View Full Version : terrorize my buttocks with your monster whopper

mama luigi
02-12-2010, 02:44 PM
i would literally subscribe to the red pepper

02-12-2010, 02:44 PM

mama luigi
02-12-2010, 02:49 PM
Some weeks back, I told you that the burning of Owino market would bring sex prices down, and I was right. Right now, it seems that all the women whose goods were burnt are on a detoothing spree. About a week after the market had got burnt, I got a call from some big mamma called Dorothy. She was in tears, crying over all the stuff she had lost.

”Honey, even the coins melted,” she told me amidst tears. I felt so happy at this, because I had lent Dorothy about 1 million shillings on condition that she services my mega whopper whenever I wanted to. Yet all she did was give me one round of shafting every month and that was after I would demand for my money. The rest of the time, she would claim that she was very busy. This went on for four months, and in fact she would even claim that her Kandahar is hurting her afterwards. I know you are wondering why I put up with her attitude for all that time, and I can tell you that just looking at her would make me almost hit the top. She looks like the twin sister to Allen Kakooza. ”Don’t tell me your stories, I just want my money,” I tried to sound angry. “That is what I called to talk about,’ she replied, and then went on to narrate that she had been dying to have a shafting session with me for weeks now. “Then how come I called you last Sunday and you made your line busy?” I asked her. She tried to tell me that it was because her husband was around at the time.

“It’s okay. You may stay with your husband and leave me alone,” I threatened to hang up. The following days, Dorothy kept on calling me begging to see me but I kept on pretending that I wanted nothing to do with her, yet I pocketed every time she called. “Tell me whatever you want to over the phone because I am a very busy man,” I told her arrogantly. Being a shameless city woman, Dorothy said, ‘please hyena. To make up for lost times, I want you to shaft me non stop for three days,” she sounded very enticing. I laughed at her then. “But you said that my whopper is too big and painful for your liking,” I reminded her, already feeling hot. “Please forgive me. I was just being sly back then. This time I am going to do to you all those things you watch in blue movies,” she assured me in her sweet voice, as my whopper shot up so fast it almost tore my trouser.

‘Maybe this time she will really give in,’ I thought. I also knew that she just wanted the money but I also want to shaft her senseless. In the past, Dorothy had only given me missionary style, denying me a chance to surf me or give me doggie. I could just imagine her teeth o my whopper. “Fine. If this is about you giving me your Kandahar, where do we meet?” I asked, trying to sound disinterested. “Anywhere you want. I want a whole weekend with you,” she almost begged. On Friday, I loaded the Sahara truck with fake cosmetics and told Yasmine that I was going to Gulu but secretly sent Abby.

That evening I bought penegra to boost my whopper since I wanted to teach Dorothy a lesson she will never forget. I took Dorothy to Collin Hotel Mukono to create a good environment. We were given the presidential suite and I took the penegra in the bathroom after my quick shower. After eating the food delivered by room service, Dorothy started the action like a good girl. “I am gonna shaft you senseless,” she warned as she went south on me. True to her word, Dorothy was like a super charged white hooker that night, and I was grateful to the powers that be for reminding me to take some boosters. At one point I thought that security would come running thinking that I was really killing her, but they left us alone. I turned her around for a doggie and really enjoyed the view of her huge bums. “If you do that, then you don’t refuse to give me money,” she told me, but I was already enjoying too much to care.

By the time we decided to go to sleep at around 4am, I was exhausted but still charged. Dorothy couldn’t thank me enough, and kept on reminding me how much she loved my whopper. I know that she was pretending but I didn’t care. We even shafted from every spot in the room. “Wabula you are so greedy!” Dorothy exclaimed. As we got ready to sleep, Dorothy reminded me that she still wanted me to lend her 2m. Although I wasn’t prepared to give her the money, I promised to do something about it. Good things really happen to those who give.

Till next time, I remain your truly, the mighty hyena.

mama luigi
02-12-2010, 03:08 PM
there is a lot of hof in that

02-12-2010, 04:36 PM
i literally devoured every word of that.

mama luigi
02-12-2010, 05:34 PM
basically scooters illegitimate ghanan brother wrote this right down to the benevolent tone here:

As we got ready to sleep, Dorothy reminded me that she still wanted me to lend her 2m. Although I wasn’t prepared to give her the money, I promised to do something about it. Good things really happen to those who give.


mama luigi
02-12-2010, 05:34 PM
is there such thing as a benevolent tone

mama luigi
02-12-2010, 05:35 PM
i literally use words i dont know how to spell every day

mama luigi
02-12-2010, 05:39 PM
but seriously really outstanding stuff

mama luigi
02-12-2010, 05:41 PM
"he's the epitoam of refractory."

