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2012 World Series of Poker Europe Day 12: Joseph Cheong Leads Final 24 in Main Event
Lotteries Pose Threat To Federal Web Poker Bill
In the battle for online gambling in cyberspace, Nevada casinos and multiple state lotteries could be close to a showdown — one that will shape the U.S. gaming industry forever. ...
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Daily Pic # 1668, Kira & Dax
A nice behind the scenes picture of Kira & Dax from the season two DVD set extras of DS9. More... |
Ladakh Horse ::: Brane Zalar
http://www.photoburst.net/photo_sect...rane-zalar.jpg Ladakh Horse ::: Brane Zalar ::: A horse on pasture, 4300 meters above sea level in Ladakh mountains. I took this photo while trekking Ladakh.
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Lighthouse Reef, Belize
This Month in Photo of the Day: National Geographic Magazine Features
Lighthouse Reef atoll off Belize is one of the most seaward outliers of the Mesoamerican Reef. See more pictures from the October 2012 feature story "Meso Amazing." See more pictures from Brian Skerry » Download coral wallpapers » Browse pictures of marine life » http://images.nationalgeographic.com..._0_360x270.jpghttp://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/ng/ph...~4/tGrm91AlQxQ More... |
Golden Dawn to form employment agency for Greeks
Carne Griffiths
About Carne: Carne Griffiths’ artwork is born from a love of drawing and the journey of creating an image on the page. Working primarily with calligraphy ink, graphite and liquids, such as tea brandy, vodka and whisky he draws and then manipulates the drawn line. After graduating from Maidstone college of art Carne served an apprenticeship and worked as a gold wire embroidery designer for 12 years, hence floral pattern, repetition and flow play a large part in his work. Carne’s images explore both human and floral forms, figuratively and in an abstract sense. He is fascinated by the flow of line and the ‘invisible lines’ that connect us to the natural world. These may be considered lines of energy or spiritual connections between ourselves and our surroundings and his work is often an emotional response to images and situations encountered in daily life. These daily images are recorded in a dream like sense onto the page where physical boundaries are no longer important. Carne’s work takes us on a journey of escapism, often focusing on scenes of awe and wonderment, they offer a sense of abandonment to the artist and to the viewer an invitation to share and explore this inner realm. The violence of flowers series explores our relationship with nature further. It draws an analogy between our darker side and the deception and violence inherent in the plant kingdom that is often masked by their beauty. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/...1loIj-7a4/0/di http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/...1loIj-7a4/1/di http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/Arti...?d=yIl2AUoC8zA http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/Arti...1Q:F7zBnMyn0Lo http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/Arti...1Q:V_sGLiPBpWU http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/Arti...?d=qj6IDK7rITs http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/Arti...1Q:gIN9vFwOqvQ http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Artis...~4/Ta8iJR0KxQ4 More... |
Goat Aurora Over Greenland
http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/calendar/S_121003.jpg Sometimes it's hard to believe what you see in the sky.
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Hi everyone! My name is Reggie and I'm the silliest French Bulldog you'll ever meet. I'm also really cute...and I'm well aware of it! Taking naps is my favorite thing to do, and I make my mom and dad laugh a lot because I snore so loudly. I can't help it; I'm a sleepy little guy! If you have a treat for me, I'll be happy to give you a high five for it. In case you couldn't tell, I'm a big ear fanatic. If you let me get near yours, I will lick them clean! More... |
Tisdale thrilled with Cureton
Exeter boss Paul Tisdale was left purring with delight at Jamie Cureton's performance after winning 2-1 at Barnet in League Two on Tuesday.
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