Originally Posted by Rum Dick
(Post 64592)
Vaughn is being too kind here. Dude is literally the only reason you have your toddler fiefdom. You'd be banished to the autistic wasteland of pfa if he hadn't worked out a deal with scoots. Real talk he is the only one of the above people who gave a shit and also had the authority to do something about it. But keep on telling him to shut up...
Whose side are you on dude?
Vaughn put up the toddler forum to insult me for lulz and for no other reason.
He also did it because in his heart he is INSANELY jealous of me and my ability to generate attention, meanwhile he's always working on something to help the site and feels left out.
for what it's worth vaughn, I have a lot of respect for the work that you do, as do others. it's just not in the cards for you to be any kind of forum personality, but your efforts are appreciated.
if it means anything to you, the whole place would respect you x1000 if you actually stood up to scooter for a change and told him to fuck right off with demanding I be banned or silenced. it was YOU in YOUR own words that said you are an advocate of free speech and it's YOUR personal policy to never ban anyone unless they are spamming the place.
I don't see any ads in my posts, though ironically I do see neverstop spamming the site all the time. How you ban ME instead I have no fucking clue, there is literally no logic to that whatsoever.
How disgustingly ironic and also insane at the same time.
My definition of insanity is any action led by emotion and devoid of logic. Any action spurred by logic is sane, thus any action spurred by emotion is insane. Would you say banning me was a logical decision or is it an emotional one? Each and every time (save for tappers) it was for emotional reasons, IE BANNING ME IS INSANE
Fix this mess please and put that screaming woman child in her place for the love of all that is holy on this planet I implore you.