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Cbs Upfront ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
06-22-2011, 07:00 PM .jpg ( .jpg ( .jpg ( .jpg (
June Purple Bikini ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
06-22-2011, 07:00 PM ( ( inu2lq.thumb.jpg ( 3623) Qc4DFH.thumb.jpg ( 3623) ( ( (
Miley, Shopping Sydney, Miley Interview With Melissa Doyle, Miley Cyrus ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
06-22-2011, 07:00 PM X.thumb.jpg ( 623) _l30ylx8.thumb.jpg ( ?id=163623) _k7WVbLQ.thumb.jpg ( ?id=163623) _ZgwbEUn.thumb.jpg ( ?id=163623) _gSgPnwJ.thumb.jpg ( ?id=163623) _ZKUtMDq.thumb.jpg ( ?id=163623) ( ( ( jS7.thumb.jpg ( 63623) RMs.thumb.jpg ( 63623) cKs.thumb.jpg ( 63623)
Cosmopolitan South Africa July, Leaving Her Hotel Montreal June, Loud Tour, Meet And Greet Toronto June ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Satoshi Furukawa may not be Superman, but in the microgravity of space, he can fly (well, almost). Actually, Furukawa is the flight engineer for Expedition 28 on the International Space Station. As part of the planned duties for this mission, the station crew continue installing infrastructure upgrades to the station’s command and control computers and its communications systems. The station crew also assisted the STS-134 shuttle mission and continue preparations for the arrival of STS-135, the final mission of the Space Shuttle Program. Image Credit: NASA
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Khalid El-Amin
06-22-2011, 08:40 PM
Syrian foreign minister says European Union wants to "plant strife", and calls for easing of tensions with Turkey.
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Big Gay Al
06-22-2011, 08:40 PM
Another photo of a Garden Orb Weaving Spider, also taken in the Bendigo Regional Forest.
EXIF: Canon EOS 50D : 1/250 sec : f/4.5 : 100 mm : ISO 250
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Kel Mitchell
06-22-2011, 08:40 PM
Filed under: Celebrity Style (, Fashion News (
After dealing with the controversial Cadbury ad debacle ( Naomi Campbell is getting back to her fashion roots and is teaming up with Italian denim brand Fiorucci, produced by Ittierre, for her new line of jeans.
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Fiorucci' ( top executives are certain the partnership will benefit both Campbell and the growth of their brand. "This agreement is important to accelerate the development of the company, (" said Antonio Bianchi, owner of Albisetti, which now controls Ittierre.
Campbell's collection for the brand will have 15 pieces with jeans in four different styles. She created the line with her personal taste and women's figures in mind. "Jeans are like pasta. You can interpret them differently each time and play with the accessories -- wear them with flip-flops if you want comfort or heels if you want to look sexy. For the collection I thought about what would enhance women [and] about what I liked," Campbell told Harper's Bazaar (
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Big Gay Al
06-22-2011, 08:40 PM
Location: LaOtto, Indiana, USA
Katie’s mommie was a drop off at our farm. When she had four kittens in the barn, she injured her foot moving them. Hiding three she had to leave one behind. So we adopted Katie at about one week old and bottle fed her. She is now a healthy, ever active spoiled five week old. We adore her and she will soon join our other older cat family.
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Kenan Thompson
06-22-2011, 08:40 PM
A view of the damaged Superdome roof and downtown New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina struck the Louisiana and Mississippi coasts, in this August 31, 2005 file photo. Marc Serota/Reuters/File On a brisk January morning in 2007, seven New Orleans police...(read more (
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Adolf Hitler
06-22-2011, 08:40 PM
Forum: NieuwsberichtenPosted By: HELLRAISERPost Time: 06-22-2011 at 03:27 PM
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gay sex
06-22-2011, 08:40 PM
Parece ser que la suspensión de Matt Hardy no fueron precisamente por su retrasos, si sobre todo por el video donde el, Jeff Hardy y Reby Sky, juegan con una máquina de choques eléctricos, video que alcanzó mucha difusión, pues incluso fue mencionado en medios como TMZ, y que posteriormente fue eliminado de la cuenta [...]
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Percy The Perv
06-22-2011, 08:40 PM (
I feel like I’ve seen these pictures before, but I’m too lazy to dig through the archives of this site, cuz I really don’t care enough to bother, however, the report claims these are some post “Miscarriage” pics of Kelly Brook and her baby daddy who never was, cuz they decided it was best for her career to abort, after the publicity of her pregnancy died down, pretend its a miscarriage and go back to exploiting her natural tits as hard as she can before hitting 40, at least that’s what I assume happened….
