View Full Version : official I am 48 years old today thread
so what now folks ?
have to admit, I have no clue what to do with the remaining 20-25 years or so of my life
need some thoughtful ideas
mods please delete any posts from hoser in this thread
warm retards
no the last line is not a typo
10-15-2012, 08:30 AM
bring this shit back like a sir.
bring this shit back like a sir.
you totally lost me there
translate por favor
sometimes I feel like I want to just sit down and write for 2 years about life etc and express ideas and maybe even write a book...
then I have this haunting feeling that in the next decade, all electronic information and data is going to be wiped out from public access, and that society as we know it is headed into a 'dark ages' of sorts.
I'm reluctant to share my thoughts and perspectives or ideas in this environment.
I don't just don't feel comfortable sharing my feelings on a digital platform anymore.
what is your take on 'Anonymous' rejecting WikiLeaks today ?
not feeling optimistic about drones and the way the financial markets are collapsing
seems to me that that this economic 'recovery' is not realistic
Most elite economists agree that there is a second collapse coming.
Of course this is an election year, so all these stats can be padded and fluffed up
I'm just worried about the state of everything.
Seems like the global infrastructure is hanging on by a pretty thin thread right now.
How much time do we have left ?
honest question I think
10-15-2012, 09:00 AM
I'm not sure how much time we have left, what with solar flares and the gypsy apocalypse, but I do know one thing.. Your lack of pog knowledge is going to cause a rift between you and gray slacks that will never be healed.
I'm not sure how much time we have left, what with solar flares and the gypsy apocalypse, but I do know one thing.. Your lack of pog knowledge is going to cause a rift between you and gray slacks that will never be healed.
almost clever
not quite
your sarcasm and smug response doesn't really deserve a response
I'm disappointed you of all people can't be bothered to respond to the subject matter with some level of genuine insight
terrible response imo
what a huge let down
10-15-2012, 09:06 AM
You're only saying that because you don't know what an epic pog hustler gay sex was, if you were down with pogs you'd like that post alot more, trust me.
10-15-2012, 09:10 AM
look, i understand you're a sneeze from 50 and you're feeling depressed about it, and you want to get all Emo about the end of the world and humanity's impending doom, when really it's your own impending doom you're worried about, but i'm just not interested in bleakly speculating about how the world is going to end with you and entertaining this dark train of thought you want to go down. I'd rather talk about sick Slammers
aside from all that
how did you like Kane's speech when he fired Mona ?
10-15-2012, 09:11 AM
seriously though, that level slammer is god.
10-15-2012, 09:12 AM
Kane is one more GOAT season away from knocking Al Swearingen off the number one spot for my favorite TV character of all time. That speech was beyond god.
10-15-2012, 09:13 AM
though I feel like if I had a Beavis slammer, and just wrecked peoples faces with something that hilarious and awful, it would be extra demoralizing, and I could make the ironic Beavis laugh while I was scooping up the pogs
wow Cobs you couldn't be more mistaken
I'm not depressed about being 'old'...not even close
with age comes insight and experience
I'm just disappointed at the direction that modern society seems to be headed in
please don't repaint my previous comments as some deep rooted terminal depression about life in general. You are way off base there
Oh and on a side note, I've been to about 35 countries over the course of my life while you've been watching the corn grow
don't ever lecture me on human nature you redneck domestic white bread slave.
10-15-2012, 09:30 AM's-Album.jpg
10-15-2012, 09:33 AM
I think a lot of Americans are clinging to this padded world of creature comforts.
I spent almost 10 years seeing the world, and I've seen 1st hand the lives that the (3rd world) suffer through
I was the Chief Steward on the MV President Harding, and when we pulled into Columbo, Sri Lanka, there were several families stranded on the shore pleading for us to throw down soap or fruit...anything. People truly destitute.
Cobs you are just some middle America ignorant fuckwad who has had it easy via inheritance so shut your hole and learn your place in the grand scheme of 'privilege'.
Have you ever even been outside US borders ?
do you even have a passport ?
lol typical redneck mindset from some bored asshole who has never ventured out of his own county line
cracks me up when people who have never been overseas and spent their entire lives in one fucking county/state....have the audacity to think that they can enlighten me on any level
I spent almost 10 years traveling this globe and been to almost 40 different countries
makes me chuckle when I read this bullshit from domesticated halfwits with little or no experience outside of their home state
10-15-2012, 10:05 AM
what is your take on 'Anonymous' rejecting WikiLeaks today ?
