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Carl Culture
10-10-2012, 08:27 AM ( Dancing on the Streets of Colombo ::: Dominic Sansoni ::: SRI LANKA. 'Kavadi' dancer with a pot on his head at a Hindu festival on a small side road off Jampettah Street in Colombo 13.
Suicide King's Tattoos
10-10-2012, 10:53 AM
Russia will need around $500bln to develop its Arctic shelf by 2050, Energy Minister Aleksander Novak told RT.
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Carl Culture
10-10-2012, 10:53 AM (
Today's picture shows a great shot of the Deadwood Stage. The picture was taken in 1890. The stage has a full load of passengers.
There has been some great discussion on the topic of old historic towns being turned into gambling towns with casinos. I had mentioned that I visited Virginia City in Nevada, and how sad it was to see the historic mining boom town turned into little more than rows and rows of tawdry slot machines. On the other hand, I had the chance to visit Silverton, Colorado several times. Gaming had not moved in there, and it was a quaint little town that had very well preserved its history. Nice little shops, lots of antiques, and lots of historical things to see. ( (
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Carl Culture
10-10-2012, 10:53 AM
This Month in Photo of the Day: National Geographic Magazine ( Features
The "red elephants" of Kenya's Tsavo East National Park owe their color to the red soil, which they roll in as a dirt bath. Across Africa, sustained poaching of bulls and large females makes orphans of the young and distorts the gene pool in favor of weaker, smaller animals.
See more pictures ( from the October 2012 feature story ( "Blood Ivory."
Watch a video about the problem of ivory trafficking » ( (
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Adolf Hitler
10-10-2012, 01:32 PM
Forum: Newslinks & ArticlesPosted By: White DudePost Time: 10-10-2012 at 09:20 AM
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Carl Culture
10-10-2012, 03:41 PM (
About Tasha:
Artist Tasha Lewis has been creating swarms of magnetic butterflies and installing them on the streets of Indianapolis, creating guerrilla art that does not cause any harm to public property. Her current work is focused on re-imagining taxidermy and other methods of preserving life. Her interest in preservation stems from her fascination with the re-presentational powers of photography. She is fascinated with how we as viewers relate to a leaf that has been mechanically produced to look and feel very similar to a real leaf. She has been scaling up that idea to make animal bodies, tree limbs, and she hopes to eventually create whole environments.
Tasha explains the work further by saying, “my process centers around a cyanotype coated fabric. The cyanotype process dates from the 1870s and is one of the earliest forms of photography. Its images are blue to white, and are exposed in the sun and developed with water. They can be toned or bleached into a purple/mauve or orange/yellow accordingly. The blue of these pieces represents a mineral lens on nature. The natural world is full of blue things, but they are not fertile things; the oceans and sky are blue but there are very few blue animals or plants. The cyan blue of these pieces feels like life in a way, but it also feels frozen. I am attempting to catch life, to preserve it in motion, and to allow it to transcend the usual forms of human conservation.” ( ( ( ( ( ( (
More... ( ( Nauset Light Star Trails
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Big Gay Al
10-10-2012, 03:41 PM (
Kodak is the newest addition to our furry family, and is only a nine week old baby. We acquired him after a friend got him and decided she couldn't handle him. Fortunately for us, he fit into our house like a dream and we couldn't be happier to have him. He's proving to be a very smart, sweet puppy with a fantastic temperament and we feel honored to have him as part of the family.
Click for more pictures and comments... (
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Georgie Thompson
10-10-2012, 03:41 PM
AFC Wimbledon have appointed former player Neal Ardley as their new manager.
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10-10-2012, 05:30 PM
The poker world is full of facts, figures, stats and records. With so many numbers being crunched day in and day out, sometimes it is tough to see what they all add up to. That is why BLUFF brings you some of the more interesting numbers related to the big tournaments, big stories, and big [...]
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Khalid El-Amin
10-10-2012, 05:30 PM
Regime says opposition fighters must stop the violence first, as it deploys soldiers in rebel-held town in Idlib.
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Big Gay Al
10-10-2012, 05:30 PM
Location: Mendota, Illinois, USA
Here is a batch of kittens born on the farm to a feral mama. I am working with my dad who feeds the colony, to try and trap her and get her spayed. Our family farm has outbuildings they live in. I volunteer for a no-kill .org where I live, and am contacting needed resources in his area to assist. Baby “fuzzy faces”, arent they so cute!
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Big Gay Al
10-10-2012, 05:30 PM Male Amethyst Sunbird on Freylinia tropica shrub, showing the bird’s all black body with distinctive metallic green forecrown and iridescent purple throat and shoulder patches, Curry’s Post, KZN, South Africa.
Camera: Canon EOS 50D; Lens Canon EF 400mm f/5.6L USM; Focal length 400mm; Shutter speed: 1/500; Aperture: f/5.6; ISO 400; Exposure compensation: +2/3.
The Amethyst Sunbird (Chalcomitra amethystina), previously called the Black Sunbird, is one of three sunbird species that regularly feed in our garden. The others are the Malachite Sunbird ( (Nectarinia famosa) and Southern Double-Collared Sunbird ( (Cinnyris chalybeus).
Sunbirds, because of their small size and the way they flit from flower to flower at high speed, are not easy to photograph.
I’ve found the best time to snap them is when they settle for a moment to feed on nectar from a flower, or perch briefly on a twig before flying off. Then you have to hope they aren’t partly hidden by flowers or leaves, or in mottled shade from the foliage. And, of course, you need a catchlight in the eyes, so the head needs to be facing the right direction.
With patience and luck this is all doable. The Amethyst, however, presents an additional problem and that’s getting the exposure right. The feathers on its black body seem to suck in light, so you have to over-expose to capture any detail, even in direct sunlight. But the crown and throat are iridescent, reflecting any light hitting these areas. This means a pretty wide exposure range, forcing some compromises when trying to show both shadow and highlight detail, which is the case in the photo above and in the one below.
(Please Note: If you're not reading this post on Wildlife Photography Blog ( from Wildlife Pictures Online, then you're not seeing the original version. Please go to Amethyst Sunbird ( to read the original.) ( yIl2AUoC8zA) F7zBnMyn0Lo ( F7zBnMyn0Lo) V_sGLiPBpWU ( V_sGLiPBpWU) ( qj6IDK7rITs) ( l6gmwiTKsz0) gIN9vFwOqvQ ( gIN9vFwOqvQ) ( TzevzKxY174)
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10-10-2012, 08:35 PM
Poker players weigh in about online poker in Nevada and whether the state's liqiuidy pool will be large enough to make a living as a pro.
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10-10-2012, 08:35 PM
South Point Poker, likely to be Nevada’s first ever real-money online poker site, is currently looking to hire “poker investigators†in anticipation of its launch this fall. According to the ...
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Suicide King's Tattoos
10-10-2012, 11:00 PM
The chief of the Russian police has named extremist activities aimed at changing the state and the seizure of power by force, as the main threats to the country.
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Shanita Balke
10-10-2012, 11:00 PM
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Adolf Hitler
10-11-2012, 01:40 AM
Forum: Newslinks & Articles Posted By: WhiteRights Post Time: 10-10-2012 at 08:33 PM
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This image from the right Mast Camera (Mastcam) of NASA\'s Mars rover Curiosity shows a scoop full of sand and dust lifted by the rover\'s first use of the scoop on its robotic arm. In the foreground, near the bottom of the image, a bright object is visible on the ground. The object might be a piece of rover hardware.
This image was taken during the mission\'s 61st Martian day, or sol (Oct. 7, 2012), the same sol as the first scooping. After examining Sol 61 imaging, the rover team decided to refrain from using the arm on Sol 62 (Oct. 8). Instead, the rover was instructed to acquire additional imaging of the bright object, on Sol 62, to aid the team in assessing possible impact, if any, to sampling activities.
For scale, the scoop is 1.8 inches (4.5 centimeters) wide, 2.8 inches (7 centimeters) long.
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
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False-colour image of cloud features seen on Venus by the Venus Monitoring Camera (VMC) on Venus Express. The image was captured from a distance of 30 000 km on 8 December 2011. The VMC was designed and built by a consortium of German institutes lead by the Max-Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Katlenburg-Lindau. Venus Express has been in orbit around the planet since 2006.
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Georgie Thompson
10-11-2012, 03:51 AM
Sauber have announced that Monisha Kaltenborn will take over from Peter Sauber as Team Principal with immediate effect.
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Percy The Perv
10-11-2012, 05:20 AM s_angeles_10_7_2012_4GFSh4HM.thumb.jpg ( 0_7_2012_4GFSh4HM?id=163623) s_angeles_10_7_2012_KCet5DHn.thumb.jpg ( 0_7_2012_KCet5DHn?id=163623) s_angeles_10_7_2012_lzE1JW9r.thumb.jpg ( 0_7_2012_lzE1JW9r?id=163623) s_angeles_10_7_2012_6QIc3Mwj.thumb.jpg ( 0_7_2012_6QIc3Mwj?id=163623) s_angeles_10_7_2012_HnnFIffv.thumb.jpg ( 0_7_2012_HnnFIffv?id=163623)
Out And About Doing Some Shopping Los Angeles ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
10-11-2012, 05:20 AM ( ( ( (
Tumblr Rehersals ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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10-11-2012, 05:36 AM
Jason Lavallee holds the chiplead entering the final table of the EPT San Remo Main Event. (Photo c/o Neil Stoddart, PokerStars Blog) It’s the unofficial final stop of a two month European stretch on the tournament circuit, but there’s still one big title and a lot of money to be won at EPT San Remo. [...]
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Percy The Perv
10-11-2012, 05:36 AM (
Side Boob 1600x1200 298kb ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
10-11-2012, 05:36 AM Shc8.thumb.jpg ( id=163623)
Photo Translucentbrownsu Instagram 612x612 80kb ( ( ( C8zA) OqvQ ( OqvQ) ( rITs) BpWU ( BpWU) n0Lo ( n0Lo)
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Big Gay Al
10-11-2012, 05:36 AM (
Larry [redux]
Eva says: Larry is one of the many kittens I've photographed for the shelters I volunteer for. I'm sure he found a forever home -- who could resist that face? If you are are thinking about adding a pet to your life, please consider visiting your local shelter. You're sure to find a new best friend who is just as cute!
Courtesy of: eva101 (
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10-11-2012, 08:55 AM
On Wednesday at the 2012 EPT Sanremo, the Main Event played down to the final table and the High Roller concluded it's Day 2.
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10-11-2012, 08:55 AM
While a proposal for more casinos in Illinois is still highly contentious, the state managed to see a huge expansion in gambling this week with the debut of gambling machines ...
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Carl Culture
10-11-2012, 08:55 AM (
A capture from the season one Blu-Ray of this TNG episode.
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Carl Culture
10-11-2012, 08:55 AM ( Hello Stranger ::: Lucian Marin ::: Local women in front of derelict wooden house.
Suicide King's Tattoos
10-11-2012, 11:19 AM
London has denied Moscow permission to honor UK veterans of the WWII Arctic Convoys by presenting them with the prestigious Ushakov Medal.
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Big Gay Al
10-11-2012, 11:19 AM
Another photo of a Splendid Fairy-wren (Malurus splendens), this time an impressive looking male. The photo was taken in the Binya State Forest, NSW.
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Carl Culture
10-11-2012, 11:19 AM (
Today's picture shows a couple of prospectors in their mining camp near Deadwood. The picture was taken in 1887. One man is tending a pot on a campfire, while the other one is bringing in a deer he has shot. Also notice in the foreground there is another deer with a rifle leaning on it. I would say these men will eat well this winter.
I have enjoyed this week of pictures, and the discussions on Old West boom towns. I have had the chance to visit Virginia City, Silverton, Durango and several others in Northern New Mexico and Southern Colorado. One place I have always wanted to visit but have never had the chance is Tombstone, Arizona. Has anyone visited there? Is it nicely preserved? I always considered the story of Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday at the showdown at the OK coral to be the absolute classic of all Western shootouts. ( (
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Carl Culture
10-11-2012, 11:19 AM
This Month in Photo of the Day: National Geographic Magazine ( Features
A whale shark, biggest of fishes, hangs out with small fry off the northern tip of the Yucatán Peninsula.
See more pictures ( from the October 2012 feature story ( "Meso Amazing."
See more underwater pictures from Brian Skerry's Ocean Soul » (
Brian Skerry earns Emerald Award » ( (
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Adolf Hitler
10-11-2012, 01:40 PM
Forum: Science, Technology and RacePosted By: revisionPost Time: 10-11-2012 at 09:14 AM
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Carl Culture
10-11-2012, 03:53 PM (
About Lee:
Lee Jeffries career began as a sports photographer, capturing the beautiful game of football in Manchester, UK. Then a chance meeting with a homeless woman living in the streets of London changed his life forever. He has since dedicated himself to capturing gripping portraits of the disenfranchised.
The models in his photographs are homeless people that he has met in Europe and in the United States.