Here she is trying to strike a nerve with the public by bringing out her lover and showing how much she loves him in this dark time, you know sticking together through the rough patch bullshit, but hiring a paparazzi to spread the word all while showing off her massive tits in a conservative one piece bathing suit, cuz sluts who have abortions just go right back to bikinis, while suffering and hurting women go to one pieves…. as to seem still devastated over the “Miscarriage”, and who really cares, cuz as I mentioned, and where you should have stopped reading, provided you are reading, she brought out her tits…
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Percy The Perv
06-22-2011, 08:40 PM
Katy Perry was in Rolling stone and she tried to sex things up…they even went so far as hiring hipster photographer Terry Richardson, who has made crack whores look erotic enough to fuck, and the result was what you’d expet it to be….Bitch wore an “Enjoy God” shirt to stay controversial, her dress read “Katy’s Kisses” cuz she knows all that she’s good for are her tits, she stripped down into a bikini….when all she really needs to do for all the publicity in the world is have a terrible car accident, leaving her unable to perform, sing badly or dance badly…I truly believe her time is done and the public will soon be on my side and make her diasappear….at least we can only hope… ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
06-22-2011, 08:40 PM
Here’s a new Britney Video. I got 42 seconds into it before turning it off…I don’t know if it was her medicated acting, or the teenage angst I guarantee every fag is going to scream one collective orgasmic scream when they hear her say “Fuck You, Fuck You, Fuck You”….OMG Britney’s so punk rock….and her music is so relevant, from the heart, a commentary on her experience, real emotions can be felt, and by that I mean it’s a pile of computerized shit being spewed by a fucking puppet and it makes me want to kill myself, when really it should make Britney want to kill herself, but we’ve already gone down that road, and the sedatives kinda won’t let nature take its course and have it happen….Watch it anyway, maybe she gets naked and pisses all over the park bench like the schizo bitches I know…at least I hope she does cuz at least that would give her some redeeming qualities….who cares.
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Percy The Perv
06-22-2011, 08:40 PM
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Percy The Perv
06-22-2011, 08:40 PM
House arrest doesn’t seem to be slowing Lindsay Lohan down at all, here’s a video of a commercial she did for some crap while confined to her beach house prison. I can’t be bothered to watch the video, I’m sure it’s terrible, but if she’s able to work I’ve got a few ideas about how [...]
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Percy The Perv
06-22-2011, 08:40 PM
We've seen less of Katy Cocktease ( lately than even her comedian husband Russell Brand. She's been elusive. Maybe just pre-occupied with her worldwide blockbuster pop and costume tour. Maybe exhausted from working so hard to flash every inch of her skin save for the inches we most desire to see. Or, perhaps, she's just working on a third chord for her next set of songs. In any case, one thing remains apparent -- Katy Cocktease remains hot. A cleavetastic tease? Absolutely, but, still so sexy and still, we await her ultimate display of Perry's puppies. Until such time, we shall soothe our savage ogles with a preview look at these Katy Cocktease pictures from the July edition of Rolling Stone ( magazine, where the singer looks amazing in her various kitschy costumes, and no doubt laments within the pages about the hardships of being rich and famous and hot. Enjoy.
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Percy The Perv
06-22-2011, 08:40 PM
Te amo, Selena.
Sometimes, I wake up in the middle of the night, in a panic sweat, with this horrible dream that my be-lusted Selena Gomez (, so hot, so barely legal, such an amazing pretend singer, has sold her soul, not to mention her chastity, to The Devil's Midget, and I try as I might to win her back, I can't return her from the depths of shorty hell. It's really and truly frightening.
But, today, I take comfort in the simple sweet sextastic of the young diva in a Miami mall, to the throngs of screaming teen girls (that's another, much nicer dream I sometimes have but of which I dare not detail), just looking like the hot princess she is. The young woman whose feet I would bathe, whose body I would scrub, and whose father would have me quickly arrested. It all could be so perfect, Selena, if only we could drop that 90 pounds of excess dimpled boyfriend. Enjoy.
