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Conversation Between SkyNigger and Hillbilly Jim
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 27 of 27
  1. Hillbilly Jim
    04-12-2011 04:24 PM
    Hillbilly Jim
    id suck it up long enough to have sexual relations a couple times
  2. SkyNigger
    04-12-2011 03:07 PM
    yeah obv. I mean, I guess. Obv I don't really believe so, because I'm certainly bright enough to say the formulaic things that are guaranteed to absolve the 'misunderstanding' or induce forgiveness which isn't warranted...

    ...but I'm not gonna so...

    That's probably a little glimpse into the nature of my life right there, and it's inherent apathy which smells, looks and even quacks a lot like noose.
  3. Hillbilly Jim
    04-12-2011 03:04 PM
    Hillbilly Jim
    bad decision
  4. SkyNigger
    04-12-2011 03:02 PM
    You're tapping the wrong websites broham.

    Would you believe me if I told you I just effectively dumped a girl very nearly as cute as this, so nearly the difference would be pitifully negligible, even hauntingly so...?

    You shouldn't. But I did. I was too lazy to get dressed to walk her from her work to my apartment at 2 am. One block away. She was incensed, at the laziness that subjected her to no danger at all, or maybe the inherent truth which was unspoken but implicit.

    Anyway, it was a Mexican stand-off that went for like 40 min. I don't know who wins Mexican stand-offs where no one backs down, but I suspect she won, on some level....
  5. Hillbilly Jim
    04-12-2011 01:08 PM
    Hillbilly Jim
  6. Hillbilly Jim
  7. Hillbilly Jim
    03-05-2011 01:23 AM
    Hillbilly Jim

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