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calling me a homosexual meth addict was funnier, I'd stick with that. Tine tried and failed more than once to either pretend I care or get me to care about the IST/admin forum
and I still don't care you are lagging behind negro lollipop man by a good four months here. |
Tine, I have been wondering something, in regards to you and a trend I've noticed where you almost never are serious in a serious thread, you hardly make serious posts (unless they are toward Scooter or Vaughn or are pure satire) and when people try to engage you, even skatz "approved" people, you either don't answer or you direct the question into trolling me in some fashion.
Add to these observed trends a statement you made to me some months back that the only genuine premium content this site will ever see are basically Scooters real life stories, mostly having to do with steaming hot sex, the other stuff he writes is probably excluded. I am fairly certain I am correct and I also know damn well you feel skatz is yours or at least some hybrid sonatine/skynigger project, but ultimately in your mind skatz is going to live out to be YOUR dream regardless of what anyone says thinks or tries to do, and I bet that means scooter as well. May I ask why? Why is skatz your fucking personal playground, your Earth as it were, when surely you spend much more time on other projects and doing other things, most likely with people much more like minded as you, and by that I mean you are highly individual on these forums, much in the same way that I am. It fascinates me the time energy and determination you invest into keeping skatz exactly what it is- a circle jerk of more or less the same people from 2009 jibb jabbing with the same jokes, the same one liners, the same inside jokes only you guys get etc only its not 2009, its 2012, why not try a new direction of some kind? Do something unexpected? I do, however, also suspect a big part of it is your loyalty to Scooter, something i admire and respect. His most fundamental reason for the sites existence is basically to write when the mood strikes and possibly engage on that or other topics, but most of the time he is elsewhere, likely on the other forums he owns. Now, knowing Scooter pretty well, I know his temper very well and in all honesty opening the floodgates to probably dozens of randoms to come in here and tear the place up and troll Scooter because he does not post like skatz is his twitter account would be a disaster-if that's your angle then that is incredible and commendable and is the best fit, though I do not presume anything yet. What might your answer be here-since you probably want to be gamesy and not serious, I doubt you will answer at all unless I got something really wrong a paragraph back, but if i didn't , about 90% of the time you ignore the post 9% of the time you say something nonsensical, like willie cant fade the pure science, and 1% of the time you actually state i am right/wrong and your personal feelings, and 0% of the time you ban me again because now vaughn does that for you. |
get these fags rodge
sorry gaysex but i did it again, i posted something from the heart and in true toddler fashion the underlying insanity in doing anything based on emotions won the day. that wall of text literally has no point and asks no actual questions, it's a block of underlying screaming insanity and scooter should put a bullet through my left temple and send a bill to my mother for the cost of the bullet, in true non-toddler fashion
I am a disgrace, don't remember me at all but bow your heads in silence each time you hear the words 'cinn vid for skatz' my only true contribution to this forum after nearly 6 months 4-5 accounts a social group and a quirky love story of sorts with a very un-hollywood ending spanning very close to 2 thousand posts, I swallowed it all on film for skatz and my existence should have ended right there. just being honest, and moderately nostalgic now I know why the greats can never let go, never accept their best was a day come and gone and it's been time to move on, so when they don't go quickly or gracefully, cut em some slack. It's harder than it looks to say ones best days are truly in the rear view, though most will never understand what I mean because most people are not competitive and they do not burn to be THE BEST, it's that desire that forges champions, yet the body is extinguished easily, the spirit is much tougher, and the idea, never. |
That is what's been driving me through the last couple moths, this idea I will make another awesome video and be loved, get more attention and feel important, like I matter, like you all care.
Now that I've come full cirlce and realize none of the above was ever accurate, all I can honestly say I hope for is for some of you to crack a smile here and there, and that scooter can, post by post, imprint his repressed demons onto me, one by one, and that he himSelf might know inner peaece and happiness someday. it was all a dream i used to read word uo magazine saltnpeppa and heavy d up in the limosine |
it's interesting that without an end to ones best times in life, one would never enjoy them in the first place.
think about that and spit in protest the next time you ears are insulted with the phrase "excessive celebration" excessive my ass, who got shot? who died and where's the blood? None of he above stfu and let a man do his quicky bird hop dance for rushing across the end zone in front of half the country on life television |
cant have you misspelling limousine brajjers
that will not stand |
good looking out/keeping it real |
As to Scooter and his writing style I post very little like he does, if you want to really compare tit for tat. Scooter's writing and subsequently the works he has produced are his essence on this planet (more precisely his ideas are, which are far more valuable/important, and it's these ideas that I and others tend to encourage you read what he writes to glean) and as such his style is very much his E-thumbprint, ie highly unique. I just type while he creates, the final products have similarities but mine can usually be read skimmed ignored or forgotten by and large while it's the exact opposite for most of his, which should never be skimmed cannot be forgotten and it's personal choice to ignore them, but don't brag about it. The one thing I clearly do as he taught me is segmented quoting but it's not longer or bigger than the way people typically do it, it's just structured more intelligently and easier/faster to read. It's simply a matter of message format: block and block quoting vs message line or idea vs message line or idea yet almost no one picks up on that fact and just scream for myself or whoever to please maket it dumb^2, dumb just isn't cutting the mustard anymore, don't just double the dumb we need some fucking exponentially dumb slop and spoons while you're at it, the masses are starving. Don't fall victim to making the mistake that it is work to think, cm'on bro. |
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