(Don't forget to join us in hating Bieber on our Egotastic! Facebook page (
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Percy The Perv
06-22-2011, 08:40 PM
Here's my general view on public nudity: vastly overrated. Our European friends already know this from their bevy of topless and nekkid beaches, the hodge podge of human flesh display never lives up to the fantasy. Nekkid races and nekkid protest marches in city streets, the same assortment. Nudity is highly overrated when it comes to the general population, including the annual nekkid bike race through Portland. When the rainy climes baristas ditch their hoodies, and everything 'neath, it's more often than not merely a sight to create sore eyes.
So, thank the heavens for blessedly hot Sara Jean Underwood ( Though not quite fully exposed, the Playmate turned G4 reporter did take to her two-wheeled machine on the streets of Portland for a glimpse of what a city-wide nekkid bike ride could truly be if only everybody was as hot as Sara Jean Underwood. A melancholy dream indeed. I suggest you check out Sara's fine asstastic in a thong and use your minds CGI effects to populate her across the entire cityscape, far better than reality, trust me. Enjoy.
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Percy The Perv
06-22-2011, 08:40 PM
If there's anything better than Megan Fox bikini pictures, it's more Megan Fox ( bikini pictures. The uber-sexy Megan Fox pulled out yet another bikini, we'll call this one 'yummy sherbert I'd like to lick until it's all gone' colored, for a continuation of her snorkel fest on the Hawaiian island with B.A.G.S., flashing a solid view of the look and body that first stamped her indelibly into the libido portion of our brains just a few years ago. Oh, to be a shark in those waters.Enjoy.
(As to recent stories by Michael Bay that Steven Spielberg had Megan Fox removed from the Transformers movie series because of a flippant joke ( elberg.php) invoking a 'Hitler' reference, well, we find that one very difficult to believe. The ease with which Michael Bay has hired and fired pretty girls over the years makes this seem like a very convenient excuse for flip flopping Megan with Rosie Huntington-Whiteley ( in the third installment of the blockbuster film franchise.)
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Percy The Perv
06-22-2011, 08:40 PM
Sofia Vergara out and about in New York (6/21) My god, that thing should be hanging in a museum. I would honestly pay a $19.95 admission fee to sit and stare at that*9 Sofia Vergara pictures total in the gallery:... full story ( Vergara Hot Dog/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-sofia-vergara-hot-dog-01.jpg ( Vergara Hot Dog/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-sofia-vergara-hot-dog-02.jpg ( Vergara Hot Dog/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-sofia-vergara-hot-dog-03.jpg ( Vergara Hot Dog/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-sofia-vergara-hot-dog-04.jpg ( Vergara Hot Dog/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-sofia-vergara-hot-dog-05.jpg ( Vergara Hot Dog/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-sofia-vergara-hot-dog-06.jpg ( Vergara Hot Dog/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-sofia-vergara-hot-dog-07.jpg ( Vergara Hot Dog/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-sofia-vergara-hot-dog-08.jpg ( Vergara Hot Dog/gallery_thumb/gallery_thumb-sofia-vergara-hot-dog-09.jpg ( ( (
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Georgie Thompson
06-23-2011, 02:00 AM
Rahul Dravid's superb century on day three at Sabina Park helped India close in on victory in the first Test against West Indies.
More... (,19528,12040_7001284,00.html) has discovered the best evidence yet for a large-scale saltwater reservoir beneath the icy crust of Enceladus.
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06-23-2011, 07:12 AM
The Nightly Turbo is bringing you the day's top poker news stories including news on PokerStars' new tour, a new set of World Series of Poker stats, and more.
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06-23-2011, 07:12 AM
The biggest story Wednesday afternoon wasJason Mercier’s pursuit of his second career bracelet. Mercier is at the final table of the $5,000 Pot Limit Omaha Six-Max event and sits second in chips. Two other events are now well into Day 2 action, while two more tournaments got underway, including another $1,500 No Limit Hold’em event.$1,500 [...]
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06-23-2011, 07:12 AM ( If you won the $9M-ish 2011 WSOP Main Event prize, you'd maybe possibly have a shot at Danica Thrall. And hey look--new Danical Thrall pics!
Not a lot of chances for U.S. American players to win their way into the 2011 WSOP Main Event online since The Events of 4/15TM.
Your best shot (so long as you’re a PC user)? RISE Poker.
On Thursday at 9pm ET / 6pm PT, all VIP members are auto-entried into a the $12,500 WSOP ME seat giveaway. One seat up for grabs. $2,500 in spending cash to help get you to Vegas, let make it rain at Sapphire, and so you can buy a human suitcase (
So sign-up for the VIP account, get auto-entry into the giveaway, and hopefully we’ll see you in Vegas.
