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Larry Flynt's Wheelchair 11-04-2013 03:57 PM

Eva Longoria?s Sweet Thong Action!

We don’t get a lot of Eva Longoria on the site, but don’t blame me. She’s just not the most exciting celebrity out there. I mean, we never see her in a bikini or sunbathing topless in her backyard. It’s like she doesn’t even want to be famous or something. Well, luckily, that all changes today. Because here’s Eva out running errands in my favorite outfit: a pair of see-through leggings with a thong underneath. I don’t know why, but all of a sudden, she doesn’t look as boring anymore. Oh wait, yes I do. It’s the thong. More please.


Larry Flynt's Wheelchair 11-04-2013 05:23 PM

Canned Tuna (
Lea Michele Stayed With Kate Hudson After Cory Monteith’s Death (Just Jared)

New Candice Swanepoel Lingerie And Bikini Pictures? Yes Please! (Popoholic)
Some Hayden Panettiere Boobage (DS nsfw)

Super Hot Nerds! (The Chive)
Vanessa Hudgens Is Not That Great An Actress (Fishwrapper)


Larry Flynt's Wheelchair 11-04-2013 06:23 PM

Kate Bosworth Topless High-Def Screencaps in Big Sur


Larry Flynt's Wheelchair 11-04-2013 07:39 PM

Taylor Swift Shines at BBC Radio 1?s Teen Awards in London


Larry Flynt's Wheelchair 11-04-2013 08:40 PM

You?ve Gotta Love Taylor Swift

If there’s one thing that my readers and teenage girls can agree on, it’s loving Taylor Swift. Sure, their reasons may be different, but I know for a fact that both groups would love to invite Taylor over for a slumber party. So enjoy these shots of her at the BBC Radio One Teen Awards and posing with her fans. I know they’re not the poses you’d ask for if you ever got to meet Taylor, but they’ll have to do for now.


Larry Flynt's Wheelchair 11-04-2013 08:40 PM

Jessica Simpson Cleavy in Black Dress on Halloween in LA


Suicide King's Tattoos 11-05-2013 01:49 AM

Russia implores UN to take control of Libya’s ‘unguarded’ yellowcake uranium has asked the UN Security Council to look into the dangers posed by a badly-guarded stockpile of yellowcake uranium in the Libyan Desert. Recent reports have said that Al-Qaeda is interested in the supply as a potential nuclear weapon component.


Khalid El-Amin 11-05-2013 01:49 AM

Morsi defiant as trial adjourned in Egypt
Lawyer for deposed president says he acted "like a lion" and rejected court, before trial was put on hold until January.


Big Gay Al 11-05-2013 01:49 AM

Location: Birmingham, UK

Little simba is a sweet tempered clever boy. He loves playing, jumping, cuddles and one day he’ll grow into his giant paws! He’s brave like a lion, isn’t afraid of the vets! He’s inquisitive and curious.

The post Simba appeared first on The Daily Kitten.


Georgie Thompson 11-05-2013 01:49 AM

'Pursuit women can catch men'
Sir Dave Brailsford and Shane Sutton have backed Great Britain's all-conquering women's team pursuit quartet to overtake some men's squads and lower their world record to under 4min 10sec.


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