Not that it matters but they actually rejected WL towards the end of last week.
I am not a fan of Assange, I have never been a fan of his, and Obama would have earned a tremendous measure of respect with me if he had drone struck him off the face of the earth before he had the chance to publish the first batch of cables.
Anonymous are young and frankly a bit romantic to the point of naive in their politics. Assange was the worst type of anarchist; the type in it for himself. I remain frustrated that it took Anonymous this long to recognize it but I applaud them for having the courage to do their about face.
pogs was some shady shit on my playground and i'm proud to say i brought them there. i came up the hard way playing slammers with black kids on the streets of hawaiian gardens. hustle or be hustled
10-15-2012, 10:18 AM
Many Happy Returns.
Not that it matters but they actually rejected WL towards the end of last week.
I am not a fan of Assange, I have never been a fan of his, and Obama would have earned a tremendous measure of respect with me if he had drone struck him off the face of the earth before he had the chance to publish the first batch of cables.
Anonymous are young and frankly a bit romantic to the point of naive in their politics. Assange was the worst type of anarchist; the type in it for himself. I remain frustrated that it took Anonymous this long to recognize it but I applaud them for having the courage to do their about face.
I think he (Assange) started out on the right track, and got in over his head before all hell broke loose with Bradley Manning etc
I also think he is being accused of sexual crimes he didn't commit
I think this man has been held captive and his business model stifled. It's not even about Julian Assange anymore imo
Not sure if you read the statement(s) from Anonymous today. They claim that Wikileaks 'sold out' (moreless) I disagree
I do think that the momentum of this movement for internet purity is being derailed. Assange is only a figurehead of the movement
the establishment is winning
the fact that Anonymous is backing off and distancing themselves from Wikileaks is not a good sign imo
I don't understand why Wiki is imposing a mandatory donation though.
I read the statement in full.
Wikileaks forcing mandatory 'donations' is bad business. seems like they have less credibility now if browsing certain files requires a payment.
10-15-2012, 10:26 AM
Manning is a defector and a sabateur.
Assange is an opportunistic criminal posing as an anarchist.
Both have undermined the central currency of global security.
That Wikileaks has adopted a pay scheme is only the most obvious indication of the egos behind the monitors.
And yes I read their statement. Last week.
Manning is a defector and a sabateur.
Assange is an opportunistic criminal posing as an anarchist.
potentially violent discussion here folks...
you are calling Bradley Manning a 'traitor' then Tine ?
and calling Julian Assange an 'anarchist' ?
that is such nonsense
these guys are patriots for liberating INFORMATION
So as I understand are in favor of burying information ?
How can you accuse either of these individuals of not acting in the best interests of the people of this nation.
They aren't 'anarchists' or 'traitors'...that is retarded
ohhhhhhhh shit
10-15-2012, 10:46 AM
American foreign policy cannot be implemented transparently.
Btw neither can anyone elses.
Anyone seeking to undermine America's capacity to perform diplomacy securely does not have your best interests in mind, sorry to break it to you.
Romney is not a statesman, hes a Mormon, and as such he will never be taken seriously on the global stage. This makes him bad for America, and by extension bad for the global economy.
Obama also suffers from this because hes a god awful statesman as well, but despite his fundamental lack of sophistication and political dexterity, he remains a lesser evil by far than Romney.
But yeah by all means, have another drink and spout off some more neo-liberal drivel about how America should dismantle its security apparatus because you're somehow "above it".
Bradley Manning did the right thing
he leaked cables that showed the world how corrupt this war effort is
Tine I'm shocked you aren't applauding that gesture
I don't get how he is a 'traitor'.
I think he was a pissed off soldier who decided to man-up and sacrifice his career for leaking information that could make a real impact on foreign policy
I'm so confused how you see these guys as criminals
let me respond to your last post :)
10-15-2012, 10:58 AM
First off, I apologize for being frosty with you. Im terribly tired of people who'se world is the size of a fucking postage stamp raging against the very things that keep them alive. Not that I lump you in that category, its just a factor.
Second off, the statement that leaking cables is somehow good for the national interests I decry as false.
This is an unimaginably hostile world. Diplomacy is something very different than what the dictionary tells us.
Stability is all that matters; stability yields controlled growth and the ability to decide what policies are implemented to promote it.
Blood must be spilled, often actually, to maintain that stability.
You say the war was corrupt. I say we need the Baghdad embassy as a secondary middle eastern intelligence source in case Israel gets glassed by Iran. To me, there is no corruption whatsoever. Its rather straight forward actually.
