View Full Version : Buddha and the Greeks were so fucking smart, it's hilarious.

02-10-2013, 09:16 PM
It's the stuff of comedy because we're thousands of years away from being as enlightened as we were thousands of years ago.


Buddha said so much smart fucking shit I swear to god, he and I would be brohams IRL yall. I swear on your dumb fucking misogynistic face that this is literally a fact.

An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.

The tongue like a sharp knife... Kills without drawing blood.

You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.

In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.

The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are you freed.

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.

All wrong-doing arises because of mind. If mind is transformed can wrong-doing remain?

The mind is everything. What you think you become.

The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows.

I do not believe in a fate that falls on men however they act; but I do believe in a fate that falls on them unless they act.

He who loves 50 people has 50 woes; he who loves no one has no woes.

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.

Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others.

One must count nothing as one's own in the midst of abundance.

What is the appropriate behavior for a man or a woman in the midst of this world, where each person is clinging to his piece of debris? What's the proper salutation between people as they pass each other in this flood?

Virtue is persecuted more by the wicked than it is loved by the good.

Literally the Light saying the opposite of everything said by Yahweh clones.

Don't get me started on the Greeks.

Archibald Peck
02-10-2013, 10:06 PM
i would get him started on the greeks

rum dick
02-10-2013, 10:49 PM
Yeah if they were so smart how did they end up being relegated to lawn ornaments and a fucking salad (and not even a good salad btw --- on the other hand, hail Caesar!!).

rum dick
02-10-2013, 10:50 PM
Talk about the dustbin of history...

Hillbilly Jim
02-10-2013, 10:52 PM
when you cum on a chicks face she doesnt mind because you are really cumming on your own face - buddha 3:16

rum dick
02-10-2013, 11:07 PM
Jim's so well versed in the ways of cuckolding...couple that with his squirrel taxidermy expertise and you've got a veritable renaissance man

Hillbilly Jim
02-10-2013, 11:42 PM
get real blake is the one getting cuckolded by 6'6" black guys

02-11-2013, 01:33 AM
Yeah if they were so smart how did they end up being relegated to lawn ornaments and a fucking salad (and not even a good salad btw --- on the other hand, hail Caesar!!).

The stupidity in this comment has relegated my face to staring a little past my monitor, kind of just looking at nothing. It's horrifying.

I was frozen, rendered unable to move. No motivation. The colossal stupidity inherent in the insanity that is literally universal, which imagines that power is cool and that those who are humane are naive marks, like children. Humans want to suffer. They can't respect anyone who doesn't hurt them or terrify them or make them feel small.

Empower them? They'll ridicule. Tell them how to find happiness, and they'll sneer. They already know how to be happy; they raped someone only that morning. Now they just have to avoid getting raped and they'll have gotten out of life as a winner.

A winner in the Game of Rape. You win some you lose some. But he who rapes the most wins.

I was staring like this for so long when I did move, I wanted to see what exposure to insanity looks like, as a symptom.


Buddha didn't rape anyone. He only spoke Truth. He had no armies. No leeching divisions of robots made to be miserable enough to Numbers 31 the entire world.



A new study has found that at various times the British have invaded almost 90 per cent of the countries around the globe.

The analysis of the histories of the almost 200 countries in the world found only 22 which have never experienced an invasion by the British.

Only a comparatively small proportion of the total list of invaded states actually formed an official part of the empire.

The remainder have been included because the British were found to have achieved some sort of military presence in the territory – however transitory – either through force, the threat of force, negotiation or payment.

Incursions by British pirates, privateers or armed explorers have also been included, provided they were operating with the approval of their government. So, many countries which once formed part of the Spanish empire and seem to have little historical connection with the UK, such as Costa Rica, Ecuador and El Salvador, make the list because of the repeated raids they suffered from state-sanctioned British sailors.

