View Full Version : Breaking Bad bullshit

04-11-2019, 04:57 AM
Any TV series looked at twice won't be the same. As epic a show as Breaking Bad is/was, there is a whole lot of shlock.

For instance.....Walt, after separating from his "wife" starts his day by making pb & j sandwiches whereby he cuts off all the crust after applying the product. No way.

If that's not bad enough this genius, who is working on his own or with one other person max, has the temerity to felt pen his name on a brown paper bag like he's in grade one.

04-11-2019, 07:55 AM
This dude is mega smart....I noticed the sandwich fiasco
as the series was being delivered but was afraid to mention the complete ignorance on part of the writers.

Now that the OP has outed these lame ass moron writers
I would like to agree with the OP's position