And yes, I regret that Iraqis died to achieve that end. But Iraqis died under Saddam as well, of course.
But in my mind I weigh their loss on one side of the scale, and on the other I weigh the benefits, and Im comfortable with the equity.
Perhaps you are not. That's fine of course, who am I to question your morals?
But know this; to degrade the American security machine may seem "punk as shit" but the people its working so hard to subvert are misanthropic cavemen who sincerely believe they can murder with impunity and be rewarded with virgins and lucre in The Great Beyond.
Im comfortable supporting Team America given who the opposition consists of, and I support without reservation the aggressive sanctioning of those who would undermine that cause.
American foreign policy cannot be implemented transparently.
Btw neither can anyone elses.
Anyone seeking to undermine America's capacity to perform diplomacy securely does not have your best interests in mind, sorry to break it to you.
Romney is not a statesman, hes a Mormon, and as such he will never be taken seriously on the global stage. This makes him bad for America, and by extension bad for the global economy.
Obama also suffers from this because hes a god awful statesman as well, but despite his fundamental lack of sophistication and political dexterity, he remains a lesser evil by far than Romney.
But yeah by all means, have another drink and spout off some more neo-liberal drivel about how America should dismantle its security apparatus because you're somehow "above it".
I don't recall chosing an affiliation to either party
I want to stick to the subject matter of the last few posts, not declaring my candidacy to either of the lesser of 2 evils.
I'm surprised that you are badmouthing Anonymous and Julian Assange.
My understanding is that both are promoting the liberation of information. Until recently.
as of today, Anonymous has yanked their support for Wikileaks because of javascript designed to force 'donations'
I'm not clear why you are so opposed to the idea of shared information on the net
elaborate ?
10-15-2012, 11:00 AM
Also, dongs.
gay sex
10-15-2012, 11:02 AM
go ham on fools nonstop rico
10-15-2012, 11:04 AM
There is also the argument that creating a 'hot spot' in Iraq provided a convenient locus for jihadis to migrate to, as opposed to say, downtown Manhattan.
Again just putting that on the map, not really arguing its validity at this juncture.
gay sex
10-15-2012, 11:04 AM
10-15-2012, 11:11 AM
This thread is about Martinowitz Navrolitova's 48th birthday garlic sex luther how could you.
ok had a chance to absorb your response(s) Tine
I still think Bradley Manning did the right thing leaking all that awful shit. I would shake his hand if I had the chance.
I also think that Julian Assange has been thrown under the bus because he poses a real threat. This man has been under house arrest for the last 18 months facing extradition for 'child molestation' lol
never seen a more blatant case of selective prosecution in my entire life.
Wikileaks has been effectively disabled because J.A. made a lot of enemies. His business model for an open dumping ground for info is what the internet is supposed to represent
The nature of the 'content' dumped on Wiki is incidental
The info leaked by Bradley Manning is also incidental. The content of his cable leaks doesn't really matter
its the CONCEPT of the information dump without pride or prejudice
Have to admit I'm surprised to see you assume such a neo-con stance on this
get the fuck out of this thread you mental case
gay sex
10-15-2012, 11:19 AM
dang shit got maudlin up in this piece morton heres some unbridled enthusiasm for ur 48th year and may it be a good one
get hoser back asap
you are one retarded motherfucker
not smart or clever....just annoying
eat a fat cock retard
gay sex
10-15-2012, 11:31 AM
10-15-2012, 11:31 AM
FYI, my position, so to speak, predates the very concept of neo-con by some 40 years. That said, I understand Im coming off in sympathy with that crew. Im not; there were ways those goals could have been achieved (proposed by my tribe before they were rotated out of influence to make way for adventurists) that would have been considerably more elegant and effective.
Point being; Manning wasnt protesting the idiocy of the neo-cons when he released those documents. He was protesting the nature of global diplomacy and security. He had a personality defect and went sideways and queered the proverbial deal slightly.
Note the deafening lack of recriminations from our allies and enemies alike after the documents dropped. No one was shocked or alarmed, they just pretended it was a bad smell and it was up to all of them to ignore it until it went away.
Thats because literally every government on earth does that shit.
You think our allies in the war *actually thought Saddam was involved in 9/11*?
Of course not, no one cared. The balance had swayed towards the huns, civilized nations needed to crack the whip and right it.
In the good old days, we would have deposed Saddam and placed a nice cozy puppet regime in place. The neo-con influence was abandoning that paradigm for this hilarious 'coalition'.