To learn more go to RISE Poker here ( ( ( ( ( (
Related Posts ( <div class="title"> Fantazzle Fantasy Poker $13k Giveaway (</span> ( <div class="title"> RISE Poker To Launch Legal U.S. Online Poker Site (</span> ( <div class="title"> 2011 WSOP Weekend Girls on the Rail Photo Dump (</span>
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06-23-2011, 07:12 AM
Jason Mercier has a big stack with only eight remaining in the 2011 WSOP $5,000 six-max pot-limit Omaha event. Mercier spoke to Card Player TV about PLO tournaments, his tough competition and more.
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Carl Culture
06-23-2011, 07:12 AM (
A nice family portrait of Spock’s family from the fourth Trek film.
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Carl Culture
06-23-2011, 07:12 AM
Shot in Rodos, Greece. I was there for 4 days, you know, walking around and on the first day i had a chat with the guys that owns the car (the one in the shot) and i told him that my grandfather is from Thessaloniki, so for the remaining days, every time i passed him he would say "good morning thessaloniki"and i would say "good morning Rodos". on the last day he saw me coming from the other said of the road and yalled "still here thessaloniki" and this time took this shot before answering "good by rodos" (it was my last night over there).(This photo and caption were submitted to the 2011 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest.) ( ( 954,cat.MediaEnt.rss
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Percy The Perv
06-23-2011, 07:12 AM (
945x1024 114kb ( ( ( C8zA) OqvQ ( OqvQ) ( rITs) BpWU ( BpWU) n0Lo ( n0Lo)
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Khalid El-Amin
06-23-2011, 08:54 AM
US president says al-Qaeda threat now from Pakistan in speech announcing drawdown of 33,000 troops by summer of 2012.
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Carl Culture
06-23-2011, 08:54 AM (
About Tran:
Tran Nguyen is a Vietnamese artist specializing in fantastical and surrealistic imagery. Tran is fascinated with creating imagery that can be used as a psycho-therapeutic support vehicle. Currently based in Savannah, Georgia, she enjoys the aesthetics of nature and the outdoors which is often incorporated into her work. ( ( ( Il2AUoC8zA) 7zBnMyn0Lo ( 7zBnMyn0Lo) _sGLiPBpWU ( _sGLiPBpWU) ( j6IDK7rITs) IN9vFwOqvQ ( IN9vFwOqvQ)
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Big Gay Al
06-23-2011, 08:54 AM (
Meet Kippernicus (AKA Kipper)! Kipper has been mistaken for many things. When we take Kipper out, people often ask "What is that?!" Kipper gets a lot of attention, but he sometimes demands more. He likes to pretend he is the king of the house, but Mom always makes sure he knows better. His favorite food is rice and he also loves chicken. He often resents being called "small and cute" because he wishes to be a great guard dog. We love our unusual pup in amounts that are completely unmeasurable, and we hope you love him too!
Click for more pictures and comments... (
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Kel Mitchell
06-23-2011, 08:54 AM
From Variety (|DailyHeadlines):
After a monthlong casting search, Quentin Tarantino has found his next leading man, tapping Jamie Foxx to star in 'Django Unchained,' sources close to the production tell Variety.
Read more here (|DailyHeadlines).
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Big Gay Al
06-23-2011, 08:54 AM (
Samantha says: On June 20, 2009, we brought home an adorable seven-week-old tiger kitten, whom we named Casey. He was found with his littermates abandoned at two weeks old. Casey is now a two-year-old strictly indoor cat whose obsessions include rubber bands, chasing the laser mouse around the living room floor, and napping! When he's tired he'll sleep anywhere and in the most random positions. He is obsessed with his Bolt plush that is almost as big as he is! He carries it around and drops it at our feet. He also loves posing for pictures -- the pawparazzi doesn't faze him at all. Casey is definitely the king of the house.