He explains his process by saying, “I don’t want to exploit these people or steal photographs of them like so many other photographers who had seen the homeless as an easy target. In an effort to make intimate portraits, I try to connect with each person on an individual basis first.” ( ( ( Il2AUoC8zA) 7zBnMyn0Lo ( 7zBnMyn0Lo) _sGLiPBpWU ( _sGLiPBpWU) ( j6IDK7rITs) IN9vFwOqvQ ( IN9vFwOqvQ)
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Big Gay Al
10-11-2012, 03:53 PM (
I recently lost my beloved dog Otis. The only thing that could heal the pain was a new dog. I decided on a pit-type because I just have always loved the breed for many reasons. But having 4 cats I thought that I should get a puppy so I could be sure to raise it to accept the cats. Turns out the cats have kept away anyway so it's still a work in progress. I went to the shelter where my neighbors got their dog and they brought out Ryan Lochte (the Olympics were happening at the time). I didn't need to see any more pups. He chose me as much as I chose him. He is a joy to have. Affectionate, playful, smart as can be. What a super ambassador for his breed.
Click for more pictures and comments... (
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Georgie Thompson
10-11-2012, 03:53 PM
Lee Westwood fired a brilliant round of 61 to guarantee a final spot at the Turkish Airlines World Golf Final and will face fellow Englishman Justin Rose for the $1.5 million first prize.
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Khalid El-Amin
10-11-2012, 05:40 PM
Moscow accuses Ankara of endangering lives by grounding Syria plane that Turkey claimed carried "non-civilian" cargo.
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Big Gay Al
10-11-2012, 05:40 PM
Location: Elizabeth City, North Cariolina, USA
Chunk is one of two foster kittens that I am fostering for the SPCA until he is old enough (and weaned!) to be adopted out. He doesn’t have much of a story right now besides he was taken from his mother by animal control because they were “pests” on someones property. They took no time to catch the mother either, so these guys have a rough adjustment ahead of them.
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Big Gay Al
10-11-2012, 05:40 PM of male lion with battle-scarred face, Mashatu Game Reserve, Botswana. (One of the 17 photos included in the Lion Pack, shown here at reduced size).
Time for another giveaway, this time our popular Lion Photo Pack, previously available on my website for $10. And, to make this offer even more appealing, I’ve added two bonus lion photos, giving you 17 images in all.
The bonus photos are both high-resolution, 2400 pixels on the long side, providing excellent reference material for wildlife artists. They’re also big enough to print at 8″ x 6″ (300dpi) for use in brochures or other print publications.
In adddition to the bonus photos, the pack contains 15 lion images, each between 1200-1500 pixels on the long side, plus an index sheet and text file with captions.
To find out more about the full range of packages, and how images may and may not be used, please see Wildlife and Nature Photo Packs ( And to check the lion images included, please see Lion Photo Pack (
.vclSurround2821{ border-radius: 15px; -moz-border-radius:15px; -webkit-border-radius:15px; background-color: #ffffdf; padding: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; } .vclShareButtonsRight{ text-align: right; } .vclShareButtonsLeft{ text-align: left; } .vclShareButtonsCenter{ text-align: center; } All that's needed to access the Lion Pack is a click on either the Facebook "Like" or Google + buttons immediately below:
Once you’ve clicked on either one, the download link for the zip file containing the Lion Pack will magically appear. Pretty easy I’d say, so go ahead and click on either of the buttons above now!
(Please Note: If you're not reading this post on Wildlife Photography Blog ( from Wildlife Pictures Online, then you're not seeing the original version. Please go to Lion Photo Pack – Another Giveaway ( to read the original.) ( yIl2AUoC8zA) F7zBnMyn0Lo ( F7zBnMyn0Lo) V_sGLiPBpWU ( V_sGLiPBpWU) ( qj6IDK7rITs) ( l6gmwiTKsz0) gIN9vFwOqvQ ( gIN9vFwOqvQ) ( TzevzKxY174)
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10-11-2012, 08:56 PM
The opinions in this editorial do not reflect the positions of the ownership or management of Poker News Daily.
The online poker industry – even though it doesn’t seem this way – is still in its infancy in the gambling world. In its short decade-plus existence, however, there have been a litany of persons who have, at the minimum, violated the trust of the gaming public or have, at the maximum, outright stolen money from their customers. While some of these people may have seen the errors of their ways and reformed, there are still those out there from the online gaming industry that have free access to live casinos throughout the world.
The actions of the former leaders of Full Tilt ( Poker, as well as other online poker sites, are what bring some thoughts to mind. Over the last weekend and into this week, reports have surfaced regarding former Full Tilt board member Howard Lederer (’s “return to the ring,†so to speak, as he stepped into Bobby’s Room at the Bellagio and, lately, at the Aria poker room to play high stakes poker. This is something that not only the live poker world but also the regulatory bodies of Nevada should take a look at, potentially putting Lederer’s name (and others) in the dreaded “Black Book.â€
For those that don’t know about it, the Nevada Gaming Control Board has what is called its “Excluded Persons List†(better known as the “Black Bookâ€) which details people that have violated laws regarding gaming or involvement in organized crime that make them “undesirable†to be in a casino in Nevada. What may be surprising about that “book†is the number of people that are actively on it. A quick look at the NGCB website shows that it isn’t as extensive as many might think.
As of today, there are 37 people (only one woman is on the roster) listed on the “Excluded Persons List,†including Ronald Harris (a former NGCB investigator who defrauded Keno games), Timothy Childs (a notorious slot cheat) and several members of organized crime for their various legal infractions. As the state of Nevada begins to enter into the online gaming regulatory arena, it may be time for them to start looking at some of the more notorious figures in online gaming and potentially add them to the 37 members of the “Black Book.â€
The most recent scandal in the online poker world, the Full Tilt Poker ( debacle, is what the NGCB should take a look at first. While former Full Tilt CEO Ray Bitar is currently the only person who is under criminal indictment for his activities with the company, several other members including Lederer, former World Champion Chris Ferguson ( and Rafe Furst ( have come under civil complaint for allegedly accepting $443 million while running the company (although not facing court action, others involved in Full Tilt also could fall under this umbrella). All of these men currently are embroiled in their legal actions at this time.
Without a conviction or a civil decision against them, the men behind the Full Tilt Poker operation currently can go about their business in a casino (holding to the “innocent until proven guilty†idea). If the courts find against them, however, they should be added to the “Black Book†and denied entry into any casino in Nevada. If they are smart, other locales that offer poker and casino gaming around the world would follow suit.
The same would hold true for other members of the “Black Friday†indictments. The men who have already pled guilty to their charges should have been immediately placed in the “Black Book†by the NGCB as they have violated what the NGCB looks to provide – a clean game without the potential for fraudulent activity. Although the violations by many of the men who have pled guilty have been for banking fraud and conspiracy, there are names on the “Black Book†who have committed similar fraudulent activity not involved with the actual games.
The lack of regulation over the industry would prevent such action against others who have broken the trust with the online poker community, however. Although many believe that former World Champion Russ Hamilton was behind the Ultimate Bet scandal, the lack of a legal decision on the case would allow him to walk away unscathed from any “Black Book†addition. Others who have allegedly “cheated†online (add in your favorite name here) also would get a walk because there isn’t a documentable case of their infractions in a court of law.
If the state of Nevada is to bring the same strict level of regulation to online poker as it brings to the “live†gaming throughout the state, then the NGCB has to start looking at the actions of those involved in the online gaming world and treat them the same as someone who has committed a serious crime in their casinos. By doing such, the NGCB would immediately send a message that, under no circumstances, will online gaming cheats or thieves be allowed to enter into a live establishment, although there are significant differences between the two, as well as enter into the online gaming industry in the state.
This is a subject that will eventually play out over the coming year (or years) as the courts make their decisions regarding several cases in their jurisdictions. But it is up to the NGCB, if they are a viable enforcement arm for gaming in Nevada, to make a stand against those that have introduced scandal to the online poker and gaming world through their actions. It can start with those involved in the “Black Friday†scandal and the Full Tilt Poker fiasco to find their way into the NGCB’s “Black Book.â€
What do you think? Should those who have committed egregious acts in the online poker community be banned from Nevada (and the world’s) casinos?
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10-11-2012, 08:56 PM
Tom Dwan talks with Rikard Aberg from
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10-11-2012, 08:56 PM
Germany’s Benny Spindler has won the European Poker Tour San Remo €10,000 no-limit hold’em high roller for €253,000 ($327,357), defeating American Keven Stammen in a lengthy back-and-forth heads-up battle to ...
More... ( analysis of data from the Huygens probe shows a complex surface.
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Suicide King's Tattoos
10-11-2012, 11:21 PM
Iraq is reportedly considering replacing US oil major ExxonMobil with Russian companies in the West Qurna-1 project, as the authorities are angered by ExxonMobil’s deal signed with the Kurdistan regional government...
Read Full Article at (
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Shanita Balke
10-11-2012, 11:21 PM
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Adolf Hitler
10-12-2012, 01:43 AM
Forum: Ideology and Philosophy Posted By: Imperator101 Post Time: 10-11-2012 at 09:23 PM
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This image covers a small portion of gigantic Coprates Chasma, part of Valles Marineris.
With enhanced IR colors, we see a portion of the very top of the south wall of the canyon, looking down onto the steep upper slopes. The colors indicate that diverse rock types are present.
Written by: Alfred McEwen
Credits: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
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Several tiny satellites are featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 33 crew member on the International Space Station. The satellites were released outside the Kibo laboratory using a Small Satellite Orbital Deployer attached to the Japanese module\'s robotic arm on Oct. 4, 2012. Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Aki Hoshide, flight engineer, set up the satellite deployment gear inside the lab and placed it in the Kibo airlock. The Japanese robotic arm then grappled the deployment system and its satellites from the airlock for deployment.
Credits: NASA
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Georgie Thompson
10-12-2012, 04:07 AM
Lewis Hamilton was fastest in first practice at the Korean Grand Prix ahead of Fernando Alonso and Mark Webber.
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Percy The Perv
10-12-2012, 05:13 AM thumb.jpg ( tp:// thumb.jpg ( tp:// thumb.jpg ( tp:// thumb.jpg ( tp:// thumb.jpg ( tp:// thumb.jpg ( tp:// thumb.jpg (
Here Comes The Boom Premiere ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
10-12-2012, 05:13 AM 9_12_MJlcgrh5.thumb.jpg ( ?id=163623) 9_12_pC9Bd95i.thumb.jpg ( ?id=163623) 9_12_Xg3am8wZ.thumb.jpg ( ?id=163623) 9_12_mssSYM7D.thumb.jpg ( ?id=163623) 9_12_zmuW72P8.thumb.jpg ( ?id=163623) 9_12_E48EWzAD.thumb.jpg ( ?id=163623) 9_12_z6YdTrOX.thumb.jpg ( ?id=163623) 9_12_8o2lMvw7.thumb.jpg ( ?id=163623) 9_12_LYpFfTXa.thumb.jpg ( ?id=163623) 9_12_rdHuMrMK.thumb.jpg ( ?id=163623) 9_12_GuwbGPNt.thumb.jpg ( ?id=163623) 9_12_Dve4LV6M.thumb.jpg ( ?id=163623)
The Griddle Cafe And Rite Aid ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
10-12-2012, 05:13 AM ( ( ( (
Out And About, Fan Photo ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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10-12-2012, 05:41 AM
Ludovic Lacay put on a dominant performance in winning EPT San Remo. (Photo c/o Neil Stoddart, PokerStars Blog) EPT San Remo has a history of crowning some big time pros as champions, dating back to the first time the event was held in 2008. That year Jason Mercier earned his first career live cash when [...]
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Khalid El-Amin
10-12-2012, 05:41 AM
The Obama administration's policies on Iran and Libya lead the lively vice-presidential debate.
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Big Gay Al
10-12-2012, 05:41 AM (
Missy, Shea, Jemma, and Roxy [redux]
Michelle says: We fosted this litter at around the same time that we fostered Cassie's kittens ( I don't remember much about them but I do know Missy was adopted along with Cassie's boy Spencer (
Courtesy of: Michelle Peters Spivack (
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10-12-2012, 09:01 AM
The 2012 European Poker Tour Sanremo wrapped up on Thursday as both the €10,000 High Roller and Main Event crowned champions.This victory marks Spindler's second EPT High...
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10-12-2012, 09:01 AM
With six final table finishes and nearly two-million in earnings, Ludovic Lacay was already a very successful poker player despite having never won a major event. But at the Casino ...
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Carl Culture
10-12-2012, 09:01 AM (
Now available from the “Her Universe” team – adark_stars_parents_suck_the_dicks_off_cane_toads_ then_fuck_them_back_on_comdotcom.comSpockdark_star s_parents_suck_the_dicks_off_cane_toads_then_fuck_ them_back_on_comdotcom.comHoodie (!
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Carl Culture
10-12-2012, 09:01 AM ( Mother and Son ::: Pascal Mannaerts ::: A picture I took with the Karo tribes, in Korcho, Omo valley, Ethiopia
Suicide King's Tattoos
10-12-2012, 11:39 AM
The Russian people are becoming an increasingly precious asset within the economy. Given all their knowledge and talent they could potentially create $19.3trln, outpacing the current GDP almost 13-fold.