02-12-2010, 06:01 PM
True to her word, Dorothy was like a super charged white hooker that night,


02-13-2010, 12:07 PM
Literally the best sentence of the entire Trip Report is the hyena's opening line. This is special. You can't teach this:

Some weeks back, I told you that the burning of Owino market would bring sex prices down, and I was right.

mama luigi
02-13-2010, 12:32 PM
In this dusty town of ours, it is very difficult to tell a babe’s age by just looking at her. You can meet a very cute babe and imagine that she is a student but when in actual sense she’s an off-layer.

A few days ago, I was at Nakawa-based Capital Shoppers when I bumped into a seemingly innocent young babe. From a distance you would imagine she is a sweet nineteen but on a closer look, she looked like she was just out of the university, young and ready to mingle. When she moved to the cosmetics shelf, I followed her and pretended to be searching for a particular lotion.

I quickly introduced myself and asked her if she could help me find a suitable lotion for my rough skin.
“But your face is equally smooth,” she said. (She didn’t know that I dealt in cosmetics). When she smiled, she exposed her dark gum and a gap that made me think with my whopper rather than my brains. She later told me her name was Priscilla. There and then, we hit it off like we’d known each other for centuries. She had the softest hands I have ever held. I bet other shoppers must have mistaken us for a couple.

Although I was busy hyping myself, she was hesitant to talk about herself. I made up a lot of stories to dupe her into believing I had no ill intentions. I cooked up lies very fast of how my fiancée cheated on me and we broke up. I think she felt sorry for me.

When we were done with shopping, I footed her bill and then we drove to Nakumatt to wind up. I realised that Priscilla was an open-minded babe. I suggested we go somewhere private, to which she accepted. While driving, I leaned on her shoulder and let my hands tour her soft thighs. Unlike other babes, Priscilla never pushed me away, so I took that as an encouragement. I turned her head and planted a light kiss on her cheeks and then rubbed it off as I apologised. “I have never in life felt comfortable with any babe the way I am with you,” I said. In response, she told me it was okay and everything was going to be alright. That was a very big go-ahead.

I looked her straight in the eyes and asked if she could take all the misery away from me by being my girlfriend. She just nodded. I turned the car and headed to Go Down lodge which was a few minutes drive from town.

I booked the room and without wasting time, I pushed her to the wall and there and then started caressing her. After a few minutes of getting that touchy-feel, I pinned her on the wall and started playing the hyena Jazz band. I swung her for about 15 minutes as she shook her butt like a possessed savedee.
Her oil well burst spilling the goods profusely. When we were done, I drove her to her home in Mutungo but guess what? The first person who welcomed us referred to her as Nalongo.

As if this wasn’t enough, an army of over ten kids came calling her mummy. I was so shocked and disappointed that I left without saying a word. I promised to call her but, of course, I can never go back.

Till then I remain Yours Truly Mr. Hyena

mama luigi
02-13-2010, 12:47 PM
Sodomy Whistle-blower Gets Death Threats, Wants To Flee Country

The bitter homosexual war in Uganda has taken an ugly twist with blood-thirsty mafias threatening to behead George Oundo, the young man who recently denounced homosexuality and named prominent people including a popular priest that are engaged in the bum-drilling activity in Uganda.

Oundo fearfully approached the Red Pepper last night and in low voice narrated how he was being barraged by calls from homosexuals who are threatening to kill him.

“These people call me day and night and they tell me that I am not safe. They say that I should not have gone around giving their names to the press,” a restless Oundo said looking from side to side as if his enemies were lurking in the nearby shadows.

“I have tried to change phone numbers but this has not helped me. They seem to be tracking me closely and any new phone number I get lands into their hands within hours.
I am very scared for my life. You see some of these homosexuals are very powerful people with a lot of money and influence. They can harm me,” Oundo who had taken the name Georgina while still gay said.