Courtesy of: Samantha Decker (
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Adolf Hitler
06-23-2011, 08:54 AM
Forum: Science, Technology and Race Posted By: revision Post Time: 06-23-2011 at 04:49 AM
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gay sex
06-23-2011, 08:54 AM
Para todos los que deseen apoyar la difusión de esta comunidad, este es el nuevo logo oficial, disponible para ser descargado en los enlaces de la barra lateral (formatos GIF y PNG transparentes) Filed under: SuperLuchas Tagged: Logo, Oficial, SPX, SuperLuchas
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Percy The Perv
06-23-2011, 08:54 AM
-50 Sexiest Euro sports hotties -Aimee Teegarden in a little bikini -Sexy Kim Kardashian picture gallery -Those are funbags! -Ashley Greene in short shorts -Super tasty cyber girl -Marisa Miller works it good -Showering with girls More Tuna: Jessica Simpson Covers Up the Chubcakes Emma Roberts In Her Tight Pants Jessica Alba’s Got Legs Katy [...]
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Percy The Perv
06-23-2011, 08:54 AM (
Super hot brunette strips off her bikini – Morazzia (
Jenny Chu is a damn hot Asian hottie – Caveman Circus (
10 Amazing Quotes To Help You Deal With Anger – Ned Hardy (
This Is The Story Of Faith The Dog…You Need To Look At This – WRTI (
The Great Aimee Teegarden Nipple Question – Celebrity Odor (
Your Daily Collection Of Awesomness – Ned Hardy (
Rosie Huntington-Whitely Topless in DT Magazine – Drunken Stepfather (
Noemi Lenoir Ass Peek – Taxi Driver (
This Is Why College Kicks Ass! – Boobie Blog (
3 Hot Girls Get Naughty Together – Coom Girls (
Doutzen Kroes Bikini Shoot on the Beaches of St. Barth – NS4W (
Nice compilation of Jeniffer Lopez whore pics – Girls Of Desire (
Natalie Portman breast fondle video – Celeb Punani (
A Gallery Of Real Teen Girlfriends – Babes And Bitches (
5 TV Hotties We Want To See In Porn – Peeperz (
Sexy Ex Girlfriend Naked at Home – Exgirlfriend Pics (
Eva Wyrwal showing off her awesome tits – Flabber (
Shauna Sand brought her bikini body to the beach – Speed Monkey (
How Awesome Is This Ass? – Ehowa (
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Percy The Perv
06-23-2011, 08:54 AM (
Here are some pictures of Selena Gomez showing off her hotness at the Much Music Awards. Check out the rest of the gallery here (
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Georgie Thompson
06-23-2011, 02:00 PM
Derby have been busy in the transfer market but are still looking to bring in at least four more players.
More... (,19528,12040_7002149,00.html)
The compositional diversity of Mars was poorly known until a fleet of missions began mapping the surface with thermal and near-infrared spectrometers a dozen years ago.CRISM on MRO is the latest of these instruments and targeted this particular region because exotic minerals had been detected nearby. Both sulfates and hydrated silica have been identified in this area by their near-infrared spectral signatures. The minerals were discovered near the rim of the giant Valles Marineris canyon system, in light toned layered deposits thought to be Hesperian in age (around 3 billion years old). The sulfates are spectrally similar to jarosite, a potassium iron sulphate hydroxide. The silica appears to lack a clear crystal structure and is thought to be made up of amorphous opal, which can contain up to 20 percent water.If these interpretations are correct, the mineral assemblage suggests precipitation of the minerals from low temperature acidic fluids or formation by low temperature aqueous alteration of basalt. HiRISE images of light toned layered deposits elsewhere near the Valles Marineris show inverted channels and other morphological indications that the sediments were once saturated with water.This HiRISE image gives some clues to how the minerals are expressed on the surface. The banded bedrock is visible beneath a partial cover of much younger dunes. Bright, relatively white bands can be seen to alternate with slightly redder layers. These bright bands could be concentrations of opal. The darker bands might correspond to concentrations of brown jarosite. The minerals may have segregated because of gradients in the temperature or acidity of the fluid.These Martian deposits are not likely to be made up of pure opal of gemstone quality. However, opals and cherts on Earth are well known to preserve fossils and other biological evidence. Even a small sample of one of the bright bands in this scene would be priceless.Written by: Paul Geissler
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This image combines visible light exposures of galaxy cluster Abell 2744 taken by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope and the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope, with X-ray data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and a mathematical reconstruction of the location of dark matter.The galaxies in the cluster, while they are the only part that is visible in the optical part of the spectrum, actually only provide around 5% of the mass in the cluster.Hot intracluster gas (shown in pink, and responsible for around 20% of the mass in the cluster) is visible through its X-ray emissions, observed by NASA’s Chandra satellite.The blue overlay shows a map of the mass in the cluster. This is reconstructed based on detailed analysis of the way that the cluster bends light from galaxies in the distant background. Evidence of this light bending can be seen in arc-like distortions in parts of this image. Since dark matter makes up the lion’s share of mass in the cluster  around 75%  this blue overlay reveals the location of the otherwise invisible dark matter.Analysis of this data has allowed scientists to observe some strange phenomena in Abell 2744, including a pocket of dark matter with no gas or galaxies, and a clump of galaxies with no associated gas. Astronomers believe that Abell 2744 formed from the simultaneous pile-up of at least four separate clusters.
