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NASA 04-11-2011 10:28 PM

Comet Impact Into Jupiter
This artist's concept shows comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 heading into Jupiter in July 1994, while its dust cloud creates a rippling wake in Jupiter's ring. The comet, as imaged by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, appears as a string of reddish fragments falling into Jupiter from the south. A later Hubble image shows the dark blotches where pieces of the comet had already collided with the planet. The faint ring, based on images obtained by NASA's Galileo mission, is normally very faint, but has been enhanced for this illustration. The streaks show the tracks of the comet's dust cloud. Impacts from these dust particles tilted the ring off its axis.


Carl Culture 04-11-2011 10:33 PM

"Miss Perry's Pottery" Classic shape and colors, Pewabic Pottery, Detroit, MI

The Pewabic pottery was founded by Mary Chase Perry Stratton in 1903 in Detroit and the building they built to house the pottery in 1915 is still being used today. They have a museum, they offer classes, and they run a retail shop out of the original building. It is the only arts & crafts pottery still in production in the Midwest.


Carl Culture 04-11-2011 10:33 PM

Holy Cows
Nebamun’s cattle
, fragment of a scene,Thebes, Egypt Late 18th Dynasty, around 1350 BC, The British Museum.

The Egyptians considered cows an essential element of life and survival. As the once fertile area of Northern Africa became a desert, the domesticated cow brought life and nourishment. The goddess Hathor was also frequently depicted as a cow's, or at least with the horns of cows as part of her crown.


Carl Culture 04-11-2011 10:33 PM

For Mother

At first glance it may seem that by entitling this piece Maman (Mother in French) that Louise Bourgeois was not fond of her mother, but that is not the case. The spider she created is protecting her sack of eggs and Bourgeois saw her as a nurturing yet formidable figure, just like her own mother.


Carl Culture 04-11-2011 10:33 PM

Floating, White, and Ten Red by Alexander Calder, 1957, NGA, Washington.

Calder was from a family of artists but chose to himself to train as an engineer; skills that would serve him well when he changed course and began to study art at the Art Students League in NYC.


Carl Culture 04-11-2011 10:33 PM
Ask me anything


Carl Culture 04-11-2011 10:33 PM

Resting Market, Tokyo by Robert Frederick Blum, c. 1892, The Manoogian Collection

Blum was born in Cincinnati where he worked for a lithographer before he began to take classes in drawing. He had a strong interest in all things Japanese as did many other artists at the time such as Whistler and Monet. Blum's preferred medium was pastels and he and W.M. Chase founded the Society of Painters in Pastel in New York.


Carl Culture 04-11-2011 10:33 PM

By Popular Demand Day by Virgil D. Haynes, 1959, private collection. Transport, Chartres by Virgil D. Haynes, 1945, private collection


Carl Culture 04-11-2011 10:33 PM

Ragamuffins Boys of Wartime Liverpool by Virgil D. Haynes, 1943, private collection.

Virgil Haynes took this photo while serving in WW II working at the 38th Station Hospital in England and France. After the war he and his wife Audrey opened Haynes Photography in Harbor Springs, MI which they ran for almost 30 years.


Carl Culture 04-11-2011 10:33 PM

Build Your Own and Galatea by Jean-Leon Gerome, ca. 1890, The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Gerome is well known for his beautiful paintings but he also took up sculpture late in his career and created a sculpture based on this same subject.


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