View Full Version : I wont reveal who
Hillbilly Jim
12-03-2009, 01:50 AM
but one boris admin pm'd me over there and wanted to know what the name of this site was, i think he signed up anonymously to avoid the wrath of neverstop
12-03-2009, 05:01 AM
obv not beenstaring my guess would be lexicon
Hillbilly Jim
12-03-2009, 05:17 AM
guilty isnt an adimn at boreus
12-03-2009, 05:20 AM
i dont no who all the admins are make us a list and we can play detectives
Hillbilly Jim
12-03-2009, 05:28 AM
bobby wong
toaster oven
12-03-2009, 05:36 AM
lexdawg and its not even close.
12-03-2009, 05:37 AM
jim can you let them know that i dont hate boris. i actually like(d) the place until i seemed to enter an orwellian room 101 today. as possibly actually probably being the only boris member thats actually lived under communism this is the most oppressive aspect of speech ive ever encountered. seriously living under the iron curtain would get me an auto pass for every local most state and some fed charges that the maple leaf has to offer.
this entire ion v scuter war serves no purpose and there can only ever be one winner. both of you are driven by ego and have an inflated sense of self and how to run a forum. the difference is that one keeps his accusations private(you know the old and silly innocent until proven guilty) and the other just ban hammers.
i will come back to boris but i will require an explanation why i was banned and why (poker)
for the record i wasnt trolling for the enemy and it wasnt spam. similiar to the nwp>boris. be a brave man to make jew to palestinian reference there, right??
12-03-2009, 06:52 AM
jesus christ henry
ian said he'd hand out a 24-hour ban to anyone who mentioned and you mentioned it within minutes, maybe even in the thread where he gave the warning, so you got the 24-hour ban, now have the rest of the day off
stand down soldier
pass tha blunt moron
12-03-2009, 07:04 AM
henry is becoming God
mama luigi
12-03-2009, 07:33 AM
lexdawg and its not even close.
hes been marinating in terrible juices for far too long for this
12-03-2009, 07:46 AM
i actually like(d) the place until i seemed to enter an orwellian room 101 today. as possibly actually probably being the only boris member thats actually lived under communism this is the most oppressive aspect of speech ive ever encountered. seriously living under the iron curtain would get me an auto pass for every local most state and some fed charges that the maple leaf has to offer.
this entire ion v scuter war serves no purpose
Nigger. I'm going to explain to you as simply as I possibly can that you only have one option here, unfortunately. You can read the working, but if it's too complicated, feel free to cheat and skip to the very last 3 lines [:shortcut].
Your inability to extrapolate from almost connected sentences - instead requiring me to fucking separate them for you - makes you a fucking inbred retard who won't ever win at poker. Or anything else.
That fact that you only *represent* the ongoing theme of the tilt I have dealing with you fucking morans in a diplomatic fashion - should be of no fucking comfort to you. Being only a *member* of a group of spastics just makes you a spastic...with company.
You all complain about one horror.
Then attack me for my attempts to create a world where that horror won't exist. Or attack my not wanting to create that world in the way you'd personally like it to be created.
Then, if I respond diplomatically [which takes a lot of fucking time back and forth], I get tired from hours of it.
If I respond even *fractionally* non-diplomatically [to people I've fucking caught lying to my face], I get accused of being SERIOUS. BUSINESS. and that their SERIOUS. BUSINESS was "just a joke" and I get told to "chill brah" and other faggot nonsense bullshit which is code for "oh fuck I'm busted with my hands in faggotry".
So fuck diplomacy.
Fuck gentle "but see what you're saying is not really true now because here is proof" [that you lied to my fucking face you nigger fuck - obv I don't use those words] semi-diplomacy.
This forum literally has a couple hours to convince me > 5 people are worth the fucking time, money, effort of creating a world free from the fucking shit you COMPLAIN about...before I send you back to that fucking world of Terrible. Where you fucking mostly belong.
T - 2:24 hrs.
iboth of you are driven by ego and have an inflated sense of self
You stupid fucking nigger. If I was as stupid as you, I would probably fucking hate myself. If I was as stupid and as ungrateful as you, I would probably fucking noose myself.
Rope nigger. Buy it and lynch self. It's the only hope you have, I fear. When you're too fucking stupid to have two thoughts simultaneously, and require a fucking SPACEBAR between them to connect them as "ahhhh...." - and {FYL} probably still can't right now.
one keeps his accusations private(you know the old and silly innocent until proven guilty) and the other just ban hammers.
Public enough for you fuckwit?