Among some of the perhaps surprising entries on the list are:
* Cuba, where in 1741, a force under Admiral Edward Vernon stormed ashore at Guantánamo Bay. He renamed it Cumberland Bay, before being forced to withdraw in the face of hostile locals and an outbreak of disease among his men. Twenty one years later, Havana and a large part of the island fell to the British after a bloody siege, only to be handed back to the Spanish in 1763, along with another unlikely British possession, the Philippines, in exchange for Florida and Minorca.
*Iceland, invaded in 1940 by the British after the neutral nation refused to enter the war on the Allies side. The invasion force, of 745 marines, met with strong protest from the Iceland government, but no resistance.
* Vietnam, which has experienced repeated incursions by the British since the seventeenth century. The most recent – from 1945 to 1946 – saw the British fight a campaign for control of the country against communists, in a war that has been overshadowed by later conflicts involving first the French and then Americans.

Talk about the dustbin of history...

You fucking moron!

History has been made into a dustbin by needy, miserable, Christian leeches.

The Cross of Jesus going on before...

The Onward Christian Soldiers, marching as to War.

How did the violent, murderous, unsustainable, parasitic leeches beat sanity?

I dunno. Perhaps it was their superior arguments and logic which made the convincing case?


Also possible is that they were blessed by God?


Gosh. It's impossible to figure out, rifling through the dustbin of human cannibalistic history.

02-11-2013, 02:01 AM
A winner in the Game of Rape. You win some you lose some. But he who rapes the most wins.

congrats ovenwax!

02-11-2013, 02:06 AM
One of the greatest tricks with the Them v Us leeching trick is convincing Your Own to go and die for Their Own.


https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-G7Tronjd3DI/UQzmdRKZpxI/AAAAAAAAAGg/wUSrwykhArw/s512/row_of_headstones_arlington_national_cemetery_invi tation-r94666463e42e4f918e28a20766058e16_8dnm8_8byvr_512+ %281%29.jpg



See The Dude has a point but he doesn't understand there is no "we" or "our". You can only exploit Your Own.

Americans Have Less Access to Justice than Botswanans … And Are More Abused By Police than Kazakhstanis
Posted on November 28, 2012 by WashingtonsBlog

U.S. Scores Towards the Bottom of All North American and Western European Nations

Justice is a key value for Americans.

After all, one of our key mottoes is:

“Liberty and justice for all”.

But the World Justice Project – a bipartisan, independent group with honorary chairs including Supreme Court Justices Kennedy, Breyer, Ginsberg and O’Connor – just released a report saying that Americans have less access to justice than most wealthy countries … and many developing nations.

The group’s “World Justice Index” ranks countries’ faithfulness to the rule of law based upon 9 factors (we’re paraphrasing so that they’re easier to understand):

1. Whether there are checks and balances on the power of government officials

2. Absence of corruption

3. Order and security

4. Due process, freedom of speech and other fundamental rights,

5. Transparency of government operation

6. Due process in regulatory enforcement

7. Access to civil justice

8. Access to criminal justice

9. Availability of informal dispute resolution systems

Among high-income countries, the U.S. ranked near the bottom in access to civil justice … behind Estonia, United Arab Emirates, the Czech Republic and other countries:


Indeed, the report ranks developing countries such as Botswana and the former Soviet nation of Georgia as having more access to the civil justice system than the U.S.

Americans have experienced more unfair physical abuse by police than in Kazahkstan, Russia, Chile, the Czech Republic, Romania and other countries.

When compared to other countries in North America and Western Europe, the U.S. ranked third to last in checks and balances on the power of government officials and absence of corruption, and second to last in protection of due process, freedom of speech and other fundamental rights, access to civil justice, and access to criminal justice:

That study there isn't some crackpot half-assed left-wing "Commie" propaganda. These are the people and corporations who funded it.


There are horrors in the near future that this world is ill-prepared to psychologically cope with. The horrors that will be committed by those with PTSD will propel the species into a new kind of enlightenment.

Hopefully, if there are humans who can get into those rooms, it will look like mushrooms. Long, long overdue mushrooms.

