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Big Gay Al 07-08-2011 01:32 PM

Gray Short-tailed Opossum - The Pocket Pet Gray short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica) is a remarkable marsupial because it is one of the only marsupials where the females do not have a pouch. Their newborns just hang on the mother's teats. Due to the inadequacies of the functions of the newborn's immune system, scientists use them for cancer research and general immune system development. Short-tailed opossums are much like humans in the way that they can can develop skin cancer from sunlight alone. They can be found inhabiting or frequenting trees in South America in Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay. Measuring 6 - 8 centimeters (2.4-3.1 inches) in length and weighing in at about 60-150 grams, (2.1-5.3 ounces) this cute and furry creature makes for the perfect pocket sized pet for people keeping them.

Gray short-tailed opossums have a diet that mainly consist of insects due to their high need of protein, they will also eat a variety of fruit and vegetable matter. As a pet they are fed fruit, mealworms, and kitten chow. They have opposable toes and on their hind legs they have an opposable big toe that works much like the way a human thumb would work. They also use their tail as another limb. They have smooth pads on their toes and feet that enables them to climb up really smooth surfaces such as glass. Dogs and birds of prey are the usual predators of the opossum. Fortunately, the gray short-tailed opossum is not on the endangered species list. Short-tailed opossums live about 2 years in the wild and can live up to 3-4 years captive.

Interesting fact: The Gray short-tailed opossum was the first marsupial to have its genome sequenced.


Carl Culture 07-08-2011 01:32 PM

Ananda Balingit-LeFils

About Ananda:

This body of work is an investigation into portraiture as a way of documenting and exploring my relationships with and perceptions of my closest friends and family. The paintings contain a combination of actual traits and imagined characteristics of each subject. The work is personal and intimate, yet the subjects are depicted in a static pose and formal setting. The clothing, patterns and props are chosen as a biographical exploration of the subject and also of my own aesthetic. These paintings are inspired by American itinerant painters of the 18th and 19th centuries; I seek to depict the tender awkwardness that those naive paintings exemplify. The patterned surfaces allude to the flatness of the folk paintings as well as the tradition of women’s textile crafts. Each accoutrement helps to suggest a particular time period for each portrait. However, I intentionally choose elements from disparate eras so that the innate nostalgia is not specific to one time.


NASA 07-08-2011 01:32 PM

Saturn Storm Panoramas These tantalizing panoramas follow a remarkable


Big Gay Al 07-08-2011 01:32 PM

Hi, I'm Willow! I love playing in my pool on warm, sunny days and I like to snack on grass. I like to cuddle when I sleep and love the camera (especially the strap)! I'm curious and not afraid of anything!


Kel Mitchell 07-08-2011 01:32 PM

Alicia Keys Goes Public with Baby Egypt in NYC

From Hello Beautiful:

Alicia Keys & hubby Swizz Beatz were spotted on the streets of New York with their baby boy Egypt, and he is a little cutie! The singer has repeatedly gushed about becoming a first time mom stating:

Read more here.

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Big Gay Al 07-08-2011 01:32 PM

Panda - July 08, 2011
Ana says: Panda is Lola's kitten, together with his twin, Tiger, and his sister Tina. He's the most shy, because when I first saw him he wouldn t let me pet him and he was scared. That's how he got his name Panda. He's shy and has a round face, unlike his twin.They all have dark grey eyes but their color might change because they're still small now.Panda is a playful kitten, but he prefers to play with Tina and Tiger, sometimes with Lola. Like all the others, he growls when someone tries to take his food (someone = Tina, Tiger, Lola, but not Leo). When Panda approaches his uncle Leo's, he gets scared of his fast moves, even if Leo is not hurting him. Panda is going to stay with his brother and sister, and also with his mother and uncle. They ll be kept at my grandparents. I'm very happy that they'll stay together! Panda is a great little guy. After he gets used with you he lets you pet him and he starts to bite your hand when playing, but first he licks the hand to be easier to bite… just like his brothers! Panda is an adorable cat and will become a great hunter.

Courtesy of: Ana Monica Popa


Adolf Hitler 07-08-2011 01:32 PM

New recruit reporting for training
Forum: LoungePosted By: Lew SkannonPost Time: 07-08-2011 at 08:51 AM


Carl Culture 07-08-2011 01:32 PM

Antelope Hunter

Good Friday morning to you all. I hope your day is off to a good start, and you have some fun things to look forward to this weekend. Today's picture is from 1890, and it shows an antelope hunter. You can see he was successful, as he is packing the antelope out on his horse.

One of the striking things I notice about the old pictures we enjoy every day is how trim people are. Have you looked around lately and noticed that most of us are overweight. What is really sad is the number of really overweight kids there are. What hope does a young teenager have that is already pushing 200 pounds?


Carl Culture 07-08-2011 01:32 PM

Essaouira Harbour ::: Loic Brohard Essaouira Harbour ::: Loic Brohard ::: Photo of the very photogenic harbour of Essaouira, Morocco.


Carl Culture 07-08-2011 01:32 PM

Lions, Kenya
In June this year a game drive at Nakuru National Park in Kenya. Rounding a bend on the track I came upon not 1 but 7 of these magnificent young lions draped across the branches of an acacia tree. Some are dozing & some looking disdainfully at me. I was transfixed by these superb, regal creature. What a privilege for me to have witnessed this amazing moments.(This photo and caption were submitted to Your Shot).


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