Bobby Wong
07-24-2014, 01:47 PM
In order to get everyone informed as good as possible, I dared to copy information right from Pro Nunchaku!!
Here it is:
All information was collected to the best knowledge and belief. But please don't rely on this list too much! Don't try to make me responsible for your actions.
Nunchakus are illegal!!!
US, California
Posession illegal, as I just read in another topic!!!
US, Massachusetts, New York....
Nunchuckus illegal!!!
US, Texas
Nunchakus are legal
South America
legal (source of knowledge: FNF-member Renato. Thank you!)
totally legal.
Nunchakus are legal.
Nunchakus are legal.
Nunchakus are legal.
Nunchakus are legal.
Viet Nam
Nunchakus are legal. Thanks Puati... :thumb:
Australia and Oceania
Nunchakus are forbidden!
Austria (AUS)
Nunchakus are no more treated as a manslayer and as a result they are legal.
(Bundesministerium für Inneres, Generaldirektion für die öffentliche Sicherheit, Erlass vom 24. September 1981, Z. 59.30/29-II/13/81)
Belgium (B)
Nunchakus are forbidden!
Chux seem to be legal...quoting ookkerpak´s story
France (F)
In France nunchakus are weapons of the 6th category. You may buy and posses it but not you are not allowed to carry it with you in public. For transport you should put it in a bag and place it in the bottom of your backpack.
Germany (D)
Nunchakus are forbidden weapons, see WaffG 2002 Anlage 2 (zu § 2 Abs. 2 bis 4) Waffenliste and WaffG 2002 § 40 Verbotene Waffen. Since 24.04.2006 soft-nunchakus are forbidden, too.
Great Britain (GB)
Even though Nunchaku are not illegal in England, there are strict guide lines you have to follow. 1. You cannot carry them concealed anywhere on your body. If you do and you are stopped by the police YOU will be charged with having an offensive weapon, and you could end up getting a big fine / penalty or even imprisonment. 2. You are allowed to transport them but they have to be in a lockable bag, I’VE a sports bag with a zip. Something so you cant have quick access to the Nunchaku 3. If you wish to practice in public places with Nunchaku it is recommended you tell your local police station of your intentions, where you will be training, when and for how long. give them a try you maybe surprised how co-operative they are. what they don't like is members of the public phoning them and telling them there is someone using Nunchaku in a public place, as they have to respond to it as someone using an offensive weapon and you will be treated accordingly. It would also help if you had some public liability insurance to cover your self ( This is not a requirement ) as if you make a mistake and you hit a member of the public you will be covered in any civil matter. this also shows how serious you are in the art of Nunchaku and it does look better when you Tell the police about training in public places. (Info from David Casey, England)
Hungary (HU)
Nunchakus and any device, which is designed to increase the effect of a hit is prohibited to carry. Possession and training in a dojo is allowed (Info from Gabor Vass, Hungary)
Ireland (IRL)
No information yet! Mail legal state in this country
Israel (ISR)
Nunchakus are legal! (Information received by fnf-member wizzra!)
Italy (I)
Nunchakus are legal and are sold even to teenagers without limitations. If you carry a nunchaku with you, you should have a good reason for that. But if you can tell that are on your way to your local dojo you won't have any problems. Similar situation for knives, baseball bats and so on. (info von period, Italy)
Lithuania (LIT)
Nuchakus are ilegal.
Netherlands (NL)
Nunchakus are illegal, but Softnunchakus are legal.
Poland (PL)
In Poland nunchakus are strictly forbidden. Soft-nunchakus are legal and treated like toys. (Info from the_d, poland)
Spain (E)
Carrying nunchakus is prohibited in Spain.
Nunchakus are illegal in Sveden.
Switzerland (CH)
Buying, carrying, possesion and import of nunchakus is strictly forbidden. Soft-nunchakus are allowed.
(WG/LA: Art. 4 al. 1 lit.d; 5 al. 1 lit. c; 33; 34)
Romania (RO)
Nunchakus are illegal!!!
Nunchakus are illegal!!!
If anyones country/state is missing... please just give report on this thread... may be we can solve this question for all countries on mother earth!?