He said that his troubles escalated when he gave a confession about a popular priest that had bum-shafted him endlessly. The confession was subsequently published in the Sunday Pepper

“Immediately after my confession was published, people started calling me, abusing me and others saying they were going to kill me. Others said that is should never utter any other word about homos again. But this is something I cannot do. I have to keep talking so that other homos can get saved like me. That act is not healthy and proper,” Oundo said.

The Red Pepper advised Oundo to report his case to the police immediately and seek for protection.

According to miserable Oundo, menacing well built men have been trailing him for at least two weeks now, prompting him to travel incognito, change taxis as well as places of abode.

He said that his friends had advised him to leave Uganda and seek sanctuary in another county and that he was still toying with the idea.

“You guys please help; my life is in danger, please,” wept the troubled boy who revealed how the Priest seduced him by promising him 50k and mercilessly bonked him cried.

Oundo recently revealed how a city Priest turned him into his ‘girl friend’ for a year and that they bonked, kissed, romped without fear at the priest’s home in Bunga, Kampala.

Anti-homo experts say attempts to mercilessly eliminate a repentant man like Oundo is blow to the fight against the western imported deadly evil that has ravaged the moral fabric of our society.

Oundo who repented his dirty sins at reputed Pastor Martin Sempa’s church recently and accepted Jesus Christ as his savior, confessed how he has been in gay activities since he was 12.

Oundo revealed how he met the Priest at Speke Hotel upon introduction by a friend, Robert Wandira who was a waiter in that restaurant and that the infamous and lust-filled Priest exchanged pleasantries and pair drove off later to the former’s house in Bunga.

On reaching the house, Oundo revealed, they had a sumptuous dinner with Bazungu gay bosses from Netherlands.

After the banquet, according to Oundo, the priest looked into his eyes and said he was interested in him and promised to give me shs50, 000 that was a huge amount at that time.

“He held me in the waist like a glass and gently led me to his lavish bedroom. It was furnished with a huge bed with cream-coloured bed sheets and a huge radio,” Oundo added.

He further said the Priest’s heart was pounding at a supersonic speed and his pair of trouser bulged; and after about three minutes, the Priest, commonly known as Mother Superior came in with his body tightly wrapped in a towel as he carried a bucket full of massage oil and lubricants.

“He was so horny. Like a hungry hyena that had spotted a piece of meat in its vicinity, he pounced on my dick and sucked it dry as he rubbed my body with massage oil. He caressed me for over 30 minutes and I felt as if I was on the 9th planet. He ensured I came. He then told me to suck his whopper. I obeyed. While at it, he groaned like a lioness suspecting danger for its cubs in a forest,” Oundo narrates.

“We writhed in a homosexual frenzy. My eyes nearly came out of my head that night. It was severe sex like I'd never seen before, really angry sex. We both got off on it. That Priest is an amazingly ambitious and extra-ordinarily action-packed homosexual addict,” said Oundo.

The grieved boy further states that after the amazingly sweltering marathons, the pair slept as the Priest kept Oundo in a cuddle – the way mother dog does to its young.

mama luigi
02-13-2010, 12:53 PM
this is fascinating

02-13-2010, 01:10 PM
“He held me in the waist like a glass and gently led me to his lavish bedroom. It was furnished with a huge bed with cream-coloured bed sheets and a huge radio,” Oundo added.

He further said the Priest’s heart was pounding at a supersonic speed and his pair of trouser bulged; and after about three minutes, the Priest, commonly known as Mother Superior came in with his body tightly wrapped in a towel as he carried a bucket full of massage oil and lubricants.

“He was so horny. Like a hungry hyena that had spotted a piece of meat in its vicinity, he pounced on my dick and sucked it dry as he rubbed my body with massage oil. He caressed me for over 30 minutes and I felt as if I was on the 9th planet. He ensured I came. He then told me to suck his whopper. I obeyed. While at it, he groaned like a lioness suspecting danger for its cubs in a forest,” Oundo narrates.


