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Tyde 07-20-2011 05:14 PM

serial fail takes it up the ass
what a huge fucking knob

Venom is already a ghost town and he bans me because I posted a shitload of gay porn pics on a certain horrible troll's profile.

great job banning the one poster that drives what little traffic Venom has you fucking monkey. Take your (3) day ban you 'warned' me about and stick it up your ass

china admittedly doesn't care if his site dies off, so I guess he put serial fail in charge of driving it straight off a cliff

I won't be posting there or doing radio for Venom anymore. The place sucks huge dick now and slopes like Popeil and Bukowski (the 2 worst message forum posters in history) are encouraged to fag up every single thread, day after day.

the site is worthless now, and it's pointless to contribute there when you have an incompetent motel worker calling the shots

I have dozens upon dozens of so called 'trolls' , but I have repeatedly requested that a single poster who has had a love affair with me now for over 2 years be prohibited from habitual trolling...and yet he has been encouraged to post often and allowed a (50%) trolling 'ratio'. This same idiot was previously permanently exiled from the site and voted off unanimously several months ago

long story short, serial fail he is a horrible moderator. He made a couple of nice banners, other than that he is fucking worthless. Sorry China but I'm done with Venom.

I may or may not return to DD again I really haven't decided. poker forums aren't exactly at the top of my priority list now that the WSOP is finished and online poker took a huge shit. But I sure as hell won't post on Venom anymore where I have been the sole delivery boy for the majority of traffic as well as hosting over half a dozen radio shows.

adios Venom.

enjoy boring and brainless turds like bukowski, hoser and all of popeils lame dupes.

oh and I can't wait for serial fails big college football handicapping radio show.


Steerpike 07-20-2011 05:15 PM

is that brett richey?

Steerpike 07-20-2011 05:15 PM

on the left

Steerpike 07-20-2011 05:18 PM

because that's about as 'gangsta' as he's ever gonna look

Tyde 07-20-2011 05:26 PM

Serial Fail also decided to post an IM I sent him this morning saying that Micon had asked me to come back to DD which is true

as I said, I may or may not return to blow up DD again, but it would be a huge shitstorm, and to be honest I am not really into all the drama now. Life is much better away from Las Vegas and all this crap.

Although the prospect of crushing Shooz and that creepy old moped riding fossil 'Cleatus' is extremely appealing

I sort of stopped posting or caring on Venom because serial fail is a such a shitty moderator. He started out showing a lot of promise, but everyone at Venom can thank him for my departure.

refusing to ban a poster who has shown to be predictably worthless and just chases me around on multiple sites (no, not you Bob) is not a motivator for me to show up. I did ask Serial to get rid of Bob too, but in hindsight he is not even in the same league of terribleness as this fag Bukowski/Percy.

anyway that's about all I have to say on this for now.

lol @ popeil (and his many dupes), hoser, bukowski and bottomset

the new core of Venompoker ladies and gentlemen

Steerpike 07-20-2011 05:35 PM

Just spoke to Brett about that pic and this was his response:

Looks like he got 'frozen'

anatine 07-20-2011 05:50 PM

Bryan & Brandon were sincere when we all discussed a triumphant return to DD on the phone a few couple of weeks back. That place has so much potential but between the butthair sniffing trolls and Todd, its just too much for us to handle without you.

Bobby Wong 07-20-2011 05:53 PM

you should hecka make a deal with pocket 5s those kids are wild

dewal 07-20-2011 05:58 PM

serial fail is one of the best posters on the interwebz and i say that with zero irony or sarcasm. jewdonk would be lucky to sniff even one of his butthairs

Bobby Wong 07-20-2011 06:01 PM

whats kinda contracts are top posters getting now anyway

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