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NASA 08-08-2011 05:50 PM

Striated Highlands near Claritas Rupes
This observation shows striated highlands that are probably the result of what is termed "mass wasting" when material higher up collapses and flows downslope.This area was also imaged by MOC, but HiRISE resolution (which has a smaller footprint) can show greater detail, enabling us to look for objects such as boulders.Claritas Rupes extends southward from the western edge of Noctis Labyrinthus and divides the volcanic flows of Deadalia Planum and Solis Planum. This area also has other interesting geological features, such as fractures and a graben, which is a depressed block of land bordered by parallel faults.This caption is based on the original science rationale.Written by: HiRISE Science Team


NASA 08-08-2011 05:50 PM

Friday Night Light - M9.3 Class Flare
An active region observed in extreme ultraviolet light burst out with a short-lived M9.3 flare that originated from sunspot 1261 and began at about 10:02 p.m. EDT and ended around 10:12 p.m. EDT on July 29, 2011.Because the location of the eruption and its sunspot at that time, the associated high-energy particles went wide of Earth and had little terrestrial effects. The region that unleashed the flare has now rotated to be facing Earth and possesses the kind of magnetic field characteristics that could produce more solar storms.


PokerNewsDaily 08-09-2011 01:05 AM

Party Poker Sending Players to Oktoberfest
Starting this coming Friday, Party Poker players will be able to take the first step on a possible trip to Germany to join in one of the world’s most famous parties. Through the first week of September, Party Poker will award 16 packages to the 201-year old Oktoberfest, held annually in Munich, Bavaria, Germany.

Beginning at the stroke of midnight on August 12th, Party Poker will hold a VIP Oktoberfest Race, in which players can try to earn as many PartyPoints as possible at real money tables through August 21st. When the Race period is complete, the top seven points earners will each win Oktoberfest prize packages. In addition to those winners, players who finish from 8th to 25th will receive $250, 26th through 75th place will win $100, and places 76 through 400 will all receive a seat in September’s VIP Oktoberfest and Super Gadget Freeroll.

There will then be a second VIP Oktoberfest Race starting immediately after the first one ends, at midnight on August 22nd, and running through 11:59pm on August 31st. All of the prizes are exactly the same for Race number two.

Those who finish in the top 25 in both races will be gifted a 16 GB Apple iPad2, while anyone who finishes in the top 75 in both races will win a 64 GB iPod Touch.

The VIP Oktoberfest and Super Gadget Freeroll will be held on September 4th at 2:00pm ET. An Oktoberfest prize package will be handed out to the top two finishers in the tournament, while the remainder of the top 30 will receive Apple electronics. Those who round out the top five will win 4 GB Apple iPhones, 6th through 10th will get the 16 GB Apple iPad2, and 11th through 30th will win a 64 GB iPod Touch.

Players are allowed to win a maximum of one Oktoberfest prize package and one Apple electronic gadget.

The Oktoberfest prize package includes two night’s accommodation for two, with breakfast, at the Le Meridien hotel in Munich, dinner and drinks at the Hippodrom Oktoberfest tent, dinner and poker at the Olympic Tower restaurant, access to a reserved area and drinks at the P1 nightclub, daytime activities, all transportation in Munich, VIP hospitality, and $600 spending money. Travel to and from Munich is the responsibility of the winner, which is why the $600 is included.

Keep in mind that, like most of Party Poker’s promotions, players must opt-in in order to participate. The option to opt-in can be found on players’ Party Poker account pages. In addition, prizes cannot be transferred or exchanged for cash, so if you win a trip to Germany, you are going or you get nothing. For the rest of the terms and conditions, including how to claim prizes (yes, players must claim their Apple gadget prizes – they are not mailed automatically), visit Party Poker’s web page.

Party Poker is currently the third largest online poker room or network in terms of cash game traffic, according to With a seven day average of 4,200 cash game players, it is neck-and-neck with the iPoker Network, which has 4,250 cash game players.


PokerNews 08-09-2011 01:05 AM

The Nightly Turbo: EPT London Schedule, Greenstein's Car Stolen, and More
The Nightly Turbo is bringing you the day's top poker news stories including a look at the EPT London schedule, how Barry Greenstein lost his car, and more.


CardPlayer 08-09-2011 01:05 AM

EPT Tallinn Champion Ronny Kaiser and LAPT Punta del Esta Champion Alex Komaromi Win
Two major tournament series came to a conclusion on Sunday, August 7 and they each awarded thousands of points in the Card Player Player of the Year race to final …


Khalid El-Amin 08-09-2011 01:05 AM

London violence extends into third night
Prime Minister David Cameron heads back from holiday as chaos spreads beyond the British capital to Birmingham.


Big Gay Al 08-09-2011 01:05 AM

Location: Silt, Colorado, USA

Manchego (yes, the name of an exotic cheese) is the largest (and hungriest) of a litter that my daughter, Molly, is fostering. At one point, he was so much bigger than the others, he looked like he must have come from another litter. At three weeks old, he was like holding a warm, furry, water balloon!


Big Gay Al 08-09-2011 01:05 AM

Great Egret in Flight
Caption: Great Egret (Egretta alba) flying low over the water, Lower Zambezi National Park, Zambia.

Camera: Canon EOS 50D; Canon EF 400mm f/5.6 L USM; Focal Length: 400mm; Shutter speed: 1/500; Aperture: f/5.6; ISO: 400.

Formerly known in southern Africa as the Great White Egret, this large heron is found across most of the world’s tropical and warm temperate regions, including parts of North America, southern Europe, Africa, and Asia.

Other names by which this bird is known include White Egret, White Heron, American Egret, Large Egret, and Common Egret — all rather confusing, but probably a result of its distribution across so many different parts of the world.

The above photograph was taken from a motor boat while exploring some of the Zambezi River’s many channels during a brief visit to Mwambashi River Lodge in the Lower Zambezi National Park. I took a Manfrotto tripod on board which was fitted with a poor man’s gimbal head, the Manfrotto 393 Heavy Duty Telephoto Lens Support (also called Bogen 3421).

The Manfrotto 393 (left) is around $180 from Amazon, compared to the $600-odd you’d pay for a Wimberley gimbal head. I guess if you can afford a $9,000 Canon or Nikon 600mm lens, then 600 bucks for a top-of-the-range gimbal head is well within budget, but regrettably I’m not in that league and my longest lens is a Canon EF 400mm f/5.6L telephoto.

This lens is not image-stabilised, so it’s essential to use a support and, for my purposes, the Manfrotto 393 works just fine, with either a Canon EOS 50D or EOS 1D Mk II body. For a comprehensive review of this head, see Manfrotto 393 gimbal head by Richard Peters Photography.

(Please Note: If you're not reading this post on Wildlife Photography Blog from Wildlife Pictures Online, then you're not seeing the original version. Please go to Great Egret in Flight to read the original.)


Kenan Thompson 08-09-2011 01:05 AM

Congressional Black Caucus launches 'For the People' jobs tour
Saying jobs and the economy must become central to the economic debate, and responding to continued high levels of unemployment, the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) launched a "For the People" Jobs Initiative Monday, including nationwide job fairs and...(read more)


Adolf Hitler 08-09-2011 01:05 AM

Sterminio di ebrei nella Norvegia medievale
Forum: Cultura, Scienza e Identita'Posted By: PerseoPost Time: 08-08-2011 at 08:32 PM


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