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Percy The Perv 01-13-2014 09:05 AM

Kate Upton
Magazine Scan, Magazine, Magazine Scan


Percy The Perv 01-13-2014 09:05 AM

Heidi Klum
Peoples Choice Awards


Larry Flynt's Wheelchair 01-13-2014 01:55 PM

Joanna Krupa?s Backyard Bikini Pictures

Here’s Joanna Krupa in her backyard being “spied” on once again by the Paparazzi. I’m glad she took my advice and let them get a little closer so that we get higher quality pics because any time Joanna is in a bikini and the images are low resolution it’s a real shame. Thanks and keep up the fake candid pics. PacificCoastNews


Larry Flynt's Wheelchair 01-13-2014 03:33 PM

Vanessa Hudgens Busts Out The Cleave

Normally whenever we get pictures of Vanessa Hudgens on the site, she’s in leggings or on her way to the gym, but for some reason, Vanessa got invited to the Golden Globes last night. Probably because they knew she’d show up looking like this. And as much as I like a girl in leggings or Daisy Dukes, I’ve gotta admit that Vanessa cleans up nice. I think I could get used to this.


Suicide King's Tattoos 01-13-2014 04:10 PM

Syria attraction: Russia moving into Eastern Mediterranean oil bonanza
http://rt.com wars for control of Syria, and actually there is more than one going on simultaneously, have a strong background in an undeclared war over who will control the region’s gigantic and newly-discovered oil and gas reserves.


Shanita Balke 01-13-2014 04:10 PM

The Inversion Method for Hair Growth
Find out what the inversion method for hair growth involves and if you can really expect an inch of growth in only one week.


Khalid El-Amin 01-13-2014 04:10 PM

US and Russia propose Syria truce
Russian foreign minister stressed importance of including Iran in future Syria talks, to be held later this month.


Carl Culture 01-13-2014 04:10 PM

Claire Partington

</p>Claire Partington is an artist based in London, UK. She graduated from Central Saint Martins in 1995 with a 1st in Fine Art Sculpture.

Claire describes the work by saying, “The subjects for my work come from varied sources – contemporary culture, traditional children’s rhymes and folk tales. I’m fascinated by transformation tales and their imagery, from the traditional, up to the Power Rangers and contemporary kids cartoons. The aesthetic inspiration is drawn largely from European Applied Art and Design styles from the 1600’s onwards. Underpinning this is the long European tradition of appropriation and reinterpretation or misinterpretation of “exotic” styles that can be seen in National Collections across Europe. I like the idea of getting it slightly wrong and the bluffing and “cobbling together” of styles that has produced some fantastic historical objects and continues most notably in the tradition of Outsider Art.”


NASA 01-13-2014 04:10 PM

A Trip to the Moon What would it be like to visit the Moon?


Big Gay Al 01-13-2014 04:10 PM

Location: Ava, Missouri, USA

The Daily Kitten of 1/3/14 was “Buzz.” My family adopted him and now call him Jasper (or Jaspurr would probably be more accurate!). He is wonderful and extremely cute, as you can see. I am grateful he was found on the street and came to us. He’s living the good life now.

The post Jasper appeared first on The Daily Kitten.


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