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WickedChopsPoker 07-01-2011 11:11 PM

Ivey’s White Knight Deal Almost Done + Full Tilt Poker Podcast Change that title to the Patron Saint of Poker because Phil Ivey might've just saved Full Tilt.

The LA Times broke a story last night that Full Tilt Poker had sold to a group of European Investors (i.e. Ivey’s White KnightTM).

Like Jason Biggs hopping in the sack with Shannon Elizabeth, the story jumped the gun a bit. According to our sources, the deal is almost done, but it’s not there yet. However, theTimes did get it right in that Jack Binion is not involved in this purchase, as has been widely circulated.

What still stands in the way of this being a done deal? First, more legal. Like most major acquisitions, this is a complicated deal. Unlike most completed deals, this one needs to wade through a bookkeeping nightmare, as well as shareholder and shell company ambiguity. Next, the Department of Justice will need to bless it as any deal needs to ensure that U.S. players will get their money back. Also, Full Tilt still needs a gaming license, you know, so it can operate its business.

We don’t want to paint a gloomy picture here, all signs point to the positive. But to paraphrase Winston Wolf, “let’s not start sucking each other’s dicks quiteyet.” We’ve been involved in enough deals over the years to know that a deal is not done until all contracts are signed and money has been wired.

So how did the Full Tilt deal (potentially) (re)happen? Here’s how we see it.

[NOTE: THIS IS MOSTLY OUR SPECULATION] It’s been widely reported that Phil Ivey was back in Dublin. He went there as discussions with his White Knight got put back on the front-burner. As talks rapidly progressed, Ivey dropped his lawsuit (can’t have a lawsuit pending from a shareholder and face of the company if you–as an investor–are going to buy a company). One of the main reasons Tilt management (Ray Bitar, Howard Lederer) rejected the White Knight deal the first time was the majority control (or amount of it) the buyer wanted. With no other viable options left, and with the AGCC revoking Tilt’s gaming license, Tilt management was essentially left with no other choice but to get this deal done. And that’s where we’re (almost) at. If everything eventually gets locked in and the deal is blessed by the DoJ and whoever is going to license Tilt in the future, you can bet that Phil Ivey will become the Patron Saint of the Poker WorldTM.

With that out of the way, we recorded our first Wicked Chops Podcast yesterday with some friends from across the pond–Ben Fried, who launched Betfair’s poker room–and Kim Lund, who did the same for Poker Room. While some of the content is already dated (a lot of it is speculation about Tilt’s future in light of the AGCClicenserevocation), still some interesting European perspective on the Tilt situation and their international market perception.

Visit Ben Fried’s consulting company, Gaming Edge Associates, here. Visit Kim Lund’s consulting company, Infinite Edge Gaming, here.

Download the podcast on iTunes later today.

Related Posts
  1. <div class="title"> Phil Ivey in Dublin Meeting with Tilt Execs, White Knight Deal Back On? </span>
  2. <div class="title"> Full Tilt Poker Shut Down: Alderney Suspends Gaming License </span>
  3. <div class="title"> The Gloves Are Coming Off: Full Tilt Issues Statement on Phil Ivey </span>


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Kel Mitchell 07-01-2011 11:11 PM

4th Of July: Avoid The Tacky Clothing
Filed under: Fashion Files

From HelloBeautiful:

With the fireworks in sight, it's time to pick out an outfit that's comfortable, light, and full of spirit. But just how much spirit is too much spirit? Of course, it's fun to do the stars, stripes, and overwhelming shades of red, white, and blue when you are young. But it's time to kick it up a notch and add some class to your July 4th outfit while still representing the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Read more here.Share Tweet

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Carl Culture 07-01-2011 11:11 PM

Big Camera

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I don't know if you have ever noticed this, but the little "Brownie" cameras that everyone had in the 1920's through about 1940's took excellent pictures. When I look at old family snapshots, I am amazed by the clarity and contrast that most of the pictures had. Then somewhere about the 50's or 60's the "instamatics" and "poloroids" came out, and the pictures were TERRIBLE! The low point of photography came with the 110 instamatic, and with the color polaroid that spit out a tiny picture that developed in front of your eyes. Those were dark days indeed for photography.

With the advent of the modern digital camera, photography has gotten much better. I am amazed with the quality of picture that you can get from a $100 camera these days. I also believe that people are starting to become better photographers, thinking more about the pictures that they are taking.


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