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Khalid El-Amin 06-10-2011 06:43 PM

'Many killed' amid fresh Syria protests
Activists say at least 23 people have been killed, most of them after the army shelled town in northern Idlib province.


Big Gay Al 06-10-2011 06:43 PM

Kit Kat is my miracle puppy. She literally fell into my lap just days after I had to put down Sophie, my 13-year-old Pekingese. Sophie was certainly looking out for me and for Walker, my Cairn Terrier. Neither of us were doing very well after losing Sophie. But little Kit has turned our world around in the best way possible.


Kel Mitchell 06-10-2011 06:43 PM

David Simon Responds To Eric Holder's Request
Filed under: Television

All U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder wanted was to see his favorite show 'The Wire' come back to television for one more season or to the big screen in a movie adaptation. Who knew honoring the request would come with conditions?

David Simon, creator of the one-hour drama about the city of Baltimore's civic and drug operations that played out for five seasons on HBO, said he would be happy to oblige to Holder's request, but on one condition. In an emailed response to the 'Times of London,' Simon said: "The Attorney-General's kind remarks are noted and appreciated. I've spoken to [co-creator] Ed Burns and we are prepared to go to work on season six of 'The Wire' if the Department of Justice is equally ready to reconsider and address its continuing prosecution of our misguided, destructive and dehumanising [sic] drug prohibition."

Recently, Holder held a presentation for the Justice Department's launch of a new website for the Drug-Endangered Children Task Force. Sitting beside him were three cast members from the cancelled series - Sonja Sohn (Detective Kima Greggs), Jim True-Frost (Roland Pryzbylewski, the cop who becomes a teacher in Season 4), and Wendell Pierce (Detective Bunk). It was there that he made the remarks to Burns and Simon. "I want to speak directly to Mr. Burns and Mr. Simon. Do another season of 'The Wire.' That's actually at a minimum....if you don't do a season, do a movie. We've done HBO movies; this is a series that deserves a movie. I want another season or I want a movie. I have a lot of power Mr. Burns and Mr. Simon."

How much power Holder actually has in Hollywood or in the HBO offices has yet to be seen, but currently Simon is hard at work with his show, 'Treme,' set in post-Katrina New Orleans and starring former cast members of the 'The Wire' including Wendell Pierce. HBO recently renewed the show for a third season.

Though many thought Holder's plea was somewhat in jest, the outspoken Simon used the opportunity to critique the job Holder and his team is doing at the Department of Justice. Simon said the anti-drug policies are "nothing more or less than a war on our underclass" and the current war on drugs is "succeeding only in transforming our democracy into the jailingest nation on the planet."

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Big Gay Al 06-10-2011 06:43 PM

Location: Northern Utah, USA

I adopted a kitten after my dad died because I knew the joy of a kitten would help me in my grief. His name is Bilal. I quickly discovered that Bilal needed a buddy to play with, so that’s why I adopted Shlomo. Shlomo is playful, serious, and kind of an alpha kitten.


Big Gay Al 06-10-2011 06:43 PM

Winning Wildlife Photographs;cid=65722
If you have a few minutes to spare, do yourself a favor and spend some time browsing through a selection of dazzling nature and wildlife images, each one a winner in the 2010 competition organized by the Windland Smith Rice International Awards program.

It’s all a bit complicated, but evidently the Windland Smith Rice International Awards program, in conjunction with Nature’s Best Photography, holds an annual nature photography competition, regarded as one of the most prestigious in this highly-competitive field.

What I did establish (from Wikipedia) is that the Windland Smith Rice International Awards are named after Sandra Windland “Wendy” Smith Rice (1970–2005), an American photographer recognized for her work in nature and animals.

If you’re happy using Flash to scroll through images while clicking on icons or tabs to enlarge the images and read more details, then visit the gallery of winning photos on the Nature’s Best Photography website.

Personally I hate relying on Flash to look at images and much prefer the way the Mail Online has presented the winning wildlife photos, together with relevant information about the photographer, the circumstances under which the shot was taken, and camera gear used.


Adolf Hitler 06-10-2011 06:43 PM

Ian Stuart Biography
Forum: Classified Ads Posted By: Calvert Post Time: 06-10-2011 at 02:03 PM


Shanita Balke 06-10-2011 06:43 PM

Carmelo Anthony New Face of Men's Ultra Sheen
Filed under: Hair Care

Remember using that little blue jar of Ultra Sheen Conditioner & Hair Dress to slick down your ponytail when you were younger? Well, the Ultra Sheen brand has since updated and still sells the classic jars of grease but now also offers a variety of modern hair products for women and men. The company recently launched a line for men with moisturizers, conditioners and pomades, with NY Knicks player Carmelo Anthony sign on as its new face.Share Tweet

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gay sex 06-10-2011 06:43 PM

Resultados Best of Super Jr XVIII, último día, ya hay un nuevo campeón.
    Llegó el día final para Best of Super Jr XVIII, tras nueve días de luchasSUCKINGHOBBITDICKSintensas y con resultados inesperados, estaban listos los semifinalistas para empezar los encuentros y conocer al nuevo campeón de esta edición del torneo enfocado a la categoría Jr Heavyweight. El primer encuentro, fue entre Kota Ibushi y Davey Richards, [...]


Georgie Thompson 06-10-2011 11:11 PM

Knighthood for Cecil
Veteran trainer Henry Cecil has been awarded a knighthood in the Queen's Birthday Honours List.


NASA 06-10-2011 11:11 PM

PICK OF THE WEEK: Spectacular Blast
The Sun unleashed an M2 (medium-sized) solar flare with a substantial coronal mass ejection...


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