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blake 01-09-2019 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Behemoth (Post 204132)
honest question, do ya'll have a candidate UNDER 60? Because it worked the last time. Just sayin

trump beats the 2nd worst candidate in our nation's history (by a tiny margin, and gets killed in the popular vote) and suddenly team retard thinks they have an unbeatable candidate

Bobby Wong 01-09-2019 10:00 PM

Here's the problem, Blake. Vaughan is dating an Oklahoma 8, which is equivalent to a 4.7 in the free world. She's college age in Oklahoma, which means she's 17 and throws a vicious crack-back block. And he gets his news from James Woods's twitter, which means Vaughan himself has a mental age of about 13, which makes him the third smartest guy in the greater Tulsa metropolitan area. So it looks like LizJoe 2020 can just kiss those three electoral votes goodbye.

blake 01-09-2019 10:03 PM

vaughn just go limp and let him finish

Hillbilly Jim 01-09-2019 10:09 PM

vaugn what blake is trying to say is

Behemoth 01-09-2019 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by blake (Post 204133)
trump beats the 2nd worst candidate in our nation's history (by a tiny margin, and gets killed in the popular vote) and suddenly team retard thinks they have an unbeatable candidate

LOL, 2nd worst? Ok, so which one was Hillary NOT worse than


Because those motherfuckers NEVER had a shot

Behemoth 01-09-2019 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Bobby Wong (Post 204136)
Here's the problem, Blake. Vaughan is dating an Oklahoma 8, which is equivalent to a 4.7 in the free world. She's college age in Oklahoma, which means she's 17 and throws a vicious crack-back block. And he gets his news from James Woods's twitter, which means Vaughan himself has a mental age of about 13, which makes him the third smartest guy in the greater Tulsa metropolitan area. So it looks like LizJoe 2020 can just kiss those three electoral votes goodbye.

I've been to Tulsa. It's a shithole. If you're not going 85 in the middle lane, or don't own an old beat up truck, you shouldn't be in the middle lane.

blake 01-09-2019 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by Behemoth (Post 204143)
LOL, 2nd worst? Ok, so which one was Hillary NOT worse than


Because those motherfuckers NEVER had a shot

she was the 2nd least likable candidate (behind only trump) since modern polling began

"Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton head into the final hours of the 2016 presidential campaign with the worst election-eve images of any major-party presidential candidates Gallup has measured back to 1956. Majorities of Americans now view each of them unfavorably on a 10-point favorability scale, a first for any presidential standard-bearer on this long-term Gallup trend. Trump's image is worse than Clinton's, however, with 61% viewing him negatively on the 10-point scale compared with 52% for her."

"Clinton had the second-worst unfavorable rating of any major-party presidential candidate in modern history, behind only Trump. In the 2016 exit polls, 55 percent of voters had an unfavorable view of Clinton."

blake 01-09-2019 10:33 PM

lol vaughn really did go limp

Behemoth 01-09-2019 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by blake (Post 204131)
Manafort has now admitted sharing polling data with someone mueller believes is russian intelligence. Can someone explain a legitimate reason for this? How do you think this plays out for team trump, vaughn?

Honestly, how many hours a day do you spend finding out "news"? Because it's all bullshit, ya know. None of it means anything.

Hillbilly Jim 01-09-2019 10:35 PM

behemeoth is a sleeper kgb agent

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