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Suicide King 02-20-2013 08:44 PM

Marty get your conspiracy theory ass in here
Why is this retard bitch on my facebook going bananas ham over this bullshit microchip implant shit? They are yelling about the wording "class II" saying that's the chip but from what I see on the FDA website that's things like hearing aids and what not.

Bobby Wong 02-20-2013 08:53 PM

tyde hecka worried because the ladies down at the senior center where he eats lunch won't shut up about death panels

Tyde 02-20-2013 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by Suicide King (Post 85033)
Why is this retard bitch on my facebook going bananas ham over this bullshit microchip implant shit? They are yelling about the wording "class II" saying that's the chip but from what I see on the FDA website that's things like hearing aids and what not.

Tyde 02-20-2013 09:11 PM

Tyde 02-20-2013 09:21 PM

When I was playing around with a bunch of penny stocks back in like 2002, I owned shares of a company called 'Applied Digital' (ADSX) and they manufactured chips that were being used to track herds of cattle

Not sure what happened to the company. I imagine they were bought out and changed their stock symbol.

Anyway, RFID technology is already here, and we are only a generation or two from chips being implanted in our bodies at birth. They can be used to track location, medical information, financial name it. Pretty sure the technology is leaps and bounds ahead of where it was back in 2002-2004

many fundamentalist Christians strongly believe that these chip implants represent the 'mark of the beast' , where nobody will be able to buy or sell without having taken the mark.

Revelation 13:16

It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads

Tyde 02-20-2013 09:24 PM

pretty soon when you go to the grocery store, you'll just wave your hand across the laser scanner. no need for a credit card

we are getting closer and closer to living in a completely 'cashless' society where goods and services and all currency will only exist digitally.

Tyde 02-20-2013 09:26 PM

gay sex 02-20-2013 09:35 PM


sʇןɐs ɥʇɐq ɥsıʞɹnʇ 02-21-2013 11:32 PM

the "mark of the beast" is not exactly what Marty makes it out to be. so far as I know, it bespeaks of the anti-christ and his unique religion. long story short, I believe the mark of the beast to actually be technology in general. If you follow, people tend to gravitate toward either being very technologically savvy and typically very atheist and anti-religion or the opposite- a bit backwards and very much about God, not so much about technology. The growing trend these days seems to be that people worship the fucking gadgets, nothing else will make them happy. it's rather disgusting when you think about it- give a person a fucking phone that also browses the internet, that person will be genuinely happy and have some sense of self worth. give that same person the opportunity to enjoy eternal happiness and a relationship with God, and they will likely laugh at you and march merrily on with gadgets galore. Who needs God? We've got IPHONES AND FACEBOOK FOR FUCKS SAKE PEOPLE!

disgusting, but it is what it is. The mark of the beast, in my humblest, sounds to me something like a RFID chip maybe, but keep in mind that's very symbolic of where one's heart truly lies- defiling your temple for the sake of convenience and technology. I doubt refusing an RFID chip at some point is the entire story, I would think worshiping technology and spending way more time on the computer or in front of the tv than getting to know God and investing into your afterlife would be accepting the mark of the beast. That's only my opinion though...

rum dick 02-22-2013 07:05 AM

is there a company that sells a gizmo that detects chips in the human body? if not there should be because there's big money to made from the Christian fundamentalists, the conspiracy theorists and the libertarians.

rum dick 02-22-2013 07:06 AM

and.......deleted from the net because i just read you can get fined $500 for saying patent pending if there isn't an actual patent pending.

rum dick 02-22-2013 07:14 AM

crisis averted yall sherry shriner's got this one covered:

How To Detect And Nullify
Chip Implants
By Sherry Shriner

Almost all of us have been implanted with chips in one way or another since we were born.

Vaccinations, flu shots, dental work, surgeries, sleep abductions, in fact most medicine including dentistry has been loaded with implantable chips since the 1960s. They have had this technology for 40 years or more and are just now bringing it out to condition and introduce it to the public. Withholding technology is typical for the government and military for years before they release it to the public for whatever reason. Most of the time new technologies have been beneficial, but implantable chips are not one of them. Why? Because they compliment the New World Order and Luciferian agenda of control and domination.

There is information about various technology our government has and withholds from the public at and you can read about the RFID and DAARPA chips at They sell implantable chips to the public as a technological breakthrough and the best thing next to pizza with sauce, but they will harm you, affect you, and could eventually destroy you.

