View Full Version : Official Skatz Hotep Nation thread, FAO Behemoth
03-21-2017, 03:33 PM
This is fascinating. Somehow Afrocentrism has spawned an alt right, black movement. Seriously. I've Witnessed this stuff on twitter,, and a few other platforms, but never really looked into it. The We Wuz Kangz people are now actively turning on the Jews and aligning themselves with the alt right. Could America get any more bizarre? Does anyone who knows more about this know if it is an elaborate troll by /pol?
03-21-2017, 03:35 PM
What is this Hotep and Alt-Right alliance?
Over the past few months on Twitter people have noticed that a few Hoteps and I have become quite friendly with white nationalists / Alt-Right. People don’t understand it so allow me to take this time to explain.
Firstly, both sides represent the alpha traits of their respective races. Hoteps represent that for blacks and Alt-Right for whites. The Left is quite feminine in their approach whereas they like to cry, complain, and protest but never actually want to do anything for themselves. Hotep and Alt-right want to do for self. They want independence.
Foreign Interest
Hotep/Alt-Right are sick and tired of American people being pushed to the back in favor of foreign interests.
The Left is a hypocritical bunch. On one hand, they want to complain about Trump’s so-called “Muslim-ban” but on the other hand, they were quiet as a mouse when America was bombing and killing innocent people in these same Muslim countries.
The Left is complaining about a wall and not wanting to use taxpayer dollars to build it but where was the left when America was using taxpayer dollars for our exuberant defense budget? Nowhere! That’s where.
In a nutshell, the Left wants more government involvement and the Right wants less. See the book “Animal Farm & 1984” or “Brave New World” to discover the many reasons why we should NOT be looking for more government involvement. More government means more restrictions and less rights. Why don’t people understand this? It’s common sense.
Why is Hotep and Alt-Right championing Trump’s PROTECTING THE NATION FROM FOREIGN TERRORIST ENTRY INTO THE UNITED STATES and his build the wall campaign? Because it puts Americans first.
The job market and healthcare system is stressed past its limit so why would we want to stress it even more? Black unemployment is double the nation average but blacks are fighting for these Mexican and Muslim foreigners, who will come to America and compete with them for jobs. Foreigners will put blacks on soup kitchen lines if they don’t wake up soon.
In Muslim countries, blacks are forced into slavery, especially the women. There is even proof of ethnic cleansing performed by Arabs to remove the African from the territories they hold. How come we never hear/see the far left blacks protest this? Because the media didn’t tell them to.
The Hispanics don’t like blacks but that’s one of those untold truths people don’t like to discuss. But of course, blacks have to play world hero and defend Mexicans against this wall. George Lopez just told us that Hispanics do not like blacks. I’ve seen it first hand. Just ask your Dominican friends – if they’ll tell the truth.
Hoteps want blacks to put blacks FIRST. How can you help others when you cannot even help yourself?
Alt-right sees this threat of borders being erased and American deterioration and they are sick of it too. This is also where they align with Hotep.
Hoteps want blacks to work towards having their own independent system where blacks do for blacks and don’t ask for handouts. The white nationalists and Alt-right want pretty much the same.
In this aspect, both sides see eye-to-eye.
The far-left blacks want to cry for white acceptance from so-called white supremacy. They want white awards at white award shows and white pity. Hotep wants nothing to do with these moral victories as you cannot build a nation upon a foundation of emotions. [tweet this quote]
Hoteps are sick of blacks complaining about white supremacy. Blacks talk about how their melanin is so magical but if this is true, then surely no melanin-recessive person should be able to stop you, right? Do you see how contradicting blacks are now?
Alt-Right is tired of hearing blacks cry about racial oppression, so naturally, they will support the Hoteps that push back on this type of behavior.
Hoteps believe that because of the internet, the many resources available to blacks, and the privilege of being an American, we no longer need to look to the so-called white man for help. We can do for our own. Is that so bad?
Besides, if America is so bad, why is everyone fighting to come here?
“I believe that racism only exists in the media and the minds of the foolish.” [tweet this quote]
The media is controlled by “them” and “their” strategy is divide and conquer. As long as “they” can keep us fighting “they” can always present themselves as the solution and PROFIT. Hotep and Alt-Right are NOT fighting. Guess who’s hip to the game?
