02-16-2013, 12:12 PM
It's been a long, and gruesome run. I have given my all and NEVER once in my heart & soul expect anything from anyone in return. I get shit tossed at me on the daily for showing the world my Love. To lift people up the best of my abilities & continue to stay strong. To remind people daily that all will be ok. That you are all so beautiful to me & I mean every single word I say. Yet a girl can only take so much shit getting thrown at her on a daily basis. As if this is my job? Some people fail to realize this & in my opinion, take this for granted. They come here daily demanding so much while not ever realizing that it takes a strong soul & a lot of courage to put oneself in the public domain this way just to constantly get shit thrown at them for showing the world love. Some people have gotten so comfortable that they fail to remember that what I do is VOLUNTARY! This is not a job that someone has paid me to do. I don't need to be here daily & put myself through all this drama for no reason, yet I have done it for all of my life, givingly. So this is where I am now. At the end of my road to fight for the world's pain to go away, and please before you speak I can already hear you so there is no need for you to further say
yes, yes some people have become all too predictable to the point where I already know what they'll say, sadly. With that said, I just want to remind people to stay kind to one another. This hateful behavior, especially towards someone who doesn't deserve it, is really uncalled for. The only person who TRULY loved you with all of her heart, however, at this point she must save what's left of her heart & retrieve from these blistering attacks. I wish you all well & I do hope you find others who will continue to help you soar & reach for the stars! Because that you are indeed. Be well my Angels. There are plenty other Angels out there who will stand beside you if you need them. Just be sure not to rip off her gentle Angel Wings if you do decide to call upon those other angels for guidance & protection.
02-16-2013, 12:14 PM
What has this world come to? To see feeble minds that has severely declined into brains of mush, not of the Scholar's Time. Who is it to blame? It doesn't matter either way. If I continue to speak they'll all just complain. As per usual I take it all in, but never forget that you have most sinned. Pointing your finger all over the place, but never to yourself so just stop with your disgrace. Who am I to say? I am only a messenger. So shoot me now, and continue on with your massacre. You ask for forgiveness yet have you looked in the mirror? Have you any rights to judge? Can I make this blatantly clearer? 666lvl999 ohhh what is that? Is she the Devil in Disguise? Of course, of course, for those feeble minds. I am the lowest of low for they have no knowledge before spewing their hate crimes.
gay sex
02-16-2013, 12:25 PM
i dont really have the energy for this but
02-16-2013, 12:27 PM
look you cared enough to tell haters to get on their job and you didnt have to.
dont think i didnt notice.
gay sex
02-16-2013, 12:31 PM
im a shivering mass of hungoverness like i cant even think about the french toast im gonna order im in that condition
02-16-2013, 12:45 PM
so im moving to williamsburg probably in a few weeks, and the rent is literally going to run around $3300 a month, and naturally i was on the fence forever and was like "fucking really...?" every time i thought about it, and then i hit up and realized there are 129 different restaurants that deliver up to and including french toast breakfasts, and at that point i just basically said "ok, its not bangkok, but its just going to have to do".
also and im not even kidding i can never truly be whole without the ability to order the british pub breakfasts i used to get delivered in bangkok.
but yeah getting french toast and a literal mountain of scrambled eggs delivered to my door at 7:44am is very much a cause for celebration.
02-16-2013, 12:46 PM
also i have an informal wager with myself regarding how long it takes before you have your first recovery mamosa and the over/under is 80 minutes.
gay sex
02-16-2013, 12:52 PM
ive been not getting indian food for a while i need to change that in my life, its literally the only area im lacking in
02-16-2013, 12:54 PM
ive had indian food twice in the last ... 3 or 4 years. i had it in bangkok a lot. i got it a little when i lived in LA and when i lived near the Hard Rock in vegas. but since i moved to summerlin, and then long island ive had it twice, and both times required me driving to pick it up, so neither really count.