Read Full Article at (
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Shanita Balke
10-12-2012, 11:39 AM
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Carl Culture
10-12-2012, 11:39 AM (
Today's picture shows a stagecoach on the road into Deadwood. The picture was taken in 1889. The cool thing about this picture is the stagecoach looks just like the ones in the Old West movies. In looking at old photographs, it seems like there are many, many different styles of stagecoaches, and they rarely look like the ones in the movies. ( (
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Carl Culture
10-12-2012, 11:39 AM
This Month in Photo of the Day: National Geographic Magazine ( Features
Midsummer Night, known as the festival of Ivan Kupala (St. John the Baptist), is marked by candles and flower garlands in Vladimirskoye. Celebrants walk three times around Svetloyar Lake, which legend says makes wishes come true.
See more pictures ( from the July 2012 feature story ( "Russian Summer."
See pictures of international festivals » (
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Shanita Balke
10-12-2012, 11:39 AM
A step-by-step tutorial on using Curlformers to get perfect curls
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Shanita Balke
10-12-2012, 11:39 AM
What is a conditioner wash?
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Adolf Hitler
10-12-2012, 01:47 PM
Forum: Notizie Posted By: Liquid87 Post Time: 10-12-2012 at 08:54 AM
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Carl Culture
10-12-2012, 04:15 PM (
About Sebastien:
Sebastien Preschoux is a 35 year old self taught French Artist/Designer. He creates handmade works of art as a commentary to today’s generation which disposes of images at a industrial rapidity and cease to ask themselves about where these things are coming from. Sebastien strives to create art that is not easily reproduced and often temporary. His yarn installations arise from his graphic work and from the observation of the sunlight in nature.
Sebastien explains his work by saying, “With a computer you can make everything fast-paced and very flattering, everyone can fake it, so what’s the point? Nothing personal, nothing unique. It is so pleasant to have the surprise of the result, to feel that things can escape you and take an unexpected direction. The important thing is to have a tactile relationship with the material, to be able to dread the qualities and the defects.” ( ( ( Il2AUoC8zA) 7zBnMyn0Lo ( 7zBnMyn0Lo) _sGLiPBpWU ( _sGLiPBpWU) ( j6IDK7rITs) IN9vFwOqvQ ( IN9vFwOqvQ)
More... ( ( A single image from the world's most powerful survey instrument
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Big Gay Al
10-12-2012, 04:15 PM (
Gnudles is a shepherd/Lab/husky mix who nurses a deep love of playing with other dogs and finding hot dogs on the street. Her lack of concern for nutrition can be a nuisance, but we love to nuzzle our little nugget. She is a joy to nurture!
Click for more pictures and comments... (
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Georgie Thompson
10-12-2012, 04:15 PM
Leyton Orient have signed Charlton's Scott Wagstaff on a 28-day loan who goes into the O's squad for the Bournemouth clash.
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Shanita Balke
10-12-2012, 05:52 PM
High-quality extensions are essential for creating a believable and stylish look. Don't settle for inferior hair weave products. This interview with Asya Rahim, founder of Remy Kiss, details how to get some of the best quality extensions available.
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Khalid El-Amin
10-12-2012, 05:52 PM
A least 100 people injured after clashes breakout during rival rallies in Cairo's Tahrir Square after Friday prayers.
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Big Gay Al
10-12-2012, 05:52 PM
Location: Hertfordshire, England
We first got Kristen and her sister Nana when they were 10 weeks old from our neighbour across the street. On their first night in their new home, Kristen was instantly confident and behaved as if nothing had changed and we’d had her all along. Nana, on the other hand, went into the situation with much more caution and didn’t actually come out from under the sofa until the following morning.
Upon meeting our two oldest cats, Yuna (10) and Michael (2), both kittens were extremely excited at having new older ‘siblings’. However, their reactions were very different. Naturally, Yuna and Michael wanted them put in their place so they both received a gentle but warning smack in the face. Whilst Nana never approached them without their ‘permission’ again, Kristen was already climbing on top of them within seconds of her smack. No matter how many times the older cats would hit her, Kristen would get back on her feet and lopsidedly run up to them again through lack of awareness.
One day, Michael was at the top of the stairs when Nana came rushing up behind him. Out of sheer panic and shock, Michael pushed Nana down the stairs. Kristen then followed suit and ran behind Michael and quickly received the same fate. However, whilst Nana instinctively put her claws out to grab onto the top step so she didn’t fall down them, Kristen continued to fall the entire way down to the bottom. It demonstrated a real lack of basic instinct.
Another thing that became quite apparent was Kristen’s lack of spacial awareness. She would often fall down the stairs, run into things, bang her head and have quite nasty accidents.
As time has passed, Kristen has grown increasingly attached to me and I to her. We have formed a very strong bond over a very short period. During our time together, Kristen will lick my face until it’s raw to the extent that I have to physically move her or else my skin will start to peel. She has also developed a rather unhealthy obsession with trying to breast feed from me. She will physically climb under my top and desperately try to get to my breasts. When I remove her, she’ll suckle my chin instead.
She also suffers severe separation anxiety from me. Whenever I leave the room, Kristen will begin to cry out frantically and try to follow. Her cries are not that of a normal kitten but rather a squeak type sound that almost sounds as if she’s saying ‘ma, ma, ma.’ Her separation anxiety got so bad at one point that she would even have to sit on my lap whilst I’d go to the toilet.
Sometimes I wonder if Kristen has some form of ADHD. She will fidget 24/7 and can’t seem to settle even for a cuddle. Her excitement seems to overwhelm her and her purring becomes warped. In fact, one of her major quirks is her kneading. All cats and kittens knead, but Kris will knead as she walks to the extent that she ends up tripping over herself.
Kristen also quickly showed she’s unable to physically clean herself. Luckily, Nana seems to have caught on to that and will hold her down whilst cleaning the sleep from her eyes and giving her a general wash, all the while Kristen will struggle and make her little squeaks. Even Yuna, our old little rescue, takes an extremely maternal role over Kristen and will also take shifts in cleaning her and making sure she’s safe.
Over time, Nana has grown and matured. Whilst Nana has formed the appearance of a small young cat, little Kristen doesn’t look particularly different to when she first arrived.
Given all of these circumstances, I decided to google ‘special needs in cats’ out of sheer curiosity as both my mum and I had started to realise Kristen’s behaviour was not only abnormal but that she wasn’t going to change. After searching and searching for any possible conditions she might have, we finally came across ‘mental retardation.’ At first, I brushed it off believing Kristen couldn’t possibly be that severe but when I started to read the signs and symptoms, I realised this was our little girl in a nutshell.
After much debating, both my mum and I agreed to not take her to the vets for an official diagnosis. This is for several reasons. The most important being- it’s a waste of money because whether she does have this condition or she doesn’t, her life will be abundant with love, stimulation and excitement.
Despite not taking her to the vets, we have had her IQ done. She came out at a mere 61 deeming her completely mentally retarded.
Regardless of anything, little Kristen Stewart (named by my mother, the biggest Twi-hard I know) will always be our special little girl. I wouldn’t change her for the world.
To become a ‘fan’ of Kristen, you can ‘like’ her fan page here –
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10-12-2012, 09:05 PM
Backing and staking are a big part of the poker industry, and Jason Mercier has been very involved in both for a few years. PokerNews recently sat down with him to discuss his experiences.
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10-12-2012, 09:05 PM
Give us your opinion in the comments section below for your chance at winning a six-month Card Player magazine digital subscription. Ask any group of poker players how you played ...
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Suicide King's Tattoos
10-12-2012, 11:40 PM
An early shot from Aleksandr Kerzhakov made the difference as Team Russia beat Portugal in their World Cup 2014 qualifier before a sold-out crowd at Moscow’s Luzhniki Stadium.
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Big Gay Al
10-12-2012, 11:40 PM Gambian pouched rat ( (Cricetomys gambianus) is truly one of the unsung heroes of the rodent world. Found wild throughout Africa; Gambian pouched rats weigh on average between 1 and 1.4 kilograms (2.2 and 3.1 lb). The length of this rodent can reach sizes of 64 to 91 cm (25.39 to 35.83 in) and beyond, including the tail. from nose to tail. The Gambian pouched rat is brown or gray and may have white or lighter colored markings on its feet and belly. It is called a pouched rat because it has large storage pouches in its cheeks, much like a hamster. Omnivorous by nature, captive Gambian pouched rats thrive on a diet of vegetables, seeds, and grains in addition to commercial rodent kibble. In their native habitat of forests and thickets, Gambian pouched rats feed on palm kernels, insects, crabs, and snails. They are a nocturnal animal with keen hearing and smell but poor eyesight. In Africa, they are considered “bushmeat†and commonly captured and eaten. The species is quite common on the African continent and is not endangered.
In the United States, the Gambian pouched rat is kept as a pet, although it is no longer legal to import specimens. Populations of Gambian pouched rats have become a problem in the Florida Keys where they have gained a toehold in the wild. Although it is not known precisely how the rat was released to the wild, it is most likely the result of careless pet owners allowing individuals to escape or deliberately releasing them when they became too hard to handle. Conservationists are concerned that the non-native species could have a serious negative impact on wildlife, particularly birds, as well as pose an agricultural threat if they should move to the mainland. Gambian pouched rats are believed to be one of the species that carry monkeypox and the recent outbreak of the disease in the United States is blamed on rats imported for the pet industry.
In 1996, Bart Weetjens began to experiment with Gambian pouched rats in detecting land mines. Weetjens sought a low-tech method of dealing with the problem of land mines and drew on his childhood experiences with pet rats. Gambian pouched rats have keen sense of smell and can be very docile if they are handled from a young age. Weetjens collaborated with the Belgium Directorate for International Cooperation and established APOPO, a nonprofit organization that trains mine detecting rats in Tanzania. Known as HeroRATS, Gambian pouched rats are trained to smell out explosives. When the rat scratches a patch of ground containing a land mine, a clicker is pressed and the animal receives a food reward.
Gambian pouched rats are also used to detect tuberculosis. Laboratory rats identify sputum samples infected with tuberculosis in a similar manner to rats trained to identify land mines. One rat can work its way through as many as 150 sputum samples in 30 minutes. Tuberculosis is a major health concern in Africa and early detection of the disease is crucial to successful treatment. Gambian pouched rats have been an economical and effective tool in fighting the spread of this disease.
Picture by Liftarn (, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license ( (
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Adolf Hitler
10-13-2012, 01:55 AM
Forum: Opposing Views ForumPosted By: runin0nemptyPost Time: 10-12-2012 at 08:37 PM
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This image is part of a series of color strips being acquired by HiRISE to support future traverse planning by the Curiosity rover.
The enhanced-color subimage shows an interesting portion of this scene, on the low slopes at the base of \"Mount Sharp\", where the rover could study deposits with diverse lithologies (rock types). The darkest areas mark deposits of loose, windblown sand. In general the bluer colors mark unaltered igneous minerals whereas the warm colors are due to altered minerals.
The experiments carried by the rover can provide much more detailed information about the compositions and implications for the geologic history of Mars.
Written by: Alfred McEwen
Credits: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
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Herschel’s infrared view of part of the Taurus Molecular Cloud, within which the bright, cold pre-stellar cloud L1544 can be seen at the lower left. It is surrounded by many other clouds of gas and dust of varying density. The Taurus Molecular Cloud is about 450 light-years from Earth and is the nearest large region of star formation. The image covers a field of view of approximately 1 x 2 arcminutes.
Credits: ESA/Herschel/SPIRE
Read the article here
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gay sex
10-13-2012, 02:18 AM
like a magnitude order easier than problems with the blacks adolf, lets be real with life here
those challah bread french toasts you enjoy so much likely cooked by a well meaning mexican who took a bus to work so be real son
gay sex
10-13-2012, 02:19 AM
THEYRE NOT PERFECT BY ANY MEANS AND IN SWARMS THEY ARE THE WORST, but cmon lets give some allowances big dog ( Spiky stars and spooky shapes abound in
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Georgie Thompson
10-13-2012, 04:38 AM
Eric Boullier has refused to confirm that Romain Grosjean will retain his seat with Lotus for next season in an exclusive interview with Sky Sports F1.
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Percy The Perv
10-13-2012, 05:54 AM cGvn.thumb.jpg ( id=163623)
Bikini Instagram Picture October 612x612 126kb ( ( ( C8zA) OqvQ ( OqvQ) ( rITs) BpWU ( BpWU) n0Lo ( n0Lo)
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Percy The Perv
10-13-2012, 05:54 AM png (
Twitter Gymnastics 435x440 313kb ( ( ( C8zA) OqvQ ( OqvQ) ( rITs) BpWU ( BpWU) n0Lo ( n0Lo)
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Big Gay Al
10-13-2012, 05:54 AM (
Savannah Kitten [redux]
Gerald says: This little boy is an F1 Savannah bred from an African serval to an F1 Savannah female. He is super sweet and now living with a professional hockey player.
Courtesy of: Gerald Adams (
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Percy The Perv
10-13-2012, 05:54 AM 0_10_12_KhkmYgIU.thumb.jpg ( IU?id=163623) 0_10_12_ISfDUvI2.thumb.jpg ( I2?id=163623) 0_10_12_8QOIJSX4.thumb.jpg ( X4?id=163623) y_hills_10_10_12_DcFWkQB3.thumb.jpg ( 12_DcFWkQB3?id=163623)
Nail Salon Tights Beverly Hills, Ass Shot Nail Salon Tights Beverly Hills ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
10-13-2012, 05:54 AM 00_600_pixels__S1MydKRk.thumb.jpg ( ydKRk?id=163623) 00_600_pixels__5uVTjFQ5.thumb.jpg ( TjFQ5?id=163623) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Aifigcaaapc Jpg Jpeg Image Pixels, Aipnjcmaaprz Jpg Jpeg Image Pixels, Imagebam ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
10-13-2012, 05:54 AM ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Out For Coffee, Out And About, Out For Coffee ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
10-13-2012, 05:54 AM ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Outside Letterman ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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10-13-2012, 09:29 AM
Full Tilt Poker will be introducing a new rewards program when it relaunches in November, and Howard Lederer rejoined the high-stakes cash games in Las Vegas.