A great man builds wealth by making decisions based upon potential gains – NOT race. A poor businessman makes decisions based upon race. So the system, which is FOR PROFIT, cannot be inherently racist. It will only mask itself in it, for the sake of PROFIT.
The blacks love to spend on movies? Fine! They’ll make them some black movies to be proud of while they take the lion’s share. All blacks want are the emotions anyway. It’s a fair deal. Blacks get the emotions and “they” get the profit.
The blacks want awards? Fine! But “they” get the profit. Blacks are the enablers of white supremacy. Power is the child of strong economics. White power is sustained by black economics. Until blacks reverse the economics back in their favor, they will be oblivious to their enslavement.
DeVos Education Reform
Currently, blacks are upset about the DeVos education decision but why? It’s absolutely ridiculous in the eyes of a Hotep because why would you complain about white supremacy then ask that same enemy to properly educate your kids? It makes no sense.
Currently, the teacher’s union has fought to limit the number of charter schools in a particular region because they want their fair share of federal funding. They’re money hungry basically.
Blacks, due to democratic brainwashing fear the charter schools because “segregation”. I’d argue that segregation is EXACTLY what’s needed. Blacks need to teach other blacks. How can a white woman teach a black child how to operate in America? They cannot relate AT ALL. The only time they relate is when a white teacher does the “dab”.
It would behoove blacks to support school choice so that blacks can build their own schools. Because of government regulations and restrictions, pushed by the democrats, wealthy blacks cannot even build the schools we desperately need.
Blacks need to teach blacks and whites need to teach whites. Not to say either cannot be taught by the other but a black child needs to be able to relate to the teacher. How many times has a black boy been sent to the principal’s office because some white woman can’t get through to him due to CULTURAL differences?
Blacks want white supremacy to teach their kids whereas Hotep says “Educate your own kids”. This is dependency versus independence. Get the book “Black America Inc.” to see how blacks were much more educated and wealthy under segregation – and how integration destroyed black economics.
Hoteps would argue that Integration was infiltration and ever since integration, the white man’s ice has been colder than the blacks’. We lost our sense of community which is why our communities are in shambles RIGHT NOW.
Red Pill
Another thing Hoteps and Alt-Right have in common is being “red-pilled”. They see past the facade presented to us in the mainstream media. We see the lies and deception and we’re sick of it. We’re sick of the mainstream media lying to us.
The Left loves to follow behind and be controlled by the MSM. The Left never cares about any one issue until the MSM says its an issue. The Left is essentially controlled by media – and Soros of course.
The Left, which is majority women, is being controlled emotionally. The media and entertainment succeed by playing on their emotions. We see it, but the Left does not. The Left lacks discernment and most of them just follow the herd. There is no deviation from the norm.
Do a Twitter search on Shaun King (white man pretending to be black), Deray, and whatever white person represents the far left in conjunction with the following terms: GMO, Monsanto, Federal Reserve Banking, IMF, or central banking. You’ll discover NOTHING. It will return ZERO results because these people don’t/won’t/can’t discuss these issues. It’s taboo on the Left. The Left still believes the official story on 9/11 – that’s how lost they are.
But these are the REAL issues affecting ALL of us today. And few on the Left want to discuss them. Well, Hotep and Alt-Right is NOT afraid and WILL discuss them
The far-left is nothing but a bunch of cry babies that want Uncle Sam and Big Brother to handle ALL of their problems while Hoteps and Alt-Right want government involvement ONLY where absolutely necessary.
We want the freedom to build our own schools and educate our own kids. We want U.S. jobs for U.S. people. We want America to come first.
If people don’t want to mix with another race, they reserve that right. Isn’t that the meaning of freedom? The Muslims won’t mix with your kind but you’re so sympathetic to their faux issues but hate white people who do the same. Think about the idiocy in that.
Are there racist whites on the far right? Yes – just like far left blacks are racist towards whites. Do I care? Hell no, I don’t. Other people’s emotions do not stop me from reaching my goals. They NEVER have. And the minute they do, it’s my fault.
I’d rather align with a white racist nationalist than a black person that begs white people for awards and handouts from a different kind of racist – the far left Democrat. A black that begs from whites is still a slave and I want nothing to do with slavery.