gay sex
02-16-2013, 12:58 PM
aright so were doing this damn thing then im 1 powerade zero calorie lemon lime in watching something on demand called legit
Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 4 (3 members and 1 guests)
Tyde, sonatine, gay sex
02-16-2013, 01:07 PM
i have an argument scheduled with my girlfriend today.
thats literally the new face of civility. i schedule arguments.
tine whats your take on the Russian meteor
gay sex
02-16-2013, 01:08 PM
is ron ron still with us or did he shed these mortal coils
gay sex
02-16-2013, 01:09 PM
my theory is lol at all the shitty music these fucking russians listen to in their cars
gay sex
02-16-2013, 01:09 PM
and the americans might be the best new show in a loooooooong time
02-16-2013, 01:10 PM
ronwell is chugging away in a hospital bed someplace. he probably has good cardio, i expect he will pull through.
honestly i have no russian meteor take, tydielle. russia is fucking huge, there is always some meteor landing someplace or other.
i also dont buy for a second they shot down something at 33,000 mph.
02-16-2013, 01:11 PM
absolutely not even considering watching the americans because more than almost anything else i absolutely hate the who.
02-16-2013, 01:12 PM
like seriously if john le carre himself wrote episodes for it id still avoid it on principle.
i find it odd that they are talking about this asteroid that is going to barely miss the Earth....and basically in the same 48 hour period , a meteor streaks across the Russian sky the size of the fucking Eiffel tower. from all reports, the one that hit Russia was only 1/3 as big as the one that was being crammed down our throats on CNN saying 'don't worry'
in other words NASA has their heads up their asses.
02-16-2013, 01:13 PM
which i guarantee he didnt because he wouldnt tarnish his legacy by associating it with the who.
Get to spend all day at a softball field watching high school softball. Don't be jelly.
02-16-2013, 01:15 PM
well, i believe there have been a great many leaked documents that spell out in absolute terms the necessity for an oversight layer that scrubs all raw data generated by nasa in the interests of 'national security' eg keeping housewives from murder/suicide'ing their children because a solar flare is going to throw GPS out of wack by .7 inches.
02-16-2013, 01:15 PM
dont ever tell me not to be jelly of you cup.
you dont have that right.
gay sex
02-16-2013, 01:15 PM
lol marty are you still doing conspiracy theories
gay sex
02-16-2013, 01:16 PM
im actually jelly of that softball brag did they have a concession stand
gay sex
02-16-2013, 01:17 PM
only thing better than that is going to girls volleyball games in college when you know a chick on the team
02-16-2013, 01:19 PM
i literally dont remember college. its entirely possible i didnt even go but i remember enough things like breaking into the cafeteria in the morning to steal bagels to suggest i didnt just imagine it all.
Concession stand will certainly be in play. Along with grilled burgers and dogs. Could be a pretty nice day when it's all said and done.
02-16-2013, 01:22 PM
also and im not kidding i went to sleep last night at 8pm and slept through literally 6 txts from Vwls and a bonus phone call from an ex gf and seriously if you understood how i use the default ringer/txt alarm at top volume because im too lazy to change them then youd know exactly how improbable that was.
gay sex
02-16-2013, 01:22 PM
concession stand hot dogs are the goat at small baseball fields, sometimes they even have big league chew
I think when you have a drama of extreme proportions, then you have theorists from both ends of the spectrum
I like to think the truth lies somewhere in the middle
sift through all the propaganda on both sides of any argument, and form your own opinion as an individual
gay sex
02-16-2013, 01:23 PM
tell that cooze monster im sorry for calling her a cooze and i want to hear about gross new mexico food that is covered with way too much green chile
gay sex
02-16-2013, 01:23 PM
shutup nerd
02-16-2013, 01:23 PM
cup if we were on more personal terms id literally ask you to fedex me a hotdog and a pretzel but as it stands im just going to solemnly nod and go back to being jelly.
02-16-2013, 01:24 PM
im literally going to tell her exactly that and approximately insist she starts posting here in earnest again because frankly this site is beginning to smell a bit like a gym locker and we need her feminine sensibilities to offset all this brazen machismo.