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10-13-2012, 09:29 AM
Mohegan Sun and Mohegan Sun Pocono Downs announced on Friday that a deal has been inked with Las Vegas-based Bally Technologies, Inc. to provide brick-and-mortar casino customers with online gaming. ...
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Carl Culture
10-13-2012, 09:29 AM (
The crew takes shelter in the engineering area catwalk in this second season episode of Enterprise.
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Carl Culture
10-13-2012, 09:29 AM ( Gadaba Lady ::: Prabuddha Ray ::: An ornamental tribal lady of Odisha, India.
Suicide King's Tattoos
10-13-2012, 11:40 AM
Russian nationals detained in the US for reportedly illegally exporting high-tech microelectronics to Russia are being subjected to psychological pressure to confess their involvement in an alleged illegal activity, the...
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Carl Culture
10-13-2012, 11:40 AM
This Month in Photo of the Day: National Geographic Magazine ( Features
The Porta Nigra, or "black gate," still dominates Trier, Germany ( A hundred feet tall, it was built in the second century as part of four miles of walls. Trier was a major city in the late Roman Empire, even serving as a regional capital under several emperors.
See more pictures ( from the September 2012 feature story ( "Roman Frontiers."
Take a visual tour of Germany » (
See pictures of European cities » ( (
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Shanita Balke
10-13-2012, 11:40 AM
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gay sex
10-13-2012, 01:23 PM
god i love saying this
Adolf Hitler
10-13-2012, 02:00 PM
Forum: Newslinks & ArticlesPosted By: NationalCrusader14Post Time: 10-13-2012 at 09:27 AM
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gay sex
10-13-2012, 02:14 PM
laaaura dern was the maaaaaaaaaaaan
Carl Culture
10-13-2012, 04:47 PM (
About Harding:
The main subject in Harding Meyer’s work is his intensive pursuit of the artistic rendering of the human face. The subtle differences in the artistic realisation of each single motif are indicative of this intensive preoccupation. The single images, which were worked out over weeks and months, are consistent within themselves. In direct comparison, they reveal their – in every way – multi-layered origin. The faces which serve as the basis of most of Harding Meyer´s paintings, are originarily taken from the media. Catalogues and magazines, movies and television are the pool from which the painter serves himself. The original images rarely boast an artistic composition in themselves; rather, they are anonymous mass goods. Out of this flood of images Harding Meyer isolates the faces – which is in itself already a significant act. The face, which like no other part of the body conveys the individuality of a person, is brought back from mass medial use into a context of individual impact. In this moment of decontextualisation the faces carry the traces of their medial origin, which may even intensify through the particular way in which Harding Meyer captures them. ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Big Gay Al
10-13-2012, 04:47 PM (
Gus is a cuddly pup whose mom is a boxer and dad is a German shepherd / Golden retriever mix. When Gus isn't enjoying long naps on the couch, he loves meeting new people and new dogs around town. He was rescued from Bandits Place Shelter in Connecticut.
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Georgie Thompson
10-13-2012, 04:47 PM
Mull Of Killough gained compensation for some high-profile near misses when winning the Darley Stakes.
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Khalid El-Amin
10-13-2012, 06:08 PM
Unconfirmed video shows 256 troops being held by opposition, as diplomats seeking to cool tensions meet in Turkey.
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Big Gay Al
10-13-2012, 06:08 PM
Location: Pahoa, Hawaii, USA
This little one’s momma didnt come back one day. I would say abandoned but there are too many things that could have happened to her so I like to think the momma wasnt able to come back; not that she left her little baby. My stepdaughter had her first and really tried hard to raise her but called me when she was just too overwhelmed with the constant around-the-clock care. This was an excellent teaching moment about how hard it is to care for a baby.
I discovered the little one to be around 4-5 weeks old. I kept looking at her and thinking she looked like a Kricket because she would try to hop. My husband took one look at her and said she has a strong, lion look about her and said, “How about Kimba? That sounds like a good girl lion name…” And thus, she became Kimba.
She was very stressed when I brought her home and was really quiet and would hardly move. Once she had some snuggles, warm milk, and lots of kisses she seemed to come out of her shell more and more. She now makes the cutest sucking, chirping, mewing, and clicking sounds I have ever heard in a little kitten. She loves to play and will roll around on the floor with a little fuzzy mouse toy just exhausting herself. Sometimes it even looks like she is smiling afterwards. When she is hungry she is hungry. She has upgraded from just milk to milk and baby food, chicken flavor, in a dropper. She doesnt very well with the bottle anymore and will just bite on it more than anything. I am getting ready to start her on eating from her own little saucer.
From the first moment we held her my husband I were smitten…We now have a third baby to add to our other two babies; Tiggerette and Patch. I love all my kitties!
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10-13-2012, 09:30 PM
As Nevada prepares to become the first state to offer an intra-state online poker network, a major casino operation on the East Coast is preparing to enter into the free online poker market after signing a deal with a Nevada company.
According to the Boston Herald’s Ira Kantor, the Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority, who operate the massive Mohegan Sun gaming complex in Connecticut and the Mohegan Sun Pocono Downs in Pennsylvania, has signed a deal with the Las Vegas based Bally Technologies to offer a play-for-free online poker outlet. The new offering will be ready for action in early 2013 and marks the first East Coast gaming company to step into the internet poker game. At this time, it isn’t known if the online poker offering will be exclusive to Connecticut residents or will be offered to all.
The leaders of the Mohegan Tribe spent six months reviewing several online gaming providers before settling on Bally, according to Kantor. It seems that the Mohegan Tribe felt that Bally was the best provider as it offered them the ability to integrate several areas as they (or Connecticut law) saw fit. The Bally technology will allow the Mohegan Tribe to offer a mobile outlet for online poker as well as the future options of expanding to casino games, video slots and potentially even sports betting depending on Connecticut’s gaming laws.
“Our goal is always to provide our guests with the best gaming and entertainment offerings and we believe iGaming is the next step in fulfilling the demand for regulated online play when customers aren’t able to be on property,†Mitchell Etess, the Chief Executive Officer for the Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority, is quoted by Kantor as saying. “Further, we believe this exciting new offering will entice new players to visit our properties and experience all that we have to offer.â€
There has been a great deal of discussion in the legislative arenas of Connecticut as to whether to step full throttle into the online gaming and poker arena. After the U. S. Department of Justice decision in December 2011 that the Wire Act of 1961 applied only to sports betting, Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy said in January that “it is quite clear that internet gaming is coming to Connecticut. Period. It’s coming.â€
He was accused by some in Connecticut’s government of fostering online gambling but he pointed out, with the DoJ ruling, that it would behoove the state to get on board rather than get left behind. “We’re going to have internet gambling in Massachusetts, in Connecticut, in Rhode Island, in California, in Nevada and Mississippi and Alabama and I could go through all 50 states because the internet is the internet. You don’t turn off the internet at any state’s borders,†Malloy said during that January press conference. “If it is allowed in any state, it will appear in every state.â€
The action by the Mohegan Tribe marks the first move by an East Coast casino operation into the world of online gaming and poker. Although the state of Delaware has moved forward with passage of online gaming laws that would allow for full-fledged casino gaming, it has yet to announce any operators who have jumped on the bandwagon. New Jersey is still reviewing its options on the issue, while other states (such as Florida) have rejected moving into internet gaming.
The Mohegan Tribe is also potentially looking at being able to be at the head of the line if or when legalized cash game play (for poker or otherwise) is available to potential customers. The Mohegan Sun casino is facing a difficult time revenue-wise as it battles with the other casino operation in the state of Connecticut, the Foxwoods Hotel Resort, as well as new casino properties that are springing up in Massachusetts. With an online poker operation established (free as it is at this moment), the ability to move seamlessly into online operations for real money play would be a boon to the company.
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10-13-2012, 09:30 PM
Win yourself one of three iPad 3's just for playing at PartyPoker's FastForward Poker tables!
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10-13-2012, 09:30 PM
The Metro Toronto Convention Centre will get a $3 billion makeover, if the Oxford Properties Group gets their way. The group, part of the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System, is ...
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A large prominence swirled and twisted above the Sun?s surface before breaking away
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gay sex
10-13-2012, 10:02 PM
dang looks like my big old bear is in palm springs
Carl Culture
10-13-2012, 11:50 PM (
Welcome to Boom Town week here at OPOD. Boom towns have sprung up around many different areas over the course of history. They usually pop up as the result of finding gold, silver, or oil in the area. Boom Towns also came about as the result of government works projects. In this case, Summit City came about as a result of the Shasta Dam project. This picture was taken in 1940 ( (
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Adolf Hitler
10-14-2012, 02:10 AM
Forum: GamingPosted By: Deathknight303Post Time: 10-13-2012 at 09:09 PM
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This image covers part of the vast northern plains of Mars, in a region called Utopia Planitia.
In the color subimage, we see a bunch of shallow depressions, that are really double depressions. There is an inner low area that is quite circular, surrounded by shallower semi-circular depressions. The sun is to the lower left (southwest)--if you see domes instead or craters then your brain has inverted the topography.
How did these double depressions form? Once idea is that the inner depressions correspond to impact craters, or the floor deposits of impact craters. These are likely secondary craters that all formed at the same time from the ejecta of a much larger primary crater. The high latitude regions of Mars are known to be rich in water ice below a shallow dry layer. The dry layer protects the ice, which would otherwise sublimate (going directly from a solid to a gas) into the air and disappear.
What happens after an impact event disturbs the dry layer and exposes ice? The ice would sublimate, and if the ice isn\'t just filling pore space between non-ice materials, collapse of the surface must follow. Maybe that sublimation gradually eats away a shallow subsurface layer of this ice surrounding each impact crater to create these double depressions, or \"expanded craters\".
Written by: Alfred McEwen
This is a stereo pair with ESP_028411_2330
Credits: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
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Observations using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) have revealed an unexpected spiral structure in the material around the old star R Sculptoris. This feature has never been seen before and is probably caused by a hidden companion star orbiting the star. This slice through the new ALMA data reveals the shell around the star, which shows up as the outer circular ring, as well as a very clear spiral structure in the inner material.
[ Read the Article ]
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Georgie Thompson
10-14-2012, 04:53 AM
John Mallinger's Open lead was reduced to only two strokes after a one-under 70 took the American to 15-under in California.
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Percy The Perv
10-14-2012, 06:02 AM ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Imagebam ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
10-14-2012, 06:02 AM ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Terry Richardson ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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10-14-2012, 06:11 AM
Benny Spindler took down the EPT San Remo High Roller for over $325,000. (Photo c/o Neil Stoddart, PokerStars Blog) EPT San Remo had a sizable turnout for its Main Event, but Ludovic Lacay wasn’t the only player who won big there as the side event action was also quite strong. Three tournaments other than the [...]
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Khalid El-Amin
10-14-2012, 06:11 AM
Damascus bans civilian flights over its air space claiming retaliation to Ankara's interception of a Syrian airliner.
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Percy The Perv
10-14-2012, 06:11 AM (
Esquire 1920x1080 201kb ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
10-14-2012, 06:11 AM lower_in_new_york_sept_13_2012__TPplxzMI.thumb.jpg ( _York_Sept_13_2012__TPplxzMI?id=163623)
Premiere The Perks Being Wallflower New York Sept 2143x3000 1mb ( ( ( C8zA) OqvQ ( OqvQ) ( rITs) BpWU ( BpWU) n0Lo ( n0Lo)
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Percy The Perv
10-14-2012, 06:11 AM (
Spring Breakers 450x450 144kb ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
10-14-2012, 06:11 AM (
Bikini 800x1200 242kb ( ( ( C8zA) OqvQ ( OqvQ) ( rITs) BpWU ( BpWU) n0Lo ( n0Lo)
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Big Gay Al
10-14-2012, 06:11 AM (
Tutta la Famiglia! [redux]
The Daily Kitten Krew says: We hope you can stand more of Mozzo and her babies Milky (, Mozzino, and Mozzina ( Valeria and Giuseppe took so many great photos -- and they look so cute all together -- that we decided to devote another day to them. Grazie, Giuseppe e Valeria!
Courtesy of: Geis Verbania and mila klee (
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Carl Culture
10-14-2012, 09:47 AM (
A nice grouping of trading cards from TOS with actor autographs too.
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Carl Culture
10-14-2012, 09:47 AM ( Bridge Above Troubled Water ::: Michel Guyot ::: Picture taken in Komandoo Island, Maldives.
Suicide King's Tattoos
10-14-2012, 11:51 AM
Some 5,000 elections are being held across Russia on Sunday, October 14; autumn elections in the country are usually held on the second Sunday of October. Five Russian regions will cast ballots in the first...