More... ( l_2744/index.html?source=r_univiod)
06-23-2011, 07:26 PM
Spider-Man star Tobey Maguire is among at least 11 people being sued by trustees for his winnings in a series of high-stakes Hollywood poker ( games, Star magazine reported Wednesday. Maguire, as well as former High Stakes Poker host Gabe Kaplan and professional poker player Dan Bilzerian, have been accused of taking winnings from Brad Ruderman, who was sentenced to 10 years in prison last year for operating a wire fraud and investment adviser fraud scheme that lost investors $25 million.
The suit claims that Ruderman, 48, participated in the high stakes poker games and lost upwards of $5.2 million. He then developed a Ponzi scheme to pay off his losses. One lawsuit claimed that Ruderman induced at least 22 victim-investors to give him approximately $44.3 million, all of which was never invested.
Since the high-roller No Limit Hold ‘em games were unlicensed and illegal, a bankruptcy trustee is going after Ruderman’s creditors to get some of his clients’ money back. None of the defendants in the civil lawsuits is facing criminal charges, but they’ll have to return at least $1.5 million of their alleged winnings or defend themselves in court.
Maguire allegedly won $311,200 from Ruderman at the poker table, according to the suit. The money was sent to him through seven bank transfers between June 2007 and May 2008. The trustee claims that Maguire “had no legally enforceable contractual right to receive payment, and had no right to enforce the winnings in state or federal court.â€Â
“As part of the scheme, funds invested in (Ruderman) were transferred to persons such as Defendant (Tobey Maguire) who received the funds on account of Ruderman’s gambling losses and on account of Defendant’s gambling winnings,” the suit reads.
Bilzerian is being sued for $100,000 and told Star that he would fight the allegations. “I’m not paying a single cent,” he told the magazine. “If a casino gets taken and then lawyers come after them, the establishment isn’t going to then go after one of its players to cover their loss. Are you kidding me? I’m not paying s**t.”
Bilzerian said that he played regularly in the home game with Maguire, whom he called a “nit” and a “jerk off.” He added, “He’s cheap as f**k and plays like a cheap b*tch … a guy who’s worth all that money playing as if he’s broke. Come on, dude.”
The former Victory Poker pro later claimed on Twitter that he was misquoted in the Star article, but held his position on Maguire: “Going on ABC news tonight to set record strait, on my misquotes in Star mag article. And yes Tobey McGuire plays poker like a nitty bitch.”
Other celebrities allegedly taking part in the games included Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, and Nick Cassavetes, according to reports, though they are not being sued. The games ended in 2009, according to the lawsuit.
Dan Bilzerian’s brother, Adam, told Star that the games commonly take place at the home of a Hollywood producer, presumably Cassavetes, and that the buy-in is anywhere from $40,000 to $200,000. The lawsuit claims that games were held twice weekly in suites at the luxurious Beverly Hills hotel, Four Seasons and the Viper Room on Sunset Boulevard. Private dealers and armed security were hired for the games, according to reports.
Photo courtesy of Getty Images
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06-23-2011, 07:26 PM
Lynn Gilmartin puts together some of her favorite videos from the fourth week of the 42nd Annual World Series of Poker.
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06-23-2011, 07:26 PM
Mercier is superstitious about coloring up his chipsThere is not a lot to say about Jason Mercier that hasn’t already been said. The 24-year-old poker pro has become one of the game’s most recognizable faces over the past couple of years thanks to a run comparable to that of Daniel Negreanu’s impressive streak of [...]
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06-23-2011, 07:26 PM ( Barry Greenstein (center foreground) finds himself still chasing the dream in Event #39.
