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Tyde 06-30-2012 04:59 AM

Quick Response to 408's Recent Harassment and Obsession with Me
Not sure what provoked your recent outburst directed at me, I really don't care

But I will say that it's pretty clear your own life is on full blown meltdown mode

I have had zero contact with you for months and I honestly don't care if you OD or jump off a fucking bridge

you are a roided out broke semi homeless life reject trying to find reasons not to kill himself every morning. those are the facts.

dude just because you work out and ingest all this funky crap into your body doesn't make you any less of a loser at life. You are 32 (right ?) you have been nowhere and you are unemployed messaging your 'close friends' on the internet about your shitty roided out confused life. Most of the readers of every forum already know you are one step from total disaster and homelessness

find a new hobby, like getting your own crappy life in order. Look at you posting these new threads about me like anyone reads this shit.....pretty obvious you have your back up against the wall since you are so passionate about bashing me lately ....considering we haven't had any contact for the last year

Oh speaking of 'remember when' threads...

remember when I shadowed you to a $3000.00 dollar score ?

remember when I promoted your radio show on my site and you pulled a no-show saying your car 'broke down' ?

its easy to unload on a visible target like about you work on getting your own disaster of a life together and less on your silly little campaign. Honestly I don't wish you any ill will. I think the fact you are so dedicated to posting about me tells a lot about how hopeless your own life is. Because ya see Mike, I could give a fuck if you live or die. You apparently care much more about me, than I do you. sweet hobby bro

I won't post all the messages you sent me over the last couple of years begging to 'hook up' when I took a trip down to the bay. (or my immediate subsequent 'fuck off's )

good luck with your next awesome thread. can't wait to see you spread your ass cheeks open for the internet in the near future lol always a treat

Tyde 06-30-2012 05:08 AM

not interested in picking any fights or perpetuating any further hostility

I'm just baffled why Mike/Jason/Slope Brow got so motivated to wage this campaign

I don't even communicate with this idiot at emails...calls...IMs....nothing for well over 6 months (more than that actually)

now suddenly these new threads

not sure where this is all coming from...aside from the obvious that he is lashing out because his own life is about to get flushed into a homeless shelter and he needs an easy target to lash out at to make his own terrible life seem somewhat more appealing

Been 06-30-2012 05:13 AM

i thought you said "quick" i ain't reading all that

Been 06-30-2012 05:14 AM

LOL @ Beenfagging lurking at all hours. i haven't posted in months and this spic immediately jumps in my thread

Tyde 06-30-2012 05:21 AM

Oh I see what you did there....that was clever

anyway this post is for 408 not your Friday night at home (again) with granny spic ass

I'm genuinely baffled how 408Fail suddenly has this hard on for me

pretty clear it's because his life sucks pretty bad right now and he needs to vent on an easy target like me

anyway I said my peace, no sense in fighting a war of wits with the unarmed (or minority scum)

warm regards

Been 06-30-2012 05:25 AM

why would i leave granny home alone on a friday night? that's as cold blooded as only visiting mum's nursing home when you need another check

Been 06-30-2012 05:28 AM

your misplacement of commas makes me fkn sick

anatine 06-30-2012 08:12 AM


Tyde 06-30-2012 08:17 AM

sonatine loved your psychoanalysis on PFA

cute how much you seem to care about me

post some more penises and ponies you morbidly obese pedophile creepy fuck

I repeat: there is nothing amusing or intriguing or clever or insightful about you

just another fat fuck wasting his life behind a keyboard

looking forward to your next character analysis

like I give a rats ass

Tyde 06-30-2012 08:20 AM

lol 'bob' and sonatine love this place

a haven for their collective creepiness

tight site

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