Gay Sex obviously works for the fucking CIA internet insertion team looking to expose genius minds working against the Illumuniati
02-16-2013, 01:27 PM
and honestly i dont see what there possibly is to read into the meteor thing.
its not hardware from space most likely, radiation isnt through the roof, so on. honestly tho if it went down in the middle of st petersburg id be fucking well glued to the tv Katrina-style for days and already be ordering food for delivery so i could savor every glorious moment.
02-16-2013, 01:28 PM
speaking of which, gay sex needs to TR that french toast because if it doesnt have orange zest mixing in with the cinnamon and butter i swer to christ mate im going to hook you in the gabber.
this is the most bizarre message forum on the internet without question
I have to say that Volkswagen commercial with the dad teaching his kid how to throw is exactly how I picture gare throwing a ball
02-16-2013, 01:32 PM
do people put lemon juice on french toast a la 'dutch babies' or is that caliber of imagination generally associated with mental illness still?
02-16-2013, 01:35 PM
also let the record state that im going to start making dutch babies like 3-4 times a week.
gay sex
02-16-2013, 01:42 PM
oh ill tr that joint i also just gave up mid blowjob cuz im literally so hungover i cant feel anything and i mixed up a tennis special little vodka fresh squeezed orange juice and 7 up, DAMN THE CALORIES FULL SUGAR 7 up SO YOU KNOW ITS REAL
gay sex
02-16-2013, 01:43 PM
also it comes with bacon and potatos we might have the side benefit of a weird bagel sandwich going down
gay sex
02-16-2013, 01:44 PM
like literally she was on her knees on the bed i basically just ended up massaging her back cuz i felt guilty
gay sex
02-16-2013, 01:46 PM
but this tennis special was calling me and i have long kiss goodnight dvred so haters, better get on they jobs cuz i love this movie
gay sex
02-16-2013, 01:47 PM
02-16-2013, 01:51 PM
the kneeling on the bed failed blowjob backrub is literally the naked face of the human condition.
gay sex
02-16-2013, 01:53 PM
i literally could hear the movie playing in the living room and was like i just cant do this right now
gay sex
02-16-2013, 01:54 PM
SAMUEL L JACKSON SMOKING LIKE 6thousand menthols and wearing ridiculous clothes im 1000 percent all in
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:04 PM
jesus christ i had no idea this movie is martys holy grail
02-16-2013, 02:06 PM
one of the first films crudely ripped off from a south korean masterpiece.
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:08 PM
uh samuel l jackson as low rent private detective smoking and drinking nonstop and his last name is hennesey ya HATERS GET ON YO JOBS
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:09 PM
also geena davis ice skating and biathalon rifling fools at distance is fantastic
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:10 PM
also im pretty sure jackson wears a ridiculous green scarf at some point this god damn movie has it all
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:10 PM
he for sure wears kangols for like half the movie
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:13 PM
i literally want that jacket
02-16-2013, 02:15 PM
real talk people loOoOOoOove to harangue on some ll and quentin for their ongoing and unfortunate fetish for kangols but how often do people lay the blame at SLJ's feet for this horrific debacle.
im just saying, america has some growing up to do.
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:16 PM
no god damn way i could pull it off though
02-16-2013, 02:17 PM
its that kind of attitude that keeps you off the winners podium frankly.
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:17 PM
if were casting aspersions on 3 letter s's it should be at SJP for convincing like a decades worth of girls that a career in journalism was worthwhile destroying these broads for life as they look back at 28 with zero skills on their resume and their old room at their parents house not filled with fendi shoes
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:18 PM
btw i watched my first episode of girls and that weird dreamlike episode was fucking incredible
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:20 PM
plz you literally have to be samuel l jackson in 1996 to pull that jacket off even the nautical anchor on the breast pocket is amazing
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:22 PM
also i will not be watching another episode i think i just hit the outlier
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:23 PM
like from the previews i assume the rest of the show is about her faggot friend at the coffee shop and her writing an ebook drama PIIIIZASSSS SON
did you guys want me to book you a room at the Imperial Palace to suck each other off for 3 more pages ?
