View Full Version : I Didn't Care for Django Unchained
what is Quentin Tarantino's deal with the word 'nigger' ?
it was a watchable movie for the most part, but I grew weary of 500 'niggers' in 2 hours
interesting story. I'm going to watch it again to get a better handle on the plot, but I would hardly call this film worthy of a best picture nod on first impression
Jamie Foxx was solid (as usual), but I'm kind of sick and tired of Quentin Tarantino's style of directing
Also, Leonardo DiCaprio needs to stop taking roles where he is trying to play an adult
I liked Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs of course like everybody else. Not disputing he is a great filmmaker, but this guy is in love with the word nigger.
Our boy Louis Farrakan is slightly pissed
In an interview with, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan on Django Unchained: “If a black man came out of that movie thinking like Django and white people came out of that movie seeing the slaughter of white people and they are armed to the teeth, it’s preparation for a race war.”
really ?
I understand that Tarantino is attempting to make a highly creative and controversial film about slavery in the mid 1800's.
But I think the use of the word 'nigger' was excessive to the point of being obvious and tiresome
The film could have been just as entertaining with a more tempered script
Tarantino is just trying to piss people off.
Shout out to Samuel L. Jackson for selling out once again
Willie McAboutThatLife
01-12-2013, 11:25 AM
lol at the tags with no replies
props to Willie for having 5 different ghost town forums bookmarked on Firefox
Willie McAboutThatLife
01-12-2013, 11:33 AM
props to Willie for having 5 different ghost town forums bookmarked on Firefox
you will always have been banned from more forums than i read
you are clicking back and forth on multiple poker forums in the middle of the night because you have a terrible and pathetic boring life
on a side note, don't ever send me private messages ever again asking me about growing dope
you will never be banned from any poker forum because you are incredibly boring and always have been
everything you post is forgettable
stop PMing me you fucking douchebag
Willie McAboutThatLife
01-12-2013, 11:46 AM
my name is marty and i like to project my self loathing
goodnight martin
I admit I get drunk and rip some ass once every 2 weeks or so
then there are fuckwads who lurk day after day after day after day and post idiotic one-liners because they have a miserable boring ass life stuck in the suburbs
lol @ 'self loathing'
no 'Willie'
you are just terrible and boring
I can't recall you EVER being interesting
thanks for talking shit about me for the last 6 months and then PMing me asking about tips for growing weed
how about you eat a big giant bowl of dicks
Confirmed Fatass Oklahoma Meth-head, and then let's not forget that whole thief thing. . .
Join Date: Sep 2012
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WillieMcFML has much to be proud ofWillieMcFML has much to be proud ofWillieMcFML has much to be proud ofWillieMcFML has much to be proud ofWillieMcFML has much to be proud ofWillieMcFML has much to be proud ofWillieMcFML has much to be proud ofWillieMcFML has much to be proud ofWillieMcFML has much to be proud of
Default yo marty
yea don't try to reach someone you talked mad shit about to give you edit advice you little worm
thanks for the PM though
was great to reconnect
seriously though, good luck with your new grow operation
just kidding 'Willie'
you seem like a nice guy who just so happens to lurk 5 forums 24/7
sorry for posting the PM you sent me asking for advice EDIT
can't help you with that
sorry bud
I'm not even mad, but Willie showed up to be horrible
was hoping this would be a legit thread for once
I make it a point not to give marijuana growing advice to people who badmouth me on multiple forums
had a few cocktails tonight
Take it all in stride shall we
here is a nice video of Winnie in the snow
whats up with the 15 minute post edit option...that's not even cool
so when I post here, I get 15 minutes before its etched in stone ?
tight site
skatz mods please delete the pm i posted about Williie asking me for weed growing advice and you can delete this post also of course and all the previous posts where I was shredding him
Willie is not a bad person
I realize that now
who is running this place anyway
curious about the 15 minute cutoff for post edits that's all
I felt bad about going off on Wilie and was going to (delete from web) a couple of posts
but was denied
Whats the logic behind the 15 minute window ?
