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Carl Culture 04-11-2011 11:57 PM

Leo Lovin' ::: by Ayash Basu Lovin' ::: by Ayash Basu ::: A male and a female of the Kubu pride at Vumbura Plains, Botswana, share a private moment.


Carl Culture 04-11-2011 11:57 PM

Innocence ::: by Kimberley Coole ::: by Kimberley Coole ::: Child in Namhsan, Myanmar.


Carl Culture 04-11-2011 11:57 PM

Brothers ::: by Sirsendu Gayen ::: by Sirsendu Gayen ::: Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern; 1/80 sec - F/5.5; Exposure Comp.: 0 EV.


Carl Culture 04-11-2011 11:57 PM

A Shy Smile ::: by Robert Pollai Shy Smile ::: by Robert Pollai ::: Ko Kret is a small island north of Bangkok in the Chao Phraya river. It is inhabited, well-known for it's locally produced pottery and also used as recreational area by Bangkokians.


Carl Culture 04-11-2011 11:57 PM

Time of Gypsies ::: by Dean Zulich of Gypsies ::: by Dean Zulich ::: Two of eight gypsy siblings in their cardboard house, with their mother in the background. Captured in September this year, I sure hope they found warmer option for the winter, known to be ferociously cold in this part of the world.


Carl Culture 04-11-2011 11:57 PM

Nepalese Girls ::: by Simonas Valatka Girls ::: by Simonas Valatka ::: Exploration of the Rolwaling valley, Nepal, started in 1951 but the area still lays away from the beaten track and receives limited number of trackers. Every new face on the scene is quickly spotted and followed. Undergoing large scale construction of road and hydro power plant in the valley is starting to reshape the lives of these girls.


Carl Culture 04-11-2011 11:57 PM

Damsel in Distress ::: by Naser Imran Hossain in Distress ::: by Naser Imran Hossain ::: This here is "Amina", the 'pro-modern' Damsel in Distress. She was a little camera shy, must've been all those years of living in self denial, constantly being reminded that she was born a 'Girl',and in a patriarchal community she is no better than a 2nd class citizen. Amina earns 1.5 ~ 6 taka (0.085 USD) each day, working as a 'firewood bearer' who goes to and fro along the banks of the "Kaptai Lake" over a distance stretching one and a half mile, countless times, everyday. Despite all the difficulties growing up, 'Amina' retains a strange, stark beauty. A farcical gaze that tears through your very soul. A look that screams of hardship, gender discrimination,the failures of institutions like "UNICEF" & of a fake prerogative that calls itself "Nari Odhikar Aine"(Law of Women Rights).


Carl Culture 04-11-2011 11:57 PM

Desert Boy ::: by Marcin Tomczak Boy ::: by Marcin Tomczak ::: I took this picture in the morning on the desert in Rajasthan, in India.


Carl Culture 04-11-2011 11:57 PM

Namibian Scarecrows ::: by Loic Brohard Scarecrows ::: by Loic Brohard ::: Dead Vlei is a clay pan located near the more famous salt pan of Sossusvlei, inside the Namib-Naukluft Park in Namibia. Dead Vlei is surrounded by the highest sand dunes in the world, some reaching up to 300 meters, which rest on a sandstone terrace. The clay pan was formed after rainfall, when the Tsauchab river flooded, creating temporary shallow pools where the abundance of water allowed camel thorn trees to grow. When the climate changed, drought hit the area, and sand dunes encroached on the pan, which blocked the river from the area. The trees died, as there no longer was enough water to survive. The remaining skeletons of the trees (believed to be about 900 years old) are now black because the intense sun has scorched them. The wood does not decompose because it is so dry.


Carl Culture 04-11-2011 11:57 PM

Impregnable ::: by Tad Bowman ::: by Tad Bowman ::: This photograph depicts a Fall Aspen Forest in the White River National Forest of Colorado.


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