Behemoth |
01-10-2019 01:14 AM |
and what if Russians colluded with the election? What if Trump takes payoffs from X,Y,Z corp to do this or that? Who else hasn't done the same fucking thing? Bottom line is they're not your party, so you have to piss and moan and throw feces up against the cage glass and jump around and show your ass and flat out lie your ass off because the REAL polling data is in and you know you lost, so you try to make Trump concede before it can come out. DISGUSTING. People deserve better. People deserve honesty and news outlets that don't lie to our faces and actually tell us what's going on in our own country. But we'll never get it. Neither side will ever be honest. There's just no money in it. It's hilarious for people like me, who are evolved enough to understand this, and know that none of it means anything because none of us can change it, to watch ya'll just spin and spin and spin.