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PokerNews 05-16-2011 04:53 AM

PokerStars 2011 SCOOP: Days 5, 6, & 7 Results
The results to Days 5, 6, & 7 of the PokerStars Spring Championship of Online Poker (SCOOP) with Alex "joiso" Kostritsyn making final tables galore.


WickedChopsPoker 05-16-2011 04:53 AM

The ONYX Cup Does Not Wrap Its First Event This Weekend The ONYX Cup had us almost as excited as newly discovered Keeley Hazell pics.

One major casualty from The Events of 4/15TM that has already quickly been forgotten about is Full Tilt Poker’s ONYX Cup.

The first Cup event would’ve wrapped this weekend.

We were unabashed fans of the Cup. A series of super-high buy-in events pitting most of the best-of-the-best against each other, well, it would’ve generated interest and buzz.

In some alternate universe, Erik Seidel is probably celebrating his first ONYX Cup victory right now by doing blow off of Johnny Chan‘s back, whom he paid $10,000 to use as a human table for the weekend.

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CardPlayer 05-16-2011 04:53 AM

Defending WPT Champion David Williams on Day 2
Defending $25k WPT Championship winner David Williams discusses his big win last year, what it meant to him, and the incredible fact that the field in this high prestige, high stakes buy-in grew by roughly 25 players this year.


Carl Culture 05-16-2011 04:53 AM

Daily Pic # 1165, Motor City Comic Con

George Takei and Kate Mulgrew at the con I attended yesterday.


Khalid El-Amin 05-16-2011 08:26 AM

Security forces fire on Cairo 'Nakba' rally
Dozens injured as army and police use live ammunition, witnesses say, to disperse demonstration at Israeli embassy.


Carl Culture 05-16-2011 08:26 AM

Rafa Torre

About Rafa:

Born in Mexico City, Rafa Torre studied painting, graphics design and photography in order to accomplish his childhood dream of creating surreal atmospheres. He lives in Madrid and is still working out the “alchemical process” of mixing different media to achieve the particular look in his work. Pop Surrealism Photography.


NASA 05-16-2011 08:26 AM

Time Lapse Clouds and Sky Over the Canary Islands If you could sit back and watch clouds and the sky move all night and day, what might you see?


Big Gay Al 05-16-2011 08:26 AM

Charlie is very smart and very fun. He is also the biggest trouble maker I have ever had the honor of calling my puppy. He loves to rip open stuffed toys to get the stuffing out, find ways to get on the kitchen table, and hit the buttons on the TV to turn it on/off. Most of the time, when we command "sit" or "down" he will follow-up by rolling over once he is done. He is apparently quite proud of that particular trick. We got him at the Humane Society when we went to look for a cat. Thank goodness we changed our minds. I can't imagine not having him in my life.


Kel Mitchell 05-16-2011 08:26 AM

Take it to Church: The Music of the Movement
Filed under: News, Race and Civil Rights

BIRMINGHAM - In a church where four little girls lost their lives, angels still seem to be singing. Their songs are not of the pain left behind, but of freedom.

The choir rose to its feet and sang:

Before I'll be a slave
I'll be buried in my grave
I'll go home to my Lord
And I'll be free

As if a wave swept through the pews nearly everyone in the audience rose, swayed and clapped. The energy was palpable, the way Sunday at a Southern Baptist church can be. But this wasn't Sunday service, it was a special performance at the 16th Street Baptist Church (pictured below) by the Carlton Reese Memorial Choir for an audience of very special guests - the Freedom Riders.

In a city synonymous with the strife of segregation and the forces that fought so fiercely to end it, this church is a sacred place in the Civil Rights Movement legacy. Birmingham is also a place where the Freedom Riders suffered a particularly brutal beating by the Ku Klux Klan as they challenged the segregation of interstate buses there.

The violence in Birmingham became so bloody then, that the city became known as "Bombingham."

