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anatine 11-04-2012 10:11 AM


quite a monster nerve i just touched for someone who hasnt spiked in a decade tho, isnt it?

lighten up maybe?

anatine 11-04-2012 10:12 AM

btw this is *exactly* why you were voted out of ist membership. no sense of humor.

plus your fiction is pedantic and overwrought.

nextlevelshit 11-04-2012 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by sonatine (Post 69826)

quite a monster nerve i just touched for someone who hasnt spiked in a decade tho, isnt it?

lighten up maybe?

Do you see me starting threads with your nick in the title? lol @ lighten up.

You are the biggest poser outside of vegas on all of these shit sites.

I will give you credit for being insta-attached to anything that _presents_ itself as female ass on the internets. It is funny to watch.. "Aimee, when are you coming up to wherever the fuck to go lobster fishing with me ?" The nasty girl everyone is trolling, yer trying to lay. niiiiiice.

You are pathetic. Leave me alone cokehead. I'm not the one starting threads about your ongoing addiction. You are starting on about shit that is 10 (more like 15) years old for me. Realize. Whatever... Hopefully in some little private forum, where all you pathetic fucks lurk, you can sit there and say


nextlevelshit 11-04-2012 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by nextlevelshit (Post 69828)
Do you see me starting threads with your nick in the title? lol @ lighten up.

You are the biggest poser outside of vegas on all of these shit sites.

I will give you credit for being insta-attached to anything that _presents_ itself as female ass on the internets. It is funny to watch.. "Aimee, when are you coming up to wherever the fuck to go lobster fishing with me ?" The nasty girl everyone is trolling, yer trying to lay. niiiiiice.

You are pathetic. Leave me alone cokehead. I'm not the one starting threads about your ongoing addiction. You are starting on about shit that is 10 (more like 15) years old for me. Realize. Whatever... Hopefully in some little private forum, where all you pathetic fucks lurk, you can sit there and say


yo! bump this shit up to 6 stars or ban me, bitches.

tire 11-04-2012 10:27 AM

you morons are getting hosed

anatine 11-04-2012 10:28 AM

"Ongoing addiction"? You just said youve been off smack for a decade. How poor are your social skills where you flash on someone whose been nothing but nice to do you since day one instead of PM'ing me and saying "that shits not cool bro".

You dont get to say in one breath its ancient news then play the "oh heavens poor me I live in the constant clutches of the devil heroin" with the next.

Sorry shit is clearly awful in your life, maybe its because this is who you are?

Also you should probably be aiming a bit higher in your critique than "OMG YOU TRY TO HAVE SEX WITH GIRLS", Im just saying.

Calling me a cokehead because you heard I once bought coke from someone is hilarious but at least it has some sort of logic behind it. Harshing me for being a heterosexual is kinda weird.

Also Aimee is cool. Life has taught me that having sex with cool girls is rarely a bad idea. Obviously your life has taken you down a different road...........

nextlevelshit 11-04-2012 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by sonatine (Post 69832)
"Ongoing addiction"? You just said youve been off smack for a decade. How poor are your social skills where you flash on someone whose been nothing but nice to do you since day one instead of PM'ing me and saying "that shits not cool bro".

You dont get to say in one breath its ancient news then play the "oh heavens poor me I live in the constant clutches of the devil heroin" with the next.

Sorry shit is clearly awful in your life, maybe its because this is who you are?

Also you should probably be aiming a bit higher in your critique than "OMG YOU TRY TO HAVE SEX WITH GIRLS", Im just saying.

Calling me a cokehead because you heard I once bought coke from someone is hilarious but at least it has some sort of logic behind it. Harshing me for being a heterosexual is kinda weird.

Also Aimee is cool. Life has taught me that having sex with cool girls is rarely a bad idea. Obviously your life has taken you down a different road...........

Dude, the large majority of my friends at hetero but they don't hit on any female because they are female.

I love that youtube overlay thing over the pause button. I don't spend my life reading about hacks that will be fixed but thats clever. Unfortunately for you fucks it only takes a wildcard in adblocker to fix it.

Anyway.. back to the females... it is a wonderful thing to not have standards. <bows> Should I blame you? "pussy is pussy" My bad.

HOWEVER, you've been far from nice to me from day one. I don't know where the trolling ends/starts. Don't care to play that game for your amusement.

Coke gets you in the longrun, heroin will only get you in the short run. With coke you may die of heartattack 20 years premature after you quit. With heroin you die within minutes or never. To each his own. Some likes a peaceful bliss, some like to be geeked out. Who cares ?

anatine 11-04-2012 10:40 AM

Well forgive me for saying it hoser but it seems like you care a lot...

anatine 11-04-2012 10:43 AM

Also please show me a single time I have ever "trolled" you, on this site or in chat or anyplace else.

nextlevelshit 11-04-2012 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by sonatine (Post 69837)
Well forgive me for saying it hoser but it seems like you care a lot...

I know you are trolling... but just realize I have never started threads about your substance abuse.

You read like 3rd hand troll shit from years ago. Obviously it gets old. You guys effectively chased me off with chickenhand and his random banning. So please leave me alone.

Like I said, I don't know where the trolling starts/ends. So maybe this repsonse is too sincere.............................

I'm sure if I started up threads about doing cocaine and mentioned you in the title we would get a "you care a lot" response.

fuck off please.

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