A black that begs from whites upholds the system of white supremacy more than a white nationalist, so essentially these types of blacks are white supremacists. Supremacy is a dual system. One above and one below. If you do not forfeit to being below then the other cannot be above – or supreme.
You know it’s bad when I’d rather align with a racist white than a cry baby black. Why? Because a white nationalist will agree that blacks have to do for blacks and stop complaining about what whitey did/does to them. When you act like prey, don’t be surprised when a predator emerges. [Tweet this quote]
When you blame others for your condition it only leaves room for excuses to be made and where there are excuses there is no progress. Blacks MUST take responsibility for their own condition and DO FOR SELF. Until they take responsibility, whites will ALWAYS have blacks eating out of their hands. FEED YOURSELF!
I find it ironic that the “fringe” groups of each respective race have found harmony before their counterparts. The Far left blacks still can’t get along with whites but Hotep has found a way. This is the power of independence, understanding, and accountability.
How can Alt-Right and Hotep be the crazy ones if we’re not fighting but you people on the Left feel the need to always fight. Who’s REALLY crazy? Who’s really the mature ones? Who can really lead change?
03-21-2017, 03:39 PM rofl
03-21-2017, 03:45 PM
03-21-2017, 03:47 PM
gay sex
03-21-2017, 03:50 PM
Hoteps rightfully consider Moonlight to be part of the gay Jew Hollywood agenda to turn all black men gay.
03-21-2017, 03:51 PM
This is really bizarre
03-21-2017, 03:58 PM
Go through the Hotep twitter. I can't believe it.
03-21-2017, 04:04 PM
But somehow it makes sense. Black folks are by far the most racist and homophobic group in America, and I guess many of them are sick of Hollywood and the media portraying all of them as part of this whole bullshit, multiculturalism, diversity utopia thing that is constantly being shoved down all of our throats. I think the right person could very easily create a message that would resonate with a mainstream black nationalist movement -- Trump is probably even capable of it. I hope this happens over the next few years. It will turn the liberal media on its fucking head.
03-21-2017, 04:05 PM
Now Vaughn, do you REALLY think I have a twitter account?
03-21-2017, 04:14 PM
You don't have to, to search through and read the lulz.
03-21-2017, 04:15 PM
All joking aside, there is a lot of truth in this part of that article:
Are there racist whites on the far right? Yes – just like far left blacks are racist towards whites. Do I care? Hell no, I don’t. Other people’s emotions do not stop me from reaching my goals. They NEVER have. And the minute they do, it’s my fault.
I’d rather align with a white racist nationalist than a black person that begs white people for awards and handouts from a different kind of racist – the far left Democrat. A black that begs from whites is still a slave and I want nothing to do with slavery.
A black that begs from whites upholds the system of white supremacy more than a white nationalist, so essentially these types of blacks are white supremacists. Supremacy is a dual system. One above and one below. If you do not forfeit to being below then the other cannot be above – or supreme.
You know it’s bad when I’d rather align with a racist white than a cry baby black. Why? Because a white nationalist will agree that blacks have to do for blacks and stop complaining about what whitey did/does to them. When you act like prey, don’t be surprised when a predator emerges.
gay sex
03-21-2017, 06:51 PM
what are you retards up to now
Bobby Wong
03-21-2017, 07:28 PM
4 = over/under on number of times vaughan says "i'm not a racist, but" in an average day
03-21-2017, 08:09 PM
4 = over/under on number of times vaughan says "i'm not a racist, but" in an average day
I'll take the over for $100
03-21-2017, 08:11 PM
Hotep was prolly founded by a white guy that was catfishing. The twitter feed is quite remarkable though.
Bobby Wong
03-22-2017, 12:09 PM
what I'm really curious about is whether hemo's or Vaughan's Facebook feed has more posts expressing a complete lack of surprise that Tom Brady's Superbowl Jersey was stolen by a Mexican
03-23-2017, 05:43 AM
what I'm really curious about is whether hemo's or Vaughan's Facebook feed has more posts expressing a complete lack of surprise that Tom Brady's Superbowl Jersey was stolen by a Mexican
I'm assuming Vaughn has a few FB accounts to accompany his various POF profiles, (and one is called CALFGOD, and posts various angles of his calves, ala some German dada-esque surreal art movement), so he probably wins. Also, I don't have a FB account.
gay sex
03-23-2017, 06:52 AM
shouts to behemoth being too ugly for a facebook account
03-23-2017, 04:46 PM
Gare is literally the Lavar Ball of poker forums. Only instead of sons he has Draft Kings.