How about 6 hours instead
gay sex
01-12-2013, 02:16 PM
gay sex
01-12-2013, 02:17 PM
also a god damn round of applause by you being offended by the use of the word nigger, i mean, i cant even, just well played
01-12-2013, 02:27 PM
also a god damn round of applause by you being offended by the use of the word nigger, i mean, i cant even, just well played
Truly mystifying.
i don't mind the word nigger.
it is what it is
I just notice Quentin Tarantino using it excessively in his movies
I don't get this guys agenda
not like it was some insightful commentary on slavery in Django
gay sex
01-12-2013, 02:39 PM
when he gets nailed down to an interview, he always flips out when asked tough questions about his artistic goals
His movies aren't cinematic genius, they are just graphic, and intentionally controversial
gay sex
01-12-2013, 02:39 PM
gonna be you and spike lee courtside at a kings game if you keep this up
stop ruining threads you chimp
gay sex
01-12-2013, 02:54 PM
rofl at this thread not already being spectacularly terrible before i got here james
boomroasted, bro
01-12-2013, 04:30 PM
Jewdonk gets on these drunk streaks, where he tries to pad his post count. He's doing this to be prepared should Skatz ever implement FPPs like Borispoker.
This is sneaky as all heck.
3 days
Willie McAboutThatLife
01-12-2013, 10:10 PM
your act is tired jewdy and for that you get:
Militant Quacks
01-13-2013, 04:20 AM
tyde or die mother fuckers
if you're so tired of hearing "nigger" then stop living like one
here's a preview of jewdonk's 2013:
january: "one ticket, please"
december: "one ticket, please"
boomroasted, bro
01-13-2013, 04:04 PM
real talk, been bought two tickets to Akira screening, but saved one in his binder of memories.
Suicide King
01-13-2013, 05:39 PM
It's a period piece. In those times blacks were property and strictly called niggers. Hence it's used so much in the movie. Also the movie was fucking amazing and Christoph Waltz owns your fucking faces
04-21-2013, 06:28 AM
just watched django unchained and it was awesome. best quentin tarentino movie ever
Suicide King
04-21-2013, 06:30 AM
Thanks for catching up chang
04-21-2013, 06:37 AM
also argo was pretty good
04-21-2013, 06:38 AM
rum dick
04-21-2013, 07:31 AM
blake, have you started calling your bedroom "candy land" yet or is that too soon?
04-21-2013, 09:08 AM
04-22-2013, 04:58 AM
what is Quentin Tarantino's deal with the word 'nigger' ?
it was a watchable movie for the most part, but I grew weary of 500 'niggers' in 2 hours
interesting story. I'm going to watch it again to get a better handle on the plot, but I would hardly call this film worthy of a best picture nod on first impression
Jamie Foxx was solid (as usual), but I'm kind of sick and tired of Quentin Tarantino's style of directing
Also, Leonardo DiCaprio needs to stop taking roles where he is trying to play an adult
I haven't seen the movie but I could not agree more on the Dicaprio comment.
This guy should be limited to playing the role of a midget in every movie.
And.....was Morgan Freeman somehow excluded from this film?
Nobody has ever jumped the shark more than this POS.
How is it he didn't get the role of Kunta Kinte?
04-23-2013, 01:58 AM
As a devout racist, I found the movie watchable. Samuel L. Jackson's portrayal of a sniveling Uncle Tom was spot on. Now let us all adjoin to the parlor for some white cake.
04-24-2013, 04:31 AM
I thought the movie was below average at best. the hood scene was GOAT but putting rap music in a western? and cut out the middle it was way too long.
Hillbilly Jim
06-25-2014, 02:41 AM
quentin trartino has a foot fetish yall
gay sex
06-25-2014, 02:56 AM
shout to yam jacking it to salma hayek screen caps from that movie circa 96 on his 14.4
Bobby Wong
06-25-2014, 02:57 AM
hes administering a sobriety test to that cooze dumbazz
gay sex
06-25-2014, 02:57 AM
rofl also more like from dusk till when will this movie end amirite
gay sex
02-13-2015, 07:35 PM
WOW i nailed dusk till dawn hard right there
Hillbilly Jim
02-13-2015, 10:00 PM
1 .sidney poitiers daughter got a role in a taratino movie by showing up to his office barefoot and putting her feet up on his desk
prettty sure ol Q jerked it under the desk
2. 6mzqahILpAs
3. Quentin Tarantino has a Fetish for Black Women
“Tarantino has two black chics living with him. Qiana Chase and Miya Jordan.
They gotta sleep with him, but they don’t gotta pay rent. Quentin Tarantino loves black women so much he’ll pay for their sex.”
Hillbilly Jim
08-19-2017, 03:05 AM
I liked Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs of course like everybody else. Not disputing he is a great filmmaker, but this guy is in love with the word nigger.
Our boy Louis Farrakan is slightly pissed
damn son tyde is a breitbart og
boomroasted, bro
08-19-2017, 06:27 AM
Alt right tyde carrying the torch for all things wrong with America.
Militant Quacks
08-19-2017, 11:12 AM
now tyde has been sighted need blake sign him up to an exclusive skatz contract
Militant Quacks
08-19-2017, 11:12 AM
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