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Hillbilly Jim 12-19-2009 08:04 PM

mr sonatine
do you think matt lindland has any chance of beating jacare toinght?

thinking about putting down 100 untis at +210

anatine 12-19-2009 08:13 PM

i *just* put 250 on jacare. i mean woogie at +210 kinda has value but jacare is so murderously slick on the ground.. originally i was going to actually put action on woogie as well, as his only losses in years are a (debatable) loss to page, a loss to fedor (!!!), and vitor flash ko'd him. those are nothing to be ashamed of.

the thing is tho that woogie has nothing on the ground for jacare and jacare can take this to the ground any time he wants; he doesnt need to take woogie down, he just has to goad woogie into shooting and pull guard once hes on his back.

and once it hits the mat, odds of woogie geting subbed are pretty thorough.

i also got some action on melendez but im not expecting to cash on that one. i feel he can win any round he scores a takedown in so thats how im rolling there but its going to be a painfully close fight i suspect.

Hillbilly Jim 12-19-2009 08:30 PM

i lied i made the bet before this thread and just wanted to ease my worried mind

anatine 12-19-2009 08:33 PM

its not like jacare has this locked up or anything, i just think the line is fairly accurate.

gay sex 12-19-2009 08:52 PM

are you guys wagering on jai lai?

anatine 12-19-2009 08:57 PM

if we dont, who will?

gay sex 12-19-2009 09:01 PM

i would like to

Hillbilly Jim 12-19-2009 09:06 PM

i once downloaded an album solely because the band was called the jai alai servants
it was a wast of my percious time

anatine 12-20-2009 03:11 AM

anatine 12-20-2009 03:47 AM

shout out to cyborg's roid chin.

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