Tl;dr: dont hate the player, hate the game.
gay sex
10-15-2012, 11:33 AM
10-15-2012, 11:33 AM
Wait, dont hate the game either.
my god gay sex is the worst
dude you are such a jackoff
grow up
your cute little one liners are pathetic and boring
little boy
10-15-2012, 11:35 AM
Honestly stop and think what is at stake.
You go to the grocery store. Its always filled with food. The pumps almost always have gas. You arent going to get kidnapped tomorrow.
These things, these things are security. These are the hallmarks of a first world nation.
Second world status it not safe. Fucking ask Argentina dawg.
gay sex
10-15-2012, 11:36 AM
thank God Hoser is crashed out
gay sex
10-15-2012, 11:43 AM
hold on i got one more mart
Honestly stop and think what is at stake.
You go to the grocery store. Its always filled with food. The pumps almost always have gas. You arent going to get kidnapped tomorrow.
These things, these things are security. These are the hallmarks of a first world nation.
Second world status it not safe. Fucking ask Argentina dawg.
oversimplified scenario
I think you grasp the importance of free access to information
gay sex
10-15-2012, 11:45 AM
were hopping in the way back machine for this one here rico
10-15-2012, 11:46 AM
And another thing that punches holes in Manning's alleged motive:
1) He didnt just leak docs about the war. He leaked *everything he could get his fucking hands on*. Stop and think about that. How was he protesting the war by exposing the extent of our espionage against our allies? Answer: he didnt give a shit about a war, he just wanted to 'bring down the machine'.
2) He didnt leak war-specific documents to say, The New York Times or The Washington Post. No. He leaked them to a wholesale dumping ground for whistleblowing online. Again, this flies in the face of his heroic whistleblower agenda claims.
Deal with that, seriously. Manning is a fucking punk.
I guess Gay Sex is going to hijack yet another thread with his incorrigible retard bullshit
I'm out
10-15-2012, 11:48 AM
oversimplified scenario
I think you grasp the importance of free access to information
If youre going to cherry pick your way through this conversation then it stopped being a conversation.
Youre not ready to stop romanticising Manning and JA. Ok, I accept that.
gay sex
10-15-2012, 11:48 AM
gay sex
10-15-2012, 11:49 AM
i literally hit you with ur favorite song on ur birthday and ur hightailing cmon mort
10-15-2012, 11:53 AM
I think you grasp the importance of free access to information
Im an ISS/SME.
I get paid low six figures a year to make sure there is no such thing as free access to information.
gay sex
10-15-2012, 12:03 PM
10-15-2012, 12:03 PM
cant believe you ruined his 48th birthday gareball.
gay sex
10-15-2012, 12:03 PM
aaaaaaaaand fin
If youre going to cherry pick your way through this conversation then it stopped being a conversation.
Youre not ready to stop romanticising Manning and JA. Ok, I accept that.
see I'm confused with your selective stance on this issue
you seem determined to vilify and demoralize Bradley Manning and JA as enemies of the state
I thought you of all people considering your extraordinary computer expertise, would appreciate their gesture(s)
I'm confused why you are pointing fingers here, and not applauding their efforts, however futile they have proven to be
you don't strike me as a BM or JA critic
gay sex
10-15-2012, 12:06 PM
i finned it already bruh
10-15-2012, 12:08 PM
Didnt I just spend like 90 minutes explaining why undermining our espionage activities is a patently bad thing?
I think I'm gonna have to re-address this one after I get some sleep
but I will say this much...
Bradley Manning was some dumb ass grunt who decided the war in Iraq was terrible
Julian Assange was/is a 'hacker' who did his best to offer a VENUE to leak anything and everything
I support both of them, and Sonatine is coming off like a facist motherfucker now picking and choosing terms for the distribution of information.
10-15-2012, 12:27 PM
Im ok with 'fascist motherfucker'.
We get shit done.
I am genuinely confused how you can ' pick and choose ' information distribution and condemn either of these guys
10-15-2012, 12:48 PM
Im not confused. Like literally not in the slightest.
That said I have a reasonable education in the not just America's information programme since the late 1940s but also the English and Russian programmes.
How do you, sir, differentiate between 'free information' and 'industrial espionage' for example?
