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GAMBLE-BOT 02-01-2012 06:39 AM

This is SkatzPoker 2012

DankBlaniels 02-01-2012 07:46 AM


HЕX 02-01-2012 10:40 AM

It's funny because the US deserved it.

SkyNigger 02-01-2012 04:51 PM

It's not funny because the US was culpable for it. I was, as well. You were, if you were horrified or became afraid.

"The only thing you have to fear is fear, itself."

FDR said that.

Because, if you fear...

...someone is going to make you very afraid.

You become exploitable, the moment you start fearing anything but fear, itself. The US public, so afraid they entered into a Cold War. ahhaha. Morons.

Russians terrified of you. Your parents terrified of Russians. What possible motive could either of you have to fear each other. It's all a charade played out by creeps who smirk at the terrified peons.

If you were frightened by 9/11, you were responsible for it. You need to take responsibility. You killed those people, just like I did. They were killed to make you afraid. If you felt no fear, they would have no motive to make you terrified.

In fear of those who are trying to help them, terrified humans bite the hands that would feed them and suckle on the hands that beat them. Morons are just too smart, to listen to anyone. Too smart to listen to themselves. Too smart to realise, you can't get happy creating suffering. It's a logical fail.

Happy people only have motive to create happiness. Inclusion not exclusion. Interracial orgies


Happiness is never afraid.

Maybe if you came along, you could scare happiness. But then you're pretty terrifying, and you don't scare me anymore. Just keep your creepy mothers away from me and we'll be cool.

No offence. Unless you get offensive. Then lolz your mother is a whore. Offence intended. You see?

God I'm hilarious. You haven't seen anything since she made you afraid of your first day away from her. You don't remember? Think. Think back to when she was 'caring' for you so much, she warned to you to be brave. Don't be afraid, she told you. Don't be afraid of the scary mean children. Don't be afraid that I'm not here to protect you.

You moron. You didn't even realise until then, you didn't have any reason to be afraid. Her passion. Her crimes. Her fear.

"But I have to go now, to the Little Girls Room, to powder my nose."

The whore paint, covering her imagined disfigured horror show of a face, needs another fresh layer of chemical deception. Paste away whore. Paste your filthy paint all over this world of children.

We lie to everyone; but those we love, we betray.

Bobby Wong 02-01-2012 05:19 PM

get your facts straight bro fdr said that not jfk and he died of cerebral hemorrhage at age 63

nextlevelshit 02-01-2012 06:26 PM

Would anyone here wear that shirt to a bar ?

Hillbilly Jim 02-02-2012 05:10 AM

am i allowed to respect poisonous spiders and snakes?

MistaCobalina 02-02-2012 03:36 PM

jfk did say ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. Which you need to do a LIL more of, skip.

rum dick 02-02-2012 04:07 PM

Gamble, text me the address you want your new shirt sent to

nextlevelshit 02-11-2012 11:49 PM

All you need is a marker and put "never forget" on it and people will be buying you drinks.

anatine 02-12-2012 09:10 AM

Seriously tho :kwame

DRK Star 02-14-2012 02:46 AM

Gambowl, you could wear that shirt, and carry around a photo of the hottest piece of ass, and tell everyone she was your fiance and she died in one of the buildings trying to help a fireman get to other people.

you'd have pussy tripping over each other to fuck you.

gay sex 02-14-2012 03:00 AM

real talk i clicked this link like 8 times before i noticed the shirt i thought gamble was trolling with some indian guy who was internet famous that i wasnt aware of

gay sex 02-14-2012 03:01 AM

or like it was a statement on what was going on in the background it really does camouflage

gay sex 02-14-2012 03:02 AM

kids face draws ur eyes to it

GAMBLE-BOT 02-14-2012 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by DRK Star (Post 37645)
Gambowl, you could wear that shirt, and carry around a photo of the hottest piece of ass, and tell everyone she was your fiance and she died in one of the buildings trying to help a fireman get to other people.

you'd have pussy tripping over each other to fuck you.

i already do. and the threesome with my girlfriend and her hottest friend last night was ridiculous. she sobered up this morning complaining, but i was like "thanks"

SkyNigger 02-17-2012 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by DRK Star (Post 37645)
Gambowl, you could wear that shirt, and carry around a photo of the hottest piece of ass, and tell everyone she was your fiance and she died in one of the buildings trying to help a fireman get to other people.

you'd have pussy tripping over each other to fuck you.

I think you've been reading the wrong books. You been using your credit card to answer junk mail again?

Everyone knows everyone wants what they cannot have. if you want to game them you can't actually talk to them until they've lost their mindless minds in perplexity - and they're not going to give you a second look unless you impress / interest / intrigue them on first look (ugly guys need to be hilarious, there's no avoiding reality). But you get the signal, then you just slam the door in their face. lock them out of conversation. they don't exist.

To put it retardedly, because they're the biggest retards alive; they will have to prove their worth. There is only one way they know how to be of 'value', to any situation.

I don't make the rules man. but I have played a mean game. no one wins of course. it's not that kind of a game. but if you're going to play then do it properly.

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