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Wrong Blake. All of the world leaders cheer him, and call him "Uncle Trump", and "Trump the Great". He's universally respected. At least, that's what someone told me when I said the rugrat was a joke.
can someone explain why trump is defending the crown prince of saudi arabia over murdering that journalist?
this is a particularly bad look considering trump has bragged that saudi arabia has invested "hundreds of millions" in his companies |
He should just hold a press conference and be like listen do you really give a shit about this one guy and principles do you want 4.50 a gallon gas or can we just forget about this
just be like listen these savages performed a huge bone job here but really what are we gonna cancel a 100 billion dollar arms deal and get fucked on oil
and then he just hits us with a camaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnn, cmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnn and hopefully eats a cheeseburger at the podium with a fork and knife and answers questions with his mouth full |
Pretty much nail on the head. Such a joke that Americans and Britains empowered these sand burglars in the first place. Full imperialism would have completely changed the course of human history here.
Trump complains of looking like bossed-around husband
blake is this true?
not even 900k before taxes would have bought changs freedom
if trump keeps getting cucked around blake might have to bring another towel down to the lair
the fact that 9 years later blakes lair is a thing warms my heart
I truly believe trump thinks stealth bombers are literally invisible
Its more like Wonder Woman's invisible plane. |
Chris Wallace: “How, when you’re sitting at the desk, how do you make decisions?” “I mean, do you agonize over them, do you second guess yourself?”
Donald J. Trump: “I don’t think about them." |
Obviously calling him little schitt was intentional. It's funny but this is the kind of stuff I meant by joke.
While grilling the president on his anti-press rhetoric, Fox News anchor Chris Wallace brought criticism from McRaven, who oversaw the 2011 raid in Pakistan that killed Osama bin Laden.
After Wallace listed McRaven’s bonafides, Trump cut in: “Hillary Clinton fan.” “Special Operations…” Wallace said. “Excuse me, Hillary Clinton fan,” Trump insisted. “Who led the operations, commanded the operations that took down Saddam Hussein and that killed Osama bin Laden,” Wallace continued, “says that your sentiment is the greatest threat to democracy in his lifetime.” “OK, he’s a Hilary Clinton backer and an Obama-backer,” Trump said. “He was a Navy Seal 37 years,” Wallace shot back. “Wouldn’t it have been nice if we got Osama Bin Laden a lot sooner than that, wouldn’t it have been nice?” Trump asked. “You know, living – think of this – living in Pakistan, beautifully in Pakistan in what I guess they considered a nice mansion, I don’t know, I’ve seen nicer. But living in Pakistan right next to the military academy, everybody in Pakistan knew he was there.” “You’re not even going to give them credit for taking down Bin Laden?” Wallace asked. Trump ignored the question. @VaughnP please explain how i'm mischaracterizing what happened here |
McRaven is a great name
well blake those fishing villages in yemen cant bomb themselves
the saudis have to buy those bombs from someplace |
gares new rap name is mc ca$h hoagie
Why are you siding with Saudi Arabia over your own intelligence community?” a reporter asked.
“Because it’s America First,” Trump replied. “It’s all about American First. We’re not going to give up hundreds of billions of dollars in orders, and let Russia and China have them.” https://www.mediaite.com/tv/trump-wh...america-first/ vaughn do you get why this is so horrifying? |
this clown thinks of the US as being morally equivalent to north korea
how could this moron have publicly said this? |
also lol at him trying to get hillary and comey federally prosecuted
there's an unwritten rule that we don't go after political rivals in this country, as it would lead to disaster. this guy is begging to be an exception to that rule by whoever the next president is he legit might end up in handcuffs |
im pretty sure he's considered the handcuff endgame and decided it would somehow invigorate his base.
also as for a tv reccomendation, i've got 2 of these and am impressed with them. down to $1100 for black friday https://www.bestbuy.com/site/samsung...?skuId=6213270 also have one of these and it's pretty nice too https://www.bestbuy.com/site/samsung...?skuId=6202109 for decent quality/value it's hard to beat samsung these days |
except the samsung smart tv interface is awful compared to roku chang these are your people start living that roku lifestyle
this is mystifying to me because im literally never, ever using the 'tv interface' except to switch between fios and my ps4. |
word to big bird i keep on ending up at the QN65Q6FNAFXZA every time i run down my options. im also keeping an eye out for deals on the viseo p-series quantum and sony xbr900f. |
How far are you guys sitting from these 65" TVs? With 4k, the optimal viewing range is closer than 1080p, 7ft or so.
I'd say 8', there abouts.. i might move back a little further tho as this would be a smidge larger than current..
This Samsung is currently 997.99. I'm just not sure I could trust having something like that shipped and not be damaged.
https://www.amazon.com/Samsung-65NU8...dp/B079NT94BQ/ |
Just realized they have the same sale price at Best Buy on that one too. I'm way behind on TV tech. QLED, legitimately that much better? I am for sure going to upgrade at least one of mine at my other place. I wasn't that impressed with the early 4K sets, and the lack of 4K content made it seem pointless. But now I think we're there.
yeah its a very confusing marketplace because once upon a time, black friday would roll around and suddenly all these godhead tvs from the year before would be like 80% off or whatever.
now the sales start a week in advance and rarely if ever do they pip amazon. and its particularly troublesome with tvs because 90% of all the tvs made are Total Dogshit / have significant issues with image quality. so the whole premise of waking up early to find a great deal is compounded by the actual real bargains selling out days before, the items on sale requiring extensive research to find out if they are even suitable for grownups, and having to decide who tf to buy them from considering the volume of merch thats going to get blown up in shipping or is just a trash refurb thats absolutely guaranteed to burn out within days, if it even acts right out of the box. |
Qled is not as good as oled according to the nerds
Just buy that fucking tcl you literal hamburgler
find me a single impartial review saying the image quality on a roku tv is exceptional and we can talk.
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