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Vwls with one L dammit 06-19-2011 05:51 PM

Happy Fathers Day
To all the Skatz daddies:

Here's to the amazing moments with your kids and all the hard work.

Hope you all get steak and a BJ today.

ElGallo 06-19-2011 07:30 PM

I got blueberry pancakes, and don't have to change diapers today. Watching golf and getting king crab for dinner. It's going to be a good day. Happy fathers day to all the skatz dads.

dewal 06-19-2011 09:09 PM

heard jonny miller today say "being a father is the greatest calling in life." then youve got the guy i know who has 7 kids and makes min wage.

*by 3 different mothers

Suicide King 06-19-2011 09:48 PM

being a single father is kinda lame. you still end up paying for everything.

gay sex 06-19-2011 10:04 PM

right in your gook face

rum dick 06-19-2011 10:21 PM

My dad is an ozark mountain dirt weed grower. Got him a subscrition to high times.

GAMBLE-BOT 06-20-2011 01:10 PM

My Father's Day couldn't have possibly sucked worse than it did.

Vwls with one L dammit 06-20-2011 01:58 PM

What happened GB?

Ours was pretty sweet. I made blueberry muffins and cappuccinos for breakfast - got hubby out the door at 8 for golf. Went back to sleep for a while, then got back up, ran to the store and bought a card, balloons and chocolate.

Ran back to the house, fired up the grill, and made a margarita. Grilled a couple double thick New Yorks along with two fresh tomatoes, a Serrano chili and an onion, made homemade salsa, rice, beans and a wedge salad, and had it all ready to serve by 1:30.

Unfortunately lover boy didn't get home till 2:30, so everything kind of sucked, but we still had fun. Drank beer and margaritas and ended up watching Super 8 and the new Pirates of the Caribbean after Rory finished off his god-like victory. Super 8 not bad.

Overall, a nice Father's Day - only thing I would have changed was the timing, but I don't like to call a man on the golf course unless it's an emergency... apparently everyone and their grandma takes the dad in the family golfing on Father's Day, so the courses are just slow as shit.

gay sex 06-20-2011 02:09 PM


gay sex 06-20-2011 02:10 PM

vwls did you fucking sneak into a 2nd movie and only pay for 1 ticket, what is going on here buddy

Vwls with one L dammit 06-20-2011 08:33 PM

No watched 'em both on my big screen at home - in my jammies. Only way to do it.

MistaCobalina 06-20-2011 09:31 PM


MistaCobalina, blake
did you spend Fathers day with the inlaws at Folsom, blake?

rolled 06-20-2011 10:03 PM

did you sex him vwls? Trip repor?

dewal 06-20-2011 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by Vwls with one L dammit (Post 24177)
No watched 'em both on my big screen at home - in my jammies. Only way to do it.

so is there a high quality dvd screener of super 8 out there or somethin

Vwls with one L dammit 06-20-2011 11:22 PM

We actually didn't get to that till this morning. Sex gets complicated when you have kids, trust me.

dewal 06-20-2011 11:34 PM

like all other women vwls is ignoring me

Hillbilly Jim 06-20-2011 11:37 PM

i just searched and didnt see a dvd screener but there were 2 TS rips whatever that means

both look like shit imo

Vwls with one L dammit 06-20-2011 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by dewal (Post 24183)
so is there a high quality dvd screener of super 8 out there or somethin

There is a very good quality (not perfect though) right now, but it is only available through an exclusive membership site. I'm sure if you give it a few more weeks, there will be a few decent ones out there on the regular sites.

gay sex 06-20-2011 11:48 PM

what are you fucking bootlegging movies like an immigrant now what is going on here vwls

gay sex 06-20-2011 11:48 PM

also super 8 is pretty dece

Hillbilly Jim 06-20-2011 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by gay sex (Post 24189)
also super 8 is pretty dece

never heard of it until today and it sounds fucking awful

Hillbilly Jim 06-20-2011 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by gay sex (Post 24188)
what are you fucking bootlegging movies like an immigrant now what is going on here vwls

she is a spic gypsy hippy bro what do you expect

gay sex 06-20-2011 11:52 PM

seriously vwls why dont you stop stealing peoples intellectual property and goto a fucking movie theater and support america you almost mexican, maybe even splurge and get a coke zero

Hillbilly Jim 06-20-2011 11:56 PM

imo the whole entertainment industry needs to take a pay cut
nobody needs to make 20 mil a movie or 20 mil to play a sport

gay sex 06-20-2011 11:57 PM


Hillbilly Jim 06-21-2011 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by gay sex (Post 24195)

cut the 4 major sports payrollsby 30 mil a team and you save the american working man almost 4 billiion dollars to spend on cheeseburgers bro

Vwls with one L dammit 06-21-2011 12:02 AM

I do go to the movies. For 3-D and IMax shit. I also pay a membership fee for the movies I watch at home, so I'm doing my part to support the mega-rich, you Coke drinking penis crack.

gay sex 06-21-2011 12:14 AM

i dont even know what you just said

gay sex 06-21-2011 12:15 AM

but great job on capitalizing coke that brand deserves your fucking respect you leech on society

Vwls with one L dammit 06-21-2011 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by gay sex (Post 24201)
but great job on capitalizing coke that brand deserves your fucking respect you leech on society

I think with the lower case c you are talking about cocaine as opposed to soda.

Also, I am a middle class American citizen (a drudge) so essentially, I supply (along with my brethren) the monetary support of the nation through my taxes and consumption of useless, cancer-causing products.

A leech would be a welfare tard who has the ability to work, a thief, or perhaps a wealthy person who has found a way to avoid paying any taxes through the numerous loopholes available only to the elite.

gay sex 06-21-2011 12:49 AM

no one thinks that a lower case c means cocaine vwls

Hillbilly Jim 06-21-2011 12:50 AM

kel mitchell owning the face of the other similiar threads

rum dick 06-21-2011 05:00 AM

Thread gave me a panic attack. Lunesta time bitchezzz

rum dick 06-21-2011 05:00 AM

That was supposed to be a cap P.

rum dick 06-21-2011 05:02 AM

Lower case panic looks like penis.

rum dick 06-21-2011 05:02 AM

And fin

gay sex 06-21-2011 05:03 AM

ur gonna fail the bar

Hillbilly Jim 06-21-2011 05:05 AM

the bar is gonna fail him

gay sex 06-21-2011 05:06 AM

heard steerpikes good friend adrian is too short to see over bars realtalk

dewal 07-15-2011 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by dewal (Post 24068)
heard jonny miller today say "being a father is the greatest calling in life." then youve got the guy i know who has 7 kids and makes min wage.

*by 3 different mothers

just found out that this guy i mentioned before got busted for putting a camera in the womens bathroom at his place of employment. really fuked up shit to begin with, then consider 3 single mothers are gonna be raising 7 kids on the govts dime while he gets jailhouse room and board for who knows how long on the same dime
not sure how long of a prison term that sort of thing entails but im guessing its a decent one

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