Read Full Article at (
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Carl Culture
10-14-2012, 11:51 AM
This Month in Photo of the Day: National Geographic Magazine ( Features
Late summer thunderheads build above Garnet Lake.
See more pictures ( from the October 2011 feature story ( "The Mountains That Made the Man."
See pictures of cloud formations » ( (
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Shanita Balke
10-14-2012, 11:51 AM
Looking for a short hairstyle? These pictures of short styles worn by such celebrities like Halle Berry, Kelly Rowland, Eva Pigford, Janet Jackson and may just inspire you to get a short snip!
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gay sex
10-14-2012, 11:53 AM
Adolf Hitler
10-14-2012, 02:11 PM
Forum: Newslinks & ArticlesPosted By: UKRAINE BLOODPost Time: 10-14-2012 at 09:12 AM
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This 360-degree scene shows the surroundings of the location where NASA Mars rover Curiosity arrived on the 59th Martian day, or sol, of the rover\'s mission on Mars (Oct. 5, 2012). It is a mosaic of images taken by Curiosity\'s Navigation Camera (Navcam) on sols 59 and 60.
Smooth surfaces of the windblown sand and dust of the \"Rocknest\" area, in the foreground, are what signaled from a distance that this might be an appropriate place to spend about three weeks collecting and using the mission\'s first few scoopfuls of soil. The rover scooped up its first sample on Sol 61 (Oct. 7, 2012).
South is at the center of this panorama, north at both ends. Mount Sharp is on the horizon in the southeast. The \"Glenelg\" area planned as the next destination lies to the east. Tracks that Curiosity\'s wheels made while driving toward Rocknest recede toward the west. For scale, Curiosity leaves parallel tracks about 9 feet (2.7 meters) apart.
The scene is presented here as a cylindrical projection.
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
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This gallery shows four planetary nebulas from the first systematic survey of such objects in the solar neighborhood made with NASA\'s Chandra X-ray Observatory. The planetary nebulas shown here are NGC 6543, also known as the Cat\'s Eye, NGC 7662, NGC 7009 and NGC 6826. In each case, X-ray emission from Chandra is colored purple and optical emission from the Hubble Space Telescope is colored red, green and blue.
In the first part of this survey, published in a new paper, twenty one planetary nebulas within about 5000 light years of the Earth have been observed. The paper also includes studies of fourteen other planetary nebulas, within the same distance range, that Chandra had already observed.
A planetary nebula represents a phase of stellar evolution that the Sun should experience several billion years from now. When a star like the Sun uses up all of the hydrogen in its core, it expands into a red giant, with a radius that increases by tens to hundreds of times. In this phase, a star sheds most of its outer layers, eventually leaving behind a hot core that will soon contract to form a dense white dwarf star. A fast wind emanating from the hot core rams into the ejected atmosphere, pushes it outward, and creates the graceful, shell-like filamentary structures seen with optical telescopes.
The diffuse X-ray emission seen in about 30% of the planetary nebulas in the new Chandra survey, and all members of the gallery, is caused by shock waves as the fast wind collides with the ejected atmosphere. The new survey data reveal that the optical images of most planetary nebulas with diffuse X-ray emission display compact shells with sharp rims, surrounded by fainter halos. All of these compact shells have observed ages that are less than about 5000 years, which therefore likely represents the timescale for the strong shock waves to occur.
About half of the planetary nebulas in the study show X-ray point sources in the center, and all but one of these point sources show high energy X-rays that may be caused by a companion star, suggesting that a high frequency of central stars responsible for ejecting planetary nebulas have companions. Future studies should help clarify the role of double stars in determining the structure and evolution of planetary nebulas.
These results were published in the August 2012 issue of The Astronomical Journal. The first two authors are Joel Kastner and Rodolfo Montez Jr. of the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York, accompanied by 23 co-authors.
NASA\'s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., manages the Chandra program for NASA\'s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory controls Chandra\'s science and flight operations from Cambridge, Mass.
Credits: X-ray: NASA/CXC/RIT/J.Kastner et al.; Optical: NASA/STScI
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Carl Culture
10-14-2012, 04:56 PM (
About Kristiina:
Kristiina Lahde received her BFA from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design in (Halifax, NS) in 1999. Lahde works in collage, sculpture and installation. In 2011, her work was featured in the 7th edition of La Biennale de Montréal. She has recently been awarded a Creation Grant from the Canada Council for the Arts and a Mid-Career Grant from the Ontario Arts Council. She will be participating in a residency at Open Studio (Toronto, ON) in Fall 2012.
Lahde re-works everyday materials with mathematical precision that transforms them into perverse geometric constructions, releasing them from their utilitarian origins. ( ( ( Il2AUoC8zA) 7zBnMyn0Lo ( 7zBnMyn0Lo) _sGLiPBpWU ( _sGLiPBpWU) ( j6IDK7rITs) IN9vFwOqvQ ( IN9vFwOqvQ)
More... ( ( What did the first galaxies look like?
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Big Gay Al
10-14-2012, 04:56 PM (
Hi, new friends! My name is Angel and I'm a Bernese Mountain Mix (at least that's what the vet thinks). I was named by my foster dad who said my white chest markings looked like an angel. If you look closely, you can totally see it! My mom hoped I would live up to the name so she decided to keep it. So far so good, I think. I recently turned four months old and am really into playing with other dogs and getting belly rubs from humans. Why jump when you can just roll over for a belly rub instead? I also love ice cubes and pulling up mom says that's a habit I can't keep. I love to play and have great bursts of energy when I see people I know and care about. I'm very curious about exploring everything, especially if it smells good! After a long day of playing I'm always ready to take a good nap, as long as someone will let me snuggle up in their lap.
Click for more pictures and comments... (
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Georgie Thompson
10-14-2012, 04:56 PM
Leicester director of rugby Richard Cockerill labelled his side "naïve" after they succumbed to a 23-9 loss away at Toulouse.
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Khalid El-Amin
10-14-2012, 06:20 PM
Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz makes televised appeal for calm after soldiers allegedly open fire on his convoy by mistake.
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Big Gay Al
10-14-2012, 06:20 PM
Location: Adirondack Mountains, New York, USA
Not even five weeks old! His calls for help guided us to a hosta plant before a cold rain might have made for a different ending. Facebook put him out locally, and rehomed him to a boy who volunteers at the shelter. He’s getting such a cuddlebug in little Bors. Read his whole story (
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Percy The Perv
10-14-2012, 07:23 PM tober_11_2012_CfSnmcaz.thumb.jpg ( 12_CfSnmcaz?id=163623) tober_11_2012_NIzD9ge9.thumb.jpg ( 12_NIzD9ge9?id=163623) tober_11_2012_cTVJBPmY.thumb.jpg ( 12_cTVJBPmY?id=163623) tober_11_2012_dMjo8LWW.thumb.jpg ( 12_dMjo8LWW?id=163623) tober_11_2012_d9UNCjj4.thumb.jpg ( 12_d9UNCjj4?id=163623) tober_11_2012_ejsXqkmg.thumb.jpg ( 12_ejsXqkmg?id=163623) tober_11_2012_seod72tS.thumb.jpg ( 12_seod72tS?id=163623) tober_11_2012_ujdV27Nf.thumb.jpg ( 12_ujdV27Nf?id=163623) tober_11_2012_27iWGjvo.thumb.jpg ( 12_27iWGjvo?id=163623) tober_11_2012_MuU2PZMD.thumb.jpg ( 12_MuU2PZMD?id=163623) tober_11_2012_k2Fq3i7Y.thumb.jpg ( 12_k2Fq3i7Y?id=163623) tober_11_2012_zdwJvvlL.thumb.jpg ( 12_zdwJvvlL?id=163623)
Amfars Inspiration Gala Hollywood October ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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10-14-2012, 09:50 PM
A look at the week's top poker news stories including a casino in London withholding £7.3 million from Phil Ivey, Howard Lederer returning to high-stakes cash games, and more.
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10-14-2012, 09:50 PM
A first-place finish in the August’ World Poker Tour Parx main event was not a fluke for Anthony Gregg. He has four deep runs in 2012, with at least $100,000 ...
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Carl Culture
10-14-2012, 09:50 PM (
Podcasted about this sixth season Voyager episode today.
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Carl Culture
10-15-2012, 12:00 AM (
Today's picture shows the Boom Town of Silverton, Colorado. Silverton is in Southern Colorado in a beautiful mountain setting. You can take a narrow gauge railroad from Durango to Silverton. It is a magnificent ride. ( (
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Hillbilly Jim
10-15-2012, 12:03 AM
Vern Parkers Hitchin Post is my favourite hitchin post
Adolf Hitler
10-15-2012, 02:17 AM
Forum: Newslinks & ArticlesPosted By: LetsgoBluesPost Time: 10-14-2012 at 09:35 PM
More... ( ( Does this strange dark ball look somehow familiar?
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Georgie Thompson
10-15-2012, 05:00 AM
England's failure to reach the cup quarter-finals in Australia means they have been handed a tough draw for their defence of the Dubai Sevens title.
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Percy The Perv
10-15-2012, 06:01 AM october_12_2012__1WLihY3Z.thumb.jpg ( 2012__1WLihY3Z?id=163623) october_12_2012__6DCEiOAO.thumb.jpg ( 2012__6DCEiOAO?id=163623) october_12_2012__sgiVvsdi.thumb.jpg ( 2012__sgiVvsdi?id=163623) october_12_2012__AAFwpROs.thumb.jpg ( 2012__AAFwpROs?id=163623) october_12_2012__x6QIDYwk.thumb.jpg ( 2012__x6QIDYwk?id=163623) october_12_2012__Dcq4a45j.thumb.jpg ( 2012__Dcq4a45j?id=163623) october_12_2012__pZp4ipXR.thumb.jpg ( 2012__pZp4ipXR?id=163623) october_12_2012__4UZHPWby.thumb.jpg ( 2012__4UZHPWby?id=163623) october_12_2012__FkUxzl9p.thumb.jpg ( 2012__FkUxzl9p?id=163623) october_12_2012__AmqU8J05.thumb.jpg ( 2012__AmqU8J05?id=163623) october_12_2012__oTlNRORy.thumb.jpg ( 2012__oTlNRORy?id=163623) october_12_2012__85b019Gi.thumb.jpg ( 2012__85b019Gi?id=163623)
Premiere The New York Film Fest October ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
10-15-2012, 06:01 AM _10_12_12__CklEbfYL.thumb.jpg ( 2__CklEbfYL?id=163623) _10_12_12__m0pMKsro.thumb.jpg ( 2__m0pMKsro?id=163623) _10_12_12__ke7yhjPT.thumb.jpg ( 2__ke7yhjPT?id=163623) _10_12_12__bvXLcpNt.thumb.jpg ( 2__bvXLcpNt?id=163623) _10_12_12__TyK6wgqB.thumb.jpg ( 2__TyK6wgqB?id=163623) _101212__JkXx4vol.thumb.jpg ( _JkXx4vol?id=163623) _101212__8gWgcdAa.thumb.jpg ( _8gWgcdAa?id=163623)
Pokies The Colony Nightclub Los Angeles ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
10-15-2012, 06:01 AM 10_12_12_lmenQVK4.thumb.jpg ( nQVK4?id=163623) 10_12_12_pIytJwlU.thumb.jpg ( tJwlU?id=163623) 10_12_12_PBnf3kba.thumb.jpg ( f3kba?id=163623) 10_12_12_N0RcDjHH.thumb.jpg ( cDjHH?id=163623) 10_12_12_HtodrovS.thumb.jpg ( drovS?id=163623) 10_12_12_13PJlaK4.thumb.jpg ( JlaK4?id=163623) 10_12_12_d2QwD3Wn.thumb.jpg ( wD3Wn?id=163623) 10_12_12_D1hQIAJS.thumb.jpg ( QIAJS?id=163623) 10_12_12_0GjCwGsO.thumb.jpg ( CwGsO?id=163623) 10_12_12__R3eaQPrY.thumb.jpg ( eaQPrY?id=163623) 10_12_12__Sg6NBJiW.thumb.jpg ( 6NBJiW?id=163623) 10_12_12__r6hr7dfg.thumb.jpg ( hr7dfg?id=163623)
Late Night With Jimmy Fallon New York ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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10-15-2012, 06:30 AM
Kevin Stammen won over $300,000 over the course of the EPT San Remo side events. (Photo c/o Neil Stoddart/PokerStarsBlog) The action on the tournament circuit is moving predominantly into the United States over the next several months, but this past week was the culmination of the post-World Series of Poker European swing. EPT San Remo [...]
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Khalid El-Amin
10-15-2012, 06:30 AM
Malala Yousafzai, who was shot in the head by Taliban, is being sent to Britain for medical treatment, military says.
