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VaughnP 08-21-2019 08:07 PM

Bob, as a Christian, what are your thoughts on Trump apparently going full Antichrist mode today? Rofl.

Behemoth 08-21-2019 08:24 PM

I don't vote, but I have to say that having someone in office that makes people break down and cry daily, is quite enjoyable. It's a wonderful world we live in.

Bobby Wong 08-21-2019 08:31 PM

bro, when god finds out you heathens voted for the antichrist you're gonna be in for some seriously fucked up tribulations

VaughnP 08-22-2019 06:17 PM

Socialism version of monopoly.

VaughnP 08-23-2019 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Bobby Wong (Post 213595)
bro, when god finds out you heathens voted for the antichrist you're gonna be in for some seriously fucked up tribulations

We're very obviously living in some sort of intentionally dark comedyesque type of existence. I'm not even joking at this point, and 5 more years of Trump could easily be the denouement.

If those full solar eclipses 7 years apart that first covered the United States east to west and then will again from north to south in 5 years aren't some sort of biblical sign, I'm not sure what is.

Bobby Wong 08-24-2019 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by VaughnP (Post 213693)
some sort of biblical sign

Behemoth 08-24-2019 01:49 AM

I love how Wong still hasn't evolved past the idea of a GOD.

Behemoth 08-24-2019 01:50 AM

Hey Wong, all those kids in Africa that die of AIDS without finding your religion, do they go to HELL for eternity? Or does being born in Africa cancel it out and they get another shot?

Behemoth 08-24-2019 01:50 AM

We're waiting for an answer, Wong

Bobby Wong 08-24-2019 02:37 AM

if god exists she doesn't give a fuck about anyone, bro

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