mama luigi
02-14-2010, 08:49 AM
On Friday, I had issues with Yasmine over the Red Pepper story of Kandahar heroes.
After being told by her auntie, she rushed and bought a hot tabloid only to find that I was given the topmost rank of Field Martial in bonking business. At first I took it easy and laughed off the matter only to realise that Yasmine was not happy with me. “Look at him, why are you laughing?” “Why do you shame your family you son of a b**ch?” she charged before throwing the newspaper at me. While annoyed, she moved out and drove her BMW thinking that she would punish me.
I woke up, got a boda boda went to the garage to pick my Rav4, the mechanics had not worked on it but with no option I had to drive it. I did not know that the breaks were loose. Hell broke loose when I knocked a taxi. “You must work on my vehicle and even pay for all these passengers who have gone,” the taxi driver shouted at me. “Cool down, I shall do whatever you want, I have the money,” I told him. I gave him 25k for 10 passengers he had got from Entebbe then 20k to work on his taxi and he took off. Trouble came when a not so good looking female traffic officer appeared at the scene that had caused some jam. “What the hell is going on here?” she barked at me. “I have been knocked by a speeding taxi and unfortunately it has taken off,” I simply told her with a grin on my face.She sympathized with me and first directed vehicles to pass as some goons helped me to push the car aside. After normalizing the jam situation she came to my car and asked for ‘kittu kidogo’ indirectly. “This car must be clamped to CPS whether you were knocked or not I don’t care,” she told me. “This is something that you can also solve without the intervention of your heartless bosses,” I told her while removing my wallet. Shortly my friend Juma appeared and offered to take me to the hospital thinking I had got a terrible accident. “No I’m fine, I was knocked by a taxi goon,” I told him.

Just help and take me with this afande for a short meeting to settle out this problem,” I told him.
“Its okay, you enter and we go,” he said. When the police lady jumped onto the car I gave her my business card. “Are you the Mighty Hyena?” she asked. “Oh yes you are talking to the right man,” I responded while showing her page 22 on which I was branded a Field Martial in bonking matters. All along I have wanted to meet Mr. Hyena to the extent that one time I went to the advertising offices of Red Pepper on Social Security house looking for you,” she said. “Feel free, you are with the original man,” I bragged.

We passed by Mutaasa Kafeero Arcade and I bought a top, jeans and open shoes because I know she would not be comfortable with me in a hotel while in army uniform. We drove to St John Guest House in Bugolobi. On entering I gave her a kaveera (polythene bag) and told her to go and change clothes.
After dropping us, Juma left immediately and I booked a room before she came back from the loos where she had gone to change her clothes. On returning I realised she even had hips and firm boobs.
“You look gorgeous,” I mocked her. “By the way we have hot bodies except that these uniforms make us shapeless and thank you so much for the clothes” she happily responded.

I got surprised when she ordered for a tot of UG at around midday. After taking two sackets her eyes changed and turned red. “Let’s go to the room and I give you a gift,” I told her. She readily accepted and off we went while she was staggering. I told her to first go and bathe because their nature of job makes them sweat a lot. When she came back from the bathroom I sweetened my voice like never before.
I reached for her lips and gave her a very wet kiss she had now started sighing and hissing like a pressure cooker. I was putting only in my boxers. When I removed a towel and saw her pink knickers, my monstor whopper escaped from the boxers and it was like a thirsty cobra.

She raised her legs in the air for about 10mins to show me that she was fit. I used my left hand to pull out a CD from my pocket and put it on. I got surprised to find that she had a bulging (kinyi) Kandahar.
“Is it yours alone or you have even carried one for your mother,” I jokingly asked her.
I want you to satisfy me on condition that I don’t clamp that car to CPS where it can even spend a year.” Of course this is always my dream whenever I meet a babe. I started working on her. She wrapped her hands on my shoulders as I pinned her on the wall to give her a shag of her life.

“Ahhh…I’m dying,” she screamed out. I stopped a bit and put her on a mazongoto This female cop could wiggle her waist! She started calling me all sorts of names and swearing how she will always call me since her husband had starved her and how it is not easy to shaft her at home because they stay many people in the small dilapidated house. “You can now make noise to the top of your voice, I have paid for the room,” I told her. In a flash, she tightened her arms around me like she was some kind of vampire and let out a loud moan. He heart was pounding very fast against my chest.
“Hyena, I didn’t know you were this fantastic, all along I thought those stories are just tales,” she said in a sleepy tone. “Please try touching yourself because I want you to finish,” I told her.
“But I came, it’s you who hasn’t finished!” she said. She started caressing and giving me snobby kisses.
And oh…how I just love it when a woman’s hand caresses my whopper. In the process of touching me, she charged again. “Do you have a speed governor?” I asked her. “Hyena, I’m not a car! Why?” “Because I’m going to ‘drive’ you at a very terrific speed,” I said. I lifted her for a doggie and that was when she gave me the full package she ‘sang’ Sophie Nantongo song of Omukwano gunnuma.
After the second round, we put on our clothes and moved out. I called a boda boda and gave her 50k before heading to town to meet Juma who had taken my car to garage.