Please help to have this list as complete as possible...
CHUCK ON!! :chuck:
Here it is:
All information was collected to the best knowledge and belief. But please don't rely on this list too much! Don't try to make me responsible for your actions.
Nunchakus are illegal!!!
US, California
Posession illegal, as I just read in another topic!!!
US, Massachusetts, New York....
Nunchuckus illegal!!!
US, Texas
Nunchakus are legal
South America
legal (source of knowledge: FNF-member Renato. Thank you!)
totally legal.
Nunchakus are legal.
Nunchakus are legal.
Nunchakus are legal.
Nunchakus are legal.
Viet Nam
Nunchakus are legal. Thanks Puati... :thumb:
Australia and Oceania
Nunchakus are forbidden!
Austria (AUS)
Nunchakus are no more treated as a manslayer and as a result they are legal.
(Bundesministerium für Inneres, Generaldirektion für die öffentliche Sicherheit, Erlass vom 24. September 1981, Z. 59.30/29-II/13/81)
Belgium (B)
Nunchakus are forbidden!
Chux seem to be legal...quoting ookkerpak´s story
France (F)
In France nunchakus are weapons of the 6th category. You may buy and posses it but not you are not allowed to carry it with you in public. For transport you should put it in a bag and place it in the bottom of your backpack.
Germany (D)
Nunchakus are forbidden weapons, see WaffG 2002 Anlage 2 (zu § 2 Abs. 2 bis 4) Waffenliste and WaffG 2002 § 40 Verbotene Waffen. Since 24.04.2006 soft-nunchakus are forbidden, too.
Great Britain (GB)
Even though Nunchaku are not illegal in England, there are strict guide lines you have to follow. 1. You cannot carry them concealed anywhere on your body. If you do and you are stopped by the police YOU will be charged with having an offensive weapon, and you could end up getting a big fine / penalty or even imprisonment. 2. You are allowed to transport them but they have to be in a lockable bag, I’VE a sports bag with a zip. Something so you cant have quick access to the Nunchaku 3. If you wish to practice in public places with Nunchaku it is recommended you tell your local police station of your intentions, where you will be training, when and for how long. give them a try you maybe surprised how co-operative they are. what they don't like is members of the public phoning them and telling them there is someone using Nunchaku in a public place, as they have to respond to it as someone using an offensive weapon and you will be treated accordingly. It would also help if you had some public liability insurance to cover your self ( This is not a requirement ) as if you make a mistake and you hit a member of the public you will be covered in any civil matter. this also shows how serious you are in the art of Nunchaku and it does look better when you Tell the police about training in public places. (Info from David Casey, England)
Hungary (HU)
Nunchakus and any device, which is designed to increase the effect of a hit is prohibited to carry. Possession and training in a dojo is allowed (Info from Gabor Vass, Hungary)
Ireland (IRL)
No information yet! Mail legal state in this country
Israel (ISR)
Nunchakus are legal! (Information received by fnf-member wizzra!)
Italy (I)
Nunchakus are legal and are sold even to teenagers without limitations. If you carry a nunchaku with you, you should have a good reason for that. But if you can tell that are on your way to your local dojo you won't have any problems. Similar situation for knives, baseball bats and so on. (info von period, Italy)
Lithuania (LIT)
Nuchakus are ilegal.
Netherlands (NL)
Nunchakus are illegal, but Softnunchakus are legal.
Poland (PL)
In Poland nunchakus are strictly forbidden. Soft-nunchakus are legal and treated like toys. (Info from the_d, poland)
Spain (E)
Carrying nunchakus is prohibited in Spain.
Nunchakus are illegal in Sveden.
Switzerland (CH)
Buying, carrying, possesion and import of nunchakus is strictly forbidden. Soft-nunchakus are allowed.
(WG/LA: Art. 4 al. 1 lit.d; 5 al. 1 lit. c; 33; 34)
Romania (RO)
Nunchakus are illegal!!!
Nunchakus are illegal!!!
If anyones country/state is missing... please just give report on this thread... may be we can solve this question for all countries on mother earth!?
Please help to have this list as complete as possible...
CHUCK ON!! :chuck: