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Behemoth 01-09-2019 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Hillbilly Jim (Post 204150)
behemeoth is a sleeper kgb agent

Well, I am a dupe

Behemoth 01-09-2019 10:40 PM

My real name is Nikolai Volkoff and I'm not dead

blake 01-09-2019 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Behemoth (Post 204149)
Honestly, how many hours a day do you spend finding out "news"? Because it's all bullshit, ya know. None of it means anything.

that is fantastic analysis

VaughnP 01-09-2019 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by Bobby Wong (Post 204136)
Here's the problem, Blake. Vaughan is dating an Oklahoma 8, which is equivalent to a 4.7 in the free world. She's college age in Oklahoma, which means she's 17 and throws a vicious crack-back block. And he gets his news from James Woods's twitter, which means Vaughan himself has a mental age of about 13, which makes him the third smartest guy in the greater Tulsa metropolitan area. So it looks like LizJoe 2020 can just kiss those three electoral votes goodbye.

Literally incorrect on all parts. She would literally fight you just for misidentifying her as an Oklahoman when her family has multigenerational roots in the Texas state capital, and her family has owned the same land longer than Oklahoma has been a state. Also, I'm currently in the Missouri Ozarks.

VaughnP 01-09-2019 11:45 PM

Hillary wasn't likeable, but she wasn't a weak candidate. Hemo eviscerated your argument just by throwing McCain's name out there. Hilldawg got almost the exact vote count Obama did in 2012.

VaughnP 01-09-2019 11:50 PM

"No, Obama Probably Wouldn't Have Beaten Trump"
- And it’s bad for the Democratic Party for him to say so.

blake 01-10-2019 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by VaughnP (Post 204161)
Hillary wasn't likeable, but she wasn't a weak candidate. Hemo eviscerated your argument just by throwing McCain's name out there. Hilldawg got almost the exact vote count Obama did in 2012.

the 2nd most unlikable candidate of all time was not a weak candidate


god you are such a buffoon

i legit wish bad things on you, behemoth and all of your family and friends.

VaughnP 01-10-2019 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by blake (Post 204131)
Manafort has now admitted sharing polling data with someone mueller believes is russian intelligence. Can someone explain a legitimate reason for this? How do you think this plays out for team trump, vaughn?

A few things just from skimming multiple articles - can you find the date which they allege this happened? Was it even while he was still the campaign manager? The articles all leave that part out, which is not surprising. The Times actually seemed to report this somewhat fairly.


In August 2016, apparently just before Mr. Manafort was fired from the Trump campaign, he and Mr. Kilimnik met to discuss a plan for Ukraine that seemed to further Russia?s interests. They also met several times afterward, including once in Madrid in early 2017. In an interview in February 2017 in Kiev, Ukraine?s capital, Mr. Kilimnik suggested the plan would have involved reviving the political fortunes of Mr. Yanukovych, the ousted Ukrainian leader.

VaughnP 01-10-2019 12:21 AM

"According to a person knowledgeable about the situation"


Both Mr. Manafort and Rick Gates, the deputy campaign manager, transferred the data to Mr. Kilimnik in the spring of 2016 as Mr. Trump clinched the Republican presidential nomination, according to a person knowledgeable about the situation.

VaughnP 01-10-2019 12:22 AM


Most of the data was public, but some of it was developed by a private polling firm working for the campaign, according to the person.

Mr. Manafort asked Mr. Gates to tell Mr. Kilimnik to pass the data to two Ukrainian oligarchs, Serhiy Lyovochkin and Rinat Akhmetov, the person said. The oligarchs had financed Russian-aligned Ukrainian political parties that had hired Mr. Manafort as a political consultant.

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