Bobby Wong
03-23-2017, 10:09 PM
Over the past few months, Black Twitter has noticed an increase in the number of white trolls creating fake Twitter accounts. Newkirk says he first noticed this around election time last year, when people began posting directions on how to create these fake accounts on websites and forums.
One such post is an article on white supremacist website, The Daily Stormer. "How to be a Ni**** on Twitter" breaks down methods for creating a fake account in order to take "revenge on Twitter" for banning Andrew Auernheimer's white supremacist ads and for blocking Jared Wyand's account for anti-Semitic tweets. The secondary goal, the article notes, is to "create a state of chaos on twitter, among the black twitter population, by sowing distrust and suspicion, causing blacks to panic."
"The thing that has tipped me off most is they often try to speak the way maybe someone who has never been engaged with black culture thinks black people talk. It's all very cartoonish."
Much like the black skinheads who beat up Marty and stole his bike, these are the fantasies of delusional alcoholic racists with too much time on their hands.
03-24-2017, 02:05 AM
The Hotep thing is 100% legit. It's so widespread that I've seen almost every black person on my Facebook mention something about it at one point. Apparently there is at least some truth to this black nationalist shift inside the Hotep thing too from what I can tell.
03-24-2017, 02:09 AM
03-24-2017, 02:21 AM
ROFL using "they" which is very clearly code for JEWS is becoming more and more common among the Hotep crowd.
Almost every black person I've encountered under 35 is familiar with the whole Afrocentrism thing, many of them buy into it, and now the Hotep thing is blowing up --- black people read black twitter and black Facebook. This shit counts for about half of that. The rest is black memes and jokes.
03-26-2017, 02:54 PM
Vaughn, you're getting a little too involved in this Hotep thing. You're not wearing your jeans low now are you?
03-26-2017, 02:55 PM
Or are you doing the LL thing where you roll up one side? Maybe to show off a calf?
03-26-2017, 02:55 PM
WE NEED ANSWERS Minister Vaughn
03-26-2017, 09:29 PM
I just think it's hilarious. But seriously, I'd be willing to install the software and pay someone to do a Skatz radio show and or podcast if we could get Uncle Hotep on.
08-11-2017, 02:22 AM
shouts to behemoth being too ugly for a facebook account
Actually, I'm not bad looking.
Hillbilly Jim
08-12-2017, 01:47 AM
Hillbilly Jim
08-12-2017, 01:54 AM
But somehow it makes sense. Black folks are by far the most racist and homophobic group in America, and I guess many of them are sick of Hollywood and the media portraying all of them as part of this whole bullshit, multiculturalism, diversity utopia thing that is constantly being shoved down all of our throats. I think the right person could very easily create a message that would resonate with a mainstream black nationalist movement -- Trump is probably even capable of it. I hope this happens over the next few years. It will turn the liberal media on its fucking head.
what liberal media? are you talking about the mainstream center right corporate media?
08-14-2017, 04:22 PM
what liberal media? are you talking about the mainstream center right corporate media?
Explain how the mainstream media isn't liberal? I agree that as it pertains to war for profit, Israel, and a few other things that the media is center right, but other than that, no.
Hillbilly Jim
08-14-2017, 10:34 PM
if the media was actually liberal they would have been shitting on obama and clinton and actually pushing for liberal policies moron
not pretending to like trans gay mexican muslims so they can sell them pop
since the right has went so far retarded fox and the like tell cracker mcpeckerwood that the media is far left liberal loons and they keep repeating it at their meetings and to their meth and oxy dealers until it becomes fact
08-14-2017, 11:38 PM
08-14-2017, 11:52 PM
Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 3 (1 members and 2 guests)
i see you pfa lurkers
08-15-2017, 12:07 AM
08-16-2017, 05:25 PM
the truth about cracker mcpeckerwood becomes the truth about vaughn.
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