Till then, I remain Yours Faithfully the Mighty Hyena

02-14-2010, 09:15 AM
Thread of he aeon.

02-14-2010, 07:19 PM
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/3qxMsn-Tc_Q&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/3qxMsn-Tc_Q&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

02-14-2010, 07:19 PM
Thread of he aeon.

It is now.

02-14-2010, 08:15 PM
One time I was listening to Akaboozi Radio and they played a Luganda song that said most beautiful babes use witchcraft (juju) to lure men. I did not believe it and thought it was just a mere song though I kept on investigating to find out the truth for myself. Last Saturday, as I moved in the ghetto slums of Katwe, I found a beautiful babe who attracted my attention. She had killer hips, the ones locally referred to as “Chipusi”. I wondered what such a beauty queen could be looking for in the ghetto because I did not expect her to rub shoulders with ‘Kikomando’ eaters.

I was in for a rude shock of my life! The girl ended up in small witchdoctor’s shrine in the ghetto. The shrine was made from mud and wattle and thatched with grass. As I looked around, I saw a small ramshackled signpost scribbled with words, ‘Omusawo w’ekinnansi Jjajja muvumbulabyama ali wano’. The fake signpost had other words describing how his ‘magic’ works and it included description that this so called ‘doctor’ would solve problems of men with small whoppers. Gosh! I pity these kinds of men very much because all women I have shafted praise me for my endowment of larger-than-life whopper.

The signpost went further that the witchdoctor would solve women’s problems like elongating twin towers, fighting co-wives and those who have failed to get men to marry or at least shaft them on credit. Since I had given up all I was doing in order to hook up this babe for a bonk, I could not give up. I sat strategically at a nearby shop as I sipped a bottle of soda until she came out. However, as I sipped my soda, I wondered how a man in the name of a witchdoctor could widen the legs of a young beautiful babe or married woman to ‘pull’ her pair of clitoris without shafting her.

(Actually I’m thinking of making becoming a witchdoctor specialising in elongating babes’ twinnies.) I still envy those guys because they shaft so many women free of charge courtesy of their ’profession’. As she moved out, she tucked a white hankie into her handbag. I followed her until when she joined the main road. “Hi,” I said. She immediately turned to see who was speaking and there I was. “Hullo,” she responded but the word ‘GUILTY’ was written all-over her face although I had not said anything about her movements.

After a few metres on the road, I challenged her jokingly. “It seems you are very tired do you mind if we rest a bit. You seem to becoming from very far,” I said. Since it was a sunny day, she responded in the affirmative and I straight away noticed she was a terrible liar! We stopped by Kakumba complex near White Nile and I ordered for soft drinks. She asked me so many questions but I simply told her I was a businessman staying in Kizungu Zone in Makindye. She told me she was called Juliet and stayed in Bukejje Zone after the Officers’ mess. As the conversation went on, I dropped the killer question by asking her why some men fail to get babes to shaft while others have more than enough. She did not give a direct answer but she said the same happens to babes.

“Hoping you are not among those ones,” I told her. “Hhhhmm what can I say? That is a difficult question,” she answered. I probed further to find out how difficult it was but she declined to say a word. I asked her a ‘simpler’ question whether she had a guy herself but she said no.

“How can such beautiful girl like you not have a boyfriend?” I asked. “Hhhmm munnange, I am just waiting,” she responded. I assured her I was also one of those guys who never met a single babe and wished we could solve our problems since they were similar instead of visiting witch doctors who ‘eat’ free money. She hesitated a bit saying she had a fixed programme at home but I promised to solve all in a short time. I suggested that we move together as I cajoled her to be mine forever.