02-16-2013, 02:25 PM
yeah its just totally out of left field. the fact that it exists at all is shocking to me, and im equally shocked that someone had the acumen to get it on the air. its a fucking unicorn, is what it is.
im curious to see how it matures, i dont have great hopes for season 4, for example, but at the same time, i mean, the depth of genetic talent involved is so completely over the top, who knows?
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:25 PM
its called the quad now marty
02-16-2013, 02:26 PM
3 pages he says. get with the program, then get with the programs children, and sire a small army of programs for you to get with at your leisure.
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:26 PM
it def left fielded me as i was having a hard time sleeping last sunday cuz i read all the criticism about the show and watched like 14 minutes of season 1
02-16-2013, 02:27 PM
also waking up and watching kitchen nightmares is probably the goat of goats.
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:27 PM
martin are you up so early cuz ur gonna go deer hunting for ur sustenance today
02-16-2013, 02:28 PM
i just started watching girls, show is pretty hilarious.
also i find myself pretty attracted to shoshanna
02-16-2013, 02:28 PM
like i'd rather bang her than marnie
02-16-2013, 02:29 PM
dude shoshanna is david mamet's daughter.
yes that david mamet.
thats the sickest fucking pedigree.
02-16-2013, 02:30 PM
when you go to the top shelf, and its full, and you need to retire it to a larger shelf, the top shelf on that cabinet that you stack the full top shelves in, its name is david mamet.
and thats his daughter.
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:30 PM
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:31 PM
have u seen the spanish prisoner david mamet is terrible
02-16-2013, 02:31 PM
also chef ramsey just stood up in a full dining room and told every diner that the lasagna was cooked a week ago AND HALF THE CLIENTS WALKED OUT *THATS POWER*
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:31 PM
cuz i saw the spanish prisoner
02-16-2013, 02:31 PM
have u seen the spanish prisoner david mamet is terrible
dude it had steve martin in it, let it slide.
real talk how many spanish prisoner's would it take to offset any 5 minutes of House of Games?
02-16-2013, 02:32 PM
realtalk, i was scheduled to be at that courthouse the day after the shooting happened
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:32 PM
if you goto bbc america on demand theres this ramsey travel show that has like 4 episodes and its incredible like he immerses himself in india and thailand and its really really hilarious
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:33 PM
i knew it affected you but i didnt wanna blow up spots when it happened 4dc8680b778dcede0cf1577bea.jpg
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:36 PM
yes martin
02-16-2013, 02:36 PM
also you i suspect the spanish prisoner is one of those takeshi miike style screenplays where he shows up, gives a pep talk, writes the first 5 pages, sketches the plot, then bounces to a resort casino and wears a t-shirt and sunglasses and hob jobs with 'the little people' and feels that incredibly warm glow that no matter what he wins or loses at the tables, hes a legend and these mouthy faggots jocking his chip stack are not, CAPSLOCK BOLD SHOUT OUT TO NICK CASSAVETES HORRIBLE JUNKIE NECK TATTOO.
02-16-2013, 02:37 PM
i knew it affected you but i didnt wanna blow up spots when it happened
yeah i even got texts from my mom and stuff
02-16-2013, 02:38 PM
and if anyone thinks im not watching that bbc america on demand ramsey in god-knows-where travel series youre getting hooked in the gabber m8.
also the gordon ramsey in jail miniseries is spectacular and winsome.