Are you tilted over my inability to walk you through the "2+2" issue I have flagged in my Inbox after trying many times saying:
"it's 4"
"ok let's look at it this was way, combine them together side by side and you have 4"
"how about we break them up into 1 and 1...and 1 and when we add them all together it's 4 - can you see?"
...and when you couldn't. see. merely saying:...
"pls tell me this is a level"
...because I simply can't spend all fucking day EXPLAINING THAT THE PROBLEM YOU WANT MY HELP WITH WHICH IS FUCKING UNCAUSED BY ME AND UNCREATED BY ME BUT RATHER CREATED BY YOUR FUCKING STUPIDITY AND YOUR FUCKING INABILITY TO FUCKING ADD TWO PLUS FUCKING TWO TWOFUCKINGETHER WITH YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM YOU ARE SEEKING MY ASSISTANCE FOR ALL FUCKING MORNING multiple times like the good fellow I am] and that I have to momentarily pause the Help a Retard Day of Free Assistance for *just* a few hours due to being busy dealing with other morons just as fucking retarded as you.
Lynch. Yourself. It's legitimately your best shot.
I wouldn't lie to you. Lying to you would be saying you had other options. I'm afraid.... don't.
12-03-2009, 07:53 AM
12-03-2009, 08:05 AM
Fuck feeding you feral fucks.
12-03-2009, 08:38 AM
scooter we still friends??
12-03-2009, 08:44 AM
scooter we still friends??
Yes. Let's go fishing.
Seriously. It's cool you returned the mountains of free help I give you [admitted by you in a recent email insisting you buy me an expensive present for Xmas I politely insisted was not necessary - would you like me to post it? you appear to be disgusted with my "keeping things private" implying I had some private harassment of you when you were butt-fucking-hurt that I couldn't continue to give you ALL of my free time - you fucking baby]....with fucking spit.
I LOVE helping people who urinate on me.
It's just fun.
Let's go fishing. Just you. And me. Friends?
12-03-2009, 08:51 AM
Some recent comments from henrybulldog sent to me - just FUCKING think about calling me a liar nigger - just THINK about it:
henrybulldog: "seriously dont leave boris but if you must then get pokercrack going again."
henrybulldog: "what are the chances of you setting up a forum??"
henrybulldog: "i feel i owe you an xmas present of some sorts. mainly for steering me from stars and a lot of your strategy posts. how do you feel about me shouting you one at the pentagon grand?"
skuter: "Absolutely nothing owed or will be received. Appreciate the thought, though."
About that last message of mine.
I admit I was wrong and I'm sorry. You are a fucking nigger ungrateful fuck - just like so fucking many of the fucks I help endlessly - and a LOT is fucking owed. But what is owed is simply this: PLEASE DON'T BE FAGGOT.
Sorry that was too much to ask for.
I'm genuinely sorry. That you're a fucking sick sick nigger. And that I will have to repay yours and Reppat's disgusting vomit you intentionally hurled at my face today with the responsibility of informing others.
You fucking niggers.
mama luigi
12-03-2009, 08:57 AM
unsurprising if this is a level but unsurprising if its not
mama luigi
12-03-2009, 08:58 AM
now that i have my bases covered i can rest comfortably
12-03-2009, 09:09 AM
unsurprising if this is a level but unsurprising if its not
Somehow I know this is wisdom and that I'm really just a stupid nigger who wants to believe I don't live in steaming shit - and forget to tailor my actions to suit.
Christ, my stupidity sickens me.
For the 84th time that I have sworn this - but this time I *extra* really mean it - I'm fucking through with helping people.
12-03-2009, 09:10 AM
your advice helped me from being a little winner to a significant winner. i appreciate(d) our communication. you like canadian ice wine, i assume plowened has a pacific account that i can ship him funds to buy. do you prefer riesling or vidal?? i offer(ed) an xmas gift because your advice is solid and appreiciated. you declined if you must accuse me of being an ion double agent and then a filthy polack jew show entire content sir. you should know my first 100 posts on any forum are best described as not not terrible so it is a surprisise to you that shit isnt brilliant dayone of skatz. penntagon grand is tight even has a members reward card. one of the best bits of advice you ever gave me was not to take things personally. overall you are a good kid, you just dont know how to share the sand pit. let me know if you enjoy the ice wine. im not actually the enemy. a difficult and painful client yes. enemy, no.
12-03-2009, 09:12 AM
Die nigger. You're dead to me.
Hillbilly Jim
12-03-2009, 09:14 AM
ok it was ship
probably get an angry canadian pm now, sorry ship
mama luigi
12-03-2009, 09:16 AM
Hillbilly Jim
12-03-2009, 09:17 AM
wtf who gave me black negro rep?
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