View Full Version : *** OFFICIAL Skatz Positione on Boreus.com ****

12-02-2009, 04:46 PM
Cross-poasted from Boreus


www.borispoker.com is available to be discussed openly on [spam].com - we believe in the freedom of speech there. Unmoderated. And shit. But actually unmoderated. Not Canadian version. The English one.

Well no, not really. I accidentally deleted the first ever post from [spam].com. It was an IndianaSlimJim poast and I was trying to delete his username / account but I'm a moran.

Why was I deleting his account? Because he said if I didn't he would never poast again. I didn't stop to ask questions. I just deleted a poast accidentally.

Then I fell asleep.

Later, I woke up.


12-02-2009, 04:48 PM

12-02-2009, 04:49 PM
The ice gypsy's position on skatz is predictably awful. Leaving that site was the best decision I ever made. If there was only some way I could poach the Fun with Niggers and Falconry thread, and bring it over here...

speaking of, is Harvey Danger here yet?

12-02-2009, 04:51 PM
speaking of, is Harvey Danger here yet?

If he doesn't poast within +/- 24 hours, I will block his IP, delete his Facebook account and steal his girlfriend for my [planned] harem.

mama luigi
12-02-2009, 04:53 PM
boris has literally transformed into a worse site than nwp

mama luigi
12-02-2009, 04:53 PM
literally yall

12-02-2009, 04:59 PM
true story y'all

mama luigi
12-02-2009, 05:00 PM
uige was here
ion is a quadroon

12-02-2009, 05:11 PM
i will be a servant/house nig nog with two masters.

12-02-2009, 05:12 PM
Boris is a good site.

These sites would be best served coorporating with links. More members for everyone. Scooter, please contact Ian and set up something where you can rep eachothers website. If these two sites are just going to bash eachother and delete links etc I am not going to post on either.

mama luigi
12-02-2009, 05:13 PM
at its core its a good site but it is covered in a shell of terrible

12-02-2009, 05:18 PM
Boris is a good site.

These sites would be best served coorporating with links. More members for everyone. Scooter, please contact Ian and set up something where you can rep eachothers website. If these two sites are just going to bash eachother and delete links etc I am not going to post on either.

www.borispoker.com is available to be discussed openly on www.skatzpoker.com

To prevent negative discussion of it would smell dangerously like moderation. If you believe it to be a good forum, then you can both say so publicly on SkatzPoker [feel free to use *** Gambowl's OFFICIAL Positione on Boreus *** for your thread title] as well as attempt to influence others of your position on the matter privately.

SkatzPoker is to be unmoderated [within legal / Terrible* limitations]. If the discussion of Boreus is negative, those who wish to turn it positive like HIV will need to present arguments.

* 'terrible' to be determined by democratic methods of determination.

These sites would be best served coorporating with links. More members for everyone. Scooter, please contact Ian and set up something where you can rep eachothers website.

We do not negotiate with Terrible.

*** OFFICIAL Positione of SkatzPoker ***

Even if it were in our best interests to do so, we still would not. We may not be a big fancy forum like www.NeverWinPoker.com - but we have our pride.

12-02-2009, 05:20 PM
Scooter has Deipnophobia.



12-02-2009, 05:21 PM
at its core its a good site but it is covered in a shell of terrible

I respectfully disagree. At it's core [if we assume the core is the Central Politburo], it is a Core of Terrible covered in a shell of occasional hof [that makes it past the censors].

12-02-2009, 05:24 PM
Scooter has Deipnophobia.



I plead Guilty, your Honour.

Cuff me.

And take me away.


mama luigi
12-02-2009, 05:24 PM
there are just a bunch of decent posters who have been led astray

mama luigi
12-02-2009, 05:27 PM
though whatever tony gs involvement with nwp was probably influenced my decision

"This is not someone to learn from [...] And when he eliminated Ralph Perry from the tournament: YEAAAH! YEAAAH BABY!! C'MON RUSSIAN, GET OUT!! IT'S TIME TO GOO!! Look at this, look how he's doing, look how he's playing, look how ugly this is. You're a professional player and I can do this to you. You're a terrible player. This is disgraceful [...] Bring more Russians on. I'm here to get them all. You played that as bad as you can, your career is finished. You are gooone, GOONE, GONE!!"


12-02-2009, 08:58 PM
Scooter, this "we do not negotiate with terrible" is in fact stubborn terribleness in its own right. Puts a bad taste in my mouth. Why fight an asshole by being an asshole? Take the high road son.

If you dont make a treaty with Ian of some kind and cause a war while both sites could be stealing from NWP and are instead fighting instead of being humerous.....

back to my threat....if you dont just quit acting like a republican/conservative type..........I'm gonna cut to your mom's house and drop a load in her hair.

12-02-2009, 09:03 PM
gamble, seriously join in the tom foolery or shut the fuck up. no one wants this boring shit.

12-02-2009, 09:11 PM
gamble, seriously join in the tom foolery or shut the fuck up. no one wants this boring shit.

Taking things a little too seriously again you fucking cry baby. Reread my post and go earfuck yourself with a samurai sword.

12-02-2009, 09:44 PM
im the first casualty of this delusional paranoid war. its always the children like me who suffer the most when the powerful and despotic take arms against each other. first im charged with treason then heracy. nobody knows the trouble ive seen. end it now lords of war.

rum dick
12-03-2009, 02:06 AM
boris has literally transformed into a worse site than nwp

Impossible. Nothing is worse than nwp. What you're looking for is boris will become totalpuff.

12-03-2009, 02:13 AM
By the way Ian didnt ban anyone it was beenstaring

rum dick
12-03-2009, 02:16 AM
vicarious banning. same thing bro.

12-03-2009, 02:25 AM
there is room on the internets for more that one forum imo

12-07-2009, 12:14 PM

05-10-2013, 06:06 PM
there is room on the internets for more that one toddler rapist imo


05-10-2013, 10:36 PM

Kick her again. Kid was still moving

05-11-2013, 05:03 AM

That's how you raise a child Right.

rum dick
05-11-2013, 06:11 AM
Skatzpoker an immaculate conception

Militant Quacks
05-12-2013, 12:09 AM