It was the latest stop along the 2011 Freedom Ride, which brought together a handful of original Freedom Riders and 40 college students from across the country and from different backgrounds to retrace the original journey through the Deep South. Each stop up until then had been wrought with emotions: guilt, sorrow, anger and hope.

I sat about a dozen rows back from where those little girls lost their lives in 1963 when a klansmen's bomb was detonated outside the church, and couldn't help but glance over at the stained glass window that once rained down in shards on the congregation.

To be in that room, in that city, was breathtaking.

And then the choir sang - so sweet a sound.

Ain't gonna let nobody turn me around
I'm gonna keep on walking, keep on walking

Again a wave of energy swept through the church. The Freedom Riders in attendance, now in their late 60s or 70s, swayed and a surge of difficult joy coursed through the students.

Even I was starting to feel possessed by whatever it was the choir or that place was doing to us.

I felt, for lack of a better word, empowered, and it became immediately clear how much this music meant to the movement.

There were influential ministers who preached power from the pulpits, but it was the church choirs of the Civil Rights era that gave the people a soundtrack that stirred them into the streets to stand up for their rights. The movement was filled with music, freedom songs and old gospel standbys born from the souls and spirits of black folks and our struggles.

So many of these songs also became the life-blood of the Freedom Riders, who braved heaps of brutality along interstate highways throughout the Deep South during the Freedom Rides of 1961.

"Music was just as important as learning about nonviolence," said Ernest "Rip" Patton, one of the original Freedom Riders. "Music brought us together -- we can't all talk at the same time, but we can all sing at the same time. It gives you that spiritual feeling. It was like our glue."

A couple days earlier, about five of the original Freedom Riders and the 40 students accompanying them were in Atlanta, sitting in the pews of the Ebenezer Baptist Church (pictured below), where Martin Luther King Sr. and his son, Martin Luther King Jr., once preached.

We sat and listened to a sermon by the younger King that played over the speakers. And then a woman's voice, a beautiful voice, rose and unfurled from the speakers and filled every recess in the place. It was a haunting song called 'How Great Thou Art' - powerful and subdued.

It was a change of pace for the students, who had by then passed the long bus rides by singing 'We Shall Overcome,' 'This Little Light of Mine' and 'The Buses Are A-Coming' over and over, even remixing some of the songs or making up raps with names of the Freedom Riders on the bus worked into their lyrics. But this was different. It had a bit more weight.

"We sang that in church every Sunday," said Samantha Williams, 23, a student at the University of Arkansas, of the song that played inside the church. "To hear it sung in that context, you almost feel guilty for singing it."

In Birmingham the choir sang, 'I Don't Feel No Way Tired' -- the kind of song that could keep you keeping on no matter what.

"The music was the inspiration. It gave the people a lot of courage that they didn't think they had," said Eloise Gaffney, the choir director who joined the choir in 1962 and quickly "found a place in the movement."

"When we were talking about we ain't gonna let nobody turn me around, it kind of just fired them up. And it was Martin King that was the one that said this choir can sing them out of their seats and into the streets."

Annie B. Levison, another longtime choir member, said that people came to the church to hear the preaching and the teaching, but also the singing.

"You know how when you start singing in your church, and you know how it just catch on fire, well everybody would catch on fire, and when they get on fire and the Lord is just dwelling inside of them -- they're ready," she said. "That's what you had to do. Get them on fire. And when the fire starts burning all over, they're going to run. So, where' you going to run to? You're going to run out to the people and say lets get free. Lets get free!"

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Big Gay Al 05-16-2011 08:26 AM

Otis - May 16, 2011
AnYoggie says: Otis is the wondeful cub of Lisa. He was born on 4 May 2011 and he is veyy playful, loves his mom and Missy too. He is very spoiled and since he was a cub he got used with my family, so he knows us very well. I just love when he's playing with Missy and Lisa but I love when he comes and goes to sleep on my lap, together with Missy. He s is very cute and when he's left alone he meows without stopping until we take him with us. We decided to keep him because he was Lisa's only cub and we love him so much.
Courtesy of: AnYoggie


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