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:38 PM
hes just bigtiming all the white guys for his people that get cucked by white guys
02-16-2013, 02:38 PM
also this last season of the office is horrible. stop trying to wrap up everyone's storylines and just try to make the epidodes funny
wow that was really clever Tine
you're a maestro
shame only 3 or 4 dilrods will ever read it
02-16-2013, 02:38 PM
banshee is still the best show on tv right now
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:38 PM
you need to secretly also watch top gear america but dont tell people u enjoy it cuz ull get yelled at by faggots going ARE YOU SERIOUS THE BRITISH ONE IS SOOOO MUCH BETTER
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:39 PM
lol at martin thinking thats clever cuz he saw entourage
02-16-2013, 02:39 PM
 UbHScfGRokHBcXIC8gIycpLSwsFx4xNTAqNSYrLCkBCQoKDgwO Gg8PGiwkHyQsKSoqLCw1LCwsLCwsLCwsKSksLCosLCwsLCksLC wsLCwsLCwsLCksLCwpLCksLCwsLP/AABEIAMIBAwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAABBQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFAAECAwQGB//EAEMQAAIBAwIEAwUGBAQEBQUAAAECEQADIRIxBAVBUSJhcQYTM oGRFEKhscHwI1LR4QdikvEVM0NyFlNUgqIXJJPC0v/EABoBAAMBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgMEBQb/xAAvEQACAQMDAwMCBQUBAAAAAAAAAQIDERIhMVEEE0EFYfAUIl KBkaHBYnHR4fGx/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwD1UU8VEGpTXSc4opRSpUAKKeKanoAUU4F KlQA8UopppTSAUUxFPNNNMBRTRT01ADxSpppUAKKUUqVAhAVMC o1IUDJiprVQNTBqWUmXg04aqg1LVUjuXaqcNVIan1UWHcu1VIG qQ1TU0mhpls1n4rgRcI1E6QQSv3WjMMOomD8vM1l5rzy1w6ku6 6o8KT4mJwoCgE5OJigy8y4u5fFsB7Woa4YIVVBgktoDAkkACPn 1AovcdwtxaWeFTWTp8dxgSNXjuEljE53jfag3LFHE6QAGUMXa4 q6CWM4Z9RWfvQswAo64lzbk38RTqe5dKkKz5AiXbQCMN4TGluw ON+psWFRAiABVEKOgA2pt2QrXAdvl98iX4tkP8oAMDpkkGSIPz pUdFleoBPcgTT1OQ7AZTUgagKea3MCc0pqM0ppDJU81GaVAEqU 01KaBDzTzUZpUnoMeacVB3UGCwB7fjVPG8YLYM4MEz6Zrz6/qNGnTlKMk2tLe5oqbvqXXLqr8RA8iYNZn5qisA0gzEYM9oMxEg igNnmFziQwEDTqIlWjCk6ZA3yJG8TXP3LDtJ1orLl2ZoAiCAgO 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LSpUGkRrn6t+TUifB8jSpUmZ+GZbtwg4J2HXyFKlSoNFsf/9k=
02-16-2013, 02:40 PM
seriously someone explain to me why anyone watches the office now, including me?
its not even like its 'oh man its hitting some low points but at least its got such and such in it', like they have completely abandoned the premise of the show and artlessly distilled every single character into its least appealing stereotype.
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:41 PM
i believe martin lawrence said it best we ride together, we die together its our obligation to finish it
02-16-2013, 02:41 PM
when i saw odenkirk pop up this week i was like OH MAN WHY DIDNT THEY GET HIM YEARS AGO and then i remembered that odenkirk has taste and a legacy and wouldnt go near those scripts without a hazmat suit.
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:43 PM
not even he could save that abortion of an episode though
02-16-2013, 02:43 PM
02-16-2013, 02:43 PM
ok im glad that prediction did not come to pass
02-16-2013, 02:44 PM
i feel we all ducked a credibility bullet on that one
02-16-2013, 02:45 PM
also that was the second entourage reference in this thread.
there shant be a third.
02-16-2013, 02:48 PM
rare moment of introspective regret;
i opted to get a couch with a tall back and modest horizontal seat size.
huuuuuuuuugely bungled that investment.
02-16-2013, 02:49 PM
i need to cook more with capers.