By the time were reached Prayer Palace, she was already in my trap and was simply ripe for shafting.
I hired a boda-boda guy who rode us towards Kizungu at the home of Jamiiru my buddy with whom we used to shaft babes those days in the early 90’s when I used to stay there. His house is what I used as my ‘slaughter house’ for the day and this babe was never to escapade the wrath of my whopper.

Surprisingly, despite her smashing beauty, this babe was not as sweet as she looked to be. Could it be the reason she was visiting witchdoctors for “sweetquin”? I asked myself. Anyway, I left immediately after inspecting her juicy but not so sweet Kandahar. But ever since we separated, I feel like going back and shaft her again yet she is not sweet. Could it be that her juju is working on me? Almighty Allah will save me.

Till then, I remain yours Truly, the Mighty Hyena.

mama luigi
02-14-2010, 08:56 PM

mama luigi
02-14-2010, 10:21 PM
i had genuine hope that that was a scooter original also

02-14-2010, 10:38 PM
Where can I find more of these Uige?

02-14-2010, 10:39 PM
i had genuine hope that that was a scooter original also

I don't have 20% of the talent required Uige. I just found that one randomly on some abstract "instant blog" website. loved it obv...can't find any more

mama luigi
02-14-2010, 11:02 PM
google combinations of "red pepper" whopper "shafting" uganda "bonking"

Hillbilly Jim
03-20-2011, 07:49 PM
i will not do that

03-20-2011, 08:07 PM
uigi brings the hits. I dunno why vaughn had to ban him.

Vwls with one L dammit
03-20-2011, 08:08 PM
I know you are wondering why I put up with her attitude for all that time, and I can tell you that just looking at her would make me almost hit the top. She looks like the twin sister to Allen Kakooza.

This got me curious - I mean - how hot is this woman if she looks like this other equally unknown person's twin? So I Googled Allen Kakooza.



Suicide King
03-20-2011, 09:50 PM
she looks like she could take a whopper.

gay sex
03-20-2011, 09:51 PM

Hillbilly Jim
03-20-2011, 10:00 PM
he has to since he isnt white!

03-20-2011, 10:01 PM
Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 5 (4 members and 1 guests)
Steerpike, IndianaSlamJam, kidnotor, Suicide King


03-21-2011, 01:02 AM

for uigi to find his way home.

03-21-2011, 01:03 AM
i feel that not seeing this thread until just now has severely stunted my personal development over the past 13 months.

03-21-2011, 01:06 AM

Hillbilly Jim
04-08-2011, 08:29 PM
skatz is the top google result for terrorize my buttocks with your monster whopper

04-08-2011, 09:52 PM
it's all in a day's work jim

Hillbilly Jim
09-25-2011, 06:35 AM
skatz is the top google result for terrorize my buttocks with your monster whopper

i dont believe it

Statutory Ape
04-18-2012, 08:21 AM
So Vaugn banned luigi? Two paragraphs into the first post of his I read I was impressed.


gay sex
04-18-2012, 08:27 AM
no idiot luigi walked out into the canadian wilderness and froze to death, he had been planning it for months

Statutory Ape
04-18-2012, 06:13 PM
whats up with the hostility brag? soda machine at 7-11 soda station ran out of carbonation and forced you to drink from plastic like the rest of us unclean heathens?

behemoth old
04-20-2012, 05:27 PM
I miss Luigi's taught buttocks and tight rectum.

behemoth old
04-20-2012, 05:28 PM
Where does everyone post at? Still the ice palace?

04-20-2012, 10:59 PM
I miss Luigi's taught buttocks and tight rectum.


never forget.

04-20-2012, 11:14 PM
So Vaugn banned luigi? Two paragraphs into the first post of his I read I was impressed.


It was a filthy dirty business where I alone* stood for sanity against the murderous bloodlust which had infected our sleepy little forum. Uige had decided to make a political statement, passive resistance if you will, to test the resolve of those who cried out against The Chin so many decades ago. The premise, as I understand it, was "are we free, or do we just want to censor our way?"

It was a fair question, because of course as it turned out, we were not free. And Uige was gone and so I stood alone*. They've been ganging up on me ever since.

* It is not beyond the limits of reason to accept that there may have been others, bearded and so forth. But for all intents and purposes, a lot of fat good we did. Uige was bundled out by insanity, but they will keep. They will keep.

