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Conversation Between SkyNigger and Hillbilly Jim
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 27
  1. SkyNigger
    04-12-2011 09:58 PM
    I go for midgets! Godammit it's like you never listen to a word I say. Just treat me like a trophy bride and mock me when I open my mouth.

    I go for midgets you chauvinistic pig! But only hot ones, ffs. Not filth like these. Sigh. This isn't working.

    I think we need to take a break, give ourselves time to find ourselves. It's not you, it's me.

    We can still be friends right?
  2. Hillbilly Jim
    04-12-2011 09:03 PM
    Hillbilly Jim

  3. SkyNigger
    04-12-2011 08:54 PM

    This is how it's done my Williams Sister adoring broham. See, feminine. Good yes? No? YES! Thatta boy...
  4. Hillbilly Jim
    04-12-2011 08:53 PM
    Hillbilly Jim
    those last two pics arent that great but the sideways one is hecak hot dogg
    hey maybe you can start going for midgets?

  5. SkyNigger
    04-12-2011 08:50 PM
    Sorry I forgot you like your women to have manly Serena legs.

    Please be considerate of the fact that I'm effectively a paedophile without the desire to fuck children. Just adults that look like children. Teacup humans, as Rum Dick calls them. My ideal girl would be about as big as one of this one's thighs. ONE of her thighs.
  6. SkyNigger
    04-12-2011 08:49 PM
    Christ man if I show you where to find attractive pics of Asian girls, will you stop covering my page with these...big-hearted, and fantastic personalties and loyal and stuff girls...?
  7. Hillbilly Jim
    04-12-2011 04:46 PM
    Hillbilly Jim
  8. SkyNigger
    04-12-2011 04:30 PM
    I will never find love again.
  9. SkyNigger
    04-12-2011 04:29 PM
    sorry if that was too emotional. and sorry that you can't do mathematics. I'm a little emotional right now. I just tragically lost my girlfriend over a tragic clothes and putting them on incident of misunderstanding.
  10. SkyNigger
    04-12-2011 04:27 PM
    come on man. I can do that in 4 min. I went out with her for longer than four fucking minutes man. fuck can you even do mathematics fuck.

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