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Big Gay Al 10-28-2012 10:20 PM

Fizz is a nine week old female Golden Retriever who loves cuddles and smooching, pretending that she isn't digging and chewing her favorite toy, Moo Cow! She has made the biggest, most awesome difference to our lives in the last ten days and we have fallen absolutely head over heels in love with this pretty girl. We couldn't imagine life without her.


Big Gay Al 10-28-2012 10:20 PM

Location: Cleveland, TN

Sarajevo was brought into the local PetCo while I was in the check-out purchasing cat food for my other two girls. After checking out, I went to the local rescue group (PALS) and asked what the story was. This kitten was attacked by a pit bull puppy. The rescue group did not think she would make it so I volunteered to take her home to see what I could do with her. When I took her to my vet, they wanted her name, which I hadn’t given to her yet. I had been calling her “Dog Food” all weekend but the vet techs refused to call her that so she became “Sarajevo”. I figured she had gone through quite a battle. She had multiple bites all over her body, fleas, earmites and worms. She is pictured here after she was out of isolation (guest bathroom) and is a ball of impish love.


Adolf Hitler 10-28-2012 10:20 PM

Golden Dawn has "infiltrated" Greek Police, says officer
Forum: Newslinks & Articles Posted By: Albertus Magnus Post Time: 10-28-2012 at 05:26 PM


Georgie Thompson 10-28-2012 10:20 PM

Bears survive a serious scare
Jay Cutler took a beating in the first half but came back to lead the Chicago Bears to a last-second 23-22 victory over Carolina.


NASA 10-28-2012 10:20 PM

Terra Cimmeria Crater
This is an image of (most of) a crater in the Southern highlands at approximately 43 S latitude. This is within the latitude zone on Mars where volatiles such as water and carbon-dioxide undergo seasonal activity such as sublimation (the conversion from a solid ice to a gas) and deposition (the opposite, turning from a gas to a solid).

The walls are etched with gullies and associated features, and it is interesting how their form varies around the walls of the crater. On the northern wall there are relatively few gullies in the smooth wall, but they are long and straight. On the western (left) wall, the upper slopes are incised with gullies but the lower walls seem to be covered with lobes or fans of material that may have been transported down the gully.

Along the arc of the southern wall, there is at least one clear horizontal ridge indicating the location of an erosion-resistant layer within the subsurface that was exposed for us to see in the crater wall when the crater formed; gullies here are short and straight. The different forms likely have to do with the processes that initiate gully formation (whether related to water or carbon-dioxide frost or ice or neither), the material that was transported (dry soil, rocks, ice, or possibly even water), and the conditions experienced by the different crater walls (e.g., the amount of sunlight, the steepness of the slope, the exposure of the layer in the wall in the south).

The center of the crater appears to be filled with a pitted material, in which sub-parallel lines are also visible. The trend of these ridges is generally parallel to the crater wall. At the base of some of the walls, ridges (not necessarily straight) can also be seen. These ridges likely represent the accumulation of material at the base of the crater-wall slope. With many episodes of material moving down the slope and creating these ridges, one by one, the ridges get pushed and squeezed further towards the center of the crater, forming some of the linear patterns in the crater center.

This crater has been imaged several times and continues to be monitored in order to better understand what the role of water and carbon-dioxide frosts and ices may play in forming the gullies.

Written by: Patrick Russell

Credits: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona


NASA 10-28-2012 10:20 PM

Saturnian Storm
NASA\'s Cassini spacecraft has tracked the aftermath of a rare massive storm on Saturn. Data reveal record-setting disturbances in the planet\'s upper atmosphere long after the visible signs of the storm abated, in addition to an indication the storm was more forceful than scientists previously thought.

These red, orange and green clouds (false color) in Saturn\'s northern hemisphere indicate the tail end of the massive 2010-2011 storm. Even after visible signs of the storm started to fade, infrared measurements continued to reveal powerful effects at work in Saturn\'s stratosphere.

Credits: NASA

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PokerNewsDaily 10-29-2012 02:00 AM

The Final Battle: 2012 WSOP Championship Event Final Table Resumes Tomorrow
After over three months of waiting, it has all come down to this. The 2012 World Series of Poker Championship Event final table resumes tomorrow, with the “Octo-Nine” stepping to the felt to work their way down to the final three men that will determine poker’s next World Champion on Tuesday night.

For those of you who may have forgotten the combatants involved in tomorrow’s epic showdown, here’s a brief recap of the players by their seat assignments:

Seat 1: Russell Thomas, 24.8 million
Seat 2: Jacob Balsiger, 13.115 million
Seat 3: Jeremy Ausmus, 9.805 million
Seat 4: Steven Gee, 16.86 million
Seat 5: Greg Merson, 28.725 million
Seat 6: Jesse Sylvia, 43.875 million
Seat 7: Robert Salaburu, 15.155 million
Seat 8: Andras Koroknai, 29.375 million
Seat 9: Michael Esposito, 16.26 million

While all of the men involved in tomorrow’s final table are extremely worthy of taking down the tournament (and its $8.5 million payday), there is only one player who will emerge victorious. We will take a look at the players, in three segments, before eventually taking a shot at predicting what will happen when the champion is crowned come Tuesday night.