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Percy The Perv
10-15-2012, 06:30 AM (
Purple Shorts 1000x1500 168kb ( ( ( C8zA) OqvQ ( OqvQ) ( rITs) BpWU ( BpWU) n0Lo ( n0Lo)
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Percy The Perv
10-15-2012, 06:30 AM ian_Qrj43Qo0.thumb.jpg ( =163623)
Twitter Recent Images Kimkardashian 612x612 94kb ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
10-15-2012, 06:30 AM es_in_madrid_oct_7_2012_3sAvyWDo.thumb.jpg ( t_7_2012_3sAvyWDo?id=163623)
Performing The Palacio Deportes Madrid Oct 2500x1727 638kb ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Big Gay Al
10-15-2012, 06:30 AM (
Minnie [redux]
Steve and Krissy say: Minnie is a purr-box whose loves include having her paws massaged, chewing on her people's freshly showered feet, and drinking fresh water (older than an hour is too old for her). She enjoys chasing remote-controlled cars and sprinting across the room spontaneously. Probably her favorite activity is playing fetch with coffee stir sticks. She went crazy when we dropped one accidentally and she flipped it all around the house. Now we throw them down the hall and she pounces on them and then carries them back for more play. She likes to jump at flying socks and will hide at the end of the hall when we are doing laundry waiting for us to throw some to her. She has actually caught socks midair with some ninja cat twist. Minnie is definitely an alpha hunter -- I pity the prey in her world. She is a backup alarm clock and pounces on us if we don't get up on time. She lives exclusively indoors as we live on a busy street.
Courtesy of: Steve A. and Krissy A. (
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10-15-2012, 09:50 AM
Daniel Negreanu’s vitriol directed at former Full Tilt Poker owner Howard Lederer was back in action Sunday morning. Negreanu expressed sentiment that has been at times visible in cyberspace since ...
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Carl Culture
10-15-2012, 09:50 AM ( Namgyal Tsemo Gompa ::: Brane Zalar ::: Namgyal Tsemo Gompa was founded in the early 15th century, around the year 1430. It stands atop the crag behind Leh palace, having a full view of the town of Leh. And because of this position, it offers some of the most splendid visuals of the town. The Namgyal Tsemo Gompa of Ladakh was founded by King Tashi Namgyal and has been named after him only. It boasts of a rich collection of some ancient manuscripts and wall paintings.
Suicide King's Tattoos
10-15-2012, 12:00 PM
United Russia leader Dmitry Medvedev has congratulated party members over the victory in all the municipal elections held on Sunday, and reminded them of their obligations to the voters and political allies.
Read Full Article at (
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Carl Culture
10-15-2012, 12:00 PM (
Boom Town Week continues with this fine picture of San Francisco, California. The picture was taken in about 1850. It is hard to imagine that San Francisco was ever this sparsely populated. If you click on the picture you can see some interesting detail in the scene. ( (
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Carl Culture
10-15-2012, 12:00 PM
This Month in Photo of the Day: National Geographic Magazine ( Features
A female kestrel brings food to her nestlings on a cliff on Socotra's southern coast. These falcons, along with other raptors like the Socotra buzzard, are the main land predators on the island.
See more pictures ( from the June 2012 feature story ( "Where the Weird Things Are."
Download bird wallpapers » (
See pictures of birds of prey » ( (
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Adolf Hitler
10-15-2012, 02:28 PM
Forum: Newslinks & Articles Posted By: NationalCrusader14 Post Time: 10-15-2012 at 09:02 AM
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This image shows where NASA\'s Curiosity rover aimed two different instruments to study a rock known as \"Jake Matijevic.\" The red dots in the annotated version are where the Chemistry and Camera (ChemCam) instrument zapped it with its laser on Sept. 21, 2012, and Sept. 24, 2012, which were the 45th and 48th sol, or Martian day of operations. The circular black and white images were taken by ChemCam to look for the pits produced by the laser. The purple circles indicate where the Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer trained its view.
This image was obtained by Curiosity\'s Mast Camera on Sept. 21, 2012 PDT (Sept. 22 UTC), or sol 46.
Scientists white-balanced the color in this view to increase the inherent differences visible within the rock.
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
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IC 5148 is a beautiful planetary nebula located some 3000 light-years away in the constellation of Grus (The Crane). The nebula has a diameter of a couple of light-years, and it is still growing at over 50 kilometers per second — one of the fastest expanding planetary nebulae known. The term “planetary nebula†arose in the 19th century, when the first observations of such objects — through the small telescopes available at the time — looked somewhat like giant planets. However, the true nature of planetary nebulae is quite different.
When a star with a mass similar to or a few times more than that of our Sun approaches the end of its life, its outer layers are thrown off into space. The expanding gas is illuminated by the hot remaining core of the star at the center, forming the planetary nebula, which often takes on a beautiful, glowing shape.
When observed with a smaller amateur telescope, this particular planetary nebula shows up as a ring of material, with the star — which will cool to become a white dwarf — shining in the middle of the central hole. This appearance led astronomers to nickname IC 5148 the Spare Tire Nebula.
The ESO Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera (EFOSC2) on the New Technology Telescope at La Silla gives a somewhat more elegant view of this object. Rather than looking like a spare tire, the nebula resembles ethereal blossom with layered petals.
Credit: ESO
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Carl Culture
10-15-2012, 05:01 PM (
About Dan:
Dan Hillier is a professional artist based in Stoke Newington, England. He produces his own pictures as well as making commissioned artworks for various clients including Neil Gaiman. Most of his work is made from collaging found Victoriana with his own ink drawing, as well as producing original ink drawings using dip-nib pen and ink.
Dan is acclaimed for his black line engravings that embody the ‘Steampunk’ aesthetic, combining Victorian sensibilities with a fascination for animal attributes. His work is characterized by depictions of fantastical human/animal hybrids, spliced together from late-1800s imagery. These beautiful, classically rooted images find their power in their unsettling effect, as they seamlessly blur distinctions normally implied by reality. ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Big Gay Al
10-15-2012, 05:01 PM (
My name is Tegan. I'm a 14 week old fluffy Pembroke Welsh Corgi. I love meeting people, stealing socks, and running at full speed everywhere I go. I'm incredibly stubborn when I want something or don't want to do something, but luckily I'm so cute no one can stay frustrated with me for long.
Click for more pictures and comments... (
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Georgie Thompson
10-15-2012, 05:01 PM
Robbie Keane returns to the Republic of Ireland starting XI for the World Cup qualifier against Faroe Islands on Tuesday.
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Khalid El-Amin
10-15-2012, 06:30 PM
Shuttling between neighbours Iran and Iraq as Syria fighting rages on, Lakhdar Brahimi welcomes "ideas from all sides".
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Big Gay Al
10-15-2012, 06:30 PM
Location: Syracuse, NY, USA
Lucky found us when she was just three days old. A family friend had been telling us about a mama cat and her babies, there were originally seven. One didn’t make it, and she gradually started moving the remaining kittens. She moved the first three, and then two more. We were waiting and waiting to hear that she came back for Lucky & the news never came. We waited as long as possible, hoping that she would come back, and when she didn’t I nervously decided to take her in. I had never hand raised a newborn kitten, and it was a scary task! I just knew I had to give her a chance. The original plan was to keep her until she was old enough to be adopted, since we already have 3 cats. Within about five minutes of knowing her, that idea went out the window! I knew that she was my baby! So many peopl e told me that Lucky probably wouldn’t make it, that the mother cat abandoned her for a reason, etc. Here it is, almost two weeks later, and both vets that have seen her were surprised at how healthy she is! Although her name is Lucky, I have realized that I am actually the lucky one! She has brought so much happiness into our home, and she has me wrapped around her little paw already!
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gay sex
10-15-2012, 07:20 PM
gay sex
10-15-2012, 07:21 PM
oven racks got that one
10-15-2012, 09:50 PM
With the re-launch of Full Tilt ( Poker just three weeks away, more details are coming out about what players can expect from their online poker experience at the once-powerful internet poker room.
On Friday, Shyam Markus, Full Tilt’s Poker Room Manager, explained on the Two Plus Two poker forum how much of his poker room’s new loyalty program would work. Gone is the 27 percent rakeback that many players were getting from affiliates. Gone is the popular Iron Man promotion. In their place, Full Tilt hopes, is a simpler program that will benefit all players.
Markus, who used to post as “FTPDoug†on Two Plus Two, said that the company is not prepared to reveal all the details of the loyalty program, but the meat of it was made available for public consumption.
The biggest aspect of the program that players needed to digest was the elimination of affiliate-paid rakeback, replaced with weekly cash rewards payments, essentially internal rakeback. The payments will be based on the number of FTP points earned during the week and will max out at $2.50 for every 100 points. Because Markus said that the $2.50/100 will be the top rate, it is understood that there will be loyalty tiers based on levels of play, though those tiers have yet to be explained.
Thus, as far as a flat “rakeback†system goes, players can earn as much as 25 percent. One benefit of the new system that Markus touted was that when FTP points are spent in the store, there will be no fee reductions like there were with the old Full Tilt. Therefore, players will effectively earn an extra few percent “rakeback,†increasing the value of all promotions.
Because the cash rewards will be doled out based on Full Tilt Poker ( points, points will be awarded based on the Weighted Contributed method, instead of the Dealt Method, as they had been during Full Tilt’s previous incarnation. With Weighted Contributed, players are given FTP points based on the percent of the pot for which they directly accounted in a hand. For example, if a player bet $2 during a hand in which the pot grew to $10, that player’s weighted contribution was 20 percent. He would then get 20 percent of the FTP points for that hand.
As a mentioned, the Iron Man promo will disappear, but players who were left hanging on Iron Man when Full Tilt disappeared last year will be rewarded in some unspecified way. Markus said they “will likely get a leg up in the new program from the start.â€
The same “leg up†goes for Black Card players, though Black Card will return at some point after the relaunch. Details have yet to be released, though Black Card will be different than it once was. The Black Card store will be available to all players in the top tier of the new loyalty system, a tier which Markus said will be “significantly easier to achieve than Black Card was.â€
So far, reaction on the poker forums has been mostly negative, though it should be noted that form posters skew towards the high volume grinder population. Because players were used to 27 percent rakeback and heaps of rewards promos like Iron Man, they are disappointed with what is perceived to be a reduced rewards system. At the same time, it seems to many that low stakes players will suffer, as they will not be able to reach higher rewards tiers and therefore not come close to the 27 percent rakeback they once received.
Additionally, the move from the Dealt Method of FTP points calculation to Weighted Contribution is something that usually gets players upset. Others have maintained a “wait and see†approach, wanting to see exactly how easy or difficult it will be to reach the upper tiers of the rewards program before decided whether or not the new system is satisfactory.
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10-15-2012, 09:50 PM
FOX Sports Network's broadcast of the World Poker Tour's Season X continued on Sunday night w Part II of the WPT $25,000 World Championship.
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10-15-2012, 09:50 PM
The Mashpee Wampanoags, a tribal group in the state of Massachusetts, recently had its deal with the state rejected by the federal government. The tribe is looking to build a ...
More... ( shows us its active polar atmosphere with the north polar hood and south polar vortex both on display in this image captured by the Cassini spacecraft.
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Suicide King's Tattoos
10-16-2012, 12:15 AM
A probe found ethanol in the blood of both pilot and co-pilot of the An-28 aircraft that crashed in Russia’s Far East in September. The catastrophe claimed the lives of 10 people, including a four-year-old girl.
Read Full Article at (
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Shanita Balke
10-16-2012, 12:15 AM
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gay sex
10-16-2012, 12:52 AM
this sounds like the plot from the upcoming robert zemeckis blockbuster FLIGHT
Adolf Hitler
10-16-2012, 02:30 AM
Forum: LoungePosted By: AryanMercenaryPost Time: 10-15-2012 at 09:58 PM
More... ( ( What's happening around that star?