Mind control black operation projects were the precursor to the chip. After World War II our government relocated thousands of German scientists in what as known as Operation Paperclip to the United States to help with secret and highly hidden classified projects on mind control. Infamous projects as a result of Paperclip such as MKULTRA and MONARCH would eventually be leaked and exposed over the years to the public from various victims of these projects.

Our government has been knee deep in one particular area over the past 60 years and that has been to learn how to manipulate and control people. Biblical theology would refer to as witchcraft but it is seen as advancement and technological breakthroughs by a government that on the backside serves Lucifer and is preparing the way for his rise and manipulation of the entire earth.

Through a combination of mind control and chip implantation our black government was able to successfully produce the Manchurians. The color black in referring to its deep and secret agenda kept away from public view. They would master the ability to take a normal person, such as a Lee Harvey Oswald, Mark David Chapman, Timothy McVeigh, John Allen Muhhamed, or Lee Malvo, and manipulate them to either take the blame or actually serve as assassins.

Are serial killers and assassins today under government influence as lab rats to see how effective mind manipulation and control is? I would say so. Most of these involved with hideous crimes have recounted stories of chip implantations, missing time, or hearing voices which is typical of being a MILAB or military lab rat.

What I have found in the Bible Codes about implantable chips in these last days is that they are 2-way transistor radio type chips. Over the years they have perfected them from being tracking devices to being able to influence people by speaking to them directly through these chips and influencing their actions. Through these chips they can read your thoughts, hear what you are saying, even see what you are seeing (depending on the chip, like a video chip they have and can implant you with).

But the Lord has not left us defenseless. We can deactivate these chips that most people have been innocently implanted with from the time they have been born.

You don't have to buy expensive frequency readers to determine if you have been chipped. A phone call to the Lord is free.

Phone home.

When I asked the Lord about chip implants several months ago He led me to certain areas where I had been targeted and implanted with them and I am finding that these same areas are common areas that most others have been implanted in as well.

We can nullify chip implants and defeat their control game. Our black government and military have learned it from the aliens who have been adept at abducting and chipping entire populations for years. And we can defeat both the aliens and the military/government at their own games. Chips and control tactics are indeed strongholds of Lucifer and his New World Order and we are not left defenseless against it.

I have found that rare earth magnets called Neodymium magnets will nullify chips. I bought some Neodymium magnets online from a retailer, the kind that can lift 10lbs of steel and run about .70 cents a piece and I used band aides to hold them in place. I put magnets on the back of each ear lobe, on the side of each arm where I have received shots, on both sides of my jaws where I had wisdom teeth removed, and under each heel where I had been purposely implanted by my mother's doctor shortly after I was born. Also on my stomach where I had a cesarean. I am finding that most people are implanted by their navels as well. If you have had any type of surgery put a magnet near the scar for about 24 hours.

When you use the magnets be sure to have the north side of the magnet facing your skin. A compass will tell you which side of the magnet is north. For newer chips or chips closer to the surface like your ears or jaws leave them on for about 12 hours. For older chips such as vaccinations leave them on for about two days. The Lord will lead you as to how long to keep them on or when it is deactivated and you can take the magnet off. Just listen for His guidance in your Spirit if you are one of His.

Seek the Lord on where you have them and He will guide your thoughts and lead you where to put the magnets.

Those pregnant or who have heart pacers should not use magnets.

Most people do not know they have chips. In this day and age, it is a given that most of us have them, had them, and unless we watch ourselves, will keep getting them.

If you are ever in a crowded store and you feel a sudden sting, like you got bit by a insect, go home and put a magnet on it for about 8 hours. Chances are you got zapped by a chip gun. Yes, there are actually morons with chip guns who purposely go around implanting people.

Stay away from vaccinations and flu shots. If you have to get a shot for whatever reason, go home and put a magnet on it for 8 hours. Same with dental work.

For most people they are not annoyed or bothered and never even detect they may be chip implanted. For others there is an obvious way to tell if they are implanted: they will hear sounds, unusual unexplainable sounds such as music, talking, etc..and they do not know where it is coming from. Or, just be on the safe side, assume you already are implanted and get magnets to deactivate them in the areas I have suggested that they usually put them in people.

Would magnet deactivation help against the mark or chip forewarned of in Revelation 13 where and when the associate of the beast, the False Prophet will demand the entire world receive a mark, number, or image (chip implied here) in or on the right hand or forehead to participate in a new economic system? No. Once a person gets that particular chip they are doomed forever with no second chances. DO NOT get that chip!

Until that time in prophetic events and on the prophetic time clock we can render chip implantations defenseless against us by deactivating them with Neodymium magnets. Another stronghold of the New World Order's revealed that we can tear down!

