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WickedChopsPoker 08-14-2011 03:51 PM

U.S. Online Poker Legalization and Regulation Update Online poker regulatory movement looks to get back on track in the coming months.

After some quiet time, we’re reading and hearing more chatter recently about online poker regulation in the U.S. America.

First, the PPA–who we’ve been very critical of in the past–has done a great job recently in tailoring their language more around the financial benefits ofonline poker regulation. Their latest efforts are focused on outreach to the Congressional Debt Committee and how online poker regulation (specifically, the Barton Bill) would have a positive impact deficit reduction. Read more about it here and take action by voicing your opinions to the repshere.

Regulatory = revenue discussion isn’t just happening at the Fed level, but at the State as well. The New York Times wrote about the latest efforts in D.C., Iowa, and other states looking at online gaming as a revenue stream for their struggling local economies. The State-push is something that Senators Harry Reid (D-NV) and Jon Kyl (R-AZ) in their recent joint letter tried to put the kibosh on, asking for the DoJ to remind States that online gambling is considered illegal at the Federal level (presumably so they can then regulate it at the Federal level).

Meanwhile, Sen. Harry Reid has made public and private statements again about Federal online poker regulation being a priority. Our sources confirm that online poker regulation is something Reid is expressing as a priority this year, and one of his biggest backers, Caesars Entertainment, spent $821,000 in lobbying for it in Q2 of 2011. Our sources also believe that if online poker is regulated, and this is no shocker, that it’ll be the big Nevada casinos who will get a head-start on the competition and receive the first licenses. However, we expect that to be expanded to Indian reservations as well, as their protests played at least a small in the stalling of the Reid BillTM back in December.

Ultimately, how will this all shake out? Well, you know.

Related Posts

  1. <div class="title"> Online Poker Legalization: Harry Reid Launching a Lame Duck Push? </span>
  2. <div class="title"> So How Long Till Regulation? </span>
  3. <div class="title"> Online Poker Regulation: So Now What? </span>


Carl Culture 08-14-2011 03:51 PM


About Sickboy:

“Sickboy” emerged from Bristol’s infamous graffiti scene, Sickboy’s humorous works have cemented his place in the upper echelons of the British street art movement. He is one of the first UK artists to use a logo in place of a tag, and his red and yellow street logo known as ‘The Temple’ can be seen on walls and wheelie bins worldwide. A long-serving artist with Pictures on Walls, Sickboy has built up one of the largest bodies of street art works in UK history which has led to him being tipped by the leading financial press as one of the street art movement’s most investable artists. His temples, Save the Youth slogans and audacious stunts – including the caged heart installation dropped outside the Tate Modern last year – have landed him global recognition.


NASA 08-14-2011 03:51 PM

Tornado and Rainbow Over Kansas The scene might have


Big Gay Al 08-14-2011 03:51 PM

G'day, I'm Madison, but my friends call me Madi. My home is in Sydney, Australia and I love it here. I may look small but I have a huge personality! My favorite things (so far) are people who give me cuddles and tummy rubs, stealing socks, trips to the farm, visits from my brother Leo, hiding in cupboards and under furniture, eating chicken and getting really really dirty! Mum says that soon she's going to take me to the beach and I can't wait! After a hard day of running, playing and generally wreaking havoc, I love to curl up on the couch.


Big Gay Al 08-14-2011 03:51 PM

Location: Wilmington, Delaware, USA

This is Rex. I got him on the 25th of July. He is four months old.


Big Gay Al 08-14-2011 03:51 PM

Sydney - August 14, 2011
Angie says: Sydney was the only survivor of her family, found outside in a storm only a day or two old. I bottle-fed her and have loved her since then. She's the happiest, sweetest cat I ever met. She loves running around like a fool and playing with my older cat, Rose. She is such a pleasure and puts the biggest smile on my face every day!!!
Courtesy of: Angie


Adolf Hitler 08-14-2011 03:51 PM

Music & Scene Updates
Forum: Music and Entertainment Posted By: Label56 Post Time: 08-14-2011 at 10:12 AM


Carl Culture 08-14-2011 03:51 PM

Cuban Bodega

Welcome to Cuba Week here at OPOD. We had a treasure trove of photographs sent in by Rafael, and so I wanted to share them with you this week. I hope Rafael will tell us more about these pictures as the week goes on. This one shows a Cuban "Bodega". Rafael's father is on the right of the picture.

When I think of Cuba, I think of fine cigars. They really are the best cigars, and I wish that you could purchase them here (legally).


I had mentioned several weeks ago that my daughter, the lovely Miss EAM, will be departing on September 5 to serve as an RN for the Mattaw Children's Village in Africa. Unfortunately, orphans have no money to pay for a nurse, so I brought the need to you all. I am pleased to announce that you all responded with overwhelming generosity. Between visitors to this blog, and some local churches she visited, she has raised the funds needed for her airfare over, 6 months of living expenses, and her airfare home. In addition, she has raised money that can serve as a start to buying equipment to put together a small clinic for the village.

We greatly appreciate your support for her work. I have one additional request. The area she is going to is a very unstable part of the world. There is great turmoil in the neighboring countries, and that type of trouble can quickly spill across borders. I would appreciate your prayers for her for safety while doing this work, and that her work might be successful.


Several years ago, I described a young man to you, Dustin, who was a very troubled young man who was making an incredible turnaround in his life his senior year of high school. Many of you were a huge encouragement to Dustin, and we got together and provided some funding to him to help (You can read Dustin's story here). We have not talked about Dustin in a while, so wanted to give you an update. He did in fact go on to college, and he successfully completed his certification as a Wind Turbine Technologist. He graduated at the top of his class. To be honest with you, I have been very concerned about Dustin. When it became known that there were lucrative jobs in the Wind Industry, there was a huge rush of people into technical schools to get certifications to work on wind turbines. So, there were LOTS of people going into that field. Then, with the financial crisis of 2008, many of the big wind farms that were planned were cancelled because they could not get financing. So you had the perfect storm of oversupply and people looking for jobs, and a collapse in Wind Farm projects. Bottom line . . . virtually no jobs in the Wind Industry now.

I am pleased to announce, however, that Dustin was able to get a job in the industry, and was just hired to be a Wind Technologist near Big Springs, Texas. What a wonderful ending to this story you helped make happen.


Carl Culture 08-14-2011 03:51 PM

Cleopatra Relief, Egypt
That's Cleopatra on the left side of a wall at a temple at Dendera—one of the few images that bear her name. She is shown fulfilling her role as pharaoh by making offerings to the gods. The appearance here of her son by Julius Caesar is propaganda aimed at strengthening his position as her heir. He was captured and executed shortly after her demise.


gay sex 08-14-2011 03:51 PM

WWE SummerSlam 2011 (Cobertura y Resultados 14 de agosto de 2011) ? ¡El Evento más Gr
WWE, Inc. presenta: WWE SummerSlam 2011, desde el Staples Center Arena en Los Ángeles, California. ANTECEDENTES: Promo: WWE SummerSlam2011. Exclusiva: Póster Oficial del PPV WWE SummerSlam 2011 – Por primera vez Sin Cara y Alberto del Río en unpóster. Sin Cara no estará en el Summerslam debido a sususpensión. Sin Cara es eliminado del póster [...]


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