Jason Mericer‘s second bracelet win grabbed all the attention on Wednesday. Can the man they myth the legend, Black Phil Ivey, Big Sldick, the one and only Dwyte Pilgrim do the same today? You know the answer to that (
:: Event #36 ($2,500 NLH) - An impressive field with 39 remaining. Thomas Miller has built an enormous chip lead, meaning he probably won’t win the bracelet, since tournaments are never won on Day 2. Or are they? Miller is stacked at 1,350,000. He’s followed by Randy Dorfman with 566,000. Far behind but still among the big stacks is the aformentioned the many the myth the legend, Black Phil Ivey, Big Sldick, the one and only Dwyte Pilgrim (340,000). Other notables include Nam Le (290,000), Tom Marchese (230,000), and David “The Dragon” Pham* (100,000). Get full chip counts here (
:: Event #37 ($10,000 H.O.R.S.E.) – They’re in the money with 23 remaining. Michael Binger, who had a minor controversy with Daniel Negreanu during Day 2, ended play as big stack with 742,000. He’s followed by Fabrice Soulier, a frog, with 560,000.
:: Event #38 ($1,500 NLH) – Move along, nothing to see here ( yet.
:: Event #39 ($2,500 PLH/PLO) – No surprise seeing the Intense Stare of Scott Clements among the leaders in a PLO event. He’ll start Day 2 with 108,700 in chips, just behind Mitch Schock (121,600), Ashkan Razavi (115k) and end of Day 1 chipleader David Williams (137,700), who’s looking to turn things around after running the opposite of good at the series so far. 130 players remain from the original 606 (big jump from last year’s 482) with 63 getting paid. Chip counts here (
Finally, tonight is one of your last chances to win your way into the 2011 WSOP Main Event online. Visit RISE Poker, download the client, sign-up for a VIP membership and you’re auto-entried into the ME seat giveaway (9pm ET). (
* Not a real dragon. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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06-23-2011, 07:26 PM
To celebrate the Poker School’s launch, we will be sending two students to the 2011 World Series of Poker in Las Vegas. So far, one grand-prize winner has been determined …
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Carl Culture
06-23-2011, 07:26 PM (
Today's picture was taken in 1903 during Teddy Roosevelt's trip to Colorado. It appears to me that Teddy was quite fond of cowboys, and when he traveled he appeared to seek them out. In the picture above he is enjoying a Cowboy Breakfast near Hugo, Colorado. I believe he is somewhat overdressed for the occasion. ( (
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Carl Culture
06-23-2011, 07:26 PM ( A Smoke ::: Fredcan ::: An old man is smoking a bidi (traditional Indian cigarette) in a colourful chai or tea shop.
Percy The Perv
06-23-2011, 07:26 PM .jpg ( .jpg ( .jpg ( b.jpg (
Jenniferlopezgoodh ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
06-23-2011, 07:26 PM ( rmany_june_17_2011_1_JCJyzRM.thumb.jpg ( _2011_1_JCJyzRM?id=163623) rmany_june_17_2011_2_e6nziWw.thumb.jpg ( _2011_2_e6nziWw?id=163623) rmany_june_17_2011_3_w7Iw1qM.thumb.jpg ( _2011_3_w7Iw1qM?id=163623) rmany_june_17_2011_4_sLxiVBF.thumb.jpg ( _2011_4_sLxiVBF?id=163623) rmany_june_17_2011_5_jt4Chsh.thumb.jpg ( _2011_5_jt4Chsh?id=163623) rmany_june_17_2011_6_HbTd3uu.thumb.jpg ( _2011_6_HbTd3uu?id=163623) rmany_june_17_2011_7_jzoYfSG.thumb.jpg ( _2011_7_jzoYfSG?id=163623) rmany_june_17_2011_8_qV0tUlH.thumb.jpg ( _2011_8_qV0tUlH?id=163623) rmany_june_17_2011_9_magmeD0.thumb.jpg ( _2011_9_magmeD0?id=163623) rmany_june_17_2011_10_w3JFO2g.thumb.jpg ( _2011_10_w3JFO2g?id=163623) rmany_june_17_2011_11_EVeiu2C.thumb.jpg ( _2011_11_EVeiu2C?id=163623)