China has its fingers in all essential corners of our scientific R&D community and it costs us billions of dollars. Apparently you have no problem with this.
rum dick
10-15-2012, 03:39 PM
Happy birthday jewdonk! Skatz passed the hat and we are gonna have tine disable hoser's Internet connection as your present.
gay sex
10-15-2012, 03:41 PM
also one 19 dollar remote control helicopter from brookstone
good morning people
damn I was hammered last night
but surprisingly coherent
enjoyed debating with you Tine
happy birthday to me :)
10-15-2012, 06:36 PM
It was a fine conversation, I hope you enjoyed your birthday.
gay sex
10-15-2012, 06:37 PM
10-15-2012, 06:41 PM
so what now folks ?
have to admit, I have no clue what to do with the remaining 20-25 years or so of my life
need some thoughtful ideas
mods please delete any posts from hoser in this thread
warm retards
no the last line is not a typo
Uhh, I didn't even read this thread. I just hate seeing you pick on 408 when you are far far far worse. Seriously.. You get off on having your dog kill other people's pets.
Thoughtful idea would be just to kill yourself. Seriously, you are worthless. This isn't an "air thief" type post. There is no joke. You are a fucking worthless person.
Die old man.
lol it's my birthday today Brian
take a break from being a horrible prick for one day
if you can
and lol @ your new angle that I 'abuse animals'
such a tilt case
run along now and go check the crop of dope that doesn't even belong to you
You get off on having your dog kill other people's pets.
actually that is true...I confess I did thoroughly enjoy watching Winnie maul a worthless yappy chihuahua.
I secretly praised her
now go play with your cat faggot
10-15-2012, 08:04 PM
10-15-2012, 08:46 PM
and lol @ your new angle that I 'abuse animals'
such a tilt case
run along now and go check the crop of dope that doesn't even belong to you
You mentioned me twice in this thread before I even replied. You started it last night when I was around. I really don't care that mucha bout you past teh lolz. You're a sick highly unstable creepy dude.
You don't abuse animals? Do you deny this chat ? THere was more but I already posted this so it was easy to find. You bragged about the # of cats and dogs in the other chat log.
:36:57 PM) [wetgolin]: (ripptyde64) cats are so awful
(3:37:35 PM) [wetgolin]: (ripptyde64) when I am out walking winnie....and she sees a cat....i get her all fired up and then take her off the leash and say GETTEM
(3:38:23 PM) fuhoser: not like i am attached to every cat.. if you want to be a psychopath, tehn be one..
(3:38:42 PM) [wetgolin]: (ripptyde64) she caught this gray cat last year when I was in Sactown.....literally bit a hole in its head.....that was awesome
(3:38:51 PM) [wetgolin]: (ripptyde64) im like GOOD GIRL
(3:38:53 PM) fuhoser: mark one off for marty being 'sick in the head'
(3:39:19 PM) [wetgolin]: (ripptyde64) if you are a dude and you have a cat...basically you are saying you like to suck cock
(3:39:51 PM) fuhoser: dogs are great.. except they are more effort than a kid
(3:39:57 PM) [wetgolin]: (ripptyde64) brian so you all done with all your 'important stuff' ?
(3:40:07 PM) fuhoser: at least when a kid hits 5 or whatever age, it learns how to shit on its own without you taking them
(3:40:13 PM) fuhoser: dogs don't
(3:40:28 PM) [wetgolin]: (ripptyde64) cats are awful....there is no argument
I encourage my amazing dog to chase cats
whats your fucking point
and LOOOOL @ digging waaaay back into your AIM archives to confirm something I already confirmed a long time ago
when Winnie mauled that Chihuahua, I patted her on the head and praised her behind closed doors
for the record , she just likes to chase cats, but when a cat rears up and defends itself, she backs away...its hilarious. Winnie is actually a wimp
but she did fuck up that chihuahua that was in her face for 3 months. That was awesome. That dog totally sucked and Winnie had enough.
but lol @ suggesting I am some animal abuser. classic hoser. pretty obvious I love my dog and most other dogs
cats are horrible and suck for the most part
you suck a lot worse though
(ripptyde64) if you are a dude and you have a cat...basically you are saying you like to suck cock
^^^ this
10-15-2012, 08:57 PM
I encourage my amazing dog to chase cats
whats your fucking point
and LOOOOL @ digging waaaay back into your AIM archives to confirm something I already confirmed a long time ago
when Winnie mauled that Chihuahua, I patted her on the head and praised her behind closed doors
for the record , she just likes to chase cats, but when a cat rears up and defends itself, she backs away...its hilarious. Winnie is actually a wimp
but she did fuck up that chihuahua that was in her face for 3 months. That was awesome. That dog totally sucked and Winnie had enough.
but lol @ suggesting I am some animal abuser. classic hoser. pretty obvious I love my dog and most other dogs
cats are horrible and suck for the most part
you suck a lot worse though
You have blatantly bragged in a gleeful manner that your dog has killed a small dog and 2 other cats. Now you try to say that is the exception ??