Hillbilly Jim
02-11-2013, 02:18 AM
skynigger you should move to america and open up buddhist temples

02-11-2013, 03:05 AM
skynigger you should move to america and open up buddhist temples

America is not the Land of the Free.

It is now the Home of the Brave.

I am not nearly brave enough.




Bobby Wong
02-11-2013, 04:26 AM
what do you have to do to get sent to area 5

02-11-2013, 05:02 AM
its kind of funny how he regards himself as an intellectual

rum dick
02-11-2013, 05:37 AM
thank you for the kind compliment skynig

rum dick
02-11-2013, 05:38 AM
what do you have to do to get sent to area 5


02-11-2013, 05:58 AM
true intellectuals don't flaunt their ability or prowess

you can tell he is a moron because he's so intent on puffing out his chest

begging to be noticed

and recognized

02-11-2013, 12:48 PM
I've always been fascinated by the parallels of Buddhism and Stoicism and consider what I learned from studying both several years ago to be the most important knowledge that I posses.

Stoicism was meant for Europe.

From its founding, Stoic doctrine was popular with a following throughout Greece and the Roman Empire, including the Emperor Marcus Aurelius, until the closing of all philosophy schools in AD 529 by order of the Emperor Justinian I, who perceived their pagan character as being at odds with the Christian faith.[3][4]

Imagine how different the world we live in would be. . .

02-11-2013, 06:37 PM
true intellectuals don't flaunt their ability or prowess

you can tell he is a moron because he's so intent on puffing out his chest

begging to be noticed

and recognized

The one thing I could never say about you is you like to be noticed.

02-14-2013, 01:05 AM
Imagine how different the world we live in would be. . .

There was a moment in History when a Roman man not known for being especially humane, simply couldn't take the sight of seeing children torn apart limb from limb on account of their parents' crimes - and in part due to his sudden streak of humanity and in part due to his wanting to eat his luncheon unaffected - he intercepted a gaggle of Christians about to be processed through the purifying cleansing of Roman Society's Colosseum and he told the children to skedaddle.

But they did not. They couldn't leave their siblings, they imitated; pointing to babies on mothers' teats. The women looked so pitiful feeding their oversized broods, the Roman figured they'd as likely die than manage to find new men to straddle. And so he let them all go. This became something of a routine for him, Shuterus' List. But the list got very big because as everyone learns in grade school, Yahweh's whores breed like rabbits. And the children are sent out to beg with their younger siblings, leaving the women free to straddle.

It was an innocent mistake at the middle management level. One wouldn't feel comfortable giving him a dressing down on account of his humanity and indigestion. But 70 billion lives have been lost as a result.

The moral of the story is that when Christians and lions have an appointment, who the fuck are you to play God? No, shut your face.

You're fucking playing God right now. We got billions of Christians who are running so very late and you are not helping them get to the Colosseum on time.


begging to be noticed

and recognized

On my forum read by 0.81 readers / post I make. I do it for the props.

Good noticing once again but I gave some girls some advice Marty that was - in part - inspired by you (but don't you go claiming intellectual property rights or nothing! you can own the prose but don't you go lying about having intellect, ya hear!).


Hillbilly Jim
02-14-2013, 01:12 AM
the saddest thing i read today was that there are more christians in south korea than buddhists

02-14-2013, 01:15 AM
South Koreans are so enslaved...

If it weren't for Hyuna I'd have already fantasised about scuttling the entire peninsula.

Hillbilly Jim
02-14-2013, 02:08 PM
the day dong-gook retires from football i will give up on korea

Hillbilly Jim
01-30-2015, 06:21 AM
Veteran striker Lee Dong-gook voted S. Korean pro football MVP

dear korea, ol dong gook is 35 so who knows how much longer he will play
you better do something to win me over before i have to give up on you

sincerely, Jimmy

Bobby Wong
01-30-2015, 03:26 PM
korea gave up on you a long time ago jim

Militant Quacks
01-30-2015, 08:15 PM
korea is this true ?