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anatine 11-21-2018 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by gay sex (Post 201021)
except the samsung smart tv interface is awful compared to roku chang these are your people start living that roku lifestyle

this is mystifying to me because im literally never, ever using the 'tv interface' except to switch between fios and my ps4.

anatine 11-21-2018 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by blake (Post 201017)
likely correct

also as for a tv reccomendation, i've got 2 of these and am impressed with them. down to $1100 for black friday

also have one of these and it's pretty nice too

for decent quality/value it's hard to beat samsung these days

word to big bird i keep on ending up at the QN65Q6FNAFXZA every time i run down my options.

im also keeping an eye out for deals on the viseo p-series quantum and sony xbr900f.

VaughnP 11-21-2018 04:19 PM

How far are you guys sitting from these 65" TVs? With 4k, the optimal viewing range is closer than 1080p, 7ft or so.

anatine 11-21-2018 04:21 PM

I'd say 8', there abouts.. i might move back a little further tho as this would be a smidge larger than current..

VaughnP 11-21-2018 04:22 PM

This Samsung is currently 997.99. I'm just not sure I could trust having something like that shipped and not be damaged.

VaughnP 11-21-2018 04:35 PM

Just realized they have the same sale price at Best Buy on that one too. I'm way behind on TV tech. QLED, legitimately that much better? I am for sure going to upgrade at least one of mine at my other place. I wasn't that impressed with the early 4K sets, and the lack of 4K content made it seem pointless. But now I think we're there.

anatine 11-21-2018 04:59 PM

yeah its a very confusing marketplace because once upon a time, black friday would roll around and suddenly all these godhead tvs from the year before would be like 80% off or whatever.

now the sales start a week in advance and rarely if ever do they pip amazon.

and its particularly troublesome with tvs because 90% of all the tvs made are Total Dogshit / have significant issues with image quality.

so the whole premise of waking up early to find a great deal is compounded by the actual real bargains selling out days before, the items on sale requiring extensive research to find out if they are even suitable for grownups, and having to decide who tf to buy them from considering the volume of merch thats going to get blown up in shipping or is just a trash refurb thats absolutely guaranteed to burn out within days, if it even acts right out of the box.

gay sex 11-21-2018 05:14 PM

Qled is not as good as oled according to the nerds

gay sex 11-21-2018 05:14 PM

Just buy that fucking tcl you literal hamburgler

anatine 11-21-2018 05:15 PM

find me a single impartial review saying the image quality on a roku tv is exceptional and we can talk.

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