I would just LOL but the reality is you are just a disgusting person.
You have blatantly bragged in a gleeful manner that your dog has killed a small dog and 2 other cats. Now you try to say that is the exception ??
I would just LOL but the reality is you are just a disgusting person.
(ripptyde64) if you are a dude and you have a cat...basically you are saying you like to suck cock
this ^^
not sure what your point is Brian.
but I will say that Winnie has never killed a cat...she just chases them
she did maul a chihuahua that harassed her for 3 months, and no I am not sad about that in the least
go cuddle with your furry kitty cat you fucking pussy
serious lol at grown men with cats
I would love to see Winnie chase and harass your faggot kitties Bri Bri
10-15-2012, 09:48 PM
not sure what your point is Brian.
but I will say that Winnie has never killed a cat...she just chases them
she did maul a chihuahua that harassed her for 3 months, and no I am not sad about that in the least
You are lying now. I've seen you let your dog into a field to chase rabbits. The dogs instinct would be to kill or simply attack and the death comes as a side effect. Winnie may never catch a rabbit, but domestic cats will not have as strong a fear of predators. So you basically killed someone else's pet who did nothing to you.
Now you never killed a cat. You bragged about it numerous times. I call you out for being an evil sack of shit that needs to be put down, and now you are changing your tune because you don't want people knowing your true nature.
You haven't gotten my point yet ?
My point is you are a worthless sack of shit, Martin Carrico. Actually, your only worth is that you are a walking freak show, but you have way past jumped the shark. It is played out homie.
You need to go crawl over to your site and die with it.
you babysit weed you didn't even grow for free rent
man I would love to watch Winnie tear your cats head off right in front of you
10-15-2012, 10:02 PM
you babysit weed you didn't even grow for free rent
Why would I "babysit" weed I didn't even grow ? Such shit for brains.
gay sex
10-15-2012, 10:15 PM
some cats are tolerable
most are awful
can't apologize for being a dog person
men with cats are statistically proven to be closet metrosexuals
just sayin
gay sex
10-15-2012, 10:23 PM
now you might find yourself asking DOES ONE EVER TRULY "OWN" A CAT, or a they such magical creatures filled with whimsy and intelligence that you might think that god made them in his image
10-15-2012, 10:24 PM
gay sex
10-15-2012, 10:27 PM
we will not have you toddlering in this thread cornhusk
10-15-2012, 10:33 PM
some cats are tolerable
most are awful
can't apologize for being a dog person
men with cats are statistically proven to be closet metrosexuals
just sayin
Lets not downplay the fact you are a colossal sack of shit and you have shit for brains.
props to Brian for trolling me on my 48th birthday
um sorry for stuffing my manhood deep up your anal cavity in the last few threads you wormy and forgettable zero
don't you ever wonder why you are universally regarded as so mind numbingly awful Bri ?
no seriously...
I'm certainly not the only participant on these forums who has drilled you for being vomit inducing on multiple levels
keep doing Gods work
Bobby Wong
10-15-2012, 10:57 PM
time to get your prostate checked bro
time to get your prostate checked bro
prostate cancer is only a risk for people who don't 'clear their pipes' often
You should know all about that Bob
Bobby Wong
10-15-2012, 11:34 PM
and yall know gordos dropping fat loads on the reg
Hillbilly Jim
03-30-2016, 12:54 AM
his last successful birthday yall
Bobby Wong
01-17-2017, 03:07 AM
10/14/64 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. receives the Nobel Peace Prize
10/15/64 Young Martin is born
His parents had such high hopes.
Hillbilly Jim
10-05-2017, 02:43 AM
fellas we have less than 2 weeks to get tyde a great 53rd birthday present
boomroasted, bro
10-05-2017, 08:10 AM
10-06-2017, 03:38 PM
Pretty sure he went to Mexico to get the cocktail, that's probably the best present he could've ever gotten folks.
Bobby Wong
10-15-2017, 04:31 AM
10/14/64 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. receives the Nobel Peace Prize
10/15/64 Young Martin is born
His parents had such high hopes.
morton luther king junior, is this true?
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