04-21-2012, 01:24 AM
I'm pretty sure tine was standing alone, and you were reorganizing your piss bottles at the time.

04-21-2012, 02:04 AM
As for the running of Luigi off, here is what happened, mike. He was posting autoplays in every thread. It was the most toxic kind of spamming, that was being done purposefully to make reading IST/Skatz annoying. We asked him and asked him and begged him to please stop doing it in every thread, but he kept doing it, and called us all terrible and told us how much he hated it here and hated us all. And I snapped and lost my temper I said some really mean things to him and basically told him to fuck off and don't let the door hit him on the way out. And I really regret that, because he's one of my all time favorite posters. He was never banned, and his posts weren't censored. Gare did kick him out of ist, and we disabled autoplay so his videos wouldn't just automatically spam every thread and he never came back. I wish he would come back, because I miss him alot. IST is not the same without him.

Statutory Ape
04-21-2012, 02:48 AM
It was a filthy dirty business where I alone* stood for sanity against the murderous bloodlust which had infected our sleepy little forum. Uige had decided to make a political statement, passive resistance if you will, to test the resolve of those who cried out against The Chin so many decades ago. The premise, as I understand it, was "are we free, or do we just want to censor our way?"

It was a fair question, because of course as it turned out, we were not free. And Uige was gone and so I stood alone*. They've been ganging up on me ever since.

* It is not beyond the limits of reason to accept that there may have been others, bearded and so forth. But for all intents and purposes, a lot of fat good we did. Uige was bundled out by insanity, but they will keep. They will keep.

The timeless debate- are we free or are we not? Well the correct answer is technically neither, the truth lay in shades of gray, but it takes experience to know that.

I respect you for sticking with your guns and despite losing luigi (who may come back you never know) you can still beat your chest, chin held high, stiffest upper lip and all, knowing you stood your ground on a moral and principle alone. It's rare to find anyone willing to stand alone for what they believe in, props to you (and Tine apparently).

Given the circumstances, luigi wasn't what you lost, the forums contingency post insurrection what what you gained, his sacrifice was a casualty by the wayside. I would have had to stand against you unfortunately and not because I am against free speech, my beliefs are quite to the contrary, but when it comes down to it, luigi did it to himself and his loss to you and the forum is his own doing.

Luke 4:12 "And Jesus answering said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God." Thou shalt not tempt God, that about sums it up as far as I'm concerned. The forum is fun and is hands off by declaration of the ruling class, "uncensored" right? But it was never REALLY uncensored, when you think about it. If some sicko shows up one day with cp or mass pm's all the userbase wanting to stalk them or worse, maybe outright wants to talk about the best way to kill a senator or something, by no stretch of the imagination would anyone expect you to stick to your guns and say "Listen people, that man there, dressed like member of the KKK, that man may stay and say what he wants to, when we advertise as uncensored we've got to really MEAN IT!!! I will not stand against his right to free speech, even if he openly just called for everyone to join him tomorrow in attempting to kill the president. What a brave man, good luck to you. So anyway, while I have your attention, I've got tea on for when the secret service kicks in my door tonight how about the rest of you guys? Who has plans hmm? I just got wor-Cobson says he has smores people smores!! Lucky agents whoever kicks in his door eh haha!! On second thought, I'm making smores too!! Going to be a long night, btw I hope you all washed your floors, believe me when you've spent the last 4 hours of your life hogtied and face down on the floor, you will really regret not taking 20 seconds to mop before hand."

Of course not, any sane mature reasonable person knows better (hell even partially sane and more or less immature people like myself know better) thus if any member comes forward to test the status quo, let them go. Otherwise you empower any jerk to simply make an ass of himself and make the forum miserable until he gets tired of being an idiot and probably leaves anyway. You can't help people who are otherwise intelligent when they do something so stupid. You don't tease God, He claims to be able to do anything at any moment doesn't mean you have a right to jump off a building without a parachute and say "Well God here's your shot buddy! Better save me or else my death is on your hands!"

No, your death would be on your own hands, as was luigi's. Let his good works live on in memory, but he drew his line in the sand AGAINST you fwiw. Better off without him IMO, wild cards always mount a power struggle at some point. Jewdonk center of the universe types and such, it's just a scorpion being a scorpion. He never sad he WANTED to sting his friend the frog or that he didn't regret it, just that he had to. And thus he cried whilst watching his beloved friend the frog slink away into the churning river, he cried real tears, but a dead friend lay testimony to his underlying nature just the same.