Tight Jeans, The Bad Teacher Premiere Berlin Germany June ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
06-23-2011, 07:26 PM 11_1_szvcG1k.thumb.jpg ( 623) 11_2_O1k1TZV.thumb.jpg ( 623) 11_3_LztoBFZ.thumb.jpg ( 623) 11_4_2QS7nC3.thumb.jpg ( 623) 11_5_UEcZJu8.thumb.jpg ( 623) 11_6_tdUW426.thumb.jpg ( 623) 11_7_b2Rp7oA.thumb.jpg ( 623)
Out Beverly Hills June ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
06-23-2011, 07:26 PM eon_at_beverly_hills_hotel_VbXrXNv.thumb.jpg ( ly_Hills_Hotel_VbXrXNv?id=163623) eon_at_beverly_hills_hotel_rEl1ym4.thumb.jpg ( ly_Hills_Hotel_rEl1ym4?id=163623) eon_at_beverly_hills_hotel_MewbQCP.thumb.jpg ( ly_Hills_Hotel_MewbQCP?id=163623) eon_at_beverly_hills_hotel_om2cXG3.thumb.jpg ( ly_Hills_Hotel_om2cXG3?id=163623) eon_at_beverly_hills_hotel_dwrtUqW.thumb.jpg ( ly_Hills_Hotel_dwrtUqW?id=163623) eon_at_beverly_hills_hotel_czPpdgn.thumb.jpg ( ly_Hills_Hotel_czPpdgn?id=163623) eon_at_beverly_hills_hotel_stJXGoY.thumb.jpg ( ly_Hills_Hotel_stJXGoY?id=163623) eon_at_beverly_hills_hotel_KQ6bPSI.thumb.jpg ( ly_Hills_Hotel_KQ6bPSI?id=163623) eon_at_beverly_hills_hotel_ac1yuWH.thumb.jpg ( ly_Hills_Hotel_ac1yuWH?id=163623) eon_at_beverly_hills_hotel_d9Zi9mc.thumb.jpg ( ly_Hills_Hotel_d9Zi9mc?id=163623) eon_at_beverly_hills_hotel_gtMlekm.thumb.jpg ( ly_Hills_Hotel_gtMlekm?id=163623) eon_at_beverly_hills_hotel_bJz5ndT.thumb.jpg ( ly_Hills_Hotel_bJz5ndT?id=163623)
Critics Choice Television Awards Luncheon Beverly Hills Hotel ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
06-23-2011, 07:26 PM s_june_20_2011_0_jU6aRi4.thumb.jpg ( 011_0_jU6aRi4?id=163623) s_june_20_2011_02_KZCAanR.thumb.jpg ( 011_02_KZCAanR?id=163623) s_june_20_2011_03_57z3bUA.thumb.jpg ( 011_03_57z3bUA?id=163623) s_june_20_2011_04_naENMf5.thumb.jpg ( 011_04_naENMf5?id=163623) s_june_20_2011_05_icUyE77.thumb.jpg ( 011_05_icUyE77?id=163623) s_june_20_2011_06_7jplavv.thumb.jpg ( 011_06_7jplavv?id=163623) s_june_20_2011_07_ztCRson.thumb.jpg ( 011_07_ztCRson?id=163623) s_june_20_2011_08_MqWB5fr.thumb.jpg ( 011_08_MqWB5fr?id=163623) s_june_20_2011_09_OzVvuo8.thumb.jpg ( 011_09_OzVvuo8?id=163623) s_june_20_2011_010_usXjety.thumb.jpg ( 011_010_usXjety?id=163623)
Leggy Yellow Dress Out Los Angeles June ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Fire acts differently in space than on Earth. Sandra Olson, an aerospace engineer at NASA's Glenn Research Center, demonstrates just how differently in her art. This artwork is comprised of multiple overlays of three separate microgravity flame images. Each image is of flame spread over cellulose paper in a spacecraft ventilation flow in microgravity. The different colors represent different chemical reactions within the flame. The blue areas are caused by chemiluminescence (light produced by a chemical reaction.) The white, yellow and orange regions are due to glowing soot within the flame zone. Microgravity combustion research at Glenn not only provides insights into spacecraft fire safety, but it has also been used to create award-winning art images. This image won first place in the 2011 Combustion Art Competition, held at the 7th U.S. National Combustion Meeting. Image Credit: NASA
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Khalid El-Amin
06-23-2011, 08:55 PM
Troops enter Khirbet al-Jouz, a village adjoining Turkey, amid reports that they were firing machine guns randomly.
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Big Gay Al
06-23-2011, 08:55 PM
I photographed this Black-fronted Dotterel (Elseyornis melanops) today in Rochester.
EXIF: Canon EOS 50D : 1/400 sec : f/5.6 : 400 mm : ISO 200
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