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Percy The Perv
10-16-2012, 05:11 AM _10_06_12_edX7keRE.thumb.jpg ( 7keRE?id=163623) _10_06_12_9GjGIfVI.thumb.jpg ( GIfVI?id=163623) _10_06_12_Cac7s2Fk.thumb.jpg ( 7s2Fk?id=163623) _10_06_12_UlKGz4YL.thumb.jpg ( Gz4YL?id=163623) _10_06_12_EyIarUNw.thumb.jpg ( arUNw?id=163623) _10_06_12_AEJAUPlj.thumb.jpg ( AUPlj?id=163623) _10_06_12_EDFSN3nW.thumb.jpg ( SN3nW?id=163623)
Celebrity Casino Night San Antonio ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
10-16-2012, 05:11 AM e_during_the_50th_new_york_film_festival_in_new_yo rk_city_11_october_2012_Zg1FHk0c.thumb.jpg ( 0th_New_York_Film_Festival_In_New_York_City_11_Oct ober_2012_Zg1FHk0c?id=163623) e_during_the_50th_new_york_film_festival_in_new_yo rk_city_11_october_2012_oLlKJQ4N.thumb.jpg ( 0th_New_York_Film_Festival_In_New_York_City_11_Oct ober_2012_oLlKJQ4N?id=163623) e_during_the_50th_new_york_film_festival_in_new_yo rk_city_11_october_2012_CenUvSJQ.thumb.jpg ( 0th_New_York_Film_Festival_In_New_York_City_11_Oct ober_2012_CenUvSJQ?id=163623) e_during_the_50th_new_york_film_festival_in_new_yo rk_city_11_october_2012_7qVdu8f5.thumb.jpg ( 0th_New_York_Film_Festival_In_New_York_City_11_Oct ober_2012_7qVdu8f5?id=163623) e_during_the_50th_new_york_film_festival_in_new_yo rk_city_11_october_2012_f6PotLwz.thumb.jpg ( 0th_New_York_Film_Festival_In_New_York_City_11_Oct ober_2012_f6PotLwz?id=163623)
Kylie Minogue Holy Motors Premiere During The New York Film Festival New York City October ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
10-16-2012, 05:11 AM autism_event_in_new_york_october_13_2012_SsAFO3HA. thumb.jpg ( t_In_New_York_October_13_2012_SsAFO3HA?id=163623)h ttp:// autism_event_in_new_york_october_13_2012_PFnzUUEK. thumb.jpg ( t_In_New_York_October_13_2012_PFnzUUEK?id=163623)h ttp:// autism_event_in_new_york_october_13_2012_T2lMvT9A. thumb.jpg ( t_In_New_York_October_13_2012_T2lMvT9A?id=163623)h ttp:// autism_event_in_new_york_october_13_2012_xYtQCc3B. thumb.jpg ( t_In_New_York_October_13_2012_xYtQCc3B?id=163623)h ttp:// autism_event_in_new_york_october_13_2012_sSHR5wwf. thumb.jpg ( t_In_New_York_October_13_2012_sSHR5wwf?id=163623)h ttp:// autism_event_in_new_york_october_13_2012_5QVTgy9K. thumb.jpg ( t_In_New_York_October_13_2012_5QVTgy9K?id=163623)h ttp:// autism_event_in_new_york_october_13_2012_ShJN8jFl. thumb.jpg ( t_In_New_York_October_13_2012_ShJN8jFl?id=163623)h ttp:// autism_event_in_new_york_october_13_2012_2FCEFmDS. thumb.jpg ( t_In_New_York_October_13_2012_2FCEFmDS?id=163623)h ttp:// autism_event_in_new_york_october_13_2012_ItIOfyCn. thumb.jpg ( t_In_New_York_October_13_2012_ItIOfyCn?id=163623)h ttp:// autism_event_in_new_york_october_13_2012_cJFEFECs. thumb.jpg ( t_In_New_York_October_13_2012_cJFEFECs?id=163623)h ttp:// autism_event_in_new_york_october_13_2012_QvxVkBax. thumb.jpg ( t_In_New_York_October_13_2012_QvxVkBax?id=163623)h ttp:// autism_event_in_new_york_october_13_2012_dsIA58Fb. thumb.jpg ( t_In_New_York_October_13_2012_dsIA58Fb?id=163623)
Comedy Central Night Too Many Stars Autism Event New York October ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
10-16-2012, 05:11 AM _2012_6KWNRwIC.thumb.jpg ( C?id=163623) sztFjc.thumb.jpg ( 623) NOpnIT.thumb.jpg ( 623) _2012_eDyC6l4O.thumb.jpg ( O?id=163623) _2012_U9vaVHAT.thumb.jpg ( T?id=163623) _2012_Ap2C2d79.thumb.jpg ( 9?id=163623) _2012_kSWsaXzQ.thumb.jpg ( Q?id=163623) _2012_P9gmIhnK.thumb.jpg ( K?id=163623) _2012_FehZkAPI.thumb.jpg ( I?id=163623) _2012_j7ji23bD.thumb.jpg ( D?id=163623) _2012_sYMkUKyn.thumb.jpg ( n?id=163623)
Bets Black Girls Rock Nyc Oct ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
10-16-2012, 05:11 AM ian_HUrZqFNX.thumb.jpg ( =163623) ian_Qrj43Qo0.thumb.jpg ( =163623) s_kim_kardashian_official_website_8FRWgNMp.thumb.j pg ( n_Official_Website_8FRWgNMp?id=163623) z_nebckAjZ.thumb.jpg ( 63623)
Twitter Recent Images Kimkardashian, Halloween Costumes Through The Years Kim Kardashian Official Website, Photos Celebrity Twitpics Celebuzz ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
10-16-2012, 05:11 AM om_imdb_6hy3dHU9.thumb.jpg ( dHU9?id=163623) om_imdb_pUDF7ug3.thumb.jpg ( 7ug3?id=163623) om_imdb_fMbb12bG.thumb.jpg ( 12bG?id=163623) om_imdb_JHQkHB4N.thumb.jpg ( HB4N?id=163623) om_imdb_gv0IZkep.thumb.jpg ( Zkep?id=163623) om_imdb_pD22SOXf.thumb.jpg ( SOXf?id=163623) om_imdb_o9xGim9F.thumb.jpg ( im9F?id=163623) om_imdb_ROdFePii.thumb.jpg ( ePii?id=163623)
Pictures Photos From Here Comes The Boom Imdb ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Georgie Thompson
10-16-2012, 05:11 AM
The Highlanders have confirmed they are on the verge of agreeing a deal with World Cup winner Ma'a Nonu.
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10-16-2012, 06:40 AM
Joseph Cheong has risen from out of nowhere to sixth in the BLUFF Player of the Year race thanks to making two high profile final tables. (Tim Fiorvanti photo) October and November are some of the busiest months of tournament poker outside of the World Series of Poker, so it only makes sense that the [...]
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Khalid El-Amin
10-16-2012, 06:40 AM
Bosnian Serb wartime leader hopes to convince judges of his innocence as he faces 10 charges of war crimes and genocide.
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Percy The Perv
10-16-2012, 06:40 AM (
Esquire 1653x2239 383kb ( ( ( C8zA) OqvQ ( OqvQ) ( rITs) BpWU ( BpWU) n0Lo ( n0Lo)
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Big Gay Al
10-16-2012, 06:40 AM (
Ema (and Emi) [redux]
Joseph says: Ema and Emi were collected by friends along the road. In the photos the kittens had just arrived at home. They were a little afraid but had agreed to have their picture taken. ;) Emi is a female. She lives with me. Ema is also a female. She now lives with friends and is called Mercredi ("Wednesday" in French). Both live near the city of Chartres in France.
Courtesy of: josephsardin (
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10-16-2012, 10:00 AM
David Williams ( is an excellent poker player. He has been for the better part of a decade now. But this weekend he went back to a card game he played before he took up poker and found success, winning the Magic: The Gathering 2012 Grand Prix San Jose.
The 32-year old Williams was part of a team with Matt Sperling and Paul Rietzl, besting 570 other teams en route to the major title. The trio defeated the team of Maksym Gryn, Lucas Siow, and Jamie Naylor in the tournament finals.
Magic: The Gathering is a game on which many poker players cut their teeth before becoming old enough to play poker competitively. Like poker, Magic is a card game that contains both elements of skill and luck. While it is a game with pretty pictures of fantasy monsters that kids tend to enjoy, it is actually more complicated than poker.
We won’t go into the gory details, but here is the gist of the game. Two or more players (or teams) each have a deck of special Magic: The Gathering cards (decks usually contain a minimum of 40 or 60 cards, depending on the tournament format) and each starts with a twenty life points. Players begin the match by shuffling their decks and drawing seven cards. From there (with exceptions, but again, let’s keep it simple), the players take turns playing cards in an attempt to reduce their opponent’s life points to zero. Cards may represent spells that hurt or help a player, spells that summon creatures to do damage, or they may represent “lands,†which produce the “mana†needed to cast spells. Different cards have their strengths and weaknesses and players must be well versed in all of them in order to construct an effective deck.
There are two main types of tournaments, “constructed†and “limited.†In constructed tournaments, players bring their own deck to the match, built from cards they have personally collected. In limited tournaments, which are David Williams’ favorite, players open booster packs and use the cards contained within, thus having no knowledge of the cards ahead of time.
Williams was known as an excellent Magic player before venturing into the world of poker, but his Magic career was not without its problems. In 2001, he experienced phenomenal success, finishing in the top eight in eight different Grand Prix events. He also finished in the top eight at the World Championships in Toronto, but was disqualified when it was found that he had marked three key cards in his deck by bending them more than the others, allowing Williams to spot them easily and cut his deck so he would be certain to draw them. The judges didn’t just rely on the appearance of a few bent cards to make their decision, though. They saw that every time Williams cut his own deck before a match, one of those key cards ended up on top. And in determining that it wasn’t just a freak coincidence, the judges themselves were consistently able to bring one of those cards to the top when they cut the deck themselves.
As a result, David Williams was banned from tournament play for a year. He admitted to marking the cards, but he denied doing it on purpose.
In his poker career, Williams is best known for coming out of nowhere as Marcel Luske (’s protégé and finishing runner-up to Greg Raymer ( in the 2004 World Series of Poker ( Main Event. He won a bracelet in 2006 in $1,500 Seven Card Stud and won the World Poker Tour ( World Championship in 2010. Williams has won over $8 million in his live poker tournament career.
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10-16-2012, 10:00 AM
The Bodog Poker Network has their eyes set on Asia, and 3G Studios has applied for an online gaming license in Nevada.
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10-16-2012, 10:00 AM
More... ( shows us its active polar atmosphere with the north polar hood and south polar vortex both on display in this image captured by Cassini.
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Carl Culture
10-16-2012, 10:00 AM (
Some images from the opening credits to the animated Trek series.
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Carl Culture
10-16-2012, 10:00 AM ( LA from above ::: John Souza ::: This shot was taken from the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, California. This is the city of LA at night.
Suicide King's Tattoos
10-16-2012, 12:57 PM
The head of the Georgian Dream coalition has announced that the country’s athletes must take part in the 2014 Olympics in the Russian city of Sochi, in stark contrast to President Saakashvili’s previous calls for a...
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Big Gay Al
10-16-2012, 12:57 PM
I photographed this male Superb Parrot (Polytelis swainsonii) near Coleambally in NSW.
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Carl Culture
10-16-2012, 12:57 PM (
Normally we think of "Boom Towns" developing around Gold or Silver strikes, but you can see in this picture that finding oil will also lead to a boom town. This is a picture from Beaumont, Texas in 1901. The town developed around the famous Spindletop oil field. ( (
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Carl Culture
10-16-2012, 12:57 PM
This Month in Photo of the Day: National Geographic Magazine ( Features
Kazakhstan ('s new capital is the opposite of understated. After dark, government buildings change hues as the night progresses, creating a theme park atmosphere.
See more pictures ( the February 2012 feature story ( "Tomorrowland."
Take a visual tour of the seven stans » ( (
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Adolf Hitler
10-16-2012, 02:32 PM
Forum: Stormfront en FrançaisPosted By: revisionPost Time: 10-16-2012 at 09:26 AM
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This Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) image shows steep slopes of light-toned rock and dark windblown sand in eastern Candor Chasma, part of the vast Valles Marineris trough system. The rock is probably sedimentary. In a few places, rock has broken down and slid downslope to create a narrow chute and a pile of talus where the slope meets the adjacent dark, dune-covered plain. This image is located near 7.8°S, 64.9°W. The picture covers an area about 3 km (1.9 mi) wide. Sunlight illuminates the scene from the upper left. MGS MOC Release No. MOC2-894, 29 October 2004
Credits: NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems
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Titan shows us its active polar atmosphere with the north polar hood and south polar vortex both on display in this image captured by the Cassini spacecraft.
The north polar hood is visible as the dark cap on the moon\'s cloud layer at the top of Titan in this image and the south polar vortex is visible as the bright feature at the bottom. For more on Titan\'s south polar vortex.
This view looks toward the anti-Saturn hemisphere of Titan (3,200 miles, or 5,150 kilometers across). North on Titan is up.
The image was taken in violet light with the Cassini spacecraft wide-angle camera on July 25, 2012. The view was acquired at a distance of approximately 175,000 miles (281,000 kilometers) from Titan and at a Sun-Titan-spacecraft, or phase, angle of 37 degrees. Image scale is 10 miles (17 kilometers) per pixel.
The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA\'s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The imaging team is based at the Space Science Institute, Boulder, Colo.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute
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Carl Culture
10-16-2012, 05:11 PM (
About Lee:
Lee Gainer grew up in the blue collar suburbs, winning numerous art awards including three National Cappy Dick contests. Lee attended Virginia Commonwealth University on scholarship and earned a BFA with honors in Communication Arts with an emphasis in Photography. After working in the state’s forensics photography lab, Lee moved to Orlando (because her car wouldn’t make it to San Francisco) and worked for the Walt Disney Company as a photographer. In 2001, she relocated to the Washington D.C area. After managing the studio of an internationally acclaimed painter, she decided to concentrate on her own art career full-time beginning in 2007.
Lee describes her work by saying, “I create works that examine how memories are constructed. Snapshots of vacation spots, spring break, amusement parks, parades, beauty pageants, the circus, and other fantastical guilty pleasures are translated into detailed line drawings and then overlaid to create semi-abstract compositions. These new images display a somewhat mysterious yet subtlety familiar space that holds a collision of diluted symbolism and traces of nostalgia.” ( ( ( Il2AUoC8zA) 7zBnMyn0Lo ( 7zBnMyn0Lo) _sGLiPBpWU ( _sGLiPBpWU) ( j6IDK7rITs) IN9vFwOqvQ ( IN9vFwOqvQ)
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Big Gay Al
10-16-2012, 05:11 PM (
Hello, my name is Chili (as in chili dog, or chili pepper) the mini-weenie! I just moved to my new home and I'm settling in super well already. I have lots of new toys and places to explore. I am doing really well with potty training, but the cold Canadian weather is making it a bit tricky for me! I would rather just cuddle up on my mommy's lap. I still haven't figured out how to walk with a leash yet (every time I try I just roll around) but I'm learning!
Click for more pictures and comments... (
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Georgie Thompson
10-16-2012, 05:11 PM
Widnes Vikings have released Thomas Coyle, after the scrum-half missed the entire 2012 Super League season through injury.