Statutory Ape
04-21-2012, 02:54 AM
As for the running of Luigi off, here is what happened, mike. He was posting autoplays in every thread. It was the most toxic kind of spamming, that was being done purposefully to make reading IST/Skatz annoying. We asked him and asked him and begged him to please stop doing it in every thread, but he kept doing it, and called us all terrible and told us how much he hated it here and hated us all. And I snapped and lost my temper I said some really mean things to him and basically told him to fuck off and don't let the door hit him on the way out. And I really regret that, because he's one of my all time favorite posters. He was never banned, and his posts weren't censored. Gare did kick him out of ist, and we disabled autoplay so his videos wouldn't just automatically spam every thread and he never came back. I wish he would come back, because I miss him alot. IST is not the same without him.

Don't cry for the man, he jumped off the building on his own, no one pushed him off. His immaturity was his own undoing, it is what it is. Others have tried to angle against freedom of speech and what not, attempting to gain power or to whatever end they want. In truth though, they normally want to bring a forum down in the process, anytime a person stands alone against the standard rules just to spite the owners and they use the happiness of the people around them as a weapon you can be sure their intentions are NOT toward the good of that forum.

Marty is real good about that, remember how he rallied venom against it's admin serial fail? I doubt he thought of it himself, but regardless no one is ever so important that the forum suffers just to keep them around and likewise if you make a rule and ban a person in accordance with that rule then by default a martyr can only be made if you go back on your word. Serial was right to ban marty, he just didn't anticipate the forum coming to a halt with fingers all pointing toward him (except for the people that mattered, china myself JMM) and cracked under the pressure. Clever ploy, but either way, it's just an example of why, as an admin or moderator, you have to make rules that make sense and no matter what, stick to your guns. Show weakness and it's all over. Stay strong and the deserters will by and large come back. America loves her winners, always remember that.

04-21-2012, 05:35 PM
Don't listen to him Mike I want your intake doubled before night's end.

04-21-2012, 08:14 PM
I need you to understand Mike that although I am not a mod here, I can ship a bakers dozen lithe tender Thai whores to Scooter in the amount of time it takes for a phone call and a cab ride, and if you ever speak ill of Luigi again, I will marshall said resources and leverage them for an IP and account ban of indeterminate length.

Nothing personal, just keep Luigi's name out of your fucking mouth.

Statutory Ape
04-22-2012, 12:02 AM
I need you to understand Mike that although I am not a mod here, I can ship a bakers dozen lithe tender Thai whores to Scooter in the amount of time it takes for a phone call and a cab ride, and if you ever speak ill of Luigi again, I will marshall said resources and leverage them for an IP and account ban of indeterminate length.

Nothing personal, just keep Luigi's name out of your fucking mouth.

You would probably do that too.

He doesn't deserve your admiration, but I'll leave it at that.

04-22-2012, 12:05 AM
Mike, after Sonatine ran Luigi off the site he hasn't been able to forgive himself, it's a sensitive subject.

behemoth old
04-22-2012, 12:59 AM
Pike, I would like to publicly put say that I want to terrorize your buttocks with my monster whopper.

05-03-2012, 02:57 AM
never forget.


wish I knew how to fuck off this auto-sizing once

05-03-2012, 03:10 AM
I need you to understand Mike that although I am not a mod here, I can ship a bakers dozen lithe tender Thai whores to Scooter in the amount of time it takes for a phone call and a cab ride, and if you ever speak ill of Luigi again, I will marshall said resources and leverage them for an IP and account ban of indeterminate length.

Nothing personal, just keep Luigi's name out of your fucking mouth.


rum dick
05-03-2012, 07:23 AM
i feel that not seeing this thread until just now has severely stunted my personal development over the past 13 months.

Imagine how I feel its been 2 years. Always thought this was about autoplay so I skipped reading it. Ban away.

rum dick
05-03-2012, 07:24 AM

rum dick
05-03-2012, 07:42 AM
Grape. Are you cooking with more than one bucket?

DRK Star
05-03-2012, 07:35 PM
I love you Tapper


05-24-2012, 09:40 PM

for uigi to find his way home.

. . .