View Full Version : Walked out, because of bordem

05-13-2011, 08:58 PM
Been working pretty hard on some software that I'm really proud of, got some fantastic news today regarding a partnership with one of the largest Open Source companies in the world and was feeling outstanding. My main programmer and I got a few drinks before I had to meet some politicians and their "business" associates.

I have been so fed up with people lately, and everyone wanting something from me... (or them wanting something from my father).... that I felt they were going to ruin my very excellent day. I went in with a super bad attitude knowing I wanted no part of this and about 10 minutes in said I needed to go to the washroom.

I left. It's a weird feeling knowing you're not going to be fired. I've been spending too much time forming superficial relationships with so many of these people, and have not given any time to real friendships that don't require any effort or exchange of favors. I called one of the guys 10 minutes later and told them I had left and to e-mail me the minutes from the meeting. Probably not going to happen.

Golfing with DKR Star reminded me I truly don't have friends that are not involved with business in some way. Going out with buddies means them pitching me business ideas and going over software enhancements. I go golfing to charity events and the guys that invite me are always distributors of some sort trying to get me to buy my products through them. I swear one of the guys was literally playing awful on purpose because I am a horrible golfer.

I sound like a whiny bitch, but honestly, I need to make normal friends again. Anyone who needs a job, lives in Chicago and is bi-lingual (Spanish).... pm me because I need a personal assistant to do most of my work. Going to put it up on Monster.com etc etc.... 45k salary and need to work between 50-60 hours a week.

Drk Star is a cool guy and for some reason we spoke for hours. We were like two women talking about nothing, and I haven't spoken that way since before I started all this crazy shit.

If any of you complained about this sort of shit I'd call u a vagina, and you'd deserve it.

behemoth old
05-13-2011, 09:08 PM
Have any openings for a programmer? I know BasicA, RPG, Fortran, Tree, and Pascal.

DRK Star
05-13-2011, 09:15 PM
Pic of Gallo and I at the golf course


oh, and that pycho ex GF texted me last night at 11:45pm "it was awkward of you to come by my work place yesterday"...

unreal. I date the most fucked in the head women imaginable. I told her tough, Im going to keep coming there because its a public golf course.

Hillbilly Jim
05-13-2011, 09:38 PM
so then would this be a bad time to ask you to set up a meeting with galilea montijo for me?

Hillbilly Jim
05-13-2011, 10:04 PM
Viewing Private Message

dont listen to him elgallo
there are plenty of bi things he is but lingual isnt one of them

behemoth old
05-13-2011, 10:07 PM
Viewing Private Message

dont listen to him elgallo
there are plenty of bi things he is but lingual isnt one of them


rum dick
05-14-2011, 12:10 AM
Next time tell them that you need to leave to deal with something important. It will make you look a bigger dick player and make them feel insecure and/or insignificant.

rum dick
05-14-2011, 12:11 AM
Tao of pooh dribble aside. Real friendships do require effort.

Suicide King
05-14-2011, 12:20 AM
Boohoo I'm a rich spic, I'm too rich for friends boohoo. I'll offer one of you pity money to be my personal errand boy.....haha that's you gallo

05-14-2011, 12:33 AM

Hillbilly Jim
05-14-2011, 12:52 AM
ill take the job if you pay for a place for me to live and im allowed to use 5k of that money to hire a mexican to do all the spanish for me and you get me that meeting with galilea montijo

05-14-2011, 12:59 AM
Boohoo I'm a rich spic, I'm too rich for friends boohoo. I'll offer one of you pity money to be my personal errand boy.....haha that's you gallo

I have friends, just not the kind I need in my life right now. Also I am not rich. I make good money, but am not rich. I probably have as much money as Tim from what I've gauged. What I have that probably makes me take more risks is a huge safety net and recourses to do what I love to do. I don't have to worry about losing my job or how I'm going to pay the mortgage or car bill. I don't worry about having money for retirement or for my kid to go to school. That probably gives off the impression that I have millions, but in reality it's all in our businesses, and even though you are worth millions, it's not like I can just go to the bank and ask to take out 400k from an account..... That account does not exist. But when I'm old Imma spend every dollar.

Hillbilly Jim
05-14-2011, 01:18 AM
pretty sure timble bot is consider rich compared to the average american

rum dick
05-14-2011, 01:52 AM
Pretty sure jim is correct. Also what gallo appears to be driving at is as follows: he may not have to do anything the rest of his life and still live worry free and get fat off of lunchtime steak and play golf on a workday and send his kids to lower schools but it's his inability to pull a fat wad from his own account that keeps him "poor".

05-14-2011, 02:28 AM
Not poor sir... I said I make good money

05-14-2011, 02:47 AM
Have any openings for a programmer? I know BasicA, RPG, Fortran, Tree, and Pascal.

Rednecks need not apply..... How is that for racism? Reverse racism is the best.

05-14-2011, 03:43 AM

behemoth old
05-14-2011, 04:46 AM
Rednecks need not apply..... How is that for racism? Reverse racism is the best.

I thought you'd get the joke about those outdated programming languages.

behemoth old
05-14-2011, 04:58 AM
Also seems like Suicide King is pretty hostile lately. Just me? I'm not saying I mind it just wondering.

05-14-2011, 05:03 AM
I did get the joke, tried to also fire one back.

behemoth old
05-14-2011, 05:27 AM
I did get the joke, tried to also fire one back.

I would've gone with something more along the lines of:

"We have a pretty strict dress code. Bibbed overalls and mullets aren't allowed".

Suicide King
05-14-2011, 06:52 AM
Im not hostel, I was completely joking.

Hillbilly Jim
05-14-2011, 01:35 PM
Im not hostel, I was completely joking.

knowing that makes your post less funny

05-14-2011, 01:58 PM
Spic on Spic violence.