The Short Stacks

The three men whose work is the most difficult – Ausmus, Balsiger and Salaburu – have two options in trying to make their stacks relevant again in the tournament. They can either attempt to sit back and wait for just the right moment, with the right hand, and hopefully emerge on the other side of the board with a big double up to get back in the match. The other, and much more risky, option is to come out firing from the start and let the fates determine where they finish.

Of these three men, Ausmus is the one who has, in my opinion, the best chance to emerge from the trio to become a player in the event. Although he has the shortest stack, he arguably is experienced enough on the felt to be able to work that stack into something of a force. It also doesn’t hurt that he has three relatively short stacks in front of him in Esposito, Thomas and Balsiger.

Lurking In The Pack

The triumvirate that makes up those in the center of the nine man field – Esposito, Gee and Thomas – are the ones that can afford to wait a bit at the final table to see how things unfold. Esposito has a wealth of poker experience in his background, while both Gee and Thomas are relative newcomers to the felt. Unless he is a victim of a short stack attack early on, it is Esposito who has the skills to be able to climb the ladder from this group of players.

The Big Stacks

All three of these men – Merson, Koroknai and Sylvia – have a difficult choice to make in preparing their strategies for the Championship Event final table. They can wait and let the small stacks take each other out, or they can apply the pressure to force the short stacks to decisions for their tournament existence. Of the three of them, Merson and Sylvia look to have that “pressure” style of play while Koroknai may play the waiting game.

Sylvia has history on his side coming to the final table. Whoever has been the chip leader of the “November Nine” since the inception of the concept in 2008 has finished no worse than third in the tournament (Dennis Phillips was third in 2008, Darvin Moon second in 2009, Jonathan Duhamel wins in 2010, Martin Staszko second in 2011). With this in mind, it is easily conceivable to see Sylvia make the Tuesday night match.

Merson has been on one of the biggest runs of his career and winning the WSOP Championship Event would establish him as a true force in the game. Already the winner of a bracelet during the 2012 WSOP, Merson would need to win this event to pass Phil Hellmuth to take away the WSOP Player of the Year championship.

Koroknai is a dangerous player who does have the potential to emerge as the next World Champion. Already a winner on the World Poker Tour, Koroknai is a deceptive player who will be a formidable opponent for whoever he faces during play at the final table.

What Will Happen?

Ausmus will be on the attack early, looking to take chips from either Esposito or Thomas to get himself back in the game. Salaburu, unfortunately, will probably be the first casualty as he has both chip leader Sylvia and third place Merson on his immediate right. Balsiger will survive for a good period of time, but the blinds will eventually eat away his stack.

Gee will be the next one out after a blind fight against Merson, while Ausmus’ attempt at a Pius Heinz-type run last year will lead to his departure next. Esposito, who has stayed out of the fray for the most part, will be eliminated by Merson as well while Sylvia, who has treaded water to this point while losing the lead to Merson, will be able to take out Thomas to get his stack healthy again. This leaves the final three as Merson (holding a nice chip lead), Sylvia and an almost-unnoticeable Koroknai to battle on Tuesday for the title.

On Tuesday, expect a slugfest for the title of World Champion. Koroknai, who has planned all along to simply get to the three handed play through his actions on Monday, comes out on the attack but it isn’t enough to get him past third place. Heads up play will be an arduous battle as both Sylvia and Merson will exchange the lead several times before, early on Wednesday morning, Merson will finally get the best of Sylvia to win the 2012 WSOP Championship Event bracelet.

OK, if you’re keeping score, here’s how the predictions actually play out:

1. Greg Merson
2. Jesse Sylvia
3. Andras Koroknai
4. Russell Thomas
5. Michael Esposito
6. Jeremy Ausmus
7. Stephen Gee
8. Jacob Balsiger
9. Robert Salaburu

Admittedly, the crystal ball seemed to have some interruptions of connection at several points, so this may be completely off base. It still will be a fantastic battle over the next two days as the WSOP Championship Event looks to crown the World Champion for 2012.


PokerNews 10-29-2012 02:00 AM

2012 ANZPT Season 5 Melbourne Day 2: Final Table Set; Ashley Warner Le
Ashley Warner leads the final table at the 2012 ANZPT Melbourne.


CardPlayer 10-29-2012 02:00 AM

World Series of Poker Main Event Final Table Profile -- Jesse Sylvia
Jesse Sylvia will enter the 2012 World Series of Poker main event final table as the chip leader, with his 43,875,000 representing approximately 22% of the chips in play. The ...


Carl Culture 10-29-2012 02:00 AM

Daily Pic # 1694, ?Heart of Glory?

A hidef screencap from this first season TNG episode.


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