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10-16-2012, 06:43 PM
When the final table of the $1,650 Heartland Poker Tour main event at the Daytona Beach Kennel Club and Poker Room started, expectations were high for an early afternoon finish as Jeremy Joseph held over half the chips in play. Joseph made it to heads-up, but a back and forth battle developed between him and [...]
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Khalid El-Amin
10-16-2012, 06:43 PM
Activists reports deadly raids in Idlib and Aleppo provinces, despite ceasefire request by UN-Arab league envoy Brahimi.
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Big Gay Al
10-16-2012, 06:43 PM
Location: Gaylord, Michigan, United States
I got Mittens about about a year ago when we went to pick up my soon to be dog from my aunt, she was super cute and was raised with my dog, they got along perfect. I brought her home and ever since I cannot keep her out of my room she loves to be in there and when im not in the room with her she will cry and cry. She is the best thing that ever happend to me. I love you Mittens.
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10-16-2012, 10:13 PM
The head of Home Games at PokerStars, Lee Jones, talks about the upcoming PokerStars 7 Client and what changes and features players can expect.
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10-16-2012, 10:13 PM
Although there never was an official launch date made public, the hope was that Nevada’s first ever real-money online poker site — South Point Poker — could launch as soon ...
More... ('s Cassini spacecraft spots curious surface features on Saturn's largest moon, including a ''hot-cross bun'' and outlines of vast southern seas.
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Suicide King's Tattoos
10-17-2012, 01:37 AM
Russia’s football team will be taking their winter break with a 100 per cent record in the World Cup 2014 qualifiers, after an unexpectedly difficult 1-0 win against Azerbaijan in Moscow.
Read Full Article at (
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Big Gay Al
10-17-2012, 01:37 AM Chinese Pangolin ( (Manis Pentadactyla) ranges eastward through India, Nepal, Burma, China, and eastern Himalayas. This species is mainly found in the deciduous forests and subtropical regions. The rolling hills of central Nepal have a huge number of termite mounds where Chinese pangolins are found in great numbers.
The Chinese Pangolin belongs to the burrowing family. It can dig up to 8 ft deep (2.5 meters) in the ground with its strong and clawed forefeet. It just takes the pangolin four to five minutes to dig that deep. Once it enters the burrow, it blocks the opening. Some Chinese pangolins occupy burrows of other animals as well.
The Chinese Pangolin appears like a scaly anteater. From head to body, it measures around 60 cm (24 inches) and its tail measures about 18 cm (7 inches). A mature Chinese pangolin weighs about 2.4 kg (82.72 oz). A new born baby pangolin weighs about 93 gram (3.26 oz). It has 18 rows of overlapping scales accompanied with hair, a rare combination found in mammals. It has a small narrow mouth and a little pointed head. Its nose is plump with nostrils at its end. This is a bronze colored animal with a round body equipped with extremely sharp claws.
The Chinese pangolin found in Nepal reproduces in the months of April and May when the weather is a bit warm. The female gives birth to a single young one at a time and the baby weighs about 1 lb (400 gm) and its length is about 45 cm (18 inches). The young one also has scales which remain very soft for two days. Although the young pangolin can walk on its very first day, the mother carries the baby on its back or tail. In case the mother feels threatened, it immediately folds her baby with its stomach with the help of its tail. Male pangolins have been noticed to show extraordinary parental instinct and allow the female and its baby share the burrow.
The Chinese pangolin is a rather secretive animal. They are considered nocturnal creatures and are extremely shy. They move very slowly and are known for their non-aggressive behavior. Their hard scales work as a protection cover from predators and when they feel endangered, they curl themselves in a ball. Chinese pangolins are mainly terrestrial animals and are observed in forests that are about 20 feet high from the ground.
They mainly eat insects as termites and ants. Their sharp claws help them in digging up the ants and termite mounds and with the help of their sticky, long tongue (25 cm), they can draw their prey into their mouth.
In Vietnam and Hong Kong, Chinese pangolins are considered a delicacy and they are hunted on a large scale only for this purpose. Now, Chinese pangolins are being protected in the forests where they are generally found. Factors like habitat destruction and hunting constantly challenges their survival. Since the forests they inhabit are difficult to patrol, hunters get a greater chance to hunt these animals without being caught.
Picture of the chinese pangolin by verdammelt (, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license ( (
More... ( ( Sometimes both heaven and Earth erupt.
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Percy The Perv
10-17-2012, 05:19 AM ( ( ( ( (
Out Dinner ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
10-17-2012, 05:19 AM ( ( ( (
The Studio ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
10-17-2012, 05:19 AM ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Out And About ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
10-17-2012, 05:19 AM ( ( ( ( ( (
Vogue November ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
10-17-2012, 05:19 AM pg ( pg ( pg ( pg ( pg ( pg ( pg ( pg ( pg (
Performing London ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
10-17-2012, 05:19 AM ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Esquire, Twitter Puppy ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Percy The Perv
10-17-2012, 05:19 AM ctober_10_2012_5Wg7aXoO.thumb.jpg ( 012_5Wg7aXoO?id=163623) ctober_10_2012_7QIwmbOU.thumb.jpg ( 012_7QIwmbOU?id=163623) ctober_10_2012_wU8szwgu.thumb.jpg ( 012_wU8szwgu?id=163623) ctober_10_2012_QvmCoB6b.thumb.jpg ( 012_QvmCoB6b?id=163623) ctober_10_2012_PervkWOt.thumb.jpg ( 012_PervkWOt?id=163623) ctober_10_2012_HRxHKMnx.thumb.jpg ( 012_HRxHKMnx?id=163623) ctober_10_2012_UQV6EUv9.thumb.jpg ( 012_UQV6EUv9?id=163623) ctober_10_2012_jISn0s4T.thumb.jpg ( 012_jISn0s4T?id=163623) ctober_10_2012_spAXKz93.thumb.jpg ( 012_spAXKz93?id=163623) ctober_10_2012_8OtrG8Kc.thumb.jpg ( 012_8OtrG8Kc?id=163623) ctober_10_2012_FLHAzTe8.thumb.jpg ( 012_FLHAzTe8?id=163623) ctober_10_2012_tkhiLvBo.thumb.jpg ( 012_tkhiLvBo?id=163623)
Walking With Her Dog New York City October ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
10-17-2012, 05:19 AM humb.jpg ( :// humb.jpg ( :// humb.jpg ( :// humb.jpg (
Rolling Stone Usa Oct ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Percy The Perv
10-17-2012, 05:19 AM ( ( ( ( (
Bravo Cover ( ( ( A) ( s) Q ( Q) U ( U) o ( o)
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Georgie Thompson
10-17-2012, 05:19 AM
Derbyshire have handed captain Wayne Madsen a new three-year deal following a stunning season.
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Khalid El-Amin
10-17-2012, 07:06 AM
President and his Republican challenger trade barbs on the economy, taxes and foreign policy in New York debate.
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Big Gay Al
10-17-2012, 07:06 AM (
Joe Joe (and Siblings) [redux]
Joy says: Joe Joe and his two litter mates, Tiger and Lucy, were born in February from our Miss Ki Ki. Miss Ki Ki is a medium-haired calico, Joe Joe is a longhaired black-and-white tuxedo, Tiger is a shorthaired orange tabby, and Lucy is a shorthaired dilute calico. This litter might be Ki Ki's prettiest one yet.
Courtesy of: Joy D.
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10-17-2012, 11:47 AM
In August, South Point Poker LLC became the first company to receive a license to operate an intrastate online poker room and was confident it would have its site up and running to serve Nevada residents this month. As it turns out, that will not happen, but South Point has said that everything is still on track despite it taking a bit longer than it had hoped.
The hold-up appears to lie with the independent testing process, not with South Point itself. The company’s Chief Operating Officer Lawrence Vaughan told, “We feel we could launch today. But you’ve got to go through the independent testing labs, you have to satisfy the State Gaming Control Board and because we are the first, we’re going to be under the microscope. They’re going to prod us every which way, and that’s good. We don’t want to come out and fall flat on our face and be an embarrassment for Nevada.â€
South Point has developed its own poker client, which makes it different from many other Nevada applicants who are looking to partner with software developers. In a July interview with eGaming Review (EGR) magazine, South Point CEO Michael Gaughan said that an independent lab was in the second wave of testing its software. There is no indication that the software will not pass, the tests are just taking longer than expected.
South Point now estimates that its new site will go live sometime near the end of 2012.
The company is no stranger to the online poker game. In October 2011, South Point launched the free-to-play South Point Poker on the ZEN Entertainment Network. No fees whatsoever are required on the network – games are completely free. Despite the zero cost and cash and prizes, the poker room has not done as well as Gaughan anticipated. It (the software) was complicated and hard to download,†he told EGR. “[The poor results were] partly down to the provider and partly because I lost interest in it when it didn’t grow as fast as I thought it would.â€
That site has finally been closed. “We thought there was a lot of confusion happening,†Lawrence Vaughan told VegasInc. “People see something in the press saying we’re the first to be licensed, and then they go to the site and see this free play thing. Now that we’re licensed, we put so much effort in to building our own stuff that we wanted the focus to be on that.â€
Despite the delay, South Point should still become the first intrastate online poker room in the United States. Monarch Interactive also received a license from the Nevada Gaming Commission, but it did not have its own software and had not even partnered with a provider yet.
Said Michael Gaughan in July, “I may not be the biggest or the best, but hopefully I’ll have a head start by two or three months.â€
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10-17-2012, 11:47 AM
Team PokerStars Online is unveiling a new member of Team Online, and Shaun Deeb could fight Richard Ashby in the boxing ring for $50,000.
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10-17-2012, 11:47 AM
888, the online gaming company, has seen its poker revenue continue to buck global downward trends with a jump of 29 percent to $22 million in the third quarter 2012 ...
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Carl Culture
10-17-2012, 11:47 AM (
A cool cross-section blueprint of the TOS Enterprise.
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Carl Culture
10-17-2012, 11:47 AM ( Lion Family ::: David Lazar ::: Taken in Kenya, a family of lions walks along the dirt road early one morning.
Suicide King's Tattoos
10-17-2012, 03:50 PM
Only sanctions by the UN Security Council can impose limitations on military supplies to one or another country, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has stated.
Read Full Article at (
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Shanita Balke
10-17-2012, 03:50 PM
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Carl Culture
10-17-2012, 03:50 PM (
Today we feature a picture of the boom town of Virginia City, Nevada. The town sprung up out of nowhere with the discovery of the Comstock Load, one of the richest mines in the Old West. This picture was taken in 1866, which would have been in the very early days of the town. ( (
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Carl Culture
10-17-2012, 03:50 PM
This Month in Photo of the Day: National Geographic Magazine ( Features
When Hverfjall erupted 2,500 years ago, no one saw it—no one lived in Iceland ( On a March evening photographer Orsolya Haarberg watched alone as a north wind scoured Mývatn lake's thin ice, sweeping snow into a drift that looked like a path to the crater.
See more pictures ( from the May 2012 feature story ( "Iceland's Resilient Beauty."
Explore the Best of the World » (
View arctic landscapes from above » ( (
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Shanita Balke
10-17-2012, 03:50 PM
A step-by-step tutorial on using Curlformers to get perfect curls
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Shanita Balke
10-17-2012, 03:50 PM
The weather's heating up and you want your style to do the same. If you're a trendsetter, you need to know what the hot styles will be for the season. See the latest in black hair trends for summer 2012 and get ready to rock your 'do!
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10-17-2012, 08:21 PM
The poker world is full of facts, figures, stats and records. With so many numbers being crunched day in and day out, sometimes it is tough to see what they all add up to. That is why BLUFF brings you some of the more interesting numbers related to the big tournaments, big stories, and big [...]
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Shanita Balke
10-17-2012, 08:21 PM
Are split ends putting a damper on your style? Cutting them is definitely a solution, but it's at odds with your desire for longer hair! See if Carol's Daughter has the problem-solver for you with its Split End Sealer.
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Khalid El-Amin
10-17-2012, 08:21 PM
Lakhdar Brahimi, currently in Lebanon, says if the conflict is not solved, it will set the entire region ablaze.
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Carl Culture
10-17-2012, 08:21 PM (
About Catherine:
Catherine Nelson is a visual artist who uses the digital medium to paint images together into personal and imaginary landscapes. Trained as a painter in Sydney and London and with years of experience in the creation of visual effects for feature films like Moulin Rouge and Harry Potter, she now has dedicated her skills to her own art work combining the techniques from both these worlds into a new contemporary art medium.
After leaving school she completed her art education at the College of Fine Arts in Sydney and then moved quickly into the world of film and television, creating visual effects for films such as Moulin Rouge, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,300, and Australia.
Her latest series have been exhibited in Australia, New Zealand, China, Korea, USA and Europe and have captivated audiences and art collectors in cities like Sydney, Paris, Los Angeles, Beijing and Seoul. ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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Big Gay Al
10-17-2012, 08:21 PM (
Gertie is an 12 week old English Bulldog. She gets stopped so much by strangers on the sidewalk we can barely walk her. In fact, she now sits down on the sidewalk whenever someone passes by in expectation of a good rubbing. She's stubborn, playful, and a little gassy, and we wouldn't have her any other way.
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