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:52 PM
could i get 5 minutes on whaaaaaaat is the deal with loveseats
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:53 PM
02-16-2013, 02:53 PM
i could get down with a love seat.
02-16-2013, 02:54 PM
also i wonder if SLJ does that whole brad-pitt-works-with-his-own-wardrobe deal.
he strikes me as someone capable of it.
02-16-2013, 02:56 PM
im literally laughing out loud because gordon ramsey just took a modest southern seafood restaurant and redecorated it to look like something that floated to the surface after Katrina dried up.
he literally plastered the walls with abandoned doors and boards with peeling paint.
02-16-2013, 02:57 PM
was that our second katrina reference?
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:57 PM
well according to this months marie claire that i swear we dont have a subscription to paul rudd literally steals everything from sets and photoshoots and thats how he dresses himself
he also anecdotes that he rocked a white tuxedo skinny pink tie pushed up sleeves to bar mitzvahs in the 80s and at age 22 was djing wearing a yellow tux shorts doc martins cuz of the red hot chili peppers
02-16-2013, 02:58 PM
And first the Heaven, Earth, and liquid plain,
The Moons bright Globe, and Stars Titanian
A spirit fed within, spread through the whole
And with the huge heap mix'd infused a soul;
Hence man, and beastsm and birds derive their strain,
And monsters floating in the marbled main;
These seeds have fiery vigor, and a birth
Of heavenly race, but clog'd with heavy earth.
Pallas doth rule the Ram, Venus the Bull,
Phebus the Twins, and Mercury doth rule
The Cancer, and the Lyon guides doth Jove,
Ceres doth Virgo, Vulcan Libra move.
For Scorpion Mars; for Sagittarius faire
Diana cares; for Capricorn doth care
Vesta; Aquarius Juno doth protect;
And Neptune Pisces -----
Pallas loves wars, woods to Diana fair
Ascribed are, to Juno humid Aire,
To Ceres Corn, and fruits; to Oryris
The water, also humors waterish.
The Sun, Osyris, Dionysus gay,
Apollo, Horus, King ruling the day
Who changeth times, who giveth winds and rain,
The King of Stars, and the immortall flame.
gay sex
02-16-2013, 02:59 PM
what the what now about paella
gay sex
02-16-2013, 03:00 PM
02-16-2013, 03:01 PM
02-16-2013, 03:01 PM
gay sex
02-16-2013, 03:11 PM
this was exhausting i literally went to cvs midstream to get a mocha frapp
gay sex
02-16-2013, 03:12 PM
kangols off to everyone
02-16-2013, 03:14 PM
we did what was needful
gay sex
02-16-2013, 03:15 PM
did kinda work my appetite up for that french toast though im gonna probably see what the soup of the day is and if its chili YOU KNOW IM GETTING THAT FOR LATER
02-16-2013, 03:43 PM
tight thread
Bobby Wong
02-16-2013, 04:43 PM
tine moving to williamsport because his beard will fit right in with the colonial vibe and maybe he can get a job as as blacksmith or something that requires a leather apron that hides his massive gunt
gay sex
02-16-2013, 05:12 PM
shutup wong martin heard u on the radio and u sound like a faggot apparently
gay sex
02-16-2013, 05:12 PM
Bobby Wong
02-16-2013, 05:13 PM
i think it could be the fault of martins bad ass soundblaster
rum dick
02-16-2013, 08:59 PM
All of our drunk friends (most of which are on a bender) have decided to "green light" edwina manor. Apparently it is a navy thing where you show up at a new officers house and force him to feed everyone andclet them drink em out of house and home and otherwise trash the place. Anyhow mole364 gave me a heads up and i met them at the front door with a samurai sword. Unfortunately resistance became futile as soon as i saw they had cornhole.
rum dick
02-16-2013, 09:04 PM
Williamsburg is only six hours from the WV farm. Next time im there im gonna roadtrip and green light tine
Bobby Wong
02-16-2013, 10:25 PM
tine will be wearing a wig and demonstrating the musket by then, its fun for the whole family
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