Those with ears, hear.

rum dick 02-22-2013 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by SBG (Post 85205)
the "mark of the beast" is not exactly what Marty makes it out to be. so far as I know, it bespeaks of the anti-christ and his unique religion. long story short, I believe the mark of the beast to actually be technology in general. If you follow, people tend to gravitate toward either being very technologically savvy and typically very atheist and anti-religion or the opposite- a bit backwards and very much about God, not so much about technology. The growing trend these days seems to be that people worship the fucking gadgets, nothing else will make them happy. it's rather disgusting when you think about it- give a person a fucking phone that also browses the internet, that person will be genuinely happy and have some sense of self worth. give that same person the opportunity to enjoy eternal happiness and a relationship with God, and they will likely laugh at you and march merrily on with gadgets galore. Who needs God? We've got IPHONES AND FACEBOOK FOR FUCKS SAKE PEOPLE!

disgusting, but it is what it is. The mark of the beast, in my humblest, sounds to me something like a RFID chip maybe, but keep in mind that's very symbolic of where one's heart truly lies- defiling your temple for the sake of convenience and technology. I doubt refusing an RFID chip at some point is the entire story, I would think worshiping technology and spending way more time on the computer or in front of the tv than getting to know God and investing into your afterlife would be accepting the mark of the beast. That's only my opinion though...

Would magnet deactivation help against the mark or chip forewarned of in Revelation 13 where and when the associate of the beast, the False Prophet will demand the entire world receive a mark, number, or image (chip implied here) in or on the right hand or forehead to participate in a new economic system? No. Once a person gets that particular chip they are doomed forever with no second chances. DO NOT get that chip!

Until that time in prophetic events and on the prophetic time clock we can render chip implantations defenseless against us by deactivating them with Neodymium magnets. Another stronghold of the New World Order's revealed that we can tear down!

rum dick 02-22-2013 07:23 AM

oh wow sherry managed to top the chip gun and the mark of the beast chip:

Support Our War against the Aliens, Reptilians, Nephilim Giants and all those who have fallen and hate the Most High! They're not just coming in on Planet X, Nibiru, and other HUGE space objects and star ships and star fleets, but they also live in underground cities and assimilate into our societies soul scalping humans and breeding their own hybrids among us. We can stop them! We can destroy and stop the aliens from abducting our people and using us as breeders and/or food! I need your financial support to keep this war going!! It's US vs. THEM

Please send donations to:

Sherry Shriner
P.O. Box 531
Carrollton, Ohio 44615

Bobby Wong 02-22-2013 07:28 AM

i want a chip gun

rum dick 02-22-2013 07:28 AM

im gonna need yall to google "orgone blasters"

Bobby Wong 02-22-2013 07:36 AM

rum dick 02-22-2013 07:50 AM

the alpaca and llama care one looks pretty sweet

patent pending
patent pending
let's make it a grand

sʇןɐs ɥʇɐq ɥsıʞɹnʇ 02-22-2013 11:17 PM

I'm pretty sure the end of the world et al is a few generations away but one can never be too careful. the first cockeyed monkey wearing a lab coat that approaches me with a fucking microchip for any reason will never know what hit him that's a fucking fact. I would rather starve in the woods and wipe my ass with poison oak than tempt God and clearly these things are laid out in very clear english so it's not like anything that's going to happen is a legit surprise to anyone

rum dick 02-23-2013 03:44 AM

somebody should build their own orgone blaster

Hillbilly Jim 12-04-2015 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by rum dick (Post 85269)
and.......deleted from the net because i just read you can get fined $500 for saying patent pending if there isn't an actual patent pending.

@Behemoth look at this guy pretending he is a lawyer

gay sex 12-05-2015 01:11 AM

can we talk about how annoying the security chips are on credit cards where you have to leave it in the thing and wait like 15 seconds legit so tilted by this development

blake 12-05-2015 03:16 AM

lol at gare not using apple pay

gay sex 12-05-2015 03:46 PM

Lol at using Apple pay you chubby little Asian HTC m9 for life

gay sex 12-05-2015 03:50 PM

Also have you even taken your worthless family to see creed yet Kevin loves shooting last night paid for your tickets and one of nitas family members has to work at the theater so you know you got that hook up player

gay sex 07-20-2016 10:30 PM

Oh hey blake tell us more about lol apple pay

Bobby Wong 07-20-2016 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by sʇןɐs ɥʇɐq ɥsıʞɹnʇ (Post 85325)
I would rather starve in the woods and wipe my ass with poison oak than tempt God

dang yall, it turns out grapes has been in the woods for the past six months and his ass is chapped as fuck

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