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Behemoth 04-24-2013 04:07 AM

This is agonizing. So many factors to consider. Hmm... I'm going to go low here. 8.

Suicide King 04-24-2013 04:31 AM

even 40

Tyde 04-24-2013 05:45 AM

gonna wait until tomorrow morning to post the official count

its definitely over 30

Bobby Wong 04-24-2013 05:52 AM

there you go again trying to steal willie's thunder, it's hecka shameful

rum dick 04-24-2013 06:50 AM

46. word on the streets is that is also gares waste line

Willie McAboutThatLife 04-24-2013 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by Bobby Wong (Post 93652)
there you go again trying to steal willie's thunder, it's hecka shameful

this is exactly what todd means by "dominating the forums"

tyde confirmed thunder stealer and that just doesn't sit well with me

Tyde 04-24-2013 04:49 PM

OK folks, all the dead soldiers have been tallied up, and we have the following official results:

1.75 Liter Bottles: 7

(12.25 Liters)


1 Liter Bottles: 6

(6 Liters)


750 ML Bottles: 19

(14.25 Liters)


Pints: 7

(2.625 Liters)

So, since one 'bottle' is defined as 750 ML, based on a total of 35.125 Liters the final bottle count is....

(46.83333 to be exact)

Tyde 04-24-2013 05:02 PM


Bobby Wong 04-24-2013 05:07 PM

And this weeks winner is bohemoth. His guess of 8 is closest to the correct answer of zero, as Tyde assures us that none of his empty bottles are on display for decorative purposes and in fact are merely stored under his sink because he is too lazy to take in his recycling. Also I'm pretty sure that when he runs out of booze he can usually get a few drips from each bottle and gather up a shot or two to keep the shakes away for a few precious minutes.

Congratulations on your win bohemoth and congratulations on your ban hoser! We'll see you all next week for another exciting edition of Tyde Trivia Tuesdays!

Tyde 04-24-2013 05:12 PM

I have some under the sink, and some in one of my cupboards. a few scattered in the second bedroom, and some in a hefty bag awaiting disposal.

The total would have been much higher if you'd started this thread about 3 weeks ago. I threw out at least 30 more assorted sized bottles not too long ago.

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